*Out of 15,000 titles What the laparoscopist next door is reading. Or should be. Are you getting the macro view on minimally invasive? The publications of the Society of Laparo- endoscopic Surgeons provide essential multidisciplinary perspective and a far richer cross-reference of experiential knowledge than a single-specialty organization can provide. The peer-reviewed JSLS, Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons brings important new developments in laparoscopic surgery to SLS members in print and online. The journal’s rapid review process ensures that significant scientific findings are presented with minimal delay. LaparoscopyToday.comis a forum for the exchange of timely product information, member news, multispecialty news, application techniques and ideas from leading experts in minimally invasive therapies. The definitive reference volume, Prevention and Management of Laparoendoscopic Surgical Complications, is a comprehensive multidisciplinary reference text assembled by the editors of SLS. There's no other reference like it: the cumulative experience and perspective of noted experts in laparoscopy from all relevant specialties. the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons Coming Soon - Interactive, Multimedia EDITION 4.0 From SLS, MIRA & SRS Dear Colleagues, This first annual Minimally Invasive Surgery Week is shaping up to be an amazing, exhila- rating, information-packed meeting. Join SLS, MIRA, and SRS for professional develop- ment, interaction, debate, and the sharing of experiences in a format not found in other con- ferences. We look forward to seeing you all in Boston! Sincerely, Paul Alan wetter, MD Professor Emeritus, University of Miami School of Medicine Chairman, The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons Dear Colleagues, As the 21st President of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (SLS), I welcome you to participate in the SLS • MIRA • SRS Joint Annual Meeting and Endo Expo 2012 in Boston. This year, the Society of Robotic Surgeons and the Minimally Invasive Robotic Association EARLY BIRD DEADLINE: will join us and provide a new dimension of scientific interactions for the meetings. The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons traditionally has offered the most up to date infor- JULY 5 mation in minimally invasive surgery to our participants. With the added insight from our robotic colleagues, this meeting will promise to elevate discussion of the pros and cons of the future technologies and laparoscopic surgery options. Your participation, interaction, and Register Online and Save! expertise will be valued and appreciated in this very exciting joint venture. I look forward to seeing all of you in SEPTEMBER for our own BOSTON ENDO PARTY. Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD, ACGE President, Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons (SLS) Dear Colleagues, Table of Contents It gives me great pleasure to welcome you at the first joint SLS, MIRA, SRS Meeting here Message SLS, MIRA & SRS Presidents.............1 in Boston. We are all united by the same vision: to perform patient-friendly surgery through minimal access with the aid of scopes, video cameras, and specific endoscopic instrumenta- Program Directors and Honorary Chairs............2 tion. Surgical robots are such specific tools, highly developed already, but still in their infan- SLS, MIRA & SRS Board of Directors..............2 cy.The potential of robotic technology in endoscopic surgery, however, is huge and we are here to share experience and thoughts on how we can use it best for making surgical pro- SLS Mission Statement......................................3 cedures even more precise and even less invasive. Robotic surgery only works in a func- Preliminary Program Agenda.............................4 tioning team. For the success of all endoscopic surgery scientific societies in the field should Master’s Classes.................................................7 cooperate as well. This joint meeting is a step in this direction and is a great opportunity for exchange of knowledge and development of common treatment strategies. I wish all partic- State of the Art Lectures in Robotic Surgery......9 ipants an exciting and interesting conference on laparoendoscopic and robotic surgery. Multidisciplinary Plenary Sessions...................10 Concurrent Session Scientific Papers, Videos, Open Forum, Posters........................12 Johannes Bonatti, MD