CourtCaU Appearance Calendar ® September 2010 24 Friday Marathon Judge Sandra Taylor 16th Judicial Circuit Court-Monroe 09:45AM ET Dial: (877) 235-0403 Case Information Attorney Information Case #: 2010CA253M Firm: 'Timothy Nicholas Thomas, P.A. Case Name: Phone: (305) 451-4053 Bal Bank vs. Knights Key Corporation Contact: Timothy Thomas Proceeding Type: For Defendant(s), Knights Key Corporation Motion To Dismiss Firm: Devane & Dorl, PA Phone: (305) 743-6565 Contact: James Dorl For Plaintiff(s), Beal Bank Nevada 10:00 AM ET Dial: (877) 235-0403 Case Information Attorney Information Case #: 2008CA308M Firm: Smith, Hiatt & Diaz, PA Case Name: Phone: 800-807-1179 Deutsche Bank National Trust vs. Lanni ./ Contact: Ryan T. Cox Proceeding Type: V" For Plaintiff(s), Deutsche Bank National Trust Motion For Summary Judgment Case #: 2009CA348M Firm: Smith, Hiatt & Diaz, PA Case Name: Phone: 800-807-1179 Bank of New York vs. Pantely Contact: Ryan T. Cox Proceeding Type: For Plaintiff(s), Bank of New York Motion For Summary Judgment Case #: 2009CA365M Firm: Smith, Hiatt & Diaz, PA Case Name: Phone: 800~807 -1179 BankUnited vs. AM-Marathon, LLC v Contact: Ryan T. Cox Proceeding Type: For Plaintiff(s), BankUnited Motion For Summary Judgment Case #: 2009CA549M Firm: Smith, Hiatt & Diaz, PA . Case Name: _ ./Phone: 800-807-1179 V Bank of New York vs. Daniels Contact: Ryan T. Cox Proceeding Type: For Plaintiff(s), Bank of New York Motion For Summary Judgment Case #: 2010CA57M Firm: . Smith, Hiatt & Diaz, PA Case Name: Phone: 800-807-1179 BAC Home Loan vs. Carelli Contact: Ryan T. Cox Proceeding Type: For Plaintiff(s), BAC Home Loan' Motion For Summary Judgment Shirlly Celestin Page 2 of 3 16TH CIR 00501 CourtCall Appearance Calendar ® September 2010 24 Friday Marathon Judge Sandra Taylor 16th Judicial Circuit Court-Monroe 10:00 AM ET Dial: (877) 235-0403 Case Information Attorney Information 02:00 PM ET Dial: (877) 235-0403 Case Information Attorney Information Case #: 2010-CA-38-M Firm: Fowler White Burnett, PA Case Name: Phone: (305) 789-9200 US Bank, NA vs Linda Parsons, et al Contact: Scott Feuerman Proceeding Type: For Defendant(s), All the Individual Defendants Status Conference Case #: 2010CA39M Firm: Kelle9 & Fulton -P.A. Case Name: Phone: 561-491-1200 Lydian Mortgage vs. Peter Rosasco Contact: Andrew Fulton, IV Proceeding Type: For Plaintiff(s), Lydian Mortgage Status Conference 02:30 PM ET Dial: (877) 235-0403 Case Information Attorney Information Case #: 2009-CA-000190-M Firm: Law Offices of David J. Stern PA . Case Name: Phone: (954) 233-8000 Aurora Loan Services vs. Dale Stuhr, et al. Contact: Kim F. Stevens Proceeding Type: For Plaintiff(s), Aurora Loan Services Motion Case #: 2009CA0190 Firm: Affinity Law Group Case Name: Phone: 904-398-9510 Aurora Loan Services vs. Stuhr Contact: Graham W. Syfert Proceeding Type: For Defendant(s), Stuhr Motion Shirlly Celestin Page 3 of3 16TH CIR 00502 Wednesday October 13 - Key West SENIOR CIRCUIT JUDGE SANDRA TAYLOR TIME CASE NO. CASE STYLE NAME OF MOTION ATTORNEY/PHONE 9:007 09 CA1299 K E*Trade Bank v D'lsa, FranC. .