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Deep GALEX Imaging of the HST/COSMOS Field: A First Look at the Morphology of z~0.7 Star-forming Galaxies PDF

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Preview Deep GALEX Imaging of the HST/COSMOS Field: A First Look at the Morphology of z~0.7 Star-forming Galaxies

Accepted forpublicationin ApJS COSMOSSpecialIssue, January9,2007 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.10/09/06 DEEP GALEX IMAGING OF THE HST/COSMOS FIELD: A FIRST LOOK AT THE MORPHOLOGY OF z 0.7 STAR-FORMING GALAXIES* ∼ M. A. Zamojski1, D. Schiminovich1, R. M. Rich2, B. Mobasher3, A. M. Koekemoer3, P. Capak4, Y. Taniguchi5, S. S. Sasaki4,5, H. J. McCracken6, Y. Mellier6, E. Bertin6, H. Aussel7,6, D. B. Sanders7, O. Le Fevre8, O. Ilbert7, M. Salvato4, D. J. Thompson16, J. S. Kartaltepe7, N. Scoville4,9, T. A. Barlow4, K. Forster4, P. G. Friedman4, D. C. Martin4, P. Morrissey4, S. G. Neff15, M. Seibert4, T. Small4, T. K. Wyder4, L. Bianchi10, J. Donas8, T. M. Heckman12, Y.-W. Lee11, B. F. Madore14, B. Milliard8, A. S. Szalay12, B. Y. Welsh13, S. K. Yi 11 Accepted for publication in ApJS COSMOSSpecial Issue, January 9, 2007 ABSTRACT 7 We present a study of the morphological nature of redshift z 0.7 star-forming galaxies using 0 ∼ a combination of HST/ACS, GALEX and ground-based images of the COSMOS field. Our sample 0 2 consistsof8,146galaxies,5,777ofwhicharedetectedintheGALEXnear-ultravioletband(2310˚A or ∼ 1360˚A rest-frame) down to a limiting magnitude of 25.5 (AB), and all of which have a brightness of n F814W (HST) <23 magandphotometric redshifts inthe range0.55<z <0.8. We make useof the a J UV to estimate star formation rates, correcting for the effect of dust using the UV-slope, and of the ground-based mutli-band data to calculate masses. For all galaxies in our sample, we compute, from 7 the ACS F814W images, their concentration (C), asymmetry (A) and clumpiness (S) as well as their 1 Gini coefficient (G) and the second moment of the brightest 20% of their light (M20). We observe a 1 bimodality in the galaxy population in asymmetry and in clumpiness, though the separation is most v evident when either of those parameters is combined with a concentration-like parameter (C, G or 8 M20). We further show that this morphological bimodality has a strong correspondence with the 7 FUV - g color bimodality, implying that UV-optical color predominantly evolves concurrently with 4 morphology. We observe many of the most star-forming galaxies to have morphologies approaching 1 that of early-type galaxies, and interpret this as evidence that strong starburst events are linked to 0 bulge growth and constitute a process through which galaxies can be brought from the blue to the 7 red sequence while simultaneously modifying their morphology accordingly. We conclude that the 0 red sequence has continued growing at z . 0.7. We also observe z 0.7 galaxies to have physical / ∼ h properties similar to that of local galaxies, except for higher star formation rates. Whence we infer p that the dimming of star-forming galaxies is responsible for most of the evolution in star formation - rate density since that redshift, although our data are also consistent with a mild number evolution. o Subject headings: galaxies: evolution — galaxies: fundamental parameters (masses, morphologies, r t radii, star formation rates) — surveys s a : v 1. INTRODUCTION Xi *BasedonobservationswiththeNASA/ESAHubbleSpaceTele- Star formation has been in decline, in the Universe, scope, obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute, which for the past 8 billion years. This discovery, manifested r is operated by AURA Inc, under NASA contract NAS 5-26555; a and with the NASA Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX); also inthenowwell-knownMadaudiagram(Lilly et al.1996; based on data collected at : the Subaru Telescope, which is op- Madau et al. 1996), has been a remarkable culmination erated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan; Kitt oflastdecade’sresearchingalaxyevolution. Thedetails Peak National Observatory, Cerro Tololo Inter-American Obser- vatory, and the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, which of this decline remain, however,surprisingly elusive: the areoperatedbytheAssociationofUniversitiesforResearchinAs- reason lying in the complex nature of star formation it- tronomy,Inc. (AURA)undercooperativeagreementwiththeNa- self. Fuel exhaustion (in situ gas consumption), reduc- tional Science Foundation; the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope with MegaPrime/MegaCam operated as a joint project by the CFHTCorporation,CEA/DAPNIA,theNationalResearchCoun- 8Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, BP 8, Traverse du cil of Canada, the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre, the Centre Siphon,13376MarseilleCedex12,France National de la Recherche Scientifique de France, TERAPIX and 9VisitingAstronomer,Univ. Hawaii,2680WoodlawnDr.,Hon- theUniversityofHawaii. olulu,HI,96822 1DepartmentofAstronomy,ColumbiaUniversity,MC2457,550 10Center for Astrophysical Sciences, The Johns Hopkins Uni- W.120St. NewYork,NY10027; versity,3400N.CharlesSt.,Baltimore,MD21218 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Califor- 11Center for Space Astrophysics, Yonsei University, Seoul 120- nia,LosAngeles,CA90095 749,Korea 3SpaceTelescopeScienceInstitute,3700SanMartinDrive,Bal- 12Department of Physics and Astronomy, The Johns Hopkins timore,MD21218 University,HomewoodCampus,Baltimore,MD21218 4CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology, MC105-24,1200EastCal- 