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Preview Diversity and durability: responses of the Madeiran and Porto-Santan snail faunas to natural and human-induced environmental change

Diversity and durability: responses of the Madeiran and Porto-Santan snail faunas to natural and human-induced environmental change R. A. D. Cameroni and L. M. Cook2 'DivisionofAdultContinuing Education, UniversityofSheffield, 196 - 198 West Street, Sheffield, SI 4ET, United Kingdom. 2TheManchesterMuseum,The University ofManchester,Oxford Road, Manchester, Ml3 9PL,United Kingdom. Abstract: The snail fauna of the Madeiran Archipelago has the high regional diversity and endemism, and high species and genus differentiation between islands characteristic ofoceanic island faunas. It is unusual in two respects: the existence ofgood Pleistocene/Holocene fossil records, and the apparentdurabilityoftheendemicfaunainthefaceofmassivehumandisturbanceandtheintroductionofnon-indigenousspecies. We use the fossil record, the present microdistributions ofspecies, and the environmental records available to trackthe generation ofdiversity and the responsetohuman disturbance. The natureoftheenvironmentavailable andthe life-habitsofendemic speciesappeartoaccount forthe relative resilience ofthesespecies. Land snail faunas of volcanic oceanic islands are fered much less. In this paper, we offer an explanation of usually characterized by very high levels ofspecies diversi- this robustness, based on analysis of past environmental ty and endemism (Solem, 1983, 1984, 1990a). Sample site changes both natural and human-induced. Subfossil, nine- diversities are not high; there is marked microgeographical teenth-century, and modern records are available as evi- differentiation within islands, and evolution at species level dence. occurs mostly within rather than between islands. Overall Cameron and Cook (1992) gave a general account species diversity in archipelagos is thus often very high of the development of faunal diversity. Environmental indeed (Solem, 1990b). interpretation and estimates of extinction are made easier This situation offers excellent opportunities to by the existence ofsnail-rich late Pleistocene and Holocene study the process of speciation (Clarke and Murray, 1969; deposits spanning the last 300,000 years (Cook et al., Cowie, 1992a) but these are often compromised by the 1993), and by the application of amino-acid epimerization extreme vulnerability of such faunas to habitat destruction techniques to the dating of individual shells (Goodfriend, and the introduction of predators and competitors (Cowie, 1987, 1991; Goodfriend etal, 1994). 1992b). Thus three-quarters of the endemic fauna of the Hawaiian archipelago is believed to be extinct (Hadfield, 1986; Solem, 1990a, b) and a similar situation occurs on THE ARCHIPELAGO AND ITS ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY other Pacific islands. Extinction is often very recent: Tomiyama and Kurozumi's (1992) studies on the Ogasawara Islands south ofJapan indicate that nearly 40% Together with the Deserta Islands, Madeira (ca. of endemic species have become extinct since 1945, with 740 km2) and Porto Santo and its neighbouring islets (ca. higherfigures on the mostdisturbed islands. 41 km2) constitute an archipelago of volcanic, oceanic ori- Not all oceanic islands have been so drastically gin. Madeira is mountainous, rising to over 1800 m, and affected; the islands of the Gulfof Guinea, retaining some contains a wide range of habitats and climatic zones, primary forest and lacking introduced predators retain most including subalpine regions, extensive laurel forests, and if not all of their described endemic faunas (Gascoigne, lower coastal areas with an approximately Mediterranean 1994). climate. Although some rocks are 15+ million years (MY) While similar in most ofthese respects to the fau- old, there have been more recent periods of volcanic activi- MY nas of other oceanic islands, that