Poster Session.................................................13 President, Minimally Invasive Robotic Association (MIRA) Video Session: Surgical Surprises..................14 SIG Updates.....................................................14 Dear Colleagues, Special Events. ................................................15 Conference Description/Objectives/ The first joint SLS, MIRA, SRS meeting in Boston represents a coming together of three CME Credits / SLS CME Process..................16 societies who have been integral in the global promotion of minimally invasive surgical tech- niques. Over the last decade there has been an ever-growing interest in the use of cutting- Programs for Residents, Fellows, Nurses, edge robotics in surgery. This meeting will provide a forum to discuss the rapid evolution in and Affiliated Medical Personnel...................17 techniques and outcomes as well as areas of controversy from some of the most experienced Accommodations and Travel............................17 robotic surgeons in the world. This year’s program has been designed to address the needs of Endo Expo/Exhibit Hall Events..........................18 beginners all the way to the mature and seasoned robotics user. Join us in Boston for what will be an exciting and informative event for everyone. Conference Registration Form......................... 19 Arnold Advincula, MD President, Society of Robotic Surgeons (SRS) Page 1 Program Directors, Boards of Directors, Chairs Conference Program Directors Raymond J. Lanzafame, MD, MBA Jacques Hubert, MD Rochester, New York Past-President Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD Nancy, France Joseph B. Petelin, MD Farr Nezhat, MD New York, New York Changqing Gao, MD Scientific Chair Beijing, China Raymond J. Lanzafame, MD, MBA Jay A. Redan, MD Celebration, Florida Woo Jin Hyung, MD, PhD General Chair Seoul, Korea Richard M. Satava, MD Paul Alan Wetter, MD Seattle, Washington Konstantinos Konstantinidis, MD Athens, Greece Program Commitee Chair - MIRA Linda Steckley, MBA Miami, Florida Camran Nezhat, MD Farid Gharagozloo, MD Palo Alto, CA Howard N. Winfield, MD Honorary Chairs Tuscaloosa, Alabama Dimitry Oleynikov, MD Mehran Anvari, MD Omaha, Nebraska MIRA Board of Directors Jie Qiao, MD, PhD Johannes Bonatti, MD, FETCS Richard Satava, MD President Seattle, Washington SLS Board of Directors Baltimore, Maryland Daniel Smith, MD Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD President Ivo AMJ Broeders, MD Scarsdale, New York Lima, Ohio President Elect/Vice President Utrecht, The Netherlands Ash Tewari, MD New York, New York Joseph B. Petelin, MD Vice President Arnold Byer, MD Shawnee Mission, Kansas Senior Administrative Advisor SRS Board of Directors Hackensack, New Jersey Arnold P. Advincula, MD Robert M. Sweet, MD President Secretary-Treasurer Farid Gharagozloo, MD Celebration, Florida Minneapolis, Minnesota Secretary Washington, District of Columbia Alexander Mottrie, MD James C. “Butch” Rosser, Jr., MD Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President Sonia Ramamoorthy, MD Alst, Belgium Treasurer Spring, Texas La Jolla, California Gregory Weinstein, MD Paul Alan Wetter, MD Past President Chairman Mehran Anvari, MB, BS, PhD Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Past-President Miami, Florida Hamilton, Ontario, Canada John Boggess, MD Michel Gagner, MD Secretary Treasurer 2011 Garth Ballantyne, MD Montreal, PQ, Canada Past-President Vipul R. Patel, MD Ronald Fieldstone, Esq. Hackensack, New Jersey Celebration, Florida Coral Gables, Florida Santiago Horgan, MD Past-President Michael S. Kavic, MD San Diego, California Youngstown, Ohio Page 2 Honorary Chairs Mehran Anvari, MD SLS Mission Statement Dr. Mehran Anvari is a tenured professor of surgery at McMaster University, specializing in minimal access techniques, at St. Joseph’s The Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons Healthcare Hamilton. Dr. Anvari was one of the first surgeons in Canada to (SLS) is a non-profit, multidisciplinary and use robotics in surgery, establishing the world’s first telerobotic surgical multispecialty educational organization service. established to provide an open forum for surgeons and other health professionals Dr. Anvari holds several clinical and administrative appointments. He is the interested in minimally invasive surgery and past president and founding member of the Minimally Invasive Robotic therapy. Association, the scientific director and CEO