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Make your company an ESTA supporter (for just 800 €) Join up and help us in our work to raise standards, boost margins and improve safety We have changed our rules to allow Supporters will have: individual companies to become official n the right to take part in ESTA’s supporters. respected crane and transport section meetings In future, all companies active in crane n the opportunity to debate and rental or abnormal road transport can influence key industry issues become ESTA supporters as long as n access to ESTA’s technical information they are members of their national n the right to use the ESTA logo association (which itself must be an n a free seat at the popular ESTA Users’ ESTA member) Night and Awards Join your industry colleagues from across Europe and help us make a difference www.estaeurope.eu To find out more go to ESTA AND FEM EXPERTS SUMMIT New challenges in on-shore wind farm construction safety, productivity and the supply chain SAVE THE DATE FEBRUARY 23, 2017, HAMBURG, GERMANY www.estaeurope.eu For further information about speaking, attending or sponsorship, go to or contact: Caroline van Geest, ESTA Office Manager, on +31 (0) 71 572 4705 or at [email protected] Graham Anderson, ESTA Communications Officer, on +44 (0) 1865 318123 or at [email protected] Contents WORDS FROM THE BOARD 4 INTERVIEW WITH THE PRESIDENT – DAVID COLLETT . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ESTA DIRECTOR – SØREN JANSEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ESTA SECRETARY – TON KLIJN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEWS ROUND-UP 8 ESTA SECTION – CRANES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ESTA SECTION – TRANSPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 TRANSPORT EXECUTIVE REPORT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 EUROPEAN CRANE OPERATOR LICENCE UPDATE . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 NEW BOARD MEMBER INTERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 SPMT BEST PRACTICE GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ESTA AWARDS 16 AWARDS – FINALISTS & WINNERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ESTA MEETINGS & AWARDS – PICTURES FROM MUNICH . . . . . . USEFUL INFORMATION 32 ESTA MEMBERSHIP LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 USEFUL CONTACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ESTA – Annual Review 2016 INTERVIEW WITH THE PRESIDENT David Collett: ESTA’s driving ambition 1. HOW WOULD YOU SUMMARISE to go, but the signs are good. ESTA’S WORK IN THE LAST TWELVE However, it also underlines one MONTHS? important point for the future. ECOL The past year has both been one is being driven by Ton Klijn and his of great achievement for ESTA, but working group colleagues, who all has also underlined how we need to have a “day job” as we say. In the long find additional resources if we are to term, we can’t continue to rely on the drive the industry forward in the way goodwill of our leading members; we that the ESTA Board and all of our need to be able to afford a proper, full- members want. time staff. I will mention just some of our achievements here: 4. SAFETY REMAINS A PRIORITY n We published the SPMT Best AND A CONCERN. HOW CAN Practice Guide “OPERATOR ERRORS” BE n Our work on a European Crane REDUCED? Operator Licence, one of the biggest Elsewhere in this report. ESTA’s projects ESTA has ever undertaken, Director Søren Jansen, talks about the is progressing well need to focus on operator behaviour if “Brexit” vote in my country, the UK. n We had the biggest Section we are to have an impact in reducing We should not overstate it, and we Transport meeting in many years the number of accidents. He was should not end up picking needless during Bauma, with many new primarily referring to the crane sector, fights with individual authorities or faces involved from Eastern Europe, and ESTA’s work with the ICSA and jurisdictions. thanks to the efforts of our new FEM, but there are similar issues in Having said that, we should not transport executive. heavy transport as well. shrink from raising concerns about It is critical that we involve our clients restrictive practices – for example, 2. THE SPMT BPG WAS A GREAT in this issue. We need to make sure petty and pointless regulations that ACHIEVEMENT. HOW CAN THAT BE that they better understand the risks differ often from region to region FOLLOWED UP? and that jobs are planned effectively. within EU member states – that are Personally, I was delighted that In the wind turbine sector, ESTA will