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Data Science and Analytics: 5th International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology, REDSET 2019, Gurugram, India, November 15–16, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, Part I PDF

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Preview Data Science and Analytics: 5th International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology, REDSET 2019, Gurugram, India, November 15–16, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, Part I

Usha Batra Nihar Ranjan Roy Brajendra Panda (Eds.) Communications in Computer and Information Science 1229 Data Science and Analytics 5th International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology, REDSET 2019 Gurugram, India, November 15–16, 2019 Revised Selected Papers, Part I Communications in Computer and Information Science 1229 Commenced Publication in 2007 Founding and Former Series Editors: Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa, Phoebe Chen, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Xiaoyong Du, Orhun Kara, Ting Liu, Krishna M. Sivalingam, Dominik Ślęzak, Takashi Washio, Xiaokang Yang, and Junsong Yuan Editorial Board Members Joaquim Filipe Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Setúbal, Portugal Ashish Ghosh Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India Igor Kotenko St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia Raquel Oliveira Prates Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil Lizhu Zhou Tsinghua University, Beijing, China More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/7899 Usha Batra Nihar Ranjan Roy (cid:129) (cid:129) Brajendra Panda (Eds.) Data Science and Analytics 5th International Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Technology, REDSET 2019 – Gurugram, India, November 15 16, 2019 Revised Selected Papers, Part I 123 Editors Usha Batra NiharRanjan Roy GDGoenka University GDGoenka University Gurugram, India Sohna,Haryana, India Brajendra Panda University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR,USA ISSN 1865-0929 ISSN 1865-0937 (electronic) Communications in Computer andInformation Science ISBN 978-981-15-5826-9 ISBN978-981-15-5827-6 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5827-6 ©SpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd.2020 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpartofthe material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynow knownorhereafterdeveloped. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthispublication doesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevant protectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Thepublisher,theauthorsandtheeditorsaresafetoassumethattheadviceandinformationinthisbookare believedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateofpublication.Neitherthepublishernortheauthorsortheeditors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissionsthatmayhavebeenmade.Thepublisherremainsneutralwithregardtojurisdictionalclaimsin publishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSingaporePteLtd. Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:152BeachRoad,#21-01/04GatewayEast,Singapore189721, Singapore Preface Datascienceemploystechniquesandtheoriesdrawnfrommanyfieldswithinthebroad areas of mathematics, statistics, information science, and computer science, in partic- ular from the subdomains of machine learning, classification, cluster analysis, data mining, databases, and visualization. Data analytics seeks to provide operational observations intoissuesthatwe either knowordonotknow.Analysis isapartofany scientific research and it is the first step in building a theory. The second step is synthesis, which actually builds or creates a theory. It is also important to remember thatscienceisnotaboutresults,butaboutamethodologytogetthem.Thefocusison big data applications to tackle the problem of decision-making under uncertainty by usingmachinelearningmethodsandgraphtheorytoanalyzecomplexstructuresinbig data to build recommender systems and predictive models. The5thInternationalConferenceonRecentDevelopmentsinScience,Engineering andTechnology(REDSET2019),washeldattheGDGoenkaUniversity,India,during November 15–16, 2019, in association with Springer, is our humble effort in this direction. Promotion of inquiry-based education has been the core competence of the School of Engineering at GD Goenka University since its inception and the present conference was yet another step forward. We aim to promote the interdisciplinary natureofscientificenquiry,whichleadstoengineeringeffortstodevelopscientificand technologically innovative solutions so as to benefit society as a whole. We received 353 papers and participation from 12 different countries including India, Canada, Egypt, Lithuania, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, UAE, Vietnam, and the USA. After undergoing a rigorous peer-review process fol- lowing international standards, the acceptance rate was approximately 21%. Selection wasbasedonoriginalityoftheidea,innovation,andrelevancetotheconferencetheme and relation to the latest trends in the respective domains. We hope that the ideas and subsequent discussions presented at the conference will help the global scientific communityto aimtowardanationally andgloballyresponsible society. We also hope that young minds will derive inspiration from their elders and contribute toward developing sustainable solutions for the nation and the world as a whole. ThecurrentproceedingscontainthecontributionspresentedduringREDSET2019. WewishtoexpressoursincereappreciationtothemembersoftheTechnicalProgram Committeeandthereviewerswhohelpedinthepaperselectionprocess.Wealsothank the authors for their contributions that allowed us to assemble such an exceptional technical set of papers. We thank Springer for being our publication partner for this conference. Our special thanks go to the editorial staff at Springer, especially Ms.Kamiya KhatterandMs.Alla Serikova,for theiroutstandingserviceandsupport. April 2020 Usha Batra Nihar Ranjan Roy Brajendra Panda Organization Patron Goenka Nipun Managing Director at GD Goenka Group, India Co-patron Bhaskaran Suku President of GD Goenka Group, India Conference Program Chair Panda Brajendra University of Arkansas, USA Steering Committee Chair Sahu Atma Coppin State University, USA Members Tickoo Sham Purdue University, USA Klauss Raul Technological University of Clausthal, Germany Rauniyar