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DTIC AD1000339: On the Eigenstrain Application of Shot-Peened Residual Stresses Within a Crystal Plasticity Framework: Application to Ni-Base Superalloy Specimens (Postprint) PDF

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Preview DTIC AD1000339: On the Eigenstrain Application of Shot-Peened Residual Stresses Within a Crystal Plasticity Framework: Application to Ni-Base Superalloy Specimens (Postprint)

NOTICE AND SIGNATURE PAGE Using Government drawings, specifications, or other data included in this document for any purpose other than Government procurement does not in any way obligate the U.S. Government. The fact that the Government formulated or supplied the drawings, specifications, or other data does not license the holder or any other person or corporation; or convey any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that may relate to them. Qualified requestors may obtain copies of this report from the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) (http://www.dtic.mil). AFRL-RX-WP-JA-2015-0212 HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND IS APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASSIGNED DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT. //Signature// //Signature// _______________________________________ ________________________________ WILLIAM D. MUSINSKI, Project Engineer DANIEL J. EVANS, Chief Metals Branch Metals Branch Structural Materials Division Structural Materials Division //Signature// ______________________________________ ROBERT T. MARSHALL, Deputy Chief Structural Materials Division Materials And Manufacturing Directorate This report is published in the interest of scientific and technical information exchange and its publication does not constitute the Government’s approval or disapproval of its ideas or findings. REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN YOUR FORM TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. 1. REPORT DATE (DD-MM-YY) 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED (From - To) July 2015 Interim 19 March 2014 – 29 June 2015 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER ON THE EIGENSTRAIN APPLICATION OF SHOT-PEENED RESIDUAL In-House STRESSES WITHIN A CRYSTAL PLASTICITY FRAMEWORK: 5b. GRANT NUMBER APPLICATION TO NI-BASE SUPERALLOY SPECIMENS (POSTPRINT) 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 62102F 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER 4349 See back. 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER X0W6 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER See back. 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) 10. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY ACRONYM(S) Air Force Research Laboratory AFRL/RXCM Materials and Manufacturing Directorate 11. SPONSORING/MONITORING AGENCY Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH 45433-7750 REPORT NUMBER(S) Air Force Materiel Command AFRL-RX-WP-JA-2015-0212 United States Air Force 12. DISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 13. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES Journal article published in International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 100 (2015) 195-208. The U.S. Government is joint author of the work and has the right to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display or disclose the work. This report contains color. The final publication is available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2015.06.020. 14. ABSTRACT Shot-peening-induced compressive residual stresses are often introduced in Ni-base superalloy components to help prevent or retard surface fatigue crack initiation and early growth at near surface inclusions. In certain cases these compressive residual stresses can shift the fatigue crack initiation site from surface to sub-surface locations. However, the ability to computationally predict the improvement in fatigue life response and scatter due to induced compressive residual stresses are lightly treated in the literature. To address this issue, a method to incorporate shot-peened residual stresses within a 3D polycrystalline microstructure is introduced in this work. These residual stresses are induced by a distribution of fictitious orquasi-thermal expansion eigenstrain as a function of depth from the specimen surface. Two different material models are used, a J plasticity and a crystal plasticity 2 model. First, theJ plasticity model with combined isotropic and kinematic hardening is used to determine the distribution of 2 quasi-thermal expansion eigenstrain as a function of depth from the surface necessary to induce the target residual stress profile within the microstructure. This distribution of quasi-thermal expansion eigenstrain is then used within a crystal plasticity framework to model the effect of microstructure heterogeneity on the variability in residual stresses among multiple instantiations. This model is verified with experimental X-ray diffraction (XRD) data for scatter in residual stresses for both the initial microstructure and after a single load/unload cycle. 