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Deforming Diamond PDF

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Deforming Diamond 5 Ciprian S. Borcea and Ileana Streinu 1 0 2 Abstract n Formaterialsscience,diamondcrystalsarealmostunrivaledforhard- a J ness and a range of other properties. Yet, when simply abstracting the 5 carbon bonding structure as a geometric bar-and-joint periodic frame- 1 work, it is far from rigid. We study the geometric deformations of this typeofframeworkinarbitrarydimensiond,withparticularregardtothe ] volume variation of a unit cell. G M Keywords:diamond,periodicframework,deformationspace,volumevariation, critical point, auxetic trajectory. . h t AMS 2010 Subject Classification: 52C25, 74N10 a m Introduction [ 1 In this paper we survey a number of topics in the deformation theory of pe- v 1 riodic bar-and-joint frameworks by investigating diamond frameworks, that is, 5 generalizations to arbitrary dimension d of the ideal atom-and-bond structure 5 of diamond crystals. 3 0 Oursettingispurelygeometricanddoesnotinvolveanyphysicalassumptionsor . properties. Ageneraldeformationtheoryofperiodicframeworkswasintroduced 1 0 in [3] and further developed in [4, 5]. Although crystallography, solid state 5 physics and materials science have studied crystal structures for a long time, 1 abstractmathematicalformulationsareofrelativelyrecentdate[27]. Ofcourse, : v there are historical roots in problems related to sphere packings [19, 16, 28], i lattice theory [9, 23] and crystallographic groups [15, 24, 1]. X r Diamantineframeworkshaveelementarygeometricaldescriptionsinanydimen- a sion d. The standard planar case d = 2 is the familiar hexagonal honeycomb illustrated in Figure 1. Another configuration, the so-called reentrant honey- comb illustrated in Figure 2, was recognized in materials science as a structure with negative Poisson’s ratio [21, 22] and has become an emblem of auxetic behaviour [14, 17]. It will be seen below that auxetic deformation paths can be defined in strictly geometric terms [7] and resemble causal-lines in special relativity. Our treatment is mostly self-contained and may serve as an “introduction by example”toseveraltopicsofgeneralinterest: topologyofthedeformationspace, 1 variation of volume per unit cell and critical configurations, possibilities for auxetic trajectories. Figure1: Thestandarddiamondframeworkindimensiontwo. Thegenerators oftheperiodicitylatticeareemphasizedbyarrows. Thequotientgraphhastwo vertices connected by three edges. Figure 2: A reentrant honeycomb is a deformed diamond framework with auxetic capabilities. A horizontal streching detrmines a vertical expansion. 1 The standard diamond framework in Rd ThestandardorcanonicaldiamondframeworkinRd canbedescribedbystart- ing with a regular simplex P P ...P centered at the origin O. Then, we take 0 1 d the midpoint M of the segment OP and denote by Q Q ...Q the simplex 0 0 0 1 d obtained from the original one by central symmetry with center M . Figure 3 0 showsthis settingindimensionthree. Byusingas periodicity latticeΛtherank d lattice generated by the vectors λ = P −P , i = 1,...,d, we can produce a i i 0 2 periodic set of vertices which includes the vertices P and Q , by considering i j all translates of P and Q = O. For edges we take all segments OP = Q P , 0 0 i 0 i i = 0,...,d and their translates under Λ. Up to isometry and rescaling, the resulting framework is unique. Figure 3: An illustration for d = 3. The standard diamond framework uses the vertices of two regular tetrahedra. Each tetrahedron center is a vertex of the other tetrahedron and the pair is cetrallly symmetric with respect to the midpointofthetwocenters. Centersareseenasjointsconnectedbybarstothe verticesoftheothertetrahedron. Byperiodicityunderthelatticeoftranslations generatedbyalledge-vectorsofthetetrahedra,oneobtainsthefullbar-and-joint diamond framework. The abstract infinite graph together with the marked automorphism group represented by Λ gives a d-periodic graph as defined in [3, 4]. There are two orbitsofverticesandd+1orbitsofedgesunderthisperiodicitygroup. Inother words,thequotientmultigraphconsistsoftwoverticesconnectedbyd+1edges. The same d-periodic graph allows other placements. One may start with an arbitrary simplex P P ...P with the origin O in the interior. Then O is 0 1 d connected with the vertices P and provides d + 1 edge representatives. By i using the periodicity lattice Λ generated as above by the edge vectors of the initial simplex, one extends the finite system of vertices and edges to a full Λ-periodic system. The corresponding frameworks will be called diamantine frameworks, frameworks of diamond type or simply diamond frameworks. The three dimensional standard framework corresponds with the bonded structure of carbon atoms in (ideal) diamond crystals. The two dimensional version may be imagined as a graphene layer. 