of the Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation, and the founding director of the Centre for Minimal Access Surgery. Dr. SLS endeavors to improve patient care and Anvari is the clinical lead and chair of the Ontario Bariatric Network and the Chair of Minimally promote the highest standards of practice Invasive Surgery and Surgical Innovation at McMaster. through education, training, and information distribution. SLS provides a forum for the As a researcher, supervisor, mentor and advisor, Dr. Anvari has a continued commitment to teach- ing, education, publication and innovation. Dr. Anvari is the editor-in-chief of the International introduction, discussion and dissemination Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, and the founding director of the of new and established ideas, techniques and McMaster Institute for Surgical Invention, Innovation and Education. He has authored over 150 therapies in minimal access surgery. publications; holds seven patents; and is the principle investigator of numerous studies related to A fundamental goal of SLS is ensuring that obesity, gastrointestinal disease, and surgical robotic systems and techniques. He has been hon- its members have access to the newest ideas ored many times for his innovation and research: chosen as the McMaster Innovator of the Year in and approaches, as rapidly as possible. SLS 2009, and awarded the ORION Leadership Award in 2010. Dr. Anvari’s work with telerobotics has also been recognized by the federal and provincial government with the “Gold Medal of Distinction” makes information available from national and the “Diamond Award for Innovation in Technology”. and international experts through its publica- tions, videos, conferences, and other elec- tronic media. Jie Qiao, MD, PhD Jie Qiao, MD, PhD serves as Director and Professor at the Medical Center for Human Reproduction, Department of OB/GYN, Peking University Third Hospital. She specializes in diagnoses and management for male and female infertility, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and Reproductive Endocrine diseases in Gynecology. “The meeting was great. It is an Dr. Qiao graduated from Beijing Medical University’s Department of Clinical amazing opportunity to mix and Medicine in 1987; obtained a Master’s Degree in Clinical Medicine in 1990 and interact with our a Doctorate in 1996. She headed the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2000 as its direc- colleagues from other disciplines tor with a concurrent position followed as director for the Center of Reproductive Medicine in 2003. and other parts of the world.” Most of her practicing work has been in clinical treatment, education and medical research within the --2011 Annual Meeting Attendee fields of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a research direction focusing towards the diagnoses and treatment of diseases of Reproductive Endocrine, such as management to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and anovulatory infertility as well as reproductive treatments via In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer (test tube baby). To date, she has successively published more than 20 medical papers, and is currently a young-group member of the specialty board of the Chinese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecologyunder the Chinese Medical Association and a member of the editorial boards of the Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Chinese Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Chinese Journal of Reproductive Health, and one is of the syndics of Chinese Association for Improving Birth Outcome and Child Development . Page 3 Preliminary Program TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2012 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm MASTER’S CLASSES & CONFERENCE REGISTRATION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2012 7:00 am – 6:00 pm MASTER’S CLASSES & CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 7:00 am – 9:00 am Complimentary Coffee and Bakery Items 7:30 am – 3:30 pm STATE OF THE ART LECTURES IN ROBOTIC SURGERY(See page 9 for description) 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CONCURRENT MASTER’S CLASSES(See pages 7–9 for course descriptions) 8:00 am – 11:30 am Master’s Class #1: Smart Surgeons Learn From Their Mistakes; Brilliant Surgeons Learn From Other Surgeons’ Mistakes: Prevention and Management of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgical