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Density matrix renormalization group for disordered bosons in one dimension S. Rapsch∗, U. Schollw¨ock and W. Zwerger Sektion Physik, Universit¨at Mu¨nchen, Theresienstr. 37/III, D-80333 Mu¨nchen, Germany (February 1, 2008) We calculate the zero-temperature phase diagram of the disordered Bose-Hubbard model in one dimension using the density matrix renormalization group. For integer filling the Mott insulator is always separated from the superfluid by a Bose glass phase. There is a reentrance of the Bose glass both as a function of the repulsive interaction and of disorder. At half-filling where no Mott insulator exists, thesuperfluiddensityhas amaximumwhere thekineticandrepulsiveenergies are about the same. Superfluidityis suppressed both for small and very strong repulsion but is always monotonic in disorder. 9 9 9 The interplay between disorder-induced localization integerfillingitisfoundthatthesuperfluidandMottin- 1 andinteractionshasattractedagreatdealofattentionin sulatingstatearealwaysseparatedbyaBoseglassphase n recent years. The simplest model including both aspects as suggested by Fisher et al.2 The superfluid density is a in a nutshell is a Hubbard model with random site en- nonmonotonic not only as a function of interaction but J ergies and a local repulsive interaction for either bosons also of disorder. Thus for strong repulsion increasing 1 or fermions with opposite spin. Unfortunately there are disorder drives a transition from a Bose glass to a su- 1 essentially no analytical results for this model if both perfluid. For half filling, where no Mott insulator exists, disorderandinteractionsarepresent,notevenin onedi- the superfluid density is again a nonmonotonic function 1 v mension. For 1d bosons, however, there is a weak disor- oftherepulsiveinteraction,howeverdisordernowalways 0 der, perturbative calculation by Giamarchi and Schulz1, suppresses superfluidity as expected. The corresponding 8 who found that the superfluid ground state with quasi phase diagram is in agreement with that suggested by 0 long range order survives disorder up to a critical point, GiamarchiandSchulz1, howeverwe findno indicationof 1 where the effective exponent K in the decay of the one a qualitative difference between the glass phase at small 0 particle density matrix is equal to 2/3. More generally, orlargevaluesoftherepulsion(Andersonvs.Bose-glass). 9 thequalitativephysicsoftheBose-Hubbardmodelinany The Bose-Hubbard model in 1d is defined by the 9 / dimension, and in particular the scaling behaviour near Hamiltonian1–3 at critical points has been elucidated by Fisher et al.2. For t U m quantitative results, however, it is necessary to resort Hˆ =−2X(b†i+1bi+h.c.)+ 2 Xni(ni−1)+Xǫini. - to numerical simulations3,4. The latter were performed i i i d using path integral (or “world line”) Monte Carlo cal- (1) n culationswhichbecome increasinglydifficult inthe most o c interestinglimitofzerotemperature. Nowatleastinone Hereb†isthebosoncreationoperatoronsiteiofa1dlat- i v: diciamletnecshionniqtuheerfeorisinatnerinahcteirnegntqluyaznetruomtepmropberleamtusr,ethneumdeenr-- ticewithLsitesandni =b†ibithecorrespondinglocaloc- i cupationnumberwitheigenvalues0,1,2,.... Thekinetic X sity matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method de- energy is described by a hopping matrix element t > 0, velopedbyWhite5. Itisthereforenaturaltotryemploy- r leading to a standard tight binding band ǫ(k)=−tcosk a ing this method to the disordered Bose-Hubbard model in the absence of interactions and randomness. The re- in one dimension. This was first done by Pai et al.6, pulsive interaction is described by a local, positive Hub- who calculated the associated phase diagram for integer bard U which increases the energy if more than one bo- filling. As expected, it exhibits a Mott insulating, a su- son occupies a given site. Finally the site energies ǫ are perfluidandalsoaBoseglassphase,thelatterappearing i assumed to be independent random variables with zero onlyforsufficientlystrongdisorder. Quiterecently,how- average and a box distribution in the interval from −∆ ever,theirresultswereseriouslyquestionedbyProkof’ev to ∆. Throughout we work in the canonical ensemble and Svistunov, who performed rather precise quantum with a given (dimensionless) density n = N of bosons. Monte Carlo calculations7. Basedonthat, it was argued L As usual we choose t = 1 as a unit of energy (note that that the DMRG method is intrinsically unable to deal someauthorshavetinsteadof t inthe hoppingor2ǫ in with disordered systems because randomness would in- 2 i thesiteenergieswhichleadstoatrivialfactoroftwodif- validate