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CUMULATIVE INDEX 1995 Volume 13 January GENODERMATOSES WITH MALIGNANT POTENTIAL, pages 1-243 April COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY, pages 245-503 July DERMATOEPIDEMIOLOGY, pages 505-716 October PSORIASIS, pages 717-955 Note: Page numbers of article titles are in boldface type. Acitretin. See Systemic retinoids. Analgesia, in tumescent liposuction, 337 Acne, active, dermabrasion for, 315 Anesthesia, for chemical peels, 269 Acne scarring, dermabrasion for, 313-315 for dermabrasion, 320 Acquired melanocytic nevi, 595-603 for lower lid blepharoplasty, 409 analytic studies of, in adults, 596-599 for tumescent liposuction, 329-330 in children, 599, 601 for upper lid blepharoplasty, 400, 402 clinical definition and enumeration of, 596 Angioedema, drug-induced, ^5-686 Acrodermatitis continua, management of, 775 Angiofibromas, facial, in tuberous sclerosis complex, Actinic keratosis, interferons for, 703-704 152 Acyclovir, for herpes simplex infection, in HIV Angiomyolipomas, renal, in tuberous sclerosis complex, infection, 232-233 154, 156 for varicella-zoster virus, in HIV infection, 233 Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, and Adenocarcinoma, gastrointestinal, in Peutz-Ieghers angioedema, 686 syndrome, 130 Ankylosing spondylitis, vs. psoriatic arthritis, 788 of colon, in Gardner's syndrome, 54 Anthralin, for psoriasis, 822-829 Adenoma sebaceum, in tuberous sclerosis complex, 152 clinical uses of, 824-829 Adenomas, pituitary, in Carney complex, 24 modification of Ingram regimen, 824-825 Adenomatous colon polyps, in Gardner's syndrome, 54, short-contact regimens, 825-827 55 with phototherapy, 827-829, 869 African iron overload, malignancies associated with, formulations and pharmacology of, 822-823 59-60 mechanism of action of, 823 Aging face, etiology of, 245 side effects of, 823-824 photoaging in, 245-247 Antibiotics, for Lyme disease, 539-540 cellular and molecular aspects of, 246-247 for psoriasis, 909-913 classification of, 247 choice of drug in, 911-913 clinical aspects of, 245-246 historical aspects of, 909-910 histology of, 247 laboratory results in, 910-911 treatment of, 245-261 pretherapy evaluation for, 910 alpha-hydroxy acids in, 248-249 prophylactic, in tumescent liposuction, 337 chemical peels in. See Chemical peels. Antibody-containing blood products, receipt of, as cryopeels in, 253 contraindication to measles vaccination, 557-558 dermabrasion in. See Dermabrasion. Antigen-presenting cells, in psoriasis, 739-740 moisturizers in, 248 Antimalarials, for porphyrias, 141 soft tissue augmentation in. See Microlipoinjection. Aphthous stomatitis, in HIV infection, 237 sunscreens in, 248 Argon lasers, in cosmetic dermatology, 449 topical trehnoin in, 249, 251 Argon-pumped tunable dye lasers, in cosmetic AIDS, Kaposi's sarcoma in. See Kaposi's sarcoma. dermatology, 450 Alcohol, role of, in psoriasis, 639-641, 718, 796 Arthritis, psoriatic. See Psoriatic arthritis. Alexandrite lasers, in cosmetic dermatology, 455 with psoriasis, 725 Allergens, role of, in atopic dermatitis, 655 Arytenoid ethyl ester. See Systemic retinoids. Allergic reactions, blepharoplasty and, 421 Ash leaf spots, in tuberous sclerosis complex, 151-152 Alpha-hydroxy acids, for aging face, 248-249 Astrocytomas, giant cell, in tuberous sclerosis complex, Amenorrhea, systemic glucocorticosteroids and, 934-935 156, 160 Amyloidosis, lichen, in multiple endocrine neoplasia Ataxia-telangiectasia, 1-6 2/2A, 92 malignancies associated with, 2 941 942 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1995 Ataxia-telangiectasia (Continued) photographs in, 395-399 mucocutaneous stigmata of, 1-2 preoperahve, 390, 392-394 noncutaneous features of, 2 postoperative care for, 418 work-up for, 2-5 postoperaHve follow-up examination for, 418—427 Atherosclerosis, systemic glucocorticosteroids and, 934 preoperative instructions and release for, 399 Atopic dermatiHs, 649-657 preoperative marking for, 399-400 definition of, 649-653 preoperative preparation for, 399 applying hospital criteria in population setting, transconjunctival lower lid procedure in, 409 650-651 upper lid measurements for, 400 categoric or dimensional, 650 upper lid operative procedure in, 400, 402-409 diagnostic criteria for, 651 Blindness, blepharoplasty and, 423, 427 statistical, prognostic, operational, or clinical, 649- Bloch-Sulzberger syndrome, malignancies associated 650 with, 219-220 UK working party refinement of, 651-653 Blood cell effects, of systemic glucocorticosteroids, 935 descriptive epidemiology of, 653-656 Blood transfusions, and leishmaniasis, 516-517 environmental factors in, 654-655 Bloom's syndrome, 7-18 fetal and infant influences in, 654 clinical features of, 8-11 genetics in, 654 explanation for, 13-14 natural history in, 654 diagnosis of, 16 prevalence and morbidity in, 653-654 etiology of, 14-16 in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 68 genetics in, 14-15 interferons for, 702 genomic instability in, 15-16 prevention of, 655-656 malignancies associated with, 12-13 Autologous collagen, microlipoinjection of. See management of, 16-18 Microlipoinjection. non-sun-sensitive lesions in, 12 Autologous fat, microlipoinjection of. See sun-sensitive facial lesions in, 11-12 Microlipoinjection. Blue nevi, in Carney complex, 20 Axillary freckling, in neurofibromatosis, 106-107 Bone marrow transplantation, for dyskeratosis Azidothymidine, with interferons, for AIDS-related congenita, 37 Kaposi's sarcoma, 701 for Fanconi anemia, 46 Borrelia burgdorferi. See Lyme disease. Bowenoid papulosis, human papillomavirus in, 568, 569 interferons for, 706 Bacillary angiomatosis, in HIV infection, 231-232 Bowing, lateral, blepharoplasty and, 422 Bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination, against leprosy, Breast lesions, in Cowden syndrome, 28 533 Bums, role of, in skin cancer, 591 Bacterial infections, in chemical peels, 310 in HIV infection. See HIV infection. in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 68 Baker-Gordon solution, for chemical peels, 269-270 Cafe-au-lait macules, in neurofibromatosis, 105-106 Basal cell carcinoma, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma Calcipotriol, for psoriasis, 743, 835-841, 916 syndrome, 114 in HIV infection, 236 increased risk of, therapy for psoriasis and, 860 indications for, 838 interferons for, 702-703 mechanism of action of, 835-837 Bazex syndrome, basal cell carcinoma in, 120-121 safety of, 837-838 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, 211-214 side effects of, 837 malignancies associated with, 214 with phototherapy, 836-837, 848, 918 mucocutaneous stigmata of, 212-214 for pustular psoriasis, 763 noncutaneous features of, 214 Camouflage therapy, in cosmetic dermatology, 467-472 Behqet's disease, interferons for, 706 application of, 464 Benign pigmented nevi, and melanoma, screening for, color blending in, 471 629 color correction in, 471 Benoxaprofen, for psoriasis, 917 duplication of skin imperfecHons in, 471-472 Betamethasone dipropionate, for psoriasis, 810 indications for, 467-468 Biologic response modifiers, for psoriasis, 745 limitations of, 471 Biopsies, liver, to monitor methotrexate therapy, for materials for, 468, 471 psoriasis, 880 patient evaluation for, 468 Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, malignancies associated patient goals in, 468 with, 214-216 principles of, 464 Blepharoplasty, 389-430 resources for, 472 indications for, 389 techniques for, 471 long-term results of, 427, 430 vs. makeup artists, 467 lower lid measurements for, 400 Cancer, of colon, in Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, 216 lower lid skin and muscle technique for, 417-418 of skin. See Skin cancer. lower lid skin flap technique for, 409, 416-417 of thyroid, in Gardner's syndrome, 54 patient consultation for, 389 Candidiasis, in HIV infection, 234-235 patient evaluation for, 389-390 Cannulas, sizes of, for tumescent liposuction, 330 patient examination for, 390-395 Capsaicin, for psoria&is, 917 laboratory tests in, 395 Carbon dioxide lasers, in cosmetic dermatology, ophthalmic, 394-395 448-449 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1995 943 Carcinoma, basal cell, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma postoperative care for, 281-282 syndrome, 114 preoperative preparation for, 278-279 increased risk of, therapy for psoriasis and, 860 results of, 282-283 interferons for, 702-703 trichloroacetic acid and phenol in, 263-276 colorectal, in Muir-Torre syndrome, 86 classification of agents for, 263 hepatocellular, in HLA-linked hemochromatosis, 59 deep peels, 265-271 in porphyrias. See Porphyrias. complications of, 271 medullary thyroid, in Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, informed consent for, 269 215-216 intraoperative monitoring and anesthesia for, in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2/2A, 94 269 in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B/3, 101-102 mixing and application of solution for, 269-270 periampullary, in Gardner's syndrome, 54 patient postoperative visits after, 270-271 squamous cell, increased risk of, therapy for psoriasis pretreatment of skin for, 269 and, 859-860 relative contraindications to, 268-269 interferons for, 703-704 taping and postoperative care for, 270 Cardiac fibromas, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma histology of, 274 syndrome, 119 historical aspects of, 263 Cardiac myxomas, in Carney complex, 22 medium-depth peels, 271-274 Cardiovascular abnormalities, in tuberous sclerosis patient selection for, 263-265 complex, 154 superficial peels, 274 Cardiovascular disease, increased risk of, therapy for vs. dermabrasion, 258 psoriasis and, 720 Chemicals, exposure to, and skin cancer, 590 Cardiovascular effects, of systemic glucocorticosteroids. Chemosis, blepharoplasty and, 419 See Systemic glucocorticosteroids. Chemosurgery, as contraindication to dermabrasion, Carney complex, 19-26 317 mucocutaneous stigmata of, 20-21 vs. dermabrasion, 325-326 noncutaneous features of, 22-24 Chemotherapy, for psoriasis, 5-fluorouracil, 885-887, cardiac myxomas, 22 915 myxoid mammary fibroadenomas, 23-24 hydroxyurea, 875, 885-886 pituitary adenomas, 24 mechanism of action of, 876 primary pigmented nodular adrenal disease, 22-23 mechlorethamine, 887 psammomatous melanotic schwannomas, 24 methotrexate. See Methotrexate. testicular large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumors, 24 6-thioguanine, 875, 886 Cataracts, juvenile posterior subcapsular, in thiotepa, 887 neurofibromatosis, 108 topical methotrexate, 887 systemic glucocorticosteroids and, 932 Chondrosarcoma, in Maffucci's syndrome, 74 Caustic solutions, in sclerotherapy, for varicose and Chromated glycerin, in sclerotherapy, for varicose and telangiectatic veins, 441-442 telangiectatic veins, 442 Cellular effects, of systemic glucocorticosteroids. See Chromosome instability, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma Systemic glucocorticosteroids. syndrome, 120 Cellular radiation sensitivity, in nevoid basal cell Chronic granulomatous disease, interferons for, 702 carcinoma syndrome, 120 Cigarette smoking, role of, in psoriasis, 641, 718 Central nervous system, malignancies of, in Gardner's Cirrhosis, methotrexate and, for psoriasis, 881, 919 syndrome, 54 Cleft lip and palate, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma Cervical dysplasia, human papillomavirus in, 567-568 syndrome, 118 Chediak-Higashi