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3 Zittcliana 7V-IC5 V tii;s.. 4 p München, 15.12.2002 ISSN 0373-9627 Cretaceous cephalopods of the Tethyan Himalaya of southern Tibet Von HARALD IMMEL & HE GUOXIONG ABSTRACT Following a short review ofthe regional and stratigiaphic In conclusion some palaeobiogeographic aspects are distnbution of Cretaceous cephalopods (Neocomian - discussed. The ammonite fauna of the Middle Cretaceous Maastrichtian, especiallv Aptian to Cenomanian) troni the showssomemfluencefroni the southern temperaterealni but Teth\an Himalava of southern Tibet 29 taxa are dcscribcd, indicatesacloserrelationshiptothehoplitinidfaunalprovince includmg threc new species: Pleitrohoplites {Pleiirohoplitci) of the northern temperate (boreal) realm. This suggests that robitsticostatiis, Lcmuroceras tibeticiim, and Tonohamüti during the Middle Cretaceous the Tethvan Himalaya of multitiibcrciildtiis. southern Tibet might have occupicd a geographic position farther to the north, with an open marine connection to the south. KURZFASSUNG Ausgehend von der regionalen und stratigraphischcn Ver- AbschließendwerdeneinigepaläobiogcographischeZusam- breitung kretazischer Cephalopoden (Neokom - Maastricht) menhängediskutiert.DiemittclkretazischeAmmonitenfauna desTethys-HimalayavonSüdtibetwerden29Gattungenund zeigtnebenEinflüssenausdemsüdlichengemäßigtenBereich Artenbeschrieben,vorallemausdemApt-Cenoman. Dabei vorallem enge Beziehungen zurHopliten-Provinzdes nörd- werden drei neue Arten aufgestellt: Pleurohoplites (Pleuro- hchen gemäßigten (borealen) Raumes. Insofern muß für den hoplites) robusticostatiis, Lemuroceras tibeticiim und Tono- Tethys-HimalayaSüdtibetszurZeitdermittlerenKreideeine hamitesmuhitubercuLitus. paläogeographischcPositionweiterim Nordenangenommen werden, allerdings auch eineoffeneVerbindung nach Süden. INTRODUCTION 1. Anammonitefaunafrom twolocalitiesin southernTibet is ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS described. Field work was carried out in 19S3 and I9S6, and Wc thank the Ac.idemia Sinic.i .iiid the Max-Pl.uiek-Gesellschaft preliminarv results have been discussed at the Third Meeting forfinancialsupportofthtsprojectaswellastheChineseandGerman oftheEuropeanUnionofGeosciences(EUGIII)atStrasbourg in April 1985 (see Hi; & Immei. 1985). Forseveral reasons the colleaguesforpreparingand carryingout thecxpcdiiions toTibetin 1983 and 1986. paper could not be published earlier, although other studies have been, for examplc on lithostratigraphy (e.g. WiLlhMS & Thanks also to E. Schmieja (prepaiation), F. HmCK (photos) and Zang 1993),bio-andichnofacies(Zhouetal. 1997),thebivalve K. Dossow (drawings), and last not least to Dr. P. Wfllnhofer and fauna (Wen 2000), and also the palaeomagnetic results (c.g. Dr. M. MosFK forsome corrcctions ofEnghsh language and Dr. M. Patzeltetal. 