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Description of the third-instar larva and pupa of Lycomedes hirtipes arrow (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Agaocephalini) with notes on its biology and distribution in Colombia PDF

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Preview Description of the third-instar larva and pupa of Lycomedes hirtipes arrow (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae: Agaocephalini) with notes on its biology and distribution in Colombia

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 108(3), 2006, pp. 661-671 DESCRIPTION OF THE THIRD-INSTAR LARVA AND PUPA OF LYCOMEDES HIRTIPES ARROW (COLEOPTERA: SCARABAEIDAE: DYNASTINAE: AGAOCEPHALINI) WITH NOTES ON ITS BIOLOGY AND DISTRIBUTION IN COLOMBIA Luts CARLOS PARDO-LOCARNO AND MIGUEL ANGEL MORON (LCPL) Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, Colombia; (MAM) Departamento de Entomologia, Instituto de Ecologia, A.C. Apdo. Postal 63, Xalapa, Veracruz 91000, México (e-mail: moron_ma@ecologia.edu.mx) Abstract.4The larva and pupa of the dynastine scarab beetle Lycomedes hirtipes Arrow from Colombia are described. This larval description 1s the first for the tribe Agaocephalini. A key to the larvae is provided for the genera of Dynastinae in the New World. Some data on the biology and distribution of the species in Colombia are also included. Resumen.4Se describen la larva y la pupa de Lycomedes hirtipes Arrow. Esta representa la primera descripcion larvaria para las especies de la tribu Agaocephalini. Se incluye una clave para separar las larvas hasta ahora conocidas de los géneros de Dynastinae del nuevo mundo. También se presentan algunos datos sobre la biologia y la distribucio6n de esta especie en Colombia. Key Words: Lycomedes, Agaocephalini, immature stages, taxonomy, morphology The tribe Agaocephalini contains 11 and Je eValle departments, Colombia, genera and 43 species distributed from a number of dynastid larvae were col- southern Mexico to Argentina (Endrodi lected under the litter layer. After breed- 1985, Ratcliffe 2003). Ten species. of ing in the laboratory, some of these were Aegopsis Burmeister, Horridocalia End- identified as pupae and adults of Agao- rédi, Lycomedes Bréme, and Spodistes cephalini. Burmeister are cited from Colombia In this paper we describe for the first (Restrepo-Giraldo et al. 2003). Adults time the third-instar larva and the pupa of these species are sporadically collect- of Lycomedes hirtipes Arrow, with ob- ed at lights, on rotten fruits, under servations on the habits, phenology and loose bark, or in forest soil. Most of precise distribution of the species. Also, the species are associated with humid we present a key to the known third- Andean tropical forests and_ planta- instar larvae of the tribes and genera of tions located from 1000 to 2100 m Neotropical Dynastinae. Technical terms altitude. Larvae or pupae of the species are those of Ritcher (1966), Moron of this tribe have not been described, and (1987), and Costa et al. (1988). Studied the habits of immatures are unknown. specimens are deposited in the private During field work of the first author collection of Familia Pardo Locarno (LCPL) in coffee plantations of Cauca (CFPL), Palmira, Valle, Colombia. 662 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Key TO THIRD-INSTAR LARVAE OF AMER- Te Chaetoparia of epipharynx with numerous ICAN GENERA OF DYNASTINAE sensilla among setae, Chaetoparia of epipharynx with few or no Based on Ritcher 1966, Moron 1987, Sensillasamon tise lac iene einen mene 10 Head blackish brown. Each acanthoparia Moron and Ratcliffe 1990, Moron and with 4-6 setae. Maximum width of head Pardo-Locarno 1994, Morelli and Alzu- Capsule /=smmim ha ee Xyloryctes Hope garay 1994, Morelli 1997, Alvarez-Cas- Head yellow or reddish yellow. Each tillo et al. 1998, Vincini et al. 2000, acanthoparia with 8413 setae. Maximum Morelli and Moron 2003, Ratcliffe 2003, width of head capsule 34S mm. Onore and Moron 2004; Ramirez-Sali- Lateral margins of labrum sharply angulate posteriorly. Surface of cranium slightly nas et al. 2004, Ocampo and Moron roughened. Inner margin of both mand- 2004, Ratcliffe and Moron 2005. ibles