< ~J VJI<ti--G A. ,,17 /1 ,£,.gment Luciana Ugarte' Tel,5min 561-998-6700 x6850 06-CA-1208-K Nathan E. Eden 9:30 Deutsche Bank v. Stapleton M..l?~i9.IR fl'.w~i~i~H V1J In person, 5 min 305-294-5588 va 08-CA-592-K . The Bank of New Yorkvs. Motion for Leave to File fr;t~esker Tel,5min Daniel Searles Supplemental Complaint Harbour Place 'Condominium --..) 09-CC-310-K Association, Inc. v. Michael Steven M. Davis Motion for Summary Judgment Tel, 5 min McMahon [Odyssey lists Judge 305-262-4433 Miller] . al 08-CA-2006-K OneWest Bank v. Ard, Anne . Emergency Motl of H~~O Ron Rice, Jr. Tel, 15 min Scott Cancel Sale ~ !rlta< - 866-655-5516, #8 08-CA-2006-K OneWest Bank v. Ard, Anne Ron Rice, Jr. Motion to Reset Sale ~ Tel, 15 min Scott 866-655-5516, #8 09-CA-281-K BankUnited v. McGavin, Robert Motion to.~IlStt\ ~pJ~ 9W:AO IJ. - ,~on~ice, Jr. Tel5min UIJ/\. ,... I- - I 5-5516, #8 Ron/Rice, Jr. ~~ 09-CA-111A2-~~ l~ 1~~U~i~. ~~ObbiJ.!.~ .Jp.~. Mo" ,.£l..i1<>Ul'NDary Judgment > Tel,5miU/b1 866-655-5516, #8 VU v / Jiulio Margalli 09-CA·1901-K Bank of New York Mellon v. Amended Motion to E~~Ece (305) 295-9382 Tel & In person, George Woods, et al Payment ~t~P'!I e Peter Rysman 15 min (305) 292-1437 / 09-CA-611-K JPMorgan Chase Bank vs. John Motion to Msmiss and Motion to Martin L. Hoffman In person, 15 Childs Compel DiscoverY 305-653-5555 min ,-,'r 07-CA-1180-K~~SBC B~.V~: LatOC~j~ _I.-l ~b71 Summary '1gme~ of tf:l . ~~~L.ForCe Tel, 5 min A;""( • ;' , F reclosure-+ 76' q . 38338 .- 10-CA-586-K U.S. Bank v Harper () ~otion to Compel John Marston I- 305-294-0120 08-C~92-K __ Ne~ Da~ ~otion~ Jonatbat? Mesker "';%'1f • S rles en m t 888 422-2022 / . 10-CA-586-K ~ . . cJJLUU,-r "-·-r U.S. Bank National~~rciation Joh n Marston Imn ipne rson, 15 v Harper, Thomasin :~nA tI o. gs?. 1'~LsAs ; / I.1,.". ..)6 7.5: ~h2Jl_4-0m Eric McCarthy 10-CA-313-K Keys Federal Credit Union vs. Plaintifrs Mo~n to Compel 305-296·8337 In person, 10 min Massih DiSCO~.ILI ,0.1 'i]) . James McQuade 292-7947 V Eric McCarthy 10-CA-731-K Keys Federal Credit Union vs. Plaintiffs Motion for Summary 305-296-8337 .~~~ >W cori~ Miller-'lr~1 ' Ju~gme~uI Corine Miller-Leon lAl I.. ,.i.. pro se 09-CA-1532-K OneWest Bank f':N1~e~r, :J.JU CJ 1. Ron Jr., Rice T':!t '3ummary Judgment Tel, 5 min Joseph -/ f' ~ ~1'lRf 866-655-5516, #8 09 CA 312-k JP Morgan V'" 4. ,NlPtioR1!W c, -'"' \!7,."ment Mariya Weekes Tel, 5 min 561-9986700 ~ ., 2010·CA-576-K Centennial W-~i~iam.g-- Gregory S. Oropeza In person,15 I 0 \ -MOtion for Summary Judgment Cain, et al. ~ 305-296-8851 min / 2008-CA-1795-K Thornburg Mortgage Home , , Marshall Watson Motion to Compel- Tel, 15 min Loans, Inc. V. John R. Hally, Jr. 954-453-0365 09 CA 897 K Wells Fargo/American Home ,il Martin L. Hoffman Tel,15min Mort!Jage vs.R / v, ,~ A \ M~;io~ t~!snys~ 305-653-5555 ~ v , " I Update: 10/12/20104:51 PM ,,(f . 