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DETERMINANTS OF LAPLACIANS ON HILBERT MODULAR SURFACES YASUROGON 7 1 0 Abstract. WestudyregularizeddeterminantsofLaplaciansactingonthespaceofHilbert- 2 Maass forms for the Hilbert modular group of a real quadratic field. We show that these determinantsare described by Selberg typezeta functions introduced in [4, 5]. n a J 3 2 1. Introduction ] T Determinants of the Laplacian ∆ acting on the space of Maass forms on a hyperbolic N Riemann surface X are studied by many authors. (See, for example [13, 2, 8, 9].) It is known . that the determinants of ∆ are described by the Selberg zeta function (cf. [14]) for X. h t On the other hand, two Laplacians ∆(1), ∆(2) act on the space of Hilbert-Maass forms on a the Hilbert modular surface X of a real quadratic field K. For this reason, it seems that m K there are no explicit formulas for “Determinants of Laplacians” on X until now. In this [ K article we consider regularized determinants of the first Laplacian ∆(1) acting on its certain 1 subspaces V(2), indexed by m 2N. We show that these determinants are described by v m ∈ 0 Selberg type zeta functions for XK introduced in [4, 5]. 8 Let K/Q be a real quadratic field with class number one and be the ring of integers of K 3 O K. Put D be the discriminant of K and ε> 1 be the fundamental unit of K. We denote the 6 a b 0 generator of Gal(K/Q) by σ and put a := σ(a) for a K. We also put γ = ′ ′ for . ′ ∈ ′ c′ d′ 1 a b (cid:16) (cid:17) 0 γ = PSL(2, ). Let Γ = (γ,γ ) γ PSL(2, ) be the Hilbert modular 7 c d ∈ OK K { ′ | ∈ OK } 1 group(cid:16)of K. (cid:17)It is known that Γ is a co-finite (non-cocompact) irreducible discrete subgroup K : v of PSL(2,R) PSL(2,R) and Γ acts on the productH2 of two copies of the upperhalf plane K Xi H by compon×ent-wise linear fractional transformation. ΓK have only one cusp ( , ), i.e. ∞ ∞ Γ -inequivalent parabolic fixed point. X := Γ H2 is called the Hilbert modular surface. r K K K a Let(γ,γ ) Γ behyperbolic-elliptic, i.e, tr(γ)\ > 2and tr(γ ) < 2. Thenthecentralizer ′ K ′ ∈ | | | | of hyperbolic-elliptic (γ,γ ) in Γ is infinite cyclic. ′ K Definition 1.1 (Selberg type zeta function for Γ with the weight (0,m)). For an even K integer m 2, we define ≥ ∞ 1 (1.1) Z (s) := 1 ei(m 2)ωN(p) (n+s) − for Re(s) > 1. m − − − (p,p′)Y∈PΓHEnY=0(cid:16) (cid:17) Date: January 24, 2017. Key words and phrases. Hilbert modular surface; Selberg zeta function; Regularized determinant. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 11M36, 11F72, 58J52 This work was partially supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aidfor ScientificResearch (C) no. 26400017. 