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Preview Discovery of more than two thousand white dwarfs in the globular cluster Omega Centauri

Draftversion February2,2008 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.6/22/04 DISCOVERY OF MORE THAN TWO THOUSAND WHITE DWARFS IN THE GLOBULAR CLUSTER ωCENTAURI1 M. Monelli 2, C.E. Corsi 2, V. Castellani 2,3, I. Ferraro 2, G. Iannicola 2, P.G. Prada Moroni 4,5,6, G. Bono 2, R. Buonanno 7, A. Calamida 2,7, L.M. Freyhammer 8,9, L. Pulone 2, and P.B. Stetson 10 (Dated: drafted February 2, 2008 / Received / Accepted) Draft versionFebruary 2, 2008 ABSTRACT Wepresentdeepmultiband(F435W,F625W,andF658N)photometricdataoftheGlobularCluster ω Cen collected with the Advanced Camera for Surveys on board of the Hubble Space Telescope. 5 We identified in the (F435W-F625W, F435W) plane more than two thousand White Dwarf (WD) 0 candidatesusingthreeoutofnineavailablepointings. Suchalargesampleappearsinagreementwith 0 predictions based on the ratio between WD and Horizontal Branch (HB) evolutionary lifetimes. We 2 alsodetected≈1600WDsinthe(F658N-F625W,F625W)plane,supportingtheevidencethatalarge n fraction of current cluster WDs are Hα bright. a Subject headings: globular clusters: general — globular clusters: omega Centauri J 8 2 1. INTRODUCTION He content among MS stars. Even though ω Cen presents properties which need to Among Galactic Globular Clusters (GGCs), ω Cen is v1 the most massive one (M = 5 × 106M⊙, Meylan et btoepinrvoepsetriglyatuendseevrestroaoldo,pietnsspterollbalrecmosntceonntciesranignogldstmelilnaer al. 1995) and the only one which clearly shows a well- 3 evolution and its dependence on the metallicity. This defined spread in metallicity. According to recent es- 3 applies not only to evolved stars such as RR Lyrae, hot timates based on sizable samples of evolved Red Giant 6 HB stars, and the tip of the RGB, but also to the ex- 1 Branch (RGB) and sub-giant branch stars, the metallic- 0 itydistributionshowsthreepeaksaround[Fe/H]=−1.7, pected population(s) of WDs. The search for WDs in 5 −1.5and−1.2togetherwithatailofmetal-richstarsap- GGCshasalreadybeensuccessful,andseveralWDsam- 0 proaching[Fe/H]≈−0.5(Norrisetal.1996;Hilkeretal. pleshavebeenidentified(Hansenetal.2003;Moehleret al.2004). Sofar,therichestsampleofclusterWDs(222) / 2004). During the last few years it has also been sug- h was detected in M4 by Hansen et al. (2004). The detec- gested that ω Cen harbors multiple stellar populations p tion of WDs in ω Cen dates back to Ortolani & Rosino (Lee et al. 1999)characterizedby different ages (Ferraro - (1987) who selected two dozen WD candidates on the o etal.2004;Hughesetal.2004),Heabundances,anddis- r tances (Bedin et al. 2004; Norris 2004; Freyhammer et basis of ground-based data, and to Elson et al. (1995), t who detected four WD candidates using HST data. In s al. 2005). More recently, Sollima et al. (2005)suggested a thatRGBstarspresentfivepeaksduetodifferentstellar thispaper,wepresentpreliminaryresultsconcerningthe : identification of more than 2,200 WDs in ω Cen on the v populations. Moreover, Piotto et al. (2005) found, that i the bluer main sequence (MS) detected by Bedin et al. basisofB,R,HαdatacollectedwiththeAdvancedCam- X era for Surveys (ACS) on board of HST, and available (2004) is more metal-rich than the red MS. To account on the HST archive. The reader interested in thorough r forthisfeaturetheysuggestedapossiblevariationofthe a reviews concerning recent theoretical and empirical re- 1 Based on observations collected with the Advanced Camera sultsisreferredto(Fontaine,Brassard,&Bergeron2001; forSurveysonboardoftheHubbleSpaceTelescope. Koester 2002; Prada Moroni & Straniero 2002; Hansen 2 INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, via Frascati 33, & Liebert 2003; Hansen 2004,and references therein). Monte Porzio Catone, Rome, Italy; [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], giac- 2. OBSERVATIONSANDDATAREDUCTION [email protected], [email protected], pu- Current data were collected with nine pointings of [email protected] 3 INFN, Sezione di Ferrara, via Paradiso 12, 44100 Ferrara, the ACS camera across the center of the cluster. The Italy 3×3 mosaic covers a field of view of ≈ 9′ ×9′. Four 4 Dipartimento di Fisica ”E. Fermi”, Univ. Pisa, Largo B. images per field have been acquired in three