with a distinct premolar tooth. .... Reta oe ee Dyscinetus Harold Lateral margins of labrum broadly round- Last segment of antenna with | dorsal ed posteriorly. Surface of cranium reticu- sensory spot. Most of maxillary stridulato- late, shinny. Inner margin of both mand- ry teeth with anteriorly projecting points. iblesssmooth) not toothed iene Abdominal spiracles of segments 1-4 sim- Cyclocephala Latreille ilar in size; those of segments 548 pro- 10. Dorsa of abdominal segments 8 and 9 each pres hy SeM@ME «5s poe obla Hoo oem O ME yp) with 2 widely separated, transverse rows of Last segment of antenna with 2 or more long setae; short, stout setae absent. .... 11 dorsal sensory spots. Most of maxillary Dorsa of abdominal segments 8 and 9 each stridulatory teeth truncate or rounded, with variable number of short, stout setae without anteriorly projecting points. Size and 2 widely separated, transverse rows of of abdominal spiracles otherwise. ....... 3 long-sctae mer gnis dN aa ee eee 14 N Maximum width of head capsule 546 mm. ake Last segment of antenna with 4-5 dorsal Respiratory plate with 13-25 oval holes sensory spots. Frons with a uniform cov- across any diameter. Maxilla with a row of ering of setae; primary setae of frons S4lOkstrdulatonyatcethhe.- ems ee eee difficult to distinguish. Maximum width Orizabus Fairmaire ofpheadiicapsulei74Simimns) 4 5) eae Maximum width of head capsule 3-4 mm. SAS aes het Sols es bss Philoscaptus Bréthes Respiratory plate with 12-20 elongate, Last segment of antenna with 2 dorsal irregularly shaped holes across any diame- ter. Maxilla with a row of 9-12 stridulatory sensory spots. Frons without uniform covering of setae; primary setae easy to (UETELn d este Sueeatinn ey ia cola hef o Aphonus LeConte Ww Last segment of antenna with 245 dorsal distinguish or absent. Maximum width of SENSOLYESD OLS. 5 ete eee cpio ee eee eee 4+ headicapsules4ommimsaa ss ae Sci en eee 1 Last segment of antenna with 6 or more . Frons without primary setae. Each GOTSAalISENSOMASPOUS ss een tner een anes ee 21 acanthoparia with 849 setae. Head reddish Raster with septula or pallidia. ........ 5) brown. Ancognatha Erichson Raster without septula or palidia. ...... 7 Frons with at least | pair of primary setae. Ocelli present. Septula narrowed, not ex- Each acanthoparia with 10411 setae. Head tending across lower anal lip. Palidia light brown or yellowish brown. monostichous. Maximum width of head .Frons with 1 exterior seta on each side. capsule 4.0-4.5 mm. ..... Euetheola Bates Posterior frontal setae and anterior frontal Ocelli vague or absent. Septula widened, setae absent. Surface of cranium with extending across lower anal lip. Palidia numerous small pores. Ocelli vague. ... . polystichous. Maximum width of head sah ereuiSgalheie seid RS oe eee eee Oxyerylius Casey Capsule s4 lO mmiIme Paa aeee: Cera Nee 6 Frons with 1-2 exterior frontal setae and | 6. Each palidium consisting of 547 irregular posterior seta on each side. Anterior frontal rows of long pali. Last segment of antenna setae absent. Surface of cranium slightly With)2iGorsall SenSOnveSpOtS. sien eenele : roughened, reticulate. Ocelli present. as CE See ote Tomarus Erichson (in part) ee ONGRD Tae geen oe Tomarus Erichson (in part) Each palidium consisting of 243 irregular . Lateral margins of labrum broadly round- rows of short, spinelike pali. Last segment of ed, NOtaAneulates esacie caser ene 15 antenna with 5 dorsal sensory spots. At least one lateral margin of labrum = fo tae Heterogomphus (s.str.) Burmeister amgulate..o {Als (s U S LeesS ee 18 VOLUME 108, NUMBER 3 IS). Foretarsal claw longer than middle and Head dense and finely punctate, without Iniiavel zis GENS 5 S3se o6nes e e o'er 16 anterior frontal setae, with 1 posterior Foretarsal claw similar in size to middle frontal seta on each side. Maxilla with anG/ormbindutarsaliclaws: = o.4 4. 5 aa450 . 