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DEGENERATION OF CURVES AND ANALYTIC DEFORMATIONS 8 9 9 1 n Tomohide Terasoma a J 6 2 §0 Introduction ] Let ∆ be a complex disk {z ∈ C || z |< 1} and p : D → ∆ be a proper flat G morphism of relative dimension one. It is called a minimal degeneration of genus g A curves, if (1) D is smooth, (2) the restriction p : p−1(∆−{0}) is a smooth family . h of genus g curves, and (3) the fiber p−1(0) contains no smooth rational curves of t a the first kind. By choosing a metric µ on p−1(∆−{0}), a loop γ around 0 with a m base point δ ∈ ∆−{0} induces a differentiable automorphism Γ(p,µ,γ) of p−1(δ), [ whose class Γ′(p) ∈ MC(p−1(δ)) is independent of the choice of the metric µ and 1 the homotopy class of γ. Let S be an oriented closed differentiable surface of v g 8 genus g and D : p−1(δ) → S be a diffeomorphism. Then the conjugacy class g 1 Γ(p) of D ◦ Γ′(p) ◦ D−1 in the mapping class group MC = MC(S ) of S is 1 g g g 1 independent of the diffeomorphism D. Then Γ(p) is known to be a pseudo-periodic 0 with negative Dehn twists. It is also known by [MM] that for any pseudo-periodic 8 conjugacy class Γ with negative Dehn twists, there exists a minimal degeneration 9 / of genus g curves p : D → ∆ such that Γ(p) = Γ unique upto diffeomorphism over h t ∆. If p : D → ∆ are obtained by a smooth holomorphic deformation of the a 1 1 m degeneration p : D → ∆, then D and D are diffeomorphic over ∆ and Γ(p ) is 2 2 1 2 1 v: equal to Γ(p2). In this paper, we prove that if two minimal degeneration of curves i p1 : D1 → ∆ and p2 : D2 → ∆ satisfies Γ(p1) = Γ(p2), then these two degenerations X p ,p are contained in the same equivalence class generated by smooth holomorphic 1 1 r a deformations. Thecontentsofthispaperisorganizedasfollows. Weintroducegeneralnotations for stable curves and stable curves with an action of cyclic group. Most of the terminology appeared here are introduced in [MM] in the topological context. In the next section, we introduce several moduli problems related to level structures and group actions. Here we use the notion of the type of a group action introduced in §1 and the begining of §2. The main result of this section is the connectedness of moduli of curves with an action of cyclic group (Proposition 2.2 (2)). In §3, we study the group action of the local moduli space. Here we introduce a coordinate on local moduli compatible with the action of the cyclic group. In §4, we study the localmoduli mapattachedtothestabilizationofthedegenerationofgenusg curves. The screw numbers introduced by [MM] appears here as an analytic invariant. The statement and the main theorem are given in §5. The author would like to express his thank to S.Takamura and T.Ashikaga for discussions. This work is done during his stay in Max-Planck-Institute fu¨ r Math- ematik and the author is appreciated for its hospitality. Typeset by AMS-TEX 2 TOMOHIDE TERASOMA §1 A stable curve with an action of a cyclic group In this section, we introduce several notations concerning stable curves with an action of a cyclic group. Let g be a natural number greater than 1. Let S be an analytic space and f : C → S be a proper flat morphism of relative dimension one with connected fibers. The morphism f is called a stable curve of genus g ([DM]), if (1) dimH1(f−1(s),Of−1(s)) = g for all s ∈ S. (2) All