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� .....c--�� �···='<l"··;;··.·"'•'",��··... ',-'. ."· . ·. ·�·� .... Discer-evEtent System Simulation F E ouRTH DITION JerBrayn ks IndepeCnodnesnutl tant :-- . John S. Carson II · BrooAkust omation BarrLy N elson NorthweUsntievrne rsity David NiMc.o l UniveorfIs liltiyUn robiasn,a -Champaign PrenHtailcle iasn i mprint of PEARSON ------ Contents Preface xiii AboutthA eu thors XV I Introdutoc tDiiosnc retSey-sEtvSeeimnm tul ation 1 Chapt1e Irn troducttioSo inm ulation 3 l.lWh en SimulaItsith oeA np propriTaotoel 4 1.2Wh en SimulaItsiN oontA ppropriate 4 1.3A dvantaagnedDs i sadvanotfaS giemsu lation 5 1.4A reaosfA pplication 6 1.5S ysteamnsdS ystEenmv ironment 8 1.6C omponeonfat S sy stem 8 1.7D iscraentdCe o ntinuSoyusst ems 9 1.8M odeolf a S ystem 9 I 19. l)peso fM odels ll · 1.1D0i screteS-yEsvteeSnmti mautlion 12 l.lSlt epin s aS imulaStitound y 12 References 16 Exercises 17 ·C hapte2.rS imulaEtxiaomnp les 19 2.1S imulaotifoQ nu eueiSnygs tems 20 2.2S imulaotfiI onnv entSoyrsyt ems 35 2.3Oth er ExamploefSs mi ulation 43 2.4S ummary 51 Reefrences 52 Exercises 52 v I L .::-..::i :'J.·;.'2:l. ._:_,; ,._l. . 'lo..)..iJ.-J�.h...,:...>J-<.V. •..0-"-� ·--• r " :-� ,,.�_ , ,, vii vi CONTENTS ::-�;,'} :;;. f# 141 Chapte3r G eneral Principles 60 !;·�;�: 5.3 DiscreDties tributions 146 3.1 C3o.n1c.e1Tip hnteDEs iv secnSrtce hteedS-uiElmviuenlnAg/Tiatdm·ti veoa nn Acleg orithm 6631 �i;\: 55..45 CP5oo.ni5t.si1sPPn orruDnoooi pecusresttso risfaie Pbsou itisosnPosrn o cess 116657 3.1.2W orlVdi ews 66 5.5.N2o nstatiPooniasrsPyor no cess 168 3.2 3Li.s1Procest.s M3ia nngu aSli mulaUtisoinn Egv enStc heduling 7689 I 55..67 SEumpmimrairDcyia slt ributions 116791 3.2.1L istBsa:s iPcr opertiaensdO perations .7 8 References l7l 3.2.2U sinAgr rafyosLr i sPtr ocessing 79 I Exercises 172 3.2.3U sinDgy namicA llocaatnidLo inn kLeids ts 81 � 3.2.4A dvancTede chniques 83 � 178 3.3 Summary 83 Cbaepr6t QueueMiondge ls ERxeefrencrcieesse s 8843 ��"� -: 6.1 C6h.ara1c.tT1e herC iaoslftiQl cuiPseno ugpe uiSlnyagst tieomns 111778909 Chapt4e Sri mulaSotfitwoaren 86 6.1.2S ystCeamp acity 181 6.1.3Th e ArrivParlo cess 4.1 HistooryfS imulation Software 87 I 6.1.Q4u eue BehaanvdQi uoeru Dei scipline 182 4.l.lTh e PerioofSd e arc(h1 955-60) 87 E� 6.1.5S erviTciem easn dt hSee rviMceec hanism 182 4.1.T2 heA dven(t1 961-65) 87 6.2 Queueing Notation 184 4.1.3T he FormatPievrei( o1d9 66-70) 88 6.3 Long-RMuena suroefPs e rformoafQn uceeu eiSnygs tems 185 4.1.4T heE xpansPieorni (o1d9 71-78) 88 6.3.Ti1me -AveraNguem beirnS ystLem 185 4.1.5C onsolidaandt Rieogne ner(a1ti9o7n9 -86) 89 6.3.2A veraTgiem Sep enitnS ystePme Cru stomwe r 186 4.2 S4e.1l.ecti.6Io o nnfte S graitmeuEdln avStioirftoownua mreen t· s· (· 1987-Present) 8899 66..33..34TS heerC voUentrsi elrivzaEatqtiuioaontn iL o= ni\:w 118889 44..34 AnSi EmxualmaiptiSnlJoi eanm v ual ation 9933 6.4 S6t.e3a.·d5C y o-sBStietsnQha uateveuoi efoIi rPnn rfigon bilteem-sP oMpaurlkaotviMiooandn e ls 119944 4.5 Simulaint iGoPnS S 102 6.4.1S ingle-SQeurevueewrsi tPho issAornri vaalnsdU nlimiCtaepda ciMt/yG:/ 1 195 4.6 Simulationin SSF 106 6.4.2M ultiseQruveeurMe /:M fc/ool= 201 4.7 SimulaStioofnt ware 109 6.4.3Mu ltiseQruveeurew si tPho issAornr ivaanldLs i mitCeadp aciMt!Miyc:i NI= 206 4.7.1A rena 110 6.5 Steady-BSethaatveoi foF ri nite-PopMuoldaetl(isMo /nM ic/KIK) 208 4.7.2A utoMod Ill 6.6 NetworokfQs u eues 211 4.7.E3x tend ill 6.7 Summary 213 4.7.Fl4e xsim 112 References 214 4.7.5M icrSoa int 113 Exercises 214 4.7.6P roModel 113 4.7.7QU EST 114 4.7.8S IMUL8 114 m RandoNmw nbers 219 4.7.WITNES9S 115 4.8 ExperimentaantdSi taotins tical-TAonoallsy sis 115 Chapt7 eRra ndom-NuGmebneerr ation 221 4.8.C1o mmoFne atures 115 221 4.8.2Pr oducts 116 7.1 ProperotfRi aensd oNmu mbers 222 ERxeefrceiresnecess 1l18l7 77..32 GTeencehrnaiotfqfiuoPG oersens en uedroa-RtRaiannNndgudo mNombum em rbse rs 222233 7.3.L1i neCaorn grueMnettihaold 226 ll MathemaatniSdcat la tiMsotidcealls 129 7.3.C2o mbined LiCnoenagrr ueGnetniearla tors 228 7.3.3R andom-NuSmtbreera ms 228 ChapSt