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Double-beta decay of $^{130}$Te to the first 0$^{+}$ excited state of $^{130}$Xe with CUORICINO PDF

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Preview Double-beta decay of $^{130}$Te to the first 0$^{+}$ excited state of $^{130}$Xe with CUORICINO

Double-beta decay of 130Te to the first 0+ excited state of 130Xe with CUORICINO E. Andreotti,1,2,a C. Arnaboldi,3 F. T. Avignone III,4 M. Balata,5 I. Bandac,4 M. Barucci,6,7 J. W. Beeman,8 F. Bellini,9,10 C. Brofferio,2,3 A. Bryant,11,12 C. Bucci,5 L. Canonica,13,14 S. Capelli,2,3 L. Carbone,2 M. Carrettoni,2,3 M. Clemenza,2,3 O. Cremonesi,2 R. J. Creswick,4 S. Di Domizio,13,14 M. J. Dolinski,12,15 L. Ejzak,16 R. Faccini,9,10 H. A. Farach,4 E. Ferri,2,3 E. Fiorini,2,3,b L. Foggetta,1,2,c A. Giachero,2 L. Gironi,2,3 A. Giuliani,1,2,d P. Gorla,5,e E. Guardincerri,5,11,14 T. D. Gutierrez,17 E. E. Haller,8,18 K. Kazkaz,15 L. Kogler,11,12 S. Kraft,2,3 C. Maiano,2,3 C. Martinez,4,f M. Martinez,2,19,g R. H. Maruyama,16 S. Newman,4,5 S. Nisi,5 C. Nones,1,2,h E. B. Norman,15,20 A. Nucciotti,2,3 F. Orio,9,10 M. Pallavicini,13,14 V. Palmieri,21 L. Pattavina,2,3 M. Pavan,2,3 M. Pedretti,15 G. Pessina,2 S. Pirro,2 E. Previtali,2 L. Risegari,6,7 C. Rosenfeld,4 C. Rusconi,1,2 C. Salvioni,1,2 S. Sangiorgio,16,i D. Schaeffer,2,3 N. D. Scielzo,15 M. Sisti,2,3 A. R. Smith,22 C. Tomei,10 G. Ventura,6,7 and M. Vignati9,10 2 1Dipartimento di Fisica e Matematica, Universita` dell’Insubria, Como I-22100 - Italy 1 2INFN - Sezione di Milano Bicocca, Milano I-20126 - Italy 0 2 3Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` di Milano-Bicocca, Milano I-20126 - Italy 4Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208 - USA n 5INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Assergi (L’Aquila) I-67010 - Italy a 6Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` di Firenze, Firenze I-50125 - Italy J 7INFN - Sezione di Firenze, Firenze I-50125 - Italy 0 8Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA 3 9Dipartimento di Fisica, Sapienza Universita` di Roma, Roma I-00185 - Italy 10INFN - Sezione di Roma, Roma I-00185 - Italy x] 11Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA e 12Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA - 13Dipartimento di Fisica, Universita` di Genova, Genova I-16146 - Italy cl 14INFN - Sezione di Genova, Genova I-16146 - Italy u 15Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550 - USA n 16Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 - USA [ 17Physics Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 - USA 18Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 2 University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA v 19Laboratorio de Fisica Nuclear y Astroparticulas, 3 Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza 50009 - Spain 1 20Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA 3 21INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro (Padova) I-35020 - Italy 4 22EH&S Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 - USA . 8 (Dated: January 31, 2012) 0 1 TheCUORICINOexperimentwasanarrayof62TeO2single-crystalbolometerswithatotal130Te 1 mass of 11.3kg. The experiment finished in 2008 after more than 3 years of active operating time. : Searchesforboth0ν and2ν double-betadecaytothefirstexcited0+ statein130Xewereperformed v by studying different coincidence scenarios. The analysis was based on data representing a total i X exposureof N(130Te)·t=9.5×1025y. Noevidenceforasignal was found. Theresulting lowerlimits r on the half lives are T12ν(cid:0)130Te→130 Xe∗(cid:1)>1.3×1023y (90% C.L.), and T10ν(cid:0)130Te→130 Xe∗(cid:1)> 2 2 a 9.4×1023y (90% C.L.). PACSnumbers: 23.40.Hc,23.40.Bw,21.10.Bw,27.60.