17 a row of 9-10 stridulatory teeth. Last 16. Epicranial setae abundant (more than 15). segment of antenna with 8 dorsal sensory Right anterior process of hypopharyngeal spots. Diloboderus Reiche sclerome much shorter than basal segment i) Nn . Inner margin of left mandible with | large of labial palpus. Actinobolus Westwood tooth. Dorsum of abdominal segment 7 Epicranial setae scarce (less than 10). Right with many short, spinelike setae. Spiracular anterior process of hypopharyngeal scler- bulla convex, without knoblike 4 pro- ome equal in length to basal segment of cess. Dynastes Kirby labial palpus. Homophileurus Kolbe Inner margin of left mandible with 2 large LHe Ocelli present. Lateral third of frons with teeth. Dorsum of abdominal segment 7 deep, coarse, coalescent punctures. ..... without short, spinelike setae. Spiracular 5 OS 6:6 leo peer erens eee: Trioplus Burmeister bulla with large and acute knoblike pro- Ocelli absent. Anterior two thirds of frons cess. Golofa Hope with scattered, small, shallow pits. . Each acanthoparia with 9-10 setae. Dorsa of abdominal segment 7 with many short, sada sling Phileurus Latreille (in part) stout setae. Megasoma Kirby 18. Left lateral margin of labrum angulate... 19 Each acanthoparia with 10415 setae. Dorsa Left and right lateral margins of labrum of abdominal segment 7 without short, Al SULALCM wav tea: pagent aatpotes of FEAR 4 20 stout setae, or with scattered short, spine- 12 Frons with 6 anterior frontal setae. Last like setae. 27 segment of antenna with 4 dorsal sensory .Spiracles of abdominal segments | to 5 spots. Archophileurus Kolbe larger than spiracles of segments 6 to 8. Frons without anterior frontal setae. Last Head without anterior frontal setae. Max- segment of antenna with 2 dorsal sensory imum width of head capsule 14-15 mm spots. Phileurus Latreille (in part) . Heterogomphus (Dineterogomphus Prell) . Frons with 2 anterior frontal setae. Hap- Spiracles of abdominal segments 1 to 8 tomeral process of epipharynx sinuate. . . usually similar in size (except in Strategus ar ee ee NE Phileurus Latreille (in part) splendens (Beauvois) with spiracle of ab- Frons without anterior frontal setae. Hap- dominal segment 8 much smaller). Head tomeral process of epipharynx truncate. with 2-8 anterior frontalsetae. Maximum J cau. 2 Ud te 09 RAC eee eae Hemiphileurus Kolbe width of head capsule 9-12 mm. 2 Each tarsal claw with 2 setae. Strategus Hope Each tarsal claw with 3-4 setae (if tarsal claw with 2 setae, then with lateral margins LARVA OF LYCOMEDES BREME of epipharynx slightly angulate, Megasoma This larval description of Lycomedes actaeon L.) . Lateral margins of epipharynx rounded, hirtipes Arrow is the first for the genus not angulate. and the tribe Agaocephalini. Based on Left lateral margin of epipharynx or both current knowledge of Dynastinae larvae, lateral margins of epipharynx slightly the larvae of Lycomedes are most similar angulate. N Nn morphologically to those of Diloboderus .Ocelli absent. Spiracles of abdominal seg- tN o>) ments | to 8 similar in size. Last segment of abderus Sturm. The known larvae of antenna with 12 dorsal sensory spots. Lycomedes have the head capsule with Maximum width of head capsule 104 numerous pits and 2 anterior frontal POINT wer Palate ke sc ts Wis hs Enema Hope setae, without posterior frontal setae; Ocelli present. Spiracles of abdominal inner margin of left mandible with 2 segments | to 8 of different sizes. Last teeth; maxilla with a row of 6 stridula- segment of antenna with 6-10 dorsal sensory spots. Maximum width of head tory teeth; the last segment of the Gay sule 73 Temi; «oc cha so db es eos antenna with 647 dorsal sensory spots; 24. Head with numerous pits and 2 anterior spiracles of abdominal segments | to 4 frontal setae, without posterior frontal progressively larger, spiracles of seg- setae. Maxilla with a row of 6 stridulatory ments 5 to 7 of similar size, and spiracle teeth. Last segment of antenna with 647 dorsal sensory spots. .... Lycomedes Breme of abdominal segment 8 smaller than the 664 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON preceeding. Larvae of Diloboderus have reared to adult males. Locality data: the head capsule dense and finely punc- Colombia: Department of Cauca, Cal- tate, without anterior frontal setae, with dono, Pescador, 21-I-2001, 1,450 m ele- 1 posterior frontal seta on each side; vation, M. Trujillo (1 pupa); same data inner margin of left mandible without except 26-H-2001, M. Trujillo and L. C. tooth; the maxilla with a row of 9-10 Pardo-Locarno (2 exuvia) (CFPL). stridulatory teeth; the last segment of the Description of the female pupa is antenna with 8 dorsal sensory spots; based on one pupa and one exuvium of spiracles of abdominal segments 2 to 6 a pupa reared from a third-instar larvae of similar size, larger than spiracle of collected in soil of shade coffee planta- segment I, and spiracles of abdominal tion; and one pupa reared from a third- segments 6 to 8 progressively smaller. instar larva collected in organic matter under a rotten log. Locality data: Co- Larvae of both genera have defined lombia: Department of Cauca, Caldono, ocelli; lateral margins of epipharynx Pescador, 21-I-2001, 1,450 m elevation, rounded, not angulate; each acantho- M. Trujillo (1 pupa and 1 exuvium); paria with 9-11 setae; distance between 2 Department of Quindio, Armenia, II- lobes of respiratory plate shorter than 2003, 1400 m elevation, L. C. Pardo- dorsoventral diameter of bulla; spiracu- lar bulla convex, without knoblike pro- Locarno (1 pupa) (CFPL). Third-instar larva.4Approximate dor- cess; each tarsal claw with 2 setae; and do sal body length: 49-65 mm. Head dark not have pallidia or septula. to reddish brown. Mandibles_ reddish Lycomedes hirtipes Arrow brown with apical third black. Body yellowish white, with sparse vestiture of (Figs. 1415) setae, and anterior third slightly nar- Description of the third-instar larva is rowed (Fig. 1). Legs yellowish with apex based on three larvae collected in rich brownish. organic soil with litter from a coffee Head (Figs. 1-2): Maximum width plantation shadowed with trees of /nga of head capsule 7.54-8.2 mm. Cranium spp. <guamo= and Erythrina poeppigiana shiny, with deep punctures less abundant (Walp) <<cachimbo= (Leguminosae); and toward epicranial suture. Frons punctate five third-instar larvae collected under and finely rugose, with 2 short, anterior unidentified rotten logs from a coffee frontal setae and single anterior angle plantation or remnants of primary hu- seta on each side. Dorsoepicranium with mid forest. Locality data: Colombia: single, long seta on each side. C/ypeus: Department of Cauca, Caldono, Pesca- Shape subtrapezoidal with anterior an- dor, 21-I-2001, 1450 m elevation, M. gles widely rounded, and single exterior Trujillo (1 larva); same data except 26- seta on each side; surface with scattered, H-2001, M. Trujillo and L.C. Pardo- large punctures. Preclypeus weakly scler- Locarno (2 larvae); Cauca, Palmira, La otized, without setae. Labrum: asymmet- Buitrera, 19-XI-2002, 1550 m elevation, rical, with anterior border slightly tri- L. C. Pardo-Locarno (2 larvae); and lobed, without clithra; irregularly Valle, Quindio, Armenia, 4 II-2003, punctate, with row of 4 basal setae, 1400 m elevation, L. C. Pardo-Locarno single lateral seta on each side, and 4 (3 larvae)(CFPL). anterior, long setae. Epipharynx (Fig. 3): Description of the male pupa is based Corypha with 5-7 stout, short setae. on one pupa reared from a third-instar Haptomeral process beaklike, strongly larva collected in soil of a shade coffee sclerotized, with apex entire; 3-4 macro- plantation and two exuvia of pupae scopic sensilla behind process. Acantho- VOLUME 108, NUMBER 3 665 none Lycomedes hirtipes, third instar larva. Scale line = 5 mm. paria with 10-11 short setae. Chaetoparia 7-8 closely appressed setae. Molar area with 28434 setae on each side. Gymno- with 4 lobes. Calx wide, prominent. paria narrowed. Dexiotorma moderately Brustia formed by 3-4 setae. Lateral wide and long, with short pternotorma. face with 4 prebasal setae and 2 preapical Laeotorma short and narrowed, with setae. Left mandible (Figs. 6-7) with 1 large pternotorma. Nesia with sensorial large scissorial tooth anterior to scissor- cone elongate and with large sclerotized jal notch, IF larse tooth= posterior to plate. Haptolachus with 4-5 sensilla notch, and | wide tooth, with sinuate bellow sensorial cone. Crepis weakly border, on premolar area. Stridulatory defined. Mandibles: Right mandible area elongate, length 3 times width, (Figs. 4-5) with | large scissorial tooth consisting of 30-33 transverse ridges of anterior to scissorial notch and 3 scissor- which proximal 7 ridges much broader. ial teeth posterior to notch. Stridulatory Mesad of stridulatory area is a group of area irregular, length 3 times width, 647 closely appressed setae. Molar area consisting of 32435 transverse ridges of with 3 lobes. Calx narrow, prominent. which proximal 8 ridges much broader. Acia narrowed, with rounded apex. Mesad of stridulatory area is a group of Brustia formed by 4-5 setae. Lateral 666 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 2-7, Lycomedes hirtipes, third instar larva. 