1996). Mi-isKRalsoforhelpwiththeComputer. ProfDrHaraldImmfl,DepartmentfürGeo-undUmweltwissenschahenderLudwit;-Ma.Nimilians-Universit.atMünchen-ScetionPaliiontologie undHistorischeGeologie,Riehard-Wagner-Str. 10/11,D-80333 München/Deutsehland. Prof.Dr.HhGuoxioNC,NanjingInstituteofGeologyandPalaeontology,AcademiaSinica,Chi-Ming-Ssu,Nanjing210008/P. R.China. : , 80 LOCALITIES AND STRATIGRAPHY 2. Prcvuius wnrks: The first Crctaccous ccph.ikipuds Idcntificd ammonitcs: A prccisc gencric or specific (ammonitfs only) of soutlu-rn Tibet - cspecially fidin thc assignmcnt is not possible. Most ammonoids belong to the Ganiba rcgion - vvcre announccd by Dnuviii.K (1916) who subfamilv Ncocomitinae but a few fragments could also bc dcscribed ,ind fii;urcd thc.ininnMiolds samplcd b\ thc British assigned to thc tamiK Haploccratidac, probably to cxpcditiiin toTibet in 1903,The stratigr.tphic data h.ivc been Ncolissoccras Sr'Am, 1923. pubHshcdbyHavdin(1907).Inmoderntermsallammonoids Ai i'cr LowerCrctaccous. originatcfrum partsoithcCiambaCjr<iup(secthccorrelation in Wkn 1987: 144).Thc updated systematic and stratigraphic rcsults of DtiuviLlJ- (1916) arc prcscntcd in fig. 1. A sccond suitc of Crctaccous amiiionitcs was collcctcd bv thc Chniesc Section A Scientific Expedition to thc Moimt Joimo Lungma region This section is bvfarthe most importantone,notonlv with (1966-1968) described and figin-ed by Zhao (1976). Beside respccttoitsduration butalsototheammonitcsoftheGamba these two papcrs onl\ a tcw notes or hsts of Crctaccous Group. Thc great niiinbcr ot samples will bc summarized in aemxmaomnpiltecsincxMitsit beititawhit(h1o9u7t3:an1y07dffc.s)c.npAtirocnceonrtfihgsutrcisn,gfoofr s1a1mapmlmeonnuimtbcc'rIscvcilns'br(afcikgcutrse.dTrhepcressacmnctaatpipvleiseasrtcoitnhdeicfaotleldowwiitnhg ammonoidsfromtheGaniba(SroupinsouthernTibetisgiven sections). bvWen(1987: 133fi.)whonamccialsosomeammonoidsfrom the Cretacecius ofthe more northern Gvangze arca (op. cit.: Icicn1111cd ammon11cs 14Stt.). F'roni thc vounger Zongshan I'ormation no (top) cephalopods arc rcportcd except a short niention in Wan Icvcl 1 1: Hysterocerassemilcvc(e.g. Af84/1, sec pl. 1, fig. 5) (1988: 114, tab. 3). Mortoniceras (^Mortoniceras) sp. New rcsults: The new cephalopods described below undctcrminable Anisoccratidae originatcfromtwoareasinsouthernTibet:GambaandDueia. Icvel 10: Miirtoiuccrdi (Mortoniceras) i^. The topographic and gcoiogic position of the two loealities Goodhallitci cf.gracilUmiim (c.g. Af 150/1, sec pl. 3, arc shown in tig. 1. It fi>liows a short overvicw ol thc H- 7) cephalopod fauna as tar as it was dctermiiiable, witli its Icvel 9: Cymahoplücs sp. (Af 76A/2, sec pl. 1, fig. 4) stratigraphic and tcctonic implications. Doiivillciccrds sp. le\el 8: DoitvillcKcraipHStitlosiim(c.g.Af73A/1,secpl.4,fig.7) level 7: Hclwancyliis sp. (Af 71/6, sec pl. 4, fig. 5) 2.1 GAMBA ARHA Toxnccratoidesäff.royerianum(Af71/7,scepl.4,fig.6) In thc Ciamba arca cephalopods havc bccn tound in eiglit Totiohiimitcs »itiltitiihcrciiLitm (Af 71/8 and Af 71/5, scctions, respectively sampling pomts. Fig. 3 schematicaliy secpl.4,fig. 3,4) showsscvcnofthcmvieidmgammoniteswiththeirgeographic Chcloniccras(Cbcloniccras)äff.bitxtorji(c.g. Af71/1, position and agc. secpl, 4, fig. 8) Coloml'iccrdi(Colomhiccrds)cf.snhpcltoccroidcs(e.g. Af71/4, sec pl, 4, flg. 2) Section K Pdrdhoplitcs tr.iulicboldi(e.g, Af71/1 and Af71/11 Sevcial dozcn fragments of spceimcns ofammonoids havc seepl. 