Complications 8:00 am – 11:30 am Master’s Class #2: Reduced Port MIS: More Than an Incision Decision 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Master’s Class #3: Advanced Laparoscopic Suturing for the Gynecologist, Urologist, General and Robotic Surgeon: THE Vertical Zone- The Next Level Beyond Triangulation (Including Primer for Effective Robotic Suturing) 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm Master’s Class #4: Mastery of Robotics in Gynecology "Robotic Assisted and Video Assisted Laparoscopic Treatment of Endometriosis & Uterine Fibroids from Diagnosis to Management” (Joint course by MIRA, SRS & SLS) 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm Master’s Class #5: General Surgery “An Afternoon with Presidents" (Joint course by SLS, MIRA, SRS & SAGES) 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm Master’s Class #6: ORReady Surgical Safety and Superior Outcomes (Jointly with AORN) 8:00 am – 11:30 am Master’s Class #7: Mastery of Robotics in Cardiothoracic Surgery. (Joint course by MIRA, SRS & SLS) 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm Master’s Class #8: Mastery of Robotics in General Surgery. (Joint course by MIRA, SRS, & SLS) 8:00 am –11:30 am Master’s Class #9: Mastery of Robotics in Urology (Joint course by MIRA, SRS & SLS) 9:30 am – 10:00 am Refreshment Break 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Keynote Lecture(Snacks Provided) When Will Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery Replace Almost All Open Surgeries?” Co-Directors: Arnold P. Advincula, MD and Johannes Bonatti, MD Keynote Speaker: Camran Nezhat, MD 2:00 pm –2:15 pm Refreshment Break 4:00 pm –5:00 pm Special Workshop: Do you Help Students/Residents Become Better Learners? There May be Nothing You Do as a Teacher That Is More Important! Presented by Hilliard Jason, MD, EdD & Jane Westberg, PhD 4:45 pm – 6:45 pm OPENING CEREMONY Director: Paul Alan Wetter, MD; Co-Director: Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD Opening Remarks: Paul Alan Wetter, MD, SLS Chairman Presidential Address Introduction: James C. "Butch" Rosser, Jr., MD Address: Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD, SLS President 2012 MIRA Welcome: Johannes Bonatti, MD SRS Welcome: Arnold P. Advincula, MD Honorary Chair Presentations Introduction: Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD Honorary Chair: Professor Jie Qiao, MD, PhD Introduction: Joseph B. Petelin, MD Honorary Chair: Mehran Anvari, MB, BS, PhD • Canada’s Contribution to the Field of Medical Robotics Presentation of Awards for the Best Scientific Papers and Videos Recognition of Sponsors, Corporate Members, and Innovations of the Year 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm SPECIAL EVENT: WELCOME RECEPTION AND OPENING OF EXHIBIT HALL Kick off the conference at an informal reception open to all registrants in the Exhibit Hall. Meet old and new friends, and get a preliminary look at the technical exhibits. 6:45 pm – 8:30 pm Poster Gallery Open in Exhibit Hall Director: Gustavo Stringel, MD, MBA; Raymond J. Lanzafame, MD, MBA (See page 13 for details of new format.) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2012 6:30 am – 5:00 pm CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 6:45 am – 7:00 am Moderator Briefing: Raymond J. Lanzafame, MD, MBA; Gustavo Stringel, MD, MBA 7:00 am – 7:30 am Complimentary Coffee and Bakery Items / Visit Exhibits/ Special Presentations by Exhibitors 7:00 am – 2:00 pm Exhibits and Poster Gallery Open 7:30 am – 7:40 am HIGHLIGHTS OF “ROBOTICS STATE OF THE ART” SESSION 7:40 am – 8:30 am General Session: BEST OF LAPAROSCOPY UPDATES Key Updates presented by SLS Specialty Interest Group Committee Members highlighting the newest developments and future expectations of surgical and diagnostic procedures. Director: William E. Kelley, Jr., MD; Co-Directors: Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD; Douglas Ott, MD, MBA Robotics Committee: Sijo J. Parekattil, MD • Robotic Assisted Microsurgery: Vasectomy Reversal & Groin Pain Procedures NOTES, LESS, SPA & Single Port Surgery Committee: Kevin J. E. Stepp, MD • Beyond Conventional Laparoscopy: LESS, SILS, Microlaparoscopy and NOTES Page 4 Pediatric Surgery Committee: David W. Bliss, MD • Pediatric MAS – Equivalent or Better? Fertiloscopy/Transvaginal Endoscopy Committee: Stephen A. Grochmal, MD •Eccentric Hysteroscopy: Expanded Utilization 8:30 am – 9:45 am Multidisciplinary Plenary Session (Gynecology, General