1/ .J~/~ / 16TH CIR 00503 Wednesday October 13 - Key West SENIOR CIRCUIT JUDGE SANDRA TAYLOR 09·CA·23·K Deutsch Bank National Trust 305·294·0120 10:30 15min Co. v Doris Arnold et al Case Justin Kelley 2009·CA-834·K Aurora Loan Services vs. Judgment Tel,5 min Robert Sullivan SC10·618 Florida Bar 07-4109(16) Jacquelyn Plasner 09-4100(16) The Florida Bar v Joanna Nocun Needelman 09-4101(16) 305·377-4445,3218 10-4047(16) 10-4048(16) Tel 11:00 WAMU vs. Peter Palovcik 11:30 Bank of New York Mellon v. ? Patricia Brennan 09.CA.1348~~V 1:30 1''' Tel, 5 min J-l~~lley, Orlon/lberiabank v Peter C. & 10 min, in Lori D. Kennedy I. Key West by the Sea Ass.oc., Patrick M. Flanigan perllon,10 Motion Inc. v. Scheryl C. Fair (305) 296·7227 Justin Lighty RBC Bank v. Crudo Residential 888·741·1521 x 206 Mortgage vs. Motion for Summary Judgment 09·CA·292·K JPMOrg~e/Bdvs. Tel & In person, Motion For Summary Judgment Richar~. 5 min Alvarez 10·CA-499·KI 877.221.4743 2:00 Tel,15mln Martin Hoffman I Update: 10/12/20104:51 PM 16TH CIR 00504 Wednesday October 13 - Key West SENIOR CIRCUIT JUDGE SANDRA TAYLOR \ . Setltlng Status Conference Order Setting Status Conference Order Setting Status Conference 07 -CA-161 O-K Order Setting Status Conference "u' .. .•. .A.. . , 08-CA-2025-K Order Setting Status ConfEtrellc;:e 08-CA-2034-K Order Setting "St~lttl\! Conference Motion for Summary Judgment Order Setting Status Conference Order Setting Status. Conference Judge Taylor- Judge Taylor Order Setting Status Conference Judge Taylor N/O Moltian for Summary Judgment N/O Nro Foreclosure Sale Nro Luciana Ugarte Nro Inc. v Batchler, Leon and Motion for Summary Judgment Tel, 5 min 561-998-6700 x6850 07 -CA-117-K Update: 4:51 16TH CIR 00505 Wednesday October 13 - Key West SENIOR CIRCUIT JUDGE SANDRA TAYLOR TIME CASE NO. CASE STYLE NAME OF MOTION ATTORNEY/PHONE Omahon ,Patricia J., et al Bank of NY Mellon v Samantha NIO OS-CA-2049-K OFarrell [Odyssey has 10/25 @ Order Setting Status Conference 11:00 Bank of NY Mellon v Milton E. NIO OS-CA-20S4-K Huffman [Odyssey has 10/25 @ Order Setting Status Conference 11:00 N/O = Not on Odyssey for 10113 Cancelled Cases I Update: 10/12/20104:51 PM 16TH CIR 00506 . Thursday, October 14-Key West SENIOR CIRCUIT JUDGE SANDRA TAYLOR TIME CASE NO. CASE STYLE NAME OF MOTION .... I ATTORNEY/PHONE ~ 09-CA-455-K Aurora Loan Services v. Edward G. ,,u",A' v 9:30 Motion to With~-' -, '" Deleon; et ai, 09-CA-059-K Suntrust Mortgage Inc. v Donald A. Defendant's Request"for Case Adam Cervera v Tel5min Alessi, et. ai., Management Conference (3.0 5) 262~4433 Citizens Bankfka Republic Bank v 09-CA-596-K James Stuursma, Ann Stuursma, Motion to Reschedule Denise Elder Tel,5 min Key West. Golf Club Development, Foreclosurbfale 561-998-6700 ,V '(if"I KW Golf Club Homeowners, et al 09-CA-763-K Bank of America v Spain Defendant Spain's Motion to 1Y.BJf't: A?t'~'; \/ Tel,15 min Compel Answers to Discovery dT"A--'17U;; C:::-:k 11 08·CA~700-K Citibank v Debra Taylor Plaintiff's Motion for