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Decoherence and Decay of Two-level Systems due to Non-equilibrium Quasiparticles Sebastian Zanker,1 Michael Marthaler,1 and Gerd Sch¨on1 1Institut fu¨r Theoretische Festko¨rperphysik, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany It is frequently observed that even at very low temperatures the number of quasiparticles in superconducting materials is higher than predicted by standard BCS-theory. These quasiparticles can interact with two-level systems, such as superconducting qubits or two-level systems (TLS) in theamorphousoxidelayerofaJosephsonjunction. Thisinteractionleadstodecayanddecoherence of the TLS, with specific results, such as the time dependence, depending on the distribution of quasiparticles and the form of the interaction. We study the resulting decay laws for different 6 experimentally relevant protocols. 1 0 2 INTRODUCTION numberofquasiparticlesislargeascomparedtothepre- dictions of equilibrium BCS theory [16]. Similar as ob- n a Superconducting quantum devices have a wide range served for superconducting qubits [17] or the dynamics J of Andreev bound states [18] the scattering with quasi- of applications. Due to the weak dissipation in the su- 5 particles provides an intrinsic noise source also for the perconducting state they are promising candidates for 1 TLS.WeinvestigatetheTLSdecoherencepropertiesdue building large scale quantum information systems [1, 2]. to the coupling between the TLS and the quasiparticles. ] They are easily controlled and measured by electromag- l Wefindcharacteristicdifferencesforquasiparticleswhich l netic fields, but for the same reason they couple rather a scatter back to the same superconducting electrode and strongly to the environment and are prone to decoher- h those which tunnel across the junction. The effect of the - ence [3]. Much effort has been put into understanding s latter depends on the phase difference. Our results ap- and minimizing various noise sources. e ply both for the TLS, which are the main focus of the m One ubiquitous source of decoherence arises from two present paper, as well as for qubit decoherence [19]. In level systems (TLS), such as bistable defects residing in t. factforthelattertheeffectoftunnelingelectronsismore a dielectric substrates, disordered interfaces, surface ox- pronounced. m ides, or inside the barriers of Josephson junctions [4]. - While originally introduced to explain anomalous prop- d erties of glasses at low temperatures [5] there is evidence THE MODEL n that they are also an important source of decoherence o for superconducting qubits [1] or superconducting res- c Weconsiderthescatteringofquasiparticlesfromatwo- [ onators [6]. A bath of TLS can explain the 1/f noise level system located inside the amorphous barrier of an which limits the performance of many devices [7], while 1 aluminum oxide Josephson junction. The model Hamil- v fluctuations of very slow TLS induce long-time parame- tonian reads as 1 ter shifts. Still, the microscopic origin of those TLS re- 6 mains unclear. Some potential sources are small groups H =HTLS+Hqp+HC, (1) 8 of atoms that tunnel between two stable positions, or where H is the TLS Hamiltonian, H are the free 3 TLS qp dangling bonds, or hydrogen defects. A better experi- 0 quasiparticle Hamiltonians of the left and right lead and mentalaswellastheoreticalunderstandingofthoseTLS . H is the coupling between both subsystems. Since 1 C has been the focus of much recent work [8–12]. 0 the microscopic nature of TLS remains unclear, we use 6 Recentexperimentsdemonstratedthecoherentcontrol the phenomenological TLS standard model for H of TLS 1 of TLS, residing inside the amorphous layer of a phase Ref. [20]. It describes the TLS as an effective charged v: qubit’sJosephsonjunction,withhelpofthisqubit[13]. It particletrappedinadoublewellpotentialwithasymme- i was possible to carry out typical coherence experiments try (cid:15) between the two potential minima and tunneling X asusedinmagneticresonanceorotherqubitexperiments amplitude ∆ , 0 r [14]. The aim of those experiments is a better under- a (cid:15) ∆ standing of