eSrt atiMsotdiecaillnSs i mulation 131 7.4 TesftosRr a ndoNmu mbers 230 7.4.1F requeTnecsyt s 5.1 RevioefwT erminoalnodgyC oncepts 132 233 7.4.2T esftosAr u tocorrelation 5.2 UsefuSlt atistMiocdaell s 137 ; l. � I viii CONTENTS CONTENTS ix 7.5 Summary I 235 9.7.T3i me-SIenrpMiuoetds e ls 299 References 236 9.7.T4h e Normal-Ttroa-nAsnfyotrhmiantgi on 301 Exercises 236 9.8 Summary 303 ··References 304 Chapt8e Rra ndoVma-riGaetneera tion 239 Exercises 305 8.1l nverse-TraTnescfhonninq ue 8.l.Elx poneDnitsitrailb ution 240 Chapt1e0r V erificaantido nV aloifdSa itimounl aMtodeilosn 310 8.1.U2n ifDoirms tribution 240 10.1M odBeuli ldVienrgi,fi caantiVdoa nl,i dation 311 243 8.1.W3e ibDuilsltri bution 10.2V erificoafSt iimounlM aotidoenl s 311 8.1.T4ri anguDliasrtri bution 244 10.C3 alibarnaVdtia olni doafMt oidoenl s 316 244 8.1.E5m pirCoinctailn Duiosutrisb utions 10.3F.a1cV ea lidity 317 245 8.1.C6o ntinuous DisatrC ilbousteidoI-nnFosvr emwr isteh out 249 I0 .3.V2a lidoafMt oidoAensl s umptions 317 8.71 .D iscDriestter ibutions 10.3V.a3l idIantpiuntg- TOruatnpsufto rmations 318 250 8.2A cceptanceT-eRcehjneicqtuieo n 10.3I.pn4u t-OVuatlpiudtUa stiiHnoigns :t oIrnipDcuaattl a 327 8.2.P1o isDsiosntri bution 254 ·1 0.3I.n5p ut-VOaultipdauUttsi ioannT g:u riTnegs t 331 255 8.2.N2o nstaPtoiiosnPsaroryon c ess 10.4S ummary 331 258 8.2.G3a mmDai stribution References 332 259 8.3S pecPiraolp erties Exercises 333 260 88..33..DC12io rnTverocaltMnu esttfihooofrmndota rhtN eio ormna l Laongdna olDr imstriibounts 260 Chapt1e1r O utpAunta ly[soairS s i ngMloed el 335 261 8.3.M3o reS pecial Properties 262 11.'!Ypes1 ofS imulawtiitRohen sspt eoOc uttp uAtn alysis 336 8.4S ummary 263 11.S2 tochNaasttiuocrfO e u tpDuatt a 338 References 263 11.M3 easuorfPe esrf ormaannTdch eeE isrt imation 341 Exercises 263 11.3P.o1i Enstti mation 341 11.3C.o2n fidenceE-sItnitmeartviaoln 343 11.4O utpAunta lfyosTrie sr minaStiimnugl ations 344 Anaylssio fS imulaDtiaotan IV 267 11.4S.t1a tiBsatcikcgarlo und 345 Chapt9e Irn pMuotd eling 11.4C.o2n fidIenntceew rviatSlhps e ciPrecfiiesdi on 348 269 11.4Q.u3a nti1es 349 9.1D atCao llection 270 11.4E.s4t imPraotbianbgi alniQdtiu easn tilSeusm mfaDrraoytm a 351 9.2I denttihfyDeii nsgtr iwbuittDihao tna 272 11.O5u tpAunta lfyosSrit se adyS-iSmtualtea tions 352 9.2.H1i stograms 272 11.5I.n1i tialBiizaiasnSti toenad y-SSitmautlea tions 353 9.2.S2e clteitnhFgea miolfDy i stributions 275 11.5E rroErs timfaotiSrot ne adyS-iSmtualtaet ion 359 9.2.Q3ua ntile-QuPalnottisl e 277 11..2 5R.e3ip clatMieotnhf ooSdrte ady-SSimtautlea tions 362 9.3 ParameEtsetirm ation 280 11 .5.S4am plSei zineS teady-SSitmautlea tions 365 9.3.P1re liminary StatMiesaatnni Scdas m:p VlSaear mipalnec e 280 11 .5.B5a tMceha fnsoI rn teErvsatli mianStt ieoand yS-iSmtualtaet ions 367 9..32 SuggeEsstteidm ators 281 II.5Q.u6a ntiles 370 9.4G oodnesTse-sotfs- Fit 287 11.S6 ummary 370 9.4.C1h i-STqeusarte 287 .R eferences 371 9.4.C2h i-STqeuwsaitrtE ehq uPraolb abilities 290 Exercises 372 9.4.3K olmoogvo--srmimoGvo odnesTse-sotf -Fit 292 9.4.4V riluaens"d B eFsitt s" CbapterC-o1m2p ariasnoEdnv aluaotrAi ltoenrn atSiyvsete Dme signs 379 p- 293 9.5 FitatiN nogn staPtoiiosn.saProryon c ess 294 12.C1 ompariosfTo wnoS ystDeems igns 380 9.6S eleIcntpiMunodtge lwsi thDoautta 295 12.1I.n1d epeSoadmepnlwtii ntEghq uVaalr iances 383 9.7M ultiteva anTrdii mae-SIenrpMiuoestd els 296 12.1I.n2d epeSnadmepnlwtii nthUg n eqVuaarli ances 384 9.7.C1o vaarincaenC do rrelation 297 12.1C.o3m moRna ndNoummb e(rCsR N) 384 9.7.M2u ltivIarinapMtuoetd els 298 12.1C.o4n fidInetnecrewv iatSlhpes c ifiPreecdi sion 392 X xi 457 12.C2o mpariosfoS ne verSayls teDme signs 393 14.M3o deIln put 458 12.12 B.onferrAopnpir oatcoMh u ltipCloem parisons 394 14.3M.o1d ulaPtoeids sPorno cess 461 12.2B.o2n ferroAnpip roatcoSh e lecttihnBege st 398 14.3V.rrt2u al-MemRoeryf erencing 12.2B.o3n ferArpopnrio atcoSh c reening 400 14.H4i gh-LeCvoemlp utert-eSmSy ismulation 466 468 12.M3e tamodeling 402 14.C5P US imulation 472 12.13 S.impLlien ear Regression 402 14.M6e moryS imulation 475 12.3T.e2s tifnoSgri gnificoafnR ceeg ression 406 14.S7u mmary 475 12.3M.u3l tiLpilnee Raerg ression 409' References 476 12.3R.a4n dom-NumAbsesri gnmfeonRrte gression 409 Exercises 12.O4p timizatviioSani mulation 401 478 12.4W.h1a tD oes 'OptimizvaitSaii omnu latMieoann'? 