Design and Characterization of Functional Structures for Electromagnetic Waves Ericsson, Andreas 2017 Document Version: Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Ericsson, A. (2017). Design and Characterization of Functional Structures for Electromagnetic Waves. [Doctoral Thesis (compilation), Department of Electrical and Information Technology]. Department of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University. 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LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 Download date: 12. Jan. 2023 Design and Characterization of Functional Structures for Electromagnetic Waves Andreas Ericsson Doctoral Dissertation Electromagnetic Theory Lund University Lund, Sweden 2017 Doctoral dissertation which, by due permission of the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, will be publicly defended on October 27, 2017, at 10:15 a.m. in lecture hall E:1406, John Ericssons väg 4, Lund, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering in Electromagnetic Theory. Department of Electrical and Information Technology Electromagnetic Theory Group Lund University P.O. Box 118, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden Series of licentiate and doctoral theses ISSN 1654-790X; No. 103 ISBN 978-91-7753-323-8 (print) ISBN 978-91-7753-324-5 (digital) ©2017 Andreas Ericsson, except where otherwise stated. Typeset in Computer Modern 10 pt using LATEX and BibTEX. Printed in Sweden by Tryckeriet i E-huset, Lund University, Lund. October, 2017 No part of this dissertation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanically, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. The illustration on p. iii is a comic from “Piled Higher and Deeper”,, ©2017 Jorge Cham. To my wife Malin, Thank you for your love, endless patience, and unfaltering belief in me. & To my family, Mom and Dad, thank you for your wisdom, encouragement and support. Anna and Alexander, thank you for our special bond and true friendship. i ii a real job grad school “The thesis repulsory field is a generalized model of the forces experienced by an individual in the final stages of graduate space-time. It is characterized by an attractor vector field directed towards completion of the thesis but with an intense repulsive singularity at its origin.” The Thesis Repulsory Field “Piled Higher and Deeper” by Jorge Cham iii iv Abstract This dissertation deals with design and characterization of functional structures for scattering of electromagnetic waves. An abundance of these structures can be found in nature, such as the structural coloration in the feathers of a pea- cock, the scales of butterflies and the shell of scarab beetles. Human design of structuresprovidingspecificinteractionswithelectromagneticwaveshavealong history. Today, these structures can be found in everyday products and applica- tions like the filter of a microwave oven, shaded windows, polarizing glasses and 3D movies. A high demand of functional structures is also found in more ad- vancedapplicationssuchasantennadesign,electromagneticscatteringreduction for stealth applications, and in satellite communication systems. The dissertation consists of a general introduction and nine scientific pa- pers, of which the majority have been published in peer-reviewed international journals. The general introduction sets the stage for the technical details con- tained in the included papers. Fundamental relations and scattering concepts in electromagnetic theory are presented, alongside with the approaches for design, optimization and experimental characterization of functional structures. The included papers can be divided into two main tracks: Papers I–VI concern satel- litecommunicationsandPapersVII–IXarerelatedtoelectromagneticscattering characterization and reduction. In Papers I–V circular polarization selective structures for satellite commu- nicationapplicationsaredesignedandcharacterizednumericallyandexperimen- tally. A novel concept design is presented providing more than double the fre- quency bandwidth of previous designs. Furthermore, an experimental procedure and a data post processing scheme are presented for accurate characterization of circular polarization selective structures. In Paper VI a multiphysics study of a triaxial weave functioning as a reflector antenna surface is presented. The electromagneticscatteringpropertiesofthestructureareevaluatedusingnumer- ical simulations and approximation models. These results are combined with an acoustic study and design guidelines for such space antennas are specified. In Papers VII–VIII electromagnetic radiation-absorbing materials for scat- tering reduction applications are evaluated. By using an analytic framework in canonical scattering problems, and numerical methods in more application oriented scenarios, two fast computation methods are developed. These meth- ods are used to evaluate a number of different radiation-absorbing materials in different scenarios, and provide information of the physical interaction between electromagnetic waves and scatterers coated with said materials. Finally, in Paper IX different methods are utilized to locate defects in com- posite materials. Compressive sensing techniques are implemented