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Coupled identical localized fermionic chains with quasi-random disorder Vieri Mastropietro1 1 Universita´ di Milano, Via C. Saldini 50, 20133, Milano, Italy We analyze the ground state localization properties of an array of identical interacting spinless fermionicchainswithquasi-randomdisorder,usingnon-perturbativeRenormalizationGroupmeth- ods. In the single or two chains case localization persists while for a larger number of chains a differentqualitativebehaviorisgenericallyexpected,unlessthemanybodyinteractionisvanishing. Thisis duetonumbertheoretical properties of thefrequency,similar totheonesassumed in KAM 7 theory,andcancellationsduetoPauliprinciplewhichinthesingleortwochainscaseimplythatall 1 the effective interactions are irrelevant; in contrast for a larger number of chains relevant effective 0 interactions are present. 2 n 1. INTRODUCTION Hamiltonian a J 2 Aquantumsysteminwhichdisorder-inducedlocaliza- HA(x)=J∇x+∆cos(2π(ωx+θ)) (2) tion [1] persists in presence of a interaction is said to be and f(z)=f(z 1)+f(z+1) 2f(z);periodicbound- z ] in a Many Body Localized (MBL) phase. While normal aryc∇onditionsare−imposediny. −TheHamiltonian(1)de- n n systems are expected to approachasymptoticallya ther- scribesL fermionic chains,withidenticaldisorder,intra- - malstate(duetointeraction”thesystemactsashisown chain hopping J , intra-chain interaction U and inter- s bath”), this does not happen in a MBL phase [2], [3],[4], chain hopping J . If J = U = 0 the system reduces i d a fact with deep theoretical and technological implica- to severaluncoup⊥ledAub⊥ry-Andre’models [15]. The be- t. tions. However the interplay of disorder and interaction havior of the eigenfunctions of HA (2) depends crucially a producesacomplexbehavior[5],[6]andtheexistenceit- on the ratio ∆ between the disorder and the hopping; if m J selfofaMBL phaseis quitea nontrivialpropertywhich ∆ <2theeigenfunctionsarequasi-Blochextendedwaves - is under deep investigation. J d whilefor ∆ >2areexponentiallydecayingandAnderson InthecaseofrandomdisorderMBLwasestablishedor- J n localizationoccurs[16],[17]. Ametal-insulatortransition o derbyorderbyformalseriesinanydimension[7],[8],[9], isthereforepresentvaryingthestrengthofthedisorder,a c but this does not exclude delocalization due to the pos- feature making quasi-random disorder somewhat similar [ sible divergence of the expansions. In one dimension a to random disorder in three dimensions. non-perturbative proof of MBL has been reached [10], 1 The question we address in this paper is if a localized v [11], but it relies on a still unproven assumption. Nu- phase persists in the array described by (1), and how 3 merical evidence of MBL in one dimensional lattices has the behavior depends on the interplay between the hop- 4 been obtained in [12],[13], [14]. ping J , the interaction U and the number of chains L. 05 Alsoquasi-randomdisorderinonedimensionproduces The m⊥ain theoretical difficulty is that localization is a localization in the single particle case, as found in [15] 0 non-perturbative phenomenon; the presence or absence and rigorously proved in [16], [17]. In presence of inter- . oflocalizationisrelatedtotheconvergenceordivergence 1 action, a non perturbative proof of ground state local- of the series, drivenby small divisors which can produce 0 ization has been achieved in [18]. Numerical evidence of 7 dangerous factorials. Information is carried by high or- MBL with quasi random disorder has been found in [19] 1 ders and instability is not signaledby divergencesat low ,[20],[21],[22],[23]. Onedimensionalsystemsofparticles : orders, as it happens in quantum field theory. v withquasi-randomdisordercanberealizedincold-atoms i In the single particle case HA the small divisors are X experiments [24] and evidence of MBL was claimed. similar to the ones in the series in Kolmogorov-Arnold- As a natural step toward