+j I. INTRODUCTION Two-neutrinodouble-beta(2νββ)decayandneutrino- a Presentlyat: JointResearchCenter,InstituteforReferenceMa- less double-beta (0νββ) decay have been known for over terialsandMeasurement,2440Geel-Belgium b Correspondingauthor;e-mail: [email protected] c Presentlyat: Laboratoiredel’Acc´el´erateurLin´eaire,CentreSci- entifiqued’Orsay,91898Orsay-France Canada d Presently at: Centre de Spectrom´etrie Nucl´eaire et de Spec- g Presently at: Institut d’Astrophysique Spatial, 91045 Orsay - trom´etriedeMasse,91405OrsayCampus-France France e Presently at: INFN - Sezione di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma I- h Presentlyat: CEA/Saclay, 91191Gif-sur-Yvette-France 00133-Italy i Presently at: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Liver- f Presently at: Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6 - more,CA94550-USA 2 70 years now [1, 2] (a recent review can be found in [3]). While experimental evidence for 2νββ-decay has been Decay Transition Theoretical (y) Experimental (y) found there is still no observation for the 0νββ-decay, 0+ →0+ 7.5×1025 [17, 18] >3.1×1022 [19] 0ν 1 however several limits for the half-life have been set in 0+ →0+ (1.6÷15)×1023 [20] >2.8×1024 [21] thepastwithvaluesgreaterthan1021y. Inbothofthese 0+ →0+ (5.1÷14)×1022 [15, 16]a >2.3×1021 [16] 2ν 1 processesthelifetime isproportionaltothesquareofthe 0+ →0+ (1.7÷70)×1019 [20] 7.0×1020 [22] Nuclear Matrix Elements (NME). Two neutrino double a Correctedvaluesfor[15](discussionintext) betadecayhasbeendetectedintennucleiontheground state of the daughter nucleus and in two nuclei on the TABLEI.Theoreticalevaluations(formββ=1eV)andexper- excited state of it, and the corresponding extracted val- imental best limits (90% CL) for the half-life of 130Te 0νββ ues for the NME are in reasonable agreement with the and 2νββ decay. theoretical expectation. In the case of 0νββ-decay their value is very important since it plays the same role in the prediction of the decay time as m , the effective ββ neutrino mass [3–6]. indicated in reference [15] since it was based on a wrong evaluation of the phase-space. The reported value is the TheCUORICINOexperimentwasanarrayof62TeO 2 one re-elaborated by A.S. Barabash [16] on the basis of bolometers operated at a temperature of about 10mK. the correct phase space factor. A bolometer [7, 8] detects an energy release as a tem- perature rise in the absorber crystal. Thermal pulses are converted into electric signals by means of neutron transmutation doped (NTD) thermistors [9], which are II. SEARCH STRATEGY AND EVENT SELECTION coupled to each absorber. CUORICINO was organized in 13 planes. All of these planes were composed of four crystals with dimensions of 5×5×5cm3 and a mass of In this analysis, we consider only configurations in 790geach,exceptforthe11th and12th (fromtoptobot- which the electrons are contained in the crystal where tom). Each of these two particular planes had 9 crystals the decay takes place, and each de-excitation photon is withdimensionsof3×3×6cm3andamassof330g. Two completely absorbed in one crystal. With these require- of these smaller crystals were enriched to 82.3% of 128Te ments, three different scenarios are possible (see Fig- and two others to 75% of 130Te. All the other crystals ure 3). Scenario 1 takes place when both gammas es- had the natural isotopic abundance of 130Te (33.8%). A cape from the original crystal. In scenario 2, the low- monthlycalibrationwasperformedusinga232Thsource. energy gamma (536.09keV) is trapped in the original The energy spectrum of the events collected by CUORI- crystal with the betas, while the