either used to raise funds for local the long journey towards getting be lobbying for common standards authorities or to try and win votes by the SPMT Best Practice Guide was among the turbine manufacturers keeping some firms out of certain successfully concluded. I know that regarding ground conditions, access markets. details of the guide will be given roads and their transportation It remains the case that from a elsewhere in this report, but our job requirements. transport perspective, the plethora now is simply to ensure that it is as This is why we are planning to hold of different regulations from area to widely read as possible, in as many an “ESTA Experts Summit” on the safe area is a huge waste of money and markets as possible, and to gather transportation and erection of on-shore resource for this industry, and in the all the responses to see what further wind turbines. end only serves to push up costs for we can learn from them. This is why This is due to take place in Hamburg our clients. we are getting it translated into seven on 23 February. More information will To that end we will keep lobbying languages, with more to come if the be available very shortly. for the adoption of the Special demand is there. European Registration for Trucks and 5. SOME OF ESTA’S MEMBERS ARE Trailers, otherwise known as SERT. 3. ECOL LOOKS TO BE MAKING CONCERNED AT WHAT THEY SEE It is mentioned in more detail in our GOOD PROGRESS. HOW DO YOU AS A RISE IN PROTECTIONISM. DO Section Transport report. SEE IT? YOU SHARE THAT? DOES THAT But the failure of many countries ECOL is an absolutely fantastic project, MATTER? AND WHAT CAN ESTA DO to adopt SERT – part of the European it is moving ahead well and – if we ABOUT IT? Best Practice Guidelines for Abnormal are successful – could have a hugely That is a growing concern, along with Road Transport – means that a great positive impact on this industry’s safety the growing unease about the direction opportunity to boost the industry’s performance, its recruitment success of Europe in some quarters – most efficiency and eliminate obstacles to and our efficiency. There is a long way dramatically illustrated by the so-called cross-border trade is being lost. 4 ESTA – Annual Review 2016 INTERVIEW WITH THE PRESIDENT common industry problems. I think we whole European mobile crane and can do much more in that regard. heavy transport industries, and – Last year, I called on the trailer through the awards themselves – a manufacturers to set up an organisation chance to celebrate some of our truly so that we would have someone to deal outstanding companies and projects. with in much the same way as the crane The awards and users’ night is section deals with the manufacturers not just a great party; it is also an through FEM. I still think that would be opportunity to meet old friends and an excellent development. make new contacts. If you have not been involved 8. HOW CAN ESTA’S FINANCIAL before, I strongly suggest you both CLOUT BE IMPROVED? enter the awards and make sure you That is a very simple question to come to the dinner in Amsterdam next answer and a very difficult ambition to April. Details are on ESTA’s website deliver. and in this review. We need to find new revenue streams. The ESTA Supporters 10. THE NEED FOR CLOSER category was a first step down that WORKING RELATIONSHIPS ALONG road, and we will be promoting that THE SUPPLY CHAIN ARE OFTEN much more in the months ahead as it MENTIONED BY ESTA’S MEMBERS. delivers not just extra revenue, but also HOW CAN ESTA WORK MORE gives ESTA access to expertise through CLOSELY WITH CLIENTS AND 6. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE the member companies. SUPPLIERS IN THE INDUSTRY? ESTA’S STRATEGY DEVELOP? Communication is the key. I don’t mean ESTA’s strategy is due for review next 9. WHY SHOULD NEW MEMBERS through the media, but through regular, year. The existing strategy is listed on TAKE THE TIME TO ATTEND ESTA’S professional contacts. It is, however this page and has, I think, been pretty SECTION MEETINGS AND THE a two-way street. We want to talk to successful. I don’t want to pre-empt AWARDS EVENING? them. For the sake of safety, efficiency, debate about how it might be changed, Quite simply, they are the best productivity and profitability, we feel but it is absolutely right that as ESTA possible networking events for the they should be keen to talk to us. develops so we review what we are doing and how. So if anyone reading this has strong views about what we ESTA’s strategy in brief should be doing in future, then we would love to hear from