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Preview Dark Matter Equilibria in Galaxies and Galaxy Systems

ACCEPTEDBYAPJ PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.03/07/07 DARKMATTEREQUILIBRIAINGALAXIESANDGALAXYSYSTEMS A.LAPI1,2 ANDA.CAVALIERE1,3 DraftversionJanuary27,2009 ABSTRACT Inthedarkmatter(DM)halosembeddinggalaxiesandgalaxysystemsthe‘entropy’K σ2/ρ2/3(aquantity thatcombinestheradialvelocitydispersionσwiththedensityρ)isfoundfromintensiveN≡- bodysimulationsto followapowerlawrunK rαthroughoutthehalos’bulk,withαaround1.25.Takingupfromphenomenology ∝ 9 justthatα constapplies,wecutthroughtherichanalyticcontentsoftheJeansequationdescribingtheself- ≈ 0 gravitating equilibria of the DM; we specifically focus on computing and discussing a set of novel physical 0 solutions that we name α-profiles, marked by the entropy slope α itself, and by the maximal gravitational 2 pull κ (α) required for a viable equilibrium to hold. We then use an advanced semianalytic description crit for the cosmological buildup of halos to constrain the values of α to within the narrow range 1.25- 1.29 n fromgalaxiestogalaxysystems; thesecorrespondtohalos’currentmassesintherange1011- 1015M . Our a J rangeofα appliessince thetransitiontimethat- bothin oursemianalyticdescriptionandin state-of⊙-the-art numerical simulations - separates two development stages: an early violent collapse that comprises a few 7 majormergersand enforcesdynamicalmixing, followedby smoothermassadditionthroughslow accretion. 2 In ourrangeof α we providea close fit for the relationκcrit(α), and discussa relatedphysicalinterpretation ] intermsofincompleterandomizationoftheinfallkineticenergythroughdynamicalmixing. Wealsogivean h accurateanalyticrepresentationoftheα-profileswithparametersderivedfromtheJeansequation;thisprovides p straightforwardprecisionfits to recentdetaileddata fromgravitationallensingin andaroundmassive galaxy - clusters,andthusreplacestheempiricalNFWformularelievingtherelatedproblemsofhighconcentrationand o r oldage. We finallystresshowourfindingsandpredictionsastoαandκcrit contributetounderstandhitherto t unsolvedissuesconcerningthefundamentalstructureofDMhalos. s a Subjectheadings:Darkmatter–galaxies:clusters:general–galaxies:halos [ 2 v 1. INTRODUCTION lapse a substantial mass is gathered, while the major merg- 5 Galaxies, galaxy groups and clusters are widely held to ers reshuffle the gravitational potential wells and cause the 4 form under the drive of the gravitationalinstability that acts collisionless DM particles to undergo dynamical relaxation; 2 oninitialperturbationsmodulatingthecosmicdensityofthe therefromthehaloemergeswithadefinitestructureofthein- 1 nerdensityandgravitationalpotential.Duringthelaterstage, dominantcolddarkmatter(DM)component. Theinstability . moderate amounts of mass are slowly accreted mainly onto 0 atfirstiskeptincheckbythecosmicexpansion,butwhenthe theoutskirts,littleaffectingtheinnerstructureandpotential, 1 localgravityprevailscollapsesetsin. Thestandardsequence butquiescentlyrescalingupwardstheoverallsize (see Hoff- 8 runs as follows: a slightly overdense region expands more 0 slowlythanitssurroundings,progressivelydetachesfromthe manetal. 2007). : Hubble expansion, halts and turns around; then it collapses, In the resulting simulated halos, the coarse-grainedproxy v Q ρ/σ3tothephase-spacedensity–definedintermsofthe i andeventuallyvirializestoforma DM‘halo’in equilibrium ≡ X under self-gravity. The amplitude of more massive pertur- DMdensityρandoftheradialvelocitydispersionσ–isem- piricallyfoundtobestableafterthecollapse,anddistributed r bations is smaller, so the formation is hierarchical with the a massivestructuresformingtypicallylater(seePeebles1993). inthe formofa powerlawwith uniformslopedlogQ/dlogr around- 1.9throughoutthehalo’sbulkwhereitisamenable Sucha formationhistoryhasbeenconfirmedandresolved to a considerable detail by many intensive N- body simula- to noise-free measurements (see Taylor & Navarro 2001; Dehnen&McLaughlin2005;Ascasibar&Gottlöber2008). tions. Earlyon(White1986)theseaddedanimportantblock Takingupsuchanotion,thepresentpaperstarts(§2)from of information, i.e., the growth of a halo actually includes investigating the wide set of macroscopic equilibria for the mergingeventswithotherclumpsofsizescomparable(‘ma- DMunderself-gravity,asdescribedbytheJeansequation. It jor’mergers)orsubstantiallysmaller(‘minor’mergers),down proceeds (§ 3) to the semianalytic description of their time tonearlysmoothaccretion(seeSpringeletal. 2006). buildup to constrain their governingparameters, and so pre- Morerecently,asecondroundoffeatureshasbeenincreas- dict the halo realistic structure. It proposes (§ 4) physical inglyrecognizedinhighlyresolvedsimulationsofindividual interpretationsfor such parameters. The paper is concluded halos forming in cosmological volumes (Zhao et al. 2003; (§5)withasummaryofourfindingsandadiscussionofthe Diemandetal.2007),totheeffectofidentifyinginthegrowth perspectivestheyopen. twodefinitestages:anearlyfastcollapseincludingafewvio- Throughoutweadoptthestandard,flatcosmologicalmodel lentmajormergers,andalatercalmerstagecomprisingmany withnormalizedmatterdensityΩ =0.27,darkenergyden- minor mergers and smooth accretion. During the early col- M sityΩΛ=0.73,andHubbleconstantH0=72kms- 1Mpc- 1. 