13SpaceSciencesLaboratory,UniversityofCaliforniaatBerke- iforniaBoulevard,Pasadena, CA91125 ley,601CampbellHall,Berkeley,CA94720 5Astronomical Institute, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku 14ObservatoriesoftheCarnegieInstitutionofWashington, 813 University,Aramaki,Aoba,Sendai980-8578, Japan SantaBarbaraSt.,Pasadena, CA91101 6Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, UMR 7095, 98 bis Boule- 15LaboratoryforAstronomyandSolarPhysics,NASAGoddard vardArago,75014Paris,France SpaceFlightCenter,Greenbelt, MD20771 7Institute for Astronomy, 2680 Woodlawn Dr., University of 16Caltech Optical Observatories, MS 320-47, California Insti- Hawaii,Honolulu,Hawaii,96822 tuteofTechnology, Pasadena, CA91125 2 Zamojski et al. tion in merger rate and environmental effects could all shift Survey (e.g. Madgwick et al. 2002) have really pro- share the responsibility. As many physical character- pelled statistical studies of galaxy properties. Although istics of galaxies correlate with their Hubble type (e.g. trends of color vs. morphology have been known for a Kennicutt 1998), their classification within redshift sur- long time (de Vaucouleurs 1961), Strateva et al. (2001) veys has been a natural segue in the investigationof the showed that the color distribution of galaxies was not decline of star formation. smooth, but doubly-peaked with early-types dominat- Color, spectral class or morphology are among the ing the red population and late-types the blue one. most commonly used criteria to separate galaxies and Kauffmann et al. (2003a) also observed this bimodality were quickly applied by investigators. For example, in the D (4000) index, indicative of a division in the n Lilly et al. (1995) found that the luminosity density populationbetweengalaxiesdominatedby an oldstellar of blue galaxies brightens substantially up to redshift population and ones that experienced recent episodes of z 1, whereas that of red galaxies does not, a result starformation. Kauffmann et al.(2003b)furthershowed con∼firmed by today’s much larger samples (Faber et al. thatthisseparationoccursatM∗ 3 1010M⊙andthat ∼ × 2005). Ellis et al. (1996) divided galaxies in the Aut- lower-massgalaxiesbesideshavingyoungstellarpopula- ofib/LDSS sample according to their [OII] equivalent tions also have disk-like structural parameters, whereas width and found a strong evolution in the volume den- higher-massoneshaveoldstellarpopulations andbulge- sity of moderate to low-luminosity objects with strong like structural parameters. Brinchmann et al. (2004) re- [OII] emission while Heyl et al. (1997) divided the same inforcedtheseconclusionsbydirectlycalculatingspecific sample into spectral types and found that late-type spi- star formation rates (SFR per unit mass) for 150,000 ∼ rals were the ones dominating the evolution of the blue galaxies, and observed the same divide of high-sSFR luminosity function. and low-sSFR with age, mass and structural parame- Attempts at resolving distant star-forming galaxies ters/Hubble type. Blanton et al. (2003b) labeled these into morphological types date back to the problem of two populations the red and the blue sequences. More faint blue galaxies (see Ellis 1997, for a review) for recently,Bell et al.(2004)foundthesamecolorbimodal- which Brinchmann et al. (1998) concluded, using HST ity at all redshifts up to z 1 using the COMBO-17 ∼ pointings at locations in the CFRS (Lilly et al. 1995) sample (Wolf et al. 2003). and LDSS (Ellis et al. 1996) fields, that peculiar galax- WithCOSMOS(Scoville et al.2007b), itisnowpossi- ies, identified to be responsible for the faint blue excess bletoexpandstatisticalanalysesofhigherredshiftgalax- (Griffiths et al. 1994), were also the main cause for the iesto levelsthatallowcomparisonwithSDSSor2dF.In rapid evolution of the blue luminosity function observed thispaper,wecombineHST/ACSandGALEXcoverage in those redshift surveys. Recently, however, Wolf et al. of the COSMOS field (Koekemoer 2007; Schiminovich (2005), with a sample of 1483 galaxies at z 0.7 ex- 2007) to study the morphological properties of star- ∼ tractedfromGEMS(Rix et al.2004),foundspiralgalax- forminggalaxiesatz 0.7. Inviewofthestreneoustask ∼ ies to actually dominate the overall UV(2800˚A) lumi- of classifying large numbers of objects by eye and of the nosity at that redshift (though with irregular galaxies subjectivity itcarries,forthis study as wellas for future still being prevalent at faint magnitudes), implying that comparison we chose to follow the path of automated their fading, accompanied with a similar migration to classification. Abraham et al. (1996b,a) demonstrated lower UV-luminosities in irregulars, must lead the de- the usefulness of such an approach by using concentra- cline of star formationdensity, rather than a decrease in tion and asymmetry measurements to classify galaxies merging rate. Spitzer 24µm observations of that same in the MDS and HDF according to their location in the sample show that most of the IR-emission associated C-A plane. In parallel, Odewahn et al. (1996) used a with dust-reprocessed UV-light from young stars, emis- neural-network code on the HDF sample and arrived sion that declines with redshift even faster than that of at results similar to Abraham et al. (1996a). Following the escaping UV (Le Floc’h et al. 2005), is also domi- along this path, people have devised and applied several nated by spiral galaxies (Bell et al. 2005). Moreover, ingeniousalgorithmsformorphologicalclassification,the Melbourne et al.