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Dream Team: How Michael, Magic, Larry, Charles, and the Greatest Team of All Time Conquered the World and Changed the Game of Basketball Forever PDF

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Preview Dream Team: How Michael, Magic, Larry, Charles, and the Greatest Team of All Time Conquered the World and Changed the Game of Basketball Forever

Copyright © 2012 by Jack McCallum All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Ballantine Books, an imprint of The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. BALLANTINE and colophon are registered trademarks of Random House, Inc. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data McCallum, Jack Dream team : how Michael, Magic, Larry, Charles, and the greatest team of all time conquered the world and changed the game of basketball forever / Jack McCallum. p. cm. eISBN: 978-0-345-52050-0 1. Basketball teams—United States—History. 2. Basketball Players—United States—Biography. 3. Olympic Games (25th : 1992 : Barcelona, Spain)—History. 4. Basketball—United States—History. I. Title. GV885.49.O43M35 2012 796.323—dc23 2012006253 www.ballantinebooks.com Cover design: Faceout Studio Cover photograph: © John W. McDonough/Sports Illustrated/Getty Images v3.1 CONTENTS Cover Title Page Copyright Epigraph THUMBNAIL SKETCHES INTRODUCTION PROLOGUE: The Dream Team Gets a Name 1 BEFORE THE DREAM CHAPTER 1: The Inspector of Meat—Pros in the Olympics? It Was His Idea, and Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Different CHAPTER 2: The Chosen One—Sneaker Porn Is Born CHAPTER 3: The Commissioner and the Inspector of Meat—The NBA Sticks a Tentative Toe into International Waters CHAPTER 4: The Legend—“I’m the Three-Point King” CHAPTER 5: The Outcast—Isiah Throws It Away … Then Throws It All Away CHAPTER 6: The Magic Man—With a Junior Skyhook, He Claims His Place on Top CHAPTER 7: The Shooter—Mullin Puts Down the Bottle and Puts Up the Numbers CHAPTER 8: The Christian Soldier—The Admiral Takes an Olympic Fall CHAPTER 9: The Chosen One—And So Does a Fork Become a Holy Relic CHAPTER 10: The Old Guard—Here Today … Gone Real Soon CHAPTER 11: The Shadow Man—For the Kid from Nowheresville, Arkansas, Playing Alongside Michael Could Be a Real Headache INTERLUDE, 2011: The Shadow Man—“Michael Got Away with a Lot of Things” CHAPTER 12: The Coach—A Man of Both Style and Substance CHAPTER 13: The Jester—Sir Charles Wants to Be an Olympian … He Just Doesn’t Always Act Like One CHAPTER 14: The Committee and the Dream Team—Okay, Superstars, Prepare for Deification. … Uh, Isiah? Not So Fast CHAPTER 15: The Chosen One—Michael Seems to Have It All … But “All” Comes with a Burden CHAPTER 16: The Spokane Kid and the Outcast—Isiah Sends an Olympic Message … and the Mailman Follows with a Special Delivery CHAPTER 17: The Dukie—Wanted: College All-American … Must Perform Scut Duty on Summer Vacation CHAPTER 18: The Glide—Clyde’s on the Team, and Jordan Shrugs INTERLUDE, 2011: The Glide—“Jordan Was Damn Good … But Was He Better Than Me?” 2 THE DREAM UNFOLDS CHAPTER 19: The Writer—And So It Begins … at a Cattle Call in San Diego CHAPTER 20: The Magic Man—For a Man Who’s Dying, He Sure Looks Pretty Alive INTERLUDE, 2011: The Magic Man—“It’s My Mind-Set That’s Kept Me Alive” CHAPTER 21: The Coach—Chuck Has a Message for His Assistants: Make Sure to Ignore CHAPTER 22: The One-Day Wonders—These Were the Best Days of His Life.… Surely Grant Hill’s Wife Understands CHAPTER 23: The Writer—The Action Begins in Portland and Everyone Wants a Piece CHAPTER 24: The Legend—Larry Shoots and Scores … and at Night Lies Awake in Pain CHAPTER 25: The Kid from Spokane—Daly Had a Pistons Phone Number in His Hand … and It Wasn’t Isiah’s INTERLUDE, 2011: The Kid from Spokane—“You’re Not Writing That Down, Are You?” CHAPTER 26: The Chosen One—So Many Balls to Sign … and Jordan Almost Reaches His Breaking Point CHAPTER 27: The Writer, the Jester, and the Christian Soldier—Monsieur Barkley Will Indeed Take a Hit on 19 INTERLUDE, 2011: The Christian Soldier—And What Shall a Man Do with All His Gifts? CHAPTER 28: The Greatest Game That Nobody Ever Saw—“They Just Moved Chicago Stadium to Monte Carlo. That’s All They Did” CHAPTER 29: The Writer—“There’s Helicopters Up There—This Shit Is Serious!” CHAPTER 30: The Jester and the Angolan—“I Did Not Know That He Would Make Violence with Me” CHAPTER 31: The Kukoc Game—“They Were Like Mad Dogs on Toni” CHAPTER 32: The Coolest Room in the World—“Charles, We’re Sorry, but