3 What distinguishes the standard diamond framework among its diamantine relatives is its full symmetry group, which is maximal. We refer to [20, 26, 27] for the corresponding theory of canonical placements of periodic graphs. Related aspects can be found in [11, 13, 5]. Our present inquiry will assume that a diamantine framework in Rd has been given and will be concerned with its deformations as a periodic bar-and-joint structure. Deformations will have new placements for the vertices (i.e. joints) of the structure, but in such a way that all edges preserve their length (i.e. behave like rigid bars) and the deformed framework remains periodic with respect to the abstract periodicity group marked at the outset [3]. It is important to retain the fact that the representation of this abstract periodicity group by a lattice of translations of rank d is allowed to vary in deformations. 2 Deformations Let p ,...p be the edge vectors emanating from the origin. Their squared norm 0 d will be denoted by (cid:104)p ,p (cid:105) = s . The lattice of periods is generated by p − i i i i p , i = 1,...,d and with this ordering, the oriented volume of the fundamental 0 parallelepiped (unit cell) is given by (cid:20) (cid:21) 1 1 ... 1 (cid:2) (cid:3) V (p)=det =det p −p ... p −p (1) I p p ... p i1 i0 id i0 i0 i1 id The deformation space of a diamond framework defined by p, with V(p) (cid:54)= 0 can be parametrized by the connected component of p in d (cid:89) S√d−1\{p:V(p)=0} s i i=0 modulo the natural action of SO(d). As usual, Sd−1 denotes the (d − 1)- r dimensional sphere of radius r. We investigate first the critical points of V(p) on the indicated product of spheres. At a critical point p, we must have ∂V (p)=λ p ∂p i i i for some Lagrange multipliers λ , i = 0,...,d. By inner product with p , we i j obtain: ∂V (cid:104) (p),p (cid:105)=λ (cid:104)p ,p (cid:105) (2) ∂p j i i j i and for i(cid:54)=j this gives: λ (cid:104)p ,p (cid:105)=(−1)i+1det|p ...pˆ...p | (3) i i j 0 i d 4 where pˆ means the absence of that column. i For i=j we find: λ |p |2 =V(p)+(−1)i+1det|p ...pˆ...p | (4) i i 0 i d By summation or by Euler’s formula for the homogeneous function V(p), we obtain: d (cid:88) λ |p |2 =dV(p) (5) i i i=0 Equations(3)and(4)showthatfornon-zerocriticalvalues,allλ (cid:54)=0andthen i it follows that all inner products (cid:104)p ,p (cid:105), i(cid:54)=j must be equal. If we denote by i j αtheircommonvalue,weseefromtheGramdeterminantofthevectorsp that i α must be a root of the degree (d+1) equation   s α α ... α 0 det α s1 α ... α =0 (6)  .. .. .. ... ..  α α α ... s d Forα=s =|p |2,thedeterminatonthelefthandsideof(6)equalss (cid:81) (s − i i i j(cid:54)=i j s ). If we assume distinct values s and the natural ordering s <s <...<s , i i 0 1 d we see that equation (6) must have a root in every interval (s ,s ), since the i i+1 determinant has opposite signs at the endpoints. Thus, in the general case of distinct s , equation (6) has d positive simple roots. The remaining root must i benegativesincethetermofdegreeoneinαiszeroi.e. thesumofallproducts ofdrootsvanishes. Bycontinuity, westillhavea unique negative rootα when − some of the values s become equal. i With respect to positive roots of (6), we note that the inequality (cid:104)p ,p (cid:105)≤|p |· i j i |p |=(s s )1/2, implies that only the smallest among them α may correspond j i j + to a cricical point. Moreover, from V(p) (cid:54)= 0, we infer that this root must be simple. Indeed, otherwise, with ts = s ≤ s ≤ ... ≤ s , the root must be 0 1 2 d s =s =(cid:104)p ,p (cid:105)andthisforcesp =p , resultinginV(p)=0. Infact, forthe 0 1 0 1 0 1 simple root α one may confirm the more precise location α ∈ (s ,s1/2s1/2) + + 0 0 1 by evaluating the determinant in (6) at α = s1/2s1/2 and finding it negative. 0 1 With r =s1/2 and α=r r , we have i i 0 1    s α α ... α  1 1 r1 ... r1 det .α.0 .s.1 α.. ...... .