15. SUBJECT TERMS crystal plasticity, Ni-base superalloys, IN100, residual stresses, eigenstrain 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF: 17. LIMITATION 18. NUMBER OF 19a. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE PERSON (Monitor) a. REPORT b. ABSTRACT c. THIS PAGE OF ABSTRACT: PAGES William D. Musinski Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified SAR 12 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include Area Code) (937) 255-0485 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18 REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Cont’d 6. AUTHOR(S) William D. Musinski - Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB David L. McDowell - Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA; School of Materials; Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Materials and Manufacturing Directorate Air Force Research Laboratory Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433 Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta GA 30332 School of Materials; Science and Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta GA 30332 Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39-18 InternationalJournalofMechanicalSciences100(2015)195–208 ContentslistsavailableatScienceDirect International Journal of Mechanical Sciences journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijmecsci On the eigenstrain application of shot-peened residual stresses within a crystal plasticity framework: Application to Ni-base superalloy specimens William D. Musinskia,b,n, David L. McDowellb,c aMaterialsandManufacturingDirectorate,AirForceResearchLaboratory,Wright-PattersonAFB,OH45433,USA bWoodruffSchoolofMechanicalEngineering,GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology,Atlanta,GA30332,USA cSchoolofMaterialsScienceandEngineering,GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology,Atlanta,GA30332,USA a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Articlehistory: Shot peening induced compressive residual stresses are often introduced in Ni base superalloy Received20February2015 componentstohelppreventorretardsurfacefatiguecrackinitiationandearlygrowthatnearsurface Receivedinrevisedform inclusions.Incertaincasesthesecompressiveresidualstressescanshiftthefatiguecrackinitiationsite 22May2015 fromsurfacetosub surfacelocations.However,theabilitytocomputationallypredicttheimprovement Accepted29June2015 infatigueliferesponseandscatterduetoinducedcompressiveresidualstressesarelightlytreatedinthe Availableonline8July2015 literature. To address this issue, a method to incorporate shot peened residual stresses within a 3D Keywords: polycrystalline microstructure is introduced in this work. These residual stresses are induced by a Crystalplasticity distribution of fictitious or quasi thermal expansion eigenstrain as a function of depth from the Ni-basesuperalloys specimensurface.Twodifferentmaterialmodelsareused,aJ plasticityandacrystalplasticitymodel. IN100 2 First,theJ plasticitymodelwithcombinedisotropicandkinematichardeningisusedtodeterminethe Residualstresses 2 distributionofquasi thermalexpansioneigenstrainasafunctionofdepthfromthesurfacenecessaryto Eigenstrain induce the target residual stress profile within the microstructure. This distribution of quasi thermal expansion eigenstrain is then used within a crystal plasticity framework to model the effect of microstructureheterogeneityonthevariabilityinresidualstressesamongmultipleinstantiations.This modelisverifiedwithexperimentalXraydiffraction(XRD)dataforscatterinresidualstressesforboth theinitialmicrostructureandafterasingleload/unloadcycle. PublishedbyElsevierLtd. 1. Introduction fatiguecracks[5].Accordingly,surfacecompressiveresidualstres sesareoftenintroducedinNi basesuperalloycomponentstohelp 1.1. Motivationformodelingresidualstresses prolong/retard fatigue crack initiation [14] and early growth at nearsurfaceinclusionsandpotentiallyshiftfatiguecrackinitiation The beneficial effects of compressive surface residual stresses sitesfromsurfacetosubsurfacelocations[1,2]toincreasefatigue onhighcyclefatigue(HCF)responsehavebeenwelldocumented life.However,compressiveresidualstressesareusuallyonlyuseful in the literature [1 4]. For Ni base superalloys, a shift from in the transition fatigue and HCF (N 45(cid:3)105 cycles) regimes f surface dominated to subsurface dominated fatigue crack initia since residual stress relaxation at higher applied stress/strain tion sites exists for the transition from lowcycle fatigue (LCF) to values can eliminate the effectiveness of compressive residual HCFregimes [5 9]. A similar surface to subsurface transition has stressesonfatiguelife[14 17]. beenreportedfortitaniumalloys[10,11]andhighstrengthsteels Compressivesurfaceresidualstressescanbeappliedviamulti [12,13].Inthetransitionfatigueregime(cyclestofailure,N (cid:1)1(cid:3) ple techniques (shot/gravity peening, low plasticity burnishing, f 104 5(cid:3)105 cycles), subsurface initiated fatigue cracks tend to lasershockpeening,etc.