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Double-diffusive magnetorotational instability of super-rotation under the influence of azimuthal magnetic fields PDF

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Preview Double-diffusive magnetorotational instability of super-rotation under the influence of azimuthal magnetic fields

Double-diffusive magnetorotationalinstability ofsuper-rotation under the influence ofazimuthal magneticfields G. Ru¨diger, M. Gellert, M. Schultz Leibniz-Institutfu¨rAstrophysik Potsdam, Ander Sternwarte16, D-14482 Potsdam, Germany F. Stefani Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, PF 510119, 01314 Dresden, Germany (Dated:January11,2016) ItisdemonstratedthattheAzimuthalMagnetoRotationalInstability(AMRI)alsoworkswithsuper-rotation 6 contrarytothestandardMRIforaxialfieldswhichrequiresnegativeshear. Thestabilityagainstnonaxisym- 1 metricperturbationsofaconductingTaylor-Couetteflowwithpositiveshearundertheinfluenceofatoroidal 0 magneticfieldisconsideredwhichcanindeedbeunstableevenifthefieldbetweenthecylindersiscurrent-free. 2 Thisphenomenon isidentifiedasadouble-diffusive instabilitywhichonlyworksforsmallorlargemagnetic n PrandtlnumberPm.ForallPmtheunstablecombinationsofrotationandfieldleadtomagneticMachnumbers a belowunity. ForsmallPmthecurvesofmarginalinstabilityintheHartmann/Reynoldsnumber planedonot J differfordifferingPm. 7 FormodelswithrestinginnercylinderitisdemonstratedthatexperimentstorealizethisformofAMRIwith liquidsodium need axial electric currents of about 33 kAmp flowing inside the inner cylinder at rin = 0.8, ] independent oftheglobalscalesofthecontainer. Moreover, theinstabilityofthesuper-rotationwithnottoo n y small Reynolds number is only weakly influenced by the radial profile of the field. The lines of marginal d instabilityareverysimilarforthefieldswiththeprofilesbetweenBφ ∝1/R(‘current-free’)andBφ ∝R(‘z - pinch’). u fl PACSnumbers: . s c i INTRODUCTION ricperturbationsareconsidered.Ithasbeendemonstratedthat s forfieldswithB 1/RallTaylor-Couetteflowsarestable y φ ∝ h Inrecentyearsinstabilitiesinrotatingconductingfluidsun- against axisymmetric perturbations. The Azimuthal Magne- p der the influence of magnetic fields became of high interest. toRotationalInstability(AMRI)isthusbasicallynonaxisym- [ Especiallyinviewofastrophysicalapplicationstheconsidera- metric[10]. 1 tionofdifferentialrotationisrelevant.Ithasbeenknownfora Taylor-Couetteflows with positiveshear are the prototype v longtimethatdifferentialrotationwith negativeshear(‘sub- of hydrodynamic stability, [13, 14]. The more surprising is 4 rotation’) becomes unstable under the influence of an axial thefindingthatevenweakmagnetictoroidalfieldscaneasily 6 field[1]. Whenconsideredseparately,bothingredientsofthe destabilize such flows if also nonaxisymmetricperturbations 9 1 MagnetoRotationalInstability (MRI), i.e. the axial field and are taken into account, [18, 20]. We shall even demonstrate 0 alsotheKeplerrotation,arestable. Thefullsystemprovesto thattheradialprofileofthefields–ifnottoosteep–doesnot . beunstableifandonlyifthefluidissub-rotating. playanimportantroletoallowinstability. Ontheotherhand, 1 0 Foridealfluidsthecriterionofstabilityagainstaxisymmet- the new instability is a double-diffusive phenomenon which 6 ricperturbationsofdifferentialrotationunderthepresenceof doesnotappearif the molecularviscosity andthe molecular 1 toroidalfieldsreads magneticresistivityareofthesameorder. : v 2 1 d R d B i (R2Ω)2 φ >0, (1) X R3dR − µ ρdR(cid:18) R (cid:19) 0 THEEQUATIONS r a where µ is the permeability and ρ the density [2]. In this 0 relation the existence of axisymmetric kinetic and magnetic Theequationsoftheproblemare perturbationsdependssolelyontheradialprofileoftherota- tionlaw.Thestabilityproblemoftoroidalfieldsplusdifferen- ∂U 