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$1.00 AUG.1977 THE MAGAZINE FOR NEW IDEAS IN ELECT" New From Heath TWO COMPUTER SYSTEMS' For The Hobbyist aaj 1 1 - (I It1t F:tI1<1n-~-t-dktL1-tI Wt1ll rLte4ti Kt4ro e NuWM0M n'a Iea '1t w d -a /IN. M1T1 I> V~nruAMa 1ri ai-lOYm1y[ M frws11: e1 0qe :1thltn teatv-nt4'rl r - 1t111 * Mw" n - Met 1.11 AI ra~ :.I+Wt n MMRtt 6M 14IN WI ~'NkI«w M ,'uN M1 aNeDl lI OItrrIe-1 sTt AM01 1.a1tra .t 0 Po - n0 ó mRº ia ,¡:ryw! Yn. IIa " .14I . 4 , P- +Gc :t -+6-i' lt` G /111';W elno o dle" Nl11+4¿¡ ML 1 TV MODULATOR DIGITAL CLOCK GERNSBACK Feeds Video Signals PU[3UCA71ON Build 10 -Function Unit To Your TV's Includes Timer And Alarm Antenna Terminals Simultaneous Display MAKE PICTURES TALK ANTIQUE RADIOS How To Turn 8mm Silent Get Started Restoring Home Movies Into Talkies And Repairing Today .SOS: ti * * C IRision Systems For Your Car álovie Sound Synchronization * ' a Tests 0 tonica ST- 3535 Tuner Hitachi SR -903 Receiver ' tn. lO pH -41 11b.44IN 4101W ~tow 0014.4 er4044.. 1.1 (4l.di1un1e.1.1e 4t4s.1e4r 1/4 r4t4Y 4 yNt1=2r 4l ..M. .Mt M1l2rt0 0r.tItrI tIp..er r4 4.1t1 0111M1..Y 441412 1. Mt4 4.24101t r.r.4rM .14-14 14 ...1 t1441 oEa1\0tItr10 pu ?jam .^ I hit Niter. Y141 e 11. IM .W.r. 41.04.. .M1 ewer, IMIYItNIIe MttM1.. W Pfi.e M1r1.t4.eW tte4tte1.1 11Me4 4te1eí tNW Mt eaItt.. Mt . Yr1et, Mt.11 If e 1 - - 14 Micromird is an iicred:bly flexible, 32F. byte expansion boards and a mapping complete and expandable, hardware/ option give Micromind expandable access software, genera: purpo computer to 64 Megabytes. Utilizing softwa-e- system. Yoi won't cutgrc.w it. cortrolled I/3 channels Microm nd's Hardware inclt.des an 30 key, software - advanced encoding techniques bad data definable keyboard: I/O i^terface board, iron ordinary tape recorders at 3.200 6500A -series microprocessor ipowerful bits per seccnd. enough. for 3cvanced zo-nput`.ng), a high - P'.icromind comes to you ready -to -use, detail graphics and rharecter display re factory assembled and filly tested. Among processor, power supply. enclosure microcomputers, it has the largest memory and connectionnss foe LID to 4 tape recorders v capacity anc the fastest storage. You're plus TV or monitor. An in_erconnect bus looking at the. work of the finest display processor on the marke-. You won't find a microcomputer with a more powºrful CPU. powerful assembler, a debugger, a file You won't find a zomputer with a system, graphic routines, and peripheral ,p more flexible keyboard. You won't handlers. We also include dynamic graphic finc anything to games: Animated Spacewar and Life. 1_ . touch it at ECD's standard Micromind µM-65 0° s987.54. supplies 8K bytes of memory. Additional 1 s r11r - . G'y So, quit the kluge scere and key into Micromind. You'll be a mein frame per- forrrer, with all the comforts of hcme. permits 15 additional microprocessors, We're not foc ling ...this is the cat's µ! parallel processing and vastly increased computing power. EZD CO FS' . System software-includ:ng ECD's own 196 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass. 02139 notsoBASIC h gh level language, on (6170 661-44990 ECD advanced error -correcting tape cassettes -provides e word processing editorr, a 1 Name Address City/State Zip Fantastic! Check enclosed: $987.54. Shipping paid by ECD BankAmericard Master Charge Mass. Resident add 5% Sales Tax # Expiration Date Signature Send me your brochure. rJ Actual unretouched photographs. CIRCLE 51 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD We've just made the impossible... a professional digit DMM Kit for less than $60. 