[18]).Shotpeeningisthemostcommonly require more cycles to failure as compared to surface initiated usedtechniqueinindustrytoinducecompressiveresidualstresses atthesurface,andisthefocusofthisresidualstressstudy.During theshotpeeningprocessmultiplehigh velocityshotbeadsimpact the surface forming multiple indentations and inhomogeneous nCorrespondingauthorat:MaterialsandManufacturingDirectorate,AirForce ResearchLaboratory,Wright-PattersonAFB,OH45433,USA.Tel.:þ19372550485. compressive elastic/plastic deformation of the near surface layer. E-mailaddress:[email protected](W.D.Musinski). Assuch,theresultingresidualstressprofileisdictatedby(1)the http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2015.06.020 0020-7403/PublishedbyElsevierLtd. 1 Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 196 W.D.Musinski,D.L.McDowell/InternationalJournalofMechanicalSciences100(2015)195–208 interaction between multiple indentations, (2) localized con and/or Almen intensityas a function of shot peening parameters strainedcompression,(3)strainratesensitivityandelastic/plastic (shot size, speed, coverage, material properties, incident angles, responseofthematerial,and(4)localmicrostructure.Inmodeling, etc.)[26 42]and(2)Simulationoftheoverallinducedmechanical these discrete impingement events can either be modeled expli response due to shot peening through a deformation process citly or idealized as a collective elastic/plastic constrained com [20,43,44]. Some examples of relevant works regarding these pressiveloading/unloadingeventasschematicallyshowninFig.1. twomethodsarediscussedbelow. The idealization of the multiple impingement shot peening pro cessasasingledeformationeventisadoptedinthispaper. 1.2.1. Simulationofsingleandmultipleimpactevents While the influence of residual stress on fatigue life has been Thefirstmeanstomodelthehigh velocityimpactshotpeening reportedextensivelyintheliterature,theabilitytocomputation processfocusedonsingleimpacteventsonanelastic plastictarget allypredict the improvement in fatigue resistance and change of substrate.ChenandHutchinson[27,28]andBoyceetal.[26]found scatterduetoinducedcompressiveresidualstressesarelackingin that explicit dynamic simulations incorporating effects of strain the literature. A significant effort in modeling inclusion and ratesensitivity,inertia,andelasticwavepropagationresultedina residual stress effects in shot peened martensitic gear steels was better prediction of residual stresses than quasi static analyses. undertakenbyPrasannavenkatesanetal.[19 22].Theyconsidered Frija et al. [29] used an energy equivalence expression and 3D separate 3D finite element method (FEM) models at discrete quasi static FEM analysis to find good correlation between the depths subjected to the required amount of compressive load/ predicted residual stress along the shot bead impact centerline unloadstraintoinducetherequiredresidualstressprofileateach and experiments. Zion and Johnson [34] studied the impact of a particular depth. The simulated inclusion sizes (o10μm) were hardandsoftshotbeadandahigh strengthsteelandfoundthat small compared tothe overall 3D FEM model dimensions, sothe the most highly significant input factor was the value of friction gradient in applied stress and residual stress over the inclusion coefficient assumed between the shot bead and target material. was considered to be negligible in their analysis. Alternatively, Whilethesesingleimpactsimulationscanunveilkeyrelationships inclusion sizes in powder metallurgy polycrystalline Ni base between shot peen input (e.g. shot diameter, impact velocity, superalloy IN100 are on the order of 10 100μm [6,23,24]. For incident angle) and residual stress output [32], multiple impact inclusions of these sizes, the gradientin residualstress(RS) field events should be used to simulate more realistic peening duetoshotpeening(Ref.RSprofilein[25])canhaveasignificant conditions. effect on stress/strain response and should be considered when One means to model multiple impacts is to combine discrete analyzing inclusion and RS effects in Ni base superalloys. There element modeling (DEM) and FEM to determine RS profile. DEM fore,a simulation approach that accounts for the entire distribu simulates spatial interactions/collisions among multiple discrete tion of residual stress, and not just at discrete