of the Madeiran ty, the last perhaps 0.75 ago (summary in Mitchell- Archipelago differs in that, despite over 500 years of Thome, 1985). Substrata are almost exclusively volcanic in human settlement and disturbance, it has apparently suf- origin, and coasts are generally rocky and steeply shelving. AmericanMalacologicalBulletin,Vol. 12(1/2)(1996):3-12 3 4 AMER. MALAC. BULL. 12(1/2) (1996) Only at the eastern extremity ofthe island are there soils of studied intensively since the 1820s, and Wollaston (1878) sea-sand origin on a low peninsula which is the driest part gave a remarkable and detailed account of the living and of the island. Ecologically, this peninsula now resembles subfossil fauna then known. Many workers have studied the parts ofPorto Santo. fauna in the second half of the twentieth century; Walden Porto Santo differs in many respects. One hill only (1983) provided an annotated checklist for the archipelago, MY risesjust above 500 m; rocks are all dated to 12-14 old to which later workers have made minor alterations and (Mitchell-Thome, 1985), and with the exception of sea- additions (Groh and Hemmen, 1984, 1986a, b; Hemmen cliffs to the northeast and some hill summits, the landscape and Groh, 1985; Holyoak and Seddon, 1986; Cook et al, is rounded, with sometimes massive colluvial deposits on 1990; Seddon, 1990; Rahle, 1992). hillsides. There is an extensive sandy beach along the In addition to work already published, we have southern coast, and sandy deposits cover most of the land drawn on data from our survey oflaurel forests and coastal below 100 m. They sometimes ascend higher, and the low scrub in northern Madeira, and on a comprehensive survey center of the island is entirely covered by them, separating of Porto Santo, the results of which will be published else- the rocky hills to the west and east. Rainfall is lower than where. We thus have data on species diversity and occur- on Madeira. No natural forest survives, and except for rence from subfossil material, from good nineteenth centu- recent forestry plantations, the habitats available are heavily ry accounts, and from recent surveys which include detailed grazed grassland (often with bare, eroding sand) or a very distributional data. Similar comprehensive surveys of the open shrubby environment resembling Mediterranean gar- relatively inaccessible Deserta Islands have not been carried rigue orphrygana. out, and we have not considered theirfauna. Human occupation of the islands started in 1419- There are inevitable difficulties of taxonomic 1420 A. D. Apart from widespread habitat destruction, interpretation involved in such comparisons. We have cho- there have been numerous deliberate and accidental intro- sen to ignore subspecific taxa, because early workers, ductions of plants and animals. Substantial areas of both including Wollaston, appear not to distinguish reliably islands are now dominated by non-native vegetation. There between geographically replacing forms and varieties found are no indigenous terrestrial mammals, but goats, sheep, at the same site. In general, we have accepted Walden's rabbits, mice, and rats have all been introduced. There are (1983) nomenclature and assignments of taxonomic rank, many non-endemic mollusks, most of which have probably with some adjustments made in the light of later work. been introduced (Walden, 1983; Goodfriend et al, 1994), Minor changes in assignment would make little difference and these include Zonitidae with carnivorous habits. to ourconclusions. A list ofspecies and their status is given Analysis ofthe stratigraphy and subfossil snails in in the Appendix. the sandy deposits of Madeira demonstrates not only the There are also some difficulties in interpreting locally catastrophic consequences of human disturbance nineteenth century statements concerning abundance and and introductions (Goodfriend et al, 1994) but also the distribution. Wollaston (1878), while generally meticulous, occurrence of