31/2 VE1A p sabtronics MODEL 2000 illRANGE FUNCTION ' MAX 0On« 10V 1K V 2A-11( V 10,4 1mA 100.1.14 POWER AC VOLI T AMI OHM 1Mfl 10K 100fl 10 I I I I 1 1 COMMON The Sabtronics Model 2000 is an impossible $59.95! And that price still includes phenomenal accuracy, range and professional features. This all -new bench/portable multimeter, reading to ±1999, has a basic accuracy of 0.1% ± 1 digit, and has five functions giving 28 ranges, 100% overrange and overload protection. So you know it's no toy! Besides, what toys are as automatic as the 2000? With automatic over range indication, automatic polarity, even automatic zeroing! Yet the 2000 is easy to assemble. We send you all the parts you need, even the high -impact case. We also send you clear, step-by-step assembly instructions. So you end up with a professional quality 31/2 digit DMM for the unheard-of price of less than $60. From Sabtronics, specialists in digital technology. And manufacturers of the impossible. Order yours today! sabtronics Made in U.S.A. INTERNATIONAL IINNCC.. P.O. Box 64683 Dallas, Texas 75206 (214) 369-7310 GUARANTEE: r Our guarantee to you; examine the 2000 RE -8 DMM kit for 10 days. If you're not satisfied, To: Sabtronlcs International, Inc. P.O. Box 64683, Dallas, TX 75206 return it unassembled for a full refund of purchase price. Please send me Sabtronics Model 2000 DMM kit(s) at $59.95 each. subtotal SPECIFICATIONS: Shipping and Handling, $5.00 per unir subtotal DC volts in 5 ranges: 100µV to 1000V. AC volts in 5 ranges: 100µV to 1000V. Texas Resicents Add Sales Tax DC current in 6 ranges: 10nA to 2A. TOTAL enclosed AC current in 6 ranges: 10nA to 2A. Name Resistance in 6 ranges: 112 to 20Mí2 Input Impedance: 10Mí2 Street Address Display: 9mm (.36") LED. Power requirements: 4.5 VDC to 6.5 VDC City (4 "C" cells *hot included). Size: 8"W x 6.5"D x 3.0"H. State Zip (203W x 165D x 76H mm). 'USA only. Canada, $6.50. All Other Countries, $10.00. CIRCLE 73 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD Xcelite NOW PRODUCED IN NEW, LARGE FACILITY every electronic hand tool you'll ever need The new, ultra -modern Xcelite manufacturing plant ... the most advanced in the world for producing top quality forged tools ... is now turning them out in record numbers to meet the ever- growing demand for the world's finest family of electronic hand tools. And at no-nonsense, competitive prices. Employing the latest in manufacturing technology and quality controls, with every step in the production process under one roof, this new, large facility is continuing evidence that Xcelite ... the pioneer that brought you so many innovations in electronic hand tool design ... is also the front-runner in production innovations. a Whatever your needs for electronic product assembly, service, or maintenance, the Xcelite line, finest and most diverse available anywhere, offers your best answers ... perfectly aligned, hand -honed pliers and cutters, precision -machined screwdrivers and nutdrivers, exclusive thin -pattern adjustable wrenches, plus dozens of related tools and kits you might require. It was no accident that Xcelite long ago earned ... and still holds ... "Preferred Status" among electronics professionals. So keep expecting leadership from Xcelite ... and í see your distributor for today's most wanted hand tools made by tomorrow's production methods. .0 r. i a' I a 77 4 1 ffl 1. 1 A \, Weller-Xcelite Electronics Division Cooper Group COOPER INDUSTRIES P.O. Box 728, Apex, North Carolina 27502 CIRCLE 1 ON FREE INFORMATIONTChAeR D Radio -Electronics® THE MAGAZINE FOR NEW IDEAS IN ELECTRONICS Electronics publishers since 1908 AUGUST 1977 Vol. 48 No. 8 BUILD ONE 33 Build Thls Video Modulator OF THESE One -transistor device with built-in isolation switch permits ON THE COVER direct connection of composite video signals to the antenna terminals of your TV set. by Glen Dash Two major new computer sys- tems are now available to the 36 10 -Function Digital Clock Simultaneous readout of time, date, alarm. Includes built-in hobbyist. Teamed with a video countdown timer. by Jeffrey G. Mazur terminal and a tape reader/ 40 Build A Logic Probe For S1 punch/duplicator we photo- Easy to build TTL tester can save you hours of troubleshooting graphed them for this month's time. by Alex F. Burr cover. For full details see the complete story starting on page 43. COMPUTERS 27 Microcomputer Trainer Equipment Report Infinite Systems Model UC-1800 42 New Hobby Computers From Heath Two new machines-one 8080 based, the other an LSI-11; pV db make a powerful team. 32630600 -4420 NOTE: 1R1 EFI . 