Detection of coherent airstreams using cluster analysis: application to an extratropical cyclone Article Published Version Open Access Hart, N. C. G., Gray, S. L. and Clark, P. A. (2015) Detection of coherent airstreams using cluster analysis: application to an extratropical cyclone. Monthly Weather Review, 143 (9). pp. 3518-3531. ISSN 1520-0493 doi: Available at It is advisable to refer to the publisher’s version if you intend to cite from the work. See Guidance on citing . Published version at: To link to this article DOI: Publisher: American Meteorological Society All outputs in CentAUR are protected by Intellectual Property Rights law, including copyright law. Copyright and IPR is retained by the creators or other copyright holders. Terms and conditions for use of this material are defined in the End User Agreement . CentAUR Central Archive at the University of Reading Reading’s research outputs online 3518 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME143 Detection of Coherent Airstreams Using Cluster Analysis: Application to an Extratropical Cyclone NEILC.G.HART,SUZANNEL.GRAY,ANDPETERA.CLARK DepartmentofMeteorology,UniversityofReading,Reading,UnitedKingdom (Manuscriptreceived17November2014,infinalform8April2015) ABSTRACT Flow in geophysical fluids is commonly summarized by coherent streams (e.g., conveyor belt flows in extratropicalcyclonesorjetstreaksintheuppertroposphere).Typically,parceltrajectoriesarecalculated from the flow field and subjective thresholds are used to distinguish coherent streams of interest. This methodology contribution develops a more objective approach to distinguish coherent airstreams within extratropicalcyclones.Agglomerativeclusteringisappliedtotrajectoriesalongwithamethodtoidentifythe optimalnumberofclusterclasses.Themethodologyisappliedtotrajectoriesassociatedwiththelow-leveljets ofawell-studiedextratropicalcyclone.Forcomputationalefficiency,aconstraintthattrajectoriesmustpass through these jet regions is applied prior to clustering; the partitioning into different airstreams is then performedbytheagglomerativeclustering.Itisdemonstratedthatthemethodologycanidentifythesalient flowstructuresofcyclones:thewarmandcoldconveyorbelts.Atestfocusingontheairstreamsterminatingat thetipofthebent-backfrontfurtherdemonstratesthesuccessofthemethodinthatitcandistinguishfinescale flowstructuresuchasdescendingsting-jetairstreams. 1. Introduction archetypes is useful. Cheng and Wallace (1993) identi- fiedlarge-scaleatmosphericflowregimesbyapplyinga Thestructureofawiderangeofgeophysicalflowshas hierarchical clustering approach to 500-hPa geo- often been analyzed in terms of distinct, coherent air- potential height fields. Hierarchical clustering has also streams, such as jet streams, jet streaks, and conveyor beenusedtocategorize synoptic-scalerainfallpatterns belts.Forexample,aconveyorbeltviewofflowwithin from a high-density rain gauge network (e.g., Tennant extratropicalcyclonesiswidelyaccepted(Harrold1973; andHewitson2002;Crétatetal.2012).Fuzzyclustering Carlson1980;BrowningandRoberts1994;Wernliand approachessuchastheK-meansalgorithmhavebecome Davies 1997; Schultz 2001). Though clearly defined the favored methods for determining weather regimes features in satellite imagery or synoptic-scale analyses, because of the variety of advanced statistical tests that the precise definition of these airstreams often relies canbeusedtotesttherobustnessoftheregimesthatare onarelativelyarbitrarychoiceofthreshold.Thegoalof determined (e.g., Michelangeli et al. 1995; Fauchereau thiscontributionistodemonstratethatclusteranalysis etal.2009). of flow trajectories is a successful method to automate Application of cluster analysis to two-dimensional the identification of coherent airstreams in a more and later three-dimensional airflow trajectories was objectiveway. first