Rehearing' Steven j;raser ~ Tel,5 min or vacate order 888 233 8338 x 7.165 (). II 09-CA-1183-K BAC Home Loan Servicing v Varda Order on Notice of Dis~al for . $0/"-::"'-2 Kainan, et al . Lack of Prosecution 1 -, I'fP, Deutsche Bank as Trustee for I ~~ 09-CA-833-K American Home Mortgage v Simon Order on Plaintiff's M~~n ---- ~ fl ~l) Dudai and Nadia Dudal, et al Dismiss ~ ~ J '-" J - Bank of New York v Leslie E. Order Setting ~ ~tus 10'.1>0 09-CA-1449-K Dudley, et al Conference . Ib:.3~ 07-CA-1749-K GCoMhAeCn sM, oII,r tegta agl e v Franklin D. COordnefer rSeentctein g Sta'Itufs. » ~ .n o.Jr J /A, A H.. od - ), •. 09-CA-1667 -K One West Bank v Ernesto Diaz, et Order Setting Statusr e'17• et S'.'L'. ,~~ h4:: :::. '" ~ "' O·.~ al Conference - 1~~''''1 \ Plaintiff's Motion for Rehearing \, -08-CA-7 - Citibank v De Taylor --- or vacate order entem...d on . l1ifarch 31,2010 Mark E. Adamczyk 09-CA-1208-K Seasides Key West v. Morris Emergency Verified Petition for 239~31-5100 Tel,20 min Relief by A9~ Nathan E. Eden .... 305-294-558 l 09-CA-1208-K Emergency ~e Mark E. Adamczyk Seasides Key west v. Morris Tel,20min Order Nathan E. Eden 1:30 10 CA 278 K Chase Home Finance v Harrington, ding ~ A" ..d.. David -" J~O~'),f~X~ I Jiulio Margalli 08-CA-1444-K t~'V Greenpoint Mortgage Funding v. Motion for Relief of Order 305-295-9382 In person, 15 \~ Amy Landry Apointing "Receiver John R. Allison min 305-395-1610 US Bank National v Mansch, David Motion for L~ave to File L, Fluke, Michael A, Mortgage Jerry Coleman 09-CA-1742-K Amended Answer, Affirmative 0 In person, 5 Electric Registration, Countrywide Defenses, Counterclaims, 305-292-3095 ~"O Home Loan, Ambrosia House Virginia R. Hiatt min Cross-Claims anAhird-party Condo Assoc., Unknown Tenants aeA- 954-564-0071 claims 1L #1 &2 US Bank National v Mansch, David Motion for IIe ave to File 09-CA-1743-K L, Fluke, Michael A, Mortgage Jerry Coleman Amended Answer, Affirmative I In person, 5 Electric Registration, Countrywide 305-292-3095 Defenses, Counterclaims, min Home Loan, Ambrosia House Virginia R. Hiatt CrOSS-Claims and ~arty Condo Assoc., Unknown Tenants 954-564-0071 claims (l C Lt I p, #1 & 2 V 09-CA-1748-K US Bank National v Mansch, David Motion for LE(! ve to File Jerry Coleman In person, 5 L, Fluke, Michael A, Mortgage Amended Answer, Affirmative 305-292-3095 I Update: 10/13120109:13 AM 16TH CIR 00507 Thursday. October 14-Key West SENIOR CIRCUIT JUDGE SANDRA TAYLOR TIME CASE NO. CASE STYLE NAME OF MOTION ATTORNEY/PHONE min Electric Registration, Countrywide Virginia R. Hiatt Home Loan, Ambrosia House 954-564-0071 Condo Assoc., Unknown Tenants #1 & 2 HSBC Bank USA v Stephen Doug/as McCau/ey, et a/ [property 2:30 08-CA-1344-K sold under short sale-via attorney Tom Wri ht's sec , Kath 08-CA-1607-K Betty Leonard v Daniel P. Drum, et Order Setting Statu ~;-;-__________- r~a~I ______________________- +~C~o~n~re~r~en~c~e~~~~~!