Pleistocene and pre-colonization environ- occasionally admitted to conflating samples from different mental changes between more wooded (damp) and open localities, and sometimes appears to rely on distant memo- (dry) landscapes. These sequences are interrupted by mas- ry. Contemporaries were often far less reliable. Twentieth sive accumulations offossil-free sand, indicating periods of century records are generally accurately localized. dune mobility and (presumably) localized faunal extermi- nations (Cook etal, 1993; Goodfriend etal., 1996). Analyses of the far more extensive deposits on DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS AND DIVERSITY Porto Santo are not yet complete, but it is clear that similar fluctuations occurred there, including drastic changes in On both Madeira and Porto Santo, sample site lowland areas following human occupation. Unlike diversities are modest, being mostly in the range of 5-15 Madeira, Porto Santo is surrounded by a shelf of shallow species (Solem, 1984). While there are clear differences in water; sea-level depression in full glacial periods of the habitat between some species, there is also evidence ofgeo- Pleistocene would not only have greatly increased the size graphical differentiation between faunas drawn from the of the island, but would also expose sand subsequently same habitat (Cameron and Cook, 1992; Cook etal, 1993; blown inland. Periods ofdune mobility would isolate east- Cameron etal, 1996). ern and western hills (Cameron etal, 1996). The range ofavailable habitats on Madeira is con- siderable. Faunas from laurel forests at mid- to high alti- MATERIAL tudes (500+ m) show little geographical variation, while those from drier environments at lower altitudes show The land snail fauna of the archipelago has been much more. While not entirely consistent, these differences CAMERON AND COOK: MADEIRAN AND PORTO-SANTAN FAUNAS 5 can be attributed to climatic fluctuations which caused peri- and acomparison ofsubfossil and recent records. odic isolation of fragments of dry, open, lowland habitats On Porto Santo, only one species, the massive (Cook, in press). helicid Pseudocampylaea lowei, appears to have become The range of habitats is much more restricted on extinct in this century. Even in the nineteenth century it was Porto Santo, and there are numerous cases of allopatric known alive from one locality only (it is abundant as a sub- replacements of sibling species in similar environments fossil, but no dates are available). (Fig. 1A). These are examples of non-adaptive radiation in Our own survey of Porto Santo conducted over a the sense defined by Gittenberger (1991). While there are three-week period in 1993 revealed all but two of the some habitat differences between species, most ofthe diver- remaining species reliably identified by Wollaston, and sity is related to the isolation ofhills caused by sand move- these two have also been found recently (M. Seddon, pers. ment between them. The recent human disturbance has cre- comm.). ated a number of vicariant distributions (Fig. IB): disjunct Where Wollaston (1878) gave sufficient detail, distributions which are known from Holocene subfossil most species appear to have maintained their distribution material to have been continuous (Cameron etai, 1996). and abundance, but a few which were found in lowland, Geographical patterning is usually seen most clear- sandy areas appear to have retreated. Conversely, the intro- ly in Helicidae, which are in general far more abundant and duced Theba pisana has expanded its distribution, now diverse in open habitats than in the wetter and cooler laurel being found in nearly all locations with any sand in the soil. forests of Madeira. This is reflected in the greater number The situation on Madeira is more complicated. A of helicid species (35) found alive on the overwhelmingly number of species cataloged by Wollaston were known open and dry Porto Santo than on Madeira (30); the latter from only