(2005)comparedLIRGmorphologiesat mostpopularbeingtheSersicindex(S´ersic1968),bulge- redshifts 0.1 < z < 1 and confirmed that high-redshift to-disk decomposition (Simard 1998; Peng et al. 2002), (z > 0.5) LIRGs are dominated by spirals unlike low- and shapelet decomposition (Refregier 2003). These, redshiftones(z <0.5)whicharemostly peculiars. They however, all require fitting objects to a set of parame- interpretthatasadepletionofgassupplycausingspirals ters or functions. In this paper, we preferred to follow to fall to sub-LIRG levels of star formation, while pe- the purely mensurational approach of Abraham et al. culiar morphologies, characteristic of mergers, continue (1996b), and expanding it by adding measurements of to experience strong bursts of star formation. Along clumpiness (Conselice 2003) as well as of the recently thesamelines,Menanteau et al.(2006),usingthe paral- developed Gini and M20 coefficients (Lotz et al. 2004; lel NICMOS observations of the UDF, also showed spi- Abraham et al. 2003) to use as our morphological pa- rals to dominate ρ at all redshifts up to z & 1, at rameters, and classification criteria. SFR which point irregular/peculiar galaxies, which show the Inthispaper,wepresentmorphologicalcharacteristics sharpest rise, become equally important. These many of the galaxy population at z 0.7, and study their ∼ evidences suggest that spirals play a crucial role in the relation to physical parameters. We also compare both last 8 Gyr evolution of galaxies. theirmorphologicalandphysicalpropertieswiththoseof Meanwhile,awealthofinformationaboutlow-redshift low-redshift galaxy samples in the literature. We focus galaxies has also emerged. In particular, large surveys most of our attention on the relation between star for- such as SDSS (York et al. 2000) and 2dF Galaxy Red- mationrateandmorphology,andinterpretourresultsin the framework of galaxy evolution. We discuss implica- Morphology of star forming galaxies in COSMOS 3 tions for evolution scenarios since z 0.7 in the context with each GALEX image. We ran the phot routine (a ∼ of the literature, with an emphasis on blue to red se- routine that performs aperture photometry) with cen- quence evolution. The paper is organized as such: we troid recentering of the objects. We then fit the center first shortly describe, in section 2, the COSMOS survey, of the distribution of shifts in the x and y-directions as its data, as well as the GALEX observations and data, well as in the angle of rotation θ around the center of before discussing our sample selection. We outline our the pointing, and applied the mean shift to all positions approach to morphologicalanalysis in section 3, present obtainedfromthe astrometry. This small(<1 pix) con- the results of our investigation in section 4, and discuss stantuniformshiftdoesagoodjobatrealigningposition their interpretation and implications in section 5. priorswithobjects,andisthereforethe onlyastrometric correctionwe applied. 2. OBSERVATIONSANDDATA WethenfollowedthestandardDAOPHOTprocedures 2.1. HST/ACS Observations of running phot (performing aperture photometry), psf (modeling the psf) and allstar (performing psf-fitting We make use of the full HST coverage of the COS- photometry) to obtain UV-fluxes for our objects. This MOS field, which consists of 542 HST/ACS images time we did not allow for recentering in the phot pro- with depth of I < 27 mag (AB,10σ point source), 0.09” cedure, but we did in allstar, since, by looking at the FWHM resolution (with 0.05” pixels) and whose mosaic residuals, we found psf-fitting to be much better when spans an area of 2deg2. An overview of the COSMOS recenteringwasallowed. Thedrawback,however,isthat project is given in Scoville et al. (2007b) with detail de- priorslocatedinregionswithnoapparentUVwereoften scription of the ACS observations and data reduction moved, in the process of recentering, to fit a neighbor- in Scoville et al. (2007a) and Koekemoer (2007) respec- ing object. The measurements weretherefore rematched tively. to objects in the original catalog that were located clos- est, but no farther than 3”, to the measured GALEX 2.2. Ground-based Observations and Catalog positions. Lastly, we created masks to eliminate vari- Ground-based follow-up observations have been per- ous artifacts, as well as a few very bright stars, in our formed using the CFHT (u* and i bands), Sub- four NUV images, and nulled all detections found inside aru/SuprimeCam (BVgriz), Kitt Peak/Flamingos (K- masked regions. band) and CTIO (also K-band) telescopes, providing deep coverage, with typical limiting magnitudes of 27 2.4. Sample Selection (AB, 3σ), of the field from the u to z bands (mz = limit We aimed at extracting a sample in a narrowrange of 25.8), as well as shallower imaging in the K-band redshifts around z 0.7 bright enough to study mor- (mKlimit = 21.6). Details of the ground-based observa- phologyin the ACS∼images. The choice ofredshift 0.7 is tions and data reduction are presented in Capak et al. convenient in that the observed NUV-band roughly cor- (2007) and Taniguchi et al. (2007). A multi-wavelength responds to the (z = 0.1)-frame FUV. This minimizes photometric catalog (Capak et al. 2007) was generated K-corrections and allows for easy comparison with lo- using SExtractor (Bertin & Arnouts 1996), with the i- cal samples such as SDSS. A narrow redshift range fur- band as the selection wavelength. We further performed ther allows us to obviate the need for morphological K- SED fitting of this multi-band data and calculated pho- corrections. The selection procedure we employed is the tometric redshifts for galaxies with i < 25 mag (AB) following: we first ran our morphological analysis ex- (Mobasher et al. 2007). Our photometric redshifts have clusively on objects with I mag < 23 as morphological an rms of σ((zphot zspec)/(1+zspec))=0.031 