1Univ.‘TorVergata’,ViaRicercaScientifica1,00133Roma,Italy. 2. JEANSEQUILIBRIA 2AstrophysicsSector,SISSA/ISAS,ViaBeirut2-4,34014Trieste,Italy. 3AccademiaNazionaledeiLincei,ViaLungara10,00165Roma,Italy ThestaticequilibriaoftheDMhalosobeytheJeansequa- tionthat,onneglectingforthetimebeinganisotropiesandthe 2 LAPI&CAVALIERE FIG.1.—Toppanels:theγ(α)andκ(α)relationsforthepowerlawsolutionsoftheJeansequation,see§2.1;bluedotsrefertothesolutionwithα=5/4,and greendotsrefertothesolutionwithα=4/3(theisothermalsphere).Intherightpanelthedashedlinerepresentstherelationκ=3α/2,andthearrowindicates howκincreasetowardthevalues(giveninthebottomrightpanel)fortheα-profiles,see§2.1-2.2fordetails.Bottompanels:theγ- γ′andκcrit(α)relationsfor theα-profileswithαintherange1.2- 35/27,see§2.1-2.2;bluedotsandcurvesrefertothesolutionwithα=5/4,andreddotsandcurvesrefertothesolution withα=35/27. Intheleftpanel,thesquaresmarkthecoupleofvaluesγ0,γ0′atr=r0.Notethatwewillfindin§3therelevantvaluesofαtobeconstrained withintherange5/4- 35/27,i.e.,betweentheblueandreddots/curves. blendintothelarge-scaleenvironmenttobediscussedin§5, 2.1. Background reads Webeginwithlookingfirst(afterTaylor&Navarro2001) 1d(ρσ2) =- GM(<r) . (1) atpowerlawsolutionsofEq.(2)oftheformρ r- γ,withthe ρ dr r2 entropyrunsettoK rα;thennotonlyαis∝agivenparam- To elicit the contents of this macroscopic-like equation, eter,butalsotheslop∝eγ=- dlogρ/dlogr isaconstanttobe an explicit link is required between σ2(r) and ρ(r). Such a determinedfromEq.(2)intheform link may be providedby Q(r), or by the equivalentquantity 3 3 κ r 2- α- γ/3 K(r) σ2/ρ2/3=Q- 2/3(r);thisisoftennamedDM‘entropy’ γ- α= . (3) invie≡wofitsformalanalogywiththeadiabatofagasinther- 5 5 3- γ (cid:18)r0(cid:19) mal equilibrium, and is increasingly used in the context of Here the ‘bare’ constant κ 4πGρ r2/σ2 = (3- γ)v2/σ2 ≡ 0 0 0 0 0 DMequilibria,fromTaylor&Navarro(2001)toFaltenbacher compares the gravitational potential to the random kinetic et al. (2007). We focuson this functionof state K(r) in the energy associated with the velocity dispersion at a refer- configurationspace,andcommentonourchoicein§5. ence point r . At the r.h.s. κ appears as modulated by 0 In terms of the slope dlogK/dlogr α, Eq. (1) is recast r- dependencies,producedbythe integrateddynamicalmass intotheparticularlysimpleform ≡ M(<r)toyieldv2(r) r2- γ/(3- γ)inthepowerlawcase,and 5 dlogρ dlogK v2(r) bythelocaldepencden∝ciesfromσ2(r) K(r)ρ2/3(r) rα- 2γ/3. =- - c . (2) Forapowerlawsolutiontoactually∝holdther.h.s∝. mustbe 3 dlogr dlogr σ2(r) constant,whichyieldsthelink Herev2c(r)=GM(<r)/risthe(squared)circularvelocity,that γ=6- 3α, (4) providesa naturalscaling for the depth of the DM potential as pointed out by Taylor & Navarro (2001), Hansen (2004), well. andAustinetal. (2005). Giventhis,thebalanceofthethree Takingupfromthesimulationphenomenologyonlytheno- terms in Eq. (3) imposes on the dimensionless gravitational tion that α be uniform throughout the halo bulk (see § 1), pulltheconstraint we will discuss the range of values to be expected for α as a clue to their origin. In fact, in their pioneeringwork Tay- κ=(5γ/3- α)(3- γ)=6(α- 1)(5- 3α), (5) lor & Navarro (2001)selected a value of the exponentclose whosenonlinearitiesreflecttheDMself-gravity. Thustheal- to α=1.25. Other, recentstudieshaveprovidedsimilar val- lowedpowerlawsolutionsmustlieonaparabolaintheplane uesforα: around1.27accordingto Ascasibaretal. (2004), α- κandonastraightlineintheplaneα- γ,asillustratedin and around 1.29 according to Rasia et al. (2004). Beyond the top panels of Fig. 1; note that to ensure κ>0 the over- the minor differences, it is the narrow empirical range that allbounds1<α<5/3musthold, implyingthat1<γ <3 constitutedanunsolvedchallenge. appliesforthepowerlawsolutions. DMEQUILIBRIAINGALAXIESANDGALAXYSYSTEMS 3 FIG.2.—Radialrunsfortheα-profiles:densityρ,massM,circularvelocityvc,gravitationalpotentialΦ,velocitydispersionσ,andentropyK;theprofilesare normalizedto1atthepointr0whereγ=γ0=6- 3αholds. Variouscurvesareforαintherange1.2- 35/27;theblueonereferstothesolutionwithα=5/4, andtheredonereferstoα=35/27. Two notable instances correspond to the values α = 4/3 otherhand,forr r itisseenthateitherγ γ 3(1+α)/2 0 b ≫ → ≡ and5/4. Theformeryieldsthestandard,singularisothermal holdsoradensitycutoffoccurs,ifthemassM(<r)istosat- spherewithγ=2andκ=2;thelatterholdsforthevalueofα urate to a constant, implying v2(r) 1/r. In other words, c ∝ originallyselected by Taylor & Navarro(2001), and implies powerlaws with inner γ and outer slope γ will constitute a b γ =9/4 and κ=15/8. Note that they are located on the in- asymptotic or effective approximationsto the full solutions. tersectionsoftheparabolaEq.