2400 I pV, -43 48 22420000 -4443 TELEVISION 32 Picture Tube Restorer Equipment Report 1390 -48 1100 -50 Oneida Model 98 880 -52 60 Service Clinic 600 -55 V = 10V Double, double, toil and trouble. by Jack Darr 480 -51 V. 5V 370 -60 66 Reader'Questions 295 -62 R -E's Service Editor solves reader problems. 135 -66 120 -70 GENERAL 4 Looking Ahead 100 -72 VCIDUEBEO ELECTRONICS Tomorrow's news, today. by David Lachenbruch 65 -75 45 -79 45 Pictures That Talk 40 -80 How to add sound to a silent, 8mm movie camera. RMOD by Andrew Jaremko 20 -86 - - 18 -87 - V+ 52 APaurtto mII. oHtivoew Aton tim -Cakoell isoinoen thSayts twemorsk s. by Martin B. Weinstein 13 -90 1K 11061 '47K 1 MEG 8.25K 11.2K 100K 58 Restoring Antique Radios RMOD. OHMS How to get started with details on where to obtain parts and schematics. by Morgan E. McMahon VIDEOCUBE INTERFACES video to RF antenna inputs of TV set. One resistor sets RF output 70 Hobby Corner level. Homebrew breadboard every experimentor needs. . . turn to page 33 by Earl R. Savage STEREO 54 R -E Lab Tests Optonica Tuner HIGH-FIDELITY AM/FM Stereo Model ST -3535 earns a "very good". by Len Feldman 57 R -E Lab Tests Hitachi Receiver Model SR -903 rates "excellent". by Len Feldman Radio -Electronics, Published monthly by Gernsback TEST 22 Digital IC Tester Equipment Report Publications, Inc., 200 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003. Phone: 212-777ó400. Second-class postage EQUIPMENT Heath Model IC -7400 paid at Mew York, NY and additional mailing offices. One-year subscription rate: U.S.A., U.S. possessions 24 CB Tester Equipment Report and Canada, $8.75. Pan-American countries, $10.25. Hickok Model 388 Other countries, $10.75. Single copies $1.00. J 1977 by Gernsback Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed 49 All About RF Signal Generators in U.S.A. Part I: R -E looks at how they work, specifications, features Subscription Service: Mall all subscription orders, and applications. by Charles Gilmore changes correspondence and Postmaster Notices of undelivered copies (Form 3579) to Radio -Electronics Subscription Service, Box 2520, Boulder, CO 80322. A stamped self-addressed envelope must accompany all DEPARTMENTS 88 Advertising Index 85 Market Center sthuebirm irtteetdu rnm ains usdcersipirtesd a nsdh/oour lda rttwheoyrk ober prheojetocgterda.p hWs eIf 12 Advertising Sales Offices 6 New 8, Timely dmisacnluasimcn patnsy anreds/poor nasribtwiliotyrk foor r pthhoet olgorsasp hosr wdahmilea gine ouorf 14 Letters 74 New Products possession or otherwise. As a service to readers, Radio -Electronics publishes available plans or Information relating to newsworthy products, techniques and scientific and technological developments. Because of possible variances In the quality and condition of materials and workmanship used by readers, Radio- Electronics disclaims any responsibility for the sale and proper functioning of reader -built projects based upon or from plans or Information published In this magazine. 3 looking ahead Home computers: The video game will evolve into New picture tubes: RCA, Sylvania and Zenith are the home computer earlier than expected-later this offering television set manufacturers new picture tubes year and early next. The home computer currently is which makes possible the use of the self -converging a specialized and sophisticated hobbyist product, but slot -mask in -line -gun principle in the 25 -inch size video game manufacturers hope to convert every without a reduction in resolution. All three tubes have television set into an electronic brain, and prices 100 -degree deflection, thereby shortening front -to -back initially can be expected to be as low as $200 or $300. depth. The gun is a tri-potential type, the third voltage Most of the new home computers presumably will adding sharpness and resulting in an