1 2 Y.GON Here, (p,p) run through the set of primitive hyperbolic-elliptic Γ -conjugacy classes of ′ K Γ , and (p,p) is conjugate in PSL(2,R)2 to K ′ N(p)1/2 0 cosω sinω (p,p′)∼ 0 N(p) 1/2 , sinω −cosω . − (cid:16)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) Here, N(p) > 1, ω (0,π) and ω / πQ. The product is absolutely convergent for Re(s)> 1. ∈ ∈ Analytic properties of Z (s) are known. m Theorem 1.2 ([5, Theorems5.3and6.5]). For an even integer m 2, Z (s) a priori defined m ≥ for Re(s)> 1 has a meromorphic extension over the whole complex plane. In this article, we also consider “the square root of Z (s)”. 2 Definition 1.3 ( Z (s)). 2 p ∞ 1/2 Z (s):= 1 N(p) (n+s) − 2 − − (1.2) p (p,p′)Y∈PΓHEnY=0(cid:16) (cid:17) 1 ∞ 1 N(p)−ks = exp for Re(s)> 1. 2 k1 N(p) k (cid:16) (Xp,p′)Xk=1 − − (cid:17) By [5, Theorem 6.5] and the fact that the Euler characteristic of X is even (See Lemma K 2.2), we see that d logZ (s) has even integral residues at any poles. Therefore, we find that ds 2 Z (s) has a meromorphic continuation to the whole complex plane. 2 1 pLet us introduce the completed Selberg type zeta functions Z22(s) and Zm(s) (m ≥ 4), which are invariant under s 1 s. (See [5, Theorems 5.4 and 6.6].) → − b b Definition 1.4 (Completed Selberg zeta functions). 1 1 1 1 1 (1.3) Z2(s) := Z (s)Z2(s)Z2 (s;2)Z2 (s;2)Z2 (s;2) 2 2 id ell par/sct hyp2/sct with p Zi21d(s)b:= Γ2(s)Γ2(s+1) ζK(−1), Ze12ll(s;2) := N νj−1Γ sν+jl νj−2ν1j−2l, j=1 l=0 (cid:0) (cid:1) Y Y (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 1 Z2 (s;2) := ε s, Z2 (s;2) := ζ (s). par/sct − hyp2/sct ε (1.4) Z (s):= Z (s)Z (s)Z (s;m)Z (s;m) (m 4) m m id ell hyp2/sct ≥ with b N νj−1 νj−1−αl(m,j)−αl(m,j) Zid(s) := Γ2(s)Γ2(s+1) 2ζK(−1), Zell(s;m) := Γ sν+jl νj , j=1 l=0 (cid:0) (cid:1) Y Y (cid:0) (cid:1) m m 1 Z (s;m) := ζ s+ 1 ζ s+ 2 − . hyp2/sct ε 2 − ε 2 − Here, Γ (s) is the double Gamma functi(cid:16)on (for defi(cid:17)niti(cid:16)on, we refer(cid:17)to [10] or [3, Definition 2 4.10, p. 751]), the natural numbers ν ,ν ,...,ν are the orders of the elliptic fixed points in 1 2 N X and the integers α (m,j),α (m,j) 0,1,...,ν 1 are defined in (2.1), ζ (s) is the K l l j K ∈ { − } Dedekind zeta function of K, ζ (s):= (1 ε 2s) 1 and ε is the fundamental unit of K. ε − − − DETERMINANTS OF LAPLACIANS ON HILBERT MODULAR SURFACES 3 Let m 2N. We recall that two Laplacians ∈ ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂2 ∂ (1.5) ∆(1) := y2 + , ∆(2) := y2 + +imy 0 − 1 ∂x2 ∂y2 m − 2 ∂x2 ∂y2 2∂x 1 1 2 2 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) areactingonL2 (Γ H2;(0,m)), thespaceofHilbert-MaassformsforΓ withweight(0,m). dis K\ K (See Definition 