4, fig. II, 12) bccn found. All arc cxtrcmcK broken, crushed and badl\ lc\cl 6: Aconeceras(Acoiicccriti) sp. (Af65/1,sec pl. 1, fig. 3) prescrved. Chcloniccras[Chcloniccras) sp. Cenomanlan Original determlnatlon Modern nomenclature L M U Acanthoceras Newboldi Calycoceras [Newboldiceras) (p.3;pl.1,fig.1,2,3,4) newboldi Mantel1iceras laticlavium Sharpeiceras laticlavium (p.4;pl.1,fig.5;pl.2,fig.1-2) Nantelliceras discoidale Acanthoceras discoidale (p.4;pl.3,fig.1) Turrilites costatus Turrilites costatus (p.5;pl.3,fig.3) Turrilites Wiestii Turrilites acutus (p.5;pl.3,fig.2) Turrilites Desnoyersi Turrilites scheuchzerianus (p.6;pl.3,fig.4-5) lii;. I: Amnioniics described and fii;uted tioin theG.imb.i Group of southern Tibet b\ M. Douvii.it: (1916)andtheirnamesin modernnomenclature. , Sl Quatemary f . ,1 Triassic [^«^^mainthrust clastics r • • I nftclastics — Paleocene, Eocene Permo-Carboniferous —7-1main limestone&shales limestone&clastics Ibr^SJhighway fITMTITTMTIlCijrmeetsatce&ousclasshteilcfs II NV^I sDleatveo,nmiaarnbl-eC,ametbcnan qi^j kGyainrgomnag-rthnist I I I Jcuarrabsosniactesh&elfcallasticsl cPrryesctaalmlbmnean TP^T- TGianmgbna-nIohrrtushtem Fig.2.1: SimplifiedgeologicalmapofTibetandtheHiml.ivas(modifiedafterGanssi-r 1983:fig.3). 2b: geologicalmapoftheinvescigationaicawiththelocaiicmottheseetionsAandV(alterPat/inot al. 1996:fig. Ib).ForthelocationofallotherseetionsandsamplingpointsottheGambaareaseefig.3. 1 :::: ) 82 Scction I This section was not nicasurcd, so it is regarded hcrc as a Single samplingpoint. 1dcn1111ed amnion11es C^'dllihophtcs cf. tftrdgnniis PIcurohoplitt'i{Plcnraboplitcs) robiisticoitatiii (If 1/1 and If 1/3, sccpl. l.fig. 8,9) Pratitmlitoidci sp. (If2/1, scc pl. 4, fig. 13) Agc: Middlc - Upper Albian. H Scction This scction was not nicasurcd, so it is rcgardcd hcrc as a Single saniphng point. 1dc111ificd aminonitcs Cdllihoplitci sp. PlciirohoplitCi (Plciiroljiiphtci) sp. Agc: Upper Albian. G Scction Scveral inctcrs abovc the mcasurcd section some isolatcd aninionites have beeil fouiid. 1dc11 1fIcd a111111o1111cs Mortoniccrai (Duriiovdrita) kilhim (Gf 16/1, scc pl. 3, fig. 1) Mantelliceras sp. Age: Upper Albian - LowerCenomaiiian. Scction B Thereare tlireehonzons from whicli ammoniteshavc bcen determnicd. Idcn1111ed aninionites: (top) Eiicalycocerdscollignoni (c.g. Bf 74/1, scc pl. 3, fig. 3) Fig.3; Topogi.iphicmapoftheG.imbAarcawiththeli)cationofthi.' M.nitelliccrdi cf. »hiiitclli (Bf35/1, scc pl. 3, fig. 6) sectionsandsaniplingpoints.Thestratigiaphicagcsaietliatprovided by the ammonitc fauna. Nearly all ammonites arc from the Gamba Mantellicerdi lymcinc (Bf. 31/1, see pl. 3, tig. 5) Group, with oiily few exceptions, which are from the younger (bottom) Zoiigshan I'oniiation. Age: Lower and Upper Ccnomanian. CA Section Ie\el 5; Cdllihoplita tctidgomis The two aninionites out of one horizon of this section arc le\el 4: Caüihoplitestetragoniis the onl\' ones found in the Zongshan Formation. Callihoplitescf.glossonotus(c.g.Af39/1,sccpl. 