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creative living complete entry guide PDF

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Preview creative living complete entry guide

1 CREATIVE LIVING COMPLETE ENTRY GUIDE Hello Summer! Each exhibitor will receive one 2018 Alameda County Fair admission ticket at time of entry delivery For Questions, please contact: 2 CREATIVE LIVING COMPLETE GUIDE *For All Entry Drop Off, Enter Through Gate 12 on Valley Avenue* Online Entry Category Delivery Information Release Information Deadline Preserved Foods, Quilts, Building P Knit/Crochet, Sewing, Arts & *Same location as 2016* Building C—South Door Crafts, Wood, Special Craft April 25th Friday, May 18th 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. Tues. July 10th 12-8 p.m. Competitions, etc. Saturday, May 19th 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. DTeacboler astetdti nTgre &e April 25th WednBeusilddainyg, JCu—neN 1o3rth D12o-o7r p.m. TBuueisld. iJnugl yC 1—0Sth o 1u2th- 8D po.omr . Baked Food—Period 1 Classic Treats Building C—North Door Building C—South Door Decorated Food June 12th Friday, June 15th 7-10 a.m. (Enter Gate 12 on Valley) Tues. July 10th 12-8 p.m. Mix It Up--Tricks with a Mix Guittard Chocolate Contest June 13th Bui Sldaintugr dCa Cy,o Jouknineg 1 D6teh m 1o1 :S0t0a gae.m A.r ea Release icmomntedsita. tely after Dad’s F Cavoonrtietes tD essert June 14th BuildSiunngd Ca yC, oJouknien g1 7Dthe m11o: 0S0ta ag.em A. rea Release immediately after contest Cheesecake Contest June 20th Buil Sdaintugr Cda Cy,o Jouknineg 2 D3erdm 1o1 :S0t0a gae.m A. rea Release icmomnteedsita tely after My Family C’so Fnatevsotr ite Cookie June 21st BuilSdiunngd Ca yC, oJouknien g2 4Dthe m11o: 0S0ta ag.em A. rea Release icmomntedsita. tely after Baked Food—Period 2 Building C—North Door K Minygs tAertyh Curo Folkoieu r June 24th Wednesday, June 27th 7-10 a.m. TBuueisld. iJnugl yC 1—0Sth o 1u2th-8 D po.omr . (Enter Gate 12 on Valley) S’mores No More Honey, T Choisn ties sat Dessert June 27th BuiSldaintugr dCa Cy,o Jouknineg 3 D0ethm 1o1 :S0t0a gae.m A. rea Release icmomntedsita. tely after My F Paime iClyo’sn Fteasvt orite June 28th BuildSinugn Cda Cyo, oJukilny g1 sDt e 1m1o:0 0S ta.gme. Area Release icmomntedsita. tely after Beef Is King Cookout June 30th SatuIrvdya Gy,l eJnu lPy i7ctnh ic1 0A:0re0a a .m. Release icmomntedsita. tely after Cupcake Contest July 4th Build Siantgu rCd aCyo, oJkuilnyg 7 Dth e m11o: 0S0ta ag.em A. rea Release icmomntedsita. tely after Cupcake Decorating Contest July 4th Build Sinugn Cda Cy,o Joukliyn g8 tDh e 1m1o:0 0S taa.gme. Area Release icmomnteedsita. tely after Entry Deadline is April 25th! (See individual pages for Baked/Decorated Food & Contest entry deadlines) Click Here to Enter Online: http://alamed.fairwire.com If you have any questions, please email 3 Creative Living Table of Contents Culinary Arts Hand Crafts Rules Page 4 Rules Page 45 Beeswax & Honey Page 5 Arts & Crafts Page 46 Breads Page 6 Dolls & Animals Page 47 Cakes Page 7 Gourd Crafting Page 48 Classic Treats Made From Scratch Page 8 Mechanical Science Page 49 Confections Page 9 Miniatures Page 50 Cookies Page 10 Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Page 51 Decorated Foods Page 11 Paper Tole Page 52 King Arthur Flour Page 12 Physically/Mentally Challenged Exhibitors Page 53 Mix it Up! Tricks with a mix Page 13 Stained Glass Page 54 Mystery Cookie Page 14 Tole & Decorative Painting P a g e 5 5 Olive Oil Page 15 Wood Working & Wood Turning Page 56 Pies & Pastries Page 16 Preserved Foods Page 17-20 Special Craft Competitions Professional Baked Foods Page 21 Bling Something