syndrome, malignancies associated Clobetasol propionate, for psoriasis, 810 with, 67-68 Clotrimazole, for candidiasis, in HIV infection, 234 Cheeks, microlipoinjection of autologous fat in, 344 Cockayne's syndrome, vs. xeroderma pigmentosum, Chemical peels, for aging face, 255, 257 194-195 complications of, 309-312 Collagen, autologous, microlipoinjection of. See procedural side effects, 309-310 Microlipoinjection. glycolic acid in, 285-307 Colon, adenocarcinoma of, in Gardner's syndrome, 54 acid application in, 291, 293 cancer of, in Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, 216 complicaHons of, 294-295 polyposis of, in Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, 215 histology of, 295 Colorectal carcinoma, in Muir-Torre syndrome, 86 indications for, 286-289 Complete blood count, to monitor methotrexate mechanism of action of, 285 therapy, for psoriasis, 879 medications and combination therapies in, 290 Compression, after sclerotherapy, for varicose and postoperative care for, 293-295 telangiectatic veins, 442 prepeel planning in, 289-290 Condyloma acuminatum, in HIV infection, 233-234 results of, 295, 297 interferons for, 699-701 skin preparation for, 290-293 Contact dermatitis, anthralin and, for psoriasis, 824 immediately prepeel, 291 occupational. See Occupational contact dermatitis. two to four weeks prior to peel, 290-291 topical corticosteroids and, for psoriasis, 812 with other peeling agents, 295 Contact sensitization, in sunscreen intolerance, 473-475, Jessner's-trichloroacetic acid in, medium-depth 477-478 peels, 277-283 Contact urticaria, in sunscreen intolerance, 478 complications of, 282-283 Contour defects, blepharoplasty and, 421-422 method for, 277-282 Copper bromide lasers, in cosmetic dermatology, 451, patient consultation for, 277-278 456 944 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1995 Comeal irritation, blepharoplasty and, 419 with phototherapy, 871, 904 Corticosteroids, systemic. Sw Systemic corticosteroids. for psoriatic arthritis, 791 topical. See Topical corticosteroids. Cysts, epidermoid, in Gardner's syndrome, 51-52 Cosmetic dermatology, blepharoplasty in. See mesenteric, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, Blepharoplasty. 119 camouflage therapy in. See Camouflage therapy. renal, in tuberous sclerosis complex, 156 chemical peels in. See Chemical peels. cosmetics in. See Cosmetics. dermabrasion in. See Dermabrasion. for aging face. See Aging face. Dardour flaps, in hair transplantation, 383 hair transplantation in. See Hair transplantation. Dental abnormalities, in Gardner's syndrome, 53 lasers in. See Lasers. Depigmentation, chemical peels and, 271 microinjection of autologous collagen in. See Dermabrasion, 313-327 Microlipoinjection. adjunctive procedures with, 323-325 microlipoinjection of autologous fat in. See anesthesia for, 320 Microlipoinjection. complications of, 322-323 sclerotherapy in. See Sclerotherapy. contraindications to, 317-318 sunscreen intolerance in. See Sunscreen intolerance. for acne scarring, 313-315 tumescent liposuction in. See Tumescent liposuction. for active acne, 315 Cosmetics, in postsurgical patient, 461-465 for aging face, 257-261 camouflage therapy in. See Camouflage therapy. vs. chemical peels, 258 eye cosmetics in, 463 for rhytides, 315-316 facial foundations in, 462 for tattoo removal, 316 lip cosmetics in, 463 for vitiligo, 316 powders and blushers in, 463 indications for, 313 removal of, 463-464 instrumentation for, 319-320 skin care and, 461-462 office and staffing considerations in, 320 incisional wounds, 461 patient education and informed consent for, 318 large surface area wounds, 461-462 patient selection for, 313 undercover foundations in, 463 physician qualifications and technical skills for, 318 Cowden syndrome, 27-31 postoperative care for, 321-322 breast lesions in, 28 preoperative planning for, 318-319 diagnosis of, 27 repeat, 326 eye lesions in, 29 techniques for, 321 gastrointestinal lesions in, 29 vs. chemosurgery or laser surgery, 325-326 genitourinary tract abnormalities in, 29 Dermatitis, atopic. See Atopic dermatitis. management of, 30-31 occupational contact. See Occupational contact derma¬ mucocutaneous stigmata of, 27-28 titis. pathophysiology of, 30 seborrheic, in HIV infection, 235-236 skeletal abnormalities in, 29 Dermatoepidemiology, dermatologic health services thyroid gland lesions in, 28 research in, 689-695 Cross-sensitization reactions, in sunscreen intolerance, avoidance of bias in, 693-694 475-476 data measurement in, 693 Cryopeels, for aging face, 257 data sources in, 693 Cushing's syndrome, in Carney complex, 22-23 generalizability in, 694 topical corticosteroids and, for psoriasis, 811 patient sample in, 693 Cutaneous effects, of systemic glucocorticosteroids. See patient's perspective on, 692 Systemic glucocorticosteroids. physician's perspective on, 690-692 Cutaneous malignant melanoma, 605-612 developing and measuring outcome, 690-692 genetic epidemiology of, 605-609 profiling types of care, 690 candidate gene pl6 in, 607 research question in, 693 chromosome Ip in, 606 society's perspective on, 692 chromosome 9p in, 606-607 study design in, 693 complexities of, 607-609 of acquired melanocytic nevi. See Acquired melanocytic description, 605 nevi. future studies in, 609 of atopic dermatitis. See Atopic dermatitis. principles of linkage analysis, 605-606 of cutaneous malignant melanoma. See Cutaneous ma¬ public health issues in, 609^10 lignant melanoma. education, 610 of drug reactions. See Drug reactions. screening and management, 609-610 of epidermolysis bullosa. See Epidermolysis bullosa. Cyclosporine, for erythrodermic psoriasis, 769 of human papillomaviruses. See Human papillomavi¬ for psoriasis, 743-744, 897-907, 917, 920 