Critical Behavior of Non Order-Parameter Fields A´gnes Mo´csy,∗ Francesco Sannino,† and Kimmo Tuominen‡ NORDITA & The Niels Bohr Institute, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark (Dated: January 2002) We show that all of the relevant features of a phase transition can be determined using a non order parameter field which is a physical state of the theory. This fact allows us to understand the deconfining transition of the pure Yang-Mills theory via the physical excitations rather than using thePolyakov loop. INTRODUCTION Thecoefficientsareallrealwithg0 =0. Stabilityrequires λ 0 and g4 0. It is straightforwardto generalizethis ≥ ≥ 3 Some of the relevant intrinsic properties of the phase potential to ZN. Since we will relate χ to the Polyakov 0 transition are best investigated using the order param- loop, we take it to depend only on space coordinates. 0 eter of the theory. Sometimes the order parameter can This leads to a mixed situation in which the physical 2 be a non physical object or not experimentally accessi- statesdependalsoontime. Wewillalsobrieflycomment n ble. ThepureYang-Millsdeconfinementphasetransition on what happens when the order parameter is taken to a constitutes a time honored example. Here the order pa- be four dimensional. The Lagrangian we use to define J rameteristhePolyakovloopwhichisnotaphysicalstate our Feynman rules is: 7 ofthe theorywhile the physicalfieldis the glueballfield. 1 1 2 = ∂ h∂µh χ χ V(h,χ) . (2) We argue that it is always possible to extract all of the L 2 µ − 2∇ ·∇ − 1 relevantinformationaboutaspecificphasetransitionus- We start our investigation at temperatures below T . v ing a non order parameter field which is a physical state c Sincethephasetransitionisofsecondorder,m vanishes 9 of the underlying theory. χ 2 at the transitionpoint. All of the coupling constants are Wepredicttheuniversalbehaviorofthisfieldnearand 2 such that h and χ have zero vacuum expectation value 1 atthe phasetransition. Morespecificallywepredicta fi- in this regime. 0 nite drop in the mass of the singlet field at the phase We focus our attention on the h self energy at the one 3 transition. Our predictions seem to reproduce surpris- loop level at a given non zero temperature: 0 ingly well the general features of some lattice data and / h can be put to further and more stringent tests via new = 12 +2 +2 p first principle lattice simulations. Finally, we define new - physical quantities able to characterize the phase transi- p + 18 (3) e tion. h Thedouble linesindicateχ fieldswhile singlelinesstand : v for h ones. We are not considering tadpole diagrams i A RENORMALIZABLE THEORY AND which we require to vanish at each given loop order by X CRITICAL BEHAVIOR adding a counterterm linear in h. The number in front r a of each diagram is the associated combinatorial factor. We consider a temperature regime close to the phase We consider the limit in which the h mass is much transition. In order for our results to be as universal as larger than the temperatures in play, hence all of the possible we study a renormalizable Lagrangian contain- loops containing only h fields are then infrared finite at ing a field neutral under the global symmetries and the anytemperature. The seconddiagramineq.(3)is,how- order parameter field of theory as well as their interac- ever, linearly ultraviolet divergent but this divergence is tions. Theprotagonistsofourtheoryaretwocanonically absorbed in the respective mass counterterm. After all normalized fields h and χ. The field h is a scalar of Z theultravioletdivergenceshavebeentakenintoaccount, N while χ transforms according to χ zχ with z Z . we can show that the finite temperature corrections due N → ∈ Here we consider the case N =2. This theory is suit- to h are Boltzman suppressed. We are left with the fol- able for understanding the deconfining phase transition lowing infrared divergent graph for T T , c → of 2 color Yang-Mills which has been heavily studied via g2 lattice simulations [1, 2]. A general, renormalizable, po- =T 1 , (4) 16πm tential is: χ and this diagram constitutes the relevant one loop cor- m2 m2 λ V(h,χ) = h2+ χ χ2+ χ4+g0h rection to the h mass which reads: 2 2 4! + g1 hχ2+ g2 h2χ2+ g3h3+ g4h4 . (1) m2(T)=m2 T g12 . (5) 2 4 3! 