carried out in research focusing on understanding Cluster analysis has gained wide use in geophysical variability in atmospheric composition at observations sciences, particularly in applications where identifying sites(e.g.,MoodyandGalloway1988;HarrisandKahl 1990). Both hierarchical and fuzzy clustering ap- proacheshavebeenusedtocharacterizethetrajectories computed backward from atmospheric composition DenotesOpenAccesscontent. observatories (e.g., Dorling et al. 1992; Moody et al. 1995; Cape et al. 2000). Stohl (1998) summarized the Correspondingauthoraddress:NeilC.G.Hart,Departmentof strengths and shortcomings of these trajectory compu- Meteorology,UniversityofReading,EarleyGate,P.O.Box243, tations and classification techniques. Despite this wide ReadingRG66BB,UnitedKingdom. E-mail:[email protected] useofclusteranalysis,weareunawareofanapplication DOI:10.1175/MWR-D-14-00382.1 (cid:1)2015AmericanMeteorologicalSociety SEPTEMBER2015 HART ET AL. 3519 to the flow in extratropical cyclones. There is an im- statistics across the airstreams has the caveat that the portant difference between the application we present thresholdingmayadmitmoreorfewertrajectoriesinthe and the literature noted above: most applications have WCB of each cyclone, resulting in statistical artifacts. little a priori knowledge of the classifications cluster IfastudyfocusedonfinedifferencesbetweenWCBflow analysis may produce, whereas extratropical cyclones in, for example an ensemble simulation of one storm, haveawealthofliteraturedescribingairflowfeatures. thiscaveatcouldbecomeaseriousissue.Furthermore,if The warm conveyor belt (WCB) is a warm moist theairstreamofinterestexhibitswidevariabilityintotal (high-valued equivalent potential temperature) rain- ascent or descent, such as asting jet, thresholdcriteria producing ascending airstream advancing poleward maywellpreventdetectionofvalidcoherentensembles ahead of the cold front (Harrold 1973). The cold con- oftrajectories.Thiscontributionproposesclusteranal- veyorbelt(CCB)isacoollow-levelairstreamthatforms ysisasanappropriatetoolinsuchasituation.Clustering onthe cool side of thewarm front flowing rearwardin trajectories that pass near the frontal structures of relationtocyclonemotion(Carlson1980;Schultz2001). extratropical cyclones should naturally result in co- In extratropical cyclones where the warm front bends herentensemblesoftrajectories,basedonsimilaritiesin cyclonically around behind the low pressure center of theirdynamicalhistories.Thesecouldthenbeclassified the system, the CCB flow can wrap around to produce basedontheaprioriknowledgeofconveyorbeltflow; very strong earth-relative winds immediately south of forexample,acoherentensembleoftrajectorieswould thecyclonecenter.ThisiscommoninShapiro–Keyser- be identified as a WCB if it was a near-saturated as- type cyclones (Shapiro and Keyser 1990), producing a cending airstream ahead of the cold front. The WCB ‘‘poisonous tail’’ of damaging winds (Grønås 1995). In could thus be selected without the need to choose a such cyclones, finer-scale flow structures have some- thresholdcriterionotherthanatestofascent. timesbeenfoundassociatedwithdamagingwindsahead The clustering method isdemonstratedhere inappli- oftheCCB(Browning2004).Termed‘‘stingjets,’’since cationtothewell-observedandwell-studiedextratropical they occur near thetip of thepoisonous tail, these air- cyclone, Cyclone Friedhelm (2011). Figure 1 provides streamsdeveloplessfrequentlythantheCCBandWCB schematicrepresentationofwheretheairstreamsformed (Martínez-Alvarado et al. 2012) and can have a more during the development of Cyclone Friedhelm, which transient nature when they do develop, persisting for developed explosively and produced very strong and periods of only several hours (Clark et al. 2005; Baker damaging surface winds over Scotland on 8 December 2009;Martínez-Alvaradoetal.2010). 