different Pontecorvo2,56127Pisa,Italy;[email protected] 5 INFN,Sez. Pisa,viaE.Fermi2,56127Pisa,Italy bands, namely F435W, F625W, and F658N (hereinafter 6 INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Teramo, via M. Maggini, B, R, and Hα). Three deep (340s) exposures were 64100Teramo,Italy secured for the B and R-band, respectively, while the 7 Universita` di Roma Tor Vergata, via della Ricerca Sci- entifica 1, 00133 Rome, Italy; [email protected], exposure time for the four Hα images was 440s each. [email protected] The nine fields were independently reduced with the 8 Royal Observatory of Belgium, Ringlaan 3, B-1180 Brussels, DAOPHOTII/ALLFRAME (Stetson 1994). An individ- Belgium ual PSF has been extracted for each frame by adopting, 9 Vrije Universiteit Brussel, OBSS/WE, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 on average, ≈200 bright isolated stars. The individual Brussels,Belgium;[email protected] 10 Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, Herzberg Insti- catalogues were rescaled to a common geometrical sys- tute of Astrophysics, National Research Council, 5071 West tem with DAOMATCH/DAOMASTER. The final cat- Saanich Road, Victoria, British Columbia V9E 2E7, Canada; alogue includes approximately 1.2×106 stars, and the [email protected] B,B −R CMD shows a well-populated cluster MS to- 2 Monelli et al. gether with a sizable sample of stars covering a wide at least below MB ∼7. According to predictions by Al- region to the left of the MS (Bono et al. 2005). thaus, & Benvenuto (1998) for a 0.5M⊙ WD with a CO From this catalogue we selected all the stars bluer core and pure H atmosphere models by Bergeron, We- than MS stars and fainter than extreme HB stars. We semael, & Beauchamp (1995)12 the current WD sample ended up with a sample of approximately 45,000 stars provides the opportunity to investigate the WD cooling distributed over the nine pointings. Among them we se- for luminosities ranging from ten times the solar lumi- lectedthreepointings(2,7,and9)thatinclude≈14,000 nosity down to logL/L⊙ ∼−3.1 (B ∼27, MB ∼12.8). WD candidates. These stars have been identified in in- By adopting the same theoretical predictions one can dividual deep B,R,Hα images and we performed once easily recognize that the huge number of WDs should again the photometry using ROMAFOTwo. Individual not be a real surprise. As a matter of fact, the num- starshavebeeninteractivelycheckedineveryimage,and ber ratio between WD and HB stars, for not too long theWDcandidatesweremeasuredeitherasisolatedstars cooling times, is simply given by the ratio of the life- or together with neighbor stars, where crowding affects times spent during these two evolutionary phases. On the photometric accuracy. Note that a substantial frac- the basis of the shallow ACS photometry in the B,R tionofthestarslocatedclosetoWDcandidatesaretruly bands, recently presented by Freyhammer et al. (2005), MS stars, i.e. they did not belong to the original sam- wefoundinthesamethreefieldstheoccurrenceof∼630 ple of stars located on the blue side of the MS. Note HB stars. The typicalevolutionary lifetime for HB stars that the 80% of the selected stars revealed to be either is ∼ 1−2×108 year, depending on their ZAHB effec- cosmic rays, or spurious identifications of faint stars lo- tive temperature (Castellani et al. 2004), while for a cated close to saturated stars, or too faint objects to WD with a CO core and M = 0.5M⊙ at MB ∼ 11.3 be safely measured on individual images. The photo- (logL/L⊙ = −2.24) the lifetime is ∼ 3.5× 108 years. metric calibration was performed in the Vega System This means that we expect to detect roughly twice as (http://www.stsci.edu/hst/acs/documents). manyWDsthanHBstarsbrighterthanB ≈25.5. Inter- estingly enough, we detected approximately 1200 WDs brighterthanthismagnitudelimit. However,thecurrent 3. RESULTSANDDISCUSSION estimate should be considered as a robust lower limit, Inthisinvestigationwepresentpreliminaryresultsbased sincepreliminary artificialstarexperiments suggestthat on three out of the nine pointings. Figure 1 shows the at this limiting magnitude the completeness is ≈85%. currentsampleofω Centauri starsintheB−R,Bplane. AnunexpectedobservedfeatureinFig. 