to achieve sub-wavelength resolution of data extracted from experimentally acquired scat- tered fields. A key point is identifying that the scattering from hidden defects can be formulated as a sparse inverse scattering problem in some basis. v Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning (in Swedish) Elektromagnetiska vågor finns överallt runt omkring oss och är en förutsättning för livet som vi känner det. Det är dessa vågor som ger oss värme från solen, vår syn och som transporterar information genom våra hjärnor. Konsten att förstå ochkontrolleraelektromagnetiskavågorharintresseratmångaavvårtidsstörsta vetenskapsmän som Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell och Albert Einstein. På samma sätt som vattenvågor skapas och utbreder sig när en sten släpps i vatten genereras elektromagnetiska vågor av laddade partiklars acceleration och utbreder sig genom rummet och tiden med ljusets hastighet. Avståndet mellan två vågtoppar kallas signalens våglängd och är en viktig parameter som styr hur vi upplever dessa signaler. Vågor med en kort våglängd på 390–700nm svarar motsynligtljusmedanvågormedenvåglängdpå5–30mm,somärifokusidenna avhandling, är osynliga för våra ögon och kallas för mikro- och millimetervågor. Detärelektromagnetiskavågorsomliggertillgrundfördettrådlösakommu- nikationsnätverk som idag sammankopplar i stort sett hela vår planet. Teknik- utvecklingen i samhället går framåt med rasande fart och framtiden kommer med största sannolikhet innebära högre ställda krav på kapaciteten hos trådlösa kommunikationssystem. För att möta dessa krav krävs ingående kunskap om underliggande fysik såväl som teknik i form av hårdvara och mjukvara. I denna doktorsavhandling har dessa kunskaper använts för att dra slutsatser vid design ochkaraktäriseringavfunktionellastrukturerförspridningavelektromagnetiska vågor. Medhjälpavmatematikberäknashärhurmikro-ochmillimetervågorin- teragerar med sin omgivning. Fysikalisk intuition, matematiska modeller och kommersiella simuleringsprogram utnyttjas för att designa strukturer som kon- trollerarhurmikrovågorutbredersig, därvissasignalersläppsigenomochandra blockeras eller absorberas. Nedanföljertreexempelpåolikatillämpningsområdendärfunktionellastruk- turerhardesignatsochkaraktäriseratsidennaavhandling. Cirkulärpolarisations- selektivastrukturerhardesignatsförtillämpningarisystemförsatellitkommuni- kation. Dessastrukturermöjliggörhögrekapacitetikommunikationslänkenmel- lan en satellit och jorden, vilket kan resultera i snabbare internet i våra mobil- telefoner. Nästa tillämpning innefattar undersökningar av olika typer av elek- tromagnetiska absorbenter för smygteknik inom radarsignaturminimering, där till exempel flygplan och fordon kan anpassas för att inte upptäckas av radar- system. Nya matematiska modeller och en numerisk approximationsmetod har i denna avhandling utvecklats som ger insikt i hur dessa absorbenter fungerar. Etttredjeanvändningsområdesomundersöktsärelektromagnetiskkaraktäriser- ingavkompositastrukturer, beståendeavensammansättningavolikamaterial. Denna typ av karaktärisering har använts till icke-förstörande defektdetektering inuti material, samt utvärdering av elektromagnetiska spridningsegenskaper. vi Preface This thesis summarizes the research I have carried out over the past four years at the Department of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University, Sweden. The thesis starts with a research overview followed by the scientific papers as listed below. List of included papers I. A. Ericsson and D. Sjöberg, “A resonant circular polarization selective structure of closely spaced wire helices.” Radio Science, Vol. 50, No. 8, pp. 804–812, 2015.1 Contributions of the author: Theauthorofthisthesisisthemaincon- tributor to this paper. I co-designed the structure, performed a numerical optimization and a parametric study, and wrote the paper. II. A.EricssonandD.Sjöberg,“APerformanceStudyofCircularPolarization SelectiveStructures.” 9th European Conference on Antennas and Propaga- tion (EuCAP), pp. 1–5, IEEE, 2015. Contributions of the author: The author of this thesis is the main contributortothispaper. Iimplementedthesimulationmodels,generated the presented data and wrote the paper. III. A. Ericsson and D. Sjöberg, “Design and Analysis of a Multilayer Mean- der Line Circular Polarization Selective Structure.” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 65, No. 8, pp. 4089–4101. 2017. Contributions of the author: Theauthorofthisthesisisthemaincon- tributor to this paper. I optimized the structure in a numerical software, fabricated a prototype, carried out experimental characterizations of the structure, and wrote the paper. IV. A. Ericsson, J. Lundgren and D. Sjöberg, “Experimental Characteriza- tion of Circular Polarization Selective Structures using Linearly Single- Polarized Antennas.” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 65, No. 8, pp. 4239–4249. 2017. Contributions of the author: Theauthorofthisthesisisthemaincon- tributor to this paper. I designed and fabricated the measurement setup, performedthemeasurements, wrote post-processingalgorithmsfortheex- perimental data, and wrote the majority of the paper. 1HonoredwithastudentpaperawardatURSI-GASSXXXIinBeijing,2014. vii