1,fig.7) Icvel 3: Ccillihoplitestetragoniis(c.g. Af 172/1,seepl. I,fig.6) Ide111ified aiiiiiionitc level 2: Ixnniiroceras tibeticum (Af 18/1, see pl. 1, fig. 10) Sitbniortoniccraitciiuicostnldtiini (c.g. CAf74/1,seepl.4,fig. 1 Icvel 1: I.cmiirocerdstibeticum (Af 184/1, see pl. I, fig. 1 1) Age: Middlc Canipaiiian. (bottom) Agc:Thestratigraphiepositionoftheseammonitchonzons Scction D is given in fig. 4. Thcy ränge, including some gaps, from the Two nautihds originatc from this section. Upper Aptian to the uppcrmost Albian. However, there is cIcarK' a tlirust between level 5 and 6 where the stratigraphie 1deIItified ecphaIopod: age is shifted back by onc stage. Also some imbrieation l'sc!ni<)LCi:<}iC)d> äff. largiUiertianii»! (c.g. Df 147/1, scc pl. 1, strueturcs arc hkelv, for cxample between levels 1 and 2 and also between levels 8 and 9. Agc: Maastriclitiaii according to bentlionic loraminitera. 83 Amnion Ite Aptlan Alblan SECTION A Tectonlc levels L U L M U • 11 • 10 • 9 • 8 • 7 • 6 5 4 3 • 2 limestone, sandstone, partly marly or sandy fine- to coarse-grained ^f-r^ calcareous marl, claystone, partly arenaceous partly silty marlstone, thrust ^/6'.'~| partly arenaceous Fig.4: SeccionA(Gamba.irea,forlocationseefigurc2and3)withclevenammonite'levels',cheirstratigraphicageandtectonicimplication (thcsample numbeiscorrespond wirh thosebv Willems& Zhang 1993: fig3).The GambaGroup isdivided intothreeformations. In ascendingOrderthese arethe Ganbadongslian Formation(Fm. I), thcChaquicla Formation (Fm. II) and thc Ganbacunkou Formation (Fm. III)(seeZhouetal. 1997:5,fordiffercntspellingseeWen2000:2). : 84 In fit;. 5 tlic .ininioiiitc t.ix.i ofthe Gamba Group and their Identified ceplia1opods stiatigraphicagcsaresummarized.Compansonwithprcvious Cynidtocerdi kaycdiitn (Vf 16/2, see pl. 1, fig. 2} studics (see cspccially fig. I) shows a wider .sYstcniatit; and Mortoniccras (Mortmuccrds) iiitoincdiiun (Vf 17/1, see pl. 2, stratigraphicspectruni,butalsoapoordocunu-ntationforthe fig. 4) Cenonianian. In part, huwcNei-, tliis tould he due to the fact MortoiiiccrdS {Mortoniccrdi)pricci(Vf 15/1, see pl. 2, fig. 2) that sonie matcrial, especialK a sniall eolleetion ofturrilitids, Mortomccrdi(Mortuuucids) rostrdliiiu (e.g. Vf 16/1, seepl. 2, got lost at the transport from Nanjmg to Munieh. fig. 3) Morto)iicerdi(Dcirddoccrdi)hupuiDUDn(Vf 16/3,seepl.2,fig. I) MortouiccrdS {Dcirddoccrds)ilcvuiicusc(e.g.Vf 17/3,seepl.3, DUKLA AREA 2.2 fig. 4) In the oiiK nieasured seetion at the Zala valle\- of Duela GoodhdllitciproLcnnu (Vf 17/2, see pl. 3, fig. 2) area(SeetionV)alleephalopodsongmatefroin thelovverpart, Itshouldbenotedthatallanimonitesbelongtothesubfaniily fromaseriesofthieklaversoihmestone,withatotalthiekncss Mortonieeratmae whieh is rare m theGamba