411 Chapt1e5rS imulatiCoonm putNeert works of 12.4W.h2y i sO ptimizavtiiSaoi nm ulatDiioffinc ult? 421 478 15.I1n troduction 12.4U.s3i nRgo buHsetu ristics 431 479 15.T2raf ficM odeling 12.4A.n4I llustraRtainodno:Sm e arch 451 483 15.M3e diAac ceCsosn trol 12.S5u mmary 471 483 15.13 T.oken-PaPssriontgoc ols References 417 486 15.3Eth.e2rn et Exercises 481 487 15.D4a tLai nLka yer 488 15.5 423 15.TM6o CPd eClo nstruction 494 V Applications 495 15.6 .C1o nstruction Chapt1e3rS imulaotfMi aonnu factaunrMdia ntge rial-SHyastnedmlsi ng 425 15.6E.x2a mple 495 498 131. ManufactuarnidnMg a terial-HaSinmdulliantgi.o ns 426 15.S7u mmary 499 13. ModelosfM anufactuSryisttregm s 426 References 499 13Ll1. .2M odelosfM aterli-aHandSlyisntge ms 427 Exercises 13.1S.o3me C ommonM aterial-HaEnqduliipnmge nt 428 500 Appendix 13.G2o alasn dP erformManecaes ures 429 13.I3s suienMs an ufatcurianngdM aterial-dHlainSnigm ulations 430 515 13.13 M.odeliDnogw ntimaensdF ailures 430 Index 13.3T.r2a c.e-DMroidveelns 433 13.C4a sSet udioefts h Sei mulatoifMo ann ufactuarnidMn agt erial-HSaynsdtleimnsg 435 13.M5a nufacturing AEnxA asmspelmeb:l y-SLiimnuel ation 437 13.5S.y1st eDme scripatnidMo ond eAls sumptions 437 13.5P.r2e simulAantiaolny sis 439 13.5S.i3m ulatMioodnea ln dA nalyosfit sh Dee signSeyds tem 13.5A.n4a lyosfiSs t atiUotinl ization 440 ., 440 13.5A.n5a lyosfiP so tenStiyaslt eImm provements 441 13.5C.o6n cludWionrgd sTh:e GizmAos sembly-SLiimnuel ation 442 13.S6um mary 443 References 443 Exercises 444 .C hapt1e4rS imulaotifCo onm puter Systems 450 14.I1n troduction 450 14.S2i mulatTiooolns 452 14.2P.r1o cesOsr ientation 454 14.2E.v2e nOtr ientation 456 .· . . .·.· : :j 1 . :. ' Introducttioo nS imulation As imuliastt hiei moint atoifto hneo peratoifao r ne al-woprrlodc eosrss y steomv etri meW.h ethedro nbey hando ro na c omputseirm,u latiinovno ltvheegs eneratoifao nna rtifihciisatlo orfay s ysteamn dt hoe bser­ vatioofnt haatr tifihciisatlot rody r awi nferecnocnecse rnitnhgoe p eratcihnagr acteroifts htrei ecassly stem. Theb ehavioofar s ysteamsi te volvoevse tri mies s tudibeydd evelopai snigm ulatmioodn eThli.s modeuls ualltya ketsh fe ormo fa s eotf a ssumpticoonnsc ernintgh oep eratoifto hnse y steTmh.e sases ump­ tionasr ee xpresisnem da thematilcoagli,ca anlds, y mbolriecl ationbsehtiwpeste hne e ntiotroi bejesco,tf s interoefst th,es ysteOmn.c ed eveloapneddv alidaatm eodd,e cla nb eu setdo i nvestiagw aitdeev arieotfy "whaitf q"u estiaobnosut th er eal-wosrylsdt ePmo.t entcihaaln gteost hes ystem firsbte s imulaitne d, can ordetrop reditchte iimr pacotns ystepme rformaSnicmeu.l atciaonan l sboe u setdo s tudsyy steimnst he desisgtna gbee,f osruec shy steamrseb u ilTth.u ss,i mulatmioodne licnagnb eu sebdo tash ana nalytsoiosl forpr edictthiene gff ecotf c hangteose xistsiynsgt eamnsd a sa d esitgono tlo p redict the peorff ormance news ysteumnsd evra ryisnegto sfc ircumnscteas. In somei nstanacm eosd,e cla nb ed evelowpheidc ihs s impleeno ugthob e" solvebdym" a lhematical methodSsu.c hs olutimoingsh bte·f ounbdy t heu seo fd ifferenctiaallc ulpurso,b abitlhietoyra yl,g ebraic methodosro, t hemra themattieccahln iqTuheess o.l utuisouna lcloyn siosfto sn eo rm ore numeripcaarla m­ eterWsh,i cahr ec allme,edas ureso fp erformanocfte h es ysteHmo.w evemra,n yr eal-wosrylsdt eamrses o compietxh amto delosf t hessey stearems v irtuailmploys sibtlose o lvmea thematicIna tlhleysi.en stances, numericcaolm,p uter-bsasiremdi latiboeun s etdo i mitatthebe e haviooftr h se ysteomv etri meF.r omt he can simulatdiaotanar, ce o llecatsie fad r easly stewme rbee inogb servTehdi.ss i mulation-gdeanteiarsu a steedd toe stimtahteme e asuro�fsp erformanocfte h es ystem. Thibsoo k providaenis n troductrteaotrmye notf . thceo ncepatnsdm ethodosfo nef ormo fs imulation modeling-discretsei-meuvleantmtio odne liTnhge.fi rscth aptienri tidaillsyc uswsheesnt ou ses imulation, itasd vantaagnedds i sadvantaangdae cst,u aarle aosfi tasp plicaTthieontn h.ce o ncepotfss y steamn dm odel areex plorFeidn.a lalnyo ,u tliinsge i veonft hset episnb uildainndgu sinags imulatmioodneo lf a s ystem. 