the microscopic nature of individual TLS as H = σ + 0σ . (2) TLS 2 z 2 x well as their respective environment responsible for TLS In the TLS eigenbasis the Hamiltonian reduces to state fluctuations, with the ultimate goal to reduce their (cid:112) H = 1E σ˜ with E = ∆2+(cid:15)2. Electrons detrimental effects. TLS 2 TLS z TLS 0 in nearby leads couple to the TLS’ electric dipole mo- In this paper we analyze the decoherence of charged ment and induce an interaction that is well established TLS residing inside the amorphous layer of a Josephson in the context oft metallic glasses [21]: junction [4, 15] due to scattering and tunneling of non- equilibrium quasiparticles in the superconducting leads. H =σ Vˆ =σ (cid:88)(cid:16)g c†c +h.c.(cid:17). (3) C z z kk(cid:48) k k(cid:48) Experiments suggest that even at low temperatures the kk(cid:48) 2 (cid:112) Here,g isthecouplingstrengthbetweenelectronsand E/ E2−∆2 and the quasiparticle distribution func- kk(cid:48) BCS tthorewTiLthSmdiuplotlie-inadnedxckk =is a{(cid:126)nk,eσl,eαct}rotnhaatninnichliuladteisoneloecpterroan- tciaonnbfe(Edeks)c=rib(cid:104)ead†kawki(cid:105)t.hWeqeuailsisburmiuemthBaCtSthgeapquaansdipadretnicsilteys momentum (cid:126)k, spin σ, and the index α = l,r of the lead of states, but with a non-equilibrium distribution func- (left or right), where the electron resides. In general tion f(E ). Due to the square root singularity of the k we can distinguish two processes: Electrons that tunnel BCS density of states, the noise spectral density is log- through the junction (α(cid:54)=α(cid:48)) while interacting with the divergent at low frequencies for tunneling quasiparticles, TLS and electrons, that scatter back into their original e.g. ϕ (cid:54)= 0. Scattering quasiparticles, e.g. ϕ = 0 have a lead (α = α(cid:48)). Because of the exponentially decaying finite spectral density at low frequencies. electron wave function inside the junction and the local- ized character of the TLS wave function, the interaction rapidly decreases for TLS away from the junction edges. TLS DECOHERENCE WeexpectthatformostTLSscatteringelectronsarethe main source of TLS decoherence, while the influence of The time evolution of the TLS in the presence of the tunneling electrons is insignificant. This is quite differ- quasiparticlereservoirsisbestdescribedwiththehelpof ent for the decoherence of a qubit, where only tunneling the reduced density matrix electrons couple to the qubit and induce decoherence. (cid:18) (cid:19) ρ ρ Furthermore, electrons that contribute to TLS decoher- ρ(t)=Tr[(cid:37)(t)] ≡ 0 01 (8) qp ρ ρ ence have energies close to the Fermi energy with mo- 10 1 mentum |(cid:126)k| = k . Hence, we take the direction average F thatisobtainedfromthefulldensitymatrixaftertracing and introduce the direction-averaged coupling constant outquasiparticledegreesoffreedom. Itevolvesaccording g2 ≡(cid:104)g2 (cid:105). Since |(cid:126)k|≈k the averaged coupling con- αα(cid:48) kk(cid:48) F to stant does not depend on energy. (cid:104) (cid:105) The free particles in the leads are Bogoliubov quasi- ρ(t)=e−iHTLStTr U (t)(cid:37)(0)U†(t) eiHTLSt (9) qp I I particles with mixed electron- and hole-like nature and creation operators a† and Hamiltonian where U (t,t ) is the time evolution operator k I 0 H =(cid:88)E a†a (4) (cid:20) (cid:90) t (cid:21) qp k k k U (t,t )=Texp −i dt(cid:48)H (t(cid:48)) , (10) I 0 C,I k t0 (cid:112) TheirenergyisEk = ξk2+∆2bcs withξk beingtheelec- and HC,I(t(cid:48)) the coupling in the interaction picture. tron energy in the normal state. Rewriting the coupling It is assumed that the initial density matrix, (cid:37)(t ) ≡ 0 Eq. (3) in terms of quasiparticle operators we find ρ(t )ρ (t ),factorizesintoaquasiparticleandTLScom- 0 qp 0 Vˆ =(cid:88)g (cid:16)eiϕ/2u u −e−iϕ/2v v (cid:17)a†a +h.c. ponent and that initial correlations are irrelevant on ex- αα(cid:48) k k(cid:48) k k(cid:48) k k(cid:48) perimental time scales. We can distinguish two effects kk(cid:48) due to the quasiparticles: Decay and decoherence. The (5) former describes exponential decay of diagonal elements with coherence factors u2 =1−v2 = 1(1+ξ /E ). For k k 2 k k of