Lehigh University Lehigh Preserve Theses and Dissertations 1994 Design of an IEEE compliant 32-bit floating point multiplier/accumulator Richard J. Niescier Lehigh University Follow this and additional works at:http://preserve.lehigh.edu/etd Recommended Citation Niescier, Richard J., "Design of an IEEE compliant 32-bit floating point multiplier/accumulator" (1994).Theses and Dissertations. Paper 253. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by Lehigh Preserve. It has been accepted for inclusion in Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Lehigh Preserve. For more information, please [email protected]. AUTHOR: J. Niescier, Richard TITLE: Design of an IEEE Compliant 32-Bit , Floating p'oint MultiplierlAccumulator DATE: May 29,1994 Design of an IEEE Compliant 32-bit Floating Point Multiplier/Accumulator by Richard J. Niescier AThesis Presented to the Graduated and Research Committee of Lehigh University in Candidacy for the Degree of Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Lehigh University May 16,1994 Acknowledgment This thesis is dedicated to my mother and father for their continual support for my educational pursuits. iii Table of Contents Acknowledgment 111 Table ofContents iv ListofFigures ~ v ListofTables vii Abstract 1 Chapter 1 Introduction 2 , Chapter2 IEEEFloating PointStandard754 .4 Chapter3 System LevelDesign l.10 3.1 MantissaLogic 11 3.1.1 PartialProductAddition 11 , 3.1.2 Accumulatoradd,final summation,normalizationandrounding 15 3.1.3 AccumulatorAlignment. 21 3.2 ExponentProcessing 27 3.3 ExceptionsProcessing .32 3.4 RoundingLogic .35 3.5 SignLogic .38 j, Chapter4 CircuitD~sign 42 4.1 FullAdderDesign 43 4.2 FullAdderSimulation 44 4.3 BoothRecoderandPartialProductTree 54 4.4 PartialProductAdderTreeSimulation 63 4.5 Final74BitFastAdderDesign : , 66 4.5.1 RippleAdder 66 4.5.2 ManchesterAdder : 67 4.5.3 Carry-Skip Adder 68 4.5.4 CarryLookaheadAdder 69 4.5.5 CarrySelectAdder 70 4.5.6 FastAdderforthisDesign 71 4.6 Final74BitFastAdderSimulation 73 4.7 LeadingZero/OneDetectorDesign 77 4.8 LeadingZero/OneDetectorSimulation 79 4.9 LeftShifterlRightShifterDesign 84 4.10 LeftlRightShifterSimulations 85 Chapter 5 Conclusions 87 Chapter 6 References and Bibliography 90 Chapter7 Appendix 93 Chapter8 BriefBiography 94 iv List of Figures ~ r. FIGURE Functional Diagram ofthe Mantissa/AccumulatorProcessing unit. 23 FIGURE 2. Mantissainputlatches, boothrecoder and partialproduct adders 24 FIGURE 3. Fast Adder, Normalizer and Rounder 25 FIGURE4. Accumulator alignment, and 2's complementer 26 FIGURE 5. FunctionalDiagram ofthe Exponentprocessingunit.. .30 FIGURE 6. Top-Levelcircuitschematic ofthe ExponentProcessing Unit.. 31 FIGURE7. Top-Levelcircuitschematic ofthe ExceptionsProcessingUnit. .34 FIGURE8. Top-LevelCircuitSchematicfor the Rounding Determination Logic 37 FIGURE9. FunctionalDiagram ofthe sign/accumulatornegationlogic .40 FIGURE 10. Top-LevelCircuitSchematicofthe Sign and Accumulation negation Logic 41 FIGURE 11. FullAdder, Version 1 46 ,. . FIGURE 12. Full Adder, Version 2 47 FIGURE 13. Full Adder, Version 3 48 FIGURE 14. 4-2 Adderimplementation using non-restring n-channel XOR gates .49 FIGURE 15. Simulationsofthefull adders, under0.9um nominal processing, 5.0volts.. 50 FIGURE 16. Simulation ofFull Adders under 0.9um worstcase conditions, 4.5 volts. 51 FIGURE 17. Simulationsofthe FullAdders under0.9um bestcase conditions 5.5 volts. 52 FIGURE 18. Simulationsofthe FullAdders under0.6um HD, worstcase conditions, 3.0 volts 53 FIGURE 19. "L-tree" type partial producttree reduction using carry-save addercells.54 FIGURE 20. "V-Tree" partialproducttree reduction using carry-save adders with a 12 to 2compressor technique 55 FIGURE 21. 