This Is a Ring Table. …” INTERLUDE, 2011: The Chosen One—“I Know My Father Was Up There Watching Me” CHAPTER 33: The Tie-Dyed Darlings—Sabonis Wins Bronze, Then Sleeps It Off CHAPTER 34: The Gold, the Flag, and the Chosen One—Some Wear Old Glory … Though Not in the Service of Patriotism CHAPTER 35: The Aftermath—Michael/Magic/Larry … and Then There Were None CHAPTER 36: The Impact—“We Were Like Actors in a Play” EPILOGUE: The Legend—“I Would’ve Liked to Have Touched Gold When I Was a Kid” Dedication Acknowledgments Other Books by This Author About the Author “The older I get, the less interested I am in what’s new, and the more interested I am in what endures.” —JAMES HYNES “To live is to fly Low and high, So shake the dust off of your wings And the sleep out of your eyes.” —TOWNES VAN ZANDT “I don’t know nuthin’ ’bout Angola. But Angola’s in trouble.” —CHARLES BARKLEY 1992 DREAM TEAM THUMBNAIL SKETCHES BARKLEY, Charles, 6′4″ forward; TNT commentator whose fame has grown exponentially since retirement; boldly continues to play celebrity golf despite universally lampooned swing; leading scorer for Dream Team; known in Barcelona for rambling along Las Ramblas and elbowing an Angolan. BIRD, Larry, 6′9″ forward; at this writing still general manager of the Indiana Pacers but longing for golden years; limited by aching back in Barcelona that led to post-Olympics retirement; struck up unlikely Dream Team friendship with Patrick Ewing; engaged Chris Mullin in legendary H-O-R-S-E shootout. DREXLER, Clyde, 6′7″ guard; businessman/golfer/Dancing with the Stars veteran; wants to be NBA head coach; happy to have been Dream Teamer but unhappy he was added late; remembered for wearing two left shoes to practice and trying to get away with it; does not believe Michael Jordan was better than he was. EWING, Patrick, 7′0″ center; assistant coach with Orlando Magic and perturbed he’s been unable to get interview for head coaching job; much more popular with Dreamer teammates than with press; “Harry” half of Harry and Larry. JOHNSON, Earvin, 6′9″ guard; guiding force behind Magic Johnson Enterprises, having made good on long-ago vow to become big-time player in business world; sometimes irritated Dreamers with it’s-my- team attitude but changed millions of attitudes worldwide about HIV and AIDS; at this writing, scheduled to be immortalized on Broadway, along with Bird, in play about their seminal importance to NBA. JORDAN, Michael, 6′6″ guard; chairman of the Charlotte Bobcats; trying to make it right after bad experience running Washington Wizards; serenaded aggravated Magic with “Be Like Mike” solo after legendary intrasquad scrimmage win; acknowledged by all Dreamers as team’s alpha male and greatest of all-time … with Magic holding out just a little and Drexler holding out a lot. LAETTNER, Christian, 6′11″ forward; his BD Ventures, co-run with ex- Duke teammate Brian Davis, has had cash flow problems; at this writing wants to get into coaching; seems serious about changing spoiled-brat image; earned way onto Dream Team by being immortal college player. MALONE, Karl, 6′9″ forward; serious big-game hunter who wants back into NBA in some capacity; work ethic was inspiration to several other members of Dream Team; Jordan-Magic woof-fests at practice got under his skin. MULLIN, Chris, 6′6″ guard/forward; successful as ESPN commentator but might get another shot at front-office job after failure in Golden State; Barcelona sharp-shooting (.619 overall, .538 on three-pointers) affirmed selection to skeptics and Dream nod reaffirmed benefits of sobriety to him. PIPPEN, Scottie, 6′8″ guard/forward; has had serious money problems but, with commentating gig and reality-show wife, never far from public eye; hinted LeBron James was better than Jordan, then took it back … kind of; showed he belonged on Dream Team with world-class versatility. ROBINSON, David, 7′1″ center; runs private school in San Antonio called Carver Academy; faith-based activities govern his life; mostly outsider to other members of Dream Team but universally respected; teamed with a Marsalis for rooftop duet in Barcelona. STOCKTON, John, 6′1″ guard; full-time chauffeur for his family in his hometown, Spokane, and couldn’t be happier; tutored star women’s guard Courtney Vandersloot at alma mater Gonzaga; broken leg limited Dream Team play. DALY, Chuck, coach; died of cancer in 2009; vowed never to take a time-out in Barcelona and didn’t; everybody loved him, everybody misses him.

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