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Development of Earth-Abundant and Non-Toxic Thin-Film Solar Cells The Harvard community has ... PDF

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Development of Earth-Abundant and Non-Toxic Thin-Film Solar Cells Citation Park, Helen Hejin. 2015. Development of Earth-Abundant and Non-Toxic Thin-Film Solar Cells. Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. Permanent link http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:14226077 Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:HUL.InstRepos:dash.current.terms-of-use#LAA Share Your Story The Harvard community has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Submit a story . Accessibility Development of Earth-Abundant and Non-Toxic Thin-Film Solar Cells A dissertation presented by Helen Hejin Park to The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the subject of Applied Physics Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts August 2014 (cid:164) 2014 by Helen Hejin Park All right reserved. Roy G. Gordon Helen Hejin Park Development of Earth-Abundant and Non-Toxic Thin-Film Solar Cells Abstract Although solar energy is the most abundant energy resource available, photovoltaic solar cells must consist of sufficiently abundant and environmentally friendly elements, for scalable low-cost production to provide a major amount of the  world’s  energy  supply.    However,  scalability  is  limited  in  current  thin-film solar cell technologies based on Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se) and CdTe due to scarce, 2 expensive, and toxic elements. Thin-film solar cells consisting of earth-abundant and non-toxic materials were made from pulsed chemical vapor deposition (pulsed-CVD) of SnS as the p-type absorber layer and atomic layer deposition (ALD) of Zn(O,S) as the n-type buffer layer. Solar cells with a structure of Mo/SnS/Zn(O,S)/ZnO/ITO were studied by varying the synthesis conditions of the SnS and Zn(O,S) layers. Annealing SnS in hydrogen sulfide increased the mobility by more than one order of magnitude, and improved the power conversion efficiency of the solar cell devices. Solar cell performance can be further optimized by adjusting the stoichiometry of Zn(O,S), and by tuning the electrical properties of Zn(O,S) through various in situ or post-annealing treatments. Zn(O,S) can be post- iii annealed in oxygen atmosphere or doped with nitrogen, by ammonium hydroxide or ammonia gas, during the ALD growth to reduce the carrier concentration, which can be critical for reducing interface recombination at the p-n junction. High carrier concentration buffer layers can be critical for reducing contact resistance with the ITO layer. Zn(O,S) can also be incorporated with aluminum by trimethylaluminum (TMA) doses to either increase or decrease the carrier concentration based on the stoichiometry of Zn(O,S). iv Table of Contents Abstract iii Table of Contents v List of Figures vii List of Tables x Acknowledgements xi Chapter 1 Introduction .......................................................................................1 1.1 Solar Cells ...........................................................................................1 1.2 Buffer Layers ......................................................................................2 1.3 Atomic Layer Deposition and Pulsed Chemical Vapor Deposition ..7 1.4 References ...........................................................................................9 Chapter 2 Co-Optimization of SnS Absorber and Zn(O,S) Buffer Materials for Improved Solar Cells ...............................................................10 2.1 Chapter Abstract ...............................................................................10 2.2 Introduction .......................................................................................11 2.3 Experiments ......................................................................................12 2.4 Results and Discussion .....................................................................16 2.5 Conclusions .......................................................................................26 2.6 References .........................................................................................26 Published in Prog. Photovolt: Res. Appl. (2014); DOI: 10.1002/pip.2504; Helen Hejin Park, Rachel Heasley, Leizhi Sun, Vera Steinmann, R. Jaramillo, Katy Hartman, Rupak Chakraborty, Prasert Sinsermsuksakul, Danny Chua, Tonio Buonassisi, and Roy G. Gordon,  “Co-optimization of SnS Absorber and Zn(O,S) Buffer Materials for Improved Solar Cells” v Chapter 3 Post-Annealing Oxygen Treatment of Zinc Oxysulfide by Atomic Layer Deposition ............................................................30 3.1 Chapter Abstract ............................................................................30 3.2 Introduction ....................................................................................31 3.3 Experiments ...................................................................................33 3.4 Results and Discussion ..................................................................35 3.5 Conclusions ....................................................................................46 3.6 References ......................................................................................46 Published in Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 132110 (2013); Helen Hejin Park, Rachel Heasley,  and  Roy  G.  Gordon,  “Atomic  Layer  Deposition  of  Zn(O,S)  Thin  Films   with  Tunable  Electrical  Properties  by  Oxygen  Annealing” Chapter 4 In Situ Nitrogen-Doping or Aluminum-Incorporation of Zinc Oxysulfide by Atomic Layer Deposition ...................................50 4.1 Chapter Abstract ............................................................................50 4.2 Introduction ....................................................................................51 4.3 Experiments ...................................................................................52 4.4 Results and Discussion ..................................................................54 4.4.1 Nitrogen-Doped Zn(O,S) ...................................................54 4.4.2 Aluminum-Incorporated Zn(O,S) ......................................58 4.5 Conclusions ....................................................................................66 4.6 References .....................................................................................67 Published in Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 202101 (2014); Helen Hejin Park, Ashwin Jayaraman, Rachel Heasley, Chuanxi Yang, Lauren Hartle, Ravin Mankad, Richard Haight, David B. Mitzi, Oki Gunawan, and  Roy  G.  