ruses. dosage and schedule for, 899-900 of Kaposi's sarcoma. See Kaposi's sarcoma. follow-up of, 905 of leishmaniases. See Leishmaniases. indications for, 903-905 of leprosy. See Leprosy. mechanism of action of, 897, 899 of Lyme disease. See Lyme disease. pharmacokinetics of, 899 of measles. See Measles. pretherapy evaluation for, 904-905 of melanoma. See Melanoma. side effects of, 900-903 of occupational contact dermatitis. See Occupational with methotrexate, 884, 903-904 contact dermatitis. CUMULATIVE INDEX 1995 945 Dermatoepidemiology (Continued) clinical outcomes in, 662 of psoriasis. See Psoriasis. differential surveillance in, 660 of skin cancer. See Skin cancer. misclassification bias in, 660-661 terminology in, 697-698 natural history in, 662 Dermatophytosis, in HIV infection, 235 observational or informational bias in, 661 Desmoid tumors, in Gardner's syndrome, 52 phenotypes and genotypes in, 662-663 Detergent solutions, in sclerotherapy, for varicose and prevalence and incidence in, 662 telangiectatic veins, 440-441 quality of laboratory tests in, 661-662 Diabetes mellitus, in Bloom's syndrome, 9 selection bias in, 659-660 Diepoxybutane test, for Fanconi anemia, 42 socioeconomic impact in, 662 Diet, role of, in psoriasis, 641-642, 718-719 Erythema, anthralin and, for psoriasis, 823-824 in skin cancer, 590-591 blepharoplasty and, 419, 421 Dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors, for psoriasis, with chemical peels and, 311 methotrexate, 885 dermabrasion and, 322 DNA repair, for Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, 148 Erythrodermic psoriasis, 763-769 Doppler ultrasound, in physical examination, of clinical features of, 764 varicose and telangiectatic veins, 435-437 histopathology of, 764, 768 Drug reactions, cutaneous, 681-688 provocative factors in, 768 angioedema, 685-686 treatment of, 768-769 rates of, 682-683 systemic retinoids in, 892-893 serum sickness and serum sickness-like reactions, with psoriasis vulgaris, 763 685 Ethanolamine oleate, in sclerotherapy, for varicose and sources of information on, 681-682 telangiectatic veins, 441 toxic epidermal necrolysis, 683-684 Ethyl chloride, in anesthesia, for dermabrasion, 320 Dry eye syndrome, blepharoplasty and, 422 Etretinate, for psoriasis. See Systemic retinoids. Duncan's disease, malignancies associated with, 69-70 Excited skin syndrome, in patch testing, for sunscreen Duplex ultrasound, in physical examination, of varicose intolerance, 478 and telangiectatic veins, 439 Extender of Frechet, in hair transplantation, 384-385 Dyskeratosis congenita, 33-39 Eyelids, chemical peels of, Jessner's-trichloroacetic acid clinical evaluation of, 37 in, 281 cutaneous stigmata in, 33-34 malignancies associated with, 35-37 management of, 37-38 noncutaneous features of, 34-37 Face lift, as contraindication to chemical peels, for aging hematologic, 35 face, 269 physical, 34-35 Facial angiofibromas, in tuberous sclerosis complex, 152 vs. Fanconi anemia, 37 Facial hemiatrophy, microlipoinjection of autologous fat Dysplastic nevi, and melanoma, screening for, 629 for, 345 Dystrophic nails, in dyskeratosis congenita, 34 Familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome, malignancies associated with, 216-218 Familial melanoma. See Cutaneous malignant melanoma. Fanconi anemia, 41-49 Ear abnormalities, in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, bone marrow transplantation for, 46 213 diepoxybutane test for, 42 Ecchymosis, blepharoplasty and, 419 international registry of, patient features in, 42-46 Ectropion, blepharoplasty and, 419, 422 congenital malformations, 43-45 Edema, blepharoplasty and, 421 hematologic abnormalities, 45-46 systemic glucocorticosteroids and, 934 molecular studies of, 46-47 Electrodesiccation, with dermabrasion, 325 umbilical cord blood transplantation for, 46 Elliot flaps, in hair transplantation, 382 vs. dyskeratosis congenita, 37 Enchondromas, in Maffucci's syndrome. See Maffucci's Fat, autologous, microlipoinjection of. See syndrome. Microlipoinjection. Endocrine overactivity, in Carney complex. See Carney Female sex hormones, role of, in skin cancer, 590 complex. Fetal effects, of systemic glucocorticosteroids, 935 Endothelial cells, in psoriasis, 732, 741-742 Fetal rhabdomyomas, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma Enthesopathy, in psoriatic arthritis, 782-783, 785, syndrome, 120 789-790 Fibrel. See Microlipoinjection, of autologous collagen. Entropion, blepharoplasty and, 422 Fibroadenomas, myxoid mammary, in Carney complex, Epidermal atrophy, topical corticosteroids and, for 23-24 psoriasis, 812 Fibroblasts, in psoriasis, 731-732 Epidermodysplasia verruciformis, human Fibrofolliculomas, in Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, 215 papillomavirus in, 564 Fibromas, cardiac, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma Epidermoid cysts, in Gardner's syndrome, 51-52 syndrome, 119 Epidermolysis bullosa, 659-670 ovarian, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, and skin cancer, 666-667 119-120 disease registries of, 663-664 perifollicular, in Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, 215 National Epidermolysis Bullosa Registry, 664-667 ungual, in tuberous sclerosis complex, 152 examples of data from, 665-667 Fibroplasia, impaired, systemic glucocorticosteroids epidemiology of, 659-663 and, 935 classification and subclassification in, 661 Fibrotic diseases, interferons for, 707-708 946 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1995 FK506, for psoriasis, 744, 917 Werner's syndrome. See Werner's syndrome. for psoriatic arthritis, 791 xeroderma pigmentosum. See Xeroderma pigmentosum. Flaps, in hair transplantation. See Hair transplantation. Genomic instability, in Bloom's syndrome, 