area, indicating of three and a half meters. This series is composed of a that this subfamilv preferred a ealcareous facies rather than ealcareous tacies within the Ganiba Group that ean not be the mud-dominated silieielastie faeies of the tvpical Gamba eompareddircetK' with anv sequeneeoftheGambaGroup at Group. thetype loeality. Age: Upper Albian. Aitunonites (Gamba Group) 85 SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION 3. TheClassification ofthc ammonoids follows thc outline ol Crimeaand also from theUpperCretaceousofLibyaand the Wkicht (1996) in Part L of the Treatise on Invcitcbratc Southern USA.AccordingtoWii l)M.^NN&SCHNEIDER(1979: l'aleontology(Mollusca4,revised:CretaceousAmmonoidca). 654) /'. LirgillicrtUDUim is a species of the Westeuropean All Originals are provisionally deposited in the collection of Cenomaman, but since thcn it has been reported also from theBayerischeStaatssammlungfürPaläontologieundGeolo- New Mexico (Cobh.an & Kennedy 1994). The isolated gie in Munich. fragmentsoftheGambaarcahavebeen sampled in Sediments The measurements of specmiens are given m inilhmeters. ot Maastrichtian age. Theabbre\latKins are as follows: D = diameter Family C\matoceratidaeSl'AlII, 1927 Wh = whorl heiglit Genus C\inatoccras H'i.vi l, 1884 \Vb = whorl breadth Wh/Wb = ratio ofwhorl height to whorl breadth Type species:Cymatocenispsciidoclcg.iiis{fi'Ov.iM,r^\, 1840) U = unibilical diameter Cymatoccraikaycdum (Bi ani()KIi, 1S6I) Figures in parentheses are measurementsasa percentage ot (PI. I,Fig. 2) total diameter. l')3l Cynuitoccrds kayci Biani. - ColliGNON: 13 (with svno- Thc suture terminology is following Kullmann & Wli;i)- nymy). MANN (1970): I = Internal lobe Material: One isolated fragment trom Duela (Section V). U = Umbilieal lobe Description: The incomplete but nearly not deformed L = Lateral lobe specimcn contains half a whorl ot thc phragmocon. The E = External lobe measurements will be compared with those of a specimen of comparable size, described by Spengler (1910: I27f., Class Cephalopoda Cuvier, 1797 specimen b) from the Cretaceous ofSouth India. Subclass Nautiloidea Agassiz, 1847 D Wh Wb Wh/Wb U OrderNautilidaAgassiZ, 1847 Vfl6/2 82 46(0.56) 49(0.60) 0.94 8(0.10) Spengler (1910) 78 44.4(0.57)44.5(0.57) 1.00 8.4(0.11) SuperfamiK Nautilaceaer>h Blainville, 1825 Thecoilingismoderately inyolute,theexternalsidebroadly Family Nautilidaede Blainville, 1825 rounded, the flanks are slightly flattened, the umbilical Genus PscudocenocerasSPKTtl, 1927 Shoulders narrowly rouncfed. Nearly no sculpture is visible, Type spec1es:Pscinloccnoccmslargillicrtianum(ii'Okbicnv, only nearby the umbilical Shoulder there exist first signs of 1840) relativcK-bro.tdribs.ThcsuturelinesareslightK-curved,they show a wide and shallow lateral lobe, but cross the external Picudoccnocerdsäff.lärgillicrtianiim (r/ORBlCN"!, 1840) sidemoreorlessstraight.Thehalfwhorlshowsapproximately (PI. l,Fig. 1) 9-10 suture lines. Material:Two isolated fragments from the higher part of theZongshan Formation (Section D). Discussion:Thetightcollingandthefirstsignsofribbing Descnption: The specimens are incomplete, no cxact indicate that the genus is Cymatoceras. The t\pical ribs are notvisible,butaccordingtoSpengler(1910: 128)theyproduce measurements ean be given. The maximum diameter will be 'erst ineinemvorgeschrittenenWachstumsstadiumauchEin- approximatelv 140 mm, the whorl section is broad and well drücke aufdem Steinkern'. rounded. The umliihcus is open, the umbilical wall nearly vertical.Thediameterot the umbilicus maybe nearly 15'Xi of Within the genus Cymatoceras there exists an excellent thetotal diameter. Nosculptureisvisible.Thesutureshowsa correspondence with the species C. käyeanus concerning the broadandshallowlaterallobeandismoreorlessstraightacross measurementsaswellasthenumberandcurvatureotthesutuCre theventer. lines. C. käyeanus differs from the closely related species Discussion: The smooth shell, the open and steep ersapdeicditaulsly(J.inSohwaEvRinBgV,mo1r82e2)seapntda pCe.ralwbheonrslisa(nud'Ocornbtirganrv\',t1o85t0h)e umbilicus, and the simple suture line show clearK' that the species C. vtrgatiis (Spengu K, 1910) the suture lines run genusisPaiidocenoceras.Thisgenushasonlyfewspecies,eight straightacrossthe venter. are listed in Kümmel (1956: 384f.). The fragments best correspond with the type species, C. largilliertianitm. But in Occurrence: C. käyeanus has been described from the contrasttoexamplesofthisspecies,theTibetanspecimensseeiii middleandupperAlbianofIndiaand Madagascar. According tohavcabroadercross-sectionandtheflanksarelessflattened. toBasse(1931: 9)thespecieshasbeenfoundalsointhelower Occurrence: The genus Pseudoccnocerai has been Turonian of Madagascar. The Tibetan specimen comes from described in Europe from the Cretaceous of England to the Sediments ofUpperAlbian age. , 86 Subclass Amnionoidca ZüTl 1SS4 Discussion: Bccause of the mcompleteness and the bad l, Order Amnionitid.i Ac.Assiz, IS47 preservatiLin of the spccmien it seems somewhat uncertain if the subgenus is A. (Aconeceras) or A. (Sanmartinoceras) Subordcr AmniDiiitina H-iAl l, ISS9 BoNARELl.l, 1921. But the feebie ornament and the highly Superfamily H.iploccrat.iccac Zu iii, 1SS4 diffcrentiated suture line correspond better with A. Family Oppcliidac H.Doumi IS90 {Aconeceras). Kennedy & Kmnger (1979: 1 17) give a list of i i , speciesreferred totliissubgenus,butthepoorpreservationof Subfamily Aconcceratinae SrAiii, 1923 thcTibctanspecimenwill notallow:inexactidentificationwith one oftliem. Gcnu^Aiomccids Hvxi i, 1903 Occurrence: ,4. (AcnneccYiJs) has been deseribed widcly Subgcnus,4co;;t'a7-,i> {Aco)!cicyas) H'iati, 1903 fromtheAptianandalseitheLowerAlbianofwesternEurope, thefornierUSSR, Nepal, northernAfrica,Madagascar,South Type spccies:A. {Acu!:ccc>\is)iiisiis (i)'Ori(I<,n>, 1841) Africa and Australia. The specimen ofsouthernTibet is from the Upper Aptian. Acoiiecodi {Acoiuxcras) sp. (PI. l,Fig. 3,Tc-xt-fig. 6) SuperfamiK' Desmocerataceae ZlTTH 1895 , Material: One erushed and