building up a system in a block like fashion. ference with our results). Apart from the density n, this Our aim in the present work is to show that a careful leaves the two dimensionless parameters U and ∆ char- DMRG calculation can indeed be successfully applied in acterizingtheinteractionsanddisorderwhichcompletely the presenceofquencheddisorder. Inparticular,wepro- specifytheproblematzerotemperature. Inordertodis- vide a quantitative phase diagram for the 1d disordered tinguish the various possible phases, we calculate both Bose-Hubbardmodelatbothintegerandhalffilling. For the energy gap E and the superfluid fraction ρ . The g s 1 energy gap which is only nonzero in a Mott insulating antiperiodic boundary condition has been implemented phase, can either be evaluated directly from a numeri- byreplacingthe hoppingenergytatoneofthe bondsby cal calculation of the energy of the ground and first ex- −t thus enforcing a localized twist in the phase by π. citedstate. Alternativelythe gapcanbe obtainedasthe difference E = µ − µ between the chemical poten- g p n tial for particle (µ = E −E ) or hole excitations2 n = 1 p N+1 N (µ =E −E ). We haveemployedboth methods in n N N−1 ordertocheckourresults. Forthesuperfluidfractionρ , ∆ s weusethethermodynamicdefinitionproposedbyFisher, 4 max Barber and Jasnow8. It is based on defining ρ via the s sensitivity to a change in the boundary conditions be- Bose glass tween periodic (pbc) and antiperiodic (apbc) ones. In ∆ one dimension, at a given density n= N, the superfluid Bose L glass fraction ρ is thus given by (t=1) s 2 super- 2L L ρ = · [Eapbc(L)−Epbc(L)] (2) fluid s π2 N 0 0 where E (L) are the ground state energies for the spe- 0 Mott insulator cific boundary condition. In the absence of interactions and disorder it is straightforward to show that ρ = 1 s for arbitrary densities n as it should be. It is important 0 2 4 to note that it is precisely a nonvanishing value of ρ U s (in the limit L → ∞) which is the relevant criterion for superfluidity despite the fact that the one particle den- FIG.1. Phasediagramforcommensuratefillingn=1. Er- sity matrix hb†ib0i decays to zero algebraically, i.e. only ror bars are mainly due to the dependence of results on the exhibits quasi-long range order. realisations of disorder. Abovea disorderstrength ∆max =4 Forthenumericalcalculationsitisobviouslynecessary it is always energetically advantageous to destroy superfluid- to limit the number of bosons which can occupy a given ity in favor of a glass phase. site. In order to be able to cover also small values of U, where many bosons tend to cluster at locally favorable Forthediscussionofourresultswefirstconcentrateon sites,wehavetruncatedourbasistom=7statesforeach acommensurabledensityn=1,whereaMottinsulating site i which allows up to 6 bosons occupying the same phase is expected2 at sufficiently large U. In the limit of place. We have checked carefully that our results do not vanishingdisorder∆=0thesystemissuperfluidatsmall depend on m, which was the case at least down to U ≈ valuesofU withasuperfluidfractionρ whichmonoton- s 0.5. IntheDMRGcalculationwestudiedsystemlengths ically decreases from one at U = 0 to zero at U = U . c uptoL=50andincludeduptoM =190states. Forthe Since the transition to the Mott insulator is driven by truncation error, which is one minus the density matrix phase fluctuations at a given density, it is a Kosterlitz- eigenvalues λ of all M states kept in the decimation, Thouless like transition2 very similar to the one present α in a chain of Josephson junctions with a local charging M energy9. Our numerical result for the critical value of U ρ=1−Xλα, (3) is U (∆ = 0) = 1.92±0.04 which is surprisingly close c α=1 to that found in mean field theory10. It also agrees with we find values of the order of 10−10. A very important a very recent DMRG calculation of the Bose-Hubbard model without disorder by Ku¨hner und Monien11. They point which turns out to be absolutely crucial for apply- have used the condition that the exponent K character- ingtheDMRGtodisorderedsystemsistoapplythefinite izing the decay of the off-diagonal density matrix size (“sweeping”)algorithm5. After the system has been grown to its full length, renormalization group transfor- hb+b i∼|i|−K/2 (4) i 0 mations have not yet been able to take into account the full structure of disorder while working on shorter sys- inthesuperfluidphasetakesonthevalueKc =1/2atthe tems. The finite size algorithm then works on the com- transition12. Note that K scales like pU/t at least in a plete system, and improves results essentially in a vari- Josephsonjunction arraydescription which is equivalent ational