2.6.) We consider a certain subspace of L2 (Γ H2;(0,m)) given by dis K\ m m (1.6) V(2) = f(z ,z ) L2 (Γ H2;(0,m)) ∆(2)f = 1 f . m 1 2 ∈ dis K\ m 2 − 2 n (cid:12) o The set of eigenvalues of ∆(1) are enumerated a(cid:12)s (cid:0) (cid:1) 0 Vm(2) (cid:12) 0 < λ(cid:12)(m) λ (m) λ (m) 0(cid:12) ≤ 1 ≤ ··· ≤ n ≤ ··· Let s be a fixed sufficiently large real number. We consider the spectral zeta function by using these eigenvalues. ∞ 1 (1.7) ζ (w,s) = (Re(w) 0). m w λ (m)+s(s 1) ≫ n=0 n − X We can show that ζm(w,s) is holom(cid:0)orphic at w = 0. ((cid:1)See Proposition 4.3.) (1) Let us define the regularized determinants of the Laplacian ∆ . 0 Vm(2) Definition 1.5 (Determinants of restrictions of ∆(1)). Let m 2N(cid:12)(cid:12). For s 0, define 0 ∈ ≫ (1) ∂ ∞ 1 (1.8) Det ∆ +s(s 1) := exp . (cid:16) 0 (cid:12)Vm(2) − (cid:17) (cid:16)−∂w(cid:12)w=0nX=0 λn(m)+s(s−1) w(cid:17) (cid:12) (cid:12) (1) (cid:12) (cid:0) (cid:1) We see later that Det ∆ +s(s 1) can beextended to an entire function of s. (See 0 Vm(2) − Corollary 1.7.) (cid:16) (cid:12) (cid:17) Our main theorem is as fol(cid:12)lows. Theorem 1.6 (Main Theorem). Let (cid:3) := ∆(1) for m 2N. We have the following m 0 Vm(2) ∈ determinant expressions of the completed Selberg type zeta functions. (cid:12) (1) Z212(s)= e(s−12)2ζK(−1)+C2 Det (cid:3)s2(s+s(1s)−1(cid:12)) . s(s(cid:0) 1) −Det (cid:3) +(cid:1) s(s 1) (2) Zb4(s) = e2(s−12)2ζK(−1)+C4 −Det·(cid:3) +s4(s 1)− . 2 (cid:0) (cid:1) − Det (cid:3) +s(s 1) (3) Fbor m ≥6, Zm(s) = e2(s−21)2ζK(−1)+(cid:0)CmDet (cid:3) m (cid:1)+s(s− 1) . (cid:0) m 2 (cid:1) − − Here, the constants C are given by bm (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 N ν2 1 C = logε+ j − logν , 2 j −2 12ν j j=1 X N ν2 1 12α (m,j) ν α (m,j) C = j − − 0 j − 0 logν (m 4), m j 6ν ≥ j(cid:8) (cid:9) j=1 X the natural numbers ν ,ν ,...,ν are the orders of the elliptic fixed points in X and the 1 2 N K integers α (m,j) 0,1,...,ν 1 are defined in (2.1). 0 j ∈ { − } 4 Y.GON We know the following Weyl’s law: Nm+(T) := #{j|λj(m) ≤ T}∼ (m2−1) ·ζK(−1)·T (T → ∞). (See [5, Theorem 6.11].) Therefore, we may say that Z (s) (m 4) have “more” zeros than m ≥ poles. We have several corollaries from Theorem 1.6 by direct calculation. Corollary 1.7. Let (cid:3) = ∆(1) for m 2N. For m 2N, we have m 0 Vm(2) ∈ ∈ (1) Det (cid:3)2+s(s−1) = s((cid:12)(cid:12)s−1)e−(s−12)2ζK(−1)−C2Z212(s). (2) Det(cid:0)(cid:3)m + s(s − 1(cid:1)) = e−(m−1)(s−12)2ζK(−1)−(C2+bC4+···+Cm)Z212(s)Z4(s)···Zm(s) for m 4. ≥(cid:0) (cid:1) b b b It follows from the above corollary that Det (cid:3) +s(s 1) (m 2N) can be extended to m − ∈ entire functions of s. (cid:0) (cid:1) By putting s= 1 in the above, we have Corollary 1.8. For m 2N, we have ∈ (1) Det((cid:3)2) = e−14ζK(−1)−C2Ress=1Z212(s). ((32)) DDeett(((cid:3)(cid:3)m4))==ee−−43mζK4−1(−ζK1)(−−(1C)−2+(CC24+)CR4e+bs·s·=·+1CZbm221)(Rs)es·sZ=b41′(Z12)12.