high-energy gamma CINO can be seen in Figure 1. A more detailed descrip- (1257.41keV) escapes. Scenario 3 is the opposite of sce- tion of the experiment can be found in [10]. nario2: thehigh-energygamma(1257.41keV)istrapped CUORICINO’s geometry provides a unique opportu- in the original crystal with the betas, while the low- nity to search for 0νββ and 2νββ decay to the first 0+ energyone(536.09keV)escapes. Thesignaturesandthe excited state in 130Xe in an essentially background-free correspondingefficienciesarereportedinTableII.Afur- environment. This is due to the fact that these pro- ther explanation of the calculation of the efficiencies can cesses can be studied using a coincidence-based analysis be found in Section III. by searching for two γ lines of well defined energy. As The first-level analysis of the CUORICINO data is canbe seenin Figure 2, the decayto the first0+ excited common to all physics processes to be studied and is de- state in 130Xe differs from the one to the ground state scribed in detail in [21]. It starts from raw events and inthat itproduces agammacascade. Giventhe Q-value ends with a set of energy-calibratedhits associated with of the decay, Q =2527.5keV[11–13], the two electrons atime,acrystal,andotherancillaryinformation,suchas ββ are left with a totalenergy of734.0keV.The mostprob- pulse shape parameters. In this phase of the analysis, a able de-excitation pattern, with a 86% branching ratio, channel-andtime-dependentenergythresholdis applied proceeds through the emission of a 1257.41keV and a tothedata,basedontheperformanceofeachbolometer. 536.09keVgamma. Though 2νββ and 0νββ decay both For the processes studied in this paper, the analysis result in the emission of two electrons, the spectra of consistsofdefiningsignaturesaccordingtothethreesce- the sum energy of the two electrons differ drastically. In narios reported in Table II, using them to select events the first case, the two resulting betas have a continuous from the CUORICINO data and evaluating the corre- spectrum in the range (0÷734.0)keV, while in the sec- sponding efficiencies from GEANT4-based Monte Carlo ond case, the result is just a monochromatic beta peak simulations [23]. centered at 734.0keV. Theoretical evaluations and ex- Event selection criteria can be grouped into three perimental limits for these two processes can be found categories: global, event-based and coincidence-based. in Table I. It is important to note that the theoretical Globalandevent-basedcutsarenotspecifictothisanal- calculationfor the half life of 2νββ-decay to the first ex- ysis, and here we only outline them briefly (refer to [21] citedstate0+ reportedinTableIisnottheoneoriginally for details). Defined a priori,globalcuts are used to dis- 3 V 104 e k nts / 103 u o c 102 10 1 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 energy (keV) FIG. 1. Single-hit (black line) and double-hit (red dashed line) energy spectra collected by CUORICINO in the range (500÷2700)keV. Decay mode Scenario Signature (energies in keV) Efficiency MC Instrumental Total 1 734 (β) + 536 (γ) + 1257 (γ) (0.60±0.02)% (86±2)% (0.44 ± 0.02)% 0ν 2 1257 (γ) + 1270 (β+γ) (2.29±0.04)% (90±1)% (1.77 ± 0.04)% 3 536 (γ) + 1991 (β+γ) (1.41±0.03)% (90±1)% (1.09 ± 0.03)% 1 (0 ÷ 734) (β) + 536 (γ) + 1257 (γ) (0.53±0.02)% (86±2)% (0.39 ± 0.02)% 2ν 2 (536 ÷ 1270) (β+γ) + 1257 (γ) (3.04±0.04)% (90±1)% (2.35 ± 0.04)% 3 (1257 ÷ 1991) (β+γ) + 536 (γ) (1.28±0.03)% (90±1)% (0.99 ± 0.03)% TABLEII.Signaturesandefficienciesforthethreescenariosfor0ν and2ν decay. Wedenotewiththe+signthecoincidenceof energiesreleasedindifferentcrystals. EfficiencieslabeledasMCwerecomputedbasedonMonteCarlosimulations. Instrumental efficiencies were computed based on CUORICINO data. Total efficiencies are given by the product of MC and instrumental efficiencies, times a factor of 0.86 to account for thebranching ratio of theconsidered decay scheme(see Figure 2). 