2011 (Baker et al. 2013; Martínez-Alvarado et al. 2014, Conveyor belt and sting-jet airstreams are often hereafterMA14).Duringtheearlystagesofdevelopment identified subjectively or with simple thresholding theWCB wastheprimarycoherent ensembleoftrajec- techniquesappliedtoLagrangiantrajectoriesdescribing tories associated with this cyclone (Fig. 1a). The CCB these flows (Wernli and Davies 1997; Schultz 2001; becameassociatedwithstrongEarth-relativewindsasthe Clarketal.2005).Thisapproachhasprovedparticularly warm front was cyclonically bent back around the low effectiveforautomatingtheidentificationoftheWCBs pressurecenter (Fig.1b).Bythisstage thelow-level jet in climatology studies of extratropical cyclones (Stohl associatedwiththeWCBwasstartingtoweaken.Asting 2001; Eckhardt et al. 2004; Madonna et al. 2014; Pfahl jet descended on the southern flank of the CCB as the etal.2014).Trajectoriesthatstartnearthesurface,and cloudheadofthecyclonecontinuedtowraparoundwith exceedatotalascentthreshold(e.g.,Dp.600hPa,where thebent-backwarmfront(Fig.1c).Whiletheschematic pispressure)canberetainedasthecoherentensembles showstheevolutionoftheseflowsforCycloneFriedhelm, oftrajectoriesdescribingtheWCB,asdemonstratedby this evolution generally occurs for developing cyclones Wernli and Davies (1997). Madonna et al. (2014) note with diagnosed sting jets [Clark et al. (2005), e.g., the that a 600-hPa ascent criterion (within a 2-day time GreatOctoberstormof1987]. period)is‘‘fairlystrong’’andfoundsomechangesinthe Ageneraldescriptionofthemethod,independentof spatialdistributionofWCBstartingpointsandaverage applicationtoextratropicalcyclones,isgiveninsection evolutionofparametervalues(suchasspecifichumidity 2. Section 3 describes the model simulation of Fried- and potential vorticity) along the trajectories in sensi- helm, the cyclone used to demonstrate and test the tivitytestsinwhichtheascentpressurechangeortime methodology. The results of applying this method to criterionwererelaxed. thedominantlow-levelconveyorbeltairstreamsandthe Applyingthresholdstoidentifyairstreamsworkswell mesoscale jet structure near the bent-back front are where the airstream is largely similar across cyclone described in sections 3aand 3b, respectively.Section 4 populationsandhasaneasilyidentifiablecharacteristic provides a summary of these results and concludes suchasstrongascentordescent.Nevertheless,calculating thisstudy. 3520 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME143 FIG.1.Schematicofthedevelopmentofairstreams andfrontlocationsinextratropicalcycloneFriedhelm during8Dec2011overlaidontoinfraredimageryat (a) 0300 UTC (MODIS), (b) 1000 UTC (AVHRR), and(c)1300UTC(AVHRR).Thelightblueregion denotes approximate region of strongest low-level (e.g., 850hPa) winds. (Courtesy: Dundee Satellite ReceivingStation). 2. Methodology:Agglomerativeclustering observationsintonewclusterclasses.Thealgorithmused here is Ward’s variance minimization (Ward 1963); this Agglomerative (also termed hierarchical) clustering hasastraight-forwardimplementation,whichlendsitself depends on assessing the similarity between many in- toautomation,akeygoalofthisstudy.Itsprimarydraw- dividual instances that are commonly referred to as backisthetendencytoproduceclusterclassescontaininga observationsinclusteringalgorithms.Inthisapplication similarnumbersofobservations.Thisproducesthecaveat each trajectory is one observation. These observations thatcoherentstreamscontainingmanytrajectoriesmaybe arestoredinamatrixWcontainingJobservationseach described by more than one cluster class. The SciPy Hi- describedbyNdimensions.Acommonmeasureofsim- erarchical Clustering module for Python (Jones et al. ilarityisEuclideandistanced,computedasthel2 norm. 2001), used here, implements Ward’s method with the