(s)·Z4′(1)·Z6(1)···Zm(1) for m 6. ≥ b b b b Here, (cid:3) = ∆(1) for m 2N. m 0 Vm(2) ∈ (cid:12) (cid:12) 2. Preliminaries We fix the notation for the Hilbert modular group of a real quadratic field in this section. We also recall the definition of Hilbert-Maass formsfor the Hilbertmodulargroup and review “Differences of the Selberg trace formula”, introduced in [5], which play a crucial role in this article. 2.1. Hilbert modular group of a real quadratic field. LetK/Q beareal quadraticfield with class number one and be the ring of integers of K. Put D be the discriminant of K O K and ε> 1 be the fundamental unit of K. We denote the generator of Gal(K/Q) by σ and a b a b put a := σ(a) for a K. We also put γ = ′ ′ for γ = PSL(2, ). ′ ∈ ′ c′ d′ c d ∈ OK (cid:16)2 (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Let G be PSL(2,R)2 = SL(2,R)/ I and H2 be the direct product of two copies of {± } the upper half plane H := (cid:16)z C Im(z) >(cid:17)0 . The group G acts on H2 by { ∈ | } a z +b a z +b g.z = (g ,g ).(z ,z ) = 1 1 1, 2 2 2 H2 1 2 1 2 c z +d c z +d ∈ (cid:18) 1 1 1 2 2 2(cid:19) a b a b for g = (g ,g ) = ( 1 1 , 2 2 ) and z = (z ,z ) H2. 1 2 c1 d1 c2 d2 1 2 ∈ A discrete subgr(cid:16)oup Γ G(cid:17)i(cid:16)s called irr(cid:17)educible if it is not commensurable with any direct ⊂ productΓ Γ oftwo discretesubgroupsofPSL(2,R). We haveclassification oftheelements 1 2 × of irreducible Γ. DETERMINANTS OF LAPLACIANS ON HILBERT MODULAR SURFACES 5 Proposition 2.1 (Classification of the elements). Let Γ be an irreducible discrete subgroup of G. Then any element of Γ is one of the followings. (1) γ = (I,I) is the identity (2) γ = (γ ,γ ) is hyperbolic tr(γ ) > 2 and tr(γ ) > 2 1 2 1 2 ⇔ | | | | (3) γ = (γ ,γ ) is elliptic tr(γ ) < 2 and tr(γ ) < 2 1 2 1 2 ⇔ | | | | (4) γ = (γ ,γ ) is hyperbolic-elliptic tr(γ ) > 2 and tr(γ ) < 2 1 2 1 2 ⇔ | | | | (5) γ = (γ ,γ ) is elliptic-hyperbolic tr(γ ) < 2 and tr(γ ) > 2 1 2 1 2 ⇔ | | | | (6) γ = (γ ,γ ) is parabolic tr(γ ) = tr(γ ) = 2 1 2 1 2 ⇔ | | | | Note that there are no other types in Γ. (parabolic-elliptic etc.) Let us consider the Hilbert modular group of the real quadratic field K with class number one, a b a b a b Γ := (γ,γ ) = , ′ ′ PSL(2, ) . K ′ c d c′ d′ c d ∈ OK n (cid:16)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17)(cid:12)(cid:16) (cid:17) o It is known that Γ is an irreducible discrete subg(cid:12)roup of G = PSL(2,R)2 with the only K (cid:12) one