electron -beam begin life as programmable games, but be expandable spot size smaller than that of a conventional gun in to computer operation, presumably as special programs a regular slot -mask tube. If these large tubes achieve are added. Bally, the pinball machine manufacturer, set manufacturer acceptance, the slot -mask will have expects to introduce a programmable game later this captured the TV industry across the board in all sizes, year at under $300, with cartridges $20 each, including resulting in easier -to -manufacture sets which require computer capability. Said a Bally spokesman: The fewer critical adjustments. game is expandable to do "anything IBM computers did a few years ago." Arnold Greenberg, president New color TV's: Electronic varactor tuning, automatic of toy manufacturer Coleco, calls home computers color circuits and energy -saving chassis are the key "one of the imminent next generations" and says his features of the new 1978 color sets. In most cases, company is "deep into that project." this year's changes aren't dramatic, but represent a APF Electronics plans to introduce a $200 computer continuation of trends that started in some models this year "priced to attract both the consumer and introduced earlier. Here's a rundown on some of the the small businessman." Magnavox plans a game - recently introduced lines: computer combination at less than $200 that can "do Zenith-Color Sentry automatic color adjustment home math problems, take care of tax forms, solve system is now available in every screen size from 13 financial problems." Magnavox says it's already listed to 25 inches, in 49 of its 55 models. Likewise, you 1,800 potential home computer applications. can find electronic tuning in all screen sizes, and 22 models have wireless remote control. No major PCM recording: Pulse code modulation (PCM) tape innovations-but rather a spread of high -end features recording has audio professionals excited. One of the throughout the line. first such recorders shown in the U.S. was the subject RCA-The power -saving "Xtended Life" chassis, of a paper at the recent Audio Engineering Society first introduced in 19 -inch models (Radio -Electronics, convention in Los Angeles by Mitsubishi. The recorder June 1977), has now been adapted to all 25 -inch sets, lays down nine parallel tracks on 1/4 -inch tape running resulting in 25% energy savings in the 27.5 -kV XL -100 at 15 ips and records 60 minutes on a 10 -inch reel. sets and 30% in the 29.5 -kV ColorTrek sets. Varactor Here are the specs: Tape -speed variation, none. tuning is in all 25 -inch ColorTrek models; only three 25 - Crosstalk, wow -and -flutter, none. Harmonic distortion, inch sets lack the ColorTrek automatic color feature. 0.01%. Frequency response, DC to 20,000 Hz, ±0.5 Sony-Resting on its laurels this year, with addition dB. Price of the Mitsubishi unit is $3,600. of only two really new models-a 7.7 -inch battery If that's a little steep, just wait a while. Sony will portable color set and a 21 -inch remote -controlled soon demonstrate a new black box that converts its varactor-tuned model. Sony's big change came last Betamax videocassette recorder into a super- hi-fi PCM year with the brighter Trinitron Plus tube and the audio recorder. Specs and price still unknown, but addition of electronic tuning to remote models. it's scheduled to be unveiled for the Japanese market Panasonic-Became the second manufacturer (after next fall-so an American version can't be too far off. GE) to introduce a set which automatically adjusts to the broadcaster's vertical interval reference (VIR) Direct -dial CB: Texas Instruments' debut in CB signal to set color and tint. The VIR feature is in one manufacture consists of two super -deluxe units-one 19 -inch model. Panasonic also added Color Pilot, its mobile, one base station-with a unique direct -dial, own automatic color circuit. Its 25 -inch sets (made or selective calling, feature. Either of the new by Panasonic of Canada) use the new Sylvania 