with 2% parameters become less reliable for fainter objects. We − outliers. We make use of these photometric redshifts in then removed all objects with (petrosian) radii smaller selecting our sample. than 0.2”, since they are below our resolution limit. As those objects are mostly starsand QSO’s (figure 1), this 2.3. GALEX Observations cutdoesnotintroduceanybiasinoursample. Ourmag- We used GALEX (Martin et al. 2005a), which has a nitude cut does, however, progressively bias us towards circular field-of-view of 1.2◦ in diameter, to observe the higher surface brightness objects as we move to smaller COSMOS region in ultraviolet light with four pointings radii. This effect shows up later in some of our analysis, of 50 ks each. These observations, performed as part andisdiscussedincontext. Wefurthercleanedoursam- ∼ of the GALEX Deep Imaging Survey, reach a limiting ple of stars (and stellar-like object) by applying a cut in magnitude of 25.5 mag (AB) in the near-ultraviolet the r I plane (these parameters are described petro ACS ∼ − band (NUV). GALEX has a resolution of 5.6” in the in the next section), where stars and galaxies segregate NUV which corresponds to 40 kpc at z 0.7, larger unmistakably(figure1),beforeproceedingtoremoveob- ∼ ∼ than the typical size of galaxies. The full details of the jects that, after visual inspection, were found to be false observations can be found in Schiminovich (2007). detections or that showed various problems with their Since standard pipeline processing of deep fields can segmentation(wedescribeoursegmentationtechniquein sometimes blend two objects into a single detection, section 3.1). These fews steps not only clean our sample we employed a different method of source extraction. ofstars,butalso,atthesametime,ofmostbuttheweak- As the vast majority of our sources appear unresolved est AGNs. We lastly selected for this study only objects to GALEX, we decided to use the DAOPHOT soft- with photometric redshifts in the range 0.55 < z 0.8. ≤ ware (Stetson 1992) to measure photometry. We further This redshift bin width translates into a difference of lu- made use of the ground-based COSMOS catalog to feed minosity of 0.8 magnitudes for objects with the same DAOPHOT with position priors. Because of small as- brightness located on both ends of the redshift range. trometric offsets, our first step was to align the priors In the end, our sample contains 8,146 galaxies, 5,777 of 4 Zamojski et al. SEDs. Furthermore, because of the degeneracy between age and dust in red galaxies, and because of the uncer- tainty in FUV magnitudes derived for objects with no GALEXdetection,wedecidednottouseβ asaproxyfor dust attenuation for these galaxies, but instead, to sim- ply apply a moderate constant dust correction of +0.5 in log SFR (which is equivalent to a A of 1.25 or FUV an E(B-V) of 0.151). This is a reasonable correction for early-type galaxies which constitute most of these ob- jects. Onthe otherhand,thismethodcompletelymisses themostheavilyobscuredgalaxies,suchascouldbesome ULIRGs, though these are far less common. The up- coming Spitzer data release for the COSMOS field will be extremely helpful in the study of these objects. For now, we need to leave those with UV-fluxes below our detection limit behind, i.e. with star formation rate es- timates in the range of quiescent galaxies, much below their true value. Because of the discrepancy in the qual- ity of our measurements between UV-detected and non- UV-detected objects discussed above, we clearly differ- entiate the two populations in our plots and analysis. After conversion to a star formation rate, our limiting magnitude of m = 25.5 corresponds to log SFR = NUV Fig. 1.— Petrosian radius vs IACS-band magnitude for all 0.11 or a star formation rate of about 1 M⊙ yr−1 for a objects in our morphological sample. The dashed-line represents z = 0.7 galaxy with an A of 1.25. Throughout this FUV ourstar/galaxyseparation,starslyingbelowthelineandgalaxies paper, we thus also refer to objects in our UV-detected above. sample as star-forming galaxies. We also applied our derived K-corrections to obtain which are detected in the NUV with GALEX. We thus restframe B and V-band absolute magnitudes and used detect,intheUV,about70%ofobjectswithI mag <23 the Bell & de Jong (2001) relation between B V color and redshift z 0.7. Throughout this paper, we some- − ∼ and the ratio of mass to V-band luminosity timesutilize,whereappropriate,ourUV-detectedsample only, but otherwise normally refer to our full sample of log(M∗/LV)= 0.734+1.404 (B V) (2) 8,146 galaxies. − × − with a scaled Salpeter IMF to calculate masses for 2.5. Star Formation Rates and Masses all objects in our sample. The scale Salpeter IMF (Bell & de Jong 2001) has a shallower slope at low We performed our own SED analysis on the combined masses, similar to the Chabrier IMF (Chabrier 2003). GALEX + ground-based photometric data using the This method is accurate to about 0.1-0.2 dex with most KCORRECT software (Blanton et al. 2003a), and ex- uncertainties coming from bursts of star formation, dust tracted from it K-correction estimates for each galaxy. and uncertainties in the Bell & de Jong (2001) models. We chose such an approach because KCORRECT is de- signed to extract the most physically realizable SED by 3. MORPHOLOGICALANALYSIS usinglinearcombinationsoffourspectrathatarecharac- teristicofphysicalstatesofgalaxies,fromintenselystar- Given the large nature of our sample, it is impor- bursting to quiescent. We applied the K-corrections to tant to use both an automated and consistent morpho- u andNUV-bandphotometry toobtainrestframeFUV logical classification scheme. We therefore chose to fol- an∗d NUV absolute magnitudes from which we derived a low the workof Abraham et al.