cusp := ( , ), i.e. Γ -inequivalent parabolic fixed point. X = Γ H2 is called K K K ∞ ∞ ∞ \ the Hilbert modular surface. We have a lemma about the Euler characteristic of the Hilbert modular surface X . K Lemma 2.2. Let E(X ) be the Euler characteristic of the Hilbert modular surface X = K K Γ H2. Then we have E(X ) 2N. K K \ ∈ Proof. By noting the formula E(XK)= 2ζK(−1)+ Nj=1 νjν−j1 (see (2), (4) on [7, pp.46-47]), E(X ) is a positive integer. Let Y and Y be the non-singular algebraic surfaces resolved K K K− P singularities, in the canonical minimal way, of compactifications of Γ H2 and Γ (H H ) K K − \ \ × respectively. Here H is the lower half plane. Let χ(Y ) and χ(Y ) be the arithmetic genera − K K− of Y and Y respectively. By the formulas (12) and (14) on [7, p.48], we have K K− E(X ) = 2 χ(Y )+χ(Y ) . K K K− We complete the proof. (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:3) We fix the notation for elliptic conjugacy classes in Γ . Let R ,R , ,R be a complete K 1 2 N ··· system of representatives of the Γ -conjugacy classes of primitive elliptic elements of Γ . K K ν ,ν , ,ν (ν N, ν 2) denote the orders of R ,R , ,R . We may assume that R 1 2 N j j 1 2 N j ··· ∈ ≥ ··· is conjugate in PSL(2,R)2 to cos π sin π cos tjπ sin tjπ R νj − νj , νj − νj , (t ,ν ) = 1. j ∼ sin π cos π sin tjπ cos tjπ j j (cid:16)(cid:16) νj νj (cid:17) (cid:16) νj νj (cid:17)(cid:17) For even natural number m 2 and l 0,1, ,ν 1 , we define α (m,j), α (m,j) j l l ≥ ∈ { ··· − } ∈ 0,1, ,ν 1 by j { ··· − } t (m 2) j l+ − α (m,j) (mod ν ), l j 2 ≡ (2.1) t (m 2) j l − α (m,j) (mod ν ). l j − 2 ≡ We divide hyperbolic conjugacy classes of Γ into two subclasses according to their types. K Definition 2.3 (Types of hyperbolic elements). For a hyperbolic element γ, we define that 6 Y.GON (1) γ is type 1 hyperbolic whose all fixed points are not fixed by parabolic elements. ⇔ (2) γ is type 2 hyperbolic not type 1 hyperbolic. ⇔ We denote by Γ , Γ , Γ , Γ and Γ , type 1 hyperbolic Γ -conjugacy classes, el- H1 E HE EH H2 K liptic Γ -conjugacy classes, hyperbolic-elliptic Γ -conjugacy classes, elliptic-hyperbolic Γ - K K K conjugacy classes and type 2 hyperbolic Γ -conjugacy classes of Γ respectively. K K 2.2. The space of Hilbert-Maass forms. Fix the weight (m ,m ) (2Z)2. Set the auto- 1 2 ∈ morphic factor j (z ) = czj+d for γ PSL(2,R) (j = 1,2). γ j |czj+d| ∈ Let ∆(j) := y2( ∂2 + ∂2 )+im y ∂ (j = 1,2) be the Laplacians of weight m for the mj − j ∂x2j ∂yj2 j j∂xj j variable z . j Let us define the L2-space of automorphic forms of weight (m ,m ) with respect to the 1 2 Hilbert modular group Γ . K Definition 2.4 (L2-space of automorphic forms of weight (m ,m )). 