3 . ._.., ..-,,<Jl.tv• , .. DISCRETES-YESVTESENIMTM UTLAION INTRODUCTTOSI IOMNU TLAION 4 5 11. WHENS IMULATIIOSTN H AEP PROPRTIOOALT E ventuirneat s oi mulsattuiSdoiynm. i liaafrd leyc,i isnni eeodne idnt wwoe eaknsad simuwliatltialoka ne montthhs,ei mulsattuiidonsyn o atd vised. Thaev ailaobfsi pleictyi al-spiumruplolasateni gounoa fmg aesss,ci ovmep uctaipnagb ialtadi etcireesa sing Simultaatikodenas ts ao,m etliomotefsds a tan.od aItaif sa v ailnaobetlv eee,ns timsaitmeusl,ia st ion cospteo rp eraatinoodnf a, d vancienss i mulmaettihoond ohlaovmgeai desesi muloantoeif ot nhme o st noatd viTshened e.xr tu cloen cetrnhaseb iltoiv teyra infyvd a litdhaet em Ifo tdheelire.ns o etn outgihm e wideulsyea dna dc cetpotoeinld os p erarteiarcsohen asn sdy staenmasl Cyisrciumss.t aunncdeweshr i scihm ­ ori tfh pee rsoarnenn eoaltv ailsaibmluel,ia nsti ooatnp propriate. ulatiisto hnae p proptroiotaolnt sehe a vbeeen discubsyms at;ndauy t horfrosm, Nayleoatrl [ 1. 9 6t6o] Imfa naghearvusen reaseoxnpaebclntesia ,tft h ieaoysf ko tro mou ctho soo oonri, tf h peo woefrs im­ Shan[n1o9n9 S8i]m.u lcana tbieuo sne fdot rh feo llopwuirnpog:s es ulatiisoo vne restsiimmautlemadit,gin hootnbt ea ppropriate. Lasitsf,y stbeemh aivtsio ocoro mpolrec xa nb'edt e fisniemdu,l iansto iatop np ropHruimaabtnee h.a v­ 1.Si mulaetniaobthnlee s st uodfya, n edx perimewnitatththeii, on nt eirnaln teraocfatc ioomnpsl ex ioirss o metimeexst recmoemlpytol meoxd el. systoerom fa s ubsywsitteahmc i onm pslyesxt em. 2.In formaotrigoannailza,an tedin ovniarlo,nc mheannctgaaebnlses imulaanttdedh e,eff eocftt h ese alteroantit ohmneos d eble'hsa cvaibnoeo r b served. 3.Th ek nowlgeadigneded u ritnhdgee sigonfais nigm ulmaodteicloo nu bleod f gr eavta ltuowear d 13. ADVANTEASAG NDD ISDAVANTEASGO FS IMULATION suggeismtpirnogv ientmh eseny ts tuenmdi enrv estigation. 4,Ch angsiinmgu liantpiauontnods b sertvhireens gu ltouitpnugct aspn r odvuacleu ianbsliiegn htto Simuliatsiin otnu iatpipveealtlyoai c nlgi beencta iuts em imihcasp pwiehnnaa rs te al soyrws htaietsm whivcahr iaabrtlehe meso sitm poratnaidnn tht oow v ariianblteesr act. percefioavrs e yds ttehma itn t hidsee sisgtnaT gheoe.u tput frodmaat s ai mulsahtoiudolindr ectly corre­ 5.Si mulcaatbnieo u ns eadsa ped agogidceavlti ocr ee infaonraclseyo tliucmt eitohno dologies. spotnotd hoeu tputs btehra etc ocrfrodeoudmtl hdre e sayls tAedmd.i tiioitnspa olslsyti,odb elvee al op 6.Si mulcaatbnie uo sne tdoe xperimweinttnh e dwe siogrpn osl ibceifeiosmr pel emenstoaa stt oi on, simulmaotdioeofalns ystweimt hdouubti aosussu mp(tsiuoacsnth sh s ea mset atidsitsitricbaufltoe irvo enr y prepfaorwreh amti ghhatp pen. randvoamr iaobfml aet)h emastoilcvamalobldlyee Fl ostr.h easneod t hreera ssoinmsu,l iafstre iqoune ntly 7.Si mulcaatbnie ou ns etdov erainfya lsyotliuct ions. thtee chnoifcq huoeii cnpe r obsloelmv ing. Simuldaitffiencregan pta bifloairm t aicehsci anhnee ldpe tertmhrieen eq uiroenmi etn.t s Inc ontrtaoos ptt imimzoadteisloisnm, u lmaotdieoalnrs" e ru nr"a tthheasrno lvGeidv.aep na rticular 98. .Si mulmaotdieodlnes s ifgontrer da imnakienl gearn inpgo sswiibtlheto huceto a sntdd i sruopft ion seotfi npauntd mcohdaerla cttehrmeio sdtieisrlc u asnn, td h sei mulbaetheadiv soi bsoerr vTehdip.sr ocess on-thien-sjtroubc tion. ofc hangiinnpgau ntmdso dcehla ractreersiuislnatst iesoct fss c enatrhiaaortese v aluaAt geoodds. o lution, 10A.n imasthiooawns s y stiensmi muloapteerdas toti hotanhtp e l acnab nev isualized. eitihnet rha en aloyfsa ines x isstyisntgoe rim nt hdee siogfan n ews ystiestm h,ere nc ommenfdoerd 11T.h meo desmy st(efma cwtaofrfaeybrir,c atpiloansn etrv,io crgea nizeatticio.ssn)o ,c omptlheatx implementation. itisn teirnaln teraccabtneit ornesao tneltdyh rosuigmhu