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Downregulated plasma miR-92a levels have clinical impact on multiple myeloma and related disorders. PDF

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Citation:BloodCancerJournal(2012)2,e53;doi:10.1038/bcj.2011.51 &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited Allrightsreserved2044-5385/12 www.nature.com/bcj ORIGINAL ARTICLE Downregulated plasma miR-92a levels have clinical impact on multiple myeloma and related disorders SYoshizawa1,JH Ohyashiki2, M Ohyashiki1,T Umezu3, KSuzuki4, AInagaki5, SIida5 and KOhyashiki1,3 Recent studieshave demonstrated that one-third ofknown microRNAs (miRNAs) arestably detectablein plasma. Therefore,we assessedplasma miRNAs toinvestigate the dynamicsofoncomir 17-92a, which ishighlyexpressed inmultiple myeloma(MM) patients. Theplasma miR-92alevel insymptomatic MM patientswas significantly downregulated compared withnormal subjects (Po0.0001), regardlessofimmunoglobulin subtypes ordisease stage atdiagnosis. Incontrast, miR-92a levels in peripheralbloodCD8þ orCD4þ cells fromMM patientswere lowerthanthoseof normalsubjects, andthe miR-92alevels of thecellstendedto correlatewith plasma miR-92alevels. The plasma miR-92alevelin thecompleteremission group became normalized,whereas thepartial response (PR)and very goodPR groups did notreach thenormal range.Insmoldering MM, theplasmamiR-92a leveldid not showa significantdifference compared withnormal subjects. Our findingssuggest that measurementof theplasma miR-92alevel inMMpatients could be useful forinitiation ofchemotherapy and monitoring diseasestatus, and thelevelmay represent, inpart, theT-cellimmunity statusof these patients. Blood CancerJournal (2012)2, e53;doi:10.1038/bcj.2011.51; publishedonline 20January 2012 Keywords: multiple myeloma; plasmamiR-92a; Tlymphocytes; INTRODUCTION hematologicmalignancies.19Togainmoreinsightintotheclinical MicroRNAs (miRNAs) consist of approximately 18--22-nucleotide relevance of plasma miR-92a expression, we evaluated plasma non-coding RNAmoleculesthat regulateposttranscriptional gene miR-92a levels in MM patients at various phases and in patients expression by degradation or repression of mRNA molecules.1--3 with related disorders. In addition, we examined cellular miR-92a Individual miRNAs can target multiple mRNAs and control levels in circulating lymphocytes obtained from untreated MM transcription in approximately one-third of human genes. Recent patients and compared them with the plasma miR-92a level studies have shown that these miRNAs are closely involved in to ascertain the possible association between immunological cell differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis or oncogenesis.1--3 condition andplasma miR-92a expression. In various human cancer, there is evidence of the alteration of tumor tissue-specific miRNA.4--6 A 2008 study demonstrated that MATERIALSANDMETHODS miRNAsstablyexistinserumandplasma,7,8andarecentadvance Patientsand samples revealed the presence of circulating miRNAs within lipoprotein (known as microvesicles), which may help to protect the miRNAs We evaluated peripheral blood obtained from 168 patients with from RNase-dependent degradation.9,10 Moreover, some extracel- monoclonalgammopathies:138withsymptomaticMM,8withsmoldering lular circulating miRNAs in blood plasma are independent of MM (SMM) and 22 with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined exosomes and are bound to Ago2 protein, resulting in strong significance (MGUS). The diagnosis of monoclonal gammopathy was