BetweentwoobservationvectorsinWthiswouldbe widely used approach of updating a matrix storing the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Euclidean distances between each cluster centroid d 5 (cid:1)N [W(n)2W (n)]2, (1) (Wishart1969). Thealgorithm ensuresthat,at eachiter- jk j k ation,newclassesarecreatedsuchthatvariancebetween n51 members within a cluster class is minimized across all wherejandkindexthetwoobservationsundercompari- possiblecombinationsofmembersofaclass,atthatstep. son and n indexes the dimension of each observation. Iterationcontinuesuntilallobservationsareagglomerated Clustering starts by agglomerating the most similar into a single class. Cheng and Wallace (1993) provide a SEPTEMBER2015 HART ET AL. 3521 FIG.2.(a)Dendrogramindicatingthesuccessiveagglomerationofclustersfromobservations(xaxis)withanincreasingdistance betweenclusters(yaxis),and(b)dasafunctionofagglomerationstep(blue)withthepeakvalueofcurvature(d2d/dx2,red)indicated (dashed).Seethetextforadefinitionofd.Themeandistanceattheagglomerationstepwhenthepeakcurvatureoccursistheclassification cutoffdistanceasshownbyahorizontaldashedlinein(a).Theresultingsixclustersarelabeledin(a).Panels(a)and(b)correspondtothe clusteringoftrajectoriesinitializedat0600UTC(No.ofobservations59738)showninFig.4.(c),(d)Asin(a),(b),butcorrespondto superclustering(No.ofobservations560)showninFig.6. detailed account of the algorithm with additional de- N528, if the time period was over seven hourly scriptions available in Crétat et al. (2012) and Ramos positions. (2001). The succession of agglomerations is represented Scalingofthesevariablesisnecessarybecauseofthe graphicallybydendrograms,asshowninFigs.2aand2c. different units of the horizontal, vertical, and airmass Any distinguishingvariable canbe used in an obser- variables.Wechoosetoscalethevaluesofeachvariable vationvector.Inthecontextofclassifyingatmospheric by their respective standard deviations at time t5t , 0 flows, building the observation vectors from positional giving^x 5x/s[x (t )]andsimilarlyfory,z,andg.The j j all 0 information [x(t), y(t), z(t), where t is time] is appro- matrixx representsamatrixofxpositionalvectorsfor all priate(e.g.,Dorlingetal.1992).Inclusionofanairmass alltrajectoriesandsrepresentsthestandarddeviation. tracer variable [g(t)] can add further distinguishing in- Thus, ^x is the jth x-coordinate vector scaled with the j formation to the flows under consideration. Having standarddeviationofthexpositionofalltrajectoriesat computed trajectories for a given flowfield (from start t5t .Scalinginsuchamannerforallvariablesineach 0 points at time t ) a time period of interest can be observation produces the data matrix that is passed to 0 chosen—t5[t 23, t 13h]—andtheobservationvector theclusteringalgorithm: 0 0 foroneofthesetrajectoriescanbespecified: W^ 5[^x,^y,^y,g^ ]; j51:J. (3) j j j j j W 5[x,y,z,g], (2) j j j j j Twosubtletiestothesechoicesbearmention.First,the whereboldvariablesdenoterowsofvaluesforthistime mean is not removed (if so this would be a normaliza- period. This observation vector would have dimension tion)asthiswouldremovetheabilitytodistinguishthe 3522 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME143 geographic locality of the trajectories, leaving only the time. This results in a population of system-relative shape of each trajectory as the distinction. Second, class-median trajectories that summarize the weather scalingbythestandarddeviationcalculatedonlyatthe system development. This summary class-median- trajectorystarttimeensuresthattherelativetimeevo- trajectory population can then be classified with same lution of each variable is unmodified (i.e., a trajectory clusteringapproachdescribedabovetoobtaina‘‘super’’ withsubstantialthree-dimensionalcurvatureretainsits classificationofairstreamsthatformasaweathersystem