2, Head, frontal view. 3, Epipharynx. 4, Right mandible, ventral view. 5, Right mandible, dorsal view. 6, Left mandible dorsal view. 7, Left mandible, ventral view. Scale lines = | mm. face with 2-3 prebasal setae and 1 _ subterminal, conical unci. Surface with preapical setae. Mavxilla: Galea and _ irregular rows of stout setae. Stridulato- lacinia fused (Fig. 8) forming mala. ry area with row of 6 short, truncate Mala with large uncus at apex and 2 teeth and a distal, transverse, truncate VOLUME 108, NUMBER 3 667 Figs. 8-13. Lycomedes hirtipes, third instar larva. 8, Right maxilla, dorsal view. 9, Hypopharynx, dorsal view. 10, Last antennal segment, dorsal view. 11, Last antennal segment, ventral view. 12, Prothoracic spiracle. 13, Raster. Scale lines = 1 mm, except figs. 10-12 = 0.5 mm. process. Labium (Fig. 9): Glossa slightly setae on each side. Labial palpus short, longer than wide, with 12416 scattered with distal segment narrowed toward setae and 6-8 sensilla at middle, and apex. Hypopharyngeal sclerome with irregular, lateral rows formed by 5-8 wide, erect, truncate process on right 668 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON wide). Dorsal areas of segments I-V each with sparse vestiture distributed in irreg- ular, transverse rows as follows: each prescutum with | row of 5410 short setae; each scutum with | row of 14-22 short setae and | row of 4-6 long setae; each scutellum with | row of 10418 short setae. Dorsal area of segment VI with 1 transverse row of 11 short setae, 1 row of 8410 short setae, 1 row of 22 short setae, and | row of 546 long setae. Dorsal area of segment VII with | transverse row of 11 short setae, 1 row of 6-10 short setae and | row of 6 long setae. Dorsal area of segment VIII with 1 transverse row of 5 14 long setae. Dorsal area of segment IX with | transverse row of 4 long setae Figs. 14-15. Lycomedes hirtipes, female pupa. widely separated. Dorsal area of segment 14, Dorsal view. 15, Ventral view. Scale lines = 5 mm. X with 36 short setae irregularly distrib- uted, and 24 long setae mixed with 904 side, and group of 748 setae on left side; 100 short setae distributed near anal slit. both lateral lobes with 5-6 setae ar- Ventral areas of segments I-VI each with ranged in | row. Antenna: First and third transverse row of 4-5 slender, medium segments of same length, second segment size setae, widely separated. Ventral 1.2 times longer than first, and last areas of segments VII-IX each with segment 1.6 times longer than _ third. transverse row of 547 slender, long setae. Surface of last segment (Figs. 10-11) Pleural lobes of abdominal segments I-4 with 647 dorsal and 8410 ventral sensory VIII with sparse short setae. Raster spots. Ocelli clearly defined (Fig. 2). (Fig. 13) without palidia or septula. Thorax (Fig. 1): Prothoracie lateral Teges formed by 55460 stout, short setae. sclerome irregularly shaped, with | erect Campus with 4 slender, long setae. seta. Pronotum, mesonotum and meta- Lower anal lip with 45450 stout, short notum each with 2 long setae. Thoracic setae and | transverse row of 10412 long spiracle (Fig. 12) with irregular C-shaped setae on border of anal slit. respiratory plate 0.740.8 mm high and Pupa.4 Male: Body length: 35-40 mm. 0.540.6 mm wide; distance between 2 Form elongate, robust, exarate. Orange lobes of respiratory plate 0.25 times yellow to reddish yellow, with velvety, shorter than dorsoventral diameter of golden yellow microtrichia on abdominal bulla; respiratory plate with 23-28 holes segments, mainly toward last segment. across diameter at middle; holes irregu- Head: Reflexed downward; antenna, larly oval. mouth parts and ocular canthus well Abdomen (Fig. 1): Spiracles of abdom- differentiated. Compound eyes _nar- inal segments | to 4 progressively larger rowed. Fronto-clypeal region with short, (0.90-1.13 mm high and 0.8741.05 mm wide projection (1.54-1.8 mm _ length) wide), spiracles of segments 5 to 7 of apically truncated. similar size (1.02-1.05 mm high and Thorax: Pronotum wider than long, 0.96-0.97 mm wide), and spiracle of convex, with a transverse small process abdominal segment 8 smaller than the or tubercle on middle of anterior half; preceeding (0.81 mm high and 0.80 mm lateral borders weakly angled; basal VOLUME 108, NUMBER 3 669 border nearly straight. Meso- and meta- abundance of litter in mountain tropical nota differentiated. Mesoscutellum wide- forests and old coffee plantations under ly rounded posteriorly. Metascutellum dense shade. Larvae of other species of widely sinuated posteriorly. Ecdysial Dynastinae frequently found in these suture running from anterior border of conditions are Podischnus agenor Olivier, pronotum to posterior border of meta- Strategus aloeus (Linné), Golofa eacus notum. Pteroteca narrowed, free, with Burmeister and Aspidolea fuliginea Bur- apex rounded, compressed around body; meister. Larvae of L. hirtipes exhibit hind wing teca slightly longer than thanatosis when they are exposed by elytron teca. Protibia with 3 pigmented, turning the head downward, retracting small areas on external border; meso- the legs, and curving tightly the body, and metatibiae without projections or and remaining quiet for a long time, thus pigmented areas on external borders simulating death until the disturbance 1s but with apical spurs differentiated; all reduced. Then they dig into the soil with tarsomeres weakly defined: protarsus slow movements. The larvae of other with apex slightly enlarged and pigmen- sympatric species of Dynastinae are very ted. active when exposed, and quickly crawl Abdomen: Tergites I-VIII convex, out of the disturbed area and return to with 5 pairs of well sclerotized and soil. pigmented dioneiform organs between Adults of L. hirtipes are dawn flyiers. segments II-VI and transverse sclero- They sometimes feed on mature fruits tized carina on anterior border of seg- and are active mainly during the sum- ment VII. Each dioneiform organ mer-autumn rainy season in Colombia. 2.5mm wide. Tergo-lateral tubercles According to Reyes-Usuga (1995) they absent on all segments. Spiracle I elon- were attracted to black lght traps gated, not prominent. Spiracles H-4IV located in Pance, Cali, Department of large, with ringlike, sclerotized peri- Valle during May (2), September (4), treme, slighly directed forward. Spiracles October (38), November (24), and De- V4-VII closed, slightly prominent, sur- cember (1). Also, they were attracted to rounded by fine rugae. Spiracle VIII fruit baited traps located in Nirvana weakly indicated by fine rugae. Sternites reserve, La Buitrera, Palmira, Depart- II-VII convex. Last segment without ment of Valle during August (8), Sep- urogomphi, with lateroventral fleshy tember (9), October (39), November (6), lobes and prominent genital ampulla on and December (2) of 2000 (Serna and middle of ventral surface. Pardo-Locarno personal communica- Female: Body length: 34-36 mm tion). (Figs. 14-15). Similar to male except on No eggs were obtained from adults head, thorax, and protarsus. Head: in captivity, so the time for a complete Fronto-clypeal area swollen, with round- life cycle remains unknown. Field rec- ed borders and deep hole in middle. ords for adults and rearing of third- Thorax: Pronotum broadly convex, with instar larva collected in January to lateral borders weakly angled, without obtain pupae in July and adult emer- DEOCESSs OG, Cubercle, jon. ~middle, of gence in August suggest a one year life anterior half. Protarsus with same pro- cycle. portions of meso- and metatarsi, not Restrepo et al. (2003) cited L. hirtipes enlarged. from the Colombian departments of Biology and distribution.4Third-in- Boyaca, Caldas, Cauca, Huila, Tolima, star larvae of Lycomedes hirtipes were and Valle. Recently, the first author observed in rich organic soils with an (LCPL) collated data from national 670 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON collections and found specimens collect- Valle. Also, this paper is a