(1996b), Conselice et al. UV-slope which, given the relation between β (the UV- (2000), Conselice (2003), Abraham et al. (2003) and slope) and A (the FUV attenuation) (Seibert et al. Lotz et al. (2004) and use their non-parametric ap- FUV 2005), provides us with a dust correction factor.17 We proaches, thus computing Concentration(C), Asymme- then converted the corrected FUV-luminosities to star try(A) and Clumpiness(S) parameters (Conselice 2003), formation rates using the Kennicutt (1998) relation be- as well as the Gini coefficient(G) and second order mo- tweenstarformationrateandUV-continuumluminosity: ment of the distribution of the brightest 20% of the light(M20) (Lotz et al. 2004) for all objects in our sam- SFR(M⊙ year−1)=1.4 10−28Lν,UV(ergs s−1 Hz−1) ple. Webrieflydescribetheseparametersinthefollowing × (1) sections, but refer the reader to the papers cited above For objects without NUV counterparts, restframe FUV for a full description. magnitudes have been derived directly from the fitted 3.1. Size and Segmentation 17 Some observations (Seibertetal. 2005; Corteseetal. 2006) suggestthattheAFUV −βrelationissteeperinstarburstgalaxies Before measuring any morphological parameter, one than in normal galaxies. Since we are using the relation for nor- needstoassignaregionoftheimagetoeverygalaxy. The malgalaxies, itispossiblethat, forstarbursts,our starformation standard approach (Conselice 2003) has been to take a ratesareslightlyunderestimated. This,however,wouldnotaffect circular aperture of radius 1.5 r , where r , the thequalitativebehaviorofstarformationrateinrelationtoother petro petro × properties,whichiswhatwefocusoninthispaper. Petrosian radius, is the radius at which η(r) = 0.2, and Morphology of star forming galaxies in COSMOS 5 where η(r) is defined as µ(r) η(r)= (3) µ(<r) that is the ratio of the surface brightness at a given ra- dius to the mean surface brightness within that radius. Over a fixed surface brightness cut, this method has the advantageofbeing farlessaffectedbysurfacebrightness dimming. The Gini coefficient and the second order moment of the light, however, require a full segmentation of ev- ery object. Lotz et al. (2004) use the isophote of sur- face brightness µ = µ(r ) on a smoothed version petro of the image, the smoothing kernel being a gaussian of σ = 0.2 r , as the boundary of their galax- petro × ies. We followed the same prescription, though with a tophat smoothing kernel of diameter 0.3 r . We petro × also imposed a minimum surface brightness of µ = min 0.6 σ (after background subtraction). By background × summing all the flux within our segmentation maps, we were able to estimate the total I -band flux for each ACS galaxy, which we then used to normalize all of our mor- phological and size parameters. Unlike Conselice (2003) who used thumbnail images, our algorithm extracts ob- Fig. 2.—Actual50%-radiusoverthemeasured50%-radiusasof jectsfromlargerimages,andwethereforedecidedtoalso function of measured concentration, for theoretical S´ersic profiles ofintegerindices1to4. Thelineisafitthroughthefourcalculated extendtheuseofsegmentationmapstothecomputation points and represents the size correction factor we applied to our of asymmetry and clumpiness since, compared to circu- measuredvalues of r50% inorder to recover actual values of r50% lar apertures, they are less likely to pick up light from for our objects. We apply a minimum and maximum correction neighboring objects. factorof1and2,respectively. Apartfromr , wealsomakeuseofthreeothersize petro measurements: r , r and r . These represent 20% 50% 80% 3.3. Asymmetry the radii encompassing respectively 20, 50 and 80% of the total I -flux of the galaxy, and are obtained by Asymmetry is calculatedby comparinganobjectwith ACS summing the flux inside a circular aperture of expand- an image of itself rotated by 180◦. It is therefore crucial ing radius until the respective percentages of the light to know the object’s center, which becomes the pivot are attained. We utilize r and r in the computa- point. Our approach in determining centers mostly fol- 20% 80% tion of concentration, and we use r (converted to a lowstheonedescribedinConselice et al.(2000). Wefirst 50% physical scale) as our parameter for size. Because our pick the brightest pixel, after some smoothing, as a first value of r is measured with respect to the total flux estimate of the center. We then refine it by calculating 50% inside the Petrosian radius, we systematically underes- asymmetrieswithina4-pixelradiusaperturesuccessively timate its actual value. Therefore, in order to attempt centeredoneachofthe9pointsofa3 3gridatthatini- × to recover to true size of our objects, we multiplied our tial center. We proceed to the lowest asymmetry point, valuesofr byacorrectionfactor. Thiscorrectionfac- refiningourmeshtosub-pixellevelbyinterpolationuntil 50% torwascalculatedby,firstcomparingtruevaluesofr thedifferenceinasymmetriesbetweenthelowestandsec- 50% fortheoreticalS´ersicprofiles(S´ersic1968)withS´ersicin- ondtolowestpointsislessthanorequalto0.001or20it- dicesof1,2,3and4,totheradiusat50%ofthefluxinside erations have been reached. Contraryto Conselice et al. theirPetrosianradius,thencalculatingtheconcentration (2000) we only use a 4-pixel radius aperture, as opposed values for those four profiles (there exists a one-to-one to full-aperture, to minimize our asymmetry, since our monotonic relation between S´ersic index and concentra- goalisreallytofindthecenterofsymmetryofthebulge. tion), and finally obtaining a fit for ractual/rmeasured as Minimizing global