characterinrelationtomorelineartrajectorypaths). evolves.InaShapiro–Keyser-typeextratropicalcyclone, Thenatureofthetaskrequiresanapproachtoauto- thissuperclassificationshouldshowtheWCBflowduring maticallydecideonthenumberofclusterstoretain.This early cyclone development and the CCB in later stages decisionwouldideallyresultinaclassificationwithco- (Shapiro and Keyser 1990). This is demonstrated in herent, dissimilar airstreams assigned to separate clas- section3a. ses,andsimilarairstreamsgroupedinoneclass.Thiscan beachievedbyexploitingafeatureoftheclusteringal- 3. Coherentensemblesoftrajectoriesinatestcase gorithm itself. As agglomerative clustering proceeds, cyclone d between successive clusters joined at each iteration increases gradually. This distance d can be averaged In this section we describe Cyclone Friedhelm and overalltheclustersjoinedatoneiterationsteptogived. demonstrate that the method of clustering trajectories Figure 2b shows this increase in d as a function of ag- can identify both synoptic-scale and mesoscale struc- glomerationstep.Whennotablydistinctclustersstartto turesinitsflowfield.CycloneFriedhelmwasobserved be cojoined d rapidly increases. The last set of cluster in situ using a research aircraft during intensive ob- classes present before this sudden jump represents the servingperiod8oftheDiabaticInfluencesonMesoscale classification of trajectories into classes most distinct Structures in Extratropical Storms (DIAMET) field fromoneanother,asshownbythecurvatureinFig.2b. campaign(Vaughanetal.2015).Itwasthesubjectofa Theseclassesaretheclassificationretainedasthesalient detailedcase studyinto theairstreamsthat constituted airstreams in this methodology. Dorling et al. (1992) thelow-leveljetinthebent-backfrontalregion(MA14). used a similar technique in application of a fuzzy clus- MA14 analyzed a numerical simulation that was com- teringmethodfor2–30clusters.Thenumberofcluster paredtoflightdata.Theydefinedthelow-leveljetinthis classeswaschosenasthatjustbeforeasuddenincrease region by the 45ms21 isotach and found three constit- in intracluster variance, as expected when classes con- uent airstreams with distinct equivalent potential tem- tainverydifferentclassmembers.This wasdecidedby peratures and airflow histories: a primary CCB flow, a visual inspection (Dorling et al. 1992). In our method, secondaryCCBflow,andasting-jetdescent.Compari- the decision of cluster numbers is automated, which son with MA14 provides a stringent test for this clus- leads to the method admitting a caveat as follows. If a teringmethodology. maximum in curvature occurs two agglomerations or The cyclone was simulated using the operational morebeforeonlyoneclassisleft,themethodworksas numerical weather prediction model used by the Met described; if not, the last value of the curvature is the Office,theUnifiedModel(MetUM).Version8.2ofthe highestandthenumberofclasseschosenisforcedtobe MetUMwasusedwiththe(untilrecentlyoperational) thenumberofclassespresentinthethird-lastiteration. North Atlantic and European domain configuration ThisisborneoutinacomparisonofFigs.2band2d.At thatextendsfromapproximately308to708Ninlatitude worst, this caveat results in more cluster classes being and from 608W to 408E in longitude (figures in this selected than would have been selected by visual in- papershow asubregionofthisdomain).Thisconfigu- spection. Therefore, no attempt is made to draw con- rationhas0.118(;12km)gridspacinginthehorizontal clusionsfromthenumberofclasses. in both latitude and longitude on a rotated grid. The Eachoftheseautomaticallychosenclassescontainsa model lid is at ;80km with the 70 stretched vertical populationoftrajectoriesfromwhichclass-mediantra- levelsspacedsuchthatslantwisecirculationsofslope1: jectoriesarecalculatedbytakingthemediantrajectory 40,withanabsoluteverticallevelspacingof300m,are