the fibers f−1(s) are reduced curves whose singularities are at most nodes. Here a point p ∈ f−1(s) is called a node if there exists an open set U of p such that U is isomorphic to {(x,y) ∈ C2 || x |< 1,| y |< 1,xy = 0}. We do not impose that f−1(s) is irreducible for s ∈ S. The genus of the normalization C˜ of a component C in f−1(s) is called i i the genus of the irreducible component C . i (3) Any non-singular genus 0 component meets with another components at least 3 points. For any stable curve C of genus g over a point, we can associate a graph called dual graph τ of C as follows. The sets of vertices V(τ) and edges E(τ) of the graph τ is given by the set of irreducible components of C and the singular points of C respectively. A vertex v is connected to an edge e if and only if the corresponding singularity s is an element of the corresponding component C . The normalization e v of the curve C is denoted by π : C˜ → C and the inverse image of singular points v v v v under π are called special points of C˜ . The set of special points in C˜ is denoted v v by Sp(C). The genus of C˜ is denoted by g(v). It is a function from the set of v vertices V(τ) to the set of natural numbers. An edge e has two extreme e(1),e(2) and they are called flags. The set of flags is denoted by F(τ) and it is identified with Sp(C). A flag f is called a tail of v if f is connected to the vertex v. The set of tails of v is denoted by T(v). The number of the tails of v is denoted by t(v). A graph is called numbered if the index set of vertices V(τ) and flags F(τ) are numbered by I and I respectively. The union of I and I is denoted by I. v f v f Definition. Let τ be a connected graph and g : V(τ) → N be a function from the set of vertices to the set of non-negative integers. A pair (τ,g) is called a stable graph if any vertex v with g(v) = 0 satisfies t(v) ≥ 3. An automorphism σ of C of finite order m induces an automorphism of the dual graph τ of C and it is denoted by σ . If we fix a numbering of τ, σ can be ∗ ∗ identified with a permutation of the index set I. It is easy to see that the function g : V(τ) → N is preserved by σ . ∗ Let G be the subgroup of Aut(C) generated by σ. Let G(v), G(f) and G(e) be the stabilizer of a vertex v, a flag f and an edge e respectively. Then we have G(e) ⊃ G(f) and #[G(e) : G(f)] is 1 or 2. An edge e is called amphidrome (resp. non-amphidrome) if #[G(e) : G(f)] = 2 (resp. G(e) = G(f)). An element σ ∈ G(v) (resp. σ ∈ G(f) , σ ∈ G(e)) acts on the normalization C˜ of the component C v v (resp. a neibourhood of the special point, a neibourhood of the singular point). For a point p in the normalization C˜ of C, the character of the stablizer G(p) of p induced on the tangent space T C˜ of C˜ at p is called the local representation at p p and denoted by ρ(p) : G(p) → C×. If the point p corresponds to a flag f, ρ is x denoted by ρ . Note that this is an injective homomorphism. If p and q are in the f same orbit under G, we have G(p) = G(q) and ρ(p) = ρ(q). A point p ∈ C˜ is called DEGENERATION OF CURVES AND ANALYTIC DEFORMATIONS 3 a ramification point for the action of G if G(p) 6= 1. The order of the group G(p) is called the ramification index and denoted by m . If p corresponds to a flag f, m p p is written by m . The order of G(e) is denoted by m . For the local representation f e ρ(p) : G(p) → C× at