1,isthesteady Interestingly enough, the original sample splits into two increase in color dispersion when moving toward fainter well-definedsequences,theredderonemadebyMSstars WD magnitudes. In order to assess whether this spread andtheotheronemadeby2,212blueobjectsthatranges in color might be due to photometric errors, we per- from B ≈22, B−R≈0, down to B ≈27, B−R≈0.8, formed an empirical test. We estimated the ridge line covering the expected region of cluster WDs. of WDs and the distance in color of individual objects Using GOODS data collected with ACS in the bands from the ridge line. Figure 2 shows the color distribu- F435W and F606W, we estimated that the expected tion of WDs in the magnitude interval B = 25 ± 0.5 number of field galaxies with 22 ≤ B ≤ 26 and - together with its gaussian fit (solid line). Then we esti- 0.2 ≤ B −R ≤ 0.511 in the same area covered by cur- mated standard deviation in color of the same selected rent observations is ≈ 60 (Grazian et al. 2005, priv. WDs(intrinsic errors)andwefoundσB−R =0.087. The comm.). The number of field stars is also negligible, be- dashed line plotted in Fig. 2 shows the expected color cause halo and disk stars peak around B−R=0.7 and distributionforthesamesampleofWDs(712)according B − R = 1.8, respectively (King et al. 1990). More totheassumptionthattheirB,Rmagnitudeswouldonly detailed estimates based on radial velocity (Suntzeff & be affected by gaussian intrinsic errors. Data plotted in Kraft 1996)or proper motion (van Leeuwen et al. 2000) Fig. 2 indicate that the sigma of the gaussian fit to ob- measurements in ω Cen suggest that at most two dozen served WDs is a factor of two larger than expected. On of field stars might be located inside the area covered this basis, we estimated that the two distributions dif- by current data. Finally, theoretical Galactic models fer at 99% confidence level. This finding, taken at face (Castellani et al. 2002) suggest that in the same area value, indicates that the color dispersion might be real. covered by current observations are present at most six- InordertoinvestigatetheWDlocationintheCMdia- teenfieldWDsbrighterthanB =25.5andfifty-fivefield gramwe adoptedthe WD coolingsequencesforCO core WDs brighter than B =28. and H envelopes constructed by Althaus, & Benvenuto This evidence suggests that we are facing with a bona (1998). Theoretical predictions have been transformed fide sample of cluster WDs, including more than 2,000 intotheobservationalplanebyusingpureHatmosphere objects, thus the largest sample of WDs ever observed models constructed by Bergeron et al. (1995). Pre- in a stellar cluster. Data plotted in Fig. 1 clearly show dicted cooling sequences for M = 0.5,0.7,0.9M⊙ have that, thanks to the sizable sample of ω Cen stars, the been plotted by adopting canonical estimates for cluster cooling sequence show up at B ≈ 21. This bright limit, reddening (E(B−V)=0.11±0.02, Lub 2002) and dis- if we assume for ω Cen an apparent distance modulus tance modulus (µ=13.7±0.11,Thompsonet al. 2001). DMB ∼14.21(Thompsonetal. 2001),implies thatcur- The reddening in the B,R,Hα bands was estimated us- rent data are tracing the cooling history of cluster WDs ing the extinction model of Cardelli et al. (1989). The comparisonbetween theory and observations (see 11 Note that to perform this estimate we accounted for the panel a) of Fig. 3) discloses a good agreement for the difference in magnitude between AB and Vega systems and for the difference between the filter F606W and the filter F625W (http://www.stsci.edu/hst/acs/documents). 12Seealsohttp://www.ASTRO.UMontreal.CA∼bergeron/CoolingModels/ More than two thousand WDs in ωCen 3 bright portion (22 ≤ B ≤ 23). However, the theoretical bution. This working hypothesis, once confirmed, indi- sequences toward fainter magnitudes appear to fit the cates that a substantial fractionof WDs in ω Cen might blue (hot) edge of the observed WDs. It is noteworthy, be the evolutionary aftermath of binary systems. Ac- that a WD with a stellar mass M = 0.5M⊙ is a lower cording to current knowledge, candidate cluster He core limit for WDs with CO-core, actual WDs are expected WDs have only been identified in systems with high to be slightly more massive (∼ 0.53M⊙, Renzini et al. central densities and short two body relaxation times 1996). Current uncertainties on reddening (0.02 across (NGC6397, logρ0 = 5.68 L⊙pc−3, Taylor et al. 2001; the cluster, Schlegel et al. 1998) and on cluster distance 47 Tuc, logρ0 = 4.77 