Page 57 Professional Preserved Foods Page 22 Crafting Trends Page 58 S’mores No More Page 23 Decorate a Tree Page 59 Special Diet Page 24 Duct Tape Craft Page 60 Table Settings Page 25 Egg Carton Craft Page 61 Hand & Foot Print Art Page 62 Fiber Arts Literature Based Art Page 63 Rules Page 35 Mystery Craft Page 64 Crochet Page 36 Origami Page 65 Knitting Page 37 Perler Bead Art Page 66 Lace & Tatting Page 38 Pinterest Patriotic Craft Page 67 Needle Work & Embroidery Page 39 Pipe Cleaner Craft Page 68 Professional Quilting Page 40 Recycle It! Page 69 Quilting Page 41 Repurpose It! Page 70 Rugs Page 42 Shoebox Float Page 71 Sewing Page 43 Spinning & Weaving Page 44 Fair Time Cooking Contests Beef Is King Cookout Page 26 Guittard Chocolate Contest Page 31 Cheesecake Contest Page 27 Honey, It’s a Dessert Contest Page 32 Cupcake Contest Page 28 My Family’s Favorite Cookie Contest Page 33 Cupcake Decorating Contest Page 39 My Family’s Favorite Pie Contest Page 34 Dad’s Favorite Dessert Contest Page 30 Entry Deadline is April 25th! (See individual pages for Baked/Decorated Food & Contest entry deadlines) Click Here to Enter Online: http://alamed.fairwire.com If you have any questions, please email 4 CULINARY ARTS Please read competition guidelines: Changes are made each year. 1) Eligibility: a) Open to residents of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Solano Counties. b) Open to amateurs only, except where designated under the Professional category. c) Professional exhibitors (one who has sold more than half of the items made in any year within the entry category, who has taught classes for payment, or is employed in the industry) must enter in the Professional categories only. Professionals receive ribbons, but do not qualify for premiums. d) The exhibitor must home prepare non-baked food entries within one year of the opening date of the fair. Non-baked food entries that have been shown at previous Alameda County Fairs are not eligible and will be disqualified. e) The Fair Association reserves the right to refuse any entry or to refuse to display any entry considered not to be in the best interest of the Fair. No entry will be accepted where an exhibitor prescribes conditions under which they will exhibit. 2) Entries: a) Please note all division and class limits. b) Items may be transferred to a different division or class by fair personnel. This may result in the exhibitor exceeding class limits which may affect award eligibility. c) If allowed, and entering more than one recipe per class, the recipes must be different. d) Within any year, each recipe may only be entered once. e) Food entries do not need to be baked or preserved from an original recipe (unless otherwise specified), but must be handmade by the entrant from scratch and must not use any prepared mixes (with the exception of Tricks with a Mix). f) All baked foods must be entered with a complete recipe at time of delivery. Recipes will not be shared and will be returned with the judge’s comment card. g) Entry fees will not be refunded. 3) Presentation & Display: a) The Fair will provide an exhibit tag. Please enter with the exhibitor’s name as you wish it to appear. b) All Period 1 baked food items will be discarded prior to Period 2 delivery. Items may be discarded prior to that time if they become deteriorated; this is at the discretion of fair personnel. When possible, the exhibit tags of discarded food will be displayed on the wall outside the office in Building C for the duration of the fair. c) Exhibits are displayed to interest the public and showcase the exhibits. The Alameda County Fair assumes total design control over the presentation of the exhibit. d) Whenever possible (with the exception of pies which should be entered in a glass pie plate) baked food entries should be delivered in non- returnable, disposable containers, plates or wraps. e) Baked goods will be displayed on plates provided by the fair. Unless otherwise specified, plate presentation has no effect on judging results. 