fashion. We find good convergence of both the to the Bose-Hubbard model at large integer densities. gapandthesuperfluidfractionafterseveralsweeps. The AtfinitedisordertheMottinsulatingphaseissuppressed dependence on the number of states kept was compar- because the energy gap is reduced. For vanishing hop- atively weak (also compared to the scattering of results ping, i.e. U → ∞ effectively, the reduction2 is just 2∆. invariousrealisationsofdisorder)suchthatwepreferred ThusinthelimitoflargeU theMott-insulatordisappears to invest computational resources rather in sweeps. The of ∆>U/2. This is in fact the asymptotic behaviour of 2 the transition line shown in Fig. 1. For nonzero t, i.e. finite U the transitionappears earlier,until the Mott in- n = 0.5 sulator completely disappears at U <U (∆=0)=1.92. 1.0 ∆=0.95 c OutsidetheMott-insulatingphasethegapvanishes,how- everat finite disorderthe systemneed notbe superfluid. 0.8 Indeedcalculatingthesuperfluidfractionρ ,wefindthat s ρ is nonvanishing only in the superfluid regime in Fig. ∆ s 1, which bends down to ∆ = 0 both near U = 0 and 0.6 Bose glass U = U (∆ = 0). As a consequence, at finite disorder, c there is no direct transition from a Mott insulator to a superfluid in agreement with the arguments given by 0.4 superfluid Fisheretal.2 andFreericksandMonien13. Thecomplete phase diagram is shown in Fig. 1. It agrees well with that found by Prokof’ev and Svistunov7 using a rather 0.2 differentmethodandalsowiththequalitativepictureput forwardbyHerbut14. Bycontrast,therearestrong,even qualitative differences with the phase diagram found by 0 1 2 3 4 Pai et al.6. Their failure to see the intervening Bose- U glass between the superfluid and the Mott-insulator is probably related to the fact that without the sweeping FIG.2. Phasediagram forincommensuratefillingn=0.5. algorithm the treatment of a disordered problem by the Errors due to the dependence of results on the realisations DMRGisnotreliable. Regardingthegeneralstructureof ofdisorder arenow muchstronger(with theexception ofthe thephasediagramshowninFig.1,weexpectthatitwill point at ∆ = 0). Above a disorder strength of 0.95 we find notbequalitativelydifferentforthetwodimensionalcase that ρS =0 within ournumerical accuracy. (thoughthecorrespondingpathintegralMonteCarlocal- culationsofKrauth,TrivediandCeperley4andalsomore For the study of a noncommensurate density, we have recentones15failedtoseetheintermediateBose-glassbe- chosen n = 0.5 where the Mott-insulating phase is com- tween the superfluid and the Mott-insulator). Assuming pletelyabsent2. Theresultingphasediagramisshownin thatthe phasediagramofFig.1isindeedgenericforthe Fig. 2. It exhibits a superfluid phase in a finite regime disorderedBose-Hubbardmodelatcommensuratedensi- U (∆) < U < U (∆) of the repulsion provided the dis- ties, one can draw two general conclusions: − + order is below a critical value ∆ ≈ 0.95. The er- (i) Since the superfluid fraction is a nonmonotonic max ror bars in the determination of the phase boundary are function of U for a given disorder, repulsive interactions largerthaninthe casen=1becausethesuperfluidfrac- have a delocalizing tendency at small U but enhance lo- tion exhibits rather strong realization dependent fluctu- calization at large U. This is in fact a general prop- ations. This problem becomes particularly relevant in erty, valid also at incommensurate densities as verified the limit of small U. In fact noninteracting bosons are by Scalettar, Batrouni and Zimanyi3 for n = 0.625 and a singular limit of the disordered Bose-Hubbard model our own results at n=0.5. since particles will collapse into the single level with the (ii) More surprisingly, for fixed repulsion in the range lowest ǫ , which will vary between different realizations. i U > U (∆ = 0) but not too large, increasing disorder c For smallbut finite U the groundstate densities are still drives a Bose-glass to superfluid transition. Thus in- rathernonuniform. Nowonthebasisofthat,ithasbeen creasing disorder may in fact favour superfluidity (see conjectured by Scalettar et al.3 that there are two quali- dash-dotted line in Fig. 1). The associated superfluid tatively different localized states, a suggestion originally fraction is finite only for ∆ > ∆ (U). It first increases − due to Giamarchi and Schulz1. The two phases would with ∆ but eventually decreases to zeroagainat the up- be separated by a line ∆ (U) above ∆ which meets per boundary ∆ (U) This effect may be understood by c max + the phase boundary to the superfluid at a multicritical observing that with increasing distance from the Mott point. Inordertolookforsignaturesofthisboundaryat insulator the density of mobile particle-hole excitations ∆ > ∆ , we have calculated the expectation value of increases, thus enhancing ρ . At larger values of ∆ the max s the dimensionless disorder energy per particle disorder induced localization takes over and ρ goes to s zero again at the upper phase boundary ∆ (U). 