nuclease/proteinaseresistance,11thusindicatingapossibleroleof basedonthedefinitionoftheInternationalMyelomaWorkingGroupusing circulating miRNAs in healthy subjects and disease condition.7,8 thelevelofserumM-protein,proportionofplasmacellsinbonemarrow The biological relevance of circulating miRNAs remains unclear, andthepresenceofend-organdamage.20Atthetimeofplasmacollection, althoughtheymayhaveanimportantroleincancermetastasisor the disease status of the 138 patients with symptomatic MM was as neo-angiogenesis. Therefore, circulating miRNAs are thought to follows(Table1):62newlydiagnosed,8completeremission(CR),11very be possible diagnostic or prognostic biomarkers of human good partial response (VGPR), 15 partial response (PR), 14 stable diseases.12--14 disease and 28 progressive disease. None of the 62 newly diagnosed Itis well-knownthat multiplemyeloma(MM)cellshaveahigh MM patients had del(13q) anomaly, where the miR-17-92a located, expression level of the miR-17-92a cluster,15 whereas plasma according to the standard cytogenetic technique. Of the eight SMM miR-92a levels in acute lymphoid leukemia or non-Hodgkin’s patients, two had received cytotoxic therapy because of an increase lymphomaareextremelydownregulated.16--18Downregulationof in M-protein (X5g/dl). No MGUS patients had received chemotherapy miRNAs,let-7aandmiR-16inmyelodysplasticsyndromesalsohas beforeplasmacollection.Weanalyzedplasmafrom113normalindividuals beenreported, andtheir levelsweresignificantly associatedwith and isolated lymphocytes from 21 healthy volunteers as the control. progression-free survival and overall survival, suggesting that These samples were handled similarly to those obtained from MM certain miRNAs in plasma can serve as noninvasive biomarker in patients. 1DepartmentofHematology,TokyoMedicalUniversity,Tokyo,Japan;2InstituteofMedicalScience,TokyoMedicalUniversity,Tokyo,Japan;3DepartmentofMolecularScience, TokyoMedicalUniversity,Tokyo,Japan;4DepartmentofHematology,JapaneseRedCrossMedicalCenter,Tokyo,Japanand5DepartmentofMedicalOncologyandImmunology, NagoyaCityUniversityGraduateSchoolofMedicalSciences,Nagoya,Japan.Correspondence:ProfessorKOhyashiki,DepartmentofHematology,TokyoMedicalUniversity, 6-7-1Nishi-shinjuku,Shinjuku-ku,Tokyo160-0023,Japan. E-mail:[email protected] Received6October2011;revised1December2011;accepted5December2011 PlasmamiR-92adownregulationinmultiplemyeloma SYoshizawaetal 2 Table1. PlasmamiR-92a/miR-638expressionlevelsinmonoclonalgammopathies Numberofsubjects Median Mean Standarderror Minimum Maximam 95%CI Normal 113 1.244 1.388 0.06993 0.2154 3.58 1.249--1.527 SymptomaticMMatdiagnosis 62 0.05202 0.1008 0.01899 0.000045 0.8586 0.06285--0.1388 Myelomasubtype IgG 26 0.06107 0.121 0.03378 0.000045 0.8586 0.05146--0.1906 IgA 12 0.1508 0.05435 0.1901 0.006992 3.127 0.3020--1.089 IgD 3 0.1667 0.2353 0.1423 0.0304 0.5087 (cid:2)0.3769--0.8475 Bence--Jonesprotein 14 0.03866 0.0973 0.04252 0.004289 0.6177 0.005448--0.1892 Non-secretorymyeloma 4 0.06367 0.07089 0.02974 0.01013 0.1461 (cid:2)0.02376--0.1655 Plasmacellleukemia 3 0.02628 0.03341 0.01985 0.003151 0.07081 (cid:2)0.05201--0.1188 DiseasestatusofMM Newlydiagnosed 62 0.05202 0.1008 0.01899 0.000045 0.8586 0.06285--0.1388 CR 8 1.494 1.602 0.354 0.2285 3.643 0.7653--2.439 VGPR 11 0.2176 0.3591 0.09528 0.04138 1.028 0.1468--0.5714 PR 15 0.8179 0.7967 0.2018 0.1216 1.979 0.5409--1.052 Stabledisease 14 0.3404 0.4251 0.2634 0.003508 0.9965 0.2479--0.6022 Progressivedisease 28 0.06335 0.2018 0.04978 0.003319 0.8586 0.09962--0.3039 SMM 8 0.7943 1.188 0.4791 0.09087 5.242 0.3002--1.348 MGUS 22 0.4055 0.6403 