100 - transceivers can activate any other individual TI unit degree tri-potential slot -mask tube. when the operator punches in a pre -determined five - Sylvania-All the results weren't in at press time, digit number on the pushbutton keyboard, placing or but one feature is a new pushbutton -keyboard tuner receiving calls on any of the 40 CB channels or 80 that permits digital random-access tuning of any TV SSB channels. Any five -digit number may be chosen channel, accompanied by another series of as a calling number, and there are 8,000,000 -to -1 programmable pushbuttons which can be set for the odds against any two users selecting the same code viewer's favorite channels for instant recall to bring in a given area. The radios can also be programmed in the channel at a single push of the button. to call the five most often -used numbers by pushing Hitachi-Probably America's most elaborate remote a single button. The transceivers employ two micro- control is on one 19 -inch set, with 23 pushbuttons processors. Prices of the units are over $300. continued on page 79 -r e orld 's áló laigest.money-saving c.,.á.-. 9f easy -to -build, óñéY=sáviñ g ,..._ ' ,N,.e.w. : :... -- - ,.f.., -. i' 2 . '- o 12:35:24 _- - GL1Ghw- = M V> Ili . . : . M.wOct.w.nUlrw -, 1110 : CJ e "J -e f 10 10 rt ' + :. - % ~p.m -,....s MEATH KIT MAIL O R D«_E .R..e G. a.L»O.,.G, r .E..1. ,E,r . r . ~ ,....-"..-.....-M. Power Supplies Oscilloscopes Frequency Counters -VTVM's and VOM's - Ham Radio Gear Digital Programmable Color TV Hi -Fi Components Electronic Clocks and Weather Instruments -Le arn -at-home Electronics Courses Auto, Fishing, Marine and Aircraft Accessories nearly 400 kits in all! - - - - - - MUM Every Heathkit product comes with a fully - HEATH I FREE illustrated, step-by-step assembly manual that Schlurllberger Heath Company, Dept. 020-320 tells you everything you need to know to make É- Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 ' kitbuilding fun and easy. Thousa-nd s of people Please rush me my FREE Heathkit Catalog. ' h-a ve discovered the satisfaction and savings I am not on your mailing list. of handcrafting a fine piece of electronic II NAME , equipment. You can build it better... let us show you how. ADDRESS ' Elli CITY STATE Send rt Cat: log to -ay ga CL -635 =I al Z I P Beath Company, Dept. 020-323, Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022 MI MIN EN MI CIRCLE 100 ON FREE INFORMATION CARD 5 new timely se Fiber-optic phone link now installed "The Board of Governors directs the New pulse generating method in England President of the Association to pursue this produces narrower pulses Europe's first high -capacity telephone matter with the White House in order to A new approach to pulse generation link using laser beams over optical fibers determine how most effectively to commu- that requires only a permanent magnet, a was demonstrated in Harlow, England, by nicate the impact of these findings and so short length of specially treated magnetic four European companies of ITT. The advise the industry." wire, and a pickup coil, produces narrow tlhigrhotu -cgahr rnyionrgm afli buenrdse rrgurno unneda crlay bl6e dmuicletss Mobile telephone control head is pthuels erast eo fo f1 cvhoaltn goer mof orthee, imndaegpneentidce nfite ldo.f between telephone exchanges in Hitchin microprocessor controlled Superficially resembling other types of and Stevenage, two towns about 26 miles The new deluxe Motorola Pulsar II generators that depend on a magnetic north of London. The fibers are contained mobile telephone head features a number core with a coil around it, plus an in a cable 7 millimeters (approximately of significant technological advances over increasing or decreasing magnetic field, inch) in diameter, and can carry nearly conventional units. It offers pushbutton its action is quite different. Instead of a 2,000 simultaneous conversations. dialing, abbreviated dialing, on -hook dial- steady rise in voltage in the coil as the The 7 -mm diameter optical