you. 1. Networking 7. WHAT ARE YOUR PRIORITIES IN Action: Consider enhancing networking opportunities, through the Users’ YOUR REMAINING TIME AS ESTA Night, after meetings and at any future summits. PRESIDENT? I have three aims. Firstly, I want to help 2. Information place ESTA on a stronger financial Action: Development of the website to act as a recognised information portal footing; we are already doing some about the industry and for our members. excellent work, but we could be doing so much more. 3. Expertise Secondly, we have to find ways to Action: Use the new website as the focal point for on-line documentation persuade the European Commission on sharing best practice, European standards and norms, cross-border and their member states to take this knowledge and operational know-how. industry more seriously and help us to harmonise standards. As far as we 4. Representation are concerned, the single market is Action: Pro-actively represent our stakeholders’ interests to the various largely a figment of the politicians’ authorities creating focused ‘working groups’ to tackle key issues in detail. imagination. And finally, with a transport hat on, 5. Standardisation I want to see more involvement in our Action: Create standards where none exist, avoid multiple standards, align work from the trailer manufacturers certification and training of operators. On-going work on ECOL, SPMT and – and I mean from an engineering not WTG delivery; other issues of standardisation will be raised by members at a marketing aspect, to help us work ESTA’s crane and transport section meetings where they can be discussed together on engineering solutions to and developed for the future. 5 ESTA – Annual Review 2016 ESTA DIRECTOR – SØREN JANSEN Safe behaviour our number one priority Crane safety remains a major concern for the whole industry – initiatives to change behaviour are key Once again, the past More planning in the embedded in three ICSA documents year has seen far preparation of jobs published in the past year, called too many crane Asking crane owners what the ”Leaving mobile cranes unattended”, accidents. Many implementation of EN13000:2010 has ”Lifting a load with several mobile have involved tragic meant to them, it appears that more cranes” and ”Lifting persons with fatalities and injuries, planning goes into the preparation of mobile cranes”. significant damage to property and, of jobs. All can be downloaded free of course, a lot of damage to the cranes And it also seems that bigger – or charge from ESTA’s website. All three involved. more appropriate – cranes now are documents deserve to be studied It goes without saying that even one sent out on jobs, probably the size carefully. accident is one too many. So what can of cranes that should have been sent we learn from recent events? out before the new regulations were Safety challenges in the Looking back, one theme clearly introduced in 2010. wind sector are growing stands out. The cranes themselves did Changing behaviour of crane Another area of safety concern that not fail. By and large they were not the owners, operators and our clients is a ESTA is turning its attention to is the cause of the accidents. Many people, in major challenge for our industry. We safe erection and transportation of on- the hours following an accident, often need to accept that human behaviour shore wind turbines. point to the crane, as if the reason for is a major cause of accidents and act Just a few years ago, using large the accident was to be found there. on this conclusion today rather than cranes to the maximum of their However, as the accident tomorrow. capabilities was not seen every day. investigators dug deeper into the If we do not, our various public Now it is commonplace, and we have incident, almost invariably it became authorities – many of whom are not all read about or seen accidents, clear that the root cause was to be experts in the crane industry – will involving very large cranes, especially found in human behaviour. act on our behalf with the possibility when used to erect wind turbines. that they will try and introduce new Our industry is facing a lot of Challenge is how regulations without suffienctly full and challenges in this sector when erecting to respond detailed knowledge of the industry. the wind turbines due to the increase The challenge for all of us in the It is far better that we take the of hub heights and the size and weight industry is how to respond to this necessary initiatives and work with the of the turbines. analysis. authorities from the outset. Hub heights in Europe often