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Description of the larva of Lestes virgatus (Burmeister) and comparisons with some other south African Lestidae (Zygoptera) PDF

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by  SamwaysM J
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Preview Description of the larva of Lestes virgatus (Burmeister) and comparisons with some other south African Lestidae (Zygoptera)

Odonatologica21(4):505-513 December I.1992 Description of thelarva of Lestes virgatus (Burmeister) and comparisons with some other south African Lestidae (Zygoptera) M.J.Samways¹, G.Carchini² and M.Di Domenico² 1 DepartmentofZoologyand Entomology,University ofNatal, P.O.Box 375, Pietermaritzburg3200, SouthAfrica 2 DipartimentodiBiologia,II Universita di Roma, "Tor-Vergata”, ViaOrazio Raimondo, 1-00173 Roma, Italy Received December 12, 1991 /Revised andacceptedJune 3, 1992 The larva isdescribed here forthe first time.More comprehensivedescriptionsof thepartiallydescribedL.plagiatusandL.tridensarealsogiven.All3spp.areabundant at varyinglocalitiesintheeastern parts ofNatal, SouthAfrica.Comparisonsarealso made with larvae ofother African Lestidae. INTRODUCTION There are seven species ofLestidae recorded to date in South Africa (SAM- WAYS, 1992):L. dissimulansFraser, 1955; L. ictericus Gerstaecker, 1869: L. pallidas Rambur, 1842;L. plagiatus (Burmeister, 1839);L. tridens McLachlan, 1895;L. uncifer Karsch, 1899;L. virgatus (Burmeister, 1839).Few of the larval stages have been described. L. ictericus was described as ”L. pallidas form ictericus Gerstaecker 1869” by PINHEY (1961). L. tridens was also described by PINHEY (1959) and L. plagiatus was described by CAMMAERTS (1966). Another African species, L. simulans Martin, 1910, was recently described by LEGRAND (1976) but has not been recorded from SouthAfrica. The larva of theMalawian,ZambianandZimbabweanspecies. L. ochraceus Selys, 1862was described as "L. pallidas form ochraceus” by P1NHEY (1959). In due course thisspecies may wellberecordedinSouthAfrica, aftermoreintensivesearching. The aim here is to describe the larva ofanotherLestidae species until now unknown:Lestes virgatus. As the descriptions ofL. tridens andL.plagiatus are incomplete, wepresentfurtherdataonthelarvalmorphology ofthesetwo species 506 M.J. Samways. G.Carchini & M.Di Domenico permitting improved comparisons with the other species. MATERIALAND METHODS CORBET’s (1953) terminologyfor the labium wasadopted here, althoughit does not strictly apply tothe Lestidae. Inparticular, the morphologyofthe branches ofthe palpusarenotdescribed by Corbet,soadditional termswererequiredhere, such asinnerandouterlobes ofthelabialpalpus, asproposedbyLEGRAND(1976),The descriptionswerefromlarval exuviae ofspecimenscollected in the field andreared in the laboratory throughtoemergence. Species determinations were from teneral imagos.Exuviae werestored in 70% ethyl alcohol anddrawn with microscope/cameralucida <200 x magnification.Allmeasurements weretothenearest0.1 mm, with amicrometric eyepiece. The followingdimensions were measured. Dorsal view: head width, antennaelength, distance betweenantennaeinsertionaxes,anteriorwing-sheathlengths(fromthe mutualjunctionpointbetween left andright ones). Ventral view: prementum width (afterbeingcut at the postmentum level and laidout,but notflattened),and length (fromthe tipofthe anterior mediallobe tothe articulation line with the postmentum). Lateral view; caudal gill lengthand metatibial length. The variable telescopingofthebodyduringpreservation precludedmeasurement eitherofabdomen ortotal body length.Distortion duringpreservation also affected therelativepositionofthewingcasesand the abdominalsegments, as wellastheprementum-postmentum articulationandthe coxaepairs. DESCRIPTIONS OF THE LARVAE LESTES VIRGATUS(BURMEISTER) Figures 1-2 Material. - 4 6, Queen ElizabethPark, Pietermaritzburg.Natal. 