surface depths, is particles within the shot stream. DEM exports particle/substrate warranted. Hence, we aim to develop a framework to assess impact velocity,location, and contact forcesintoaFEM model to (1)theeffectofmicrostructureontheentireresidualstressprofile calculate resulting plastic strains and residual stresses. Multiple duetoshotpeeningand(2)theeffectofcyclicloadingonresidual researchers[39 42]haveusedthiscombinedDEM FEMapproach stressrelaxationinpolycrystallineNi basesuperalloycomponents. to link the effect of complex part geometry on the overall shot Thissectionbeginswithabriefoverviewofpreviousmethods peening process, including the effects of impact angle, impact to impose residual stresses within components. Next, the eigen density, and coverage on location specific residual stress strainapplication of residualstresseswithin a FEM framework is formation. discussedandaJ plasticitymodelispresentedforcalibratingthis 2 These combined DEM FEM simulations of multiple impinge model.Finally,themethodbywhichcrystalplasticityisincorpo ment events are certainly noteworthy. However, it is hard to rated is presented with results for variability of initial residual discernhowmuchvariability in localresidual stressisattributed stress and retained residual stress due to a single load/unload to (1) the localized inhomogeneous deformation due to the sequence. stochastic impingement events inherent in the shot peening processand(2)theeffectoflocalmicrostructure,especiallygrain 1.2. Previousmethodsforsimulatedapplicationofresidualstresses orientation.Therefore,toisolatetheeffectoflocalmicrostructure, we propose to use a uniform average “amount of impingement” Techniquestosimulatetheshotpeeningprocesscanbedivided within a crystalplasticity finite element model. In this approach, intotwomethods:(1)Simulationoftheimpactresponsebetween theindividualshotpeeneventsthatweremodeledintheprevious the shot bead and the shot peened surface by quasi static or method(s)arenotmodeled.Instead,theresultingmaterialdefor explicit dynamic analyses to predict the resulting residual stress mationandhardeningstatesduetoshotpeeningare(1)induced explicitlywithinanimplicitorexplicitFEMmodeland(2)usedas initial conditions for subsequent relaxation/fatigue analysis simulations. 1.2.2. Techniquestoinduceoverallmechanicalresponseduetoshot peening One way to induce residual stresses explicitly within an FEM model is to deform the FEM model in displacement controlled constrained compression. This method mimics the collective mechanical meansinwhichbiaxialresidualstressesareimposed within a component during the shot peening process and traces the evolution of the material state throughout the deformation process. For example, Prasannavenkatesan et al. [20,21] used a simple displacement controlled method in conjunction with iso tropic plasticity [20] and polycrystal plasticity [21] to induce Fig. 1. Schematic showing idealization of shot peening process as a single deformationevent. residual stresses [20] and reproduce experimental trends in 2 Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. W.D.Musinski,D.L.McDowell/InternationalJournalofMechanicalSciences100(2015)195–208 197 residual stress relaxation [21] due to HCF cyclic bending of a whether the given eigenstrain distribution is able to reconstruct martensitic gear steel. For these analyses, individual 3D FEM the desired residual stress profile. For example, Korsunsky [44] modelswereusedatdiscretedepthsandsubjectedtotherequired used axisymmetric plate theory to analytically find stresses and amountofcompressiveload/unloadstraintoinducetherequired deformations arising due to peening and found the necessary residualstressprofileateachparticulardepth.Thisdisplacement eigenstrainasafunctionofplatedepthusingpolynomialfunctions controlled method presented by Refs. [20,21] is best used for asbasisfunctions. simulated application of residual stresses to the surface of a Methodsthatincorporateboththedynamicmaterialresponse smoothplanarspecimenwithwell definedboundaryandloading during residual stress application and the subsequent effect that conditions. theseresidualstresseshaveonmaterialbehaviortypicallyrequire An alternative means to initialize residual stresses within a separateanalysesduetodifferenttimescales(dynamicshot/laser FEMmodelistousetheresidualstressandmaterialhardening peen process versus quasi static LCF/HCF/creep loading). For statesfortargetinitialconditions.Forexample,Buchananetal. example, Achintha et al. [55 57] combined explicit dynamic and [25,45] initialized their material model with an initial material implicit FEM analyses to model the laser shock peening in a Ti hardeningstate(effectiveplasticstrain,backstress)andresidual 6Al 4V alloy using an eigenstrain approach and an assumed stressstatebasedonexperimentalXRDandcoldworkmeasure elastic perfectlyplasticmaterialmodel.Theyfoundthatalthough mentsatdifferentdepthsinaNi basesuperalloyIN100material eigenstrain distributions were similar for different specimen [45].Similarly,Benedettietal.