Surgery, Urology) “SURGERY IS A TEAM SPORT” EDUCATION FOR THE OR FROM SURGEON, NURSE, TECH, ANESTHESIA, CENTRAL, ETC….HOW TO RUN AN EFFICIENT, COST-EFFECTIVE, ECONOMICALLY RESPONSIBLE OPERATING ROOM! (See page 10 for description) Director: Jay A. Redan, MD: The Surgeon as the Captain of the Ship, What is Needed to Stay Afloat! Co-Director: Gustavo Stringel, MD, MBA: Quality Measures in the Operating Room. What Insurance Companies Want to Know about You and Your Team...How Are Outcomes Measured? Gregory Adkisson, MD: The Operating Room from the Head of the Table: An Anesthesiologist’s Perspective Nicolas Archer: How Much Money is Needed for a Safe, Cost Effective and Enjoyable Operating Room Environment? 9:45 am –10:00 am The Information You Need When and Where You Need It –SLS Scholarly Search and Interactive eBooks Paul Alan Wetter, MD 10:00 am – 10:30 am Refreshment Break / Visit Exhibits / Special Presentations by Exhibitors 10:30 am – 11:30 am Multidisciplinary Plenary Session (Gynecology, General Surgery, Urology) SINGLE ACCESS AND MINIMIZING PORTS: MULTIDISCIPLINARY TOWN HALL CHALLENGE/DEBATE (See page 10 for description) Director: Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD; Co-Director: William E. Kelley, Jr., MD Gustavo L. Carvalho, MD, PhD:Mini Laparoscopy David W. Rattner, MD:NOTES James C. "Butch" Rosser, MD: Traditional Laparoscopy Kevin J.E. Stepp, MD: Single Port 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Multidisciplinary Plenary Session (Gynecology, General Surgery, Urology) I COULD USE A ROBOT – BUT SHOULD I? WHO, WHY, WHEN, AND WHERE - JOINTLY WITH THE MINIMALLY INVASIVE ROBOTIC ASSOCIATION (MIRA) AND THE SOCIETY OF ROBOTIC SURGERY (SRS) (See page 11 for description) Director: Howard N. Winfield, MD: Robotic Surgery for Partial Nephrectomy: Is it That Much Better than Laparoscopic Approach? Is There Ever a Role for Open Surgical Intervention? Co-Director: Arnold P. Advincula, MD: Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Hysterectomy is Really Just Open Surgery in Disguise Ivo A.M.J. Broeders, Prof Dr Med: Is Robotic-Assisted Fundoplication Overkill? 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm Complimentary Light Snacks and Refreshments Available in Exhibit Hall / Visit Exhibits / Special Presentations by Exhibitors 1:00 pm –1:45 pm SIG Committee Meetings Director: Douglas E. Ott, MD, MBA; Co-Director: Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD 1:45 pm – 4:45 pm POSTER TOWNHALL PRESENTATIONS Poster presenters are invited to participate in this Oral Poster Session to make 2 minute oral presentations. The highest rated poster & presentation will receive a grand prize of $500. Director: Gustavo Stringel, MD, MBA; Co-Director: Raymond J. Lanzafame, MD, MBA Judges: Maurice K. Chung, MD, RPh; William E. Kelley, Jr, MD; Charles H. Koh, MD; John E. Morrison, Jr., MD; Farr Nezhat, MD; Douglas E. Ott, MD, MBA; Joseph B. Petelin, MD; Jay A. Redan, MD; Phillip Shadduck, MD; Howard N. Winfield, MD 1:45 pm – 4:45 pm CONCURRENT SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS (See page 12 for preliminary listing of scientific papers.) Over 200 Scientific Papers, Open Forum Presentations and Videos will be presented by SLS members and colleagues from around the world. Special Interst Group Committee Updates provide current status, newest developments and future expecta- tions of surgical and diagnostic procedures. Directors: MASH Committee Members 2:00 pm Exhibits and Poster Gallery Close 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Complimentary Coffee Available in Designated Areas 3:00 pm –3:45 pm Briefing Meeting: EuroAmericanMultispecialty Summit VI February 2013–Laparoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery 3:45 pm –4:30 pm Briefing Meeting: AsianAmerican Multispecialty Summit VI February 2014 –Laparoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery 4:45 pm Adjourn for the Day 6:30 pm –9:30 pm SPECIAL EVENT: SLS EVENING EVENT–DINNER/BOAT CRUISE ON BOSTON HARBOR (See page 15 for details. Ticket required.) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2012 6:30 am – 5:00 pm CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 7:00 am – 7:30 am Complimentary Coffee and Bakery Items in Exhibit Hall / Visit Exhibits / Special Presentations by Exhibitors 7:00 am – 2:00 pm Exhibits and Poster Gallery Open 7:30 am – 7:40 am HIGHLIGHTS OF “MULTISPECIALTY” SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS 7:40 am – 8:40 am Multidisciplinary Plenary Session (Gynecology, General Surgery, Urology) THE CHANGING FACE OF HEALTHCARE FOR SURGEONS….WORK TIME DIRECTIVES (See page 11 for description) Director: Richard M. Satava, MD; Co-Director: Stephen M. Kavic, MD: Richard K. Reznick, MD: Canadian Implementation of the Work Time Directives within a National Healthcare System Professor Oscar Traynor: The European Perspective and Current Trends within the European Union Continued on page 6 Page 5 Preliminary Program 8:40 am – 9:10 am Awarding of Best Poster Director: Gustavo Stringel, MD, MBA; Co-Director: Raymond J. Lanzafame, MD, MBA Presentation of Michael S. Kavic Best Resident Paper, Paul Alan Wetter Award for Best MultiSpecialty Paper, and Carl J. Levinson Best Video Award Director: Paul Alan Wetter, MD; Co-Director: Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD 9:10 am – 9:25 am Improving the Outcomes for Six Million Surgical Patients – ORReady Paul Alan Wetter, MD 9:25 am – 10:10 am 2nd Robotic Olympic Finals Come watch as the top contestants battle it out for the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals of the Robotic Olympics! Director: Jacques Hubert, MD; Moderators: Arnold P. Advincula, MD; Richard Satava, MD; Paul Alan Wetter, MD 9:30 am –3:30 pm Spouse/Guest Explore Boston Tour(Ticket required. Sign up on the online registration form.) 10:10 am – 11:40 am VIDEO SESSION: SURGICAL SURPRISES (See page 14 for more information about this format.) Director: Charles H. Koh, MD; Co-Director: Gustavo Stringel, MD, MBA Panel: Mehran Anvari, MB, BS, PhD; Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD; Michel Gagner, MD, Michael S. Kavic, MD; William E. Kelley, MD, Jr.; Raymond J. Lanzafame, MD, MBA; Liselotte Mettler, Prof Dr Med; Farr Nezhat, MD; Joseph B. Petelin, MD; Jay A. Redan, MD; James C. "Butch" Rosser, Jr., MD 11:40 am - 11:55 am Special Presentation:(Nearly) All You Need to Know to be a Great Surgical Teacher (in about 15 Minutes) – 2012 Edition Hilliard Jason, MD, EdD 11:55 am – 1:45 pm Complimentary Light Snacks and Refreshments in Exhibit Hall / Visit Exhibits / Special Presentations by Exhibitors 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm New Product Presentations by Exhibitors in Exhibit Hall Co-Directors: Phillip Shadduck, MD; Volker R. Jacobs, MD, PhD, MBA 12:30 pm –1:15 pm Top Gun Laparoscopy Shoot Out in Exhibit Hall 1:45 pm – 5:30 pm CONCURRENT SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS (See page 12 for preliminary listing) Over 200 Scientific Papers, Open Forum Presentations and Videos will be presented by SLS members and colleagues from around the world. Laparoscopy Updates: Current status, newest developments and future expectations of surgical and diagnostic procedures. Directors: MASH Committee Members 2:00 pm Exhibits and Poster Gallery Close 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Complimentary Coffee Available at Designated Areas 5:30 pm Adjourn for the Day SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012 7:00 am – 11:15 am CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 7:30 am – 8:45 am SPECIAL EVENT: BREAKFAST WITH THE 2012 EXCEL AWARD RECIPIENT (See page 15 for more information about this special event. Accompanying guests are invited to attend the breakfast, Excel award lecture and Future Technology Session. Ticket required.) Director: Paul Alan Wetter, MD Introduction: Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD Excel Award Recipient: Charles H. Koh, MD 8:45 am – 8:55 am HIGHLIGHTS OF “NEW & EXCITING TECHNOLOGY” SESSION 9:00 am –10:30 am SPECIAL EVENT: FUTURE TECHNOLOGY SESSION WITH KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: ROBOTS – REAL AND VIRTUAL (See page 15 for more information about this special event.) Director: Richard M. Satava, MD Keynote Speaker, Marc Raibert presents Dynamic Legged Robots Keynote Speaker, Mark Covey presentsSpecial Effects: From Motion Pictures to Surgical Education 10:30 am – 10:45 am Closing Ceremony and Passing of the Presidential Gavel President: Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD President Elect: Joseph B. Petelin, MD 10:45 am Minimally Invasive Surgery Week • SLS-MIRA-SRS Joint Annual Meeting & Endo Expo 2012 is Adjourned 10:45 am – 11:15 am SLS Business Meeting – All SLS members are encouraged to attend. Faculty, Program and Topics subject to change. Page 6 Pre-Conference Master’s Classes Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012 Master’s Class#1 • Half Day Master’s Class#2 • Half Day Master’s Class#3 • Full Day Smart Surgeons Learn From Their Reduced Port MIS, More Than an Advanced Laparoscopic Suturing for the Mistakes, Brilliant Surgeons Learn From Incision Decision Gynecologist, Urologist, General and Other Surgeons’ Mistakes: Prevention Robotic Surgeon “THE Vertical Zone –The and Management of Laparoscopic and Next Level beyond Triangulation”(Including Endoscopic Surgical Complications Primer for Effective Robotic Suturing) 8:00-11:30am; 3.5AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM 8:00-11:30am; 3.