~~'~2L~~;:~~~~~~J~ Jerry Coleman 08-CA-877-K Defendant Coleman's Motion to 305-292-3095 In person, 20 Bank of New York v. Coleman Vacate Clerk's Default Ralph Mora min 954-233-8000 James W. McQuade 09-CA-501-K 305-292-3926 Defendants' Motion to ~tri'r In Person & HSBC Bank V. Ricardo Rodriguez Rick A. Garcia Tel,20 min Order ~ Gavin MacMillan 800-807-1179 CANCELLATIONS I Update: 10/13/20109:13 AM 16TH CIR 00508 Friday, October 15-Plantation Key SENIOR CIRCUIT JUDGE SANDRA TAYLOR Ii TIME CASE NO. CASE STYLE . NAME OF IVIV , P. ~!JI-. .•f bill! '" IV"'" 9:30 Tcl: 5min WI, ells F. c~.r B~oa l~la nk, N.A. vs. Motion for """'0 "f"''~1, '. ~ L30a5to.7y7a0.- 4100 xI3n0h4 na.r..a.QIl1·P <> HSBC Bank v. Gregory Pope a!!~JJ.pjTJ Tel,5min ~:I~: 1107 P U.S. Bank v Witcher, Jane T. Motion forSu",mary "uIU(IIII".''.''~'' I5 61, .nn, :I.I!n'~" r'xt"6 850 ,. In Person, 5 Lake Surprise II Condo Assoc. & "'"" Bond Samuel A. Persaud v Paul Valet, et. al., ••u ....... iii· 1'iJJ' 305· 273-4200 ext. 4 min J ; ..r; f:I' "" 'v .. v., for . Final 09·CA·976·P Mariner's Club Homeowners I"'~ .. of Foreclosure against Samuel A. Persaud, In person, 5 Association, Inc. v. Carol A'l~ Lee ~. Judd and SareptaP. 305·273-4200 ext. 2 min Simpson, et. al. v \I{t 11O" . ma, "'v, " Club "v, <> l~ <> .., v,"v,' for wv."",' Final Samuel A. Persaud, In person, 5 Association, Inc. v. Carol A.I "uu ~""'"'' of Foreclosure against 305·273-4200 ext. 2 min , ChI ~Ri 09·CA·976·P ••• " ...." . _ Club .. ...~. <> 1>101, ..... <> feir Default Final Samuel A. Persaud, In person, 5 Association, Inc. v. Carol A. ~ rUM of Foreclosure against 305·273-4200 ext. 2 min et. al. . LeeH.Judd. Wells Fargo Bank v ~. ~".; Paur ~ Glausen, Sr. a/kla Gregg Paul Glausen, Moon Bay Condominium ~ Association, Inc., et al., 09cCA·587·P """', Do'''' FI,,' Moon Bay Condominium '''''9m.", Samuel A. Persaud, In person, 5 Association, Inc. Gregg Paul of Foreclosure 305·273-4200 ext. 2 min Glausen, Sr.; _ Glausen, unknown spouse of Gregg Paul Glausen, Sr., if married; and John Doe ~:1~:~~~9 Mary K,'"a"v, Inc. v vV""', •• .I .! b ,. "u,"la,," IIn"rt. . P OflUOlVV\ .J)f' .~ '" 561 nnft :;00 x 850 09 CA 1101 P : ..... ,,~, Inc. v Coffin, W .A. I ",.;., I" Tel, 5 min Mary K. for ~ 561 nM ::70'0 '~6850 t' I , Iinort. . Tel, 5 min ~ : ~~~:~~"~I"" Tr~~~ Motion for v 7f .AI .",. OM ::70'0 ~ 6850 09 CA226·P '''~ .. v"a<>,'. Bank, ,.Ih, n Luciana Ugarte National Association v Aryeh, Motion for uU'y.! Tel,5min ~;1~ 561·998·6700 x 6850 Raffie tI OmarArcia 09·CA·967·P JP Morgan Chase vs. Arlene Dis~ss (800) 770.7102 :5);;rO!.{J7?IS Motion to Tel,5min Cheryl Burm Rodriguez (305) 770-4100 \ Tel, 5mi~'" v r.nrt;:7. n H~,me I mms, Inc. Motion for _.: :.S...i.-.t.£..Y..- ,1 .l ~ 11117. I~ ". OM "IIinnn.r.tx. . 6850 ..... ,. Tel, 5 ~;n'·r j"'~~.~A ~·"V';Shl J•.