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Critical Food Issues [2 volumes]: Problems and State-of-the-Art Solutions Worldwide PDF

585 Pages·2009·2.06 MB·English
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Preview Critical Food Issues [2 volumes]: Problems and State-of-the-Art Solutions Worldwide

How to go to your page This eBook contains two volumes. In the printed version of the book, each volume is paginated separately. To avoid duplicate page numbers in the electronic version, we have inserted a volume number before the page number, separated by a hyphen. For example, to go to page 5 of Volume 1, type 1-5 in the “page #” box at the top of the screen and click “Go.” To go to page 5 of Volume 2, type 2-5… and so forth. Critical Food Issues: Problems and State-of-the-Art Solutions Worldwide This page intentionally left blank Critical Food Issues: Problems and State-of-the-Art Solutions Worldwide Volume 1: Environment, Agriculture, and Health Concerns Editedby Laurel E. Phoenix P RAEGER AnImprintofABC-CLIO,LLC Copyright2009byLaurelE.Phoenix Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced, storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyany means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise, exceptfortheinclusionofbriefquotationsinareview,without priorpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Criticalfoodissues:problemsandstate-of-the-artsolutionsworldwide. p.cm. Includesindex. ISBN 978-0-313-35444-1 (set: hard copy: alk. paper)—ISBN 978-0-313-35446-5 (vol. 1: hardcopy:alk.paper)—ISBN978-0-313-35448-9(vol.2:hardcopy:alk.paper)— ISBN978-0-313-35445-8(set:ebook)—ISBN978-0-313-35447-2(vol.1:ebook)— ISBN978-0-313-35449-6(vol.2:ebook) 1.Foodsupply.2.Foodconsumption.3.Food—Socialaspects. 4.Agriculture.5.Producetrade.6.Nutritionpolicy.I.Phoenix,LaurelE. II.Walter,Lynn,1945- HD9000.5.C7332009 363.8—dc22 2009018999 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 3 4 5 ThisbookisalsoavailableontheWorldWideWebasaneBook. Visitwww.abc-clio.comfordetails. ABC-CLIO,LLC 130CremonaDrive,P.O.Box1911 SantaBarbara,California93116-1911 Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper ManufacturedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Thisworkisdedicatedtofuturegenerations. Wewilllearntosavetheseedcornforyou. This page intentionally left blank Contents Foreword ix LynnWalterandLaurelE.Phoenix Preface xi LynnWalterandLaurelE.Phoenix IntroductiontoVolume1 xiii LaurelE.Phoenix Abbreviations xxi PARTI. ENVIRONMENT 1. WaterandLand-UsePoliciesintheUnitedStates 3 LaurelE.Phoenix 2. SoilDegradationandSoilConservation 19 PatriciaE.NorrisandJohnM.Kerr 3. IntegratedPestManagement,Sustainability,andRisk: LinkingPrinciples,Policy,andPractice 33 MichaelJ.BrewerandMarciaIshii-Eiteman 4. Agrobiodiversity 53 VickiL.Medland viii Contents 5. EnergyConservationinAgricultureandFoodTransport 69 DavidPimentel PARTII.AGRICULTUREANDFISHERIES 6. SustainableAgriculturalPracticesintheUnitedStatesandOther PostindustrialCountries 81 DanielA.Cibulka 7. SustainableAgriculturalDevelopmentinDevelopingCountries 95 RichardH.BernstenandSieglindeSnapp 8. UrbanAgriculture 109 JimBingen,KathrynColasanti,MargaretFitzpatrick,andKatherineNault 9. AchievingSustainableFisheries:AllHandsOnDeck! 123 TracyDobson PARTIII.HEALTH 10. FoodSecurityandFoodInsecurityintheUnitedStatesand TheirConsequencesforChildHealth 143 JohnT.Cook 11. FoodSecurityinDevelopingCountries 157 JohnM.Staatz,DuncanH.Boughton,andCynthiaDonovan 12. TheEffectofAgriculturalPracticesonNutrientProfilesofFoods 177 DebraPearson 13. SchoolLunchandBreakfastPrograms 195 SandraM.Stokes 14. DisorderedEatingandBodyImage 213 CherylTorontoKalny 15. Obesity 229 JoanneGardner AbouttheEditorandContributors 245 Index 251

Critical Food Issues: Problems and State-of-the-Art Solutions Worldwide examines 31 crucial areas of concern, from soil degradation, depletion of water for irrigation, and loss of biodiversity to declining rural livelihoods, hunger and obesity, unjust farm labor practices, and farm animal mistreatme
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