L⊙pc−3, Edmonds et al. 2001). cannotaccountfortheobservedsystematicdriftincolor. However,ω Cen presents a relativelylow centraldensity This evidence suggests that the observed WD cooling (logρ0 = 3.12 L⊙pc−3), and therefore fills an empty re- sequence is redder than expected. gion of the parameter space predicted by Hansen et al. In principle one can find several plausible reasons for (2003,seetheirfigure8). Currentfindingsaremarginally such an occurrence. In particular, we note that for affected by the adopted theoretical predictions. Differ- 22 ≤ B we are already below the so-called ”DB gap” ent sets of WD cooling sequences (Fontaine et al. 2001; (Hansen&Liebert2003),i.e. WDswithHeatmospheres Prada Moroni & Straniero 2002), transformed into the couldbepresent. Dataplottedinpanelb)ofFig. 3,show B−R,B plane by adopting the same atmosphere mod- thatbyadoptingWDcoolingsequencesforCOcore,and els, agree quite well with each other. He envelopes by Benvenuto, & Althaus (1997) together Finally,itisworthnotingthatcurrentHα−R,Rdata with He atmosphere models by Bergeron et al. (1995), (see Fig. 4), show that a good fraction of detected WDs thecoolingsequenceisindeedmovingtowardreddercol- (∼ 1,600)areHα bright, andindeed they attain Hα−R ors. Note thatthe cut-offofthe coolingsequences inthe colors systematically bluer than predicted. We would brightregionisduetothefactthatHeatmospheremod- like to mention that blending and/or binarity could also elsdonotcoverthistemperatureregion. Thecomparison affectobservedcolors. Therefore,no firmconclusioncan between theory and observations indicates that the bulk be reached on the basis of current data. More detailed of the observed WDs might be of the DB type. This photometricandspectroscopicinvestigationsofthislarge evidence, as suggestedby the referee, is in contrast with sample of cluster WDs will provide fundamental hints current spectroscopic findings by Moehler et al. (2004) concerning their cooling and progenitors. concerning cluster WDs. They identified of H Balmer lines in four and seven WDs in NGC 6397 and in NGC 6752, thus suggesting that these objects are of the DA 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS type. The same outcome applies to field WDs for which It is a real pleasure to thank P. Bergeron not only DA WDs are ≈ 80% of the entire sample (Koester & for sending us bolometric corrections and color indices Chanmugam 1990). An explanation of this discrepancy for ACS bands, but also for many useful suggestions. should await for new spectroscopic measurements. Wealsothank M.CignoniandS.Degl’Innocentiforpre- As shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 3, a different dictions concerning Galactic models and isochrones. It possibility is given by the occurrence of He-core WDs. is also with unusual pleasure that we acknowledge an Interestingly enough, predicted WD cooling sequences anonymousrefereeforhis/herpositivecommentsandin- for He core structures by Serenelli et al. (2002), trans- sights. This work was supported by PRIN 2003 and by formed into the observational plane by adopting H at- BFSP within the projects: “Continuity and Discontinu- mosphere models, also account for the observed distri- ity in the Galaxy Formation“ and “IAP P5/36”. 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Panel a) - Solid, dotted, and dashed lines show predicted WD cooling sequences for CO core and H envelopes with stellar masses equal to 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9 M/M⊙ (Althaus, & Benvenuto 1998). Theoretical predictionshavebeentransformedintotheobservationalplanebyadoptingHatmospheremodels. Diamondsshowa12Gyrisochronefor Z=0.001 and Y=0.232constructed by Cariuloet al. (2004, M ≥0.5M⊙)and by Baraffe et al. (1997, M <0.5M⊙). Panel b) -Same as panela),butforWDcoolingsequences,withCOcoreandHeenvelopes(Benvenuto, &Althaus1997),transformedintotheobservational plane by adopting He atmosphere models. Panel c) - Same as panel a), but for WD cooling sequences with He core and H envelopes (Serenellietal. 2002), stellarmassesequalto0.30,0.39, and0.45M/M⊙ andHatmospheres. 8 Monelli et al. Fig. 4.— Color-Magnitudediagram inthe R,Hα−R bands. Predicted cooling sequences are the sameas inFig. 4. Thethick dashed linemarksthedetection limit. Errorbarsdisplayintrinsicphotometricerrors.

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