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i Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/coursecatalogsup2002shep FOR REFERENCE NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE ROOM C/5 cr b N fD -a =r fD CD Cu <*> Or-h £° O S3 fD' QfQ CD rD 3' 5' to I 4 • Shepherd College Catalog Supplement • 5 kreditation IcCollege is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North ieralAssociation<www.ncahigherlearningcommission.org>phone312/263-0456.Individual roamsareaccreditedbytheCouncilonSocialWorkEducation,theNationalAssociationof ch>lsofMusic,theWestVirginiaStateBoardofExaminersforRegisteredNurses,theNational eaie for Nursing Accrediting Commission, the National Council for the Accreditation of ealierEducation, and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education. Ldiission Information hehepherd College curriculum requires students to pursue a broad secondary program of alliiepreparation which includes the following minimum units: English (composition, gram- larind literature), 4 units; Social Science (including American history), 3 units; Laboratory ciee,3units(atleast2ofwhichmustcomefromCoordinatedorThematicScience10,Biology, iheistry,Physics,andothercourseswithastronglaboratoryscienceorientation);Mathemat- :s,iinits(AlgebraIand2highermathematicscourses);PhysicalEducation, 1 unit;additional leciieunitstoequalaminimumof21 units(20unitsforstudentsgraduatingfromhighschool efo 1989)orthestaterequirementforhighschoolgraduation.Atleasttwounitsofaforeign ingige,acomputercourse,anartormusiccourse,andadditionalmathematicsandlaboratory :iei.? courses are recommended as electives. Freshman applicants who graduated from high :ho in 1990orthereaftermustmeettheminimumhighschool academiccreditrequirements ; fthWestVirginia Higher Education Policy Commission. idviced Placement Tests icupliance with West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Procedure No. 22 in )m|ance with Senate Bill 243, Series4, Shepherd College will grantcredit for the following dv;cedPlacementTestswith the test score indicated: mericanHistory—grades of3, 4, or 5; HIST201 andHIST202 udioArt (general)—grades of4 or5; ART204 (forartmajors) rtHistory—grades of3, 4, or 5; ART 103 and 1 hr. freeelective rtHistory—grades4 or5; ART203 (forartmajors) ology—grades of3, 4, or 5; BIOL 101 and BIOL 102 dculus AB—gradesof3,4, or5; MATH 207 ilculus BC—gradesof3, 4, or5; MATH 207and 208 lemis—try—grades of3,4, or 5; CHEM 207, CHEM 207L, CHEM 209, CHEM 209L assies nocreditgiven |>mputerScienceAB—gradesof3, 4, or 5; CIS 104 onomics (macro and micro)—grades of3,4, or 5; ECON205 and206 iglish (language and composition)—grades of3, 4, or 5; ENGL 101 glish (literature and—composition)—grades of3, 4, or 5; ENGL 102 vironmental Science nocreditgiven ropeanHistory—grades of3,4, or5; HIST 102, HIST 103 isnchLanguage—grades of3 or4; FREN 101 gradeof5; FREN 101 and 102 <rman Language—grades of3 or4; GERM 101 grade of5; GERM 101 and 102 <'vernmentand Politics (American)—gradesof3,4 or 5; PSCI 101 liman Geography—grades 3,4, or 5; GEOG 100 fisic (Theory)—grades of3,4, or 5 ; MUSC 111 and 1 hrfreeelective 1isic (Theory)—gradesof4 or 5; MUSC 103 (for music majors) I/sicsB—gradesof3,4, or 5; PHYS 201,201L,202, and 202L fUics C-Mech—gradesof3,4, or 5; PHYS201, 201L f-sicsC-E&M—grades of3,4, or 5; PHYS202,202L 6 • Shepherd College Psychology—grades of3, 4, or 5; PSYC 203 Spanish Language—grades of3 or4; SPAN 101 grade of5; SPAN 101 and 102 Statistics—grades 4 or 5; MATH 314 World History—grades 3, 4, or 5; HIST 101 andHIST 102 ToreceivecreditforAdvancedPlacementTests,studentsmusthavetheAPtestresultssenejl OfficeofAdmissionsatShepherdbythetestingservice.AsnewAPtestsaredeveloped,ad< ijii credit may be awarded. Enrollment Fees Per Semester 2002-2003 WestVirginia Students Enrolled in the4-yearProgram on Main Campus Hours Enrolled EnrollmentFee HoursEnrolled Enrolingih 12 Hours ormore (full-time) 1,433.00 6 Hours 11 Hours 1,309.00 5 Hours '0 10 Hours 1,190.00 4Hours 9 Hours 1,071.00 3 Hours J 8 Hours 952.00 2 Hours fO 7Hours 833.00 1 Hour Out-of-StateStudentsEnrolledinthe4-yearProgramonMainCampus 12 Hours ormore (full-time) 3,491.00 6 Hours 11 Hours 3,201.00 5 Hours 10 Hours 2,910.00 4Hours 9Hours 2,619.00 3 Hours 8 Hours 2,328.00 2 Hours 7Hours 2,037.00 1 Hour WestVirginia Students Enrolled inthe2-yearProgramonMainCampus 12 Hoursormore (full-time) 1,364.00 6 Hours 11 Hours 1,254.00 5 Hours 10 Hours 1,140.00 4 Hours 9Hours 1,026.00 3 Hours 8 Hours 912.00 2 Hours 7Hours 798.00 1 Hour Out-of-StateStudents Enrolledinthe2-yearProgram on MainCampus 12 Hoursormore (full-time) 3,230.00 6 Hours 11 Hours 2,959.00 5 Hours 10 Hours 2,690.00 4Hours 9 Hours 2,421.00 3 Hours 8 Hours 1,883.00 2 Hours 7Hours 1,664.00 1 Hour WestVirginia Students Enrolled in South Branch (Counties ofGrant, Hampshire, Hardy,Mineral, andPendleton) 