0.1309 0.007652 2.428 0.3681--0.9124 Abbreviations:CI,confidenceinterval;CR,completeremission;MGUS,monoclonalgammopathyofunderminedsignificance;MM,multiplemyeloma; PR,partialresponse;SMM,smolderingMM;VGPR,verygoodpartialresponse.DiseasestatusofmultiplemyelomawascategorizedbyInternationalMyeloma WorkshopConsensuscriteria.20 This study was approved by the institutional review board of Tokyo theexpressionlevelofmiR-92ainplasma,wecomparedplasmamiR-92a Medical University (no. 930, approved 24 June 2008). Written informed expression using an external standard, cel-miR-39 (Hokkaido System consentwas obtained from all the participants prior to the collectionof Science),aswellasaninternalstandard,miR-638,whichisstablydetected specimensaccordingtotheDeclarationofHelsinki. inallsamples.TheresultsusingmiR-638arecompatiblewiththoseusing cel-miR-39(datanotshown).WethereforeusedmiR-638asareferencein eachplasmasample,aspreviouslyreported.17,18 TaqManlow-density array screening Total RNA was isolated with the mirVana PARIS kit (Ambion, Austin, TX, Lymphocyteseparation USA).Plasmasamplesfromfive patientsor fivehealthyindividualswere mixed evenly, and 500ml of mixed plasma was diluted with 500ml of TheCD4þ orCD8þ T-cellfractionswereseparatedwithanisolationkitfor binding solution. After a 5-min incubation, 1ml of 1nM ath-miR-159 humans(MiltenyiBiotec,BergischGladbach,Germany)andAutoMACSPro (Hokkaido System Science, Hokkaido, Japan) was added to each aliquot, Separator (Miltenyi Biotec), according to the supplier’s instruction, and followed by vortexing for 30s and incubation on ice for 10min. storedat(cid:2)801Cuntiluse. Subsequent phenol extraction and filter cartridge work was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions. In all, 3ml of RNA solution Statistical analysis fromthe50-mlelutewasusedasaninputineachreversetranscription(RT) GraphPad5.0software(GraphPadSoftwareInc,SanDiego,CA,USA)was reaction.TheRTreactionandpre-amplificationstepweresetupaccording usedforstatisticalanalysis.TheMann--Whitneytestwasusedtodetermine tothemanufacturer’srecommendations.miRNAswerereversetranscribed statisticalsignificancebetweentwogroupsandone-wayANOVAforthree withtheMegaplexPrimerPools(HumanPoolsAv2.1;AppliedBiosystems, or more groups. We also used the Chi-square test and Student’s t-test, FosterCity,CA,USA).RTreactionproductsfromtheplasmasamplewere whenappropriate.P-valueso0.05wereconsideredtoindicatestatistically further amplified with Megaplex PreAmp Primers (Primers A v2.1). The significantdifferences. expressionprofileofthemiRNAswasdeterminedwiththeHumanTaqMan miRNAArraysA(AppliedBiosystems).QuantitativeRT-PCRwasperformed on an Applied Biosystems 7900HT thermocycler according to the RESULTS manufacturer’srecommendedprogram.Withtheuseof SDS2.2software Identificationof differentially expressed plasmamiRNAs in andDataAssist(AppliedBiosystems),theexpressionofplasmamiRNAswas MMpatients andhealthy volunteers calculatedbasedontheir Ct valuesnormalized bythose of ath-miR-159, PlasmamiRNAexpressionwasinitiallyscreenedusingtheTaqMan whichwasspikedineachplasmasample. low-density arraysystem. Ofthe381 miRNAs represented on the wellplates,331miRNAswerenotdetectedafterthe35PCRcycles. miR-92aquantitative RT-PCR Among the remaining 50 miRNAs, upregulated and down- Total RNA in cells was isolated with an miRNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, regulated miRNAs in MM plasma samples (expression level in Germantown, MD, USA), and RNA in plasma was extracted as reported the sample was 4-fold greater or lower than that of healthy previously.17,18 miRNAs