α. =s0s1det 1r1 r10 rs02 .α..... r0 =  .. .. .. ... ..  α α α ... s d r r α ... s 1 0 d 5   0 1 1 ... 1 =s0s1(r0−r1)2det 1.. s..2 α.. ...... .α. = 1 α α ... s d d d (cid:89) (cid:88) 1 =−s s (r −r )2 (s −α)( )<0. 0 1 0 1 i s −α i i=2 i=2 Observing that, up to SO(d), a Gram matrix detrmines two reflected vector configurations with corresponding volumes of opposite signs and equal absolute value, we may eatablish by induction on d ≥ 2, that the negative root corre- spondstotheabsolutemaximumandminimum,whileasimplesmallestpositive rootcorrespondstoreflectedcriticalconfigurationswhichareneitherlocalmin- ima nor local maxima. For d = 2, the deformation space is a surface and a ‘seddle point’ configuration is illustrated in Figure 4. Note that, in absolute value, a local variation of p increases the area of triangle p p p , while a local 0 0 1 2 variatin of p decreases the area. 1 Figure 4: A configuration p = (p ,p ,p ) corresponding to a saddle point. 0 1 2 Note that the origin O is the orthocenter of triangle p p p . 0 1 2 Letusobserve,forthelatterpartoftheargument,whens <s ≤s ≤...≤s 0 1 2 d and(cid:104)p ,p (cid:105)=α ∈(s ,s1/2s1/2),i(cid:54)=j,thatinthehyperplanepassingthrough i j + 0 0 1 p ,...,p we obtain a (d−1)-dimensional configuration with d vectors q , where 1 d i p =µp +q , (cid:104)p ,q (cid:105)=0, i=1,...,d (7) i 0 i 0 i 6 with µp in the indicated hyperplane. Since µ=α /s , we find 0 + 0 α (cid:104)q ,q (cid:105)=α (1− +)<0 i j + s 0 α2 which is a maximum or minimum configuration for (cid:104)q ,q (cid:105)=s − + >0. i i i s0 The absence of local minima or maxima other than the absolute ones shows that (cid:81)d S√d−1 \{p : V(p) = 0} has exactly two connected components which i=0 s i are isomorphically exchanged by any orientation-reversing orthogonal transfor- mation. Theorem 1 Let s ≤ s ≤,... ≤ s denote the squared lengths of a complete 0 1 d set of edge representatives for a d-dimensional diamond framework D(p). The deformation space of this framework is a manifold of dimension (cid:0)d+1(cid:1)−1 and 2 can be described as the quotient (cid:81)d S√d−1\{p:V(p)=0}/O(d). The squared i=0 s i volumeofafundamentalparallelepiped(unitcell)hasamaximumcorresponding to the unique negative root α of (6). − The indicated quotient space is a manifold because O(d) acts without fixed points on V(p) (cid:54)= 0 and local charts can be obtained as transversals to orbits. An alternative argument will follow from using Gram coordinates. We have already implicated in our considerations the image of the parameter space (cid:81)d S√d−1 \{p : V(p) = 0}/O(d) obtained via Gram matrices G(p) = i=0 s i ((cid:104)p ,p (cid:105)) , with prescribed diagonal entries (cid:104)p ,p (cid:105) = s , i = 0,...,d. The i j 0≤i,j≤d i i i image is the locus of all semipositive (d+1)×(d+1) symmetric matrices of rank d with positive diagonal minors. While it is generally true that deformation spaces of periodic frameworks are connectedcomponentsofsemi-algebraicsets[6],thecaseofdiamondframeworks allows very explicit treatment. We are going to describe another image of the deformation space, given by the Gram marices of the generators v = p −p , i i 0 i=1,...,d of the corresponding periodicity lattices. We denote by ω =(ω ) , the symmetric d×d matrix with entries ij 1≤i,j≤d ω =(cid:104)v ,v (cid:105)=(cid:104)p −p ,p −p (cid:105)=(cid:104)p ,p (cid:105)−(cid:104)p +p ,p (cid:105)+s (8) ij i j i 0 j 0 i j i j 0 0 From ω =s +s −2(cid:104)p ,p (cid:105) we retrieve all entries ii i 0 i 0 1 (cid:104)p ,p (cid:105)= (s +s −ω ), i=1,...,d (9) i 0 2 i 0 ii and then 1 (cid:104)p ,p (cid:105)=ω + (s +s −ω −ω ), 1≤i(cid:54)=j ≤d (10) i j ij 2 i j ii jj 7 Thus, G(p) and ω contain equivalent information and the affine transformation defined by (9) and (10) take the algebraic hypersurface detG(p)=0 to a degree (d + 1) hypersurface in the vector space of d × d symmetric matrices (with coordinatesω ,1≤i≤j ≤d). Lineandcolumnoperationsgivetheequivalent ij expression as a ‘bordered determinant’ of ω, namely  s 1(s −s −ω ) ... 1(s −s −ω )  0 2 1 0 11 2 d 0 dd det 21(s1−s0−ω11) ω11 ... ω1d =0 (11)  .. .. ... ..  