p, put ρ(e( 1 )) = e( b ). Then since (b,m ) = 1, there exists mp mp p 0 ≤ a < m such that a·b ≡ 1 ( mod m ). The rational number a is called the p p me valency at p for the action of µ and denoted by val(p). For a flag f, the valency m of the corresponding special point is denoted by val(f) and the restriction of val to T(v) is denoted by val . The set of ramification points in C˜ is denoted by R. v Then R is a finite set. Denote R∩Sp(C) = R and R−R = R . An element of 1 1 0 R (resp. R ) is called a singular ramification point (resp. a smooth ramification). 1 0 ˜ ˜ Let C be a component of the normalization of C. An element v rv = X [val(q)] ∈ ⊕α∈Q∩[0,1)Z[α] q∈(R0∩C˜v)/G(v) is called the type of smooth ramification for v. The type of the action σ on C is defined by the collection T = (r (v ∈ V(τ)),val (f)(f ∈ T(v))) . It is easy to see v v v the following lemma. Lemma 1.1. (1) X val(q) q∈(R∩C˜v)/G(v) is an integer. (2) 1 1 1 g¯v = ( (2g −2)− X (1− ))+1 2 #G(v) m p p∈(R∩C˜v)/G(v) coincides with the genus of the quotient C˜ /G(v), and it is a non-negative v integer. Definition. (1) For an element r = u [α] ∈ ⊕ Z[α], u < α > is denoted by Pα α α∈Q Pα α < r >. (2) For a positive rational number α, Cor(α) = 1−1, where d is the denomina- d tor of α. For an element r = u [α], we define Cor(r) = u ·Cor(α). Pα α Pα α §2 Several moduli problems, smoothness and connectedness In this section we study the moduli space of smooth marked curves. Let g ≥ 0 and m ≥ 1 be natural numbers. The module ⊕ Z[α] is denoted by B(m). α∈ 1 Z∩[0,1) m Let r = u [α] ∈ B(m) with u ≥ 0, T be a finite set on which µ acts and Pα α α m val : T → 1 Z∩[0,1) be an invariant function under the action of µ . m m Definition. The pair (r,val) is realized if ¯ (1) < r > + val(f) is an integer. Pf¯∈T/µm (2) 1 1 ¯ g¯ = ( (2g −2)−Cor(r)− X Cor(val(f)))+1 2 m f¯∈T/µ 4 TOMOHIDE TERASOMA is a non-negative integer. (3) If g¯ = 0, no proper divisor m′ of m has the following property: 1 t ∈ B(m′) and Im(val) ∈ Z . m′ From now on, we fix a sufficiently big prime number l such that (1) µ ⊂ F×, m l and (2) Aut(C) → Aut(Pic0(C) ) is injective for all curves of genus g. We define l a symplectic structure and µ -action on V = F2g as follows. The representation m l of µ on F× defined by µ ∋ x 7→ xt ∈ F× (0 ≤ t < m) is denoted by Fl(t). m l m l Let V01 and V10 be µ -modules defined by V01 = ⊕m−1F (t)h01(t) and V10 = m t=1 l ⊕m−1F (t)h10(t), where t=1 l h01(t) =g −1+ < t·r > + X < tval(f¯) > f¯∈T/µm h10(t) =g −1+ < −t·r > + X < −tval(f¯) > f¯∈T/µm Then there exists a natural perfect pairing (,) : V01 × V10 → F . Let V = l p V01 ⊕V10. This vector space has a symplectic structure ψ defined by p ψ (a,a′) = ψ (b,b′) = 0 (a,a′ ∈ V01,b,b′ ∈ V10) p p ψ (a,b) = −ψ (b,a) = (a,b) (a ∈ V01,b ∈ V10). p p Let V¯ be the vector space over F with the base α ,...,α ,β ,...,β . The sym- l 1 g¯ 1 g¯ ¯ ¯ plectic form ψ on V is given by ¯ ¯ ¯ ψ(α ,α ) = ψ(β ,β ) = 0,ψ(α ,β ) = δ . i j i j i j i,j ¯ ¯ Then the direct sum V = V ⊕V has a symplectic form ψ ⊕ψ . p p Now we define moduli stack M , M (l), M (r,val) and M (r,val,l). An g,t g,t g,t g,t object of M is a pair (C → S,P (f ∈ T)) consisting of a smooth curve C → S of g,t f genus g over an analytic variety S and a set of sections P : S → C indexed by the f set T of the cardinality t. We assume that Pf(s) 6= Pf′(s) for all s ∈ S if f 