lation. Simul'ahtmaiason nay d vantbausgtoe msde,i sadvaTnhteaasgreele si .sb tyeP de gdSehna,n naonnd, Sadow[s1k9i9S 5o]m.ae d vanatrathege esse : 12. WHENS IMUTLAIOINSN OTA PPROPRIATE 1.Ne wp oliocpieersa,pt rioncge dduerceisrus,li eoisnn, f ormaftliooownrs g,a nizpartoicoendaulr es, ansdoo nc abne e xplwoirtehddo iustru ptingo poenrgaootiftin horgene ssa yls tem. Thiss ectiibsoa nso enad na rtbiycB laen ksG iabns[d1o 9n9 7w]hgo, a vteenr uleesv aflourwa hteisnni mg­ 2.Ne wh ardw.adrees pihgynssli,ac yaoltru atnss,p orstyastitoaenmn ssdo, o nc abne t eswtietdh out ulatiionsno a tp propTrhifeai trreus.ilt ne d ictahstaietms u lsahtoiunolonbdt e u sewdh etnh per obclaenm commitrtiensgo ufrotcrhe esi r acquisition. be soblycv oemdm on Asnee nxsaem.ipg sli ev oefan na utomotabfgia lceis leirtyvc iunsgt owmheoarr rsi ve 3.Hy potheabsoeuhsto wo rw hyc ertapihne nomoecnccaua rbn e t esftoedfr e asibility. randoamtal nay v erraagotefe1 00/hoaunrad r see rvaetamd e arna otfe1 2/hTooud re.t ertmhimeni en i­ 4·.T i mcea bnec ompreosres xepda ntdoae ldlf oowars peedo-rsu lpo w-odfoth wepn h enomeunnad er mumn umboefsr e rvneeresds eidm,u lianstio ontne cesJsuacsrotym .p 1u0t0e/ 81.23 i3n dictahtnaiitnn ge = investigation. orm orseer vearrnsee eded. 5.In sicgabhnet o btaaibnoetudht ie n teroafcv tairoina bles. Thsee cornudsl aey tshs aitm ulationno btseu h soeduif tlhdpe r obclaebnme s olvaneadl yyt.Fi ocra ll 6.Ins igchabtne o btaaibnoetudht ie m portoafvn acrei atbotl hpeees r foromfta hnsecy es tem. exampulnedc,ee rr tcaoinnd itthiaeov nesra,g e tiwmaeii ntt ihenexg a mapbloecanv eb ef oufrnodmc urves 7.Bo ttlaennaelccykas bniep s e rfotrodm iesdc wohveewrroe r iknp rociensfso,nn amtiaotne,ra inadl s, thwaetre d evelboyHip leldia enLrdi eberman [2002]. soo na rbee idnegl aeyxecde ssively. Thnee xrtu slaey tshs aitm ulatinoonbt eu s sheoiduif lt ed a stoi peerr fdoirrmee xcpetr imAenn ts. 8.A simulsattuicdoaynhn e lipnu ndersthaonwtd hiseny gs toepme rraattethshe ahrno wi ndividuals is examopfalf ea st-dfroiovrede-s itna uirgsai nvwteh ne irwtea lse esxsp entos sitvaaegp ee rtsaokinon rgd ers thithneks ystoepme rates. . usianh ga nd-helda ntvdeo ricmcoiemn mauln itoc daettieormnti heneffe ec otfa ddianngo tohredsrert ation 9�"W haitfq 'u esticoanbnse a nsweThriesid sp. a rticuusleaifurntll h dyee siogfnn e wsy stems. onc ustowmaeirtt iinmge . Thfeo ururthl sea ynsot tou ssei muliathfte ic oonse txsc etehsdea viTnhgesar.rem e a nsyt episnc om­ Somdei sadvaanrttaehg eesse : pletians gi mulaatswi ioblneld, i scuisnSs eedc tlil.lo,an n tdh emsuesb ted onteh orouIgfash ilmyu.l a­ tisotnu cdoys $t2s0 ,a0n0td0h sea vimniggsbh et$ 10,s0i0m0u,l waotuinloodnbt ea ppropriate. 1.Mo deblu ilrdeiqnugsi preceitsar la iInitias nn ag r.tt h ialste arneodv etri maen d through experience. Rulfievsae n sdi iXn dicastiem utlshahatotinu oolnbetd pe rformeidtf h ree souorcre s noatvailab le. time are Furthermioftr wemo,o dealrsce o nstrubcydt ieffder ent cionmdpievtietdnhutema yil gshh,at v e Ift hsei muliaset sitoinm taoct oe$sd2t 0 ,a0n0td0h eirsoe n l$y1 0,a0v0a0i ltahsbeul geg,e sntoittoo n similabruiititt hs ii egsuh,nl lyi tkhetalhtyew yi blelth es ame. is 6 DISCRETES-YESVTESENIMTU M LATINO INTRODUCTTOSI IOUMNLA TION 7 2.S imurleasticanu oblnedt isffi tcioun ltteM ropssritem tuo luattapireuoestn ses n rtiaanlvdlaoyrm i ­ Makoipntigdm easldi egcnif sonireo xnts- gdeinseprteaontosiliosnn g avba(ltiitheaosraes n ery usoe ssuf uyl bastailt sonleenrtymd ae nrridenoolpmorasu f tiotrcanit s ao b)nneh,ds a ohitrnpdodmsi e.ss tiswn.hg euiatsonhhb e sre r­ ARpepsliidoccefblan autitssos-eimnetdmo ne udtroleib fialttya anti3ico t o()().;nhconmgahl wm m t a bofifeo3eanrl00rb s- r fmmsia ec�rycrra tuticoomnna dnuu.cf taocrt unng 3.S imumodlealtiiandno agnn aclaybnstie i mcseo nsaunmedix npgeS nkismipvoienrn. eg s ofuorrc es . Constructiona EnnPrdgio jneeMacentra ignegm ent modeanldai nnagcl oyursleidsisa un s l itm umloadotiearoln n a tlhyiansstois tsu ffictitoeh tneat s k. Impoamfcu tl tiandt maesrkbgeiio nanpgs rocure mento cfo mpelqeuxi pment 