16-1-1989, 21-1-1989, 13- X11-I99I; — I S. Himeville, Natal, 30-1-1930; — 2 9, Queen Elizabeth Park, Pietermaritzburg, Natal, 13-XII-1991. The larva has not been described previously. Body long and slender, as is typical ofthe Lestidae. Head wider than the thorax, withlarge globular eyes. Head width4.0-4.2mm. Antennae7-segmented, and3rdsegment longest, andthe 4th only less so. Antennaelength 3.2-3.3 mm; distancebetween insertions 1.3 mm. Mask clavate, but relatively short and massive, premental articulationat the level ofthemesocoxae. Prementumlength 3.3-3.4mm, width2.1-2.3 mm, pre- mentalsetae 6+6, or 5+5, median cleft fairly long, with several spiniform setae on both sides, alineofspiniform setae on the lateral marginofthe prementum. Distal marginoftheprementumcrenulate,withone claviformseta oneachcrenu- lation. Palpus ofthe usual Lestes type, with one long seta and two similar setae on themovablehook.Distal marginofthepalpus deeply dividedintotwo branches. Inner branch ofthe palpus bearing one strong terminalhook and with minute regular serrations on inner margin,and alsowith alineofsmall spiniform setae. Outer branch bearing two large unequal-sized hooks, and an intermediateline Larva ofLestes virgafus 507 Fig. 1. Morphologyofthe larva ofLestes virgatus: (a) wholeview ofthe mask; — (b)prementum and palpus; — (c)distal marginofthe prementum nearthepalpusarticulation; — (d) distal margin oftheprementumnearthemediancleft; - (e)innerbranch ofthepalpus,end hookandinnermargin ofthepalpus. with irregular teeth, benttowards the innermosthook. Wing sheaths covering all ofthe 3rd or halfofthe 4th abdominal segment; anteriorwing sheathslength 5.6-5.7mm. Legs very slender,astypical inLestidae. Hind femurlength 4.7 mm. Abdomen slender, all segment surfaces covered by fairly long and slender setae. Terminal segments with latero-inferiorcarinae, covered by setae little different in shape and in length to those covering the remaining surface. Last two segments with a dorsal line of long hair-like setae aligned on the medial plane. Last segmentwith a deep dorsal incision. 508 M.J. Samways, G.Carchini& M.Di Domenico Fig.2. Morphologyofthe larvaofLestesvirgatus: (a) lateral lamella; - (b)central lamella; — (c) last twoabdominal segments. In thefemales,the gonapophyses are well developed, whichis unusual forthe larval stage.The apices ofthemedial valves extendedbeyond the epiproct and paraprocts, whilethoseofthe external valves extendedbeyond thedistalendof S10. Caudal lamellaetypical oftheLestidae,withsecondary tracheaeslightlyvisible, but the main tracheae with some apparent bamboo-like sections with clearly- marked taenidia(Fig. 2a,b), mainly inthecentrallamella.Pigmented bandrepre- sentedonly nearthemargins; numeroussmallpigmented spots irregularly spaced on the surface, but not inproximity ofthemargins. Lateral lamellaelength 7.0- -7.5 mm, central lamellae length 6.8-7.3 mm. Lateral lamellae slightly longer than the central one, but in one example the reverse appears to be the case. Spiniform setaeon thewhole margins ofthe lamellaeand hair-like setae on the distal half, with similar distributionson the dorsaland ventral margins. Cerci long and slender. Larva ofLestes virgalus 509 LESTESTRIDENS McLACHLAN Figures3-4 Material. — 4 3, I 5,poolsat StLucia, Natal, 11-II-I990; — Id, KratzkopKloof,2-II- 1988; — Id, Stainbank Nature Reserve, Durban, X-1988; — 1 <J, I 9,same locality, 13-1-1992. Thelarvawas