were quantified with TaqMan MicroRNA Assays volunteers) were selected. We then evaluated the rank order of (Applied Biosystems) with modification and miRNA-specific stem-loop expression of each miRNA by DCt value among all detected primers(has-miR-92a,000431;has-miR-638,001582;AppliedBiosystems), miRNAs. as we reported previously.17,18 The plasma miR-92a expression was Most of the miRNAs were downregulated in plasma samples normalized to miR-638 expression, and the cellular miR-92a expression obtained from MM patients (Figure 1a). The most striking levelswerenormalizedtoRNU6B(001093;AppliedBiosystems).Wehave difference of expression was found in miR-223. In addition, neverdetectedU6Binaplasmasample,althoughU6Biscommonlyused members of the miR-17-92a cluster (miR-19b, miR-17, miR-92a, asaninternalstandardformiRNAexpressionanalysisincells.Tonormalize miR-20a and miR-19a) were significantly decreased in MM BloodCancerJournal &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited PlasmamiR-92adownregulationinmultiplemyeloma SYoshizawaetal 3 a 35 a 10 30 Normal 38 6 1 25 Multiple Myeloma R- Δ-2^t()C 112050 miR-92a/mi(log) 00.0.11 5 ma 0.001 0 as 0.0001 miR-223 miR-19b R1mi-06a miR-17 miR-92a miR-24 miR-648-5p R-4mi15 miR-484 miR-32-43p 2mi0R-a let7-b miR-39 i1Rm-2 2m-1R2i R2mi-b0 miR1-9a 2mi2R1- mi14R0--5p miR-210 Pl 0.00001Normal Dx IgG IgA IgD BJPNonsec PCL b 5 Normal b 100 4 Multiple Myeloma Ct) 3 80 Δ -2^( 2 %) y ( 60 1 vit nsiti 40 0 e S 20 Figure1. IdentificationofexpressedplasmamiRNAsinMM. (a)DownregulatedmiRNAsinMM(openbars).Theexpression 0 levelinthesamplewas4-foldlowerthanthatofnormalcontrols 0 20 40 60 80 100 (solidbars).ArrowsindicatemiR-17-92apolycistroniccluster.(b) 100% - Specificity% UpregulatedmiRNAsinMM(openbars).Theexpressionlevelinthe samplewas4-foldhigher thanthatofnormalcontrols(solidbars). Figure2. PlasmamiR-92avaluesinMMandreceiveroperating characteristiccurve.(a)PlasmamiR-92alevel(miR-92a/miR-638) inpatientswithMMatthetimeofdiagnosis.Asignificant samples. Although we found several upregulated miRNAs in MM downregulatedplasmamiR-92alevelisnotableinMMatdiagnosis samples, the Ct values were generally low in both MM samples (MM-Dx)(Po0.0001).NoparticulardifferenceinplasmamiR-92a and normal controls (Figure 1b). We therefore focused on levelisevidentamongimmunoglobulinsubtypes,Bence--Jones downregulation of the miR-17-92a cluster, rather than the single proteintypeornon-secretoryMMbyone-wayANOVA.Barsindicate miRNA (that is, miR-223), because the expression of miR-17-92a minimumtomaximumplasmamiR-92alevelsandboxesindicate 95%confidenceinterval(CI).(b)Thecut-offlevelofplasmamiR-92a/ cluster is essential in the lymphoid ontogeny and measured the miR-638inallMMatdiagnosisis0.2593.Thesensitivityis91.94% expressionlevelof miR-92a inalargeseries ofpatients. (95%CI:82.17--97.33%)andspecificityis99.12%(95%CI:95.17-- 99.98%). PlasmamiR-92a levelof symptomatic MM PlasmamiR-92alevelsweresignificantlylowerinnewlydiagnosed sensitivity (95% confidence interval: 82.17--97.33%) and 99.12% MM patients (n¼62) compared with healthy controls (Student’s specificity(95%confidenceinterval:95.17--99.98%)whenthecut- t-test: Po0.0001); the level of plasma miR-92a in symptomatic offlevelsofplasmamiR-92ainMMpatientsatdiagnosiscouldbe MM patients was o10% compared with normal subjects achieved(that is, 0.2593) (Figure 2b). (mean±standard error 0.1008±0.01899 vs 1.388±0.06993; Table 1). Among the MM patients, there were no significant differences in the plasma miR-92a levels, irrespective of MM PlasmamiR-92a levelinthe variousstates ofMM subtype (P¼0.4472) (Figure 2a), light chain type (P¼0.4413) We next compared the plasma miR-92a level in MM patients in (Supplementary Figure 1A) or International Staging System various clinical states (Table 1). Patients in CR (n¼8) had a staging (P¼0.1955) (Supplementary Figure 1B). The presence of significant increase in plasma miR-92a compared with those at anemia (P¼0.0990), bone lesion (P¼0.6701), renal damage diagnosis (Po0.0001), and seven out of the eight patients were (P¼0.4258) or hypercalcemia (P¼0.1989) did not affect plasma normalized (X0.2593 cut-off level). Of the PR patients (n¼15), a miR-92a level at MM diagnosis (Supplementary Figure 2AD, significant increase in plasma miR-92a was notable (Po0.0001), SupplementaryTable1).PlasmamiR-92alevelwasnotcorrelated but these patients still had low plasma miR-92a compared with with beta2 microglobulin elevation (P¼0.3675), albumin level normal subjects (P¼0.0033). Although patients with stable (P¼0.0693), elevated lactate dehydrogenase (P¼0.4863) or disease (n¼14) had a partially normalized plasma miR-92a level, performance status(P¼0.9850) (SupplementaryTable1). three patients had an extremely low level, similar to those of The receiver operating characteristic curve was generated by patients with newly diagnosed MM. In progressive disease comparing the patients’ DCt values with those of healthy patients (n¼28), the plasma miR-92a level again downregulated volunteers.TheanalysisshowedthatmiR-92awasagoodmarker and no significant difference was notable compared with newly of newly diagnosed MM (AUC¼0.9810), indicating 91.94% diagnosedMM(Figure 3a). &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited BloodCancerJournal PlasmamiR-92adownregulationinmultiplemyeloma SYoshizawaetal 4 PlasmamiR-92a levels ofMGUSand SMM patients a P< 0.0001 WealsomeasuredplasmamiR-92alevelsin8patientswithSMM P< 0.0001 and 22 with MGUS (Table 1). Compared with normal subjects, P= 0.4430 patients with SMM showed no significant differences in plasma 10 miR-92a levels (P¼0.4642), but they had elevated levels 8 compared with MM patients (P¼0.0496) (Figure 3b). The plasma 63 1 miR-92a level was significantly decreased in MGUS patients R- mi 0.1 compared with normal subjects (Po0.0001), but they had a/ spnioagttnieeidfinctbasen(ttPwly¼eeh0ni.g0S0hM0e5rM).paNlanosdmdMaifGfemUreiSRn-pc9ea2taiiennleptsvlae(sPlms¼ac0om.m2i9Rp5-a99r2)e.adThlewevietphllsasMwmaMas miR-92(log) 0.01 miR-92alevelsdidnotcorrelatewithdurationbetweenthetimeof ma 0.001 diagnosis of MGUS and the measurement of levels in this study s a 0.0001 (datanot shown). Pl 0.00001 mWeiR-t9h2eanlceovmelpianresdepmariRa-t9e2dalylemveplhsoincyTtelysmphocytesobtainedfrom Normal M M-Dx M M-CR M-VGPR M M-PR M M-SD M M-PD healthy subjects (n¼21) with those of MM patients at diagnosis M (n¼6)oratCR/VGPRstatus(n¼5).ThemiR-92alevelinCD4þ or CD8þ TlymphocytesinMMpatientsatdiagnosiswassignificantly b P = 0.4642 lower compared with that of healthy subjects (CD4þ: P¼0.0178; CD8þ:P¼0.0092)(Figure4a).ComparisonofmiR-92aofCD4þ and P = 0.0496 CD8þ Tlymphocytesshowedaroughlylinearcorrelation,andmost P = 0.0005 MMpatientsinCR/VGPRstatushadanincreasedlevel(Figure4b). 