properties at each time in the coherent ensemble of resolvablenear600hPaandslopesshallowerthan1:50 trajectories.Trajectoryclassificationcanberepeatedfor areresolvablebelow750hPa.Thiscompareswellwith trajectory populations calculated from start locations the1in50slopesuggestedasnecessarytosimulatethe defined at consecutive times in the evolution of a release of conditional symmetric instability by slant- weather system. Class-median trajectories from each wise circulations (Persson andWarner 1993) and sim- consecutivetimecanbecalculatedrelativetotheposi- ilarly slantwise sting-jet descents (Clark et al. 2005; tion of the center of the weather system at the given Grayetal.2011). SEPTEMBER2015 HART ET AL. 3523 The simulation was initialized at 0000 UTC 8 De- conveyor belts can be distinguished by their high and cemberfromtheoperationalNorthAtlanticandEuro- low u values, respectively [after Carlson (1980)]; and e peananalysis,withboundaryconditionsprovidedfrom Clark et al. (2005) show that u is also approximately e theoperational global MetUM. This modelingsetup is conservedduringthedescentofairinstingjets. nearly identical to that used in MA14; the only differ- a. Identificationofconveyorbelts encesaretheupdatesduetothechangeinmodelversion from7.3to8.2.SimulationsofFriedhelmfromthetwo To identify the conveyor belts, each trajectory was model versions compare very closely (not shown). calculatedoverthetimeperiod[t 23,t 13h],wheret 0 0 0 Model data from the version 8.2 simulation were in- is the initialization time from when both forward and terpolated onto pressure levels (Dp525hPa) before backward trajectories were calculated. This 7-h period calculatingthediagnosticsusedinthisstudy. waschosenasaminimumtimespaninwhichtocapture The aim is to demonstrate that the clustering meth- the key features of conveyor belt flows (i.e., location odology can characterize airstreams that flow through relativetothestormcenter,curvature,andascendingor thelow-leveljetregionsofthiscyclone.Inprinciple,the descending character). Tests with a longer time period methodology could identify these low-level jets from [t 2 6, t 1 6h] produced very similar results (not 0 0 trajectories that describe the full flow around the cy- shown).AsWernliandDavies(1997)noted,these air- clone. Jet regions of strong wind speed would be dis- streams are coherent for the duration of storm in- tinguishedbycoherentclassesoftrajectoriesthattrace tensification, longer than 12h. However, these key greater distances than those not associated with jet re- featuresarealsopresentonshortertimescales[e.g.,see gions. To reduce the computational resources needed, Fig.10inSchultz(2001)]. including the computational challenge of clustering The resulting classification for Cyclone Friedhelm is ;105trajectories,wespeedupthisidentificationprocess shown for trajectories passingthrough low-level jet re- by preselecting grid points within strong wind regions. gions at 0600 UTC 8 December 2011 (Fig. 3). The full However, this preselection is a practical step, not a population of trajectories is shown in Fig. 3a. Classes necessary one. To this end we choose where to seed with both CCB (class 1) and WCB (class 5) character- trajectories by identifying grid points that lie within a istics are identified (Figs. 3b and 3c, respectively). At threshold isotach in the lower troposphere (950– this time the cyclone structure was identified as corre- 650hPa).Considering25-hPapressureincrements,tra- spondingtostagethreeoftheShapiro–Keyserconcep- jectoriesidentifyingtheconveyorbeltsateachlevelare tual model (Shapiro and Keyser 1990) by MA14: the started within any 40ms21 isotach that is vertically fronts had formed a T-bone structure with the WCB contiguous with a 40ms21 isotach at 850hPa, an arbi- still present and the CCB starting to wrap around the