asymmetry would generally give us a 50% 50% a function of concentration. The result is shown in fig- center closer to the center of light of the system, which, ure 2. The points represent the theoretical calculations in the case of highly peculiar galaxies or mergers, could for S´ersic profiles of S´ersic indices 1,2,3 and 4, and the be very far from the bulge center. Although that ap- line represents the fit to the relation. We also limit the proach is just as valid, we found the first one to be a correction factor to 2.0, hence all objects with C >4.65 better discriminant of interacting systems. simply have their r doubled. Weimplementedtwootherminorchangesintheasym- 50% metry algorithm. Both are mostly procedural, help re- 3.2. Concentration duce the scatter, but also tend to produce values of A that are higher than that of the standard algorithm Concentrationisdefinedbytheratiooftheradiuscon- (Conselice et al. 2000), though, we reckon, more accu- taining 80% (r ) to the radius containing 20% (r ) 80% 20% rate. One modification is the use of segmentation maps of the total light. instead of circular apertures as mentioned above. More r C =5 log 80% (4) precisely,the procedure involves symmetrizing the maps × r20% first,andthenapplyingthemtothedifferenceimageob- 6 Zamojski et al. tainedbysubtractingtherotatedimagefromitsoriginal. though, this slight modification did not yield different This causes interacting systems to be fully included into results from the standard approach. As for the effect thesegmentationratherthanonlythepartofwhichfalls of background on clumpiness, we corrected for it using within a certain circular apperture. The second modi- the standard method (Conselice 2003). We also make fication we implemented concerns the way we estimate use,here,ofsegmentationmapsforsummingovergalaxy the effect of the background. (Conselice et al. 2000) use pixels in the difference image. a nearby empty region of space to calculate the asym- metry of the background and then subtract that asym- 3.5. Gini metry from the original value. We, on the other hand, The Gini coefficient (Abraham et al. 2003) measures estimate the effect of the background by calculating a the inequality of the distribution of flux among the pix- second asymmetry value (A′) from a convolved version els associated to a galaxy. Its possible range of values of the object, with the following 5-point average convo- goes from 0, in the case where all the pixels would have lution the same intensity, i.e. complete equality among pixels, 1 to 1, in the case where all the flux of a galaxy would fi′,j = 5(fi,j +fi+1,j +fi−1,j +fi,j+1+fi,j−1) (5) be contained in a single pixel. In general, it can be de- fined as the ratio of the area between the Lorenz curve where f represents the flux at the (i,j) pixel of the i,j and the curve of uniform equality to the area under the image. If we assume that the intrinsic asymmetry of the curve of uniform equality. The Lorenz curve, L(p), is in light does not change in the weakly convolved version, turn defined as the curve representing the proportion of and there is evidence for such an assumption to hold thetotalflux containedinthedimmestpfractionofpix- with even bigger convolution kernels (Conselice 2003), els. The Gini coefficient is thus somewhat analogous to the difference between the two asymmetry values must the concentration parameter, except that it is not mea- be entirely due to background, and since the standard sured with respect to a specified center. It requires, on deviation of the background in the smoothed image is theotherhand,objectstobesegmented. Inotherwords, reduced by a factor √5 fromits unsmoothed version,we aboundaryneedstobedrawninsidewhichpixelsareas- have signedto theobject. Asdescribedabove(3.1),wefollow theprescriptionofLotz et al.(2004)andusetheisophote A =A A (6) intrinsic background =A′−−A′background (7) oofursubrofaucnedbarriyg.htWneessthµe(nrpectarloc)ulianttehdeGcoinnivocolveeffidciimenatgsefoars A ourobjectsbysummingthevaluesofthesegmentedpix- =A′ background (8) els in the following way: − √5 n Thisimpliesthatwecanestimatetheamountofasymme- 1 G= (2i n 1) X (10) try due to random fluctuations in the background from X¯ n(n 1) − − | i| − Xi the following formula: (cid:12) (cid:12) where the n (cid:12)pix(cid:12)els are first sorted from dimmest to A A′ brightest (in absolute value), and X represents the flux A = − (9) i background 1 1/√5 of the ith pixel. This method is equivalent to the defini- − tion given above, the absolute values making it further andsubtractitfromourasymmetrymeasurementtoob- more robust to backgroundnoise (Lotz et al. 2004). taintheintrinsicasymmetryoftheobject. Thisprevents usfromsubtractingbackgroundasymmetryfromregions 3.6. M20 where it is due to intrinsic differences between opposite M20standsforthenormalizedsecondordermomentof parts of the galaxy. thebrightest20%ofthegalaxy’sflux. Itisbestdescribed 3.4. Clumpiness mathematically as: Clumpiness is calculated by subtracting from an im- f r2 age a blurred version of itself. The blurred version is M20 ≡log10(cid:18)PMi i· i (cid:19) (11) obtained by convolvingthe image with a circular tophat tot filterofdiameterequalto0.3 r . Aftersubtraction, where f andr representthe flux and distance from the petro i i only positive values are retain×ed and summed. Straight center ofthe ith pixel respectively,and where the sum is forward application of this procedure almost always re- performedbyaddingpixelsindecreasingorderofbright- tains significant flux in the center, where bulges sharply ness(startingwiththebrightestone)until f reaches i i peak, and must be corrected for. Conselice (2003) chose 20% of the