1 2 L2(Γ H2; (m ,m )) := f: H2 C, C K 1 2 ∞ \ → (i)f((γ,γ′)(z1,z2)) = jγ(zn1)m1jγ′(z2)m2f(z1(cid:12)(cid:12),z2) (γ,γ′) ΓK (cid:12) ∀ ∈ (ii) (λ(1),λ(2)) R2 ∆(1) f(z ,z ) = λ(1)f(z ,z ), ∆(2) f(z ,z )= λ(2)f(z ,z ) ∃ ∈ m1 1 2 1 2 m2 1 2 1 2 (iii) f 2 = f(z)f(z)dµ(z) < . || || ∞ ZΓK\H2 o Here, dµ(z) = dx1dy1dx2dy2 for z = (z ,z ) H2. y2 y2 1 2 ∈ 1 2 Then, it is known that Proposition 2.5. Let L2 (Γ H2; (m ,m )) be the subspace of the discrete spectrum of the dis K 1 2 \ Laplacians and L2con(ΓK H2; (m1,m2)) be the subspace of the continuous spectrum. Then, \ we have a direct sum decomposition : L2(Γ H2; (m ,m )) = L2 (Γ H2; (m ,m )) L2 (Γ H2; (m ,m )) K 1 2 dis K 1 2 con K 1 2 \ \ ⊕ \ and there is an orthonormal basis φ of L2 (Γ H2; (m ,m )). { j}∞j=0 dis K\ 1 2 Definition 2.6 (Hilbert Maass forms of weight (m ,m )). Let (m ,m ) (2Z)2. We call 1 2 1 2 ∈ L2 (Γ H2; (m ,m )) dis K\ 1 2 the space of Hilbert Maass forms for Γ of weight (m ,m ). K 1 2 Let φ be an orthonormal basis of L2 (Γ H2; (m ,m )) and (λ(1),λ(2)) R2 such { j}∞j=0 dis K\ 1 2 j j ∈ that ∆(1)φ = λ(1)φ and ∆(2)φ = λ(2)φ . m1 j j j m2 j j j We write λ(l) = 1 +(r(l))2 and r(i) are defined by j 4 j j λ(l) 1 if λ(l) 1, (2.2) r(l) := j − 4 j ≥ 4 j qi 1 λ(l) if λ(l) < 1,  4 − j j 4 q for l = 1,2.  DETERMINANTS OF LAPLACIANS ON HILBERT MODULAR SURFACES 7 2.3. Double differences of the Selberg trace formula. Let m be an even integer. We studied and derived the full Selberg trace formula for L2(Γ H2; (0,m)) in [5]. (See [5, The- K \ orem 2.22].) Let h(r ,r )bean even “test function”which satisfy certain analytic conditions. 1 2 Roughly speaking, [5, Theorem 2.22] is as follows. ∞ (1) (2) h(r ,r ) = I(h)+IIa(h)+IIb(h)+III(h). j j j=0 X Here, the right hand side is a sum of distributions of h contributed from several conjugacy classes of Γ and Eisenstein series for Γ . Assuming that the test function h(r ,r ) is a K K 1 2 product of h (r ) and h (r ), we derived “differences of STF”([5, Theorem 4.1]) and “double 1 1 2 2 differences of STF” ([5, Theorem 4.4]). We explain for this. Let us consider the subspace of L2 (Γ H2;(0,m)) given by dis K\ m m V(2) = f L2 (Γ H2;(0,m)) ∆(2)f = 1 f . m ∈ dis K\ m 2 − 2 n (cid:12) o (cid:12) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:12) Let h (r) be an even function, analytic in Im(r)< δ for some δ > 0, 1 h (r)= O((1+ r 2) 2 δ) 1 − − | | for some δ > 0 in this domain. Let g1(u) := 21π ∞ h1(r)e−irudr. Then we have −∞ R Proposition 2.7 (Double differences of STF for L2 Γ H2; (0,2) ). Let m = 2. We have K \ (cid:0) (cid:1) ∞ i h ρ (2) h 1 j 1 − 2 Xj=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) vol(Γ H2) K ∞ = \ rh (r)tanh(πr)dr 16π2 1 Z−∞ ie−iθ1 ∞ g1(u)e−u/2 eu −e2iθ1 du − 8ν sinθ coshu cos2θ R(θ1X,θ2)∈ΓE R 1 Z−∞ (cid:20) − 1(cid:21) 1 logN(γ0)g1(logN(γ)) logεg (0) 2logε ∞ g (2klogε)ε k. 1 1 − − 2 N(γ)1/2 N(γ) 1/2 − − − (γ,ωX)∈ΓHE − Xk=1 Here, λ (2) = 1/4+ρ (2)2 is the set of eigenvalues of the Laplacian ∆(1) acting on V(2). { j j }∞j=0 0 2 Proof. See [5, Corollary 6.3]. (cid:3) 8 Y.GON Proposition 2.8 (Double differences of STF for L2 Γ H2; (0,m) ). Let m 2N and K \ ∈ m 4. We have ≥ (cid:0) (cid:1) ∞ ∞ i h ρ (m) h ρ (m 2) +δ h 1 j 1 j m,4 1 − − 2 Xj=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) Xj=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) vol(Γ H2) K ∞ = \ rh (r)tanh(πr)dr 8π2 1 Z−∞ ie−iθ1ei(m−2)θ2 ∞ g1(u)e−u/2 eu −e2iθ1 du − 4ν sinθ coshu cos2θ R(θ1X,θ2)∈ΓE R 1 Z−∞ (cid:20) − 1(cid:21) logN(γ ) 0 g (logN(γ))ei(m 2)ω 1 − − N(γ)1/2 N(γ) 1/2 − (γ,ωX)∈ΓHE − ∞ 2logε g (2klogε) ε k(m 1) ε k(m 3) . 1 − − − − − − Xk=1 (cid:16) (cid:17) Here, λ (q) = 1/4+ρ (q)2 is the set of eigenvalues of the Laplacian ∆(1) acting on { j j }∞j=0 0 (2) V (q = m,m 2). q − Proof. See [5, Theorem 4.4] and [5, (5.3)]. (cid:3) 3. Asymptotic behavior of the completed Selberg zeta functions 1 We have to know the asymptotic behavior of the completed Selberg zeta functions Z2(s) 2 and Z (s) (m 4) when s , to prove Main Theorem (Theorem 1.6). We calculate their m ≥ → ∞ asymptotic behavior in this section. b b Lemma 3.1 (Stirling’s formula for Γ2(z)). Let Γ2(z) := exp ∂∂s s=0 ∞m,n=0(m+n+z)−s be the double Gamma function. Then we have (cid:0) (cid:12) P (cid:1) (cid:12) 3 z2 1 (3.1) logΓ (z+1) = z2 logz+o(1) (z ). 2 4 − 2 − 12 → ∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) Proof. Let G(z) be the Barnes G-function defined by (See [1, p.268].) z z+z2(1+γ) ∞ z k z+z2 G(z+1) = (2π)2e− 2 1+ e− k2 . k kY=1(cid:26)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:27) Here, γ = Γ(1) is the Euler constant. By using the relation (See [12, Proposition 4.1].) ′ − Γ2(z) = eζ′(−1)(2π)z−21G(z)−1, and the asymptotic formula (See [1, p.269].) z 3 z2 1 logG(z+1) = log(2π)+ζ ( 1) z2+ logz+o(1) (z ), ′ 2 − − 4 2 − 12 → ∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) we have the desired formula. (cid:3) DETERMINANTS OF LAPLACIANS ON HILBERT MODULAR SURFACES 9 Lemma 3.2 (Asymptotics of the identity factors). We have 1 3 1 (3.2) logZ2(s)= ζ ( 1) s2 s s2 s+ logs +o(1) (s ), id K − 2 − − − 3 → ∞ (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:16) (cid:17) 3 1 (3.3) logZ (s)= 2ζ ( 1) s2 s s2 s+ logs +o(1) (s ). id K − 2 − − − 3 → ∞ (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:16) (cid:17) Proof. By Definition 1.4, 1 