S. P. BMRD, Australia Borana Lalit Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Mitra Shayon Manitoba Public Insurance, Canada Srivastava Anurag K. Washington State University, USA Priyadi Ardyono Institut Teknologi Sepuluh, Indonesia Goel Lalit Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Organizing Committee Conference Chair Batra Usha GD Goenka University, India Organizing Secretary Roy Nihar Ranjan GD Goenka University, India Members Agrawal Shilpy GD Goenka University, India Arya Vaishali GD Goenka University, India Banerjee Alina GD Goenka University, India viii Organization Bashir Jasira GD Goenka University, India Chopra Khayati GD Goenka University, India Gautam Ashu GD Goenka University, India Gupta Niharika GD Goenka University, India Jindal Anita Anand GD Goenka University, India Kapoor Neha GD Goenka University, India Kataria Shipra GD Goenka University, India Khurana Shikha GD Goenka University, India Kumar Yogesh GD Goenka University, India Meenalochani N. GD Goenka University, India Mehta Deepa GD Goenka University, India Nagpal Arpita GD Goenka University, India Pankaj Manchanda GD Goenka University, India Priya Rashmi GD Goenka University, India Saini Manisha Saini GD Goenka University, India Sharma Ganga GD Goenka University, India Sharma Manka GD Goenka University, India Singh Jaspreet GD Goenka University, India Singh Ramandeep GD Goenka University, India Sondhi Akanksha GD Goenka University, India International Advisory Committee Srivastava Anurag K. Washington State University, USA Priyadi Ardyono Institut Teknologi Sepuluh, Indonesia Panda Brajendra University of Arkansas, USA Goel Lalit Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Yorino Naoto Hiroshima University, Japan Kothari D. P. GP Group of Institutions, India Al-Rabea Adnan Al-Balqà Applied University, Jordan Karki Nava Raj Tribhuvan University, Nepal Dharshana Yapa Roshan University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Eghbal Daniel (Mehdi) ENERGEX, Australia Talukdar Kamarul Hasan Kulna University, Bangladesh Kapoor Nishal IBM Corporation, USA Kuswadi Son Politeknik Elektronika Negeri, Indonesia Chari Rama RRCAT, India Salazar Alvare German Stockholm University, Sweden Girgis Emad National Research Centre, Egypt Sharma Paramanand Tohoku University, Japan Tickoo Sham Purdue University, USA Rauniyar S. P. BMRD, Australia Hakim Lukmanul Lampung University, Indonesia Klauss Raul Technological University of Clausthal, Germany Manis Amigui Gcaro Monterry Institute of Technology, Mexico Cocotle Compa Organization ix Victor Manuel Diez Interconexion Electrica, Columbia Mitra Shayon Manitoba Public Insurance, Canada Chhabra Amit Pollard Banknote, Canada Borana Lalit Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Bhalla Subhash University of Aizu, Japan Muhammad Akbar Hussain Aalborg University, Denmark Dil Abdullah Mohammad University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia FaizLiew Beichelt Frank University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa Mueller Eckhard German Aerospace Centre, Germany Technical Committee Yorino Naoto Hiroshima University, Japan Huang Miaoqing University of Arkansas, USA Kothari D. P. GP Group of Institutions, India Al-Rabea Adnan Al-Balqà Applied University, Jordan Garg Deepak Bennate University, India Raj Karki Nava Tribhuvan University, Nepal Dharshana Yapa Roshan University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Eghbal Daniel (Mehdi) Energex, Australia Talukdar Kamarul Hasan Kulna University, Bangladesh Kapoor Nishal IBM Corporation, USA Kuswadi Son Politeknik Elektronika Negeri, Indonesia Chari Rama RRCAT, India Alvare German Salazar Stockholm University, Sweden Girgis Emad National Research Centre, Egypt Vyas Abhilasha GSFC University, India Kumar Abhinav Amity University, India Kumar Singh Abhishek BIT, India Swaroop Abhishek BPIT, India Priyam Abhishek NIT, India Singh Abhishek Kumar BIT, India Elngar Ahmed Beni-Suef University, Egypt Kumar Ajeet AmesGoldsmith, USA Dureja Aman PDM College of Engineering, India Landage Amarsinh Government College of Engineering, India Singh Amit Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India Choudhary Amit Maharaja Surajmal Institute, India Upadhyay Amrita NIT, India Nayyar Anand Duy Tan University, Vietnam Garg Anjali The NorthCap University, India Kumar Ankit Uppsala University, Sweden Choudhary Ankur Amity University, India Vij Ankush Amity University, India x Organization Gupta Anuj Kumar IKG Punjab Technical University, India Nagpal Arpita GD Goenka University, India Seth Ashish Inha University, Uzbekistan Khanna Ashish MAIT, India Garg Atul Chitkara University, India Bhati Bhoopesh Sinigh Ambedkar Institute of Advanced Communication Technologies and Research, India Garg Bindu Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, India Panda Brajendra University of Arkansas, USA Shekhar Chander Amity University, India Banerjee Chitreshh Amity University, India Babu D. Veerabhadra iNURTURE Education Solutions Pvt. Ltd., India Mehta Deepa GD Goenka University, India Gupta Deepak GGSIPU, India Kamthania Deepali IIT, India Garg Deepika GD Goenka University, India Kumar Devendra ABES Engineering College, India Singh Dimple Amity University, India Nandan Durgesh AccendereKnowledgeManagementServicesPvt.Ltd., CL Educate Ltd., India Sharma Ganga Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India Rani Geeta NSIT, India Yadav Harikesh NIT, India Kumar Harish GL Baja Institute of Engineering and Technology, India Purohit Hemant JIET, India Singh Jaspreet GGSIPU, India Jadon Jitendra Amity University, India Patel Jyotirmay Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Engineering, Technology and Research, India Sagayam K. Martin Karunya University, India Rai Kajal Punjab University, India Punia Kavita JK Lakshmipat University, India Sree Kiran SVECW, India Seth Kirti Inha University, Uzbekistan Prasad Lalit Galgotias University, India Kharb Latika Jagan Institute of Management Studies, India Sharma Lavanya Amity University, India Bhatia Madhulika Amity University, India Hooda Madhurima Amity University, India Goyal Manik CDLSIET, India Gupta Manish Kumar Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, India Saini Manisha GD Goenka University, India Gupta Manoj Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies, India Singh Manu HRIT Group of Institutions, India Solanki Manu Manav Rachna International University, India

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