total flux. Mtot in this equatPion is simply to simply blank the region inside one filter radius. We the second-order moment summed over all pixels. M20 opted for a similar but slightly different approach. We is thus like an inverse concentration for galaxies whose decreased the size of our convolution kernel for points profiledeclines monotonicallyandisotropically. Inthose inside two filter radii. In that regime, we set the fil- cases, the brightest 20% of the flux pixels is equivalent ter radius to one half of the distance to the center. It tothe regionenclosedbythe 20%ofthe flux radius,and reaches zero in the center, with the 9 central pixels not r and r then also follow a simple relation. How- 80% petro being smoothed at all, therefore always subtracting out. ever, M20 is much more strongly influenced by bright This allowedus to minimize the contribution of the cen- clumps in the outskirts of galaxies than is concentra- tral peak to the clumpiness value while still picking out tion. Therefore, whereas concentration can sometimes bright clumps or bars near the center. In most cases be thought as a bulge-to-disk ratio, M20 diverges from Morphology of star forming galaxies in COSMOS 7 Fig. 3.—Thedistributionofourfullsampleinconcentration(C),asymmetry(A),clumpiness(S),Ginicoefficient(G)andsecondmoment ofthebrightest20%ofthelight(M20). that concept in cases where extended non-axisymmetric spheroidal, in which case they have nearly zero asym- light becomes important, as is the case in mergers and metry and clumpiness, or dominated by disks, whichex- certain disks. hibittypicalvaluesofasymmetryandclumpinessaround A = 0.25 and S = 0.17. Intermediate morphologies in 4. RESULTS which a visible disk still exists albeit being supplanted 4.1. Morphology of z 0.7 Galaxies inimportance by the bulge, suchas inS0’s andSa’s, are ∼ Figure 3 shows the distribution of our full sample in encountered less frequently. ourfive morphologicalparameters. The distributiondis- Althoughclumpinessandasymmetryappeartobehave plays a clearmorphologicalbimodality, analogousto the in very similar ways and even to actually correlate with color bimodality observed by Bell et al. (2004) at those oneanother,theyarenotcompletelydegenerate. Forex- redshifts. This bimodality appears in both asymmetry ample,thegalaxieswiththehighestratiosofS/Aareal- and clumpiness parameters,but becomes most apparent mostexclusivelyedge-ongalaxies,whereastheoneswith in a 2-D distribution when either of these is combined thelowestratiosoftenhaveabrightcompactcenterwith withaconcentration-likeparameter(concentration,Gini a long but faint and smooth tail, or cloud, extending on or M20). This implies that galaxies tend to be either one side (tadpole galaxies [Griffiths et al., 1994] would 8 Zamojski et al. Fig. 4.—Histograms of the relative number of objects inour sampleas afunction of each of our morphological parameters, compared tothedistributioninthesamplesofConselice(2003)(lightgreyline)andLotzetal.(2004)(darkgreyline). fall in that category),thus boosting asymmetry, but not the Digitized Sky Survey. Because it has a very uniform clumpiness. On the other hand, it is true that elliptical disk, it’s Gini coefficient is low, 0.4 in this case, which galaxieswillhavebothnear-zeroasymmetryandclumpi- is the low-end limit in Lotz et al. (2004)’s sample, but ness. which is not yet as low as many objects in our sam- ThestrongcorrelationbetweenconcentrationandM20 ple. However, we found that by degrading its image to is due to the fact that they have similar definitions the level shown in figure 5b, we were able to reproduce (see section 3.6). As mentioned in section 3.6, however, an image with a Gini coefficient of 0.3, similar to the M20ismuchmoresensitivetonon-axisymmetricfeatures ones of figure 5c and 5d which represent two G 0.3 ∼ which occur in many disks as well as in mergers. This galaxies from our sample. On the other hand, we find is why outliers lying above (higher M20) the M20-C re- the Gini coefficient of ellipticals to be a fairly robust to lation begin to appear as one moves towards the low-C, resolution and signal-to-noise effects, which means that high-M20 part of the plane. imagedegradationonlystretchesthelow-endoftheGini- Figure 4 shows the distribution of our values of C, A, distribution, and indeed, this is what we observe in fig- S, G and M20 compared to the one in the samples of ure 4. Finally, our values of M20 correspond very well Conselice (2003) and Lotz et al. (2004). Because of the to those ofLotz et al. (2004). The only difference being, fact that we effectively use the flux within one petrosian as we mentioned earlier, their higher fraction of bulge- radiusinourestimateofthetotalflux(seesection3.1)as dominated objects. opposedto 1.5 r asinConselice(2003),our values petro of C are lower×by about 0.3. From theoretical consid- 4.2. Physical Properties of z 0.7 Galaxies ∼ erations of S´ersic profiles (S´ersic 1968), we obtained a Figures 6 and 7 represent the distribution of sizes, similar shift rather ubiquitously across all S´ersic indices masses,surfacemassdensities,starformationrates,spe- goingfrom1 (exponential)to 4 (de Vaucouleurs). Other cific star formation rates and restframe FUV - g color than that constant shift, all distributions are otherwise in our UV-detected and full samples respectively. Size, fairly similar, except for the fact that Conselice (2003) mass and star formation rate measurements were per- and Lotz et al. (2004) have a higher fraction of objects formed as described in sections 3.1, 2.2 and 2.4 respec- with bulge-dominated morphologies. This, however, has tively. Surface mass densities were derivedusing the