1 1 +(U )U = P +ν∆U + curlB B tialrotationincylindricgeometryhasbeenstudiedbyseveral ∂t ·∇ −ρ∇ µ ρ × 0 authorsoften consideringthe perturbationsas axisymmetric, ∂B [3–11]. = curl(U B)+η∆B (2) ∂t × After(1)solid-bodyrotationandallkindsofsuper-rotation (“positive radial shear) are stabilized by the magnetic field withdivU =divB =0foranincompressiblefluid.U isthe unless the field strongly increases outwards. The profiles velocity,Bthemagneticfield,P thepressure,νthekinematic B 1/R(current-freebetweenthecylinders)andB R viscosity and η is the magnetic diffusivity. The basic state φ φ ∝ ∝ (z-pinch, homogeneousaxial electric-current, see [12]) can- in thecylindricsystem with thecoordinatesR,φ,z is U = R notdestabilizeanyformofsuper-rotationifonlyaxisymmet- U = B = B = 0 forthe poloidalcomponentsandΩ = z R z 2 aΩ +bΩ/R2fortherotationlawwiththeconstants conus where both branches have a positive slope, [15, 16]. AbsoluteminimaoftheHartmannnumberandthe Reynolds aΩ = µ1Ω −rr2i2nΩin, bΩ = 11−µr2ΩΩinRi2n. (3) nthuemmbeinriemxaistt,hbeeilnoswtabwihliitcyhdtohmearointaitsioanlwlaawysislismtaibteled.bAybtowvoe − in − in criticalvaluesoftheHartmannnumberortheReynoldsnum- Here r = R /R with R and R as the radii and in in out in out ber. For a given (supercritical) Reynolds number there is a Ωin astheangularvelocityoftheinnercylinder. WithµΩ = minimummagneticfieldfortheinstabilityandthereisamax- Ωout/Ωin super-rotationisrepresentedbyµΩ >1. imum magnetic field suppressing the instability. Above the Forthemagneticfieldthestationarysolutionis weak-fieldbranchtherotationalshearistoostrongtosupport b nonaxisymmetricperturbations. B B =a R+ . (4) φ B R TheradialmagneticprofileB Risduetoanappliedho- φ ∝ mogeneousaxialelectriccurrent(‘z-pinch’)whileB 1/R φ ∝ is current-freein the fluid. We define µ = B /B . Al- B out in mostalwaysr =0.9ischosen.Thecurrent-freefieldisthen in givenbyµ =0.9andthefieldinthez-pinchisµ =1.1. B B The dimensionless physical parameters of the system are the magnetic Prandtl number Pm, the Hartmann number Ha andtheReynoldsnumberRe,i.e. ν B D Ω D2 in out Pm= , Ha= , Re= . (5) η √µ0ρνη ν FIG.1:Theinstabilityconesforthetwosuper-rotationprofileswith ThesethreeparameterscombinetothemagneticMachnum- µΩ = 1.9(cross-hatched) andµΩ = 2.3(hatched). Pm = 10−5. ber Mm = √PmRe/Ha indicating whether the rotation en- rin=0.9,µB =0.9,m=±1,perfect-conductingcylinders. ergydominatesthemagneticenergyornot. A linear code is used to solve the set of ordinary differ- The magnetic Mach number for both curves is always ential equations for the radial functions of flow, field and smallerthanunityhenceforinstabilitythemagneticfieldmust pressure which results after a Fourier mode transformation bestrong. F =F(R)exp i(kz+mφ+ωt) ofthefluctuations.Theso- lutionsareoptim(cid:0) izedwithrespec(cid:1)ttotheReynoldsnumberfor given Hartmann numberby varying the wave number. Only solutions for m = 1 are discussed in this Letter. The hy- | | drodynamicboundaryconditionsatthecylinderwallsareas- sumedasu = u = u = 0. Thecylindersaremadefrom R φ z perfect-conductingor – in one case – from insulating mate- rial. For the conducting walls the fluctuations b must fulfill db /dR+b /R = b = 0atbothR andR sothatten φ φ R in out boundaryconditionsexistforthesetoftendifferentialequa- FIG.2: ThewavenumberskD (leftpanel) andthedriftfrequency tions (see [15]). For Bz = 0 one can easily show that the ωdr/Ωout (right panel) along the lines of marginal instability for systemisdegeneratedunderthetransformationm → −mso Pm = 10−5 (µΩ = 5.0,2.3,1.9, fromlefttoright)andPm = 10 thatalleigenvalues(forspecificReandHa)arevalidforeach (µΩ = 5.0). rin = 0.9, µB = 0.9, m = ±1, perfect-conducting pairm= 1. cylinders. ± To become unstable the flat rotation law with µΩ = 1.9 