5+ sionofnon-physicalpulses(electronicspikesorcryogenic- 130I induced pulses) andphysicalpulses for whichthe energy 53 Β 0+ is not estimated correctly (pile-up or excessive noise su- 130Te perimposed on the pulse). 52 ΒΒ Coincidence-based cuts rely on the properties of a 01+ 86 14 1793.5keV groupofeventsthatoccurredwithinafixedtimewindow. Events can be selected based on the number of involved 22+ 13 87 1122.15keV crystals, the spatial distance among them, the sum en- ergy or the energy of the single hits. In this paper, a 21+ 100 536.09keV 100mstimewindowwasusedtodefinecoincidentevents. Physicalcoincidencesinduced by130Xe de-excitationoc- QΒΒ=2527.5keV 0+ cur on much shorter time scales, but such a large time 130Xe window must be chosen to accountfor the slow response 54 of the bolometers. FIG. 2. Decay scheme for 130Te, showing the energy levels Thecoincidence-basedeventselectioncriteriawerede- (keV)and thebranchingratios for theγ-rays[14]. cidedbasedonthescenariosdescribedatthebeginningof this section. Becausethe twoelectronsemittedinthe 2ν decayhaveacontinuousspectrum,awideenergywindow mustbechosenforoneofthecrystals. Thishastheeffect card time windows in which one or more detectors per- ofintroducinga muchbiggerbackgroundthanis present formed poorly. This could happen because of external in the analysis of the 0ν decay mode. As a consequence, noise or cryogenic instabilities, which in turn result in a besides the criteria reported in Table II, additional re- badenergyresolution. Event-basedcuts allowthe exclu- strictionswereappliedtotheeventstobeincludedinthe 4 one crystal after undergoing a Compton interaction in a different one. The computed values reported in the last column of Table II also include inefficiencies due to event-based cuts, channel- and time-dependent energy thresholds, and discarded time windows in which one or more detectors were not performing properly (global cuts). Inefficiencies induced by channel based cuts were evaluatedontheCUORICINOdatainthesamewaydis- cussedin[21]. Theeffectofglobalcutswastakenintoac- (a)Scenario 1 (b)Scenario 2 countbyremovingthesimulatedeventslyinginthetime windowsthatwerediscardedfromtherealCUORICINO data, after said time windows were rescaled by the ra- tio between the total duration of the simulation and the real CUORICINO live time. The same procedure was used to associate energy thresholds to the simulation. Because the effect of global cuts was taken into consid- eration when determining the efficiencies, the exposure used in this work corresponds to the complete CUORI- CINO statistics without any subtractions: N(130Te)·t = 9.5×1025y. (c)Scenario 3 Figure 4 shows the energy spectra obtained from the CUORICINOdataafterapplyingtheeventselectioncuts described in Section II. For each scenario, the spectrum FIG. 3. Possible capture scenarios. The blue lines represent wasbuiltasfollows. Coincidencecutswereappliedbased the1257.41keVγ,whiletheredlinesrepresentthe536.09keV one. For each scenario, the available energy for the emitted on Table II, requiring that the accepted events be in co- βs is 734.0keV. incidence with events satisfying each component hit of the signature except for the hit corresponding to the highest-energy γ. The signal search could then consist 2ν analysis. To reduce random coincidences, a cut was of a search in the resultant spectrum for evidence of the imposed on the distance between the crystals involved highest-energyγofthesignature,whichisthecomponent