6= f′. A morphism from (C → S ,P ) to (C → S ,P ) is a following commutative 1 1 1f 2 2 2f diagram C −−−−→ C 1 2 (*)     y y S −−−−→ S 1 2 which is (1) cartesian, and (2) preserving sections indexed by T. An object of M (l) is a triple g,t (C → S,P (f ∈ T),φ : Pic0(C/S) ≃ V), f l where C → S and P are as before and φ is an isomorphis of local system of F f l vector spaces compatible with the symplectic structure. The morphism in M (l) g,t DEGENERATION OF CURVES AND ANALYTIC DEFORMATIONS 5 is defined in the same way. In this case, we impose that the cartesian product induces an isomorphism of local system Pic0 compatible with the third data φ. It l is known that M (l) is connected and representable if l ≥ 3. Let (r,val) be a g,t realized pair. An object of M (r,val) is a triple (C → S,P ,ψ : µ → Aut(C/S)) g,t f m such that C → S and P are as before and the action of µ on C via ψ preserve that f m set of sections {P } . For an action ψ, we define valency val : R → 1 Z∩[0,1) f f∈T m as before. We impose that r = val(p), and the restriction of val to T is equal P to the given map val. A pair (r,val) is called the type of the action ψ : µ → m Aut(C/S). A morphism in M (r,val) is a cartesian product (*) compatible with g,t the action of µ . An object in M (r,val,l) is a quadraple (C,{P }(f ∈ T),ψ,φ), m g,t f where C → S and P (f ∈ T) are the same as before and ψ : µ → Aut(C) f m and φ : Pic0(C/S)(l) → V, where the type of the action ψ is (r,val) and φ is an isomorphisms of local system compatible with µ -actions and the symplectic m structures. By forgetting structure, we have the following commutative diagram: c M (r,val,l) −−−−→ M (l) g,t g,t a b   y y M (r,val) −−−−→ M g,t g,t d Proposition 2.1. (1) M and M (l) are smooth algebraic stack and M (l) is representable. g,t g,t g,t (2) The morphism a and b are etale. (3) The morphism c is an immersion. Especially, M (r,val,l) is g,t representable. Proof. For the statement (1) and the etaleness of the morphism a, see [DM]. To prove the etaleness of b, we consider an object over S; S → M (r,val). Let (C → g,t S,{P } ,φ : µ → Aut(C/S)) be the corresponding object. Then S × f f∈T m Mg,t(r,val) M (r,val,l) is represented by g,t Isom (Pic0(C/S) ,V), S−gp,symplectic,µm-module l which is etale over S. This proves the etaleness of b. To prove the locally closedness of c, we take an object (C → S,{P },ψ : Pic0(C/S) → V). Consider the natural f l map P : Aut (C) → Aut (Pic0(C/S) ) l S S l They are finite and unramified over S. Therefore P is also finite and unramified. l Moreover it is injective by the choice of l. Therefore, P is closed for sufficiently l large l. Therefore the morphism Hom (µ ,Aut (C)) →Hom (µ ,Aut (Pic0(C/S) )) S m S S m S l →Hom (µ ,Aut (V)) S m S is also closed. Let nat be the element of Hom (µ ,Aut (V)) corresponding to S m S the action of µ to V. Then Z = (Ad(φ) ◦ P )−1(nat) is a closed subvariety of m l ∗ S. It is easy to see that M (r,val,l)× S is a subfunctor of Z. Consider the g,t M 6 TOMOHIDE TERASOMA corresponding µ -action on C | → Z. Since the type is a constructible function on m Z Z, thestrataZ(r,val)corresponding tothetype(r,val)isalocallyclosedsubvariety of Z. This proves the statement (3). The stack M (r,val,l)× S is represented g,t Mg,t by Z(r,val). As a consequence, M (r,val) is an algebraic stack. g,t Let USp(V) be the group {φ ∈ Aut(V) |(φv,φw) = (v,w) for all v,w ∈ V, φ(gv) = gφ(v) for all g ∈ µ ,v ∈ V} m For an object a = (C → S,{P },ψ : µ → Aut(C),φ : Pic0(C/S) → V) in f m l M (r,val,l), and an element σ ∈ USp(V), we can define an object σ(a) in g,t M (r,val,l) by g,t (C → S,{P },ψ : µ → Aut(C),σ ◦φ : Pic0(C/S) → V) f m l This action gives rise to an action of USp(V) on M (r,val,l). g,t Proposition 2.2. (1) The scheme M (r,val,l) is smooth g,t (2) The group USp(v) acts transitively to the set of connected components of M (r,val,l). g,t Proof. Let p a point of M (r,val,l) and U be a sufficiently small neibourhood of g,t p. Let C → U, φ : µ → Aut(C/U), and ψ : Pic0(C/U) → V be the corresponding m l curveC, automorphismofC, andisomorphismofetalesheavesonU. Bytakingquo- tient D = C/µ , we get a genus g¯ curve with a level structure ψµm : Pic0(D/U) ≃ m l Pic0(C/U)µm ≃ Vµm. This gives a morphism U →α M (l). By taking sufficiently g¯ small U, wemay assume that the imageα(U) iscontained ina sufficiently small nei- bourhood W of α(p) in M (l). Let D → W be the corresponding curve over W. g¯ W Then we have D ≃ D × U. Let Sym(D /W) = Symuα(D /W) × Dt¯ , W W W Q W W W where r = u [α] and t¯ = #(T/µ ). Then the branch locus of D gives a Pα∈Q α m natural morphism β : U → Sym(D /W) from U to Sym(D /W). More pre- W W cisely, let L = (π O )(ω), where ω : µ → C× is the natural inclusion. Then U ∗ C m L⊗m = O (−R), where U D ¯ R = X(mα)bα + X mval(f)·pf¯, α f¯∈T/µm where b : U → Symuα(D /W) and p : U → D . Let W˜ be a sufficiently α W f¯ W small neighbourhood of β(p) containing the image β(U) of β by changing U if necessary. Let D → W˜ be the fiber product D × W˜ and R be the divisor on W˜ W W D corresponding to the map W˜ → Sym(D /W˜ ). Since W˜ is sufficiently small, W˜ W˜ we can find a line bundle L on D such that W˜ W˜ (1) p∗L = ((π ) O )(χ), where p : {p} → U → W˜ and π : C → C /µ ≃ W˜ p ∗ Cp p p p m D . p (2) L⊗m ≃ O(−R) on D . ˜ DEGENERATION OF CURVES AND ANALYTIC DEFORMATIONS 7 ⊗(m−1) Let C = Spec(O ⊕L ⊕···⊕L ) be the scheme whose algebra strucure is W˜ W˜ W˜ W˜ defined by L⊗m ≃ O(−R). One can define µ -action on C by φ(σ)∗ | = ω(σ). W˜ m W LW˜ If we take W˜ to be simply connected, we can find an isomorphism of etale sheaves φ : Pic0(C ) ≃ V and an isomorphism p∗C ≃ C compatible withφ. This defines W˜ l W˜ p a morphism W˜ →γ M (r,val,l) such that γ ◦β : U → W˜ → M (r,val,l) is the g,t g,t natural inclusion. By changing W˜ sufficiently small, we may assume β−1(W˜ ) = U. Inthissituation, β isanisomorphismandW˜ issmooth. Thisprovesthesmoothness of M (r,val,l). g,t (2) Let P ,P be points in M (r,val,l). We prove that there exists an ele- 1 2 g,t ment σ such that P and σ(P ) are connected by a path in M (r,val,l). Let 1 2 g,t (C ,{P },φ ,ψ ) be the quadraple corresponding to the point P (i = 1,2). Let i fi i i i Di = Ci/µm and Ei be the maximal unramified covering of Di. Let µm′ ⊂ µm be the subgroup of µ corresponding to E . Let Q be the point of M (l) correspond- m i i g¯ ing to D and the isomorphism Pic0(D ) ≃ Pic0(C )µm ≃ Vµm = (F )2g¯. Since i i l i l l M (l) is connected there exists a path γ connecting Q and Q . Taking a lift γ˜ of g¯ 1 1 2 1 γ1 in Mg,t(r,val,l), we may assume Q1 = Q2. The pair (Ei,µm/µm′ → Aut(Ei)) corresponds to a surjective homomorphism from π1(Di) to µm/µm′. Since Tg → Sp(2g¯,F )×Sp(2g¯,mZ/m′Z) is surjective, we can choose a