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM 8:00am-4:00pm; 7AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM All abdominal and pelvic MIS procedures Leading practitioners in the field of general Be one of the 90% of participants who can carry an inherent risk of complications. This surgery will discuss their experiences with throw an intracorporeal knot in < 3 mins. interactive course will present a philoso- reduced port surgery (RPS), or single inci- After 90 minutes instruction in the ‘vertical phy for the prevention and management of sion laparoscopic surgery (SILS), natural zone’! complications during minimally invasive orifice transluminal enteric surgery surgery of the abdomen and pelvis. Video (NOTES), and NOSCAR. The advantages, Participants will learn the uses and limita- segments and case presentations will be risks, and disadvantages of each form of tions of laparoscopic suturing with the used to demonstrate principles and stimu- RPS vs. traditional MIS will be discussed ‘Triangulation’ algorithm. For gynecologists late discussion based on participant needs and debated, as well asfuture applications closing the uterus and vagina transversely, identified by responses to the pre-course of the respective technologies. Current urologists anastomosing urethra to bladder, questionnaire. Source material will be positions of NOSCAR, the combined ASGE performing uretero-ureterostomy, surgeons obtained from students’ “real world” and SAGES working group on the develop- closing colon and rectum transversely – the experiences and supplemented with mate- ment, research, and introduction of NOTES needle needs to move in the sagittal plane, rials selected by the faculty panel and cus- technology will be discussed. not the side to side or coronal plane of the tomized based on pre-course questionnaire triangulation style. The ‘Vertical Zone’ results. An interactive student and faculty FACULTY describes our technique of suturing with discussion format will be utilized. This William E. Kelley, Jr., MD, Director two hands ipsilaterally that allows the nee- course will discuss management paradigms Paul G. Curcillo, II, MD, Co-Director dle to operate in the sagittal plane, while to prevent, recognize, and treat complica- Michel Gagner, MD permitting a restful and relaxed attitude of tions appropriately. Careful, methodical Sharona Ross, MD the elbows, forearms and hands. Primer on assessment and strategies for appropriate James C. “Butch” Rosser, MD robotic suturing and knot tying will be action will be stressed. Topical presenta- Steven Schwaitzberg, MD shown and discussed, so that the partici- tions based on student input will highlight pants truly understand suturing applications detailed surgical anatomy, sound surgical across all platforms. principles and careful technique. In numerous courses nationally and interna- NOTE:Syllabus materials are provided as a tionally this algorithm has allowed over 80% reference resource and are not intended as of participants to succeed in tying an intra- a verbatim summary of course content, corporeal knot within 3 minutes after 2 which is largely video-based. Participants hours of training. are strongly encouraged to anonymously submit video or other case material prior to With excellent fidelity, the relative hand the courseto maximize topical relevance for positions and movements are immediately their individual practice and needs. Please transferable from the trainer to the O.R. This provide a brief description of the material course equips all attendees with improved upon submission. suturing skills and insight into applications during surgery. FACULTY Raymond J. Lanzafame, MD, MBA, Director FACULTY Ceana Nezhat, MD, Co-Director Charles H. Koh, MD, Director Lawrence C. Biskin, MD Gustavo Stringel, MD, MBA, Co-Director Howard N. Winfield, MD Yaniris R. Avellanet, MD Maurice K. Chung, RPh, MD Dobie Giles, MD Keith B. Isaacson, MD “This