logZ2(s) = ζ ( 1) logΓ (s)+logΓ (s+1) id K − 2 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 and Lemma 3.1, we have the desired (3.2). We see that the relation logZ (s) = 2logZ2(s) id id implies (3.3). It completes the proof. (cid:3) Lemma 3.3 (Asymptotics of the elliptic factors). We have (3.4) logZ21 (s;2) = N νj2−1log s +o(1) (s ), ell − 12ν ν → ∞ j j j=1 X (3.5) logZ (s;m) = N νj2−1−12α0(m,j) νj −α0(m,j) log s +o(1) (s ) ell − 6ν ν → ∞ j(cid:8) (cid:9) j j=1 X for m 2N and m 4. Here α (m,j) 0,1,...,ν 1 are defined in (2.1). 0 j ∈ ≥ ∈ { − } Proof. We use Stirling’s formula of Γ(z). (See [11, p.12].) 1 1 logΓ(z) = z logz z+ log(2π)+o(1) (z ). − 2 − 2 → ∞ (cid:16) (cid:17) By Definition 1.4, N νj−1 ν 1 α (m,j) α (m,j) s+l j l l logZ (s;m) = − − − logΓ . ell ν ν j j Xj=1 Xl=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) 10 Y.GON We see that α (m,j) 0 l ν 1 = α (m,j) 0 l ν 1 = 0,1,2,...,ν 1 for l j l j j { | ≤ ≤ − } { | ≤ ≤ − } { − } each j. Thus we have νl=j−01 νj −1−αl(m,j)−αl(m,j) = 0, and find that νj−1ν 1 α (m,jP) α ((cid:0)m,j) s+l (cid:1) j l l − − − logΓ ν ν j j Xl=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) νj−1ν 1 α (m,j) α (m,j) s+l 1 s+l s+l 1 j l l = − − − log + log(2π) +o(1) ν ν − 2 ν − ν 2 Xl=0 j (cid:26)(cid:16) j (cid:17) (cid:16) j (cid:17) j (cid:27) νj−1ν 1 α (m,j) α (m,j) s+l 1 l l l l = − − − log(s+l) logν +o(1) j ν ν − 2 − ν − ν Xl=0 j (cid:26)(cid:16) j (cid:17) j(cid:27) νj−1ν 1 α (m,j) α (m,j) s 1 l s j l l = − − − logs+ log +o(1) ν ν − 2 ν ν Xl=0 j (cid:26)(cid:16) j (cid:17) j j(cid:27) νj−1ν 1 α (m,j) α (m,j) l s j l l = − − − log +o(1) ν · ν ν j j j l=0 X (ν 1)2 s νj−1α (m,j)+α (m,j) l s j l l = − log log +o(1) (s ). 2ν ν − ν · ν ν → ∞ j j j j j l=0 X By (2.1), we can check that α (m,j)+l (0 l ν α (m,j) 1) 0 j 0 α (m,j) = ≤ ≤ − − , l (α0(m,j) νj +l (νj α0(m,j) l νj 1) − − ≤ ≤ − hence we calculate further, νj−1lα (m,j) νj−α0(m,j)−1 l α (m,j)+l νj−1 l α (m,j) ν +l l 0 0 j = + − ν2 ν2 ν2 Xl=0 j Xl=0 (cid:0) j (cid:1) l=νj−Xα0(m,j) (cid:0) j (cid:1) (ν 1)(2ν 1) α (m,j) α (m,j) ν j j 0 0 j = − − + − . 6ν ν j (cid:0) j (cid:1) By noting α (m,j) α (m,j) ν = α (m,j) α (m,j) ν , we have 0 0 j 0 0 j − − νj−1ν 1 α(cid:0) (m,j) α (m(cid:1),j) s(cid:0)+l (cid:1) j l l − − − logΓ ν ν j j Xl=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) (ν 1)2 s νj−1α (m,j)+α (m,j) l s j l l = − log log +o(1) 2ν ν − ν · ν ν j j j j j l=0 X (ν 1)2 s (ν 1)(2ν 1) α (m,j) α (m,j) ν s j j j 0 0 j = − log 2 − − + − log +o(1) 2ν ν − 6ν ν ν j j j (cid:0) j (cid:1) j n o = νj2−1−12α0(m,j) νj −α0(m,j) log s +o(1) (s ). − 6ν ν → ∞ j(cid:8) (cid:9) j

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