in the events, as it was seen from the simulation that with the lowest background. Moreover, the acceptance there is a low chance for the investigated processes to widthforeachcutwasenlargedby±10keVwithrespect involve crystals that are far apart from each other. The to the energies and energy ranges listed in Table II, to most relevant backgroundfrom physicalprocesses is due account for the finite energy resolution of the detectors to gamma rays that undergo a Compton interaction in (σ ≃ 2keV; see discussion below). The energy windows one crystal and are then absorbed in another crystal. used for the spectra were chosen to be much larger than While the sumenergyofthese eventsis fixed,the energy the detector resolution, but small enough that at most released in each crystal has a continuous distribution. one radioactive background peak was included, and the Toreduce this background,eventswhosesumenergyfell continuum could be assumed to be flat or linear. intoawindowof±8keVaroundthemostintensegamma lines(1729.60keV,1764.49keV,1847.42keV,2118.5keV, Noevidenceforasignalwasfoundinanyoftheenergy 2204.21keV and 2447.86keV from 214Bi, 2505keV from spectra. For the zero-neutrino decay mode, the back- 60Co and 2615keVfrom 208Tl) were removed. ground is negligible, and no fit was performed. In this case,a condition of zero signaland zero backgroundwas assumed. Incontrast,thebackgroundisnotnegligiblefor III. ANALYSIS the 2ν decay mode, and therefore a Bayesian maximum likelihood fit was performed for the 2ν analyses. The As stated in Section II, Monte Carlo simulations were best-fit curves are represented by the blue lines in Fig- usedtocalculatetheefficienciesfortheprocessesstudied ure 4. Depending on the scenario, different background in this paper. This was achievedby comparing the num- models were adopted for the 2ν spectra. The continuum ber of events passing the coincidence cuts to the total was fitted with a constant (scenarios 1 and 2) or linear number of simulated events. The relatively low efficien- shape (scenario 3), while the possible additional peaks cies reported in Table II arise from the fact that most of (1238keVfrom 214Bi for scenario 2, 511keVfor scenario the gammas escape the crystals undetected and are ab- 3) were fitted with a Gaussian shape. The free parame- sorbed by inert materials surrounding them. Moreover, tersinthefitwereasfollows: thenumberofsignalcounts, the signatures sought only consider the case of photons the number of events from the flat background and the that are completely absorbed in one crystal, thus reject- numberofcountsundertheadditionalbackgroundpeaks ing events in which at least one photon is absorbed in (scenarios 2 and 3). The energy resolution was fixed to 5 A 444...555 D 3 444 2.5 333...555 ents/(1 keV) 1.25 nts / ( 1 keV )nts / ( 1 keV )nts / ( 1 keV ) 222...222333555 v eee E vvv 1 EEE 111...555 111 0.5 000...555 0 000 1100 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 111222000000 111222222000 111222444000 111222666000 111222888000 111333000000 energy (keV) eeennneeerrrgggyyy (((kkkeeeVVV))) 222444 B E 222222 3 222000 2.5 111888 V) V )V )V ) 111666 ents/(1 ke 1.25 nts / ( 1 kents / ( 1 kents / ( 1 ke 111111111024024024 v eee E EvEvEv 888 1 666 0.5 444 222 0 000 1200 1220 1240 1260 1280 1300 1320 1340 111222333000 111222333555 111222444000 111222444555 111222555000 111222555555 111222666000 111222666555 111222777000 111222777555 111222888000 energy (keV) eeennneeerrrgggyyy (((kkkeeeVVV))) C F 3 777000 666000 2.5 V) V )V )V ) 555000 vents/(1 ke 1.25 ents / ( 1 keents / ( 1 keents / ( 1 ke 343434000000 E vvv EEE 1 222000 0.5 111000 0 000 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 