describedby PINHEY(1959),butwithout figuresofthe lamellae and detailsofthe palpus. General featuresofthe body, head, legs andlamellaetypical forthe Lestidae. Headwidth3.8-4.0mm, antennae7- segmented, but inoneexample, one antenna was 6-segmented; 3rdsegmentthelongest. Antennaelength 2.9-3.3 mm, distance between insertions 0.9-1.0 mm. Maskclavate, very slender with the medial part ofthe prementumthin, and nearly triangular intransverse section. Articulation between the prementumand the postmentum at the level ofthe metacoxae, but in one specimen slightly behind.Prementumlength 3.7-4.2mm, width 1.3-1.4mm,premental setae varia- blein numberand inlength from5|+|5 to 52-h4and to6t+25. Distal margin of the prementum straight with crenulations, each with one truncate seta on each crenulation. Some spiniform setae along the lateral margins ofthe prementum nearthe articulationwith thepalpus. Palpus as usual in Lestidae, with one long seta andtwo similar setae on the movable hook. Distal margin of the palpus deeply divided into two branches Innerbranch bearing one strong and long end-hook, and withregular serrations on the inner margin, coupled with some small spiniform setae not so numerous as the serrations. Outer branch of the palpus with two strong unequal length hooks, andanintermediatelineofsmall irregular teeth,separated fromthelarge hooks by two concavities on the palpal distal margin. Wing sheaths covering half of the second or half of the third abdominal segment,anteriorwing-sheaths length 4.7-4.8mm.Hindfemurlength 4.8-5.4mm. Abdominal segments covered by spiniform setae. Terminal segments with latero-inferiorcarinae, covered by setae similar to those covering the otherseg- ment surfaces. Last two segments with a dorsal lineof long hair-like setae in themedial plane. Last segmentwith a deep dorsal incision. In thefemale, the ovipositor did not extend beyond the distalend of S10. Caudal lamellaeprincipal tracheae with apparentbamboo-like sections. Pig- mentedareas as inFigure 4;no spots on thesurface. Laterallamellaelength 8.9- -9.5mm, central lamellaelength 8.7-8.8 mm,about0.5mmofdifferencebetween thecentralandthelateralonesineachspecimen. Spiniform setae along thewhole margin ofthelamellae, with theexception ofthevery distalparts; hair-like setae very scarce, more numerous in thevery distalparts ofthe lamellae.Cerci long and slender. 510 M.J. Samways, G.Carchini & M. DiDomenico Fig. 3. Morphologyofthe larva ofLestes tridens: (a) wholeview ofthe mask; — (b) prementum and palpus; — (c) distal marginoftheprementum nearthe palpusarticulation; - (d) distal margin oftheprementum nearthemediancleft; - (e)inner branch ofthepalpus,end hookandinner margin ofthe palpus. LESTES PLAGIATUS (BURMEISTER) Material. — I <5.1 9,Hilton, Natal. IX/X-1988;— I 6, HlambojaR„ Drakensberg,Natal, 25-1-1991. The larvawas described by CAMMAERTS(1966)fromasingle female(without antennae), collectedin 1933,in Elisabethville, Belgian Congo (Zaire). Our specimens are almost identical tothatofCammaerts. We report here on some additionalrelevant data: Antennae7-segmented, thethird segmentthelongest, antennae length 3.9-4.5 mm, distancebetween insertions 1.2-1.3mm. Maskclavate, prementumlength 3.9-4.1 mm,width 1.6-1.8mm. Nospiniform Larva ofLe.iles virgatus 511 Fig.4. Morphologyofthe larva ofLestestridens:(a) lateral lamella; — (b) central lamella; — (c) last two abdominalsegments. seta on the palpus nearthe articulationofthe movable hook. Wing sheaths covering allofthe3rdabdominalsegment,anteriorwing sheaths length 5.3 mm. Hind femurlength 5.3-6.1 mm, tibia4.9-S.4 mm, tarsus 1.9-2.1 mm. The ovipositor of the female reached just the end of