fol- no implications since their sample was selected by hand. lowing relation: The asymmetry values in our sample are also slightly 0.5M∗ different (∆A ∼ 0.1). This is certainly at least partly µ∗ = πr2 (12) a real effect as higher redshift galaxies tend to show 50% more peculiarity (e.g. van den Bergh et al. 1996). How- where the factor of 0.5 accounts for the average effect ever, we did implement a different backgroundasymme- of inclination. We also plot, in figure 8, the conditional try subtraction algorithm, which is specially written so plot of figure 7, that is a plot where each column has that to avoid oversubtraction. Our clumpiness(S) mea- been normalized separately, i.e. the value in each bin surementsarealsosystematicallylower. Suchadecrease has been divided by the total number of objects in that inSwithredshiftwaspredictedandcalculated,however, same range of the independent variable. We also show byConselice(2003),andisaconsequenceofbrightknots in figure 8, for every column, the 10, 50 (or median) getting smearedout in images with lower resolutionand and 90% quantiles. These clearly trace out how the de- lower signal-to-noise, the latter being a consequence of pendent variable varies specifically as a function of the surface brightness dimming. In addition, the higher the independent variable as the effect of the number of ob- realclumpiness, the largerthis effect is. Our clumpiness jectspresentatagivenvalueoftheindependentvariable values, thus rarely exceed 0.5. is removed by the normalization. They also provide us Our Gini values also tend to be lower, but we think with a sense for the spread in the relation. thisisalsosimplyduetolowersignal-to-noise. Figure5a As our selection criteria are optimized for morpho- showsthepictureofNGC4790,anSdgalaxy,takenfrom logical analysis, our sample is only complete for large Morphology of star forming galaxies in COSMOS 9 (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 5.— a) Sdgalaxy NGC 4790. NGC 4790 has a Gini coefficient of 0.4 and is19 Mpc away. b) Degraded image of NGC 4790. It’s Gini coefficient is 0.3. c) Galaxy at z =0.74 in the COSMOS field with a Gini coefficient of 0.3. d) Another galaxy from the COSMOS fieldwithaGiniof0.3. Thisoneatz=0.65. (r50% & 3 kpc) and massive (logM∗ & 10) galaxies. logM∗ 10.5 M⊙. Whenplottedagainststarformation ≈ We neverthelessobservethe propertiesofgalaxiesinour rate, it shows that the range of possible SFR’s widens sample to be, within our completeness limits, consistent as one progresses to redder colors with the population with that of local galaxy samples in sizes, masses and bifurcating into old quiescent galaxies on one side, and surface mass densities. They do, however, have higher dust-enshrouded star-forming ones on the other. Many star formation rates. This increase in star formation of the relations in figures 6 to 8 have been studied in rate also reflects itself in figure 9, which shows our star the low-redshiftpopulationby Kauffmann et al.(2003b) formation rate distribution in comparison to the local andBrinchmann et al.(2004). Wethusnowturntocom- star formationrate function of Martin et al. (2005b). In pareourresultswiththeirstoinvestigatewhetherorhow fact,figure9demonstratesthatourdistributionisshifted these relations have changed since redshift z 0.7. ∼ by a factor of about 3.5 (0.55 in log space) which cor- Kauffmann et al.(2003b)observedlogµ∗tobepropor- responds to the overall increase in star formation rate tionaltologM∗forlogM∗ .10.5followedbyaflattening density of the Universe between z = 0 and z = 0.7 athighermasses. Therelationbetweenlogµ∗andlogM∗ (Schiminovich et al. 2005). We demonstrate in the sec- in our UV-detected sample (figure 6) is consistent with ond half of this section that, by comparing to localsam- theirs, but comparison of the Kauffmann et al. (2003b) ples,thisshiftisubiquitousamongthefullrangeofstar- relation with our full sample (figures 7 and 8) is harder forming galaxies. As for the color distribution, it dis- to reconcile. Within our detection limits, our two rela- plays bimodality (figure 7), similar to that observed at tionsareconsistentatlow-masses,but wefailto observe low redshifts (Strateva et al. 2001), as well as very dis- the break inthe slope for higher-massobjects. However, tinct red and blue sequences when plotted against mass becauseofourincompletenessatsmallradii,wearemiss- (Wyder et al. 2006), with the transition occurring at ing the top part of the relation (where r . 1.0 kpc), 50% 10 Zamojski et al. Fig. 6.—DistributionofourUV-detectedsampleinvariousphysicalparameters. DottedlinesrepresentinthelogM∗−logsSFRplane: our detection limitof log SFR = 0.11; in the logµ∗−logr50% plane: our detection limitof log M∗ =9.1 and the lineof log M∗ =11.6 (which is the high-mass cutoff in our mass distribution); in the logµ∗−logM∗ plane: our detection limit of r50% = 1.0 kpc; in the logM∗−logr50% plane: thelineoflogµ∗=9.5(whichrepresentsthetypicalvalueforellipticals). DashedlinesrepresentinthelogsSFR vs. logr50% plane: theupperenvelopeoftheBrinchmannetal.(2004)localrelationshiftedupby0.45;inlogsSFRvs. logM∗: theupper andlowerenvelopesoftheBrinchmannetal.(2004)localrelationshiftedupby0.55;inlogsSFRvs. logµ∗: theupperandlowerenvelopes oftheBrinchmannetal.(2004)localrelationshiftedupby0.45;inlogSFRvs logM∗: themedianforbluegalaxies aswellas theupper envelope of the local relation of Brinchmannetal. (2004) obtained from their raw fiber measurements (their figure 17), both shifted up by0.35;andinlogµ∗ vslogM∗: theupper andlowerenvelopes aswellasthemedianofthelocalrelationfromKauffmannetal.(2003b) (unadjusted).

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