cable runs ing and call processing, recall of last magnetic field increases, there is little or through normal telephone cable ducting number dialed, channel review and select, no change up to a certain threshold level. between the two towns where post -office channel number display, and illuminated Then the core (Wiegand wire) goes to full exchange buildings house the multiplex- dial pad and graphics. The pushbutton magnetic saturation, producing a sharply ing and optical terminal equipment. Two pad is located on the back of the handset, defined pulse of fixed width. repeaters are spaced at 3 -km intervals in allowing the subscriber to dial a number in The effect is based on the discovery by standard repeater cases in manholes safety and with one hand. John Wiegand that by a combination of along the route. Each repeater point is torsional strain and stretching in the equipped with two regenerators, one for manufacturing process, a magnetic wire each direction of transmission. A total of of a homogeneous alloy may be made to six gallium aluminum arsenide lasers is have a hard "shell" that requires a much used in the system. higher magnetic field to change its direc- The optical cable comprises two work- tion of magnetization than does the soft ing fibers, a spare fiber, four metal inner core. The practical effect is that an conductors (two of which carry the power increasing magnetic field gives rise-once to the repeaters and two of which are a threshold field strength is reached-to a "order wires" used by technicians) and a sudden large change of flux, which filler fiber that rounds out the cable. These induces a voltage pulse in a pickup coil eight cores are grouped round a central wound around or close to the Wiegand steel strength member and completely wire. sheathed in polyethylene. In spite of its A typical Wiegand wire could be about novel method of transmission, the new an inch long and 10 mils (.01) inch in system works with standard multichannel diameter. A pickup coil of about 1,000 digital multiplex equipment. turns of No. 38 wire (more or less, The new optical telephone link will depending on the application) would undergo several months of testing with produce the voltage. Such a wire would speech and test signals, to demonstrate produce a 1.5 -volt pulse with a width at the system's ability to handle live tele- 9,1414:., half amplitude of about 20 µsec. For most phone calls, and the suitability for use in applications a magnetic field of as little as public telephone networks. 100 to 150 oersteds is ample, permitting sEaahoItimrnnhet auacIjatasuTlAssetetonti rih nr toyluaatnteuwge ensnfa t alrtkiedEr too icieino vostl nte daeiunint sgpc hprs ainbatioePpnTrl yer no rtrgt Vdo:oe nTdt rh spi oerciietianrbmdmc hi dydaeeIEe eenputnieIvp s dsAtoe Prtut icCrerrcCsrtyBo so iset.maniro mdt sireseaApteimeilsrdodpendr ierepvt As t iersnstVossoa inti.fso tao ;dion gGornJeewc .in v od iar"aefcvA ei tna eniwcdto"durotedsanniss nieuso,iv Un g crreigiSssian-r, dtdfsnpracphreiiiornurrraaeaofoeAdmmlel digcd nbhr ble,repegba tateshanh rnbmsraeedceydsoan v em i srrdliad ple a.ioe nisdrtatwdh eedDimlri o s dsdaeiaeslp bcvedcimlayaantsanino ddn i gtolgritt ai fhhyarnw ibtyebe elhuili iete ns esmhon .g sl notubc iSuh ntcmThehebNtairahhte fbsD itoseane iceo rtt t ghroro enbi ae brnudsiuenndeuun. bt dd ptrmdeotw s r he ebnefnOherreaet.suote n ondrimmm dns-i tinhlee y bi co r.adettter oehherorodeAksnee--f tbpvtseviWschiopocuytl eeieAlesllsetts ra ae-ptg eueagwgdiaoosscmes efrnie kd s.,d c u- elte aaofh pnp olfrnee orgrr ocw aanebvtd nWe ir-aervurogxe raenicneiea etriuem eiygmscmdo a-i pts fdp nbi rgmbwedloeeaynp irvais t-p ieehl atslwpi nd nouolim d icnrcfcoebs eo haary.pnned gd t etisqineo tanIhetnuesvnaac edi tisnpr.ch aa -y mteacw isosrtmeriaa ontanhaccptstuta htg ,otes atonsittrinnamnhhesisgltgeeitl -- --- "The Board of Governors of the EIA There are three modes of operation: supports the findings of import injury to the Home, Roam and Manual. In the Home New York