12 Hours ormore (full-time) 1,140.00 6 Hours 11 Hours 1,045.00 5 Hours 10Hours 950.00 4Hours 9 Hours 855.00 3 Hours 8 Hours 760.00 2 Hours 7Hours 665.00 1 Hour Catalog Supplement • 7 u)f-StateStudentsEnrolledin SouthBranch CitiesofGrant,Hampshire,Hardy,Mineral, andPendleton) ilursormore(full-time) 3,198.00 6 Hours 1,596.00 )urs 2,926.00 5 Hours 1,330.00 burs 2,660.00 4 Hours 1,064.00 I Hirs 2,394.00 3 Hours 798.00 Hhrs 2,128.00 2Hours 532.00 Hirs 1,862.00 1 Hour 266.00 e;VirginiaStudentsEnrolledattheMartinsburgCampusCommunityandTechnicalCollege bursormore (full-time) 1,230.00 6 Hours 618.00 : ilurs 1,133.00 5 Hours 515.00 burs 1,030.00 4 Hours 412.00 I H|rs 927.00 3 Hours 309.00 Hjrs 824.00 2 Hours 206.00 Hirs 711.00 1 Hour 103.00 utf-StateStudentsEnrolledattheMartinsburgCampusCommunityandTechnical College bursormore (full-time) 3,288.00 6 Hours 1,644.00 : Ilurs 3,014.00 5 Hours 1,370.00 Furs 2,740.00 4Hours 1,096.00 Hirs 2,466.00 3 Hours 822.00 H|rs 2,192.00 2 Hours 548.00 Hirs 1,918.00 1 Hour 274.00 ateare subject to change and approval of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy 3mission. | lit Fees Per Semester lrcnentfeesforstudentsenrolledincoursesforaudit(withoutcredit)arethesameasifcredit ereiven. xjanation as to Use of Enrollment Fees WestVirginia Out-of-State Students Students (Full-TimeRate) (Full-TimeRate) aiti Fee: Restrictedforstatewide $125.00 $400.00 pitalimprovementpurposes byWest irginia Statute. nationFee: Restricted forstatewide 50.00 250.00 pital improvementpurposes byWest JrginiaStatute. ijgh EducationResourceFee: Restricted 350.00 825.00 rcertaingeneraloperatingpurposes by estVirginia Statute. Kul ImprovementFee: Restrictedto 45.00 130.00 jpplementsalariesforfacultybyWest rginiaStatute. *er(legiateAthleticFee: Restrictedto 115.00 115.00 irayexpensesassociatedwiththe )llege'sintercollegiateathletic program. [ude ActivityFee: Restrictedtodefray 36.00 36.00 1 8 • Shepherd College expensesassociatedwiththe College'sstudent activityprogramswithrecommendations fromtheStudentGovernmentAssociation. TechnologyFee: Restrictedtodefrayexpensesforthe 66.00 developmentofcollegetechnology. Co-CurricularFee: Utilizedtodefrayexpenses 39.00 associatedwithorganizededucational activitiesrelatedto instructionalprograms. Recreation Fee: Providecomprehensiverecreation 35.00 :) programforgeneralstudentbody. StudentUnion Fee: Restrictedto defray building 55.00 p and otherexpensesassociatedwiththe i Shepherd College Center. AcademicImprovementFee: Unrestricted,generallyfor 45.00 |)i improvementinacademicquality. College Operation Fee: Unrestricted for 447.00 V'|H general operatingpurposes. Medical Fee: Restrictedtodefrayexpenses associated withthe College's Health Center 25.00 TOTAL $1,433.00 $3, Scholarships and Student Financial Aid Application Process Anystudentwhowishesto applyforfederal and/orstate financialassistance mustbeac m to the College in a degree program and submit the Free Application for Federal Stud(ll (FAFSA).ThepriorityfilingdateisMarch 1 formaximumconsideration foraid.TheF/" also required for all scholarship applicants as many Foundation and institutional fuiJtf awarded on both merit and need. Students applying by February 1 foradmission andN.ll forFAFSAwillbegivenpriorityconsiderationforscholarships.Thefinancialaidprocessi £1 begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 of the following year. Students are urged to be ifl applicationprocessasearlyaspossibleafterJanuary 1 ofeachyearforthenextacademi I The Department of Education randomly selects 30 percent of all students who su >I FAFSAfora processcalledverification. Studentsselectedwill besentaverificationform 3 Office of Financial Aid and will be notified in writing ofrequired documentation, whi Ij'f include signed copies ofstudentand parenttax returns (fordependent students). Anystudentwithspecialcircumstances, suchaschangein income,extraordinarym w dentalexpenses,divorceorseparation,orothersituationswheretheFAFSAwouldnotret 'M studentstatus,shouldwritealettertotheOfficeofFinancialAidrequestingareviewof i,ei circumstances. Each student who indicates an interest in student loans on the FAFSA is autom; i"v packagedfortheamountofstudentloanforwhichhe/sheiseligibleaftergrants,scholarsh 3 work-studyareawarded.Aftertheloanisaccepted,promissorynotesaremailedtothesi Thestudentmustprovidetworeferencesandalegiblesignatureonthepromissorynoteand one copy to the Office ofFinancial Aid before any loan monies are disbursed to thesti Jts account. Loan RepaymentInformation William D. Ford Direct Loan funds do not have to be repaid until six monthsafterthes graduatesorceasesattendingonatleastahalf-timebasis.Anystudentwhodropsbelowsi> ofenrollment must begin repayinghis/her loansixmonths fromthattime. Onlyonesix 1

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