1(s −s −ω ) ω ... ω 2 d 0 dd d1 dd The image of the deformation space consists of the intersection of this hyper- surface with the open cone of positive definite symmetric matrices. Remark: Strictly speaking, we should indicate by an index s = (s ,...,s ) 0 d the fact that the diagonal entries in the Gram matrix G(p) = G (p) are fixed s by (cid:104)p ,p (cid:105) = s . While all hypersurfaces detG (p) = 0 in coordinates a = i i i s ij (cid:104)p ,p (cid:105), 0 ≤ i < j ≤ d are isomorphic to the case s = 1, i = 0,...,d under i j i linear transformations of the form a (cid:55)→ a /(s s )1/2, what varies with s is ij ij i j the intersection with the locus of semipositive definite matrices with positive diagonal minors (or, in terms of coordinates w in (11), the intersection with ij the positive definite cone). Let us show here that for all s, s > 0,i = 0,...,d, there are no singularities i of detG (p) = 0 in this intersection. With a = (cid:104)p ,p (cid:105) as coordinates, the s ij i j vanishing of the gradient would make all off-diagonal minors equal to zero. Since G (p) is not invertible, the diagonal minors must vanish as well and we s obtain a contradiction. The argument shows in fact that the singularity locus of detG (p)=0 is made of symmetric matrices of rank strictly less than d. s We shall investigate in more detail the case d=2, which involves Cayley nodal cubic surfaces. 3 Planar diamantine frameworks For d = 2, the deformation space of a diamantine framework is a surface. The topology of this surface can be determined with relative ease by observing that in the quotient 2 (cid:89) S√1 /SO(2) s i i=0 theactionofSO(2)=S1 canbeusedtofixp . Thus,wemayuseasparameters 2 the angles (φ ,φ )∈S1×S1 of p and p with p and exclude from this torus, 0 1 0 1 2 the degenerate locus corresponding to collinear vertices p ,p ,p . 0 1 2 8 When s < s ≤ s the torus is cut by two disjoint loops into two open cylin- 0 1 2 ders (isomorphic by reflection in the p axis), The generic case is illustrated in 2 Figure 5. Figure 5: Topology determination in the generic case s < s < s . With 0 1 2 p fixed, the possibilities for (p ,p ) are parametrized by the torus S1 ×S1. 2 0 1 The picture indicates the projection on the secon factor parametrizing p . The 1 two dark loops depicted on the torus represent degenerate configurations with collinear vertices p ,p ,p . 0 1 2 For s = s < ls we cut along intersecting loops which leave two (reflection 0 1 2 isomorphic)topologicalopendiscsinthecomplement. Thecases+0=s =s 1 2 is the simplest, since we exclude φ = 0, φ = 0 and φ = φ , leaving two 0 1 0 1 topological open discs in the complemeent. This gives: Proposition 2 The deformation space of a planar diamantine framework is an open cylinder when s <s ≤s and an open disc when s =s ≤s . 0 1 2 0 1 2 Remark: The topological change from disc to cylinder is reflected in the ap- parition of the saddle point for the area function. With these preparations, we may follow the scenario described in the previous section whereby the deformation space is mapped to the positive definite cone (of symmetric 2×2 matrices) by associating to a framework the Gram matrix ω =ω(p) of the two generators of the periodicity lattice p −p , i=1,2. i 0 We illustrate the ‘standard’ case s = s = s = 1 which allows the most 0 1 2 symmetric presentation, already depicted in Figure 1. Equation (11) takes the form f(ω)=f(ω ,ω ,ω )= 11 12 22 1 = ω ω (2ω −ω −ω )+ω ω −ω2 =0. (12) 4 11 22 12 11 22 11 22 12 9 Figure 6: The Cayley cubic surface and the positive semidefinite cone passing through its four nodes (rendered as small gaps between nonsingular connected components) . The 2-diamond deformation surface is the part inside the cone which wraps the tetrahedron with vertices at the nodes. The three lines of tangency along the three edges from the origin are excluded. The gradient vector  ω (1ω − 1ω − 1ω +1)  22 2 12 2 11 4 22 (cid:53)f(ω)= 21ω11ω22−2ω12  (13) ω (1ω − 1ω − 1ω +1) 11 2 12 2 22 4 11 vanishes at the four points: (0,0,0), ((4,0,0), (0,0,4), (4,4,4). At this stage, onemayrecognizethatourcubic(12)isprojectivelyequivalentwiththeCayley nodal cubic surface usually given in projective coordinates (x :x :x :x ) by 0 1 2 3 the vanishing of the third symmetric polynomial σ (x)=x x x +x x x +x x x +x x x =0. (14) 3 1 2 3 0 2 3 0 1 3 0 1 2 Up to projective equivalence, , the Cayley cubic is completely characterized by 10

abstract mathematical formulations are of relatively recent date [27]. Of course, with negative Poisson's ratio [21, 22] and has become an emblem of auxetic .. alen euclidischen Raumes mit einem endlichen Fundamentalbereich,.
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