15-16 Flashlamp-pumped pulsed dye lasers, in cosmetic Giant cell astrocytomas, in tuberous sclerosis complex, dermatology, 450-451, 456 156, 160 5-Fluorouracil, for psoriasis, 886-887, 915 Glabellar furrows, microlipoinjection of autologous fat with methotrexate, 885 for, 343-344 Follicular mucinosis, interferons for, 706 Glaucoma, systemic glucocorticosteroids and, 932-933 Foscamet, for herpes simplex infection, in HIV Gliomas, optic nerve, in neurofibromatosis, 108-109 infection, 232 Glucocorticosteroids, systemic. See Systemic Freckling, axillary, in neurofibromatosis, 106-107 glucocorticosteroids. Freons, in anesthesia, for dermabrasion, 320 Glycolic acid, in chemical peels. See Chemical peels. Frequency-doubled Nd;YAG lasers, in cosmetic Goeckerman regimen, for psoriasis, 820-822 dermatology, 456 Grafts, in hair transplantation. See Hair transplantation. Fumaric acid esters, for psoriasis, 920 island. See Island grafts. Fungal infections, in HIV infection, 234-235 Griseofulvin, for dermatophytosis, in HIV infection, 235 Growth factor therapy, for dyskeratosis congenita, 37 Growth retardation, systemic glucocorticosteroids and, 931-932 Gardner's syndrome, 51-56 Guttate psoriasis, clinical features of, 751-752 cutaneous stigmata in, 51-52 histopathology of, 753 evaluation, management, and follow-up of, 54-55 HLA markers in, 752-753 malignancies associated with, 54 response to therapy in, 753, 755 noncutaneous features of, 52-54 Gynecologic effects, of systemic glucocorticosteroids. Gastrointestinal effects, of systemic glucocorticosteroids. See Systemic glucocorticosteroids. See Systemic glucocorticosteroids. Gastrointestinal ganglioneuromatosis, in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B/3, 100 Hair transplantation, 363-387 GastrointesHnal lesions, in Cowden syndrome, 29 grafting in, 365-377 Gastrointestinal malignancies, in Peutz-Jeghers avoiding compression on, 371 syndrome, 129-131 combination micrografting with strip harvesting in, Genital herpes simplex infection, interferons for, 705 368, 370 Genital human papillomavirus. See Human grading of, 374 papillomaviruses. placing grafts in, 376-377 Genitourinary tract abnormalities, in Cowden planning for session size in, 371-372 syndrome, 29 pre- and postoperative instructions in, 370-371 Genodermatoses, ataxia-telangiectasia. See Ataxia- producing recipient site for, 376 telangiectasia. removing epidermis in, 374-375 Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. See Beckwith-Wiede- standard micrografting session in, 366 mann syndrome. strip harv'esting technique in, 372-375 Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome, 215-216 hair-bearing flaps in, 380-385 Bloom's syndrome. See Bloom's syndrome. Dardour flap, 383 Carney complex. See Carney complex. Elliot flap, 382 Cowden syndrome. See Cowden syndrome. extender of Frechet, 384-385 dyskeratosis congenita. See Dyskeratosis congenita. instrumentation advances in, 385 familial atypical multiple mole melanoma syndrome, Juri flap, 381-382 216-218 Nataf flap, 382-383 Fanconi anemia. See Fanconi anemia. newer flaps worldwide, 383-384 Gardner's syndrome. See Gardner’s syndrome. historical aspects of, 363 hereditary tylosis, 218-219 ideal candidates for, 363-365 HLA-linked hemochromatosis. See HLA-linked hemoch¬ recipient site for, 365 romatosis. scalp reduction in, 377-380 immunodeficiency syndromes. See Immunodeficiency bilateral lateral technique for, 380 syndromes. stretch back and long-term benefits of, 378-379 incontinentia pigmenti, 219-220 Hamartomas, retinal, in tuberous sclerosis complex, 152, Maffucci's syndrome. See Maffucci's syndrome. 154 Muir-Torre syndrome. See Muir-Torre syndrome. Hamartomatous polyps, in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, 128 multiple endocrine neoplasia 2/2A. See Multiple endo¬ Hands, microlipoinjection of autologous fat in, 345 crine neoplasia IHA. papillomas of, 563 multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B/3. See Multiple endo¬ Hemangioma, interferons for, 706 crine neoplasia 2B/3. Hematologic abnormalities, in dyskeratosis congenita, neurofibromatosis. See Neurofibromatosis. 35 nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome. See Nevoid in Fanconi anemia, 45-^6 basal cell carcinoma syndrome. Hematologic effects, of systemic glucocorticosteroids. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. See Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. See Systemic glucocorticosteroids. porphyrias. See Porphyrias. Hematomas, blepharoplasty and, 422—423 Rothmund-Thomson syndrome. See Rothmund-Thom- Hemihypertrophy, in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, son syndrome. 214 supernumerary nipples, 220-226 Hemochromatosis, HLA-linked. See HLA-linked tuberous sclerosis. See Tuberous sclerosis complex. hemochromatosis. CUMULATIVE INDEX 1995 947 Heparsol, in sclerotherapy, for varicose and Hyperlipidemia, systemic glucocorticosteroids and, 934 telangiectatic veins, 441 Hyperpigmentation, chemical peels and, 271, 294-295, Hepatitis infections, as contraindication to 309 dermabrasion, 317-318 dermabrasion and, 323 Hepatocellular carcinoma, in HLA-linked Hypertension, cyclosporine and, for psoriasis, 902 hemochromatosis, 59 systemic glucocorticosteroids and, 934 in porphyrias. See Porphyrias. Hypertonic dextrose and saline, in sclerotherapy, for Hereditary tylosis, malignancies associated with, varicose and telangiectatic veins, 441 218-219 Hypertonic saline, in sclerotherapy, for varicose and Herpes simplex hepatitis, methotrexate and, for telangiectatic veins, 441 psoriasis, 882 Hypertrophic scarring, chemical peels and, 294, 311 Herpes simplex infections, as contraindication to dermabrasion and, 323 chemical peels, for aging face, 268 