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Design of Nonplanar Microstrip Antennas and Transmission Lines PDF

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Preview Design of Nonplanar Microstrip Antennas and Transmission Lines

Design of Nonplanar Microstrip Antennas and Transmission Lines Design of Nonplanar Microstrip Antennas and Transmission lines KIN-LU WONG National Sun Yat-Sen University A WILEY-INTERSCIENCE PUBLICATION JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. NEW YORK / CHICHESTER / WEINHEIM / BRISBANE / SINGAPORE / TORONTO Copyright1999byJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemortransmittedin anyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,includinguploading,downloading, printing,decompiling,recordingorotherwise,exceptaspermittedunderSections107or108of the1976UnitedStatesCopyrightAct,withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthePublisher. RequeststothePublisherforpermissionshouldbeaddressedtothePermissionsDepartment, JohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,605ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY10158-0012,(212)850-6011,fax (212)850-6008,E-Mail:[email protected]. Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovideaccurateandauthoritativeinformationinregardtothe subjectmattercovered.Itissoldwiththeunderstandingthatthepublisherisnotengagedin renderingprofessionalservices.Ifprofessionaladviceorotherexpertassistanceisrequired,the servicesofacompetentprofessionalpersonshouldbesought. ISBN0-471-20066-2. ThistitleisalsoavailableinprintasISBN0-471-18244-3 FormoreinformationaboutWileyproducts,visitourwebsiteatwww.Wiley.com. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData: Wong,Kin-Lu. Designofnonplanarmicrostripantennasandtransmissionlines/ Kin-LuWong. p. cm.—(Wileyseriesinmicrowaveandopticalengineering) “AWiley-Intersciencepublication.” Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-471-18244-3(cloth:alk.paper) 1.Striptransmissionlines–Designandconstruction. 2.Microstripantennas–Designandconstruction. I.Title. II.Series. TK7876.W65 1999 621.3810331—dc21 98-35003 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Contents ix PREFACE 1 1 Introduction and Overview 1 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Cylindrical Microstrip Antennas 2 5 1.2.1 Full-Wave Analysis 1.2.2 Cavity-Model Analysis 6 1.2.3 Generalized Transmission-Line Model Theory 7 1.3 Spherical Microstrip Antennas 8 1.4 Conical Microstrip Antennas 10 1S Conformal Microstrip Arrays 11 1.6 Conformal Microstrip Transmission Lines 12 References 14 2 Resonance Problem of Cylindrical Microstrip Patches 16 2.1 Introduction 16 2.2 Cylindrical Rectangular Microstrip Patch with a Superstrate 17 2.2.1 Theoretical Formulation 17 2.2.2 Galerkin’s Moment-Method Formulation 24 2.2.3 Complex Resonant Frequency Results 26 2.3 Cylindrical Rectangular Microstrip Patch with a Spaced Superstrate 30 2.3.1 Theoretical Formulation 30 2.3.2 Resonance and Radiation Characteristics 32 2.4 Cylindrical Rectangular Microstrip Patch with an Air Gap 35 2.4.1 Complex Resonant Frequency Results 36 vi CONTENTS 2.5 Cylindrical Rectangular Microstrip Patch with a Coupling Slot 37 2.5.1 Theoretical Formulation 39 2.5.2 Resonance Characteristics 43 2.6 Cylindrical Triangular Microstrip Patch 44 2.6.1 Theoretical Formulation 44 2.6.2 Complex Resonant Frequency Results 48 2.7 Cylindrical Wraparound Microstrip Patch 50 2.7.1 Theoretical Formulation 51 2.7.2 Complex Resonant Frequency Results 54 References 54 3 Resonance Problem of Spherical Microstrip Patches 56 3.1 Introduction 56 3.2 Spherical Circular Microstrip Patch on a Uniaxial Substrate 56 3.2.1 Fundamental Wave Equations in a Uniaxial Medium 57 3.2.2 Spherical Wave Functions in a Uniaxial Medium 59 3.2.3 Full-Wave Formulation for a Spherical Circular Microstrip Structure 64 3.2.4 Galerkin’s Moment-Method Formulation 68 3.2.5 Basis Functions for Excited Patch Surface Current 69 3.2.6 Resonance Characteristics 70 3.2.7 Radiation Characteristics 73 3.2.8 Scattering Characteristics 75 3.3 Spherical Annular-Ring Microstrip Patch 77 3.3.1 Theoretical Formulation 78 3.3.2 Complex Resonant Frequency Results 83 3.4 Spherical Microstrip Patch with a Superstrate 83 3.4.1 Circular Microstrip Patch 83 3.4.2 Annular-Ring Microstrip Patch 89 3.5 Spherical Microstrip Patch with an Air Gap 94 3.5.1 Circular Microstrip Patch 94 3.5.2 Annular-Ring Microstrip Patch 96 