4.S imuilusas tiieosndno mew'hcaeaannsn easl syotilciuapstilo o snso ierbv leen, p arwsea fse rable, Appliolcfea cationon nca enspdit msu flodarrati iononap geerm aatiinotncesren wasn ce disciuSnse sce1tid.o2Th n.i msi gbhept a rtictiuuilethna e sr ilmyu olsfao timwoean i ting lines Builavd iirtunsaghlm o opd feoslrte f ealb rication where closed-faroear vma iqluaebuleei.n g models Simuolthfae rti eosni lduemnsbtueipcralph layi n MilitaAryp plications. Idne foesfni smeu tlhafetosidueoir ns ,a dvraenspteaccgabtieneovs ff e,sal fesyot ,l lows: Frequendceys-fibotegarrns m eidns aitmiunlAgatip oenasc:e- enforcement example Am ultframiebwaosfrkeo sdru ppmoirltiitarniygn- tebrasasicemtdui liv3aneDt e inovnisr onments 1.V enodfosr ism ulatiohnab veesae ocnftti wdvaeervleey l opithnacgto npmtaoacdikthenaal gtse s Specibfyeihnagocv foi mopru terf-ogrewcenisetp rahrtedoo ugtr amming neoendl yd aiftnothapre uo itpr e rSautmciohod hnea.ltv shge ee ntea"rgsi icm uo"lrta etmoprl"a te." Fidande thelv iatyl Iisdsioutyhfe:u s mb aenh arevpiroersaeln tation 2.M ansyi mulation hsaodvfeetv weoalurotepp euvdtec -naadpnoaawrblisiyt ltshihipitiesanei c srk ages Assetsecshinneogffl ecootgnhsy u mpaenr fotrhmratronaucdgeeh -d sepvaeclaeon pedmv eanltu - fopre rfvoertrmhyio nroagun gahl ysis. ation 3.S imulabe tipoenr ffcoaarstnmto eedtdrah y yae ns taenwrdidbe la elyv feansto tmeorrrb oewc,a use Impoaafcan tu tolmoagtsiiyscstio tcnes sm o rtie-gpernoecreastsi on oafd vainhnca ersdt whpaaertrmier t a rpuindon sfic negna anbrdecaui sooesaf d vaimnnac nseyis m ­ Reseparcldhae nv elfoomprom deeanthelnt sid in mgu olmifal tiiotopanery r iauntr ibtoaennrs r ain ulaptaicokFnao egrxe amsp.sl oesm,ie m usloafttwiaornce o cnosfntruomtcroat disen mlsai tnegri al Logistics,S upply anDdi striAbpuptliiocna tions handtlhuiasntseg ustr c ahn spaofsro rttker-rsul cciokfnstv, ae nyadou rtsog,mu aitevddee hdi.c les. ·I nveanntCahaoilinryn,ys seair sov meprmu-atcneurf aecn. tvuirrionngm ent 4.C losemdo-dfaeornlreosam t b tlaoen amloyosztfteh c eo mpslyestxth eaream etsn couinnt ered Compaorbfio stotdnle etecntmeiecotknhf ooArdG ssV y stems pracItmnia cnyyee .oac fros n spuralctbtiiytcn weogo tf h aeu tnhoootrsnp ,er obwlaeesnm c oun­ Semicosnudpucptloysr-i nmeutwloartki on tetrhecadot uh labdve ese onl bvyace ldo sesdo-lfuotrimo n. Analoyifsn itse rnatipoansaslfe lndoigeawnepans rai rrpttoeurrmrtie n al Appliodcfia stiscoirnm euttleea ctihotnnloi i qqnuuaeitsdu sruaplcp hlayi ns 14. AREAOSFA PPCLAITOIN Onlsiinmeu olpfae tido�:nfls otriwipn au nbb luiicl digas ngs TransportMaodtieso ann Trda ffic Thea pplioscfia mtuialaorevtn aisTso htWne m terS imuCloantifo(enWre SniCcas)eexn c elwlateylon earn t Simualircartaifntg- delay absorption moraeb otuhltea tisenis mtu alpaptiloinc theoartiy.o nsare alnsuom etrouutsao btroi ttahhle s Runswchaeydd ueltee rmibnysa itmuilooanpt tiiomni zation beginannitdnha ged valnecvWeeSdlCi ss s.p and o nbsysoThere itecre xhd n iscoaclia enttdhNi eae tisoI nnaslt itute Simuolfrfae teimwoeanry andg idnigv ebreghianvgi or ofS tanadnThadcr hdnso (NlIoSTgT)yh.t e e chsnoicciaraeeAlt m ieerSsit caatiAnss tsiocc(aiAlaS tAi)o,n Modelings earomvtfbih Auceule sa trnRiceCroaedsn s . AssocfioCarot mipoMunat cihnign eIryn/StpGeecroreiusoaptnSl i mu(lAaCtiM/SoInG ISnIMs)oti,ftu te Simumloadtieoilsnniu npogpef om retrg fiernecfiyig Nnho trifnogl k ElecatnErdli eccaEtrlno gniiCncoesme prSusot:ce (irIEe EtyEI CInSs)to,iEftu lt eec atrinEcdla elc tronics Modeslhaiirrnpig i vpnao lrst s EnginSeyesrtsMe:amand ns C,y bernSeoticc(isIEe EtyEI SMICnSs)tio,Ituf n tdeu Esntrigailn eers Optimizatioonaf b argtrea nspsoyrstftaopetremi tr oondl eeluimv ery (liE), InsftoiOrtp uerattReie osnesaa ntrdhMc eah n agSecmieeCnnotcl oelnsSeg :ie m u(lINaFtiOoRnM aSn/dC S) Iteorpatitimvieaz nsadit miuoolnbfa ar tigtrafoefinc o na innl awnadt erway TheS ocfioCeroty m pSuitemru (lSatiCoNSno)t t.heIE a EEti rse prbeyts webonod teiIden sf.o rambaotiuotn BnslnProceessss Simulation thuep coWmSiCcn agbn eo btafrionwwmwe wdi ntersoirmgW.. S Cp rogramsw ifutllh p apaerrse ·Agenmto-dbeaalnssidein dmg u olsfat tpoierfreoo nr mfaopnrec rseo nparliicziendg avaifrlowwamwb ilnef ormcsso-.r /gw s.c paphetrmslS .o mper esebnyat rafetiraoao,recen m ns t, VISualoizapftir oonb abbuislmiionsdetesilscs WSareC lisnete. xdt : . Modeandl siinign ouaflt aetliecopacnhle olnn tee r Usisnigm utlaoap tiporonxs iumbagntradtoeiscf e o npveerxf omrmeaansicusnere erssvy isctee ms ManufactAupripnlgi Cations Simulraoitilbnoea n g'sgsca rgeeean atii nrgp orts Dynammodieclo icfno gn tmiannuuofuasscy tsuturesimiansnng,ga ltoeogl ieecsstriy csatelm s Human-rfaistsiikmg uuliecan ot nitioonnpeusro autsi ons Benchmoaafs r tkioncgph raosdtpuilccat nminooidnine ansgl i mutleastti on Optimiozafat tieolne combmiulnsliyicsnategtim o ns Paliincntoe cl hoarrn egdeui cantu itoonam sosbeimlbel y bed Modefloqirun agal npidrot dyu citsnite cveoilmrdt a yn ufacturing Segmetnhctieun sgtb oamseer foreturnr sm aximum Sharedr escouarpcaaenc aiiltbnyyi s oimtsae ncuhf acturing HealCtahre Neuitrnaflo rmmoadfteosilrio mnu mlaacthsiihnonogpep e rations Modefrolniotnffi gcand e p aticeanireatn m bl!ou!ryhl eaclaptrerh a cti.c es . Evalouhfaos tipooinpet raalbt eitotwnheeesenm erdgeepnacartmyne amdn e td tieclale metry untt SemicondMuacntuofra cturing Estimmaxaitmiungcm a piaancen im tye rrogoemn cy Constitmiaenn ttpe rrovdapullc atnwinioitnnh g atpwopo lrikc-aictinoo-onnlptr rocess Reducliennoggsf tht i aanyen m ergency department Accelperroadutunicddnteugsre -odraidteiens tperuadlt ecsh ing Simuthes liaxt-inisgmi pgrmoaiv defeamosaer n hto esl?peirtdgaeelpn acrtmye nt Design ffoarrua tmoemmwaaottrheekard ni daslylis int3nge()(). m.smmw affearb rfiaccattioorni es As imulatiloinn-egramiarminn-tepggro-ebrta-osfoeosldrc heedmuelrirgnoegson tamcff y 8 DISCRETE-ESVYESNTTES MI MULATION INTRODUCTTIOOS NI MULATION 9 cmdApwtmflwigrh.oanMah ocdoargaso stbeeLas SnwInvaHro a e rere w aIS.b dm otthaeneStIcl� e-ryimsy ic(eso mr iggsnad o sole s,esne o·novPtareaoleey t tn -, csyg ftccneLa e nllenmstmnc capss,.mowal.treltrCl .st ia eeeteeaueeoloty cmarnu noossal ounmtlcrrnmwmnlcnnecensmrraeddfudpl) au rci ooyottastshpdattth tomsattaeareais nsm s tcahsnod smiol it meteeirnsehevnaatolncit eiihAum treiscm m ciendrriots asaeamtdssf pgtonnmo Gpp arlysaaiehntr oo irlrs u( rhs ea ii n ctdtounV tss, ps n geglmntnb alio ttWaei mcoeoepi l te as s ees r ascappttolnoMt soeoknwncarnsa-mbhimahtssvyeunocool h mgS ucnfian t ree tot iioa :ai yesdrr kn ie•a) soea :nltgrsat ioq wln t Aonn:sltuadbvcr t anembsI ge ho syl ocr-S·thiieMd gnsetc ntrloteeaarefimpertlx y lueso tano so i'htynr dmHl s.-m eecngrytn-edgnsre�ss f,I ttn w�m.d nmfyeom giIreeS fr e e Y)oi cs s ptseoeo ao otg tsv elargr ,sa11 eoa f.roymiu( eetsotwm trr wm w t eku lI elm� t n:sa�.gAncnmou as,w nesueae s nseand s od h Ot · dpth t.p r , ou :a.cer(mConxe hw ?re sr e e rmAM n a e�a fmat o-o�tfmcucern HS�ob sux�letgm Iaalfnstm�osop.s)esyfesycbielbmuarw p teecni ryg!h� n pa�nosor eshosve� a ael.obsomvmm b aotrtlnnstri1Ans tafxp�d.a.gssrm eiare meuu.tgdl't M oyo :t iysne ei r� u af·Imgram euu,orn,iupll egot rl ,t u.omnao o Soma t cc eride nlsa bmSc oe ce igrs ts n sraw.hhharseh sgeetwutik�raoa. aeobedhe,t, a s l k·lapatx dimgmoil d senn bwsl rl ebe r shit svrsbemi ogu · neuoaa trolenie .. os eo areuo eoadut n lisagnnrell n gth ftdrn fvl sy ar n ya gi o-- e ta. tiigs cu.du on i se eon�s n epotbOauti1 nafouu.nnsmdtTTacttrD a7o msdlereAhhbpudgIooe e sye dypt,enSCeeelsalet tbeflln r ohR vialt ne ttros.oielE ltlasiu.essushiitn aeoaonTatcflsAe ittss t de s Eesesh enNcmuo ior t rsiuiet eD yo txe cxetmf abido stCvddssfstfoia oor biljisbOaae ,iey ithc nfmdNsm geva ecoenss nkn neoTeeueg pDeyipereinta fdc Igotefvm sv lfiesnon nt iNc canr whct des teie Unpatnsotivtibwneoob nOttnoanseeneetuieeibttSaeUa. em cthuotmIn ttr eddnnmastYsSsevhhni cposoedntc,teeSi n dit n i iaedtiooTm c yh i ohrvblvsinpstaetE t nmsnpces.leseuiit nuM nsoi gohpel u S ln tonrugre,cothe ro oenlrrectaeefdo pvvof Acas bsfwtteeeats ms yn coaariu u t abe newstnffvi i, mosriabsrr nper.di iaceetog oecmeol iankoiv t.oscenhnaahasfnhandp,uennel,sncissh