higher dimensions we con- r Moser (KAM) theory, whose convergence implies stabil- a sideranarrayofinteractingfermionicchainswithAubry- ity in close-to-integrable system, while divergence is re- Andre’ quasi random disorder [15] and coupled by an lated to the onset of chaos. Indeed the eigenfunctions of hopping term. Such model (with spinful fermions) has (2), can be written in series of J and divisors are of the been realized in cold atoms experiments in [25]. We call form φ φ with x = y, with φ = ∆cos(2π(ωx+θ)). x y x x=0, 1, 2,..the coordinates of the infinite chain and − 6 ± ± In order to get convergence,and as a consequence local- y = 0,..,L the coordinates labeling the chains, and we ization, one needs to assume number theoretical condi- consider a system of N spinless fermions with Hamilto- tions, called Diophantine (see below), to control the size nian of (ωn) and (ωn+2θ) ,with . thenormontheside || || || || |||| 1 torus, see [16], [17]. Such Diophantine conditions are N N N H = H (x )+J +U v(x x ) (1) thesameassumedinKAMtheory. Inpresenceofinterac- N X A i ⊥X∇yi X i− j tionthesmalldivisorsintheexpansionfortheN-particle i=1 i=1 i,j 1 ∈ eigenfunctions are much more complex; they are of the where v(x x ) = δ and H is the Aubry-Andre’ formE (x) E (y), withE (x)= N φ . No num- i − j y,x+1 A N − N N i=1 xi P 2 ber theoretical condition is known to control them for terms. In 4 weidentify the relevantandmarginalterms § N >1 [26] (for the N =2 case see [27]). and study the corresponding flow, and in 5 we get our § Even if the construction of all the eigenfunctions of mainresultsdiscussingtheconvergenceoftheexpansion. (1) for a generic N is outside the present analytical pos- Finally in 6 the main conclusions are presented. § sibilities, we can analyze the problem using a different approach, introduced in [18]: we do not consider the 2. MAIN RESULT expansion for the eigenfuctions but we compute in the thermodynamicallimit N the grandcanonicalcor- →∞ relations,whichatzerotemperaturebecomestheground We consider the grand canonical averages < O >= state correlations. This approach allows to take advan- N TrNe−β(HZN−µN)O, with Z = NTrNe−β(HN−µN); tageoffermionic cancellationsandnon-perturbativeand tPhe thermodynamic limit is takePn sending the chain rigorous information on localization of systems with an length to infinity keeping the number of chains L finite. infinitenumberofparticles,eveniflimitedtotheground The Fock space Hamiltonian is state, can be obtained. The correlations are written as Grassmann integrals which are analyzed via exact H =J (a+x+1,ya−x,y+a+x 1,ya−x,y)+ fermionic Renormalization Group (RG) methods; one Xx,y − isnmteagllrearteesneorugtytohbetadienginregesaosefqfureeendcoemofweifftehctsimvealilnetreraancd- ∆ cos(2πωx)a+x,ya−x,y+U a+x,ya−x,ya+x+1,ya−x+1,y X X x,y x,y tions,sumoftermswhichareallrelevantintheRGsense, independently from the number of fields. The presence +J (a+x,y+1a−x,y+a+x,ya−x,y+1) (3) of an infinite number of relevant processes seems to say ⊥Xx,y that an RG approach is hopeless; however by exploiting and we assume for definiteness the phase of the dis- number theoretical properties of the frequency of the in- order equal to zero. It is convenient to write a = commensuratedisorderitispossibletoshowthatahuge ±x,y class of effective interactions, called non resonant, are L1 le±ilya±x,l, where l = 2πLn with n = 0,..,L−1 so thaPt the Hamiltonian can be rewritten in the following indeedirrelevant. Incontrastwiththesinglechainprob- b way lem, in which Diophantine conditions are sufficient, here oneneedsalsootherconditionscalledinKAMtheorythe 1 first and second Melnikov conditions. While in absence H =JL (a+x+1,la−x,l+a+x 1,la−x,l)+ (4) X − of interaction the structure of Feynman graphs is rather x,l b b b b sciomnpsildee,rtahbelyptrheesepnrcoebloemf i;notnereahcatisoancUom6=bin0atcioonmopfliscmataelsl ∆L Xcos(2πωx)a+x,la−x,l+ JL⊥ Xcosl(a+x,la−x,l+a+x,la−x,l) x,l x,l divisorsandloops,whichareabsentinnoninteractingor b b b b b b 1 KtioAnMto-litkheepornoebslepmrosd.uOcethdebrydsamngaellroduivsifsaocrtso,rairaelsp,riondaudcdeid- UXL4 X a+x,l1a−x,l2a+x+1,l3a−x+1,l4δ(l1−l2+l3−l4) by combinatorics related to the number of graphs; they x l1,l2,l3,l4b b b b are controlled by cancellations due to the fermionic sign We focus on the 2-point function < a−x,la+z,l >, where cancellations. < O >= Tre−β(H−µN)TO, T is the time ordering and Tre−β(H−µN) b b A renormalized expansion is obtained in terms of the a±x,l = e(H−µN)x0a±x,le−(H−µN)x0 and x = (x0,x). In runningcouplingconstantscorrespondingtotheresonant the molecular limit U = J = 0 one has (setting ∆ = 1 terms. As usual in RG, the physical properties depend b b for definiteness) on their flow; if the running coupling constants do not exit from the convergence radius the interacting theory 1 is analytically close to the free one, so that localization H0−µN = L (cos(2πωx)−µl)a+x,la−x,l (5) X x,l persistsinpresenceofinteraction. Theflowdramatically b b dependsonthenumberofchains. Inthetwochainprob- with lem there are no relevant effective quartic interactions, µ =µ+J cosl cos2πx¯ (6) the only relevant couplings being quadratic, as in the l ⊥ ≡ l single chain problem; localization persists in the ground so that, calling µ = cos(2πωx¯), than x¯ = x¯+acoslJ l state in presence of interaction. with a 1 = sin2πx¯+O(J ). In this limit the system⊥ − On the contrary, with an higher number of chains the is uncoupled with an l-depe⊥ndent chemical potential for quartic terms are relevant, and their size increase iterat- any chain. The ground state occupation number is = 1 ing the RG; therefore a different qualitative behavior is for cos(2πωx) < µ and 0 for cos(2πωx) > µ . The 2- l l generically expected, unless the many body interaction point function < a−x,la+y,l > |U=J=0 ≡ gl(x,y) is equal is vanishing, where localization still persists. to b b The content of this paper is the following. In 2 we 1 present the main results. In 3 we perform an exac§t RG gl(x,y)=δx,y gl(x,k0)e−ik0(x0−y0) (7) § β X analysisandwe showthe irrelevanceofthe nonresonant k0=2βπ(n0+12)b 3 with living closeto (ωx¯ )involvesfermionswith a hugediffer- l ence of coordinates. gl(x,k0)=Z0βdτeiτk01+e−eτ−(βco(cso2sπ2ωπxω−xµ−lµ)l)) = onInthaedcdhiteimonicoanlephotaesnttoiaals(seuqmueivaaldeniotplyhaonnteinceancoansdsiutimone b 1 (8) a similar condition on θ), namely ik +cos2πωx cos2πωx¯ 0 l − − The 2-point function is perfectly localized in the chain ωx 2ωx¯ C0 x−τ x Z/ 0 (12) direction(the 2-pointfunctionisvanishingifx=y),but || ± ||≥ | | ∀ ∈ { } 6 not on the transversal direction in the coordinate space. Assume that x¯l is not a point of the lattice, so that the with . is the normonthe one dimensionaltorus. Such |||| propagator (8) is never singular. As ω is an irrational condition says x¯ is incommensurate with ω. In the de- number, ωx modulo 1 fills densely the set [ 1/2,1/2), coupledcaseJ =0this implies that g (x,k ) C xτ. and in particular it can be arbitrarily close t−o ωx¯l. If Our main resu⊥lt is the following. | l 0 |≤ | | we set x=x +ρ x¯ then for (ωx) small, ρ±= b ′ l l ′ mod1 l ± If U,J ,J are small, J = 0 belongs to a set of large g (x,k ) 1 (9) relative m⊥easure and if ω⊥,x¯6 verify (11) and (12), for a l 0 ∼ ik +vρ (ωx) − 0 l l ′ mod1 suitable νl, then: b and v = sin2πωx¯ . The expansion of the 2-point func- a) if L = 2 for β then for any integer N and a l l → ∞ tion in terms of J,U can be represented in terms of suitable constant C N Feynman graphs, expressed by product of propagators g (x,k ); on each line of the diagram is associated a co- l 0 C log∆ fobrrodminathtee vxeratnedxJthiesdi1ff,erwehniclee forfomlinaens cUomveirntgexiniso0r,ou1t. |<a−x,la+y,l >|≤e−ξ|x−y|1+(∆N|x0 y|0 )N (13) ± ± | − | Note the similarity of (8) with the 2-point function in b b the free fermion limit ∆ = U = J = 0, J = 1 which in