4! − 16πmχ 2 This is the way the nearby phase transition is directly h propagator. Due to symmetry breaking we now have felt by the non order parameter field. It shows that the the trilinear χ couplings: mass of the singlet field must decrease fast close to the λ phasetransition. Anunpleasantconsequenceisthatthis vχ3 , (10) one loop result breaks down at the transition point due − 3! to the infrared singularity. which substantially affect the analysis and the results in Besides, since h is not the order parameter, its cor- thisphase. Attheonelooplevelthediagramtocompute relation length (i.e. 1/m) is not expected to diverge at is again the one in eq. (4) with m replaced by M . So χ χ the phase transition. To cure the infrared behavior we we predict a drop on the right hand side of T while c need to go beyond the one-loop approximation and con- this diagram is clearly infrared divergent. Curing the sistently resum the following set of diagrams: divergence now is more involved due to the appearance of the trilinear χ coupling. A typical diagram in the + + + . consistent set of diagrams we consider is of the form: ··· Each diagram is infrared divergent but when re- summed m is finite at T and reads: (11) g2 m2(T)=m2 T 1 . (6) − 16πm +λT χ Wechoosethissubsetofdiagramssincetheassociatein- finitesumcanbeperformedexactly[5]andithasknowl- At T =T we have c edge of the onset of chiral symmetry breaking via the g2 trilinear vertices. m2(T )=m2 1 . (7) c − λ g2 1+ λ Hence we predict that close to the phase transition the m2(T) = m2− 12I 1+ λ +3Iλ2 2 , (12) singlet state has a decreasing mass. The drop at the 2I 6 I 1 phase transition point is the ratio between the square = . (13) I 8πM of the coupling constant governingthe interaction of the χ singletstatewiththeorderparameter(g1)andtheorder The infrared divergence has been cured for T T . We c parameter self interaction coupling constant (λ). ≥ alsoseethatm(T )fromtherighthandsideofthetransi- c The slope is: tionequalsexactlythe onefromtheunbrokensideofthe 1 dm2(T) 16π dm transition. This remarkable result does not hold order − lim = lim χ , (8) by order in the loopexpansionbut only when aninfinite D ≡T→Tc− ∆m2 dT λTc T→Tc− dT sumofthediagramsisperformed. Thehmasssquareisa with ∆m2 = m2(T ) m2 = g2/λ. This slope encodes continuousfunctionthroughoutthe phasetransitionand c 1 the critical behavior o−f the theory even though it is con- theassociatedcorrelationlengthremainsfinite. However structed using the non order parameter field. For ex- the slope of the h mass near the phase transition from ample if m2 vanishes as (T T)ν close to the phase the right hand side does not mirror the one on the left. transition, tχhen − scales wcit−h the exponent (ν/2 1). This fact is due to the onset of spontaneous symmetry WhenconsiderinDganO(N) symmetrygrouprather−than breaking communicated to h via the trilinear χ interac- Z2theresummationprocedurebecomesexactinthelarge tion term. Indeed: N limit [3]. 1 dm2(T) When T > T χ develops a vacuum expectation value + lim which will inducce one also for h: D ≡ T→Tc+ ∆m2 dT 3 16π 2 dM2 hχ2i≡v2 =3λ−Mχ62mg212 and hhi=−2gm12hχ2i , (9) = 2(cid:18)1λ6Tπc(cid:19)2 Tl→imTc+ddmTχχ2 = 3 lim | | , (14) where we denoted the mass of χ in the broken phase (cid:18)λTc(cid:19) T→Tc+ dT by M2 = 2 m 2 and considered small h fluctuations χ | χ| and we deduce the relation: (i.e. we kept only the g1 interaction term for h). This is in agreement with the results found in [4]. The fields 16π m χ and h mix in this phase and the mixing angle θ is + = 6 | χ| − . (15) D − λ T D proportional to g2/m2. The mixing can be neglected c 1 within the present approximations. Like for T < T , we The h mass drops on the left hand side of the phase c consider also now only the effects due to χ loops for the transition and rises on the right one. The slope on the 3 3 colors). Different approaches [4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] are used in literature to tackle the features of this phase transition. At zero tempera- tureSU(N)Yang-Millstheoryisasymptoticallyfreeand the physical spectrum of the theory consists of a tower of hadronic states referred to as glueballs and pseudo- scalarglueballs. Thetheorydevelopsamassgapandthe lightest glueballhas a mass of the orderof few times the FIG. 1: Left panel: behavior of the mass of the singlet field confining scale. close to the phase transition as function of the temperature. At nonzero temperature the Z center of SU(N) is a N Right panel: Lattice data; figurefrom [6]. relevant global symmetry [20], and it is possible to con- struct a number of gauge invariant operators charged under Z among which the most notable one is the N right side (broken phase) is less singular with respect to