(5)withthelineκ=3α/2,see For example, for the value α=5/4 one recovers the slopes Fig.1. γ =3/4andγ =27/8,foundbyTaylor&Navarro(2001)in a b The powerlaw solutions of the Jeans equation with slope theirarchetypicalfullsolution. γ 6- 3αwillturnouttobetangenttothefullsolutionsat Thus all full solutions may be conveniently visualized as 0 ≡ r =r so as to provide a useful reference slope in the mid- bentdownfromthecorrespondingtangentpowerlawsoasto 0 dle of the halo. However, they do not qualify as relevant meettheaboveasymptoticformsatbothsmallandlargeradii. solutions since at both extremes they suffer of unphysical These solutions will be analytically studied and constrained features: since 1<γ <3 holds as shown above, the force next. In fact, the solution space of the Jeans equationis an- GM(< r)/r2 r1- γ would diverge at the center, while the alyticallyrich,so we referthe interestedreadertothe works massM(<r)∝r3- γ woulddivergetowardlarger. by Austin et al. (2005), Dehnen& McLaughlin(2005), and To avoid th∝ese drawbacks, in all physically relevant solu- Barnes et al. (2006, 2007) for extensive coverage. Here we tionstherunningslopeγ(r)istobenddownfromthemiddle summarizethemainresultsandproceedtofocusonthe‘criti- valueingoingtowardlargeandsmallr.Infact,forr r one cal’solutionsintheterminologyofTaylor&Navarro(2001). 0 caninferfromEq.(3)thatasymptoticallyγ γ 3≪α/5isto To highlight the properties of these solutions with run- a holdifthegravitationalforceistobefinite,w→hich≡impliesthat ningγ(r),itisconvenient(seeDehnen&McLaughlin2005; both sides of Eq. (3) vanish (see Austin et al. 2005); on the Austinetal. 2005;alsoBarnesetal. 2006,2007)toreplace 4 LAPI&CAVALIERE FIG. 3.—Energydistributions fortheα-profiles: specificpotential energyEpot,randomkineticenergyEkin,virialratio2Ekin/|Epot|,andratioofcircular velocitytothevelocitydispersionv2/σ2appearinginEq.(2).LinesasinFig.2. c theoriginalJeansequationγ- 3α/5=3v2/5σ2 withitsfirst and(7);theformeralsoprovidesthefollowingexhaustivede- c andsecondderivative,andusethedifferentialmassdefinition scriptionofthesolutions. dM/dr=4πρr2,toobtain In the inner region only three situations possibly arise (Williams et al. 2004, Dehnen & McLaughlin 2005): (i) γ 2 3 r 2- α ρ 1/3 attains the value γ asymptotically for r r , which is un- γ′- 3(γ- γa)(γ- γb)= 5κ r ρ , physicalsincesuch0asolutionwouldendt≪here0withadiverg- (cid:18) 0(cid:19) (cid:18) 0(cid:19) inggravitationalforce;(ii)thesolutionattainsthevalueγ at (6) a afiniteradius,andthencontinuestoflattendowntothepoint γ - γ γ- 2γa+2γb- γ0 = 2(γ- γ )(γ- γ )(γ- γ ). ofdevelopingacentralhole,whichisobviouslytobeavoided; ′′ ′ a 0 b 3 9 (iii)γapproachesthevalueγ asymptoticallyforr r ,that (cid:18) (cid:19) a ≪ 0 is the only viable possibility. Thus physical solutions must Hereγ andγ denotethefirstandsecondlogarithmicderiva- ′ ′′ approachtheinnerslopeγ ,andmuststeepenmonotonically a tive of γ with respectto r; in addition, r is the pointwhere 0 outwards. the density slope matches γ 6- 3α (see Eq. [4]), while 0 However,notallofthemaretenableinviewoftheirouter γ 3α/5andγ 3(1+α)/≡2areshorthandsfor theinner a b behavior(Austin et al. 2005, Dehnen& McLaughlin2005). ≡ ≡ andtheoutereffectiveslopesanticipatedabove. Here,againthreesituationsformallyarisethatdependonthe In the second equation the normalization constant κ value of α: (i) γ approachesthe value γ asymptoticallyfor 4πGρ r2/σ2 does not appear explicitly; however, from th≡e 0 0 0 0 r r0, whichoccursforα>35/27andis unphysicalsince firstEq.(6)evaluatedatr itiseasilyrecognizedthat ≫ 0 with such a solution the mass would diverge (in practice, it κ=6(α- 1)(5- 3α)+5γ0′/3 (7) wfinoiuteldrabdeiuilsl-adnedfintheedn,sgeoee§st5o);an(iio)uγtearttcauitnosfft,htehsaltoopcecγubrsaftoar isrelatedtoγ0′,andinafullsolutionspecificallymeasuresthe α<35/27andisphysicallyviablesincethecutoffsactually upwarddeviationofκfromthecorrespondingpowerlaw,that set in at large radii exterior to the halo’s bulk, as discussed is,abovetheparabolaexpressedbyEq.(5),seealsoFig.1. below;(iii)γ approachestheslopeγ asymptoticallyforr b Infact,asthevalueofκincreasesatgivenα,thesolutions asitoccursforα=35/27,whichalsoprovidesaphysical→ly will be progressivelycurveddownboth inward and outward ∞viablesolution. of r , to constitute a bundletangent to the related powerlaw 0 with slope given by Eq. (4). But, as stressed by Taylor & 2.2. Viablefullsolutions Navarro (2001), only a definite maximal value κ can be crit withstoodbythehaloatequilibrium,lestthe solutiondevel- Summingup, the criticalsolutionssatisfy bothsets of cri- opspathologieslike a centralhole; this valuemarksa ‘criti- teria, but exist only for α 35/27=1.296 (which excludes ≤ cal’solution. Correspondingly,thevaluesforκ (α)maybe the case corresponding to the isothermal powerlaw); here- crit foundbya painstakingtrial-and-errorprocedure,asdoneby afterthesewill benamed‘α-profiles’. We computethemby Taylor&Navarro(2001)fortheparticularcaseα=5/4.More integrating the second of Eqs. (6) with boundary conditions conveniently,theymaybecomputeddirectlythroughEqs.(6) γ γ andγ 0forr 0. Theresultsintheplaneγ- γ a ′ ′ → → → DMEQUILIBRIAINGALAXIESANDGALAXYSYSTEMS 5 FIG. 4.