[46,47]imposedinitiallocalyield thicknesses, the resulting residual stresses were quite different strength and hardening variables at different depths based on amongdifferentspecimenthicknesses. the experimental microhardness measurement at that depth. Additionally, the initial residual stress profile was induced by introducing an experimentally fit eigenstrain distribution within the FEMmodel.The methodof introducingeigenstrains 1.3. Objectives,scopeandlimitationsofcurrentwork withinanFEMmodeltoproduceresidualstressesiscoveredin moredetailnext. Thepreviouseigenstrainmethodsmentionedintheforegoing all suffer from the same shortcomings: they used simple elastic plastic models that are unable to determine the effect of local/ 1.2.3. Eigenstrainmethodofimposingresidualstresses random microstructure (e.g. grain size/orientation) on residual Eigenstrains have long been used to model micromechanical stressprofilevariabilityandresidualstressrelaxation.Hence,the misfit strains that are not associated with globally/externally objective of this paper is to develop a combined eigenstrain and applied mechanical loading. Some examples where eigenstrains crystal plasticity finite element simulation approach to address are used include internal stresses due to inclusions/particles or thiscriticalneed. fibers [48], differences in coefficient of thermal expansion of Therearemanyapproximationsmadewithregardtotheactual differentphases/layups[49],phasetransformations[50],andheat shot peening process in our simulations. The process of shot treatment effects [51]. Several authors have used the eigenstrain peening involves multiple random shot indentations inducing method to model/reconstruct residual stresses induced by shot surface roughness (cf. [15,47,70]). As stated previously, we do peening [44,52 54], laser shock peening [55 61], and welding not model individual shot peening events. Rather, the collective [62 66]. For shot peening analysis, the amount of residual stress shot peening process is modeled as a uniform, quasi static induced as a function of depth can be controlled by specifying displacement event (cf. Fig.1) that spatially varies as a function spatial distributions of thermal eigenstrains. The actual residual ofsurfacedepth.Thevariabilityinresidualstresscomesintoplay stressapplicationprocess isnominallyisothermal,sothe applied due to the microstructure, not due to incomplete coverage or temperature change and thermal expansion eigenstrains are random/sporadic shot locations. In practice, the XRD residual fictitious; they are merely introduced as a means to induce stressmeasurementsareaveragedovertheirradiatedareadeter residualstresseswithinacomponentunderisothermalconditions. mined by the size of the X ray beam. The experimental XRD Themainchallengeofthisapproachisdeterminingthecorrect averageresidualstressdatausedforcomparisoninthisstudywas eigenstraindistributionrequiredtoproduceagivenresidualstress found over an irradiated area of 3mm(cid:3)5mm [45], which profile. General solutions/frameworks to the so called “inverse encompasses over 10,000 grains. Therefore, the highly localized eigenstrain problem” have been developed/presented by many variations in residual stresses due to surface undulations are authors [44,52,53,67 69]. Universally, these approaches assume averagedoutforthereportedXRDresidualstressdata.Therefore, thattheeigenstraindistributioncanbereconstructedasasuper we do not simulate the random surface undulations due to the positionofatruncatedseriesofbasisfunctions,i.e., multiple surface impingements induced during the shot peening XN process.Instead,weimposeauniform“amountofimpingement” εnðxÞ¼ c ξðxÞ ð1Þ i i ineachsurfacelayerbymeansofanappliedeigenstrain. i 1 Freesurfaceeffectswithrespecttoin planestresscomponents were neglected/avoided by assuming that the finite element Inthisequation,Nisthenumberofbasisfunctions,ξðxÞ,andc material is fromthe centerof the specimen. The increased hard i i arethecoefficientmultipliersforeachbasisfunction.Thebenefit eningofthesurfacelayeroftheshot peenedmaterialisaccounted ofthismodelisthatoneisatlibertytochoosethetotalnumberof forinthecrystalplasticityfiniteelementmodelviaanincreasein basis functions and the form of each basis function; as a result, dislocationdensity(andthesubsequentincreaseinyieldstrength therearemultiplesetsofbasisfunctionsthatcandescribeagiven [71])atthesurface. eigenstrain distribution. For example, one could use a series of Itshouldalsobenotedthattheintenseamountofnearsurface smooth basis functions [67 69], multiple polynomials [44], or coldworkinganddensedislocationnetworkproducedduringshot evenasuperpositionofmultiplekernel densityfunctionsinclud peening caninvoke nearsurface plasticity induced refinementof ingtriangularfunctions[53]ornormaldistributionfunctions[52] the microstructure [45,70]. This microstructure refinement is not astheoveralleigenstraindistributionestimator.Regardlessofthe accounted for in this work. Thus, the purpose of our model is to functional form, the most important factor that should be con simulate the overall induced mechanical response due to shot sidered is how to solve for the basis function coefficients and peening,ratherthanindividualimpacteventsorgrainrefinement. 