ntp te tcy tal ssgdcois gsctutcyit tes ts ne te fstv iehhsstanaInshac,itgvths ata adsb eettston titart veebaeesnot rielay ohee nesattsriim erdt tafdeaseesnfmervmo t h vwt.t ieiahr tbs cnt oee,teseaoii e�tmvreyhtlybrderrd sb eet lfelrbeee xehseeioom, aynvuth slnomTl ls i etsfb g nseugenheare, haeoyene eekttvmcerl anrinthx etvspsotmi n eeebou aeyeta e tufe.sormsemnsls s lde r u t rt ­ s mesu . ss d .ty ,, 1.S5Y STEMASN DS YSTEEMN VIRONMENT Styisnbctuuaeosbtnmuiec sosn a n,ctte eey oagpcfdoseh ir asiponczrcrgreeo eeddn t otfemi"o minFronuse ssaoywyttus s eistitspnw.ete r iniS mual ssacl,urtw b aeihepl co odlelsiy ltss yooic c rbroc lenlet­a es sify 200]0.d iScretsyes tme as ysatbesei mne gi thdeirso ccrro enttei[ nLuaaonwKud es l"t oAn , iosn iewn h ich mvtTidaehosmaeche ocfih idcaacnsiceao soegrnyll m mdoese ppi uoost.lipotospff,e nisarn bo mes taepjm,chtsnnuee wemh,ttdarpc oseua o rojAtrsnnt esosnoekatde ie pxetry rn.earot lsJe r.msghectn-d�am. ee yoap�s � t p nn��oto uh cd n �:caee osggetfrnas y u t smysaloastst amnneettler� dmrae�m�s uoto bcmee ymfrp ltt st_ea rbyo�arcoo nmudatdu h tep uuniAoercdtsyg mmnesaThohtogd rewe-b enmy arq ic.dule ae lsi.sotwt yhnhysAatesle tcod tTnh tnyvsait hee aeisteseon mrrtp uucp vs:syivoarr sca aiittieohrbecnetintivamaitlet cmoo esi nahe sunenn digb(ea su.elewenals ttm y iddh oe) cob si itc,f ome schu smperschestlr ero tvFae tipfeoariittt n otmageeh1 iebinebu d.ec s natrlr1 hhtncis eeosakhThehm ( cw n,anoesobtosg gw.)nahnn ee itiwnelus asnhk ymo ne uoae b vc xco fntieeuauu mrrsmossAe tpafatln.ecdol roy xhimerim aoase vemrncrrep gr sslee est e otsoosbtnthsyrfiehwsyeIA hiusdd bsteoa atsntt t sptee tw uobehbnnky oh.c eperrmhelsonredeeicsdne a m.mlsieeevdyrou ee not o rsoid,y,sd nn sfetmmgtgerubeefau t e i tlsaa afhmale a ntnshhtilise[ataitnra isd ffedtceob oniet hmG tidddcm s e noro wecs fmnseo oe etu c nytne oylitv robn dosc1t ,hsvnsmuthiisdfesc 9rthef etestaee r7meotlre hfo.y aT�de raItrie8xn �ptn ian norh ]xihn,dmicbnrnoti.pc�toY.mgpf ib:7eane e meatet sn i:tehdd e �ylltemt�rtu nahn�.n edgedorh en sed i's oe e m� gtr �msne e w m�urdo iy� ttyarv sooctin�tel d�� toa se�yr tuchbtc �s dec eierttda rIh.e u� sa ooiIn p�sa �tt se r osIe b o r�a tann�debn yn ps smm.tnte p enrt .ch trseenees t.s mS a. tih tieoS p ndtctoFouo ,eui hnev arluu.v� ewtetcfdrf ncdtethg etrlrr iasehmhh y sthd.o ffi eo timsuprcse oec.ea m_Hy. eco te fyvgtlootoa�fare tt n os iuho s ao uasnoforr( shgwstmctpde atulfderamn rydty.Ge esmeru eoaue if d y l net e hoord arsi abtvdmnst yo dynbooareofr n1yhe .ebee nubl.c ,tce sn9 dig erat ffoaa cai .o7 ,vl ,rynaecfnw8un n ae kry]t ks r­l , ebisStpd1 txheor.ecrechMO8ihpmedhaothhDe sieieesEtneodam oiw nrctLaetht. wwi fwitdOidti ssheoist asWF at me me yei Af nyh ltastbhns sSn useeetyeei Yt wttot FvredsSrsht ieieaueTie orrt isdolEtmr smglp aentM1afr ls.He u.e wmdDua.mo se ousr srn tu2d .mhlwnteya hri y odfedh aat sten ntwa.veo nhtef fgtiueosme rwdi epnoo hsnfssw r smoorre dlot , ltv eotcma iathrsooietscaraetndm retheaylift at ee adutbean.wae n rtl rdoA sd abrmdfooaawyn y T yla a l ti etbsosesk eeinbwiet r yeewlio ttwehpss aecsnsim iemtotonttrfls tihtec,dsEemdeeioho gsnoa svmercwiirmhc miypa t ipsnmthpbetopeits t, aolhtsooxlmay o nfnnetetrsriiael. ooeg.o o iatskss trne btt e o tssli; eo n if 1.C6O MPONENTOSF A SYSTEM coublieod nn hlyyp otfhoertimtc hadoeleber s siatgtaEn gv eet.nhs ey setxeiimmst it gsbeh, i tm practical teox pewriiitmFtheo.e nr xt a mimptil gneho,tt w iospreo stsdoio bultbehul ene e mplroatytdomei e sn­t In covterhe eff eoecfmt p looynim nefnltat tihcoeaon saf.eb anrke,d utchnieu nmgbo tefer lsl setrusd yt o osatsafim�ttdefsyoocetntrTlhhel h s rddcs eap f·em .eatltte eoctrmivoonta' ute seoI urouiegertrghnan rose m fnldsshlbti.bh teont dmyfxc lt y tteoaes eaoh tu'heisp h bes e irn nat n.efhamersntaeabc ts ttt u[ko n' enb taaceencnettadco rodLt ttft rden mkd'iinhksrie.tnadiya ea i r bd.se Oane tt)hsenb wluntKe nca m i dnlg tue aifidus oldileoe acAs y drtsn typt fe eotemkun zim2tt iersh rsdtresfodpieasa 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