- H".n jw "rarl tJ Io- "In'f a b /-;l.! ~'", . liD' Y;'ISLi)' Albert '''~'''''x1293 Fifth Third Bank v Islal"v,", a 10·CA527·P Emergency Motion to Michael Strauch Prop. , Jon's Air Conditioning 5min and et al Foreclosure Sale ~ '11 itA. 305·530·00.50 nR.r I P ,Bank vs. S r::" '"' /1 David Motionfor /)j Tel,5min . ---: I H fJ.J • onn AA.i~2438 x1917 I I IInn"'''',uIIO/LU'O 8:40 AM V 16TH CIR 00509 Friday. October 15-Plantation Key SENIOR CIRCUIT JUDG.E ....S fA WD:RAJ...' AY'LOR I! ~vtP&~J- ~ TIME CASE NO. CASE STYLE ( b-N~MIt' OF MOTION AT TORNEYIPHONE 09·CA·845·P Centennial Bank.v. Br~~ Greg Oropeza Motion for Summary Judgment Tel, 15 min Smith, et al 305·296·8851 09 CA904P American Home Mortgage vs Sf I1Tl16 Jason Klein Motion To Dismiss Tel, 15 min Myers, Adam D 305·372·1200 The Bank of New York Mellon v. Hector Rodriguez, Marthan, Gavin MacMillan 09·CA·878·P Mortgage Electronic 18008071179 Motion to vacate sale Tel, Registration System, Silver Erik Espinosa, Esq. Shores Leaseholder Assoc., ~ (305) 718·9158 unknown tenants, et al. Plaintiff's Motion for More Definite 10·CA-33·P First Bank vs. Performance Neil C. Spector Tel, 10 min Mobile Marine, Inc., et al Statement and t~~ri~1jrest 813·229·0900 x 1317 for Jury Trial I. ... I XL Ricardo Corona d( f). (P .Tff.). 305·266·1150, x225 09·CA·729·P Deutsche Bank vs. Enrique Motion to Vacate Default Christopher Tel, 10 min Piwko Lindhardt 888·229·0905 x1534 09·CA·981·P Jack Bridges 1:30 HSBC Bank v. Gregory Pope Motion for Summary Judgment Tel,5min 305-451·0670 10·CA·83·P The Bank Of New York Mellon Richard Garcia Motion for Summary Judgment Tel, 5 min vs. Williams, Michelle L 800·807·1179 10·CA·226·P Green Tree Servicing LLC vs. Richard Garcia M.o tion for Summsatry Judgment Tel,5 min Carroll, Ronald J & Raya 800·807·1179 09 CA 139 P American Home Mortgage vs tufT -( ur2i4cW,() 2:00 Motion To Dismis Pending Tel, 15 min Rivas, Dolores 10·CA·149·P In person, 5 Aurora Loan vs.~ lib. 'Motion for Extension Ofg~'tJe,)., Ken Pinos Respond to Complaint . min i 10-CA·251·P Motion for Extension or,.ime to In person, 5 BAC Home Loans vs. Wingo ~en~i~G II Respond to Complaint c:?1} JUJ /Z min First State Bank of Florida 2:30 08·CA-468·P Order Setting St~!J,!li Jf.~~ fe;:.')'Le Judge Taylor ,p Keys v John P. McKenzie 08·CA·101·P Citibank v Jodi Lyn Novosel Order Setting Status Conference Judge Taylor 08·CA·1001·P Bank of NY v Margarita Order Setting Status Conference Judge Tilylor 'G 2, 07·CA·758·P Bank. of NY v Charles Dircks Order Setting Status Conference Judge Taylor Citimortgage v Coffin, Mary as 1'z.1 fe> personal representative for 09·CA·1044·P Order Setting Status Conference Judge Taylor Estate of Dexter D. Coffin, Jr., USA, et al JP Morgan Chase v Ellis, Chad ~I~ W., Unknown Spouse of Chad 09·CA·861·P Ellis, et ai, Monroe County Order Setting Status Conference Judge Taylor Board of County , Commissioners • n. ~ , GCR Investments v Daisy 09·CA·75·P Order Setting Stafusl:bnference LTaylor Martinez v Nicholas Ekonomou v 663 s~s 6tj.N~rence 3:00 09·CA·677 -P Colson LLC, James E. Burke, Order Judge Taylor etal Aurora Loan Svs v McGuire, 09·CA·1139·P Order Setting Status Conference Judge Taylor Timothy D, Unknown Spouse, I Update: 10/15120108:40 AM 16TH CIR 00510