Hypoglycemia, in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, 214 as contraindication to dermabrasion, 317 Hypogonadism, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma genital, interferons for, 705 syndrome, 118 in chemical peels, 310 Hypomelanotic macules, in tuberous sclerosis complex, in HIV infecHon, 232-233 151-152 Herpes zoster, interferons for, 705-706 Hypopigmentation, chemical peels and, 271, 295, 309 methotrexate and, for psoriasis, 882 dermabrasion and, 323 HIV infection, as contraindication to dermabrasion, Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and systemic 317-318 glucocorticosteroids, 927, 936-937 as contraindication to measles vaccination, 557 skin diseases in, 231-238 bacterial infections, 231-232 bacillary angiomatosis, 231-232 Immune system, compromised, as contraindication to Staphylococcus aureus infections, 231 measles vaccination, 557 syphilis, 232 Immunocompetent patients, human papillomavirus in, papulosquamous diseases, 235-237 564, 566 aphthous stomatitis, 237 Immunocompromised patients, human papillomavirus generalized pruritus, 237 in, 564 papular dermatoses, 236-237 skin cancer in, 590 psoriasis and Reiter's disease, 236, 719, 726 Immunodeficiency, in ataxia-telangiectasia, 3 seborrheic dermatitis, 235-236 in Bloom's syndrome, 9-10 viral infections, 232-235 Immunodeficiency syndromes, 65-71 herpes simplex, 232-233 Chediak-Higashi syndrome, 67-68 human papillomavirus, 233-234 panhypoglobulinemia syndromes, 65-67 molluscum contagiosum, 233 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 68-69 mucocutaneous fungal infections, 234-235 X-linked lymphoproliferative disorder, 69-70 oral hairy leukoplakia, 233 Immunologic effects, of PUVA therapy, for psoriasis, varicella-zoster virus, 233 858-859 with leprosy, 533 Immunomodulatory agents, for psoriasis, 920 with porphyrias, 139-140 Immunosuppression, systemic glucocorticosteroids and, with psoriatic arthritis, 781, 789, 791 935 HLA-linked hemochromatosis, 57-63 Immunotherapy, for psoriasis. See Psoriasis. diagnosis and treatment of, 60-62 Incontinentia pigmenti, malignancies associated with, historical asjjects of, 57-58 219-220 incidence of, 57 Infections, bacterial, in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 68 malignancies associated with, 59-60 chemical peels and, 271, 294, 310 mucocutaneous stigmata of, 58-59 in HIV infection. See HIV infection. noncutaneous features of, 59 methotrexate and, for psoriasis, 882 pathogenesis of, 58 role of, in psoriasis, 641, 718, 725-726, 741 Hormones, female sex, role of, in skin cancer, 590 Infertility, methotrexate and, for psoriasis, 882 Human imm.unodeficiency virus infection. See HIV Ingram regimen, for psoriasis, 824-825 infection. Insulin-like growth factor 2, in Beckwith-Wiedemann Human papillomaviruses, 561-574 biologic characteristics of, affecting epidemiology, 562 syndrome, 212 detection of, 561-562 Interferons, dermatologic uses of, 699-711 genital, 566-570 FDA-approved, 699-702 frequency of, 566-567 AID^related Kaposi's sarcoma, 701 in children, 568-570 chronic granulomatous disease, 702 natural history and relation to malignancy of, 567- condyloma acuminatum, 699-701 568 for human papillomavirus infection, in HIV in epidermodysplasia verruciformis, 564 infection, 234 in HIV infection, 233-234 non-FDA-approved, 702-708 in immunocompetent patients, 564, 566 actinic keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma, in immunosuppressed patients, 564 703-704 nongenital cutaneous, 562-564 atopic dermatitis, 702 Hydroxyurea, for psoriasis, 875, 885-886 basal cell carcinoma, 702-703 for pustular psoriasis, 762 Behqet's disease, 706 Hyperglycemia, systemic glucocorticosteroids and, follicular mucinosis, 706 933-934 genital herpes simplex, 705 f 948 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1995 Interferons (Continued) argon lasers, 449 hemangioma, 706 argon-pumped tunable dye lasers, 450 herpes zoster, 705-706 carbon dioxide lasers, 448-449 keratoacanthoma, 705 copper bromide lasers, 451 lupus erythematosus, 706 for pigmented lesions, 455-456 melanoma, 704-705 frequency-doubled Nd:YAG lasers, 456 mycosis fungoides, 705 krypton lasers, 451 psoriatic arthritis, 706-707 Nd:YAG lasers, 454-455 systemic sclerosis and fibrotic diseases, 707-708 physics of, 447 verruca vulgaris/bowenoid papulosis, 706 Q-switched lasers, 451, 453-455 Intraocular pressure, increase in, blepharoplasty and, ruby lasers, 453-454 423 tissue interaction with, 447-448 Ionizing radiation, role of, in skin cancer, 590 visible light lasers, 449-451 Iron overload. See HLA-linked hemochromatosis. yellow light lasers, 449-451 Irritant solutions, in sclerotherapy, for varicose and Leishmaniases, 505-523 telangiectatic veins, 441-442 clinical features of, 507-508 Island grafts, to close wound defects, 483-498 cutaneous, 507-508 elliptical primary defect, 490, 492 visceral, 508 irregular primary defect, 483-484, 487 diagnosis of, 508-509 named? geometric primary defect, 487, 490, 492 epidemiologic triangle in, 511-513 trapezoidal primary defect, 490 anthroponoses, 512 triangular primary defect, 487 New World, 512 unusual primary defect, 492, 498 Old World, 512 Isotretinoin, for psoriasis, with PUVA therapy, 871 reservoir hosts, 511 prior use of, as contraindication to dermabrasion, 317 sand fly vector, 513 Itraconazole, for candidiasis, in HIV infection, 235 geographic distribution of, 510-511 incidence and prevalence of, 509-510 life cycle of, 505-506 modes of transmission in, 516-517 Jessner's-trichloroacetic acid, in chemical peels. See prevention and control of, 518 Chemical peels. risk factors for, 513, 515-516 Jordan light, in Goeckerman therapy, for psoriasis, 821 taxonomy of, 5-6 Juri flaps, in hair transplantation, 381-382 treatment of, 509 Juvenile