3 Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 198 W.D.Musinski,D.L.McDowell/InternationalJournalofMechanicalSciences100(2015)195–208 2. Methodologyforimposingresidualstressesusing for by the evolution of isotropic hardening via (cid:5) (cid:6) eigenstrainapproach σ ¼σ þκ 1 expð bεpÞ [76,77],whereσ istheyieldstressat ys o s o zero plastic strain, κ is the maximum change in the size of the s The methodology used to impose residual stresses within an yield surface, and b defines the rate at which cyclic hardening eigenstrain framework and its extension to the crystal plasticity occurs.Theevolutionofthebackstresstensorischaracterizedby (cid:2) (cid:3) fithneirtemaellemexepnatnsmioenthoddistarirbeutcioovnerecadninbethiosptsiemctizioend. Ttohefiqtuaasniy α_k¼Foσcrykstσhisαstuε_dpy,rwkαekeε_mp [p2l0oy,75k]¼. 2 backstress terms (c ¼280,900, targeted/measured residual stress profile. The actual process is c ¼10,178, r ¼1163.8, r ¼55.65) to facilitate better s1tress strain isothermal, so the thermal expansion fields are simply used to fi2ttingatlow1er(k¼1)and2 higher(k¼2)strains.Thiscomputational induce plasticstraingradients andresidualstresses.Additionally, model was matched to experimental stress strain data [78] for a thistechniquehastheaddedbenefitthatitcanbeusedformore coarse grainedIN100Ni basesuperalloymicrostructure.Theresult complex material response (e.g., crystal plasticity) and more ingstress strainplotcomparingthecomputationalandexperimen complexgeometries(e.g.,notches). tal data is illustrated in Fig. 2. The optimized isotropic/kinematic hardening parameters for this J plasticity model are listed in the 2 2.1. Materialmodel upperlefthandcornerinsetoftheFigure.AsshownisthisFigure, thisJ plasticitymodelmimicsthecyclicstress strainbehaviorwell 2 2.1.1. Experimentsusedtocalibratemodel foraverycomplexloadinghistory.Thus,thisJ plasticitymodelis 2 During the shot peening process, equibiaxial compressive deemed sufficient for the calibration of the thermal expansion residual stresses are introduced near the surface due to con eigenstrainmethodtoimposeresidualstressesinsmoothspecimen strained plastic deformation. To satisfyequilibrium, tensile stres components.Theseresultsarepresentedlater. ses form within the subsurface of the material. These tensile stresses may decay with increasing depth for thicker specimens [72 74] or approach a steady state value within the bulk of the 2.1.3. Polycrystalplasticityframeworkwithquasi thermalexpansion material for thinner specimens [25,45]. For example, Buchanan eigenstrain et al. [25] performed residual stress relaxation studies of 2 mm This section describes how the concept of quasi thermal thick powder metallurgy (PM) Ni base superalloy IN100 (25μm expansioneigenstrainfiniteelementmethod(coveredinthenext averagegrainsize)specimensthatwereshotpeenedtoanAlmen section) was extended in the context of polycrystal plasticity for intensityof 6A. The residual stressprofile given in [25] contains purposesofimposingatargetsubsurfaceresidualstressfielddue average residual stress values measured over a 3mm(cid:3)5mm to shot peening. The benefitof crystalplasticity relative tothe J 2 irradiated X ray region at given depths from the surface. These plasticity model is that it can characterize microstructure varia measuredaverageresidualstressvalueswerefittoacurveofthe bility; a number of different statistically representative micro form[45] structure instantiations can be simulated to address the σ ðxÞ¼½ðσ σ ÞþC x(cid:5)expð C xÞþσ ð2Þ probabilisticfatiguestrain lifedistribution.Thegoalofthisstudy RS s int 1 2 int wastodevelopaframeworktoinduceafullresidualstressprofile where the least square values of σs¼ 879.0, σint¼205.7, withinacrystalplasticityfiniteelementframeworktoaccountfor C1¼ 67028, and C2¼20.89 were determined by Buchanan [45] this microstructure variability. Such a framework can be used to tofittheexperimentalresidualstressdataasafunctionofdepth assess the effectiveness of shot peening in suppressing near (x) from the surface. Eq. (2) assumes that the residual stress surfacecrackinitiationfrominclusionslocatedneartothesurface approaches a steady state internal value of σint with increasing ofsmoothspecimens[79]. depth(x)andisapplicablefordepthvaluesfromthesurface(x¼0) Toincorporatethermalexpansioneigenstrainwithinthecrystal tohalfdepth(x¼1mm),wheretheconditionofhalf symmetryis plasticity finite element method under ostensibly isothermal assumed. loadingconditions,a“quasi” thermalexpansioncontributionmust SincetheworkofBuchanan[45]containsinformationonboth beincluded within the deformation gradient. As shownin Fig. 3, theinitialresidualstresscurveandrelaxationofresidualstresses the total deformation gradient is assumed to be multiplicatively withfatigueloadingandisappliedtothinner(2mm)specimens, wewilluseEq.