the TLS density matrix to their stationary state val- tunneling quasiparticles ϕ is the superconducting phase ues, while the latter concerns the decay of off-diagonal difference across the junction. The phase difference ϕ elements. vanishes for scattering quasiparticles. Transforming the coupling (3) into the TLS energy An important quantity in the context of decoherence basis we find two contributions σ → (cid:15)/E σ˜ + is the noise spectral density z TLS z ∆ /E σ˜ . Theoff-diagonalterm ∼σ˜ inducestransi- 0 TLS x x (cid:90) dt tions and is responsible for the decay rate Γ . It can be S (ω)= (cid:104)Vˆ(t)Vˆ(0)(cid:105)eiωt (6) 1 V 2π calculated in first-order perturbation theory [22], where the average is over the quasiparticle states. With ∆2 Γ = 0 [S (E )+S (−E )]. (11) Eq. (5) we find 1 E2 V TLS V TLS TLS SV(ω)=4N02gα2α(cid:48)(cid:82)∆∞bcs(cid:82)∆∞bcsdEdE(cid:48)ρ(E)ρ(E(cid:48)) The diagonal coupling ∼ σ˜z generates pure dephasing, ×(cid:16)1− ∆2BCS cosϕ(cid:17) determined by the low-energy part of the spectral den- EE(cid:48) sity. Due to the strong energy dependence in this energy ×{fα(E)[1−fα(cid:48)(E(cid:48))]δ(E−E(cid:48)+ω) rangepuredephasingdoesnotleadtoasimpleexponen- +f (E(cid:48))[1−f (E)]δ(E(cid:48)−E+ω)} (7) tial decay law. Rather the off-diagonal elements of the α(cid:48) α density matrix take the form with the density of states at the Fermi energy of the normal state N0, the BCS density of states ρ(E) = ρ10/01(t)=e±iETLSte−12Γ1te−h(t) (12) 3 where h(t) describes the deviations from the simple ex- NON–EQUILIBRIUM QUASIPARTICLES ponential decay. It reduces to a linear time-dependence only for flat spectral densities and long times. This form Basedonthedephasingfunctions(16)and(15)aswell of the density matrix follows from Eq. (9) and the fact as the decay rate (11) we are ready to analyze the de- that the TLS–quasiparticle coupling is diagonal in TLS phasing process due to quasiparticles. The spectral den- space for pure dephasing. Due to the simple coupling we sity (7) depends on the quasiparticle distribution func- can pull all TLS operators through the trace and arrive tion. Several experiments provide evidence that, even attheformfortheTLSdensitymatrixgivenin(12)with at low temperatures where quasiparticles should be ex- ponentially suppressed with the BCS gap, finite den- (cid:20) (cid:26) (cid:90) t (cid:27) (cid:21) sities of quasiparticles remain, estimated to be n ∼ e−h(t) ≡Tr T exp i Vˆ(t(cid:48))dt(cid:48) ρ (t ) . (13) qp qp C qp 0 10−6 · ∆ N [16]. Similar to the treatment of non- t0 BCS 0 equilibrium quasiparticles for qubit decoherence, e.g. in The contour time-ordering operator T orders along a Ref. [24], we assume that both, the BCS gap and the c contour from t to t and back again. To further evaluate density of states are not changed, but the distribution 0 thatexpressionweexpandtheexponentialandintroduce function is of a non-equilibrium form. Although the ex- anadditionalapproximation[19]: Weassumethatwecan act form depends on experimental details most of the split averages over V operators in the form non-equilibrium quasiparticles have energies close to the i superconducting gap because of scattering with phonons (cid:89) and among each other. We therefore assume that the (cid:104)V(t )V(t )...V(t )(cid:105)= (cid:104)V(t )V(t )(cid:105)···(cid:104)V(t )V(t )(cid:105) 1 2 n i j k l distributionfunctionhasawidth δ abovethegap, which perm (14) for a Fermi distribution is determined by temperature, With this approximation the quasiparticles behave simi- δeq ∼kBT, but here it is treated as a parameter. In the lar to a Gaussian noise source [22] and we find followingwederiveanalyticalformsforthedifferentrates in the experimental relevant long-time limit t(cid:29)δ−1. (cid:90) sin2(ωt/2) h (t)=t2 dωS (ω) (15) R qp (ωt/2)2 Decay Thisspecificformforpuredephasingiswellestablished The relevant energy scale for TLS decay is the TLS in the context of magnetic resonance or qubit experi- energysplittingE asevidentfromEq. (11). TheTLS TLS ments in a Ramsey protocol. The weighting function which can be probed by a qubit have energy splittings g(ωt) = sin2(ωt/2)/(ωt/2)2 has a pronounced peak for close to that of the qubit and thus fulfill E (cid:29) δ. In TLS zero energy and decreases rapidly for larger ω. There- order to evaluate the spectral density in this limit we fore, the Ramsey-type experiments are sensitive to the introduce the normalized quasiparticle density spectral density at low energies. 