exceed Many of you will remember the 160 m, the crane boom lengths heated discussions – seven or eight ICSA reports used are exceeding 170 m, and such years ago – regarding the override key Safety – and especially safe behaviour extremely long booms are being used and the rated capacity limiter. – when working with cranes must be frequently in high wind conditions. Many of us were concerned about our number one priority. What is more, turbine manufacturers the consequences if ”the key” had to be This is an area that the International are now talking about hub heights up placed outside the cab and outside the Crane Stakeholder Assembly has to 200 m or even more. immediate reach of the crane operator, emphasised, with the active support In order to discuss the many in line with the implementation of the of ESTA. continues on page 34 European standard EN 13000:2010. The ICSA was established by 6 Now, it seems as if it was indeed organisations – ESTA, FEM, AEM, Søren Jansen has spent more than 30 a very good idea to move the key, SC&RA, CICA and CCMA – to facilitate years in the crane industry, half of these as demanded by the European sharing information on safety, technical years working in crane sales, the other lawmakers. No accidents have since and regulatory issues, and promote half as CEO of a large Scandinavian been recorded involving the crane the harmonisation of international crane rental company. Along with his safety system being deliberately standards. activities as ESTA Director, he owns a disabled through turning of the key. Examples of safe behaviour are consulting company. 6 ESTA – Annual Review 2016 ESTA SECRETARY – TON KLIJN Delivering value but more backing needed More resources and support critical to build on current progress IIIn the past year ESTA Early signatories include the Nordic Needless to say, we remain fully has taken some Logistics Association, Sarens, CATEXE, committed to the project, and are major steps forward Viktor Baumann, Wagenborg Nedlift, convinced it will deliver huge benefits that might seem Mammoet Europe, ESA, Senn, Friderici for our industry right across Europe. insignificant to many Special and Collett & Sons. We are members from a heavy optimistic of seeing many more. Other priorities in 2017 will be: lift or industry perspective. The impact of Lukasz Chwalczuk’s n Trying to boost participation of But in my opinion these steps are appointment was felt immediately in European heavy transport and lifting of vital importance for the further the attendance at the Section Transport companies in the ESTA supporter development of the ESTA organisation meeting in Munich in April, which was scheme. and our ability to deliver projects that one of the best attended for some time, (we need to set up an advertising really make a difference to our industry. especially with delegates from Eastern campaign) One of these steps that may seem Europe, giving ESTA the chance to n Continue the work on expanding the to be “just” about bureaucracy was the make contacts with companies and Crane Capacity index database. development of ESTA’s Domestic Rules, markets not previously active in the n Try to expand the ICSA network which gave companies that met the organisation. further around the world by enticing criteria the possibility of becoming an And we are greatly looking forward more regional associations to ESTA “Supporter”. to seeing the effect of Iffet Türken’s become member. A second step forward was the energy, commitment and know-how on   appointment of a transport officer, our future activities. And finally, we need to build Łukasz Chwalczuk, President of the on our successes and make sure Board of the Polish Heavy Transport Priorities for 2017 that the information we produce is Association, OSPTN. As ESTA Secretary, my priorities for the communicated as widely as possible. And another was the election of Iffet coming year will focus on a number of In that vein, the ESTA SPMT Best Türken from Kässbohrer as the first projects. Practice Guide – published earlier in ESTA Board member from the ranks of Top of the list will be the European 2016 with great interest – has been the affiliated companies, and also the Crane Operator Licence project. There translated into six languages and is now first female member of ESTA’s Board of is a more detailed report on ECOL available in English, German, Danish, Directors. elsewhere in this Annual Review, so I Polish, Spanish and French, with an ESTA supporters are important to will only mention it briefly here. Italian version on the way. us for two reasons. Firstly, involving In