—Characteristicradii(inunitsofr0)fortheα-profilesasafunctionofα: radiusrpwherethecircularvelocitypeaks,radiusrmwherethevelocity dispersionpeaks,radiusr3wheretheslopeofthedensityprofileequals3,andradiusrbwheretheslopeofthedensityprofilereadsγb=3(1+α)/2. Theblue dotsrefertothesolutionwithα=5/4,andthereddotstoα=35/27.Inthebottomrightpaneltheredarrowindicatesthatthesolutionwithα=35/27attainsthe slopeγbonlyasymptoticallyinapowerlawtail.Notethatasαincreases,thepeakofthevelocitydispersiondisplacesrelativelymorethanthecircularvelocity’s. forvariousαbetween1.2and35/27areplottedasdifferent alistic beingnowherenegative(see alsoZhao1996;Widrow linesin Fig. 1 (leftbottompanel); therewe can readoutthe 2000). valuesof γ atr=r (squaresin the figure),and findthe re- In Fig. 3 we show the ratio v2(r)/σ2(r) entering Eq. (2); 0′ 0 c latedκ afterEq.(7).Therelationκ (α)isplottedinFig.1 we also show the energy distributions associated to the crit crit (rightbottompanel);theresultingcorrelationisfittedbythe α-profiles: the specific potential energy E = 4π rdr expressionκcrit(α) 8.228- 4.443αtobetterthan1%. r2ρ(r)v2(r )/M(< r), the random kinetic peontergy E0 =′ Oursolutionsinc≃ludetheprototypicalonecorrespondingto 4′π rd′r cr2′ρ(r)3σ2(r)/2M(<r), and the local virialRkriantio α=5/4(highlightedinblue),firstfoundbyTaylor&Navarro 0 ′ ′ ′ ′ 2E /E . Notethatthelattertendsto1atlarger,asisex- (2001)andshowntobewellfitted,ifonlyinaregionaround Rkin | pot| pectedforstableself-gravitatinghalos(seeŁokas&Mamon r , by the NFW formula (Navarro et al. 1997); for such a 0 2001);infact,itcloselyapproachesunityalreadyforr r . solution the precise value of κcrit reads 2.674, see Dehnen In Fig. 4 we plot as a function of α various charact≈eris0tic & McLaughlin (2005). Our solutions also include the one radii (in units of r ) of the α-profiles; specifically, we show corresponding to the limiting value α= 35/27 (highlighted 0 theradiusr wherethecircularvelocityv (r)peaks,theradius in red) studied by Dehnen & McLaughlin (2005); for this p c κ =200/81isfound. rm where the velocity dispersion σ2(r) peaks, the radius r3 crit In Fig. 2 we illustrate the radial dependencies of vari- where the slope of the density profile reads γ = 3, and the ous interesting quantities for the α-profiles: density ρ and radiusrbwheretheslopeoftheprofiletakesonthevalueγb= its logarithmic slope γ, circular velocity v2, velocity disper- 3(1+α)/2.Notethatrbisalwayslarge,andformallyrecedes c to infinity (as represented in the plot with an arrow) for the sionσ2, entropyK, massM(<r), andgravitationalpotential Φ=- r∞dr′GM(<r′)/r′2; the profiles are normalizedto 1 limFiotirntghecassaekαe =of3c5l/a2ri7tyt,hianththaessaepFoiwguerrelaswwfealhloafvfe. confined atthepointr withinthehalo’smiddle. Outwardsofthis,so- lutionsRcorres0pondingtolargervaluesofαhavelargeroverall thevaluesofαtobetween1.2and35/27;althoughtheupper boundisalreadyrequiredforhavingnocentralholeandafi- masses, flatter density profiles, higher velocity dispersions, nite mass asdiscussed above, limited informationexisted so anddeeperpotentialwells. far concerning lower bounds from the isotropic Jeans equa- As mentionedabove, the α-profileswith α<35/27show tion. anoutercutoff,to whichthefollowingremarksapply. First, thecutoffsgenerallyoccurbeyondthevirialradius(see§5). 3. THEENTROPYSLOPESFROM Second, the velocity dispersion σ2 ρ2/3K rα- 2γ/3 falls COSMOGONICBUILDUP ∝ ∝ rapidly outside of r and vanishesat the density cutoff, thus 0 Here we show that the cosmogonichistories of DM halos preventinganyfinite outflowrelatedto residualrandommo- enforceadditional,stringentlimitationstotherangeofα;on tions of DM particles. Third, the microscopic distribution the high side the resulting bound turns out to be pleasingly function as obtained through the Eddington formula (e.g., close to the value 35/27 derived above from the analysis of Binney& Tremaine1987)frompairsof ρ(r) and Φ(r) is re- the static Jeans equation, but on the low side it constitutesa 6 LAPI&CAVALIERE newstringentresult. oftheinitialperturbations,thatalsoyieldsasequenceofcol- Considera DM halo with currentboundingradiusR, den- lapse times. With a realistic bell-shaped perturbation ǫ 1 sity ρ, mass M ρR3, velocity scales σ2 v2 M/R, and still applies to its middle; in the outer regionsǫ&1 imp≈lies ∝ ∝ c ∝ entropyK σ2/ρ2/3. Duringthehierarchicalbuilduptherun- theaccretiontobecomeslower,andcorrespondinglytheden- ninggrowt∝hratescalesasM˙ ρvR2 withtheinflowspeedv sity slope γ to steepen there relative to the middle one. The setbythedepthoftheDMwe∝llandhenceproportionaltov2; centralregionsaredescribedbyǫ 1,correspondingtofast c collapse;thescalinglawthensugg≪eststhedensityslopetobe thustheabovequantitiesmaybeexpressedintermsofMand ˙ flatterthere. Mtoprovidethescalinglaws: However, this simple approachcannotbe carried very far. R M/M˙2/3 v2 σ2 M˙2/3 ρ M˙2/M2 K M4/3/M˙2/3. Atsmallradiialsoangularmomentumeffectscomeintoplay ∝ c∝ ∝ ∝ ∝ (8) tolowerthedensityprofile;theyintroduceanotherradialscal- ing related to centrifugal barriers, as discussed in detail by Lu et al. (2006); these authors show how a density slope 3.1. Aheuristicapproach around- 1 is enforced if efficient isotropization of particles’ Primarilywelookforalinkoftheentropyslopeαwiththe orbits takes place during the fast collapse, while still flat- massgrowthrateinsimpleterms;thisanalysiswillhaveonly ter slopes occur with more even angular momentum distri- heuristic scope, introductory to the full study performed in butions. These,however,mustbeconsistentwiththeoverall §3.2.Towardourscope,wemakecontactwiththeclassicline equilibrium requirements; these orbital features are actually ofdevelopments(Fillmore&Goldreich1984;Luetal. 