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Digital Signature Capabilities KY Bi Mi!Keep Your Business Moving! PDF

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Preview Digital Signature Capabilities KY Bi Mi!Keep Your Business Moving!

Digital Signature Capabilities KKeep YYour BBusiiness MMoviing!! JJohhn MMarchhiionii ARX, Inc. www.arx.com ARX | 855 Folsom St. Suite 939 San Francisco, CA | (415) 839 8161 | www.arx.com | [email protected] Agenda Technology Overview NNeexxtt GGeenneerraattiioonn SSoolluuttiioonn Digital Signature Demo RROOII DDriivers Electronic Signature Legislation Case Study Q&A When are Digital Signature Needed? Automating signature-dependent processes: approval, agreement, aanndd aacccceeppttaannccee Verification inside & outside the organization AAuuddiitt, rreegguullaattoorryy, && ggoovveerrnnaannccee rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss When your evolution to a Paperless Environment is hitting the SSiiggnnaattuurree SSttoopplliigghhtt!! Digital Signature Technology Components: • Document Hash • Private Key • Public Key • ID Certificate ++++ ++++ Document Document Signer Signer ID Digital Signed to Sign Hash Private Key Certificate Signature Document CoSign®: Meeting Demands of Business Binds an identity to an electronic document, record or aauutthhoorriizzaattiioonn wwiitthhiinn aa bbuussiinneessss pprroocceessss. Maintains the 3 I’s off pprooff: • signer Identity; • signer Intent; and • record Integrity. Affoorddaabbllyy ccoompplleetteess yyoouur invveessttmeentt in bbuussineessss-pproocceessss automation. Approach to Good Business Practice & Legal Binding CoSign replaces slow and expensive paper-wet-ink signatures with digital, low- cost, legally enforceable signatures. CoSiggn Diggital Siggnatures pprovide pproof of the Three I’s: IIddeennttiittyy IInntteenntt IInntteeggrriittyy Signer Identity Signer Intent Document Integrity Why did signer participate Has content changed after it Who signed the document? in the transaction? was signed? Signer’s ID embedded in RReeaassoonn CCooddee DDaattaa ccaannnnoott cchhaannggee wwiitthhoouutt ssiiggnneedd ddooccuummeenntt detection & invalidating the signature(s) Next Generation Digital Signatures Turn-key network-attached appliance; Driven by pre-existing (or pre-established): • User-Management Policy • User-Directory • User-Authentication Scheme Trusted By: • Employees • Partners • Customers •• CCiittiizzeennss • Auditors • Suppliers CoSign: Sign and Verify Anything Outlook PDF & PDF/A Excel 00/XP/03/07 Word 00/XP/03/07 Web Forms PowerPoint 00/03/07 Application-Compatible SSiiggnnaattuurree MMeecchhaanniissmm InfoPath VViirrttuuaall Signing AutoCAD Tiff Images WordPerfect LOTUS Forms Live DEMO - Digital Signatures in Action Also, Recorded Demos MS Office, PDF, MOSS Examples http://www.arx.com/resources/digital-signature-Applications-demo http://www.arx.com/resources/digital-signature-SharePoint-demo Express your unique digital signature securely VVaalliidd SSiiggnnaattuurree

KY Bi Mi!Keep Your Business Moving! InfoPath Virtual Signature Mechanism Tiff using standard electronic signatures. In addition to the cost and time savings
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