is my first SLS conference. I was most impressed Grace M. Janik, MD with the feel of family, the multidisciplinary approach & Katherine O’Neal presentation, the multinational involvement - I will be back...” --2011 Annual Meeting Attendee For Complete Objectives for Each Course, visit www.SLS.org. More Master’s Classes on page 8 Page 7 Pre-Conference Master’s Classes cont. Master’s Class#4 • Half Day Master’s Class#5 • Half Day Master’s Class#6 • Half Day Mastery of Robotics in Gynecology General Surgery “An Afternoon ORReady Surgical Safety and Superior "Robotic Assisted & Video Assisted with Presidents" Outcomes (Jointly with the Association of Laparoscopic Treatment of Endometriosis (Joint course: SLS, MIRA, SRS, SAGES) periOperative Registered Nurses [AORN]) & Uterine Fibroids from Diagnosis to Management” (Joint course: MIRA, SRS, SLS) 12:30-4:00pm; 3.5AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM 12:30-4:00pm; 3.5AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM 12:30-4:00pm; 3.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM This Master’s Class is for advanced robotic Timely insights into MIS General Surgery and laparoscopic surgeons specializing in from past and current society presidents. ORReady is a world- the treatment of endometriosis and fibroids. The SLS-MIRA-SRS Joint Annual Meeting wide, multispecialty Leading practitioners in the fields of gynecol- and Endo Expo 2012 Minimally Invasive initiative meant to en- ogy will discuss their experiences in the eval- Surgery Week will take place on the eve of a courage steps thatare uation and management of these patholo- US Presidential Election, in a city of great known to improve sur- gies. Given the potential for involvement of historical significance, at a time of unprece- gical outcomes and nerves, blood vessels, intestinal tract, or uri- dented international change. The changes save lives. If the cur- nary tract, and the various faces and behav- that are occurring in surgery, changes in rent guidelines such iors of fibroids, surgery for endometriosis educational paradigms, technologies and as Check Lists, Time and fibroids can be very difficult. Minimally devices, and practice models—are also Outs and Warm Ups invasive surgical and non-surgical approach- unprecedented. What more appropriate time are followed routinely, es will be presented. to spend “An Afternoon with Presidents”ben- it is estimated that six efiting from their seasoned perspectives million patients around the world could have FACULTY and collective wisdom? better outcomes through error reduction. Camran Nezhat, MD, Director That's 2-3% of the approximately 250 million Arnold P. Advincula, MD, Co-Director Past and current presidents of SLS, MIRA/ surgeries that are performed worldwide each Harry Reich, MD, Co-Director SRS, AHS, SAGES, and other leading soci- year. This course is meant to improve aware- Masaaki Andou, MD eties will share their perspectives on topics ness of safety and outcome issues and focus Mona Orady, MD of contemporary interest: teaching the next on how to implement systems that promote generation of surgeons; improving surgeon the penetration of these measures into the health, physical and mental; improving edu- culture of the operating room environment cation, credentialing, and skills maintenance and beyond. Validated warm-up procedures, with simulation; preparing for what comes introduction of empowering patients and next technologically; and thinking globally. referring physicians in the peri-operative Not only will the learnings from the Presidents process; and suggestions for better commu- will be timely and relevant to surgeons of all nication amongst the peri-operative team ages, this course will present a unique will be presented. Nurses, surgical techni- opportunity for surgeons in training. cians, surgical physician assistants, surgeons and administrators are all invited. FACULTY Phillip Shadduck, MD, Director FACULTY Michael S. Kavic, Co-Director James C. “Butch” Rosser, Jr., MD, Director President SLS (1997), AHS (2005) Annette Wasielewski, BSN, RN, CNOR Garth Ballantyne, MD Co-Director President MIRA (2006) Jay A. Redan, MD, Co-Director Don Moorman, MD Joseph B. Petelin, MD Richard M. Vazquez, MD President SLS (1995, 2012) Paul Alan Wetter, MD Richard Satava, MD President SAGES (1995), SLS (2003), MIRA Board Steven Schwaitzberg, MD President SAGES (2011) For Complete Objectives for Each Course, visit www.SLS.org. More Master’s Classes on page 9 Page 8