AZIMUTHALMAGNETOROTATIONALINSTABILITY requiresmuchhigherHartmannnumbersandReynoldsnum- bersthan the steeper rotation law with µΩ = 2.3. The rota- Westartwithrotationlawswheretheoutercylinderrotates tion law with µΩ <1.9 nowhere within the gap reaches the with higher frequencythan the inner cylinder. For the small minimumRossbyn∼umberRo=(1/2)dlogΩ/dlogR=4.8 magneticPrandtlnumberof Pm = 10−5 Fig. 1 presentsthe which is found by local approximations of the solution of linesofmarginalinstability(i.e.forvanishinggrowthrate)for (2) as a lower limit which should be exceeded for instabil- thetwo rotationprofileswithµΩ = 1.9andµΩ = 2.3. The ity [17, 18]. The reason might be that, as the plots also magneticfield between the cylindersis fixed to the vacuum- show, this Rossby numberis by far notuniformover the ra- type,B 1/R. Theformoftheresultinglinescorresponds dius for Taylor-Couette flows. They also demonstrate that a φ ∝ to the general form of the lines for the AMRI (with sub- lower limit does not exist for perfect-conductingboundaries rotation)wherethe line ofmarginalinstability formsa tilted at the mentioned value. It is clear, however, that for more 3 andmoreflatrotationlawthesupercriticalReynoldsnumbers andHartmannnumbersaregrowing.Thequestioniswhether a minimum value µΩ > 1 indeed exists for which the crit- ical Reynolds number and Hartmann number reach infinity. WhethersuchalimitexistsbelowµΩ =1.9isnotyetfinally clearfornumericalreasons. Wavenumbersandazimuthalpatternmigration TheleftpanelofFig. 2givestheoptimizedwavenumbers ofthe instabilitynormalizedwith thegapwidthD alongthe FIG. 3: The minimum values of Ha and their corresponding twobranchesofinstabilityforsmallandlargePm. Theaxial Reynoldsnumbersfromthecurvesofmarginalinstabilityshownin sizeofcellisδz/D≃π/k. Cellswithk <πarethusprolate Fig. 1forµΩ =2.3vs. Pm. ForPm>2·10−3nosolutionexists. whilecellswith k > π areoblatewith respectto therotaion Forrin = 0.8theHartmannnumbers(crosses)andReynoldsnum- axis. Thelimitk = π fornearlysphericalcellsismarkedby bers(squares)forµΩ =4(up)andµΩ =128(down)aregivenbut a horizontal dotted line. The plot demonstrates that the cell onlyforPm=10−5. geometrystrongly dependson the magnetic Prandtlnumber. ForsmallPmalsothewavenumbersaresmallhencethecells Moreimportantis thatthe curvesstop atPm 2 10−3 in- areprolateorspherical.Alongthestrong-field(lower)branch ≃ · dicating that for higher values of Pm no solutions unstable of the instability cone the wave numbersexceedthose at the againstperturbationswithm=1exist.ForPm>1,however, low-field(upper)branchwherethecellsareratherlonginax- the instability resurrects with strikingly low Reynolds num- ial direction. For Pm 1, however, the wave numbers at ≫ bers (Fig. 4, right). The low Reynolds numbersensure that bothbranchesoftheconusarelargerthanπ so thatthecells also for large magnetic Prandtl numbers the magnetic Mach arealwaysveryflat. number remains smaller than unity. Instabilities which only Also the drift rates possess a strong Pm-dependence. The existforν = η belongto the class of double-diffusiveinsta- drift values as given in the rightpanel of Fig. 2 are the real 6 bilities[21]. TheydonotappearforPm 1. parts ω of the frequency ω of the Fourier mode of the in- dr ≈ To findouthow strongthe influenceofthe boundarycon- stability,normalizedwiththerotationrateoftheoutercylin- der. Because of φ˙ = ω /m the azimuthal migration has dition is, Fig. 4 (left) gives the instability map for µΩ = 5 dr − for the two cases of perfect-conductingwalls and insulating the opposite sign of ω . For AMRI with negativeshear we dr boundaryconditions. The application of the rather steep ro- alwaysfoundthatthepatternmigratesforallPminpositiveφ- direction([19]). ForTaylerinstability undertheinfluenceof tation law with µΩ = 5 has