trary but reasonable wind speed for low-level jets (re- cyclone center. Figure 3d presents a WCB trajectory sultswillbeshowninsection3a).Forcomparisonwith population obtained by thresholding for saturated as- thebent-backfrontjetsstudiedinMA14,theirthreshold cent. Because of the short 21-h duration of these of 45ms21 is chosen (results will be shown in section trajectories, a 600-hPa ascent criterion [as applied in 3b). Start points were thus selected hourly from the previousstudiessuchasWernliandDavies(1997)fora model output and used to initialize both forward and 48-hperiod]onlyadmits183trajectories.Sotoprovidea backwardtrajectories.Trajectorieswerecalculatedwith comparablepopulationsizeforcomparisontotheWCB the Lagrangian Analysis Tool (LAGRANTO; Wernli cluster class, a 400-hPa ascent criterion is chosen. The and Davies 1997; Sprenger and Wernli 2015) using the WCBs obtained by the agglomerative clustering and iterativeEulerschemeappliedtohourlymodeloutput, thresholdingmethodsmatchclosely(cf.Figs.3cand3d). withaniterationtimestepof5min. Obtaining the WCB by thresholding was almost in- The observation vector (W) for each trajectory is stantaneous, whereas cluster analysis of the full 9738 j described by latitude, longitude, and pressure co- trajectoriespassingthroughthelow-leveljetregiontook ordinates with equivalent potential temperature (u ) ;10min. (However, the clustering of the 887 trajecto- e providingtheairmasscharacteristic.Formoistflowsu riespassingthroughthestrongwindregionatthetipof e isaconservedvariable;however,u canevolveintime thebent-backfronttoproduceFig.7completesinorder e alongthetrajectoriesandtrajectorieswithsimilaru will seconds;thisissuewillbediscussedinsection4.)Median e bepreferentiallyclustered.Whileotherairmasstracers trajectoriesfortheCCBandWCBclasspopulationsare couldbechosen,aprioriknowledgeofflowaroundex- overlaid in Figs. 3b and 3c. These median trajectories, tratropical cyclones suggests inclusion of a measure of along with the others resulting from the clustering for themoistentropyofairparcelsisworthwhile:Browning this start time, are mapped in Fig. 4a with Figs. 4b, 4c, and Roberts (1994) describe how the warm and cold and 4d displaying their evolution in pressure, relative 3524 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW VOLUME143 FIG.3.(a)Fullpopulationoftrajectoriespassingthroughlow-leveljet(windspeedexceeding40ms21)at0600UTC8Dec2011. (b)Trajectoriesassignedtoclusterclass1(CCB)withtheclassmedianoverlaid(shadedandblack-edgedthickline).(c)Asin(b),butfor clusterclass5(WCB).(d)AWCBtrajectorypopulationobtainedfromthresholdingforsaturated(RH.90%)ascent(Dp. 400hPain 21h).Every10thtrajectoryisplottedin(a)witheverythirdshownin(b)–(d).Dotsindicate0600UTCinitiallocationsofdisplayed trajectories,withinsetsshowingverticalcrosssectionsofthesestartlocationsbetween600and1000hPathroughthelongitudedrawnin bold. Trajectories are clustered over the period 0300–0900 UTC, but trajectory histories are shown for the extended period 0100– 2200UTC. humidity,andu ,respectively.Theseareshownforthe the CCB flow is captured in class 1. This median tra- e full time period of the simulation but, following the jectory remains saturated and below 800hPa while a previous discussion, classification was only performed drierairstream,class2,followsamorezonalpathabove on trajectory histories from 0300 to 0900 UTC. The 700hPa (Figs. 4b and 4c). Together with class 4, these dendrogram associated with these clusters classes is three classes represent flow in the cool sector of the found in Fig. 2a and shows the distance cutoff used to cyclone,northwestofthecoldfront,asdemonstratedin obtainthesesixclasses. Fig.4d.Thewindmaximumsomedistancesoutheastof The sensitivity of the final classification to variables thecyclonecenterinFig.4aisassociatedwiththecold