posterior subcapsular cataracts, in tropism in, 506-507 neurofibromatosis, 108 Lentigines, in Carney complex, 20 Leprosy, 525-536 classificaHon of, 526 clinical features of, 525-528 Kaposi's sarcoma, 575-582 detection rates in, 532-533 AIDS-related, 575, 577-581 epidemiology of, 528-532 epidemiologic variables in, 578-580 future trends in, 533-535 clustering by person, place, and time, 579-580 nerve damage in, 527-528 person, 578-579 treatment of, 532 place, 579 vaccination against, 533 time, 579 Leucovorin, with methotrexate, for psoriasis, 885 etiology of, 580-581 Leucovorin rescue, for methotrexate overdose, in interferons for, 701 psoriasis, 883 historical aspects of, 575 Leukopenia, methotrexate and, for psoriasis, 881 Karyotyping, of ataxia-telangiectasia, 3 Leukoplakia, in dyskeratosis congenita, 34 Keloids, interferons for, 707-708 Lichen amyloidosis, in multiple endocrine neoplasia Keratinocytes, in psoriasis, 731, 740 2/2A, 92 Keratoacanthomas, in Muir-Torre syndrome, 81-82 Lipids, elevation of, systemic retinoids and, for interferons for, 705 psoriasis, 894 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, blepharoplasty and, 422 Liposuction, tumescent. See Tumescent liposuction. Keratocysts, odontogenic, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma Lips, microlipoinjection of autologous fat in, 344 syndrome, 115-116 upper, dermabrasion of, 259-261 Ketoconazole, for Ccmdidiasis, in HIV infection, 235 Lisch nodules, in neurofibromatosis, 108 for dermatophytosis, in HIV infection, 235 Liver biopsies, to monitor methotrexate therapy, for Kidney abnormalities, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma psoriasis, 880 syndrome, 118 Liver disease, methotrexate and, for psoriasis, 881-882 Kidney disease, cyclosporine and, for psoriasis, 902-903 systemic retinoids and, for psoriasis, 894 Koebner reaction, in psoriasis, 726-727 Liver function tests, to monitor methotrexate therapy, Krypton lasers, in cosmetic dermatology, 451, 456 for psoriasis, 879-880 Lung disease, methotrexate and, for psoriatic arthritis, 790-791 Lupus erythematosus, interferons for, 706 Lagophthalmos, blepharoplasty and, 422 Lupus profundus, microlipoinjection of autologous fat Laser surgery, vs. dermabrasion, 325-326 for, 344-345 Lasers, in cosmetic dermatology, 447-460 Lyme disease, 537-551 alexandrite lasers, 455 diagnosis of, 539 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1995 949 Lyme disease (Continued) historical aspects and efficacy of, 876-877 epidemiology of, 540-546 in HIV infection, 236 alternate vectors, 542 indicahons for, 877 disease emergence, 545-546 mechanism of action of, 876 distribution of disease and its tick vectors, 540, 542 monitoring of, 879-880 risk factors, 546 patient selection for, 878 surveillance statistics, 543-545 pharmacology of, 877 transmission of spirochete, 540 pretherapy evaluation for, 878 vertebrate hosts, 542-543 side effects of, 880-883 etiology of, 537-538 antidote to, 883 host-parasite interaction in, 538-539 drug interactions, 882-883 prevention of, 546-547 hematologic, 881 treatment of, 539-540 hepaHc, 881-882 Lymphoreticular malignancies, in Wiskott-Aldrich infectious, 882 syndrome, 69 infertility, 882 topical, 887, 915 with cyclosporine, 884, 903-904 with dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors, 885 Macroglossia, in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, with 5-fluorouracil, 885 212-213 with leucovorin, 885 Maffucci's syndrome, 73-78 with phototherapy, 848, 869-870, 883-884 malignancies associated with, 74 with systemic retinoids, 884 mucocutaneous stigmata of, 73 for psoriatic arthritis, 790 noncutaneous features of, 73-74 for pustular psoriasis, 762 work-up and follow-up of, 74-77 8-Methoxypsoralen. See PUVA therapy. Measles, 553-559 Microlipoinjection, of autologous collagen, for dermal clinical features of, 553-554 defects, 347-350 diagnosis of, 554 complications of, 349 epidemiology of, 554-555 Fibrel in, 251, 353-361 prevention of, 555-556 adverse reactions to, 359 vaccination against, 556-557 contraindications to, 356 adverse reactions to, 557 Fibrel kit in, 355-356 contraindications to, 557-558 future uses of, 359-360 improvements in, 558 historical aspects of, 353-354 Mechlorethamine, for psoriasis, 887 indications for, 356 Medullary thyroid carcinoma, in Birt-Hogg-Dube injection techniques for, 356-358 syndrome, 215-216 mechanism of action of, 354-355 in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2/2A, 94 results of, 358-359 in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B/3, 101-102 skin test procedure in, 356 Medulloblastoma, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma historical aspects of, 347-348 syndrome, 118-119 longevity of, 349-350 Melanoma, cutaneous malignant. See Cutaneous technique for, 348-349 malignant melanoma. of autologous fat, for aging face, 251, 255 in xeroderma pigmentosum, 188-189 for dermal defects, 339-347 increased risk of, therapy for psoriasis and, 720 complications of, 345 interferons for, 704-705 historical aspects of, 339 screening for, 623-634 indications for, 343-345 definitions and applications of, 624-625 longevity of, 345, 347 education and early detection programs in, 625-626 microlipoextraction of fat in, 339-340 international, 631-632 reimplantation of fat in, 342-343 in high-risk people, 629-630 treatment of collected fat in, 340 mass screening, 626-628 Milia, blepharoplasty and, 421 educational effects of, 627-628 chemical peels and, 310 risk profiles in, 627 dermabrasion and, 323 visual examination in, 626-627 in nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, 114 yield of, 626 Moisturizers, for aging face, 248 outcome measures in, 625 Molecular studies, of Fanconi anemia, 46-47 professional education in, 