short, 2017 will be extremely busy companies directly in our work increases At the time of writing, progress has – but all of us at ESTA believe we are the poll of expertise that we are able to been good and the next steps will be to: succeeding in delivering projects of draw on for particular projects. n Set up an independent foundation great value. Secondly, it also gives ESTA a to manage and execute the ECOL If you agree, get involved. potential new revenue stream, and programme strengthening ESTA’s finances by n Recruit members for the Governing increasing our available revenues will Board of the ECOL foundation Ton Klijn is ESTA Secretary. Since 2003 be critical if we are to grow. (volunteers from the industry are Klijn has been managing director of Becoming an ESTA supporter is open welcome) Wagenborg Nedlift, a Dutch heavy lift to all operating companies active in n Adapt the ESTA administration to and transport company. He is active in crane rental or abnormal road transport accommodate the bookkeeping and two employers’ associations, being a – as long as they are members of their financial reporting of the Erasmus+ board member of the Dutch association relevant national association which is subsidy grant VVT, and Secretary of ESTA. He is also itself an ESTA member. Supporters n Adapt the ESTA administration to chair of the supervisory board of Aboma, must also be prepared to endorse consolidate the results of the ECOL a Dutch company active in safety, ESTA’s overall goals. foundation as of 2017. certification and crane inspections. 7 ESTA – Annual Review 2016 SECTION – CRANES Safety and training focus driving industry forward ESTA’s Section By Sander Splinter, Cranes holds two President, ESTA meetings a year, and Section Cranes they are some of the most interesting and What do the meetings discuss? rewarding occasions Increasing safety in the industry is the main focus in the calendar. of debate within the Section Cranes. The agenda of Not only do we see some every meeting will include a major discussion on an brilliant presentations on key important – and often new – health and safety issue. industry issues – with a particular Good cooperation with the crane manufacturers, focus on safety – but they are also through the FEM’s Cranes and Lifting Equipment an excellent chance to network Product Group, as well as other crane industry and make new contacts. stakeholders, makes it possible to improve our We also hear about the equipment, making it safer to use. valuable work of the International Recent issues raised and debated included the Crane Stakeholders Assembly following, below. and the various ESTA specialist working groups, such as the one working hard to deliver the 1. Safety incidents with cranes are frequently European Crane Operator Licence scheme. caused by the wrong reeving of the hoisting Many in the industry do not realise that they are cable in the boom head. eligible to come along and take part – or that the A redesign has been requested of the meetings are free. manufacturers through FEM. In the meantime, my The Section Crane meetings are open to all of company Mammoet has developed its own solution ESTA’s member associations – and their members by means of the so called reeving reflector, which – plus our special members, supporter companies can be applied to all types of mobile cranes without and affiliated companies. interfering with the original design of the crane and If you are interested in attending, just contact us makes it simply physically impossible to reeve the at [email protected]. hoisting cable wrongly. 2. Assembling and disassembling the swing- away jib to a mobile crane is a critical activity ICSA approves three during which many accidents occur. Although real statistics aren’t available, this concern guidance papers is widely recognized in the industry. The question posed by ESTA is whether we, as industry leaders, The 2016 International Crane Stakeholder Assembly (ICSA) can come up with a solution making operator errors meeting was held in April in Munich, Germany. impossible during these activities. It was hosted jointly by ESTA and the European Federation of Materials Handling (FEM) and brought together 19 participants 3. We need longer boom lengths and stronger from 8 countries representing industry users and manufacturers cranes to install the new generation of bigger from around the world. wind turbines – but we are reaching the cranes’ technical limits. The agenda approved publication of the following three reports: The erection of turbines needs to be done as n ICSA Guidance Paper 001, “Leaving