chosenforclusteringwastested(notshown)byconsider- front and attendant WCB. The classification in Fig. 4 ingboththenumberofclassesproducedandcomparison capturestheWCBwithclass5,asidentifiedbyamedian of resulting class-median trajectories. This showed that trajectorythatstartsnearthesurfaceandrises100hPa pressureevolutionwasastronglydistinguishingvariable, between 0300 and 0900 UTC before ascending more withlatitudeandlongitudelessso.Inclusionofu inthe rapidly to about 350hPa (Fig. 4b). Class 6 describes a e observationvectortendedtoincreasethenumberoffinal similarairstreamatanelevatedaltitude.Thesemedian clusters.Thisimpliesitassistsindistinguishingdifferentair trajectories remainsaturated,alongwithclass 3,which massesconstitutingtheairstreams. captures flow through a lower extension of the upper- The wind maximum directly south of and closest to leveljet.Classes3,5,and6summarizeflowinthewarm the cyclone center is typical of the wraparound of the sectorofthiscyclone(Fig.4d). CCBandtheassociateddevelopmentofstrongsurface Howcoherentaretheairstreamssummarizedbythese winds (Fig. 4a). The near-surface airstream describing class medians? Following from Wernli and Davies SEPTEMBER2015 HART ET AL. 3525 FIG.4.Classificationoftrajectoriesarrivinginlow-leveljets(windspeedexceeding40ms21)at0600UTC8Dec2011labeledineach panelbyclassnumber.(a)Class-mediantrajectoriescoloredbypressurewiththepositionoftheminimumcyclonepressuremarkedby3 at0600UTConthesmoothedcyclonetrack(blackline).Thedirectionofthetrajectoriescanbedeterminedfromthenumericaltrajectory labelsthatarepositionednearthebeginningofthetrajectories(att 23h).Contoursof40and45ms21windspeedaremarkedingray. 0 Class-medianevolutionsof(b)pressure,(c)relativehumidity,and(d)uewiththestartandendtimesofthe[t023,t013h]classification perioddenotedbysquaresandstars,respectively. (1997)whousedvariance,wequantifycoherencybythe at 0600 UTC in the evolution of Friedhelm. We now standard deviations of the trajectory observation vari- considerthelaterhoursofdevelopment. ables at each time and then average this value for all Agglomerative clustering of trajectories was applied times (Table 1). Considering u , trajectory class 5 (the separately to the model output for initial times set to e WCB airstream) is the most coherent relative to other every hour of the simulation from 0500 to 1700 UTC. classes.Likewiseclass1,theCCBhassmallvariancein Thisresultedinapopulationofclass-mediantrajectories u . However, small standard deviations in pressure (i.e.,theinformationshowninFig.4foreachtime).The e (;50hPa, about 4 times the model vertical level spac- entire set (for all initial times) of class-median trajec- ing)andu (;1K)inalltheclassessupporttheassertion tories can be classified as follows. Figure 5a shows an e that this clustering methodology is capturing coherent illustrativeselectionthoseclass-mediantrajectorieswith ensemblesoftrajectories.Theseresultsprovideachar- WCB characteristics. Before classification the system- acterizationofairstreamsconstitutingthelow-leveljets relative (relative to the storm center) class-median TABLE1.Averagestandarddeviation(s)ofeachvariablefortheensembleoftrajectoriesineachclassobtainedfromclustering trajectoriespassingthroughlow-levelwindmaximaat0600UTC(showninFig.4)and1600UTC(showninFig.7).Averagesforeach variableiscomputedasthemeanofssateachhourfortheclassificationperiodchosen:[t 23,t 13h]at0600UTCand[t 25,t h]at 0 0 0 0 1600UTC. 0600UTCclasses 1600UTCclasses 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 s(lon;8) 0.53 0.62 0.98 1.43 0.52 0.93 0.35 0.22 0.24 0.31 0.27 s(lat;8) 0.70 0.80 0.34 0.63 0.71 0.80 0.27 0.16 0.25 0.22 0.21 s(pressure;hPa) 52.99 45.21 39.78 32.20 43.14 46.40 33.66 39.88 49.09 35.17 47.11 s(ue;K) 0.50 1.12 0.90 1.13 0.40 1.18 0.31 0.24 0.30 0.21 0.39 No.oftrajectories 1192 1847 1294 1742 1324 2339 249 89 188 133 228