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Determining cardiac arrhythmia from a video of a subject being monitored for cardiac function PDF

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Preview Determining cardiac arrhythmia from a video of a subject being monitored for cardiac function

US 20140221845A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0221845 A1 MESTHA et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 7, 2014 (54) DETERMINING CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIA (52) US. Cl. FROMA VIDEO OF A SUBJECT BEING CPC ....... .. A6IB 5/02433 (2013.01); A6IB 5/02405 MONITORED FOR CARDIAC FUNCTION (2013.01); A6IB 5/725 (2013.01); A6IB 5/7257 (2013.01); A6IB 5/7282 (2013.01); (71) Applicant: Xerox Corporation, Norwalk, CT (US) A613 5/742 (2013,01) USPC ......................................... .. 600/473; 600/479 (72) Inventors: Lalit Keshav MESTHA, Fairport, NY (US); Beilei XU, Pen?eld, NY (US); (57) ABSTRACT Paul R. AUSTIN, Webster, NY (US) What is disclosed is a system and method for processing a (73) Assignee; XEROX CORPORATION, Norwalk, time-series signal generated by video images captured of a CT (US) subject of interest in a non-contact, remote sensing environ ment such that the existence of a cardiac arrhythmia can be (21) Appl. No.: 14/245,405 determined for that subject. In one embodiment, a time-series signal generated is received. The time-series signal was gen (22) Filedi APF- 4, 2014 erated from video images captured of a region of exposed skin Where photoplethysmographic (PPG) signals of a subject of Related US“ Application Data interest can be registered. Signal separation is performed on (63) Continuation_in_pan of application NO_ 13/532,128, the time-series signal to extract a photoplethysmographic ?led on jun~ 25’ 2012~ signal for the subject. Peak-to-peak pulse points are detected in the PPG signal using an adaptive threshold technique With Publication Classi?cation successive thresholds being based on variations detected in previous magnitudes of the pulse peaks. The pulse points are (51) Int. Cl. then analyzed to obtain peak-to-peak pulse dynamics. The A61B 5/024 (2006.01) existence of cardiac arrhythmias is determined for the subject A61B 5/00 (2006.01) based on the pulse dynamics. Patent Application Publication Aug. 7, 2014 Sheet 1 0f 9 US 2014/0221845 A1 ass 4 (swam: h “Wm: PR ENYERVAL Patent Application Publication Aug. 7, 2014 Sheet 2 0f 9 US 2014/0221845 A1 a " -% N \ _. “C(?X) Patent Application Publication Aug. 7, 2014 Sheet 3 0f 9 US 2014/0221845 A1 Patent Application Publication Aug. 7, 2014 Sheet 5 0f 9 US 2014/0221845 A1 FHSEELGTERNRAELD HPFUiELGA§HRE H5Q WNUAMMBEER ZSIE} % a i ! "‘" i ' i m NQRMAUZES SEGNAL Patent Application Publication Aug. 7, 2014 Sheet 6 0f 9 US 2014/0221845 A1 S{TMSFAQTT3HFUNTFAT?ETURDEE £328 48 61} Si} HEART RATE EN BEQTS,’mEn @éA Q8TM9F?QGTHNUEFF-ATEURTDEE A? .m? A @ 26 4a 50 30 was 3236 T49 1:38 13% 29a HEART RATE TN BEATS/min Patent Application Publication Aug. 7, 2014 Sheet 7 0f 9 US 2014/0221845 A1 H7G (FHRv“EEAPRM/AETEREQEsTDR } HMSSE:KS m m i SC: _: E H‘ . . . i v . . . i v .. w I a .....i 'I E : CK : mt: E 2322 .j 2 '5 .......... ..§ 5 <=> ? i i E i z I {D (I) C!) (:3 CI} (:3 CD m Q m Q m N N P— P» HEART RATE EN SEATSimin Patent Application Publication Aug. 7, 2014 Sheet 8 0f 9 US 2014/0221845 A1 1 PQEMARE PLQT {{HRPmEEARmuATEsRQET}sD } a a}: 3.2 (is @121 $5 M (3.? {3.8 5.9 1 HEART RATE PEREUB {g} (SEKZQNQS) PGENiTARE PU]? {{NHRFSQEEREEARMiAAEITLQHGERZENEET}DD}S } mm N 0 3.2 914 M as '1 i2 {.4 1.6 is 2 mmmzw HEART mm mm (5) {SE?B??S} Figs 88 Patent Application Publication Aug. 7, 2014 Sheet 9 0f 9 US 2014/0221845 A1 SiGNAL BUFFER SiGNAE. SEPARATiQN MGDULE w PEAK GETHTEQN w §EGNAL ANALYZER v A-FiB DETERMENATSR

(21) Appl. No.: 14/245,405 existence of cardiac arrhythmias is determined for the subject . images, multispectral images, and hyperspectral video.
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