1 + S = Xǫihnii, (5) ∆N i which is finite for a localized state4. Although S be- comesincreasinglynegativeasU islowered,approaching the limit S = −1 at U ≪ 1, we have found no indica- tion of any abrupt changes. This suggests that there is no quantitative distinction betweenan “Andersonglass” 3 for small U and a Bose-glass for larger repulsion. Verly 1T. Giamarchi and H.J. Schulz, Europhys. Lett. 3, 1287 likely it is only the line U = 0 which is singular. This (1987). point of view is supported further by the fact that the 2M.P.A. Fisher, P.B. Weichmann, G. Grinstein and D.S. phasediagramfoundbyProkov’evandSvistunov7onthe Fisher, Phys. Rev. B 40, 546 (1989). basis of the Giamarchi and Schulz criterion1 K = 2/3 3R.T. Scalettar, G.G. Batrouni and G.T. Zimanyi, Phys. c for the renormalized exponent in the decay of the off- Rev.Lett. 66, 3144 (1991). diagonaldensitymatrix(4)essentiallycoincideswithour 4W. Krauth, N. Trivedi and D. Ceperley, Phys. Rev. Lett. results. Thus for any point on the phase boundary be- 67, 2307 (1991). 5S.R.White, Phys. Rev.Lett. 69, 2863 (1992). tween the superfluid and the Bose-glass, scaling is to- 6R.V.Pai, R.Pandit,H.R.Krishnamurthyand S.Ramase- wards ∆=0,K =2/3 evenfor very small U. Finally we sha, Phys. Rev.Lett. 76, 2937 (1996). havealsodeterminedthesuperfluidfractionasafunction 7N.V. Prokof’ev and B.V. Svistunov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, of U, which exhibits a maximum at U ≈ 1−1.5. Un- 4355 (1998). like the case for n = 1 this maximum does not scale to 8M.E. Fisher, M.N. Barber and D. Jasnow, Phys. Rev. A larger U if ∆ is increased. For very small ∆ the critical 8, 1111 (1973). value Uc(∆ = 0+) = 3.2(2) beyond which ρs vanishes in 9R.H. Bradley and S. Doniach, Phys. Rev. B 30, 1138 the presence of even a very small randomness has been (1984),seealsoW.Zwerger,Europhys.Lett.9,421(1989). determined by calculating the exponent K in the pure 10L.AmicoandV.Penna,Phys.Rev.Lett.80,2189(1998). system and using the criterion Kc = 2/3. Quite gener- 11T.D. Ku¨hner and H. Monien, Phys. Rev. B 58, R14741 ally, however, the numerical calculation of ρs becomes (1998). rather difficult for small disorder. This is probably re- 12T. Giamarchi and A.J. Millis, Phys. Rev. B 46, 9325 lated to the strong divergence ξ ∼ 1 1/(3−2/K) of the (1992). localization length in the limit ∆ →(cid:0)∆0(cid:1)near the critical 13J.K. Freericks and H. Monien, Phys. Rev. B 53, 2691 point K = 2/3, which follows from the integration of (1996). the Giamcarchi and Schulz flow equations. For vanishing 14I.Herbut,Phys. Rev.B 57, 13729 (1998). disorder ρ is finite for arbitrary values of U, approach- 15J.Kiskerand H.Rieger, Phys.Rev.B 55,R11981 (1997); s F. Pazmandi and G.T. Zimanyi, Phys. Rev. B 57, 5044 ing ρ =2/π as U →∞ where the Bose-Hubbard model s at n = 1 is equivalent to the exactly soluble quantum (1998). 2 16E. Lieb, T. Schultz and D.C. Mattis, Ann. Phys. 16, 407 XY-model16 in zero magnetic field. Since K = ∞ in (1961). this limit, the localisation length in the XY-model with 17A. van Oudenaarden, S.J.K. Vardy and J.E. Mooji, Phys. a random local field is expected to diverge like (cid:0)∆1(cid:1)1/3. Rev.Lett. 77, 4257 (1996). In conclusion we have demonstrated that the DMRG 18D.Jaksch et al. ,Phys. Rev.Lett. 81, 3108 (1998). method can be successfully applied to systems with quenched disorder. The phase diagram of the 1d Bose- Hubbardmodelhasbeendeterminedbothatintegerand at halffilling. It exhibits significantdifferences with ear- lierDMRGresults6 butessentiallyagreeswithaveryre- centquantumMonteCarlocalculation7. Ourconclusions quantitatively support the general picture for the disor- deredBose-Hubbardmodeldevelopedby Giamarchiand Schulz1 and by Fisher et al.2. The model studied here is probably the simplest example for the interplay between interactionsanddisorderandassuchisclearlyofinterest in itself. Experimental realisations e.g. in terms of vor- ticesina1darrayofJosephsonjunctionswithdisorder17 orthe recentsuggestionthat Bose-Hubbardphysicsmay be relevant for cold atoms in optical lattices18, will cer- tainly further the interest in this model. Acknowledgements: Useful comments by D.S. Fisher are gratefully acknowledged. ∗ Present address: Department of Theoretical Physics, Uni- versity of Oxford, 1 Keble Road, OX13NP Oxford, UK. 4

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