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Design of Airfoil for downwind wind turbine Rotor - DiVA Portal PDF

185 Pages·2009·4.27 MB·English
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Design of Airfoil for downwind wind turbine Rotor Eivind Sæta Master of Science in Energy and Environment Submission date: June 2009 Supervisor: Per-Åge Krogstad, EPT Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Energy and Process Engineering Problem Description At the institute, there has been a significant amount of work done in developing an airfoil with very high lift-to-drag ratio. However, it has been developed for relatively low Reynolds numbers, and has a very dramatic stall. It is desirable to develop this profile further with regards to typical working conditions for offshore wind turbines. It is also necessary to change the profile stall characteristics so that it is more gradual, and hopefully to achieve this without significant reduction in efficiency. The following questions should be considered in the project: 1 – The student is to study the work done previously at the institute. 2 - The theory of high lift-to-drag profiles is to be studied. 3 – The student will develop a new profile, either based on HOG-profile designed at the the department or from another geometry, where the main focus should be on high lift-to-drag ratio and stall characteristics. 4 – The properties of the developed profile should be tested with software such as Xfoil and/or Fluent. Assignment given: 15. January 2009 Supervisor: Per-Åge Krogstad, EPT 2 Design of airfoil for downwind wind turbine rotor Eivind Sæta NTNU 2009 3 Summary This thesis is on the design of an airfoil for a downwind wind turbine rotor with thin flexible wings, for offshore floating conditions. It has been suggested that such a system would to be lighter, simpler and allow for the use of more efficient airfoils. There has been a significant amount of work done at NTNU to develop a “high-lift” airfoil. These are airfoils with very high lift-to-drag ratios. They operate very efficiently at their design angle, but tend to not work well over a range of angles and conditions, and have a sudden and dramatic stall characteristic. In this thesis, it is attempted to pick up the work done with the high-lift profiles at NTNU in the 1980’s, and develop a new profile which has performance in the high-lift range, but with a much smoother stall and more stable characteristics, and to do so for the typical conditions expected for the suggested turbine. A fictitious 5 MW version of the suggested turbine was created and analyzed with the blade element momentum method (BEM). This gave informative results about the conditions the new airfoil must operate in. The high-lift technology and the earlier reports from NTNU were studied. Based on this knowledge and the numerical values from the BEM calculations, a serious of new airfoils were developed. By using the simulation programs Xfoil and Fluent (CFD), it was possible to modify and test a large number of airfoils and find the desired qualities. It was possible to design airfoils that had performance in the high-lift range, while maintaining stable operation and having a soft stall, and also increase the lift coefficient to be able to design for lower angles of attack. The profiles created here appear to be suitable for wind turbines, and provide an impressive increase in performance compared to traditional airfoils. Extra effort was put into making airfoils that were unaffected by roughness, air properties and Reynolds number, as stable performance in varying conditions are necessary for wind turbine blades. This was done by using adverse pressure gradients to control the point of transition. A slow stall was achieved by letting the pressure recovery distribution gradually approach the local ideal Stratford distribution when moving back over the airfoil. This caused the flow separate at the back first, and then the separation would grow gradually forward with increasing angle of attack. The inclusion of a separation ramp also worked very well together with the high-lift design, and allowed for an increased lift coefficient and more stable operation during the region of early stall. AR – profile The most successful profile created appears to be the AR profile. It combines a diverged Stratford distribution with a separation ramp and a pressure spike