(2)fortheinitialresidualstresscurve.Additionally, welimitourcomputationalspecimenthicknessto2mmtoensure 1500 thatitisconsistentwithexperiments. k = 1100 s b = 0.9 2.1.2. IsotropicJ plasticitymodel 1000 c = 280900 2 1 A rate independent J2 plasticity finite element model with r1 = 1163.8 c = 10178 combined isotropic/kinematic hardening was used to calibrate a) 500 r2 = 55.65 thequasi thermalresidualstressapplicationapproach.Theresult P 2 M ifnorgacaclriybsrtaatledplaesigtiecnitsytrfiainnitediestlerimbuetniotnmwetahsodlat(eCrPFuEsMed)amsoadneli.nTphuet ss ( 0 e mJ2opdlae(cid:2)slticittyh(cid:3)amtodeelmepmlopylsoyedthiesanVeoxnistinMgAisBeAsQUySie[7ld5]msautrefaricael Str −500 F¼f σ α σ ¼0,whereF¼0duringplasticflow,σ andα are ys thestressandbackstresstensors,respectively,andσys istheVon −1000 Mises equivalent yield strength. The function f is given by Experimental (cid:2) (cid:3) q (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3) Computational f σ α ¼ 32 S α : S α where S is the deviatoric stress −1500 −0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 tensor. An associated flow rule is assumed as ε_¼ε_p∂F. Here, ε_p is q ∂σ Strain the plastic strain rate tensor and ε_p¼ 2ε_p:ε_p is the equivalent 3 Fig. 2. Comparison of J2 plasticity model in ABAQUS to experimental data of a plasticstrainrate.Cyclichardeningoftheyieldstressisaccounted coarsegrainIN100cycledat6501C.ExperimentaldataarefromRef.[78]. 4 Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. W.D.Musinski,D.L.McDowell/InternationalJournalofMechanicalSciences100(2015)195–208 199 decomposedvia 2.2. Finiteelementmodelimpositionofeigenstrainfield F¼FeUFpUFθ ð3Þ To simulate the material stress state after the shot peening process, a finite element model is used and calibrated to the whereFe denoteselasticdistortionandrigidbodyrotationofthe experimentalresidualstressXRDdatareportedbyBuchananetal. crystal lattice, Fp accounts for plastic deformation through dis location glide along crystallographic planes, and Fθ constitutes [14,25,45,83,84] on a supersolvus PM Ni base superalloy IN100 with an average grain size of 25μm that was shot peened to a thermal expansion. It is noted that temperature change is intro Almenintensityof6A.Aquasi thermal methodofapplication of ducedonlytoproduceaneigenstrainfieldtoinduceinitialresidual residualstressesischoseninthisworkbecauseitiseasytoapply stresses from associated elastic plastic deformation. No other andcalibrateanditiseasilyextendedtomorecomplexmodelsfor properties need be temperature dependent. Isotropic, linearized material response (e.g., crystal plasticity) and more complex thermalexpansionisassumed,i.e. geometries(e.g.,notches). p Fθ¼ 1þ2αΔθ I ð4Þ where α is the isotropic thermal expansion coefficient, Δθ is the 2.2.1. ApplicationtoJ2plasticitymodel change in temperature, and I is the second rank identity tensor. The general methodology for quasi thermal application of TheformofEqn.(4)waschosensothatthelinearizedformofthe residual stressesto asmoothspecimen is shownin Figs. 4 and5 Greenfinite straintensorduetothermalexpansion,Eθ,is[80] andcanbesummarizedasfollows: Eθ¼1(cid:7)(cid:5)Fθ(cid:6)TUFθ I(cid:8)¼αΔθ I ð5Þ 1. Initialconfiguration:Fig.4showsthefiniteelementmodelused 2 to simulate residual stress application to a smooth specimen. The experimental smooth specimen [45] had a nominal gage Therestofthemicrostructure sensitivecrystalplasticityequations section length, width, and thickness of y¼20mm, z¼10mm for modeling deformation behavior of a coarse grain IN100 at 6501C follow those outlined by Przybyla and McDowell [70]. A andx¼2mm,respectively(seeFig.4forx,y,andzdirections). Similar to the finite element model employed by Buchanan detaileddescriptionoftheCPFEMmodelisomittedinthispaper etal.