mobile cranes unattended quickly as possible, meaning that long main booms in (partially) erected mode” (2nd Edition) are the preferred configuration rather than main n ICSA Guidance Paper 002, “Lifiting a load with several mobile boom with luffing jib configurations. cranes (multiple cranes or tandem lifting) By applying main booms up to 160 or 170 n ICSA Guidance Paper 003, “Lifting persons with mobile metres, the crane industry is coming to the limit of cranes”. its technical capabilities. Side forces due to wind blowing against the boom and the load cause All are available free of charge from ESTA’s website in the increased ground bearing pressures and reduce the ICSA Technical Documents section in the Downloads library. crane capacity chart. 8 ESTA – Annual Review 2016 SECTION – CRANES EEnnggininee r reegguulalattioionn: : FFEEMM a anndd E ESSTTAA a acchhieievvee 1188 m moonntthh e exxtteennssioionn MMoboibleil ec rcarnaen em manaunfuafcatcutruerresr s– –s uspuppoprotretde db yb yE SETSATA – –h ahvaev e acahciheiveevde da na n1 81 8m monotnht he xetxetnesnisoino nto t oth teh eti mtimeteatbalbel efo fro irn troducing thinet nroedwu Scitnagg eth Ve e nnegwin Set eamgeis Vs ieonngsi nreeg eumlaitsiosinosn s– raengdu laavteiorntesd – feaanrds oafv ejorbte ldo sfeseasrs. of job losses. Unexpected wind gusts can easily make a crane ThTeh eE uEruorpoepaena nC Comommmisissisoino nh ahsa ss asiadi dth tahta tth teh en enwew S tSatgaeg eV V topple over. If wind turbines become bigger still, rergeuglualtaiotinosn sfo fro er negnigniense sin i na lal lnl onno-nr-oraoda dm moboibleil em macahcihnienreyr yw willi ll conventional mobile cranes will not be capable of bebceocmome em manadnadtaotroyr yo no n installing these new types of turbines. 1 1J aJnaunaurayr y2 021091.9. ESTA is leading discussions – along with our UUndnedre trh teh eC Comommmisissisoino’ns’ so roigriignianla pl rporpoopsoaslasl,s a, lal lOl OEMEMs sw wereer e friends in the manufacturers – about how to deal gigvievne na a1 21 2m monotnht htr tarnasnistiiotino np epreiorido da fatfetre trh teh ere rgeuglualtaiotinosn sh ahda d with this issue. cocmome ein itnot ofo frocrec eto t oa daadpatp tth tehier imr macahcihniense sto t oS tSatgaeg eV V e negnigniense,s p, lus a psliux sm ao snitxh m “soenltl-ho f“fs”e pll-eorfiof”d p. e riod. 4. We are introducing a Crane Capacity Index NNowow, a, lal lml manaunfuafcatcutruerresr sh ahvaev eb ebeene ng rgarnatnetde da na n1 81 8m monotnht h (CCI) to aid transparency in the industry. trtarnasnistiiotino np epreiorido,d w, withit hm moboibleil ec rcarnaen em manaunfuafcatcutruerresr sa afu frutrhtehre 1r 21 2 In the old days the crane capacity was simply mmonotnhtsh so no nto tpo po fo tfh tahta. tT. hTeh ea daddidtiiotinoanla 6l 6m monotnht h“s “eslel-lol-foff”f p” epreiorido d expressed as follows: The maximum lifting capacity rermemaianisn su nucnhcahnagnegde.d. a crane could lift at 3 metres of radius, through 360 ThTeh ea nannonuonucnecmemenetn fto flolollwows sc ocnocnecretretde dlo lbobbybiynign,g l,e lde db yb yth teh e degrees. FEFMEM’s’ sC Crarnaense sa nadn dL iLftifintign gE qEuqiupimpmenetn Pt Prordoudcutc Gt Groruopu pw withit hth teh e Today, crane capacity is determined in many suspuppoprotr ot fo Ef SETSATA. T. hTehye yh ahda dw waranrende dth tahta tth teh eC Comommmisissisoino’ns’ s different ways, for example, by expressing the tigtihgth tti mtimeteatbalbel ew wouoludl dle laeda dto t oth tohuosuasnadnsd so fo jfo jbo blo lsossesse sw whihleil eth teh e maximum liftimg capacity @2,7 or 2,5 and even 2,3 inidnudsutsrtyr ya daadpatpetde dto t oth teh ec hcahnagnegse.s . metres radius; or only over the rear (back-end) of the crane. Manufacturers choose many far, and we will be calling on them to categories in between the well- give us more support in this project. known classes, e.g. 55 tonne (between 50 and 60 tonne crane), 5. By developing a European or come with name conventions Crane Operator Licence, ESTA is from which it is impossible to derive striving for a safer crane industry. the crane capacity. Having a uniform and similar level of As ESTA we strive for education for crane operators would transparency in the industry, and definitely contribute to improving especially transparency for the safety, which is why ESTA is putting end-user. What kind of crane am so much effort and resource into I buying? What kind of crane am I the ECOL project. renting? A completely harmonised The latest version of the crane structure for European crane capacity index is available from the operators will be implemented, Downloads section of the ESTA hopefully from 2018. website. Further information on the ECOL However, I have to say that we project can be found elsewhere have been disappointed with the in ESTA’s Annual Review, and on response from manufacturers so ESTA’s website. And finally, as you will see elsewhere on these pages, ESTA supported FEM in its successful campaign to change the timetable for implementing the new Stage V engine emissions regulations – another small sign of ESTA’s increasing activity and influence. Sander Splinter is President of ESTA’s Section Cranes and Managing Director of Mammoet Europe. 