one or a very few sites, and these are not always island is ca.18 times as large and has a far greater diversity relocatable with certainty. The island has not been resur- ofhabitats. veyed at the intensity involved on Porto Santo. Of the 80 endemic species recorded alive at any time described for Madeira, our recent surveys of eastern EXTINCTIONS AND INTRODUCTIONS and northern Madeira have revealed 56. Of the 24 not recorded by us, five were unknown in the nineteenth centu- We have two ways of estimating extinctions, the ry, nine have certainly been found by others in recent years, comparison of nineteenth and twentieth century records, but ten appear not to have been found during this century Fig. 1. Distributionsofendemic specieson Porto Santo. A. Disculaechinulata (•), D. bicarinata (A), andD. leacockianu(). Othersites sampled shown asopencircles. B.Pseudocampylaeaportosanctana. Contoursshownat200and400m. 6 AMER. MALAC. BULL. 12(1/2) (1996) (Groombridge, 1992). Many of these ten were very local- Table 2. The numbers ofendemic species known in subfossil condition, ized in the nineteenth century; five of them belong to the theirproportionsoftotal faunas,andtheextinctionrate forspeciesknown genus Leiostyla - small and often cryptic. It is unlikely that assubfossilsforMadeira(a)andPortoSanto(b). all ofthem are genuinely extinct; we suggest that, at a max- (a)Madeira imum, ca.10% of endemic species known to Wollaston Helicidae OtherFamilies Total have died out in the last 120 years, and that all of them KnownSubfossil 22 20 42 % were very rare before that. ofallfauna 56.4 36.4 44.7 At least two species, Actinella arridens and %Extinct 9 5 14 Janulus stephanophora, appear to have become very much ofSubfossilExtinct 40.9 25.0 33.3 rarer in the last 100 years; no explanation occurs to us. The (b)PortoSanto southwest ofMadeira, subject to heavy disturbance, has not Helicidae OtherFamilies Total been surveyed in detail; other declines could have occurred KnownSubfossil 43 11 54 % ofallfauna 87.7 55.0 78.3 there. Extinct 12 3 15 Despite this low overall extinction rate, some areas % ofSubfossilExtinct 27.9 25.0 27.8 have clearly become impoverished. Sandy areas on both islands have depauperate endemic faunas, and high densi- ties of the introduced Theba pisana. On Madeira, planted ofPorto-Santan than Madeiran species occur as subfossils. conifer forests are virtually devoid of snails (Cook et ai, Fossiliferous deposits occur all over Porto Santo; they are 1972) and some other areas dominated by introduced confined to a small and atypical part of Madeira. The pro- mimosas are depauperate (Cook et ai, 1990). Conversely, portion of subfossil species now extinct is similar on both some open country endemics, for example Discula poly- islands. morpha and Actinella nitidiuscula, appear to have colo- In the case of Madeira, of the 14 extinct species nized cleared areas with some success. known from the sand deposits, at least nine appear to have The good subfossil record enables us to estimate died out after human colonization (Goodfriend et ai, extinctions in another way. Table 1 shows the numbers of 1994). We are not yet able to offerfigures forPorto Santo. species known alive or only subfossil on both islands. The The number and proportion ofrecent non-endemic Helicidae are separated from other families for reasons species is much higher on Madeira than on Porto Santo given below. Taking both islands together, they have ahigh- (Table 3) and a lower proportion of non-endemics than er apparent extinction rate than the other families (%2 = endemics are Helicidae. Most non-endemics have probably 5.54, p< 0.05). been introduced (those which are anthropophilic almost Interpretation, however, must take into account the certainly) but some, particularly very small species, could chances of preservation in the deposits. Table 2 shows the be native. Three non-endemics {Punctum pygmaeum, proportions ofspecies known in the fossil record which are Plagyrona