2006) subsumed into the macroscopic Jeans Eq. (2) with K rα thatanalyticallyrelatethecollapsehistoriestotheshapeand andprovidetherunningγ(r)=3α/5+3v2(r)/5σ2(r)(th∝elast c growthrateoftheprimordialDMperturbations. Theformer termisshowninFig.3)thatistoreplacethestiffscalingvalue maybeexpressedintermsofδM/M M- ǫ;butsinceahalo γ=6- 3αabove,butstillrecoversitatthesingleradiusr (cf. ∝ 0 virializeswhenδM/Mattainsacriticalthreshold(e.g.,1.686 Eqs.[4]and[6]). in the critical universe), the shape parameter ǫ =- dlog(1+ So we will depart from the above heuristic approach, and z)/dlogM effectivelygovernsalsothe(inverse)massgrowth focusoncomputingthevaluesofαtobeinsertedintoJeans, ratedefinedintermsofthescalingM (1+z)- 1/ǫ. alsoimplementingprecisemassandtimedependenciesofthe ∝ Thenwe use the standardrelationsbetween redshiftz and growthrateǫ.Tofocusthesesensitiveissuesarefinedanalysis cosmic time t, that may be expressed in the form (1+z) andacarefuldiscussionarerequiredandperformednext. t- q. Inthecriticalcosmologyq=2/3holds;inthecanonic∝al Concordance Cosmology the value q 2/3 still applies to 3.2. Advanced,semianalyticanalysis ≈ z&1,butaszdecreasesqprogressivelyrisestovaluesq 0.8 Wederivearobusttimeevolutionandmassdependenceof ≈ forz.0.5. ThenthemassgrowthhistorywritessimplyM ˙ ˙ ∝ MfromanupdatedversionoftheExtendedPress&Schechter tq/ǫ and the growth rate reads M/M =q/ǫt; from Eqs. (8), formalism(EPS,seeLacey&Cole1993). simplealgebrayieldsthescalinglawsR t(2+q/ǫ)/3, ρ t- 2, We are mainly interested in the average evolutionary be- andK t2(1+q/ǫ)/3. Oneliminatingt one∝obtainsK R∝αand haviorofhalos,sowecomputethemeangrowthrateM˙ ofthe ρ R-∝γ withslopes ∝ currentmassMas ∝ α=1+1+21ǫ/q and γ= 2ǫ6+ǫq , (9) M˙ = MdM′ (M- M′)d2dPMM′→dtM , (10) Z0 ′ the latter being related to the former by the simple scaling in terms of the differential merger rate d2PM′ M/dM′dt link γ =6- 3α, as expected at r r0 from Eq. (4). From giveninAppendixA.Thisincorporatesthefullco→smological ≈ Eq.(9)αisseentobeslightlylargerthanunitybyaquantity framework,andthedetailedcoldDMperturbationspectrum; slowlydependingonǫ/q;thisisconsistentwithK RM1/3 astotheformerweimplementtheConcordanceCosmology, R2- γ/3, thestraightforwardmessagefromEqs.(8)∝withM∝ andasforthelatterweadopttheshapegivenbyBardeenetal. R3- γ. ∝ (1986)correctedfor baryons(Sugiyama1995), and normal- These relationshipsfor α and γ embodyin a simple form ized as to yield a mass variance σ8 =0.8 on a scale of 8h- 1 somerelevantcosmogonicandcosmologicalinformation.For Mpc. We improve over previous studies of this kind (e.g., z & 1 where q 2/3 applies, one explicitly has α (2+ Milleretal. 2006;Lietal. 2007;Salvador-Soléetal. 2007) 3ǫ)/(1+3ǫ) and≈relatedly γ 9ǫ/(1+3ǫ), the latter≈being byusingthemergerrateappropriateforellipsoidalcollapses the well-knownexpressionfo≈rthe similarity solutionsto the (Sheth& Tormen2002)asprovidedbyZhangetal. (2008); sphericalinfall modelin a critical Universe. For z.0.5 in- this is shown by the latter authors to yield formation times stead when q 4/5 applies, one has α = (4+5ǫ)/(2+5ǫ) and growth rates in much closer agreement with numerical and γ 15ǫ/(≈2+5ǫ). As said, the remaining parameter ǫ simulationsthanthestandardEPStheory. Furtherdetailsare govern≈s both the shape of the initial perturbations and the presentedinAppendixA. ˙ times of their collapse. For instance, if the standard top-hat Eq.(10)providestherelationM(M,t)illustratedin Fig.5. shape appliedwith ǫ 1 correspondingto a monolithiccol- This may be viewed as a first order differentialequation for ≈ lapse,fromtheaboverelationsonewouldobtainα 1.25and M(t), that is numerically solved once the mass M(t ) at the 0 ≈ γ 2.25forhalosthatvirializeatz&1,aspointedoutearly present time t has been assigned in the way of a boundary 0 ≈ onbyBertschinger(1985);formoremassivehalosthatvirial- condition. In terms of M(t) so computed, the evolution of izeatz.0.5,fromthescalinglawsoneanticipatesaslightly thehalo propertiesare obtainedthroughEqs. (8); the results steeperα 1.29andaflatterγ 2.15. are illustrated in Fig. 6, where we plot the time and redshift ≈ ≈ Qualitatively,differentvaluesoftheslopeγmayberelated evolutionsfortheinversegrowthrateǫ, theoverallradiusR, toothervaluesofǫ,suchasoccurringinanarticulatedshape the mass M, the characteristic velocities v σ, the entropy ∝ DMEQUILIBRIAINGALAXIESANDGALAXYSYSTEMS 7 ˙ FIG.5.—TherelationM(M,z)fromtheaveragecosmogonicevolution,see§3.2fordetails. K, and finally the corresponding slope α dlogK/dlogR. ingthisstagetheN- bodyexperiments(seeZhaoetal. 