9 ESTA – Annual Review 2016 SECTION – TRANSPORT A successful year – but much more work to do By Andre Friderici, President, ESTA Section Transport ESTA’s Section Transport has had a thanks to all those who worked on it for their efforts very positive year, emphasised by our and commitment. meeting in Munich which attracted more than 50 participants from 15 More ESTA Transport countries – with several attending for Supporters needed the first time. At the time of writing, ESTA had recruited 10 Of course, meetings such as this are only a means companies to the new “supporters” category – but to an end. We have to maintain the momentum and we need many more, and I would encourage all our ensure that our debates lead to real results that association members to persuade more companies make a difference to our work on the ground. But to join up. we feel we are making good progress and moving in The cost is low and the benefits are great – the the right direction. networking, the access to the knowledge and experiences of a wide range of companies from all Senior appointments make over Europe and the ability to influence and debate immediate impact important issues facing our industry. Our work has been helped by the arrival and More supporters means greater revenue for ESTA involvement of two senior figures, Iffet Türken and – which means we can increase our activities – and Łukasz Chwalczuk. also increases the expertise available to us as an Iffet took over as Section Transport Vice- organisation. President from our long-standing and highly For full details, go to the ESTA Supporters respected official, Wim Richie, who is stepping page in the Members section of the website at down (see page 23 for more about Wim). www.estaeurope.eu. A board member for business development for trailer manufacturer Kässbohrer and a member Subjects under discussion of BSK, the German heavy transport and crane The following are just some of the “live” issues association, she is also vice president of TAID, discussed at recent Section Transport meetings: Turkey’s Heavy Commercial Vehicles Association, n There has been concern expressed in France and is on the Supervisory Board of the Council of at the unclear and imprecise fees being levied the trailer, body and bus section of the German on transport companies by road structure and Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), infrastructure managers, notably SNCF and the Łukasz agreed to become transport executive highway companies. with the task of expanding ESTA’s membership and n As part of our plan to develop more effective developing and expanding our high-level contacts. relations with the trailer manufacturers, we are President of the Board of OSPTN, the Polish talking to CLCCR, the International Association Heavy Transport Association, he is a well-known of the Body and Trailer Building Industry. expert in the field of transport and forwarding, and his arrival has had an immediate and positive effect. We also debated: n The new punitive penalty system and fines SPMT guide – a major introduced in the UK for health and safety achievement breaches and whether such rules will become ESTA’s best practice guide for the use of SPMTs the norm across Europe. was published earlier this year. n Safety and lashing point applications; is The new guidelines are another example of how improving safety right across Europe is a key issue for all of us at ESTA. The guide will be available in seven languages in total, and is downloadable for free from the ESTA website. More details are available elsewhere in this annual review, but I would like to place on record here our 10 ESTA – Annual Review 2016

1. Networking. Action: Consider enhancing networking opportunities, through the Users' Action: Pro-actively represent our stakeholders' interests to the various .. Turkey's Heavy Commercial Vehicles Association, .. guide for the use of SPMTs was Goldhofer, Kamag, Mammoet, RDW (the Dutch.
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