References 101 4 Characteristics of Cylindrical Microstrip Antennas 103 4.1 Introduction 103 4.2 Probe-Fed Case: Full-Wave Solution 103 4.2.1 Rectangular Patch 108 4.2.2 Triangular Patch 112 CONTENTS vii 4.3 Probe-Fed Case: Cavity-Model Solution 113 4.3.1 Rectangular Patch 118 4.3.2 Triangular Patch 121 4.3.3 Circular Patch 124 4.3.4 Annular-Ring Patch 129 4.4 Probe-Fed Case: Generalized Transmission-Line Model Solution 133 4.4.1 Rectangular Patch 133 4.4.2 Circular Patch 144 4.4.3 Annular-Ring Patch 147 4.5 Slot-Coupled Case: Full-Wave Solution 153 4.5.1 Printed Slot as a Radiator 155 4.5.2 Rectangular Patch with a Coupling Slot 165 4.6 Slot-Coupled Case: Cavity-Model Solution 168 4.6.1 Rectangular Patch 170 4.6.2 Circular Patch 176 4.7 Slot-Coupled Case: GTLM Solution 180 4.7.1 Rectangular Patch 180 4.7.2 Circular Patch 183 4.8 Microstrip-Line-Fed Case 184 4.9 Cylindrical Wraparound Patch Antenna 189 4.10 Circular Polarization Characteristics 191 4.11 Cross-Polarization Characteristics 196 4.11.1 Rectangular Patch 196 4.11.2 Triangular Patch 199 References 202 5 Characteristics of Spherical and Conical Microstrip Antennas 205 5.1 Introduction 205 5.2 Spherical Microstrip Antennas 205 5.2.1 Full-Wave Solution 206 5.2.2 Cavity-Model Solution 219 5.2.3 GTLM Solution 230 5.3 Conical Microstrip Antennas 234 References 239 6 Coupling between Conformal Microstrip Antennas 241 6.1 Introduction 241 6.2 Mutual Coupling of Cylindrical Microstrip Antennas 241 6.2.1 Full-Wave Solution of Rectangular Patches 241 6.2.2 Full-Wave Solution of Triangular Patches 246 . . . VIII CONTENTS 6.2.3 Cavity-Model Solution of Rectangular Patches 251 6.2.4 Cavity-Model Solution of Circular Patches 257 6.25 GTLM Solution of Rectangular Patches 264 6.2.6 GTLM Solution of Circular Patches 268 6.3 Cylindrical Microstrip Antennas with Parasitic Patches 272 6.4 Coupling between Concentric Spherical Microstrip Antennas 280 6.4.1 Annular-Ring Patch as a Parasitic Patch 280 6.4.2 Circular Patch as a Parasitic Patch 283 References 284 7 Conformal Microstrip Arrays 286 7.1 Introduction 286 7.2 Cylindrical Microstrip Arrays 286 7.3 Spherical and Conical Microstrip Arrays 290 References 293 8 Cylindrical Microstrip lines and Coplanar Waveguides 294 8.1 Introduction 294 8.2 Cylindrical Microstrip Lines 294 8.2.1 Quasistatic Solution 295 8.2.2 Full-Wave Solution 299 8.3 Coupled Cylindrical Microstrip Lines 308 8.4 Slot-Coupled Double-Sided Cylindrical Microstrip Lines 315 8.5 Cylindrical Microstrip Discontinuities 324 8.5.1 Microstrip Open-End Discontinuity 324 8.5.2 Microstrip Gap Discontinuity 330 8.6 Cylindrical Coplanar Waveguides 335 8.6.1 Quasistatic Solution 336 8.6.2 Full-Wave Solution 342 References 353 Appendix A Curve-Fitting Formula for Complex Resonant Frequencies of a Rectangular Microstrip Patch with a Superstrate 356 Appendix B Modified Spherical Bessel Function 361 Appendix C Curve-Fitting Formula for Complex Resonant Frequencies of a Circular Microstrip Patch with a Superstrate 363 Index 369 Preface Due to their conformal capability, research on nonplanar microstrip antennas and transmission lines has received much attention. Many studies have been reported in the last decade in which canonical nonplanar structures such as cylindrical, spherical, and conical microstrip antennas and cylindrical microstrip transmission lines have been analyzed extensively using various theoretical techniques. These results are of great importance because from the research results of such curved microstrip structures, the characteristics of general nonplanar microstrip antennas and circuits can be deduced. The information can provide a useful reference for working engineers and scientists in the design and analysis of microstrip antennas and circuits to be installed on curved surfaces. Since the results are scattered in papers in many technical journals, it is our intention in this book to organize the research results on nonplanar microstrip antennas and circuits and provide an up-to-date overview of this area of technology. The book is organized in eight chapters. In Chapter 1 we present an introduction and overview of recent progress in research on nonplanar microstrip antennas and transmission lines and give readers a quick guided tour of subjects treated in subsequent chapters. In Chapters 2 and 3 we discuss, respectively, resonance problems inherent in cylindrical and spherical microstrip patches. In