2003; ≡ Thecurvesarefordifferentcurrentvaluesofthehalomasses Peirani et al. 2006; Hoffman et al. 2007) highlight turmoil M(t )rangingfrom1011to1015M . associatedwithfastcollapseandmajormergers,effectivedy- 0 In fact, in these detailed mass a⊙ccretion histories one can namical relaxation and mixing of DM particles. Taking up recognizeatransitionepochwhenthecircularvelocityv2 of from § 3.1, it is during these events that the orbits’ angular c the halo attains its highest value along an accretion history momentummustsettoanearisotropicdistributionsuchasto (see Li et al. 2007). The transitionseparatestwo stages: an lowertheinnerdensities. early stage of fast collapse, when ǫ.0.4 corresponds to a Butastheturmoilassociatedwiththefastcollapsesubsides, growth rate still high on the running Hubble timescale, and the orbital structure is bypassed and replaced by the macro- nearlyconstant;andalaterphaseofsloweraccretionwhenǫ scopicentropydistributionK rα withuniformvaluesofα, ∝ takes off from the value 0.4, i.e., the growth rate is low and asphenomenologicallyfoundtoholdthroughoutthenowsta- decreasing. Small halos with M .1012M have high tran- blehalos’bulk. Thenthe valuesof αatthetransitionepoch sitionredshifts,hencearenowwelladvanc⊙edintotheirslow and the corresponding edge R=r can be derived from the 0 accretion stage; on the other hand, very massive ones with scalinglawsandappliedtothewholeinnerregion,toobtain M&1015M havelowtransitionredshifts,sotodaytheyhave γ(r)=3α/5+3v2(r)/5σ2(r),takingonthevalue6- 3αonly c just comple⊙tedtheir fast accretion stage. A similar behavior atthepointr accordingtotheresultsof§2.1. 0 has been identified in a number of recent numericalsimula- Thevalueofαisexpectedtopersistinthebulkduringthe tions(Zhaoetal. 2003;Diemandetal. 2007),andhasbeen subsequent development in the slow accretion stage, when recognizedalsoinothersemianalyticcomputationsbasedon mass is added smoothly and mainly onto the outskirts, with thesimpler,lesspreciseEPStheory(seeLietal. 2007;Neis- littlemixing. Suchadevelopmentisborneoutbythewidely teinetal. 2006). sharedscenarioofhalobuildupfromtheinsideout,champi- oned by Bertschinger (1985), Taylor & Navarro (2001), and 3.3. Results manyothers up to Salvador-Soléet al. (2007). Specifically, From Fig. 6 we also see that the values of α at the tran- theanalysisbytheformerauthorsconcerningtherandomiza- sition are narrowlyconstrained to within 1.27 0.02,i.e., a tionandthestratificationofparticles’orbitsduringsecondary ± 1.5% range. We note that this range explainswhy narrowly infallindicatesthattheirinternaldispositionislittle affected constrained phenomenologicalvalues of α are found within by subsequent, smoother mass additions on top of a closely the halo bulk from many and differentsimulations since the staticpotentialwell.Thusduringthelate,slowaccretionstage year 2000. In particular, our values turn out to agree with thestructureforr.r willbeunaffected. 0 thebestfittingexponentofQ(r) [orK(r)]withits scatterre- Meanwhile, the outer scale R M/M˙2/3 beyond r is in- 0 centlygivenindetailbyAscasibar&Gottlöber(2008)within creasingly stretched out to subs∝tantially larger values (see the halo bulk during calm infall; these authors warn against Fig. 6, top right panel); correspondingly, we find the outer extrapolatingtheirresultstoearlytimesandouterradii. slope α(R) dlogK/dlogR at R > r to decline in time 0 Correspondingly,inourfindingsthevaluesofαbeforethe (see Fig. 6,≡bottom right panel). This translates into a ra- transitionshould notbe overinterpretednor insertedinto the dial decrease α(r) on maintaining entropy stratification also Jeansequation. Infact,attheseearlyepochsthehalosexpe- intotheseregions(seeBertschinger1985,Taylor& Navarro riencerapidchangesandareclearlyoutofequilibrium;dur- 8 LAPI&CAVALIERE FIG. 6.—Evolutionofthevarious quantities alongtheaverage accretion historyofDMhalos: massM,radius R,velocity v, (inverse) massgrowthrate ǫ=- dlog(1+z)/dlogM,entropyK,andslopeα≡dlogK/dlogR. Thecurvesarefordifferentcurrenthalomassesintherange1011- 1015M⊙;fromtopto bottom,bluelinesrefersto1011M⊙,cyanto1012M⊙,greento1013M⊙,orangeto1014M⊙,andredto1015M⊙.Linesaredashedinthefastaccretionregime, anddotted intheslowaccretion phase; thesolid linemarksvalues atthetransition epoch, see§3.3fordetails. Inthebottomrightpanel, theshaded area highlightsthenarrowrangeexpectedforthevaluesofαatthetransition. 2001). Suchadecreaseistobeexpectedalsofromconsider- transitionfrom1.25to1.29inmovingfromgalaxy-tocluster- ingthatK(r) r2- γ/3 rapplies,onthebasisoftherelated sizedcurrentmasses. Afitaccuratetobetterthan0.1%tothis asymptotic be∝haviors→of ρ(r) r- γ and σ2(r) r2- γ where averagerelationisprovidedbyα 2.71- 0.23log(M/M )+ γ 3. We find thevaluesof∝α to decreaseby∝less than2% 0.009[log(M/M )]2;inparticular≃forgalaxyclusters,this⊙im- ou→ttor 2r ,andlessthan10%outtor 5r . pliesvaluesofα⊙ 1.27forAbellrichnessclassesr 0and 0 0 Conce≈rningtheJeansequation,thistoo≈(withitsboundary α 1.29forrichn≈essclassr&3. Thecorrelationα(≈M)may ≈ conditionssetatr=0, see §2.2)technicallyworksfromthe help to understand the differences in the values of α found insideout,andmaybeextendedtotheranger>r withde- in numerical simulations; in fact, the highest value 1.29 to 0 creasingslopeα(r). Thecorrespondingdensityrunissome- date has been reported by Rasia et al. (2004) in looking at whatsteepenedforr>r ,asifshiftingfromtheuppertothe cluster-sizedhalos,whilethevalue1.25firstfoundbyTaylor 0 lowercurvesinFig.2;wehavecheckedthattheouterdensity &Navarro(2001)referstogalaxy-sizedhalos. Observational profilelowersby lessthan 20%forr.5r . State-of-the-art evidencesupportingtheabovepictureispresentedin§5. 