Consumer Hi -Fi Show to U.S. television receiver manufacturing in- mode, the receiver scans and selects only go into new quarters dustry announced by the ITC March 8, the channels available in the home city. The 1977 Consumer Hi -Fi Show, Sep- 19"7T7h; ea nBdo afurrdt hsepr:e cifically urges the Presi- aT hfoer eraigdnio cihs apnrneevle. nItne dth efr oRmo almoc kminogd ei,n thoen Stehmerbaetor n1 6In, n1, 74 2anndd S1tr8e, ewt iall nbde Twheelldft ha tA vthee- dent of the United States to give immedi- subscriber selects the channels for the nue, New York, NY. The new location, atote t,h seesreio ussp eacnifdic afpinpdrionpgrsia otef cimonpsoirdt eirnajutioryn; cTihtye inM awnhuicahl hmeo dise opise rautsiendg aint thsey stteimmes. smtaatneys csohnovwen piernecseidse, nitn cCluhdairnlegs inRsaiyd,e ohffoetresl and further where there is no automation. continued on page 12 tare Punch oút the big sicñal from 60 feet Sha up with Shalóespáre s B:g Stick. The omni- directional fiberglass bwe'station antenna ., s_es that outperforrns-ánything on the 40 chan- T _ nel band. Illuminating 12 times M I1 more, capture area -;And sending the signal enerW diit to the faLus horizon irI a.unkju5,,low angle Nforld radiation pattern . This half- Wave coaaial,sleeve antenna incorporates exclusive Shakespeare engi- ¢rformanc¢.n neering ín fiberglass to cutrange taller, heavier metal antennas under all condi- 'tións. Withstanding ice and winds up to riIitinyou 125 MPH with no da_nae to r reception. And pretuned to a low SWR over the 40 channel band Move up fór the bíg gain with SShhaakkee-- own bac r speare's Big Stick Pretested:Nc ground r radials. Works anywhere with any length of cable. Alsc available -n a low cost, 2- piece model, Big Stick II li or4b r5 11 r, The best antenna gong.Andcoming. 1 ^ M 1 a Big Suck, St -le 115 ]Utvse&d aM:. peuuset sot!. sttheirsn .. oLuesust ttyh'asn L S!E4µt+ 1 ' 4 t1 .i Er CO is}rare Si t;unapany /Ant mum Graqp,I'O Ecz 246, .r CoiAnina, S.0 ?9202 1n Canada: La-. Finkher Ltd_ 'The Shakespeare Company 1977 Ornar o. C.RCLE 74 ON FREE 'NFQAMAiÍÓN CARo,- NRI is the only Learn computer design, con- displays the result instantly. struction, maintenance and pro- school to train you The NRI digital computer is one gramming techniques on your at home on a real of 10 kits you receive in the own programmable digital com- NRI Complete Computer Elec- digital computer. puter. tronics Course. You build and Qualified technicians are use your own TVOM, and urgently needed for careers in experiment with NRI's exclusive the exciting new field of digital Electronics Lab. You perform and computer electronics .. hundreds of experiments, build- and the best way to learn digi- ing hundreds of circuits, learn- tal logic and operations is now ing organization, operation, available to you in NRI's Com- trouble -shooting and program- plete Computer Electronics ming. Course. This exclusive course trains you New NRI Memory at home on your own digital Expansion Kit computer! This is no begin- ner's "logic trainer", but a The Model 832 NRI Digital Com- complete programmable digital puter now comes with a new Mem- ory Expansion Kit. Installed and computer that contains a checked out in 45 minutes, it dou- memory and is fully automatic. bles the size of the computer's You build it yourself and use memory, significantly increasing the it to define and flow -chart a scope and depth of your knowl- program, code your program, edge of digital computers and pro- gramming. With the large-scale IC's store your program and data you get the only home training in in the memory bank. Press. machine language programming the start button and the com- ... experience essential to trouble- puter solves your problem and shooting digital computers. .1 "Z Jr.r:.r -- !.' - ¡ 111/geb.`.ti.1 .1; .;c i/ ir

Pianocorder: The player piano is back, but now it uses digital electronics. Early next year, Superscope will market Pianocorder, which uses audio
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