10 Although no apparent correlation was evident in normal subjects, 8 MM patients with low levels of plasma miR-92a had low levels of 63 1 miR-92aexpressioninCD4þ (Figure4c)andCD8þ Tlymphocytes R- (Figure 4d), and three out of the five MM patients with CR/VGPR mi 0.1 a/ hadnormallevelsofplasmaandcellularmiR-92a. miR-92(log) 0.01 DISCUSSION a 0.001 m The use of plasma miRNAs as potential biomarkers is a growing as 0.0001 research area,12--14 and this is the first study to look at plasma Pl miRNAsinMM.Ourfindingsindicatethepossibleclinicalutilityof 0.00001 pnpelaatwsiemnaatgsmenwitRistNhAhaMlseMviem.2l1pinrIonMveMMdMpthatetrieenraettssmp.eoTnnhtse,ertehrcaeetendteaicnnidstrioosnduurctvotiivoasnltaoirntf Normal M M-Dx SM M M G US chemotherapy usually depends on the presence of clinical Figure3. PlasmamiR-92aexpressioninMMatvariousclinicalphases symptoms with high evidence level, so-called CRAB (hypercalce- andSMMorMGUS.(a)ThedownregulatedplasmamiR-92alevelat mia,renalfailure,anemia,bonelesion)symptoms.22Moreover,the myelomadiagnosis(MM-Dx)wasnormalizedinCR(MM-CR)andwas therapeutictargetpointinMMpatientshasbeenproposed,23and partiallynormalizedatVGPR(MM-VGPR)orPR(MM-PR)phase.(b) practicalguidelinesforthetherapeuticstrategyhavebeenhelpful PatientswithSMMhadahigherplasmamiR-92alevelthanthatof inclinicaldecision-makingforMMtreatment.24,25However,there symptomaticmyeloma(P¼0.0496),buttheyhadlowlevels are some MM patients for whom the timing and combination of comparedwithnormalsubjects.AlthoughsomepatientswithMGUS chemotherapy are difficult to decide,26 although high-risk MM hadlowlevelsofplasmamiR-92a,mostMGUSpatientshadplasma patients can be classified.27,28 Because, decisions regarding miR-92alevelssimilartothosewithSMM.Barsindicateminimumto maximumplasmamiR-92alevelsandboxesindicate95%CI. chemotherapy are occasionally difficult in non-secretory or asymptomaticMMpatients,anoveldiagnosticmarkerisurgently required,inadditiontotheconventionaldiagnostictool.21Inthe current study, we demonstrated the downregulation of plasma andsymptomaticmyeloma,thelevelofplasmamiR-92alevelcould miR-92ainsymptomaticMMpatients,irrespectiveofthepresence reflectthepathologicalconditionofpatientsratherthanthetumor or absence of renal damage or M-protein, suggesting that the burden of myeloma cells in the body. Moreover, normalization of measurementoftheplasmamiR-92acouldbehelpfulfordeciding the plasma miR-92a level after obtaining CR suggests that the whento initiatechemotherapy. plasma miR-92a level might serve as an indicator for therapeutic Chromosomal abnormalities and molecular alterations in MM response. The number of treated patients studied was small, cells have been extensively investigated, and some of them are however,andfurtherresearchisneededtoclarifythispossibility. currently incorporated into the risk analysis.23,27,29 In addition, Studies have shown that some circulating miRNAs in cancer- pathogenesis of extracellular circumstances, including angiogen- bearingpatientsaretumor-derived,7andthussuchmiRNAsmight esis,30 in MM patients is an important issue not only for be used as biomarkers of cancer.12--14 The downregulation of understanding the biology of myeloma but therapeutic strategies plasmamiR-92ahasbeenrecognizedinpatientswithhematologic as well.21 In myeloma cells, overexpression of the miR-17-92a has neoplasia, including acute leukemia,16,17 non-Hodgkin’s lympho- beennotedinthetransformationfromMGUStoMM.15Therefore, ma18 and hepatocellular carcinoma,31 as well as in patients with miR-17-92aexpressionisthoughttocorrelatewithtumorburdenin cardiovascular diseases.32 Because miR-17-92a is essential in MMpatients.Incontrast,wefoundnodifferenceinplasmamiR-92a the development and ontogeny of the lymphoid system,33,34 levelsbetweenMGUSandSMMpatients.BecausetheplasmamiR- weexaminedthecorrelationbetweenmiR-92alevelsinseparated 92a level was significantly different between patients with SMM lymphocytes and plasma. The plasma miR-92a levels was BloodCancerJournal &2012MacmillanPublishersLimited PlasmamiR-92adownregulationinmultiplemyeloma SYoshizawaetal 5 Normal Myeloma a 4 0.0178 b 3 Myeloma CR/VGPR B 0.0092 U6 3 a/ 2a 2 2 9 ar miR-9(ratio) 2 +D8 miR- 1 ul C ell 1 C 0 0 4 4 8 8 0 1 2 3 4 D D D D mal C ma C mal C ma C CD4+ miR-92a Nor yelo Nor yelo M M Normal c 2.5 d 2.5 Myeloma Normal Myeloma 2.0 Myeloma 2.0 CR/VGPR a a 2 Myeloma 2 9 9 R- 1.5 CR/VGPR R- 1.5 mi mi a a m 1.0 m 1.0 s s a a pl pl 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 CD4+ miR-92a CD8+ miR-92a Figure4. CellularmiR-92ainCD8þ orCD4þ lymphocytesinMMandnormalsubjects.(a)TheCD4þ miR-92a(P¼0.0178)andCD8þ miR-92a(P¼0.0092)aresignificantlydownregulated.(b)ComparisonbetweenmiR-92alevelsinCD4þ andCD8þ Tlymphocytesinnormal subjects(closedcircles),MMatdiagnosis(opensquares)andmyelomainCR/VGPR(opentriangles),showingapositivecorrelation. ComparisonbetweenplasmamiR-92aandthecellularmiR-92aofCD4þ Tlymphocytes(c)orCD8þ Tlymphocytes(d)inidenticalsubjects. MyelomapatientswithlowlevelsofmiR-92ainCD4þ TlymphocytesclusteratlowlevelsofplasmamiR-92a,andsomeMMpatientswith CR/VGPRshownormalizationofmiR-92alevelsinplasma,CD4þ andCD8þ Tlymphocytes. correlated with the miR-92a level in T lymphocytes, especially downregulated plasma miR-92a level may be linked to the CD8þ lymphocytes. Some MM patients in CR/VGPR showed expressionlevelofT-cell-derivedmiR-92a.Althoughweexamined normalization of the plasma miR-92a level, in combination with asmallnumberofpatients,especiallyMMpatientswhohadbeen upregulation of T-cell miR-92a. A recent study reported that the treated,theseinitialfindingssuggestthatplasmamiR-92alevelsin miR-17-92a cluster was critical for optimal T-lymphocyte monoclonalgammopathypatientsmaybeapromisingparameter co-stimulation via CD28 and was thereby essential for regulatory not only for determining disease status but also whether further Tfunctionundercertainconditions.35Moreover,itisreportedthat treatment isrequired. the type-1-skewing tumor microenvironment induces down- regulation of miR-17-92a expression, with decreased levels of CONFLICTOFINTEREST miR-17-92anotedinbothCD4þ andCD8þ cellsintumor-bearing Theauthorsdeclarenoconflictofinterest. mice and in CD4þ cells in patients with glioblastoma multi- forme.36 Together, these findings suggest that the low level of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS miR-92a in T lymphocytes may represent dysregulation of WethankCKobayashi,RSoya-HamamuraandAHirotafortheirtechnicalassistance. immunity and the downregulated plasma miR-92a level in MM ThisworkwassupportedbythePrivateUniversityStrategicResearchBasedSupport patients may reflect the dysfunction of T lymphocytes in vivo. In Project:EpigeneticsResearchProjectAimedatGeneralCancerCureUsingEpigenetic addition to miR-17-92a downregulation, the TaqMan low-density Targets from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, array screening revealed downregulation of miR-223, a regulator Tokyo,Japan. of neutrophil proliferation and activation.37 The ultimate down- regulation of plasma miR-223 in MM patients might also be AUTHORCONTRIBUTIONS related withgranulocyte dysfunction. SY, KO and JHO designed the study, analyzed the data, interpreted the data In conclusion, the plasma miR-92a level may serve as a and wrote the manuscript; TU and MO performed quantitative PCR analysis of biomarker for monitoring therapeutic response in MM patients plasma miRNA; KO performed statistical analysis; SY KO, KS, AI, and SI provided and disease progression in asymptomatic MM patients. 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