4) Handling: a) Greatest care will be exercised in handling exhibits, but the Fair Management, Alameda County Fair Association, and the County of Alameda will not be held liable for loss, theft or damage of any kind from any cause. Submission of any work constitutes an agreement to this effect. b) No one but the judges and departmental personnel will be allowed to handle exhibits. 5) Judging: a) Entries are judged using the American System of Judging where exhibits are judged against each other. There is the availability of one 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place. Honorable Mention may be awarded at the judge’s discretion. All 1st place winners in a division will compete against each other for the Best of Show. Judges may choose to omit a placing if is believed to be without merit. b) Qualified judges are selected by the Alameda County Fair. Judging decisions are final. c) Judging results will not be given out by phone, mail, or email. d) The Fair does not guarantee the payment of Sponsored special premiums and awards as they are secured in good faith. e) Sweepstakes ties will be broken by number of 1st place entries. 6) Ribbons & Judge’s Comments: a) Ribbons, judge’s comment cards, and recipes will be available for pick up in the office of Building C any time the fair is open beginning Sunday, July 1st. Any desired ribbons, comment cards or recipes not picked up during the fair must be picked up on the exhibit release day, Tuesday, July 10th from 12-8 p.m. Ribbons, comment cards, and recipes will not be mailed. b) Unclaimed ribbons, comment cards and recipes will be held at the Exhibit Office until Labor Day. At that point, they will be discarded. Entry Deadline is April 25th! (See individual pages for Baked/Decorated Food & Contest entry deadlines) Click Here to Enter Online: http://alamed.fairwire.com If you have any questions, please email 5 Beeswax & Honey Entry Fee: $2.00 Per Entry Limit: 2 Per Class, Per Exhibitor th Online Registration Deadline: April 25 th th Delivery Information: Friday, May 18 3-8 p.m. or Saturday, May 19 9-3 p.m. DIVISION 139—Beeswax & Honey CLASS: 1. Chunk Comb Honey 2. Cut Comb Honey in plastic boxes 3. Extracted Honey--light 4. Extracted Honey--medium 5. Extracted Honey—dark 6. Framed Honey for extracting 7. Other Honey (crystalized, spun, finely granulated, etc.) 8. Toiletries made with beeswax or honey (lotions, soaps, etc.) 9. Gift Basket—must contain at least 5 items 10. Any Other (hand dipped candles, molded items, beeswax block, etc.) SPECIAL RULES:  Please review Culinary Arts Rules page for detailed rules.  All entries of extracted and/or chunk honey must be submitted in a clear glass container. All jars and lids must be clean.  Attach a list of ingredients for any toiletries. Please state percentage of beeswax and/or honey used. Judging Standards: Cash Prizes Per Class: 25% Clarity st 1 Place: $6.00 25% Cleanliness nd 2 Place: $4.00 25% Color rd 3 Place: $3.00 25% Taste (if applicable) 100% Entry Deadline is April 25th! (See individual pages for Baked/Decorated Food & Contest entry deadlines) Click Here to Enter Online: http://alamed.fairwire.com If you have any questions, please email 6 Breads Entry Fee: $2.00 Per Entry Limit: 2 Different Recipes Per Class, Per Exhibitor th