2002 er DlfeJoMney Never Ends'' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/crusader200200unse The Crusader 2001-2002 Tk© Mmim^j Ne¥©f EiKdlg' President Kennedy takes time to meet the editor of the CrusaderYearbook, Mitchell Smith, (above) and jokes with Amy Holifield (left). William Carey College Office ofthePresident Yearbooksalwaysmakeyou reflecton theyearthathaspassed.WliatthingsdidweaccompUsh? Howhavewechanged?It'sanopportunitytothinkaboutwherewe'vebeenandatimetoset goalsfortheyeartocome. Hopefully,youcanseeyourownprogressasastudent.AtWilliamCareyCollege,youhavethe chancetostrengthenyourideas,tobuildrelationshipsandafirmfoundationforyourfuture. EverywhereIgo,alumnitellmehowmuchtheircollegeexperienceatCareymeanttothem. I hopethatyou,too,aremakingmemoriesyouwillneverforget. Asaninstituhon,weareworking toward improvingourfacilities. Inthelastfewyears,wehave remodeledand improvedexistingbuildings.Thisacademicyear,ofcourse,marked theconstruc- tionofanewnursingfacility, thefirstsince 1974. Itwon'tbethelast. However,justasahousedoesn'tmakeahome,buildingsdon'tmakeacollege.There'smuch moretoitthanthat,asI'msureyou'vealreadydiscovered. Yougetoutofcollegewhatyouput intoit,andourfaculty,staff,andstudentsallworkhard tocreateanatmosphereofexcellence.Our debateand forensicsteamregularlyranksinthetopfivecollegeprogramsinthecountr)',ourthe- atreprogramreceivesnahonalaccolades,aswell.Careystudentshavea 100percentplacement rateforgettingintomedicalschool,andallthenursesinthe2001 classespassed thenursinglicen- sureexam.Inaddition,Careyhashad21 RotaryScholarsinthelast24years.Allofthoseaccom- phshmentssayalotaboutthekindofeducationofferedatWilliamCareyCollege. So,asyoulookbackoverthisacademicyear,reflectwithpride.You'repartofsomethinggreat, andwe'reproud tohaveyouhere.Togetherwecanmakeadifferencein thisworldaswestrive to fulfillourmotto: "ExpectgreatthingsfromGod;attemptgreatthingsforGod." Myhopeforyouasyou turnthesepagesisthatyou'lllookforGod'shandinyourpastandgive Himthepowerforyourfuture. Godblessyou. LarryKennedy President "Expectgreat thingsfrom God;attemptgreat thingsforGod." 498TuscanAvenue•Hattieshurg,Mississippi39401-5461 •(601)582-6495 The 2001-2002 school year proved to be a year full ofmemories. Freshman remember how they felt when they first came to the campus. New friendships were forged. Some enemies were made. Some couples even became engaged. Classes were passed and classes were failed. We all remember where we were on September 1 1 when we first heard the news. This year has truly been filled with many memories, good and bad. The theme of The Crusader this year is "The Journey Never Ends." This theme is worked into the different sections ofthis publication, but that theme is also worked into the aspects ofour lives. For entering freshman, thejourney does not end after their first year it continues throughout the college years. For graduating seniors, it closes another chapter in the book ofthat personsjourney through life. Thejourney does not end. It continues through the years ofour lives. Each day adds its own page. Sometimes thejourney is rough. At times the yearbook staffthought this publication would never end. but it did. We are proud ofthe work we have done to produce a yearbook forWilliam Carey College and its faculty, staft'. and students. This publication is the first step in improving the yearbooks at William Carey College. We are excited about the changes that are taking place, and we look forward to the 2002-2003 yearbook. In closing we would like to thank the administrafion. faculty, staff, and students ofWilliam Carey College for their support. Also, we want to thank all those who purchased ads and gave extra eftort to complete this publication. Thank you. God BlessYou. Mitchell Smith, editor Dustin Bense. co-editor Mitchell Smith, editor Dustin Benge, co-edi- INDEX Hattiesburg Campus 6 Coast Campus 10 New Orleans Campus 14 Hattiesburg Faculty 16 Coast Faculty 31 Hattiesburg Seniors 36 Hattiesburg Underclassmen 42 Coast Students 57 Snaps 60 Student Life 65 Clubs 81 Who's Who 108 Sports 122 Autographs 144 Closing 148 Ads 149 5 latum Court, con- structed in 1914, is the oldest building on campus. It still stands as the center of the Hattiesburg campus today. ^ ^^ . T The Johnson Hall ^ Asmpaalrlt,mpernitvsateofafperasrt- m--m s BS^^' •* ^'^ ment style living for "n'^'^'""'"i 5^5 w»« THTB^ 1 "Wp•^•i_j-"i2!r<«"."S«« the junior and i--', 1 ; ' IF t• -i'" > senior girls living on S*^. fl- A )Bk ^:-mmmW '" nBf the Hattiesburg J -^ campus. ZJl. amJ. 0^\["^ P1 '7^^ *^ " *^-^K!^ ._.... A journey through the Hattiesburg Campus With Johnson Hall in the background, the Pearl B. McKinnon and Gertrude B. Smith Memorial Garden gives Hattiesburg students a place to sit and study orjust watch the fish.