0 simulations still yield little information on the outskirts for Tosum up, fromthe cosmologicalbuildupwe find forthe r&r owingto lowdensitiesandnoisydatatherediscussed entropyslopethenarrowallowedrange 0 by Ascasibar & Gottlöber(2008). We presentelsewhere the α 1.27 0.02; (11) complete solutions outside r as a testbed for future simula- ≈ ± 0 this we use in our Jeans-like description of DM equilibria tions aimed at resolving the outskirts, and at fitting gravita- within the halos’ bulk. The boundson α are relevantin two tionallensingobservations(seediscussionin§5). respects: theupperonestrengthenstheformallimit35/27= In a similar vein, we predict a minor increase of α at the 1.296requiredforthesolutionsofthestaticJeansequationto DMEQUILIBRIAINGALAXIESANDGALAXYSYSTEMS 9 haveviableprofilesinthefaroutskirts(see§2.2anddiscus- sionin§5);theloweronecomplementarilyrestrictstherange oftheviablevalues. 4. APHYSICALMEANINGFORκcrit Here we propose to discuss the physical meaning of the quantity κ (defined in § 2.1 following Taylor & Navarro crit 2001)in terms of a direct energeticargument. We first note thatgiventheasymptoticsoftheα-profiles,thevelocitydis- persionv2(r) mustpeakat a pointr &r (see Fig. 4) to the c p 0 valuev2 =4πGρ(r )r2;atthiseasilyidentifiedpointthecon- p p p stantκ alsowrites4πGρ(r )r2/σ2 =v2/σ2, andthusis seen p p p p p tocomparetheestimateσ2fortherandomkineticenergywith p theestimatev2 forthegravitationalpotential. Wethenrecall p from§2.1thatahalointheviableequilibriumconditionfor agivenαismarkedbyamaximalvalueκ (α),thatis,bya crit minimallevelofrandomizedenergyσ2=v2/κ . p p crit Wenowshowthattoaverygoodapproximationthevalue FIG. 7.—Theκcrit(α)relation,asinFig.1(bottomrightpanel). Crosses for κ may be obtained from considering incomplete con- illustratethegoodnessofourapproximationtoκcrit(α)basedonadirecten- crit ergeticargument,see§4fordetails. versionoftheinfallkineticenergyv2 /2ofDMparticlesinto inf their dynamically randomized energy 3σ2/2 during forma- p computevaluesforκ asafunctionofα;notethatthesede- tion; a process introduced by Bertschinger (1985), different crit creaseforincreasingαwhichimplieslarger∆φ ,seeFig.2. from the complete violent relaxation proposed by Lynden- pt Fig.7 showshowwellEq.(13)recoversthe κ (α) relation Bell (1967)and discussed widely, includingthe recentArad crit obtainedthroughnumericalintegrationoftheJeansequation. & Lynden-Bell(2005), Trenti & Bertin (2005)and Trentiet This excellent fit to κ means that the expression for η al. (2005). crit inEq.(12),morethanasuccessfulguess,isdescribingwhat We propose to derive the critical value of κ=v2/σ2 from p p actuallyoccursinthemacroscopicequilibriaexpressedbythe therelation Jeansequationinkeepingwiththenumericalsimulations. At 3σ2 ηv2 , with η= 3 v2p/v2inf . (12) thereferee’ssuggestionweaddthatwhatultimatelythe first p≈ inf 2 1+v2/v2 Eq. (12) describes with the isotropic form of its l.h.s. is a p inf partial effective conversion at r r from radial infall into p This expression for the effective conversionefficiency η has ≈ tangentialmotions. beenconstructedonconsideringthat: (i)ithasto dependon theratioofthe(1- D)infallvelocitysquaredv2 tothedepth inf 5. DISCUSSIONANDCONCLUSIONS ofthepotentialwellasmeasuredbythe(2- D)circularveloc- itysquaredv2;(ii)theformallimitv2 =2σ2 correspondingto The general picture of DM halo formation as it emerges p p p from recent N- body simulations envisages a progressive κ=2(theisothermalpowerlaw,see§2.1)mustbeapproached for a fast inflow with v2 v2, which quantifiesthe incom- buildup through a two-stage development. At early epochs inf ≫ p majormergersassociatedwithfastreshapingofthebulkgrav- pletenessoftheenergyconversionduringthetransitofabullet itational potential cause particles’ orbits to dynamically re- withcrossingtimeshortcomparedwiththehalo’sdynamical lax and mix into a definite equilibrium disposition. At later time. epochsthehalooutskirtsprogressivelybuildupthroughrare As a simple example guided by the canonical theory of if persisting minor mergers and by smooth mass accretion, gravitational interactions (see Saslaw 1985; Cavaliere et al. 1992)wemayconsiderthatv2 /v2 3istoholdforhaving settlingtoaquasi-staticequilibrium. inf p≈ The stable equilibria soon after the early stage are effec- considerableenergytransfer;usingthissimpleapproximation tivelydescribedintermsofa phenomenologicalentropyrun inEq.