path γ with the base l 2 point Q1 = Q2 such that the pair (E1,µm/µm′ → Aut(E1)) is analytically contin- ued to the pair (E2,µm/µm′ → Aut(E2)) along the path γ2. By taking a lift γ˜2 of a path γ2 in Mg,t(r,val,l) again, we may assume the pair (E1,µm/µm′ → Aut(E1)) is isomorphic to (E2,µm/µm′ → Aut(E2)). The curve Ei and Di are denoted by E and D respectively. Let f ,f and f be the natural morphisms i,1 2 i,3 f : C → E,f : E → D,f : C → D. i,1 i 2 i,3 i Let ω be the natural homomorphism µ → C×. Then the character ω′ = ωm′ is m considered as a character of µm/µm′ = Gal(E/D). Let Li = fi,3∗OCi(ω) and A = f O (ω′). Then we have the natural homomorphism L⊗m′ → f O (ω′) → A, 2∗ E i i,3∗ Ci and this composite morphism is denoted by θ . Since f is unramified, A⊗(m/m′) ≃ i 2 O . Therefore we have a morphism θ⊗(m/m′) : L⊗m → O . This morphism defines D i i D an effecitve divisor R˜ . As in the proof of (1), R˜ can be written as i i R˜i = X(mα)bα + X mval(f¯)·pf¯, α f¯∈T/µm where bα ∈ Symµα(D) and pf¯ ∈ D. The largest common divisor of mα (uα 6= 0) and mval(f¯) (f¯∈ T/µ ) is equal to m/m′. Therefore R˜ is divisible by (m/m′) m i and (m′/m)R˜ is denoted by R . This is equal to the effective divisor defined by θ i i and we have A = L⊗m′ ⊗O (R ). For an element ξ = (b ,p ), we define R(ξ) by i D i α f¯ ′ ′ ¯ R(ξ) = X(m α)bα + X m val(f)·pf¯. α f¯∈T/µm Let r = m′αu + m′val(f¯). Let F be the fiber product Pα α Pf¯∈T/µm A Sym(D) ×Picm′r(D) Picr(D) for morphisms Sym(D) ∋ ξ 7→ OD(−R(ξ)) ∈ Picm′r(D) and Picr(D) ∋ L 7→ L⊗m′ ⊗A−1 ∈ Picm′r(D). Then the pair (R ,L ) i i defines a point of F . A 8 TOMOHIDE TERASOMA Proposition 2.3. The fiber product F is connected. A ′ Proof. Since Picr(D) is an etale covering of Picm r(D) associated to m′H (Picm′r(D),Z), it is enough to show that the composite 1 (*) π (Sym(D)) → π (Picm′r(D)) → π (Picm′r(D))⊗Z/m′Z 1 1 1 is surjective. Consider the natural map Ds → Sym(D), where s = u + Pα α ′ #(T/µ ), and write the composite Ds → Picm r(D) as (d ) 7→ m i i=1,...,s O (− µ d ), wehre µ is the multiplicity for the i-th component. To get the D Pi i i i surjectivity of (*), it is enough to prove the surjectivity of H (D,Z)⊕s → H (Sym(D),Z) → H (Picm′r(D),Z)⊗Z/m′Z. 1 1 1 Since the map H (D,Z) → H (Picµi(D),Z) induced by the map p 7→ O(µ p) is 1 1 i given by µ -multiplication, and gcd(µ ,m′) = 1, we get the required surjectivity. i i §3 µ -action for a local moduli space. m Now we return to the stable curve C = ∪ C . Consider a µ -action on v∈V(τ) v m C whose type is (r ,val ) . Let G = µ and G(v) be the stabilizer of v in G. v v v m Let X →π M¯ be an etale covering of M¯ with a representable stack X and p¯ : g g Spec(C) → M¯ be the point of M¯ correspoiding to C. Then there exists a point g g p → X such that p¯ = π ◦ p. Let U be a neighbourhood of p ∈ X and C → U be the corresponding curve on U. By [DM], the inverse image of M¯ −M under the g g map U → M¯ is a normal crossing divisor D and by taking sufficiently small U, we g may assume D = ∪ D . Let W be a closed analytic set defined by ∩ D . e∈E(τ) e e∈E(τ) e It is easy to see that for a point w ∈ W, the dual graph of the fiber f−1(w) at w is isomorphic to τ. Moreover, by taking sufficiently small U, the inverse image C W of W under the map f has an irreducible decomposition C = ∪ C . Let W v∈V(τ) W,v f : C˜ → W be the normalization of C and C˜ = f−1 (q) for q ∈ W. W,v W,v W,v q,v W,v Let V¯(τ) ⊂ V(τ) be a representative of µ -orbit of the set of vertices V(τ). We m consider a F -vector space V for each v ∈ V as in the last section. For v ∈ V¯(τ), we l v choose a marking ψ : Pic0(C˜ ) ≃ V compatible with the action of G(v). Then p,v p,v l v the quadraple (C˜ ,P (f ∈ T(v)),φ : G(v) → Aut(C˜ ),ψ : Pic0(C˜ ) ≃ V ) p,v f v p,v p,v p,v l v defines a point p ∈ M (r ,val ,l) ⊂ M (l), where M (r ,val ,l) = v v v v v v v v M (r ,val ,l) and M (l) = M (l). By using isomorphism σi−1 (i = g(v),t(v) v v v g(v),t(v) 1,...,#(G/G(v))), we define a point σ(p ) ∈ M (r ,val ,l) ⊂ M (l) v σ(i−1)(v) v v σ(i−1)(v) and as a consequence, we define a point #(G/G(v)) ′ p ∈ Y Y Mσi−1(v)(rv,valv,l) ⊂ Y Mv(l). V(τ)/G i=1 v∈V(τ) By choosing a family of marking ψ : Pic0(C ) ≃ V extending ψ , we v W,v l v v,p get an etale morphism W → M (l). For a sufficiently small U, this map is Qv v an open immersion and p is identified with p′. The fiber product W × QMv(l) M (r ,val ,l) is denoted by Z. We can define the action of G on M (l) as Qv v v v Qv v follows. An element σ in G(v) acts on the space M (l) by (C˜ ,ψ ) 7→ (C˜ ,σ ◦ψ ). v v v v v DEGENERATION OF CURVES AND ANALYTIC DEFORMATIONS 9 Therefore on the product, M × G the group G(v) acts diagonally. The quotien v (M ×G)/G(v) isdenoted byIndG M (l)andviatheactiononthesecond factor, v G(e) v the group G acts on IndG M (l). Using natural isomorphism M (l) ≃ G(e) v Qv∈V(τ) v IndG M (l), we get the action of G on M (l). The restriction of Qv¯∈V(τ)/G G(v) v Qv v f to C = f−1(Z) is denoted by f . Z Z C⊂C ⊂C ⊂C Z W         y y y y p∈ Z ⊂W ⊂U Since C → U is a versal deformation of C, and automorphism of stable curves are discrete, for an automorphism g ∈ Aut(C), there exists a sufficiently small neighbour hood U of p and a map g : U → U such that the automorphism g 1 ∗ 1 is induced by the pull of C → U by g . Since Aut(C) is a finite group, we may ∗ assume that U is stable under the map g , g ∈ Aut(C). This defines an action of 1 ∗ Aut(C) on U and by restricting this representation, we get an action of G on U. It is easy to see that the subspace W is stable under the action of G. Moreover, the restriction of this action to W coincides with the action on M (l) given before. Qv v Therefore, the subspace Z is fixed part of W under the action of G =< σ >. We introduce a coordinate of U as follows. Since σ(D ) = D , and ∪ D e σ(e) e∈E(τ) e is normal crossing, we can take local equotions t of D such that t is a constant e e σ(e) multiple of σ∗(t ). By this choice of {t } , e e e∈E(τ) σ∗(t ) G(e) ∋ σ 7→ e ∈ C× t e defines a character χ of G(e). Since the subspace W is smooth, we can take a e coordinate {t } such that σ∗(t ) = χ (σ)t , (σ ∈ G) for some character i i=1,...,dimW i i i χ of G. As a whole, {t } ∪{t } forms a local coordinate for U. i i i=1,...,dimW e e∈E(τ) The character χ is computed from (r ,val ) as follows. e v v v Let e(1) and e(2) be the two extremes of the edge e and u and u be the local 1 2 coordinate of C˜ corresponding to e(1) and e(2). We may assume that for any σ ∈ G(e(i)), σ∗(u ) is a constant multiple of u . For a small neighbourhood of i i p ∈ C, the local equation is written as u u = t . The group G(e(1)) = G(e(2)) is e 1 2 e denoted by G(f). (1) Amphidrome case. Suppose that there exists σ ∈ G(e) such that σ(e(1)) = e(2). In