555000000 555111000 555222000 555333000 555444000 555555000 555666000 555777000 energy (keV) eeennneeerrrgggyyy (((kkkeeeVVV))) FIG. 4. CUORICINO energy spectra after the event selection cuts applied for the 0ν (left) and 2ν (right) analyses. For the 0ν decay, the signal was expected at 1257.41keV (plot A), 1270keV (plot B) and 1991keV (plot C) for scenarios 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Forthe2ν decay,thesignalwasexpectedat1257.41keVforscenarios1(plotD)and2(plotE)andat536.09keV for scenario 3 (plot F). σ=1.8keV.It was evaluatedon the 511keVpeak and on ties, they were found to be negligible. the two 60Co peaks at 1173keV and 1332keV that are visible in the CUORICINO energy spectrum (see Fig- ure 1), and it was found to be comparable for all three IV. RESULTS peaks. A summary of the best-fit values for the 2νββ searches is reported in Table III. Systematic uncertain- ties were evaluated by repeating the fitting procedure For each decay mode and for each of the three sce- with different backgroundmodels, fitting ranges and en- narios,the posterior probability density function (p.d.f.) ergy resolutions, and, compared to statistical uncertain- for the number of signal counts, P(N ), was extracted S using a Bayesian approach and assuming flat priors in 6 2 ordersof magnitude, for both the 0ν and 2ν processes, Scenario NS NB with respect to the results of past experiments. It is [counts] [counts/keV] worth noting that the new lower limit on the half life of 1 1.1±1.4±0.29 0.12±0.03 the 2ν decay mode is close to the upper bound of the 2 -0.4±6.6±2.6 6.31±0.41 theoreticalcalculationpresentedinTableI.Amoreclear 3 -3.0±6.8±2.8 6.73±0.33 picture will be available once CUORE, CUORICINO’s successor [24], comes online. This is due to the increase in target mass and improved background reduction that TABLEIII.2νanalysisbest-fitvaluesforthenumberofsignal will be achieved in CUORE. (NS) and background (NB) counts. For NS, both statistical and systematic uncertainties are reported. the physical region (N > 0). For the 0ν decay mode, s because there was no evidence of a signal and the back- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ground was negligible, a Poisson p.d.f. for zero observed events was assumed for all three scenarios. For the 2ν TheCUORICINOCollaborationowesmanythanksto decay mode, the p.d.f.s were obtained as a result of the the Directors and Staff of the Laboratori Nazionali del maximum likelihood fits on the spectra shown in Fig- Gran Sasso over the years of the development, construc- ure 4. For each decay mode, a global p.d.f. for the tionandoperationofCUORICINO,andtothe technical decay rate was obtained as the product of the three in- staffs of our Laboratories. In particular we would like to dividual p.d.f.s, P (Γ) = Q P (Γ). In this formula P (Γ)=P (N )·εT·ONT(130Te)·ti, wihere the index i runs thank R. Gaigher, R. Mazza, P. Nuvolone, M. Perego, i i S i B.Romualdi,L.TatananniandA.Rotilioforcontinuous over the three scenarios and ε is the corresponding de- i and constructive help in various stages of this experi- tectionefficiency fromTable II.Systematic uncertainties ment. We are grateful to our colleagues Y.G. Kolomen- were included in the P (Γ) according to the procedure i ski and L. Zanotti for help and fruitful discussions. The described in [21]. This resulted in the following half life CUORICINO experiment was supported by the Istituto lower limits: NazionalediFisicaNucleare(INFN), the Commissionof the European Community under Contract No. HPRN- T (2νββ∗)>1.3·1023y, 90%C.L. CT-2002-00322,bytheU.S.DepartmentofEnergyunder 1/2 T (0νββ∗)>9.4·1023y, 90%C.L. 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