etirroded speemien trom the Famih' Cleoniceratidae Whitehouse, 1926 Ganbadongshan b'orniationottbeGambaGroup(SectionA). Dcscription: Tbe erushed specimen probablv had a diameter ofless than 45 mm, but no cxact measurements can Genus Cynidhiiplncs Späth, 1922 begivcn.Thecoihng is very mvolute with asmall steep-sided Type species; Cy»idhi>plitci kcroiskuiiuis (BdCinSLOWSKY, umbiiieus.Thewhorlsectionishighandstronglyeompressed, 1902) the flanks are distinctly flattencd and the venter is fastigate. ThereexistdenseweekStriaeontheflanks,whieharesigmoidal Cynidhoplttcs sp. to slightiy falcoid on the outerpart. The surure line is highly difterentiated with dcep narrow trifid lobes (fig. 6). (PI. l,Fig. 4,Text-fig. 7) Material: One single specimen from the basis of the Cliaquiela F'ormation ofGamba Group (Section A). Description: The somewhat corroded specimen has a diameterof50mm.Thecoijingisratherevoiute,theumbiiieus nearly 20 mm (0.40). The cross section is eompressed, with flat flanks, a rounded umbilical edge and also a rounded and somewhat flattened outcrside. Thedenseand thm ribs areprojected forward on the lower part ofthe flank, they aresinuous and also slightiy pro|ected forward on the external side. The ribs start with weak and radiallv elongated nocfes and brauch often at the flanks. Also Fii;.6: SuturoliiieoiAcoiiccoiis(Acoiicccras)sp.(specimenAf(i5/1 some intercalatories exist. Passing to the outer side the nbs See,ilsopl. 1,flg.3). areslightiy thickeningbutweakeragam on theexternal side. Plate I Flg. Zittcll.ina23, 2002 PLitc I Immel & Hl: Cretaceous cephalopods oftheTethvan Himalava ofsouthcrnTibet . 88 Fig. 7: SuturclincofCymahnplitasp.(spuciiiicn At 7hl\ll,soonlsopl. I, fit;.4). The suturc linc sliows soino dct.iils (fig. 7), cspcci.illv tlic Stratum t\ picum: Gamba Group, basal part of the bro.id cxtLM'n.il lohe, thc hkcwise hro.id tnhd lateral lobe .ind Chaqu)ela Formation, probablv within thc ränge of upper tlic much sniallciand sunplcr unihiheal lohes. Lower Albian to lower^4iddlc Albian. Üiscussion: Thc specimcn is a typical Cymahoplitcs in Diagnos1s:Lcmiirocemswithcvolutecoiling,subquadrate, sizc,coiling, shapcand cspccially inthcsculpturc.This gcnus onU' slightly eompressed whorl scctionand dense ribbing. is vcrv closc ti) Lciniiioccnis Sl'AThl, 1942, which is accordmi; Material: One good preservcd and onlv a little corroded to Jr.iITZK"! (1964: SO) 'a iunior synonvm of Cymahoplita' specimen from thc basal Chaquiela Formation of the Gamba But already Casi "i (1961: 167) has pointed out somc Group (Scction A). Another brokcn and somewhat crushed morpholoi;ical ditfcrcnccs hctwcen thc two t;cncra. So in specimen,probablvthcsamespecics,isfromthesamesection Cymaboplitei thc nbs arc wcaker and thc prirnary ribs arc and formation, from a level 150 m decpcr in the Chaquiela dircctcd morcladiallyand notsoobhqueinthclowerpartof Formation. thc flanks. Dcscnption: Thc holotvpe (pl. 1, fig. 10) consists of Thc Tibctan specics diffei'S from all known specics of almost one