4-2 Adders shown with the carry propagation 56 FIGURE 22. Use of4-2 and 3-2 Adders to reduce 12 partialproducts to 2 57 FIGURE 23. WallaceTree implementationfor adding7 bits 58 FIGURE 24. Textual representation ofhow to reduce 13 partial products to 2 59 FIGURE 25. Blockdiagram ofthe reduction of 13 partialproducts to 2 60 FIGURE 26. Textual representation ofhow to reduce 24partialproducts to 2 61 FIGURE 27. Block Diagram ofhow to reduce 24partialproducU? to 2 62 FIGURE 28. CircuitSchematic for the 13-2 adder/compressor using 3-2 adders 64 FIGURE 29. Worstcase path simulations ofthe 13-2 adder 65 FIGURE 30. Ripple adder configuration 66 FIGURE 31. ManchesterAdderConfiguration 67 FIGURE 32. Simple I-stage representation ofacarry-skip adder 68 FIGURE 33. Blockdiagram ofapinary reduction carry-lookahead adder tree 70 v FIGURE 34. Representation ofonestage ofacarry-selectadder 71 FIGURE 35. CircuitSchematicfor one 5-bitaddercellin the fast adder 74 FIGURE 36. Top-Levelcircuitschematic for the 74-bitfast adder 75 FIGURE 37. Simulationsofthe worstcase path inthe fast adder , 76 FIGURE 38. Top levelcircuitschematic ofthe leading 011 detector 80 FIGURE 39. Circuitschematic for one ten-bitsection ofthe leading011 detector 81 FIGURE40. Circuitschematic ofthe five-bit leading011 predictorlogic 82 FIGURE41. Simulationsofthe worstcase path for the leading011 detector and the shifter 83 FIGURE 42. Simulations ofthe worstcase path for the174bitshifter, includingROM controller 86 vi List of Tables TABLE 1. Second Order Booth Recoder 12 TABLE 2: Entire Partial ProductSummingTree for a25 to 13 Booth Recoded Multiply 14 TABLE 3. PartialProductAddition with no shifting ;.: 15 TABLE4. Partial ProductAddition with shifting 15 TABLES. Partial ProductAddition ofall zeros : 17 " TABLE 6. Accumulator addition ofpositive ornegative number 38 TABLE7. Finalsign Determination 39 TABLE 8. Propagation delay ofany inputto the sum and carry outputofthe full adder 45 TABLE9. Propagation delay ofthe carry inputto the carry output ofthe full adder.45 TABLE 10. Propagation delay ofany inputto the outputofthe 13 to 2compressor 63 TABLE 11. Worstcase propagation delay through the 74 bitadder 73 TABLE 12. Worstcase propagation delay through the Leading 0/1 Detector 79 TABLE 13. Worstcase propagation delay through the 74 bitshifter 85 vii Abstract This thesis describes the design of a fully functional 32-Bit Floating Point Multiply/ Accumulator that accepts two 32-bit floating point single basic IEEE format operands and generates a 32-bit IEEE format result. The two operands are multiplied together and then summed with an internal accumulation register. The main objective of this design is to use only one final adder and one rounder block .to add the partial product terms and the accumulatorterm and still comply with the IEEE Floating Point Standard 754. The fused multiplication with addition allows one-cycle throughput with only one rounding error and executes the multiply/ accumulate operation as one indivisible operation. Other features of this design are the four IEEE rounding modes, round-to-nearest, round-to-positive-infinity, round-to-negative-infinity, round-to-zero, and four accumulation modes, (A+B), (A S), (-A+B), -(A+B), where A is the product term and B is the accumulator term. The thesis presents the system level description to transistor-level .. circuit schematics and simulations of the multiplier/accumulator. A description of the IEEE standard is presented for reference. Next, the architectural/functional level description of the design is examined in detail. A "e-Ievel" programming model was developed to implement the function and study design trade-ofts. Finally, the circuit implementation is described with transistor-level, "Spice-like", simulation shown fdr the critical circuit block implementations. The greatest emphasis is on the array multiplication and incorporation of the accumulator into the partial product adder tree.