630-631 Molluscum contagiosum, in HIV infection, 233 self-screening, 628-629 Mometasone furoate, for psoriasis, 916 Melolabial furrows, microlipoinjection of autologous fat Morphea, microlipoinjection of autologous fat for, for, 344 344-345 Mesenteric cysts, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma Mucosal neuromas, in multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome, 119 2B/3, 99 Metabolic effects, of systemic glucocorticosteroids. See Muir-Torre syndrome, 79-89 Systemic glucocorticosteroids. cutaneous stigmata in, 81-82 Methotrexate, for erythrodermic psoriasis, 768 historical aspects of, 79-81 for psoriasis, 743, 817-818, 875-890, 919 incidence of, 79 contraindications to, 878 malignancies associated with, 86 current uses of, 877-878 noncutaneous features of, 82, 86 dosage and schedule for, 879 work-up and follow-up of, 87 950 CUMULATIVE INDEX 1995 Multiple endocrine neoplasia 2/2A, 91-97 musculoskeletal radiographic findings in, 116-118 mucocutaneous stigmata of, 92 odontogenic keratocysts in, 115-116 noncutaneous features of, 92-95 ovarian fibromas in, 119-120 Multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B/3, 99-103 palmar and plantar pits in, 115 diagnosis and screening of, 102-103 Nevus flammeus, facial, in Beckwith-Wiedemann malignancies associated with, 101-102 syndrome, 213-214 mucocutaneous stigmata of, 99-100 Nitrogen mustard, for psoriasis, 887 noncutaneous features of, 100-101 Nonmelanoma skin cancer, PUVA therapy and, for Multiple hamartoma syndrome. See Cowdeti syndrome. psoriasis, 859-860 Musculoskeletal abnormalities, in multiple endocrine Nonsolar ultraviolet radiation, role of, in skin cancer, neoplasia 2B/3, 100-101 589-590 Musculoskeletal effects, of systemic glucocorticosteroids. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for psoriatic See Systemic glucocorticosteroids. arthritis, 789-790 of systemic retinoids, for psoriasis, 894 Mycophenolic acid, for psoriasis, 875-876 Mycosis fungoides, interferons for, 705 Myopathy, systemic glucocorticosteroids and, 932 Obesity, systemic glucocorticosteroids and, 934 Myxomas, in Carney complex. See Carney complex. Obstetric effects, of systemic glucocorticosteroids. See Systemic glucocorticosteroids. Occupational contact dermatitis, 671-680 epidemiology of, 671-673 Nail disease, with psoriatic arthritis, 785-786 problems in assessing, 672-673 Nails, dystrophic, in dyskeratosis congenita, 34 etiology of, 677 psoriasis of, 772-77'S population at risk for, 675-677 Nasolabial furrows, microlipoinjection of autologous fat prevention of, 677-678 for, 344 prognosis for, 677 Nataf flaps, in hair transplantation, 382-383 public health issues in, 673-675 Nd;YAG lasers, in cosmetic dermatology, 454-455 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics data on, 673 Neoplastic effects, of PUVA therapy, for psoriasis, workers' compensation data on, 674-675 859-860 Ocular abnormalities, in Cowden syndrome, 29 Nervous system effects, of systemic in dyskeratosis congenita, 34 glucocorticosteroids. See Systemic in Gardner's syndrome, 53-54 glucocorticosteroids. in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2B/3, 99-100 Neurofibromas, in neurofibromatosis, 107-108 in nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, 118 Neurofibromatosis, 105-111 in Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, 146 malignancies associated with, 108-110 in tuberous sclerosis complex, 152, 154 optic nerve gliomas, 108-109 Ocular apraxia, in ataxia-telangiectasia, 2 peripheral nerve sheath tumors, 109 Odontogenic keratocysts, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma pheochromocytoma, 110 syndrome, 115-116 spinal tumors, 109 Ophthalmologic effects, of PUVA therapy, for psoriasis, vestibular schwarmomas, 109 858 mucocutaneous stigmata of, 105-108 of systemic glucocorticosteroids. See Systemic glucocor¬ axillary freckling, 106-107 ticosteroids. cafe-au-lait macules, 105-106 of systemic retinoids, for psoriasis, 895 neurofibromas, 107-108 Optic nerve gliomas, in neurofibromatosis, 108-109 noncutaneous features of, 108 Oral abnormalities, in dyskeratosis congenita, 34 work-up and follow-up of, 110-111 in Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, 145 Neurologic abnormalities, in tuberous sclerosis Oral cavity, papillomas of, 564 complex, 156 Oral commissures, microlipoinjection of autologous fat in xeroderma pigmentosum, 189-190 for, 344 Neuromas, mucosal, in multiple endocrine neoplasia Oral hairy leukoplakia, in HIV infection, 233 2B/3, 99 Osmotic solutions, in sclerotherapy, for varicose and Neurons, in psoriasis, 742 telangiectatic veins, 441 Neuropsychiatric effects, of systemic Osteomas, in Gardner's syndrome, 52-53, 54-55 glucocorticosteroids, 936 Osteonecrosis, systemic glucocorticosteroids and, Nevi, acquired melanocytic. See Acquired melanocytic 930-931 nevi. Osteoporosis, systemic glucocorticosteroids and, benign pigmented, and melanoma, screening for, 629 929-930 dysplastic, and melanoma, screening for, 629 Osteosarcoma, in Rothmund-Thomson syndrome, 147 Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, 113-125 Ovarian fibromas, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma basal cell carcinoma in, 114 syndrome, 119-120 cardiac fibroma in, 119 Ovarian tumors, in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, 130 chromosome instability and cellular radiation sensitiv¬ ity in, 120 fetal rhabdomyoma in, 120 general appearance of, 113-114 Palmar and plantar pits, in nevoid basal cell carcinoma heredity in, 120 syndrome, 115 medulloblastoma in, 118-119 Palmoplantar psoriasis, 773-775 mesenteric cysts in, 119 differential diagnosis of, 773 milia in, 114 diseases associated with, 774

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