(12)yieldsκ 2.6,avaluepleasinglycloseto2.64 crit≈ K rαwithuniformslopeαsomewhatlargerthan1.Spurred as obtained numerically in § 2.2 for the particular α-profile ∝ bythispowerlawbehavior,onemightlookforpowerlawso- withα=1.25.Ontheotherhand,thissimpleargumentcannot lutionsoftheJeansequationfortheequilibriumdensitypro- pinpointvalues of κ to the precision requiredto discrimi- crit files, only to find these just tangent to the actual solutions. natedifferentvaluesofα. Fromhereouranalysisgoesbeyondpowerlawdensities,and So, we may test our proposed η as given in Eq. (12) for providestworelatedblocksofnovelresults. differentvaluesofαbyusinginsteadenergyconservationto express the infall velocity v2 2∆φ in terms of the adi- First,wehavecomputedandillustratedawidesetofnovel mensional potential drop ∆iφnf ≈(normaptlized to v2) from the solutions to the isotropic Jeans equation, that we name α- pt p profiles, includingas two particular instances the prototypes turnaround radius to r (see Bertschinger 1985; Lapi et al. p investigated by Taylor & Navarro (2001) and Dehnen & 2005).InsertingthisintoEq.(12)yieldstheexpression McLaughlin(2005). Wehavestressedthatatgivenαtheso- v2 1 lutionsformatangentbundlewithρ(r)progressivelycurved κcrit≡ σp2 =2+∆φ ; (13) down as the gravitational pull measured by κ = v2p/σ2p in- p pt creasesabovethe value correspondingto the pure powerlaw this highlights the deviation of κ from the value 2 that profileγ=6- 3α;fromsuchbundlestheα-profilesstandout crit wouldapplyfortheisothermalpowerlaw(see§3).Usingthe forhavingashapemaximallycurvedtothepointofcomply- runsofφappropriatefortheα-profileasgivenin Fig.2,we ing with sensible outer and inner behaviors, i.e., finite total 10 LAPI&CAVALIERE FIG.8.—Analyticfitstothedensityruns(toppanels)andresiduals(bottompanels)fortheα-profileswithα=1.25(leftpanels)andα=35/27(rightpanels). SolidlinesillustratestheexactsolutionsfromnumericalintegrationoftheJeansequation,dashedlinesshowouranalyticfittingformulaEq.(B1),anddotted line(onlyinleftpanels)isthefittingformulabyTaylor&Navarro(2001,theirEq.[10]);notethatEq.(B1)forα=35/27coincideswiththeexactsolutiongiven byDehnen&McLaughlin(2005). mass and no central hole. This occurs for a maximal value 2000;Barnesetal. 2006),thatreads κ (α)ofthegravitationalpullv2relativetotherandomcom- crit p 1 preosnpeonntdσs2pt,oi.teh.e,fmoarxaimmianlismloapleσγ2pc=om3pαa/r5ed+tκov2pa;tththiseaplosionctorr-. ρ(r)∝ r/r0 γa 1+w r/r0 u q, (14) p crit p Suchsolutionsstillconstitutealargeset,beingparameterized withγa governingthe(cid:0)inne(cid:1)rpr(cid:2)ofile,q(cid:0)the(cid:1)ou(cid:3)terone,wandu intermsofawideoverallrange1<α 1.296forthevalues the position and sharpness of the radial transition. Here for ≤ ofα. the first time such a profile is substantiated with parameters Second, we have shown that toward further constraining expressed in terms of the derivatives of the Jeans equation thesevaluesthekeystepisprovidedbythehalos’cosmolog- (see § 2.2) and of the values for α as detailed in Appendix icalbuildup;infact,thescalinglawsof§3narrowlyrestrict B. We stress that the Jeans equlibrium (see Fig. 2) requires theviablerangetoα 1.25- 1.29 1.27 0.02,correspond- that the central slopes are always flatter, and the outer ones ing to current masse≈s M 1011- ≈1015M±. We have found alwayssteeper thanintheempiricalNFWfit. Thegoodness theseboundstoapplyatth∼eepochsoftran⊙sitionfromfastcol- ofthe abovefittingformulaisdiscussedinAppendixB, and lapsetoslowaccretion,whenthepotentialwellssettletotheir illustratedinFig.8. maximaldepthsalonganaccretionhistory(see§3). Infact, Weprobethephysicalrelevanceoftheα- profilesbycom- oursemianalyticanalysisnotonlyrecoversthetwo-stagede- paring in Fig. 9 the related projected density runs with the velopmentobservedinmanyrecentN- bodysimulations,but results from recent, exquisite observations of strong and also explains why only such narrowly constrained values of weakgravitationallensinginandaroundmassivegalaxyclus- αareactuallyfoundinmanydifferentnumericalworkssince ters, which just require flat inner, and steep outer behaviors theyear2000.Thevaluesκcritiscorrespondinglyconstrained (Broadhurstetal. 2008,Umetsu&Broadhurst2008,andref- to the range 2.7&κcrit &2.5; we trace back these valuesto erencestherein).Itisseenhowstraightforwardareourfitsin limitedrandomizationfortheinfallkineticenergyofDMpar- termsofhigh-massα- profilesthatnaturallyexhibitjustsuch ticlesduringaccretion,whichleadstominimalvaluesofσ2. features, compared to those in terms of the NFW empirical Theα- profilesfromtheJeansequilibriumwithαandκcrit formula that not only has problems of ill-defined mass, but soconstrainedimplythatgalaxieshaveagenerallymorecom- also would require particularly high concentrations and old pactcentralstructurethangroupsandclusters,withapprecia- ages. Ourfindingssubstantiatetheα-profiles,andstresstheir bledeviationfromself-similarity;ontheotherhand,thefor- value as to specific predictions for future simulations aimed mer have currently developed extensive outskirts, while the atresolving,and forweak gravitationallensingobservations veryrichclustersdonotyet. aimedatprobingtheouterclusterdensities. Afulldiscussion Toembodyinahandyexpressionthebasicfeaturesofthe oftheseissuesdeservesadedicatedpaper. density runs for the α- profiles, we provide here an analytic Two commentsare in order concerningthe validity of the fittingformulaoftheformoftenadvocatedonphenomenolog- Jeans equation in the simple form of Eq. (2). First, reason- ical grounds(see Zhao1996; Kravtsovet al. 1998; Widrow able anisotropies in the DM are described by the standard

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