placida, and Vitrea contracta) are found as sub- now extinct, and the proportion ofthe total fauna known in fossils in pre-colonization deposits on Madeira, and V. con- subfossil condition. Helicidae are better represented in the tracta and Baleaperversa have an exclusively montane dis- deposits than other families, and a much higher proportion tribution on Porto Santo. A small number of non-endemics also occur regularly in laurel forests. All slugs are non- endemic (Rahle, 1992). Table I.Thenumbersofspeciesrecordedaliveatanytime orfoundonly as subfossils (extinct) in the endemic faunas of Madeira (a) and Porto Santo(b). DISCUSSION (a) Madeira THE EXTENT AND TIMING OFEXTINCTIONS Helicidae OtherFamilies Total Living 30 50 80 Extinct 9 5 14 As estimated by changes overthe last 100-150 yrs, Total 39 55 94 the rate ofapparent extinction reported here is very low for %Extinct 23.1 9.1 14.9 oceanic islands (Solem, 1990a; Groombridge, 1992) and especially for those subject to intense human intervention. (b)PortoSanto The archipelago was discovered and colonized more than Helicidae OtherFamilies Total 400 yrs before detailed descriptions of the fauna were Living 37 17 54 Extinct 12 3 [5 made. Early accounts (explored in Machado, 1947; Total 49 20 69 Prestage, 1966; Crosby, 1986; and Ferraz, 1986) indicated % Extinct 24.5 15.0 21.7 large scale destruction of natural habitats by fire, fellings, CAMERON AND COOK: MADEIRAN AND PORTO-SANTAN FAUNAS 7 Table3.Thenumbersofendemicandnon-endemicspeciesreportedalive cannot ascribe any extinctions totheirpresence. on both islands. Of Madeiran non-endemics, 13 are restricted anthro- There is likewise little evidence of competition pophiles.Figuresinparenthesesshow theeffectofexcludingthem. between native and introduced species. Site diversities of endemic and non-endemic species are independent of one (a)Madeira Helicidae OtherFamilies Total another (Cook, 1984) and non-endemics fill spaces in the Endemics 30 50 80 shell size and shape distribution unoccupied by endemics Non-Endemics 12(6) 47(40) 59(46) (Cameron and Cook, 1989). In one instance, it is possible %Non-Endemics 28.6(16.7) 48.5(44.4) 42.4(36.5) that competition has caused extinction: the extinct Caseolus Total 42(36) 97(90) 139(126) bowdichianus was very abundant on sandy substrata on (b)PortoSanto both islands before colonization. It has now been replaced Helicidae OtherFamilies Total by the introduced Thebapisana which is similarly abundant Endemics 37 17 54 on sandy substrata (Goodfriend etai, 1994). Non-Endemics 14 8 12 Most of the indirect evidence we have points to %Non-Endemics 9.8 32.0 18.2 habitat destruction as the primary cause of extinction. Total 41 25 66 Human intervention caused instability in sand-based habi- tats, and these now have lower than average diversities on and introduced mammals, and substantial agricultural both islands (Cook et ai, 1990; Cameron et ai, 1996). On exports were being made before the end of the fifteenth Madeira, regions dominated by planted conifers are nearly century. Extinctions could therefore have occurred on a snail-free (Cook etai, 1972), and areas dominated by other non-native vegetation are species-poor (Cook etai, 1990). large scale priorto nineteenth century surveys. The subfossil record, which spans this period, sug- gests a higher rate ofextinction ofca. 30% on both islands. DIVERSITY AND DURABILITY IN THE The evidence from dating in the case of Madeira SURVIVING FAUNA (Goodfriend et ai, 1994) suggests that two-thirds of this Both islands support numerous sites in which the occurred afterhuman occupation. fauna is dominated by endemic and native species, at diver- The record on Porto Santo is remarkably com- sity levels (5-20 species) which are not depauperate by plete. Most parts of the island are sandy or near sand. world standards (Solem, 1984). On Porto Santo, site diver- Living species not found in deposits are mostly small rock- sities in rocky habitats are almost identical to