this case, #[G(e) : G(f)] = 2 and for σ ∈ G(f), χ (σ) = σ∗(u )/u = f 1 1 σ∗(u )/u defines a character of G(f). For σ ∈ G(e), we have 2 2 σ∗(t ) σ∗(u u ) χ (σ) = e = 1 2 = ρ (σ2) e f t u u e 1 2 (2) Non-amphidrome case. If G(e) = G(f), χ (σ) = σ∗(u )/u and χ (σ) = e(1) 1 1 e(2) σ∗(u )/u defines a characters of G(e). By the same argument, we have χ = 2 2 e ρ ρ . e(1) e(2) §4 Period of degeneration and monodromy In this section, we study the period map for the stabilization of a degeneration of curves. Let p : D → ∆ be a proper morphism of dimension one whose restriction 10 TOMOHIDE TERASOMA to p−1(∆−{0}) is smooth. If the fiber p−1(0) at 0 contains no rational curves of the first kind, it is called a minimal degeneration of genus g curves. Then by the stable reduction theorem [DM], there exists a covering π : ∆ → ∆;t 7→ tm = τ m m of degree m such that the fiber product D = D × ∆ has stable reduction. m ∆ m Let C → ∆ be the stabel model of D . The special fiber C of C defines a point m m ¯ p of M . Let U be a neighbourhood of p which is representable and sufficiently g small. The corresponding curve on U is denoted by C → U. By the functoriality U of stable model, the action of Gal(∆ /∆) acts on C which is compatible with the m natural action on ∆ . Restricting this action to the special fiber, we get an action m of Gal(∆ /∆) on C. By the versality of C → U, the group Gal(∆ /∆) acts on m U m U by taking sufficiently small U as in Section 3. We get the following cartesian diagram compatible with the action of Gal(∆ /∆) by changing U by sufficiently m small neighbourhood of p. C −−−−→ C U pm pU   y y ∆ −−−−→ U m Φ We choose a coordinate (t ,t ) introduced in Section 3. Using this coordinate the i e morphismΦ canbewrittenasΦ(t) = (f (t),f (t)), wheref andf areholomorphic i e i e function on ∆ . Since the morphism Φ is equivariant under the action of G = m Gal(∆ /∆), we have the following functional equation for f and f . m i e f (σt) = χ (σ)f(t),f (σt) = c f (t), i i e σ,e σe where c = σ∗t /t ∈ C×. As a consequence, there exist germs of holomorphic σ,e e σe ˜ ˜ functions f and f such that i e f (t) = teif˜(tm),f (t) = tmebef˜(tme), i i e e where 0 ≤ b < 1 and ρ (e( 1 )) = e(b ) if e is amphidrome and e f mf e ρ (e( 1 ))ρ (e( 1 )) = e(b ) if e is non-amphidrome. Now we consider e(1) m e(2) m e e(1) e(2) the minimal resolution of C/G. Note that the singularity of C is contained in sin- gular locus of the special fiber C. Let x be a point in C fixed by some non-trivial element of G, i.e. G(x) = Stab (G) 6= 1. x (1) The case where x is contained in the smooth part of C. In this case, G(x) acts on the tangent space of C at x via the local representation ρ . Therefore the x action of G(x) on the tangent spece of C is equivalent to the direct sum ρ ⊕nat x of ρ and the natural representation nat. x Therefore the resolution process depends only on val(x) and does not depend on the map Φ. (2) The case where x is contained in the singular locus of C. The local equation of C at x is given by u u = tmebef˜(tme) 1 2 e in the spce (u ,u ,t), The action of G(x) = G(e) is given as follows. 1 2 (2-1) Amphidrome case. Let σ = e( 1 ) be the generator of G(e) (see §3). Then me by changing coordinate, the action of σ is given as 1 1 u 7→ u ,u 7→ χ (e( ))u ,t 7→ e( )t. 1 2 2 e 1 m m

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