S10. Lamellae length 10.0-10.7mm,lateral and central lamellaealmost equal in length. DISCUSSION Atthis stageinour knowledge, itis not possible to give acomprehensive key forall the SouthAfrican Lestidae larvae, owing tothecomplete absenceof data 512 M.J. Samways, G. Carchini& M. Di Domenico forthreespecies: L. dissimulans,L.pallidus andL. uncifer. However,some initial comparison is possible for the most common species occurring in the eastern part ofthe country. L. virgatus is quitedifferentfromthe otherspecies intheshape ofthepremen- tum. Incidentally, however, in this character, it is similar to the Palaeartic L. macrostigma. Also the pigmentation in virgatus, with numerous small spots, is quite unique in the species covered here, but caution is necessary as this may be a variablefeature across a wide distributionalrange. These two characters alone,nevertheless, distinguishthis species fromtridens,plagiatus and simulans, and in thefemales the length ofthe ovipositor was also highly diagnostic. L.plagiatus inturn, has characteristic outerbranch of the palpus, withoutthe intermediateline ofteethbetween the terminal hooks. This character, together with the shape and the length ofthecaudal lamellaedistinguishes this species from theother three species. L. simulans is similar toL. tridens inthe morphology ofthe mask, palpus and lamellae. However, the numberof the premental setae is different.L. simulans has 10setae,andL. tridens 12-14,making thischaracterusefulfordistinguishing these two species, especially where theirrangesoverlap in East Africa. PINHEY’s (1959, 1961) descriptions of L. pallidus form ictericus and L. pallidus form ochraceus do not refer to the shape, or the length/width ratio of theprementum,buthementions’’mask reaching slightly beyond bases ofmiddle legs” forL.ictericusand ’’labiumreaching secondpairoflegs”forL. ochraceus. So, atthisstage,wecannot excludethepossibilitythat ictericusand/orochraceus also have a short mask as does L. virgatus. Moreover, the morphology of the lamellaewas not reported for L. ochraceus andthemorphology ofthe palpus is notclearly figured forictericus(PINHEY,1961).Thelamellaeapices ofictericus was reported by PINHEY (1961) to be similar to those of tridens, while the illustrationof the palpus ofochraceus shows an outer branch similar to that of plagiatus. At the present time, therefore, it is not possible to discriminate the larvaeofL. ochraceus and L. ictericus fromthe other known larvae. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Weacknowledgefinancial supportfromtheItalianMinistryofUniversity and Scientific Research, Programma"Popolamentoanimale delMediterraneooccidentale”(toG.C.), andthe Foundation for Research Developmentand theUniversity ofNatalResearch Fund(toM.S.).The NatalParksBoard kindly provided accessto sites, and Mrs JANEFLOCKHART and Ms PAMELA SWEET kindly processed the manuscript. REFERENCES CAMMAERTS, R., 1966. La nymphede Lestesplagiatus (Burnt., 1839).Revue Zooi Bat.afr. 74; 317-323. Larva ofLestes virgatus 513 CORBET, P.S., 1953. Aterminologyforthe labium oflarval Odonata. Entomologist86; 191-196. LEGRAND,J„ 1976.Apropos deLestes simulans Martin 1910:larvaeetimago(Zygoptera;Lestidae). Odonalologica5: 375-381. PINHEY,E„ 1959, Notes onAfrican Odonatanymphs (I). J.enl. Soc.sth. Afr.22: 469-4X8. PINHEY, E., 1961. Notes onAfrican Odonatanymphs (2). J. ent.Soc.sth. Afr. 24: 165-172. PINHEY, E.,1984. Asurvey ofthe dragonflies(Odonata)ofSouth Africa.Part I. J.ent.Soc. sth. Afr.47: 147-188. SAMWAYS,M.J., 1992. Dragonflyconservation in South Africa: a biogeographical perspective. Odonatologica21(2): 165-180.

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