contribution ed at the following localities: Antioquia to the project <<Coleopteros Lamelicor- (Supia), Cauca (Caldono, Popayan, La nios de América Latina9? supported by Sierra), Huila (Gigante), Narino (La the Instituto de Ecologia, A.C. Xalapa Union), Quindio (Armenia, La Tebaida), (account 902-08-011). Tolima (Ibagué, China Alta), Risaralda (Santa Rosa, La Florida), and Valle LITERATURE CITED (Calusé, Felidia, Calima-Darién, San Alvarez-Castillo, H. A., A. M. Vincini, A. N. Antonio-Jamundi, including Pance, To- Lopez, D. M. Carmona, and P. L. Manetti. cota, Saladito and Yanaconas-Cali dis- 1998. Descripcion de los estados inmaduros de Heterogomphus pauson (Perty, 1830) (Coleop- tricts). All the above localities are tera: Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae). Elytron 12: between 1,200 and 2,100m elevation 97-103. along the slopes of the western and Costa, C., S. A. Vanin, and S. A. Casari-Chen. central Andes in Colombia (approx. 1°4 1988. Larvas de Coleoptera do Brasil. Museo TAN 74 =7 7 IW) sto 8ther owest vol <he de Zoologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Magdalena River. A record from de- Paulo, 282 pp. Endr6édi, S. 1985. The Dynastinae of the World. partment of Boyaca (Togui) need to be Dr. W. Junk Publishers, Dordrecht, 800 pp. confirmed. Morelli, E. 1997. Descripcion de los estados inmaduros y notas sobre la biologia de ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Diloboderus abderus (Sturm, 1826) y Philos- The first author (LCPL) thanks stu- captus bonariensis (Burmeister, 1847) (Coleop- tera: Melolonthidae, Dynastinae). Acta Zool- dents Andrés Felipe Serna, Luis Carlos ogica Mexicana (n.s.) 71: 57470. Reyes Usuga, technicians Hoover and Morelli, E. and R. Alzugaray. 1994. Descripcion de Manuel Trujillo (Caldono), and Federico la larva de Cyclocephala testacea Burmeister, Botero (owner of the Reserva Nirvana, 1847 y clave para la determinacion de larvas de cuatro especies del género Cyc/locephala en el La Buitrera, Palmira) for their help Uruguay (Coleoptera: Dynastinae). Revista during field work. Claudia Patricia Brasileira de Biologia 54(1): 77-84. Vélez-Garcia (Palmira) assisted with Morelli, E. and M. A. Moron. 2003. Descriptions rearing of larvae. Jhon César Neita of Xv/oryctes Hope larvae with a key to species (Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad based on the third stage larvae (Coleoptera: Nacional, Bogota), John Albeiro Quiroz Scarabaeidae: Dynastinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin 57(3): 289-295. (Museo Francisco Luis Gallego, Univer- Moron, M. A. 1987. Los estados inmaduros de sidad Nacional, Medellin) and Carmen Dynastes hyllus Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Melo- Elisa Pozo (Universidad del Valle) pro- lonthidae; Dynastinae) con observaciones so- vided valuable assistance during the bre su biologia y el crecimiento alométrico del study of collections in their care. Thanks imago. Folia Entomologica Mexicana 72: 33-74. also to professor James Montoya (Uni- Moron, M. A. and L. C. Pardo-Locarno. 1994. versidad del Valle) for his valuable Larvae and pupae of two species of Golofa suggestions. Special acknowledgment to Hope (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Dynasti- the Centro Internacional de Agricultura nae) from Colombia. The Coleopterists Bulle- Tropical (CIAT, Cali) and to the project tin 48(4): 390-399. Moron, M. A. and B. C. Ratcliffe. 1990. Descrip- <Plagas subterraneas en Suramérica=9 tions of Strategus larvae with a key to species (Convenio CIAT-GTZ) for job and based on the larvae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: bibliographical support. This paper pre- Dynastinae). Elytron 4: 53-66. sents results of <8<Contribucion al con- Ocampo, F. C. and M. A. Moron. 2004. De- ocimiento sistematico y bioldgico de los scription of the third instar larva of Hemi- phileurus dispar Kolbe (Coleoptera: Scarabaei- Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera) de Colom- dae: Dynastinae: Phileurini). Proceedings of bia99, a doctoral dissertation project of the Entomological Society Washington 106(2): the first author at the Universidad del 412-416.

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