only numerical reasons, the super-rotationthesituationismorecomplicatedasthepattern magneticPrandtlnumberofPm = 10−5 characterizesliquid sodium (for laboratory experiments). Note that for vacuum counterrotates for small Pm while it corotates for Pm > 1, boundariesthesuper-rotationlawsaremuchmorestablethan [20]. The plot in Fig. 2 shows similar results. For small for perfect-conductingconditions. For AMRI with negative Pmpositiveω occurandtheperturbationpatternindeedro- dr shearthecriticalHartmannnumbersforbothkindsofbound- tatesbackwards.LargePmprovidenegativedriftvalueshence the pattern migrates with the rotation. For ω /Ω = 1 aryconditionsdoonlyslightlydiffer(butalsowithhigherval- dr out − ues for vacuum conditions). The influence of the boundary thepatternrotatesjustastheoutercylinder(onlypossiblefor largePm). conditions is also large if the instability of the z-pinch un- derthepresenceofdifferentialrotationisconsidered. Often, however,vacuumboundaryconditionslead to a mucheasier InfluencesofthemagneticPrandtlnumberandboundary excitationoftheinstabilitythantheconductingconditionsdo, conditions see[20]. OnefindsfromtheFigs. 1–4theexpectedtrendwithµΩ Figure 3 gives the coordinates of the locations with mini- for the minimum Reynolds number. For perfect-conducting mumHartmannnumbershowninFig. 1forµΩ =2.3butfor boundariesandPm=10−5itdecreasesfrom3500fortheflat variousPm. One finds that for Pm 0 both the Hartmann rotation law (µΩ = 1.9) to 250 for the steeper rotation law numberandtheReynoldsnumbercon→verge(toHa 400and (µΩ =5). ≃ Re 2000). Thecurvesscale,therefore,withHaandRefor ≃ small Pm, so that the numerical values of Ha and Re given in Fig. 1 for Pm = 10−5 (sodium) can also be used for the RESTINGINNERCYLINDER smallervalueofgallium. On the other hand, for increasing Pm the minimum Hart- ATaylor-Couetteflowwithrestinginnercylinderisclearly mannnumberandtheReynoldsnumberare(slightly)reduced. the most simple model for super-rotating fluids. As it also 4 1000 R) E T U 800 TI RI O M R ( A BE 600 M U N S 400 D L O N 200 Y FIG. 4: Instability maps for µΩ = 5. Left panel: Pm = 10−5 RE 0 forperfect-conductingandinsulatingcylinders. Rightpanel: Pm = 0 500 1000 1500 10, perfect-conductingcylinders. Allcurvesofmarginalinstability HARTMANN NUMBER fulfilltheconditionMm<1.rin=0.9. FIG.5: Instabilitymapfor Taylor-Couetteflowswithrestinginner cylinder. Theradialprofilesoftheazimuthalbackgroundfieldsvary forms the steepest radial profile (µΩ = ∞) we expect the lfirnoems).µBBlu=eco1l.o1r:(zP-mpin=ch0,.t0h2ic.kRleidnecso)lotor:µPBm==100.9−5(.ArMinR=I, 0th.i9n, minimal Hartmann numberswhich are suitable for a labora- perfect-conductingboundaries. tory experiment (with cylinders from conducting material). The thin red line in Fig. 5 valid for the current-free field B 1/R and for Pm = 10−5 provides a minimum Hart- φ ∝ in MHD Taylor-Couette flows does not strongly depend on mannnumberof about145. In orderto transformthis value theradialprofileofthefield. Italreadyworksforcurrent-free tothenecessaryelectric-currentalongtheaxis(i.e. withinthe fields but axial electric-currents do not basically change the innercylinder)thewell-knownrelationI = 5R B can axis in in system, which is even true for the z-pinch with its uniform berewrittenas currentdensity. R in Iaxis =5 Ha√µ0ρνη =5Hain√µ0ρνη, (6) D withHa astheHartmannnumberafter(5)formedwithR in in insteadwiththegapwidthD.WefindHain =1300orIaxis [1] E.P.Velikhov,Sov.Phys.JETP36,995(1959) ≃ 53.5 kAmp for liquid sodium as the conducting fluid (with [2] D.Michael,Mathematica1,45(1954) √µ0ρνη 8.2 in c.g.s.). This is the minimum current for [3] S.Chandrasekhar,HydrodynamicandHydromagneticStability ≃ (ClarendonPress,Oxford,1961) instabilitywith the gapwidthD = 0.1. 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