Polyakovloop: the one on the left. More specifically the scaling expo- nent for + is (ν 1). Deviations from such a behavior 1 1 1/T directly mDeasure d−epartures from the second order char- ℓ(x)= Tr[L] Tr exp ig A0(x,τ)dτ (.16) N ≡ N "P " 0 ## acter of the phase transition. In the figure we schemati- Z cally represent the behavior of the h mass as a function denotes path ordering, g is the SU(N) coupling con- P of the temperature in units of the critical temperature stant and x is the coordinate for the three spatial di- for m2χ ∝(Tc−T). The similarity of our result with the mensions while τ is the euclidean time. The ℓ field is lattice data [6] (right panel of Fig.1) is surprising. Re- real for N = 2 while otherwise complex. This object call, though, that our results are directly applicable to is charged with respect to the center Z of the SU(N) N the twocolorYang-Millstheory,while the datain[6]are gauge group [20] under which it transforms as ℓ zℓ → obtained for the three color Yang-Mills theory. This re- with z Z . A relevant feature of the Polyakov loop N ∈ semblance is in agreement with the almost second order is that its expectation value vanishes in the low temper- characterofthe three colordeconfiningphase transition. ature regime while is non zero in the high temperature Another difference is that the mass in [6] seems to be phase. The Polyakov loop is a suitable order parameter the screeningone while we are plotting here the physical for the Yang-Mills temperature driven phase transition mass. [20]. It is of common practice to isolate the order parame- Pisarskiusedthis feature [13]to modelthe Yang-Mills ter andmoregenerallythe lightdegreesoffreedomsince phase transition via a mean field theory of Polyakov they are expected to be the relevant degrees at low en- loops. The model is referred to as the Polyakov Loop ergies. While this is certainly correct we have explicitly Model(PLM).Recently someinterestingphenomenolog- shownhowallofthe essentialfeatures ofthe phasetran- ical PLM inspired models aimed to understand RHIC sition are encoded in the non order parameter fields of physics were constructed [21, 22]. the theory as well. Our analysis is useful whenever the Here we considerpure gluondynamics. This allowsus order parameter is neither a physical quantity nor phe- tohaveawelldefinedframeworkwheretheZ symmetry N nomenologically accessible (e.g. the PolyakovLoop). isexact. ThehadronicstatesoftheYang-Millstheoryare We also studied what happens if the order parame- the glueballs. At zero temperature the Yang-Mills trace ter depends on the time coordinate. The h mass has the anomaly has been used to constrain the potential of the samebehaviornearthetransitionasinthepreviouscase. lightest glueball state H [23]: This can be easily understood since the infrared physics H H is dominated by the zero mode of χ. The major differ- V[H]= ln . (17) ence with the previous analysis is that a physical width 2 Λ4 (cid:20) (cid:21) develops describing the decay of h into two χ fields at Λ is chosen to be the confining scale of the theory and non zero temperature [5]. H is a mass dimension four field. This potential cor- rectly saturates the trace anomaly when H is assumed to be proportional to Tr[G Gµν] and G is the stan- µν µν DECONFINEMENT AND CONCLUSIONS dard Yang-Mills field strength. In [4] a concrete model was proposed able to trans- The SU(N) deconfinement phase transition is a hard fer the information about the Yang-Mills phase transi- problem. Importance sampling lattice simulations pro- tionencodedintheZ globalsymmetrytothe hadronic N vide crucialinformationaboutthe natureof the temper- states of the theory. This model is constructed using ature driven phase transition for 2 and 3 colors Yang- traceanomalyandtheZ symmetry. Themodelin[4]is N Mills theories with and without matter fields (see [7] for supportedby recenttheoreticalinvestigations[24]. Once 4 the relation between the fields H and h, and ℓ and χ † Electronic address: [email protected] is made the relations between the couplings of the La- ‡ Electronic address: [email protected] grangian for H and ℓ constructed in [4] and the renor- [1] P.H. Damgaard, Phys. Lett. B194 (1987) 107; J. Kiskis, malizable one presented here can be obtained. More Phys. Rev. D41 (1990) 3204; J. Fingberg, D.E. Miller, K. Redlich, J. Seixas, and M. Weber, Phys. Lett. specifically,our renormalizabletheoryis a truncated(up B248 (1990) 347; J. Christensen and P.H. 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