1 (cid:90) ∞ WithintheGaussianapproximationwecanextendour x = dEρ(E)f(E). (18) analysis to more sophisticated measurement protocols, qp ∆BCS ∆bcs such as spin echo or more complicated refocusing tech- For typical TLS energies ∆ (cid:29)E (cid:29)δ we can ap- niques that suppress low-frequency noise contributions. BCS TLS ply the ’low-energy’ approximation to evaluate the spec- The dephasing function h(t) for those protocols looks tral density at the TLS energy [17, 24]. In this limit all very much like the Ramsey function but with different quasiparticleenergiesinEq. (7)canbesetto∆ . The filter functions depending on the particular pulse proto- BCS onlyexceptionisthequasiparticleenergyinthedivergent col [23] BCS density of states together with the corresponding distribution function f(E). They enter in the quasipar- (cid:90) h(t)=t2 dωS (ω)g(ωt). (16) ticledensity (18)andthespectraldensity,describingthe qp decay, reads as E.g. for spin echo, which is the ’first order’ improvement S (E )=4N2g2 ∆ (x +x ) V TLS 0 αα(cid:48) BCS qp,α qp,α(cid:48) to the Ramsey experiment, the filter function is (cid:18) (cid:19) ∆ ×ρ(E +∆ ) 1− BCS cosϕ , TLS BCS ∆ +E g (ωt)=sin4(ωt/4)/(ωt/4)2 (17) BCS TLS e (19) with a maximum slightly shifted to higher frequencies. while ∼ S(−E ) and the resulting excitation rate is TLS For typical experimental times in the range of microsec- much smaller. This form for the high-energy spectral onds the filter function measures the spectral density at density and thus decay rate Γ is well established in the 1 energy equivalents of several MHz. context of qubit decay due to quasiparticles [16, 25]. 4 Ramsey and Spin Echo Dephasing quasiparticles, that cause decoherence for all the TLS mentionedabove,andquasiparticlesthattunnelthrough To calculate the Ramsey dephasing rate (15) we need the junction. If there exists a phase difference between anapproximationforthelow-energyspectraldensity. We the superconducting electrodes, the latter exhibit a log- proceed as in Ref. [19] and split the spectral density into divergent spectral density for low energies leading to in- a regular and a divergent part. For low energies, the creased and time-dependent dephasing rates while the former is flat and can be considered constant, while the difference is negligible for the TLS decay. We further latter is log divergent, S ∼ (1−cosϕ)log(δ/ω). We showedthatthespinechotechniquereducestheTLSde- div find the Ramsey dephasing function coherence rate due to tunneling particles, while it has little effect for scattering quasiparticles. The results ob- hR(t)=Γ∗2t+πN02gα2α(cid:48)[fα(∆BCS)+fα(cid:48)(∆BCS)] tained for tunneling quasiparticles, arising form a diver- ×[1−cos(ϕ)][γ −1+log(4δ·t)]t (20) gentspectraldensity,applytosingle-junctionqubits,and e they are sensitive to refocusing techniques. This opens with the Euler constant γ and the pure dephasing rate e possibilities to analyze the quasiparticle-environment of (cid:90) ∞ a qubit. Γ∗ =8πN2g2 [f (E)+f (E)]dE. (21) 2 0 αα(cid:48) α α(cid:48) ∆BCS For scattering quasiparticles we have cosϕ = 1 and the divergent contribution vanishes. Thus, scattering parti- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS cles induce simple exponential dephasing ∼ e−Γ∗2t with rate Γ∗. On the other hand, the dephasing effect of tun- 2 WethankA.Bilmes, J.LisenfeldandA.Shnirmanfor neling quasiparticles is dominated by the second term in many useful discussions during the work on this paper. (20) stemming from the divergent contribution. ThisworkwassupportedbytheGerman-IsraeliFounda- The spin echo protocol filters out low energies, but tion for Scientific Research and Development (GIF). we observe that the relevant energy scales are still much smaller than the width of the quasiparticles. 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