th Online Registration Deadlines: Period 1: June 12 Period 2: June 24 th Period 1 Delivery: June 15 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. DIVISION 103—PERIOD 1 DIVISION 104—PERIOD 1 CLASS: YEAST BREADS--LOAF CLASS: NON-YEAST BREADS—NON-LOAF 1. Ethnic (specify) 1. Coffee Cake 2. Herb (specify) 2. Corn Bread/Corn Muffins 3. Sourdough 3. Gingerbread 4. Whole Wheat 4. Muffins 5. Any Other Yeast Loaf (specify) 5. Scones 6. Any Other Non-Yeast (specify) th Period 2 Delivery: June 27 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. DIVISION 114—PERIOD 2 CLASS: NON-YEAST BREADS--LOAF DIVISION 115—PERIOD 2 1. Banana (with or without nuts) CLASS: YEAST BREADS—NON-LOAF 2. Fruit (Cranberry, Lemon, etc.) 1. Bread Machine (No Mixes) 3. Pumpkin 2. Cinnamon Rolls 4. Savory 3. Shaped Bread/Rolls 5. Zucchini (with or without nuts) 4. Any Other Yeast Non-loaf (specify) 6. Any Other Non-Yeast Loaf (specify) SPECIAL RULES:  Please review Culinary Arts Rules page for detailed rules.  Automatic bread machine breads will only be accepted in the bread machine class.  Breads—Enter One Whole Loaf, ½ pan, or 2 mini loaves.  Muffins, Scones, Rolls—Enter 7 pieces. Judging Standards: Baked Food Sweepstakes: 10% General Appearance Cash Prizes Per Class: (Divisions 103-124) 30% Flavor 1st Place: $8.00 (1st=5 pBoainstesd, 2onnd =p3o ipnotsin etsa,r 3nerdd=:1 point) 25% Texture nd st 2 Place: $6.00 1 Place: $30 15% Crumb rd nd 3 Place: $4.00 2 Place: $25 10% Crust 3rd Place: $20 10% Recipe th 4 Place: $15 100% th 5 Place: $10 Entry Deadline is April 25th! (See individual pages for Baked/Decorated Food & Contest entry deadlines) Click Here to Enter Online: http://alamed.fairwire.com If you have any questions, please email 7 Cakes Entry Fee: $2.00 Per Entry Limit: 2 Different Recipes Per Class, Per Exhibitor th th Online Registration Deadlines: Period 1: June 12 Period 2: June 24 th Period 1 Delivery: June 15 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. DIVISION 106—PERIOD 1 DIVISION 105—PERIOD 1 Miscellaneous (No Layer) Cakes Layer Cakes CLASS: CLASS: 1. Angel Food 1. Banana Layer 2. Bundt 2. Chocolate Layer 3. Carrot 3. Fruit Flavored Layer 4. Cupcakes 4. Any Other Layer (specify) 5. Fruit Flavored 6. Any Other No Layer (specify) th Period 2 Delivery: June 27 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. DIVISION 117—PERIOD 2 DIVISION 116—PERIOD 2 Miscellaneous (No Layer) Cakes Layer Cakes CLASS: CLASS: 1. Cake Pops 1. Carrot Layer 2. Cheesecake 2. Chocolate Layer 3. Cupcakes 3. White Layer 4. Pineapple Upside Down 4. Any Other Layer (specify) 5. Torte 6. Any Other No Layer (specify) SPECIAL RULES:  Please review Culinary Arts Rules page for detailed rules.  Refrigeration is not guaranteed, so frostings will need to remain stable in a warm environment. No whipped cream frosting.  Cakes—Enter whole cake (do not cut). Cupcakes—Enter 7 cupcakes. Cake Pops—Enter 7 cake pops. Judging Standards: Cash Prizes Per Class: Baked Food Sweepstakes: 25% Appearance st (Divisions 103-124) 1 Place: $8.00 30% Texture nd Based on points earned: 2 Place: $6.00 (1st=5 points, 2nd=3 points, 3rd=1 point) 35% Flavor 3rd Place: $4.00 1st Place: $30 10% Recipe nd 2 Place: $25 100% rd 3 Place: $20 th 4 Place: $15 th 5 Place: $10 Entry Deadline is April 25th! (See individual pages for Baked/Decorated Food & Contest entry deadlines) Click Here to Enter Online: http://alamed.fairwire.com If you have any questions, please email 8 Classic Treats Made From Scratch Entry Fee: $2.00 Per Entry Limit: 2 Different Recipes Per Class, Per Exhibitor th Online Registration Deadline: June 12 th Delivery Information: Friday, June 15 7-10 a.m. DIVISION 112—Classic Treats Made From Scratch CLASS: 1. Classic Treats Made From Scratch SPECIAL RULES:  We all love classic treats such as Oreos, Peanut Butter Cups, Twinkies, and Granola Bars. Create your own made from scratch version of a classic store-bought treat!  