those report- dwellers. Pending detailed analysis and dating, we can esti- ed for similar maquis and phrygana habitats in the Aegean mate that 20-25% of the fauna was destroyed by human region (Cameron etai, unpub.). colonization, but that it has since stabilized. Thus while there is evidence of damage, and The record on Madeira is less complete, and could indeed of extinctions, the present state of the archipelago's be unrepresentative of the island as a whole. Living faunas fauna appears to be much healthier than that in many other in the area of the deposits are poorer in endemics than oceanic islands subject to extensive human intervention. many elsewhere (Cook etai, 1990). On the other hand, the Comparison with accounts of extinctions in these deposits have yielded nearly half the endemic species other islands suggests that there could be significance in the known from the island. An overall extinction rate similar to fact that many Madeiran and Porto Santan species have thaton Porto Santo must beourbestestimate. evolved to live in rather dry, rocky, and open environments, Even these levels of post-colonization extinction rather than being arboreal or dependent on damp litter from are considerably lower than those recorded for the much native trees. Not only did this preadapt them to resist clear- shorter period of European colonization on many Pacific ance, it is also these habitats which have been subject to the islands. These islands undoubtedly suffered earlier extinc- greatest fluctuations in size and continuity before human tions also, as a consequence of disturbance caused by the colonization, building up allopatric diversity, and tolerance first human settlers. ofchange. CAUSES OF EXTINCTION It is also the case that substantial areas of native laurel forests survive on the northern side of Madeira. There is no direct evidence as to the causes of Where native forests survive on some Pacific islands, high extinction, of the kind available for Partula, achatinellids, levels of extinction have followed the introduction of mol- and endodontids on Pacific islands (Hadfield, 1986; Solem, luscan, arthopod, and vertebrate predators (Solem, 1990b; 1990b; Cowie, 1992a). Some introduced Zonitidae and Cowie, 1992b). Introduced predators have not had this Subulinidae are potential predators, and introduced rodents effect here (see above), nor in the Gulf of Guinea certainly eat both native and introduced species, but we (Gascoigne, 1994), where Euglandina rosea (Ferussac, 8 AMER. MALAC. BULL. 12(1/2) (1996) 1818), the introduced predatory snail which has devastated SocietyofLondon, B335:167-191. many Pacific island faunas, has not been introduced. Cowie, R. H., ed. 1992b. 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Undescribed Quaternary land-snail species from S. Pacific land snails. Philosophical Transactions ofthe Royal W. Porto Santo (Madeiran Islands) (Mollusca: Gastropoda). CAMERON AND COOK: MADEIRAN AND PORTO-SANTAN FAUNAS 9 JournalofConchology33:299-304. candoforthem.BishopMuseumOccasionalPapers30:27-40. Solem, A., 1983. Endodontoid Land Snailsfrom Pacific Islands Tomiyama, K. and T. Kurozumi. 1992. [Terrestrial mollusks and conser- (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Sigmurethra). PartII. FamiliesPunctidae vation oftheir environment in the Ogasawara Islands.] Regional and Charopidae, Zoogeography. Field Museum of Natural Views5:39-81. (InJapanesewithEnglishsummary) History,Chicago. 336pp. Walden,H.W. 1983. Systematicandbiogeographicalstudiesoftheterres- Solem, A. 1984. Aworld model ofland snail diversityandabundance. In: trialgastropodsofMadeira, withanannotatedcheck-list. Annates World Wide Snails, A. Solem and A. C. van Bruggen, eds. pp. 6- ZoologiciFennici20:265-275. 22.Brill,Leiden. Wollaston,T.V. 1878. TestaceaAtlantica. Reeve,London. 