addition to study of single-layer microstrip patches of various shapes, structures related to microstrip patches with an air gap for bandwidth enhancement or a spaced superstrate for gain improve- ment are analyzed based on a full-wave formulation incorporating moment-method calculations. From the formulation, the complex resonant frequencies of a curved microstrip patches are solved whose real and imaginary parts give, respectively, information on resonant frequency and radiation loss of a curved microstrip structure. By comparison with results calculated from curve-fitting formulas for complex resonant frequencies of planar rectangular and circular microstrip patches, basic curvature effects on the characteristics of curved microstrip structures can be characterized. In addition to the resonance problems discussed, ix X PREFACE electromagnetic scattering from spherical circular microstrip patches is formulated and analyzed. Uniaxial anisotropy in the substrate of a spherical microstrip structure is included in the investigation. Practical cylindrical microstrip patch antennas fed by coax or through a coupling slot in the ground plane of a cylindrical microstrip feed line are analyzed in Chapter 4. Various theoretical techniques, including the full-wave approach, cavity-model analysis, and generalized transmission-line model (GTLM) theory, are discussed in detail, and expressions of the input impedance and far-zone radiated fields are presented and numerical results are shown. Experiments are also conducted and measured data are shown for comparison. Circular polarization and cross-polarization characteristics of microstrip antennas due to curvature variation are also analyzed. The results for microstrip antennas mounted on spherical or conical surfaces are discussed in Chapter 5. For spherical microstrip antennas, formulations using the different theoretical approaches of full-wave analysis, the cavity-model method, and GTLM theory are described in detail. Both input impedance and radiation characteristics due to the curvature variation are characterized. For conical microstrip antennas, available studies are based primarily on the cavity-model method. Related published results for nearly rectangular and circular wraparound patches on conical surfaces are described and summarized. Chapter 6 is devoted to coupling problems with cylindrical and spherical microstrip array antennas. Mutual coupling coefficients between two microstrip antennas mounted on cylindrical or spherical surfaces are formulated and calculated. Bandwidth-enhancement problems of cylindrical and spherical micro- strip antennas using gap-coupled parasitic patches are also discussed in this chapter. Conformal microstrip arrays are discussed in Chapter 7. A one-dimensional or wraparound microstrip array mounted on a cylindrical body for use in omnidirec- tional radiation is studied first. The curvature effect on the radiation patterns of two-dimensional microstrip arrays is then formulated and investigated. A design in the feed network to compensate for curvature effects on radiation patterns is also shown. Several specific applications of spherical and conical microstrip arrays are described. Finally, in Chapter 8, characteristics of cylindrical microstrip lines are discussed. Both quasistatic and full-wave solutions of the effective relative permittivity and characteristic impedance of inside and outside cylindrical microstrip lines are shown. Coupled coplanar cylindrical microstrip lines and slot-coupled double-sided cylindrical microstrip lines are also studied. Cylindrical microstrip open-end and gap discontinuities are formulated, and equivalent circuits describing the microstrip discontinuities are presented. The characteristics of cylindrical coplanar waveguides (CPWs) are solved using a quasistatic method based on conformal mapping and a dynamic model based on a full-wave formulation. Inside CPWs, outside CPWs, and CPWs in substrate-superstrate structures are investigated. The information contained in this book is largely the result of many years of

A one-stop reference to the design and analysis of nonplanar microstrip structures.Owing to their conformal capability, nonplanar microstrip antennas and transmission lines have been intensely investigated over the past decade. Yet most of the accumulated research has been too scattered across the l
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