whorl. The following measurements can bcgivcn: Cynidliophtcs. Forexamplc,incontiasttothctypespecics,C. D Wh Wb Wh/Wb U keremkianiis, thc eoihng is morc cvolute, thc ribbing on thc outer part ot thc whorl is morc dcnsc, and thc ribs arc AflS/l 36 12.5(0.35) 12(0.33) 1.05 13(0.36) commonlv bifurcating at thc lower flank while in C. Thc coilinL! is rathcr cvolute, thc whorl heieht increascs kciciiikuvnii thc nbs arc often singlcs. Probabh' thc Tibctan slowU'.Thewhorl scction issubquadrate,slightlyeompressed specimenisanewspecics,butbecauseofitspoorprescrvation with Hat and somewhat converging flanks and a tabulate itseems betterto describe it in open nomenclature. external side. Thc grcatest thickness oi thc whorl is at the Occurrence: OngmalK' thc genus was thought to bc of distinctandslightlyclongatedumbilicaltubcrclcs.Thcrcexist LowerAlbianorMiddleAlbianage(Wri(;ht 1957: L400),but ninc at thc last halfwhorl. in a short revision by Casev (1966: 551) 'thc Lower Albian At eacli umbihcal tubcrcle thrcc, sometimcs only two, nbs dating of Cymahoplites' is confirmed. Especially thcrc is an arcbundlcd.Somewhatirregularlvbctwccntwobundlesafur- association with LcymcriclLi tiudcfitrcdta (LlYMlRll, in thcr nb is mtcrcalatcd, starting at thc lower part of thc flank. d'Okhign'i 1841), the index specics for thc lower Lower All ribs arc slightlv sinuous on the flanks and straight across Albian.Thegenusisbestknownfromtheformercentral(type) the external side. There are approximately 35 ribs on the last andSouthern USSR.Lurthcrmorca 'septatefragment' (Casi "i halfwhorl.Thcsuturclincshowsaprominentbroadand dcep 1961: 168) from England and somesmall, mostly fragmentcd bifid lateral lobe (fig. 8). specimcns from Canada (Jelitzky 1964: pl. 24, fig. 10; pl. 26, Thc second specimen (pl. 1, fig. 11) is less well preserved. fig. 6, 10) ha\c been dcscribcd. Themaximumdiameterwasapproximately50mmbutnoexact measurements can bc givcn. Coiling, whorl section and type ofornamentationseemtobeidenticalwiththeholotypc.Only Genus Lenutroccidi Si'ATii, 1942 thcumbilicaltuberclesandalsotheribsaresomewhatstronger. But this ought be bccausc of its later(.mtogcnctic stage. Typc specics: Loniirocenisabmciise (Sparn, 1933) Discussion:ThcspecimcnsbelongtoLcmuroceras,which has closc relationships with thc gcnus Cymahoplites Späth, LcDiinoccrdi tibcticiini n. sp. 1922(seethere).CharacteristicsforLcmiiroccraiarethestrong ribbing and thc obliquity of the clongated umbilical nodcs. (PI. l,Fig. 10, ll,Tcxt-fig. 8) Also thc slow increase of whorl height is a featurc of Holotypc: Af lS/1. Lcmiiroccrds rathcr than ofCynidboplilcs. DeriVatio nominis:Thcnamcreferstothercgionwhcre Within thcgcnus LcmiiroccrdstheTibctan material can not thcspecics was found. beidentifiedv/ithoneofthcknownspecics.Thccombination Locus typicus: South Tibet, arca of Gamba, lower part ofcvolutecoiling,subquadratewhorlsectionanddensenbbing ofscction A. isuniqucand ma\ bcrcasoncnoughtocstablishanewspecics.

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