588pp. Solem, A. 1990a. Limitations ofequilibrium theory in relation to land snails. AttideiCongresiLincei85:97-116. Dateofmanuscriptacceptance: 8February 1996 Solem, A. 1990b. How many Hawaiian land snails are left?and what we APPENDIX Three lists are given here: (a) species known only in subfossil condition, (b) endemic species recorded alive at some time,and(c)non-endemicspeciesrecordedalive.Thereare, inevitably,casesoftaxonomicuncertaintyandofdifficul- ties in interpreting the status ofrecords. Minordisagreements in categorization do not affect ourgeneral conclusions, andsowehavenotannotatedthelists,whichshouldnotberegardedasdefinitiveaccountsofthefauna. (a)Speciesknownonlyassubfossils,presumedextinct(allendemic). Madeira PortoSanto Helicidae: Helicidae: Geomitradelphinula(Lowe, 1831) GeomitragerberiGrohandHemmen, 1986 G. watsoni(Johnson, 1897) G. acarinataHemmenandGroh, 1985 Caseolusbowdichianus(Ferussac, 1832) Caseolusbowdichianus(Ferussac, 1832) C. sphaerulus(Lowe, 1854) C. baixoensisWalden, 1983 C. abjectus(Lowe, 1831) ActinellamorenensisSeddon, 1990 C. subcalliferus(Lowein Pfeiffer, 1859) A. crassiuscula(Cockerell, 1922) Actinellaarcinella(Lowe, 1854) A. arcinella(Lowe, 1854) A.promontoriensisWalden, 1983 Spirorbulalatinea(Paiva, 1866) Disculaechinoderma(Wollaston, 1878) Others: D.cockerelli(Noronha, 1923) Leiostylawollastoni(Paiva, 1866) Leptaxischrysomela(Pfeiffer, 1846) Amphorellagrabhami(Pilsbry, 1908) L.psammophora(Lowe, 1852) Cylichnidiacylichna(Lowe, 1852) BoettgerialorenzianaGrohandHemmen, 1984 Others: PhenacolimaxcrassusGrohandHemmen, 1986 Craspedopomamucronatum(Lowe, 1830) LeiostylaespigaoensisSeddon, 1990 L subcorneocostataSeddon, 1990 (continued) ) AMER. MALAC. BULL. 12(1/2) (1996) Appendix(continued) (b)Endemicspeciesfoundalive.(*,alsofoundassubfossils;+, notfoundaliveintwentiethcentury). Madeira PortoSanto Helicidae: Helicidae: *Heterostomapaupercula(Lowe, 1831) *Heterostomapaupercula(Lowe, 1831) *Geomitratiarella(WebbandBerthelot, 1833) *Geomitracoronata(DeshayesinFerussac, 1819) G. moniziana(Paiva, 1867) *Spirorbulaobtecta(Lowe, 1831) +G. delphinuloides(Lowe, 1860) *S. depauperata(Lowe, 1831) Spirorbulalatens(Lowe, 1852) *Caseoluscompactus(Lowe, 1831) *S. squalida(Lowe, 1852) *C. consors(Lowe, 1831) *Caseoluscompactus(Lowe, 1831 *C. commixtus(Lowe, 1854) C. leptostictus(Lowe, 1831) *C.sphaerulus(Lowe, 1854) Disculellacompar Lowe, 1831 *C. abjectus(Lowe, 1831) D. spirulina Cockerell, 1921 *C. subcalliferus(LoweinPfeiffer, 1859) Actinellalentiginosa(Lowe, 1831) *C. calculus(Lowe, 1854) *A. actinophora(Lowe, 1831) *C. Iiartungi(Albers, 1852) A.arcta (Lowe, 1831) *C.punctulatus(Sowerby, 1824) A.fausta (Lowe, 1831) *C. solidus(Lowe, 1831) A. carinofausta Walden, 19983 *ActinellaeffugiensWalden, 1983 A. robusta(Wollastonin Pilsbry, 1894) Lemnisciamichaudi(Deshayes, 1831) A. arridens(Lowe, 1831) *Disculabicarinata(Sowerby, 1824) *A. obserata(Lowe, 1854) D. echinulata(Lowe, 1831) A. armitageanaLowe, 1854 *D. leacockiana(Wollaston, 1878) *A. nitiduscula (Sowerby, 1824) *D. oxytropis(Lowe, 1831) A. giramica (Lowe, 1852) D. turricula(Lowe, 1831) A. anaglyptica(Reeve, 1852) *D. cheiranticola(Lowe, 1831) *Leminisciacalva(Lowe, 1831) *D. calcigena(Lowe, 1831) +L. galeata(Lowe, 1860) *D. tectiformis(Wood, 1828) *Disculapolymorpha(Lowe, 1831) D. albersiLowe, 1852 *Leptaxiserubescens(Lowe, 1831) *D. bulverii(Wood, 1828) *L.furva(Lowe, 1831) *D. rotula(Lowe, 1831) *L membranacea (Lowe, 1852) *D.pulvinata(Lowe, 1831) *L. undata(Lowe, 1831) *D. attrita(Lowe, 1852) *D. testudinalis(Lowe, 1852) Others: Leptaxiserubescens(Lowe, 1831) Craspedopomaneritoides(Lowe, 1860) *L. wollastoni(Lowe, 1852) *C. mucronatum(Lowe, 1830) *L. nivosa(Sowerby, 1824) C. lyonnetanum(Lowe, 1852) *Pseudocampyleaportosanctana(Sowerby, 1824) C. monizianum(Lowe, 1860) *+P. lowei(Ferussac, 1835) *C. truchoideum(Lowe, 1860) *Lampadiawebbiana(Lowe, 1831) Columellamicrospora(Lowe, 1852) *HelixsubplicataSowerby, 1825 *Truncatellinalinearis(Lowe, 1852) *Staurodonsaxicola(Lowe, 1852) Others: Leiostylacheilogona(Lowe, 1831) *Leiostylacorneocostata(Wollaston, 1878) L, vincta(Lowe, 1852) L. relevata(Wollaston, 