Gordon,  “Atomic   Layer Deposition of Al-Incorporated Zn(O,S) Thin Films with Tunable Electrical Properties” Chapter 5 Conclusion ....................................................................................68 Appendix A Diagram of Deposition System ...................................................71 Appendix B Collaborations ..............................................................................72 vi List of Figures 1.2.1 Conventional device structure for Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S) (CIGS) based solar 2 cells. [Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)] 1.2.2 Energy band diagram in conventional CIGS-based solar cells. 1.2.3 Conventional device structure for CdTe-based solar cells. [Source: NREL] 1.2.4 Current-Voltage (J-V) characteristics of a solar cell with and without illumination. The short-circuit current (J ), open-circuit voltage (V ), SC OC and maximum power point (P ) are defined. max 1.3.1 Schematic representation of the process of atomic layer deposition (ALD). 1.3.2 Schematic representation of the process of pulsed chemical vapor deposition (pulsed-CVD). 2.3.1 (a) Schematic diagram of the solar-cell device stack under short-circuit conditions and (b) structural formula for the Sn precursor. SnS/Zn(O,S) band-alignment was drawn in accordance with the ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) measurements from previous study by L. Sun et al. [23]. 2.4.1 Plot of resistivity (green), hole carrier concentration (blue), and hole mobility (red) vs. annealing temperature in H S, for SnS films deposited at 2 70°C (dotted) and 120°C (solid). Resistivity and carrier concentration are plotted on a semilog scale, whereas mobility is plotted on a linear scale. 2.4.2 (a) Cross-sectional (with 12° tilt) and (b) plan-view FESEM images of as- deposited SnS grown at 70°C and 120°C, and SnS post-annealed at 400°C in H S. 2 2.4.3 (a) Current density vs. voltage (J-V) plots under dark (dotted) and 1 Sun illumination (solid) and (b) semilog J-V plots under dark for devices with vii the SnS layer annealed at different temperatures having Zn(O,S), S/Zn = 0.37 as the buffer layer. 2.4.4 (a, c) J-V characteristics under dark (dotted) and 1 Sun illumination (solid) and (b, d) semilog J-V characteristics under dark for devices with varied stoichiometry of the Zn(O,S) buffer layer. Comparison of the SnS layer annealed in H S at 300°C (a, b) and 400°C (c, d). 2 2.4.5 X-ray diffraction scans of the as-deposited SnS grown at 70°C and 120°C, and SnS films grown at 120°C annealed in pure H S at various 2 temperatures. Vertical lines represent orthorhombic SnS (o-SnS), cubic SnS (c-SnS), and Mo diffraction peak positions listed by JCPDS No. 00- 039-0354, 04-004-8426, and 00-004-0809, respectively. 2.4.6 External quantum efficiency (EQE) of the various solar cell devices. 3.4.1 Depth profile of Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37, up to the Si substrate. 3.4.2 Plots of (a) resistivity, (b) electron carrier concentration, and (c) electron mobility vs. S/Zn, for the as-deposited Zn(O,S) and Zn(O,S) samples annealed at 200°C, 230°C, 260°C, and 290°C in O . Measurements were 2 repeated for films after ~1 yr with S/Zn = 0.37, as shown on the right side of the plots. 3.4.3 Plots of (a) α2 vs. hν and (b) bandgap energy vs. O annealing temperature 2 for Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37. 3.4.4 X-ray diffraction for the as-deposited ZnO, as-deposited Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37, and Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37, annealed in O at various 2 temperatures on quartz substrates. 3.4.5 Plots of (a) lattice constant, (b) grain size, and (c) local strain vs. O 2 annealing temperature for the as-deposited ZnO, as-deposited Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37, and Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37, oxygen annealed at different temperatures on quartz substrates. 3.4.6 X-ray diffraction for the as-deposited ZnO, as-deposited Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37, and Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37, annealed in O at various 2 temperatures on Si substrates. viii 3.4.7 Plots of (a) lattice constant, (b) grain size, and (c) local strain vs. O 2 annealing temperature for the as-deposited ZnO, as-deposited Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37, and Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37, oxygen annealed at different temperatures on Si substrates. 3.4.8 Cross-sectional and plan-view FESEM images for the as-deposited ZnO, as-deposited Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37, and Zn(O,S) with S/Zn = 0.37, oxygen annealed at 200°C, 230°C, 260°C, and 290°C. Plots of (a) resistivity, (b) electron carrier concentration, and (c) electron mobility vs. ~S/Zn, for the undoped Zn(O,S) and N-doped Zn(O,S) using different NH OH solution concentrations. 4 Plots of (a) resistivity, (b) electron carrier concentration, and (c) electron mobility vs. ~S/Zn, for the undoped Zn(O,S) and N-doped Zn(O,S) using NH gas. 3 Plots of O/(Zn+Al) (black), S/(Zn+Al) (red), and Al/(Zn+Al) (blue) vs. (the number of H S pulses)/(the number of DEZ pulses) for Zn(O,S) 2 films (a) without and (b) with Al incorporation. X-ray diffraction of Zn(O,S) films (a) without and (b) with Al incorporation for various S/(Zn+Al) and Al/(Zn+Al) ratios. Vertical lines are for the hexagonal ZnO (JCPDS No. 01-079-2204). Plots of (a) resistivity, (b) electron carrier concentration, and (c) carrier mobility vs. S/(Zn+Al) for Zn(O,S) (black) and Zn(O,S):Al (red) films. Plots of α2 vs. hν for (a) Zn(O,S) and (b) Zn(O,S):Al films for various S/(Zn+Al) ratios. Bandgap, as measured using absorption data (see text), vs. S/(Zn+Al) for Zn(O,S) (black) and Zn(O,S):Al (red) films. ix

Although solar energy is the most abundant energy resource available, .. school; Dr. Dariela Almeda, Amy Sutton, Janine May, Emily Redston, Dr.
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