[25,45],asmallportioninthecenterofthisgagesection to maintain brevity. We only highlight the incorporation of a quasi thermalexpansiondeformationgradient(Fθ)inthissection was used for the finite element model. Half symmetry within thedepth(x dimension)ofthematerialwasemployedsothat to distinguish what is new/unique in the current CPFEM model the overall dimensions of the finite element model for J relative to the previous IN100 model. More details on the devel 2 plasticity simulations were xdim¼1mm, ydim¼34μm, and opment of the IN100 model and the numerical implementation zdim¼34μm.Foreigenstraindistributioncalibration,thefinite technique in ABAQUS can be found in the work of Shenoy et al. element model was divided into many 2.5μm thick finite [78,81]andMcGinty[82],respectively. elements,asshownintherightmostimageinFig.4.Itshould be noted that since the compressive region of residual stress field is very thin (x depth (cid:1)200μm) and there is a high gradientofresidualstresswithdepth,averyfinefiniteelement thickness of 5μm is required near the surface to provide convergence of the FEM response. Buchanan [45] reported a similar FEM mesh size requirement for convergence. In this work, a finer mesh of 2.5μm was used to provide more eigenstrain distribution data points (black dots in Fig. 5) to improve functional form fitting; this fitting is covered later. Eachfiniteelementwasassignedagivenquasi thermalexpan sion coefficient α and J plasticity material properties. The j 2 initial distribution of α values was assigned so that the j resulting residual stress values were within 7250MPa from thetargetresidualstressprofileatagivendepthtoavoidany numerical instabilities in the numerical optimization scheme describedbelow. 2. Eigenstrain application: with all surfaces constrained from Fig.3. Multiplicativedecompositionofthedeformationgradient,includingquasi- normal displacement, an eigenstrain (εntherm;j¼αjΔT) is intro thermalexpansion. ducedwithinthemodelasshownintheupperlefthandcorner Fig.4. Finiteelementmodelusedtoapplyresidualstresstoasmoothspecimen. 5 Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 200 W.D.Musinski,D.L.McDowell/InternationalJournalofMechanicalSciences100(2015)195–208 Fig.5. Methodologyforquasi-thermalapplicationofresidualstressestoasmoothspecimen. of Fig. 5. It should be noted that an arbitrary value of ΔT¼1 the secant root finding method and the red and green solid wasapplied uniformlythroughoutthewhole specimen, with linesshowthefunctionalformfittingofthesecomputationally outlossofgenerality,sincetemperatureisnotaphysicalfield optimized thermal expansion coefficients. The top middle plot variableduringtheimpositionofresidualstress. in Fig. 5 displays the entire distribution of thermal expansion 3. Release surface constraint: the surface constraint at x¼0 is coefficient as a function of x distance from the surface. The removedtosimulatethespringbackofthematerialaftershot bottomrighttwoplotsinFig.5illustratezoomed inversionsof beadimpact(cf.lowerlefthandportionofFig.4).Thisstepis thefittingof the required thermal expansion coefficienttothe requiredtorelaxthestresscomponentnormaltothesurfaceso piecewise functional forms described below. A piecewise that σ (cid:1)0, which is representative of the nearsurface stress smooth functional form was required so that the thermal xx state atthe end of the shotpeening process [20]. Thisrelaxa expansion coefficients can be defined independent of mesh tionstepisanalogoustothe“unload”stepinthedisplacement sizeandsothatthisfunctionalformcouldbe usedas aninput controlled method of residual stress application presented by for the crystal plasticity model. The thermal expansion func Prasannavenkatesanetal.[20]. tion,αðxÞ,was splitinto4sections: 4. Optimization of thermal expansion coefficients: a secant root findingmethod[85]isusedinconjunctionwiththeFEMmodel 1. xo0.058mm: this section of the curvewas fit using a super to optimize the spatial distribution of thermal expansion positionoftwoGaussianprobabilitydensityfunctions(PDFs).A parameterstofittheexperimentalresidualstressprofile. similar description of using two Gaussian PDFs was demon 5. Fit thermal expansion coefficients to functional form: Gaussian strated in [52] to describe the eigenstrains induced by shot probability density functions and polynomials are used to fit peening a GW103 magnesium alloy. The functional form used the optimized thermal expansion coefficient as a function of tofitthethermalexpansioncoefficientsatxo0.058mmis depth from the surface. More details on this functional form " (cid:2) (cid:3) # " (cid:2) (cid:3) # x μ 2 x μ 2 andhowitisusedwithinthecrystalplasticityframeworkare αðxÞ¼Aexp B þDexp E þGxþH ð6Þ coveredinthefollowing. 2σ2C 2σ2F 2.2.2. Fittingthermalexpansioncoefficienttofunctionalform 2. 0.058mmrxo0.082mm: this section was fit using a 5th The right hand side of Fig. 5 shows the required thermal orderpolynomial: expansion as a function of x distance (depth) from the surface thatisusedtoreplicatethetargetresidualstressprofileshown intheupperrighthandportionofFig.5.TheblackdotsinFig.5 showtheoptimizedthermalexpansioncoefficientfoundusing αðxÞ¼a21x5þa22x4þa23x3þa24x2þa25xþa26 ð7Þ 6 Distribution Statement A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.

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