1878) L. irrigua(Lowe, 1852) L.ferraria(Lowe, 1852) L. loweana(Wollaston, 1878) L. degenerata(Wollaston, 1878) +L. cassidula(Lowe, 1852) L. monticola(Lowe, 1831) L. concinna(Lowe, 1852) *L. calathiscus(Lowe, 1831) *L. laurinea(Lowe, 1852) Eucobresiamedia(Lowe, 1854) *L. sphinctostorna(Lowe, 1831) *Cecilioideseulima(Lowe, 1854) L. arborea(Lowe, 1854) *Amphorellamelampoides(Lowe, 1831) L. simulator(Pilsbry, 1923) *A. triticea(Lowe, 1854) L.fusca(Lowe, 1852) *A. oryzae(Lowe, 1852) +L. laevigata(Lowe, 1852) A. tuberculata(Lowe, 1852) L. recta(Wollaston, 1878) A.cimensisWalden, 1983 *L. millegrana(Lowe, 1852) A.gracilis(Lowe, 1831) +*L. abbreviata(Lowe, 1852) A. terebella(Lowe, 1852) *L. cassida(Lowe, 1831) *Cylichnidiaovuliformis(Lowe, 1831) +*L. lamellosa(Lowe, 1852) Boettgerialowei(Albers, 1852) +*L.gibba(Lowe, 1852) (continued) ) ) ) CAMERON AND COOK: MADEIRAN AND PORTO-SANTAN FAUNAS Appendix(continued) L.filicumHolyoakandSeddon, 1986 Lauriafanalensis(Lowe, 1852) Hemilaurialimneana(Lowe, 1852) +Discusguerinianus(Lowe, 1852) +D. defloratus(Lowe, 1854) Phenacolimaxnitidus(Gould, 1848) *P. marcidus(Gould, 1848) P. riuvensis(Lowe, 1831) P. behnii(Lowe, 1851) P.albopalliatusGrohandHemmen, 1986 *Janulusbifrons(Lowe, 1831 *J. stephanophora(Deshayes, 1835) +Cecilioideseulima(Lowe, 1854) Amphorellatornatellina(Lowe, 1831) *A. cf.minor(Wollaston, 1878) A. mitriformis(Lowe, 1852) A.producta(Lowe, 1852) A. ihdescens(Wollaston, 1878) Pyrgellaleacockiana(Lowe, 1852) Boettgeriadeltostoma(Lowe, 1831) B. depauperala(Lowe, 1854) B. obesiuscula(Lowe, 1863) B. exigua(Lowe, 1831) B. crispa(Lowe, 1831) (c)Non-endemicspecies(allrecordedalive). (*=veryrestrictedorstrictlyanthropophile). Madeira PortoSanto Helicidae: Helicidae: *Candidulaintersecta(Poiret, 1801) Cochlicellaacuta(Miiller, 1774) *Cernuellavirgatu(daCosta, 1778) C barbara(Linne, 1758) C. vestita(Rambur, 1868) Caracollinalenticula(Michaud, 1831) *Helicellaconspurcata(Draparnaud, 1801 Thebapisana(Miiller, 1774) Cochlicellaacuta(Miiller, 1774) C. barbara (Linne, 1758) Others: Caracollinalenticula(Michaud, 1831) Vitreacontracta(Westerlund, 1871 Thebapisana(Miiller, 1774) Cecilioidesacicula(Miiller, 1774) *Otalalactea(Miiller, 1774) Ruminadecollata(Linne, 1758) *Cepaeanemoralis(Linne, 1758) Baleaperversa(Linne, 1758) HelixaspersaMiiller, 1774 Oxychilusalliarius(J.S.Miller, 1822) TestacellamaugeiFerussac, 1819 Others: Milaxgagates(Draparnaud, 1801) Carychiumtridentatum(Risso, 1826) Lehmanniavalentiana(Ferussac, 1823) C. minimumMiiller, 1774 Cochlicopalubrica(Miiller, 1774) C. lubricella(Porro, 1838) ColumellaasperaWalden, 1966 Vertigopygmaea(Draparnaud, 1801 Lauriacylindracea(daCosta, 1778) Discocharopaaperta(Moellendorff, 188!: Valloniacostata(Miiller, 1774) V.pulchella(Miiller, 1774) V. excentricaSterki, 1893 Acanthinulaaculeata(Miiller, 1774) Plagyronaplacida(Shuttleworth, 1852) Punctumpygmaeum(Draparnaud, 1801) Tolteciapusilla(Lowe, 1831) Helicodiscussingleyanus(Pilsbry, 1890) *Discusrotundatus(Miiller, 1776) *Hawaiiaminuscula(Binney, 1840) (continued) ) 12 AMER. MALAC. BULL. 12(1/2) (1996) Appendix(continued) Vitreacontracta(Westerlund, 1871) Nesovitreahammonis(Stroem, 1765) Oxychilusdraparnaudi(Beck, 1837) O. alliarius(J. S. Miller, 1822) *0. helveticus(Blum, 1881) Zonitoidesarboreus(Say, 1816) *Z nitidus(Muller, 1774) Euconulusfulvus(Muller, 1774) Cecilioidesacicula(Muller, 1774) C. nyctelia(Bourguignat, 1856) Ferussaciafolliculus(Gronovius, 1781) Subulinastriatella(Rang, 1831) Ruminadecollata(Linne, 1758) TestacellamaugeiFerussac, 1819 *T. haliotideaDraparnaud, 1801 ArionlusitanicusMabille, 1868 A. hortensisFerussac, 1819 A. intermedius(Normand, 1852) A.pascalinusMabille, 1868 Milaxgagates(Draparnaud, 1801 *M. sowerbyi(Ferussac, 1823) Deroceraslaeve(Muller, 1774) D. panormitanum(Lessonaand Pollonera, 1882) D. lombricoides(Simroth, 1891) D. reticulatum(Muller, 1774) Lehmanniavalentiana(Ferussac, 1823) LimaxflavusLinne, 1758 L. maximus(Linne, 1758)

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