at the nose to control 4 transition. It has a wider range, stalls later and softer, and has a much more stable performance with varying conditions compared to the original HOG profile from NTNU. At the design point, the maximum performance is reduced only 5.9 % compared to the HOG. For higher and lower angles of attack, and increased values of roughness and turbulence, the AR has an all round higher performance than the HOG. It appears to be usable for wind turbines, and would increase the maximum airfoil performance by up to 40 % compared to commonly used NACA profiles. More good profiles were made, with varying thickness, stall and performance. Depending on the exact local requirements of an application, this report offers several interesting profiles to choose from. For instance, the D2 profile has round shape and over 16 % thickness, it has an even softer stall than the conventional wind turbine profiles, and would increase the maximum airfoil performance by up to ~34%. This profile would also be usable for upwind turbines. D2 – profile It was found that there is a big potential for manipulating the high-lift technology to give various shapes and performances. The usability of these profiles therefore appears to be wider than previously assumed. 5 Sammendrag Denne hovedoppgaven omhandler design av airfoil for en nedstrøms vindturbin med tynne, fleksible vinger. For en flytende offshore vindmølle vil et slikt design kunne redusere vekt og gjøre systemet enklere, og samtidig tillate mer effektive vingeprofiler. Ved NTNU er det nedlagt en betydelig mengde arbeid for å designe et ”high-lift” vingeprofil. Dette er vinger med svært høyt løft-til-motstands-forhold. Disse fungerer veldig bra rundt designområdet, men er vanligvis ikke veldig bra for andre forhold, og har en svært dramatisk og plutselig steilekarakteristikk. I denne oppgaven forsøkes det derfor å gjenoppta arbeidet som ble gjort ved NTNU i 1980-årene, og å designe et nytt profil med ytelse som et ”high-lift”-profil, men som steiler mye langsommere og er mer stabilt i varierende forhold, og å gjøre dette for de typiske forhold som er forventet for den foreslåtte turbinen. En teoretisk 5 MW -versjon av den foreslåtte turbinen ble designet og testet ved hjelp av bladelementmetoden (BEM). Dette ga informative resultater om hvilke forhold den nye airfoilen vil møte. ”high-lift”-teorien, samt de tidligere rapportene fra NTNU, ble studert. Basert på dette og de numeriske verdiene fra BEM-kalkulasjonene, ble flere nye profiler utviklet. Ved å bruke simuleringsprogrammene Xfoil og Fluent (CFD), var det mulig å modifisere og teste et stort antall vingeprofiler, for å finne de ønskede kvalitetene. Det er mulig å designe en airfoil som har ytelse i ”high-lift”-regionen, men som har stabil operasjon for varierende Reynoldstall og har en myk steilekarakteristikk, og det lar seg også gjøre å øke løftekoeffisienten for å muliggjøre vingeoptimalisering ved lavere angrepsvinkler. Profilene som ble lagd i denne oppgaven ser ut til å ha karakteristikker som gjør at de kan brukes i vindturbiner, samtidig som de vil være en imponerende forbedring i forhold til de profilene som tradisjonelt brukes i vindturbiner. Det ble satt ekstra fokus på å designe vinger som i stor grad var upåvirket av varierende Reynoldstall, ruhet og andre turbulensvariasjoner, siden vinger som skal brukes i vindturbiner er avhengige av stabil operasjon under varierende forhold. Dette ble gjort ved å bruke positive trykkgradienter for å kontrollere transisjonspunktet. Myk steiling ble oppnådd ved å la fordelingen til trykkgjenvinningen gradvis nærme seg den lokalt optimale Stratford-fordelingen når man beveger seg bakover på vingeprofilet. Dette gjorde at det oppsto separasjon bakerst på vingen først, som så beveget seg sakte fremmover ved økende angrepsvinkel. Det fungerte bra å inkludere en separasjonsrampe i ”high-lift”-fordelingen. Dette gjorde at løftekoeffisienten ble økt, og overgangen til steileområdet ble forbedret. AR – profile Det mest vellykkede profilet som ble laget ser ut til å være AR-profilet. Det kombinerer en divergert Stratfordfordeling med en separasjonsrampe, og en trykkoscillasjon ved 6

This thesis is on the design of an airfoil for a downwind wind turbine rotor with thin flexible wings, for offshore floating conditions. It has been suggested that such
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