Open to all non-professional adults (Those who do not test or develop recipes for payment).  All entries MUST be submitted with a detailed recipe with complete instructions.  Enter 7 pieces Judging Standards: Cash Prizes Per Class: Baked Food Sweepstakes: 25% Appearance st (Divisions 103-124) 1 Place: $8.00 30% Texture nd Based on points earned: 2 Place: $6.00 (1st=5 points, 2nd=3 points, 3rd=1 point) 35% Flavor 3rd Place: $4.00 1st Place: $30 10% Recipe nd 2 Place: $25 100% rd 3 Place: $20 th 4 Place: $15 th 5 Place: $10 $ 5 1 t 0 h P l a c e : Entry Deadline is April 25th! (See individual pages for Baked/Decorated Food & Contest entry deadlines) Click Here to Enter Online: http://alamed.fairwire.com If you have any questions, please email 9 Confections Entry Fee: $2.00 Per Entry Limit: 2 Different Recipes Per Class, Per Exhibitor th th Online Registration Deadlines: Period 1: June 12 Period 2: June 24 th Period 1 Delivery: June 15 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. DIVISION 109—PERIOD 1 CLASS: 1. Caramels 2. Fudge 3. Toffee 4. Any Other (specify) th Period 2 Delivery: June 27 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. DIVISION 120—PERIOD 2 CLASS: 1. Filled Chocolate Candy 2. Fudge 3. Truffles 4. Any Other (specify) SPECIAL RULES:  Please review Culinary Arts Rules page for detailed rules.  Items should not be individually wrapped.  Please enter 7 pieces. Judging Standards: Cash Prizes Per Class: Baked Food Sweepstakes: 15% Appearance st (Divisions 103-124) 1 Place: $8.00 Based on points earned: 25% Texture nd st nd rd 2 Place: $6.00 (1 =5 points, 2 =3 points, 3 =1 point) 20% Consistency rd st 3 Place: $4.00 1 Place: $30 30% Flavor nd 2 Place: $25 10% Recipe 3rd Place: $20 th 100% 4 Place: $15 th 5 Place: $10 Entry Deadline is April 25th! (See individual pages for Baked/Decorated Food & Contest entry deadlines) Click Here to Enter Online: http://alamed.fairwire.com If you have any questions, please email 10 Cookies Entry Fee: $2.00 Per Entry Limit: 2 Different Recipes Per Class, Per Exhibitor th th Online Registration Deadlines: Period 1: June 12 Period 2: June 24 th th Period 1 Delivery: June 15 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. Period 2 Delivery: June 27 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. DIVISION 118—PERIOD 2 DIVISION 107—PERIOD 1 CLASS: CLASS: 1. Chocolate Chip 1. Biscotti 2. Ginger 2. Brownie 3. Macaroons 3. Chocolate Chip 4. Oatmeal 4. Fruit Cookies or Fruit Bars 5. Peanut Butter 5. Molasses 6. Savory 6. Oatmeal 7. Shortbread 7. Shaped & Pressed 8. Snickerdoodle 8. Sugar 9. Any Other Cookie (specify) 9. Any Other Cookie (specify) SPECIAL RULES:  Please review Culinary Arts Rules page for detailed rules.  Items should not be individually wrapped.  Please enter 7 pieces. Judging Standards: Cash Prizes Per Class: Baked Food Sweepstakes: 30% Appearance st (Divisions 103-124) 1 Place: $8.00 25% Texture nd st Based onnd points earnerdd: 2 Place: $6.00 (1 =5 points, 2 =3 points, 3 =1 point) 35% Flavor rd st 3 Place: $4.00 1 Place: $30 10% Recipe nd 100% 2rd Place: $25 3 Place: $20 th 4 Place: $15 th 5 Place: $10 Entry Deadline is April 25th! (See individual pages for Baked/Decorated Food & Contest entry deadlines) Click Here to Enter Online: http://alamed.fairwire.com If you have any questions, please email

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.