Fourierspaceisgivenby1/ ik0+c⊥osk µ. Ifk =k′ pF, with ξ =|logε| and ∆=(1+min(|x|,|y|))−τ. − − ± µ=cosp the free fermionpropagatoris asymptotically F given by 1/ ik v k , which is the well known Lut- b)If L 3, U =0 then for β (13) holds. − 0 ± F ′ ≥ →∞ tinger liquid propagator. p are called Fermi momenta F and by analogy we can call x¯ the Fermi coordinates. c)If L 3, then (13) holds for β U 1, with ξ = l The expansion in J,U ar±ound the molecular limit is max( logε≥,β 1), ∆=max((1+min|(x|,≤y )) τ,β 1) − − − | | | | | | convergentatfinitetemperature,asthetemperatureacts as an infrared cut-off, and the main issue is to get the In the case of two chains (case a) the 2-point function zero temperature limit. We expect that the interaction decays at zero temperature exponentially in the direc- producesarenormalizationofthechemicalpotential,and tion of the chains, and a very weak decay is present in itisconvenienttofixtherenormalizedchemicalpotential the imaginary time direction (faster than any power but to a J,U-independent value; this corresponds to fix the with rate decreasing increasing x,y); this is very similar density of the interacting system. We therefore write to what happens in the single chain case and indicates localization of the ground state with or without inter- µl =cos2πωx¯l+νl (10) action. In contrast, for a greater number of chains the interaction produces a qualitative difference; in absence whereνl isacountertermtobefixedsothatthechemical of many body interaction, zero temperature exponential potential of the interacting theory is cos2πωx¯l. In order decay is found for any number of chains (case b) while to understand the behavior at high orders one needs to in presence of interaction convergence of the expansion exploitsomenumbertheoreticalpropertyofω;inpartic- holds only up to a finite temperature (case c). The rea- ular, as in the analysis of the Aubry-Andre’ model, we son is that when L 3 there are extra relevant terms assume that the frequency ω is a Diophantine number, increasing iterating t≥he RG, and this has the effect that verifying the property convergenceholdsonlyfortemperaturesnottoosmall;as usual,thepresenceofdivergingdirectionsintheRGflow ωx C x τ x Z/ 0 (11) 0 − is expected to signal an instability of the system. This || ||≥ | | ∀ ∈ { } providesan explanationofthe behaviorobservedin cold with . isthenormontheonedimensionaltorus. Sucha |||| atoms experiments [25], in which absence of localization property,sayingroughlyspeakingthatωisa“good”irra- isfoundinanarrayofchains(exceptwhenthereisnoin- tional,isnotrestrictiveasDiophantinenumbershavefull teraction,whenlocalizationisfound),andlocalizationin measure. Asanexample,thegoldenratioω = √5+1 ver- 2 the singlechaincase;moreover,we findlocalizationwith ifies (11) with τ = 1 and C = 3+√5. The Diophantine two chains in the spinless case, a prediction in principle 0 2 condition will ensure that a process involving fermions accessible to future experiments. 4 3. RENORMALIZATION GROUP ANALYSIS wherethekroneckerdeltasinthepropagatorsimplythat a single sum over x is present; the kernels W(h) are sum m The 2-pointfunctionis obtainedby the secondderiva- of Feynman diagrams obtained connecting vertices J, U tive of the generating function or ν with propagators g(k) with k > h. Similarly B(h) is given by a similar expression with the only difference eW(φ) = P(dψ)eV(ψ)+(ψ,φ) (14) that some of the externallines are associatedto φ fields. Z The scaling dimension of the theory can be obtained by the bounds with 1 V = L Z dxJ(ψx+,lψx−+e1,l+ψx++e1,lψx−,l)+ Z dx0|gρ(h)(x0,x)|≤Cγ−h |gρ(h)(x0,x)|≤C (21) X l U The persistence or not of localization is related to the Z dxL4 Xψx+,l1ψx−,l2ψx++e1,l3ψx−+e1,l4δ(l1−l2+l3−l4) presence or lack of convergence, that is the behavior at l highorders;we needthereforeto remindsome basictool +L1 XνlZ dxψx+,lψx−,l (15) owferllenknoromwanlipzraotbiolenmthoefo”roy,vewrhlaipchpianrgedcirvuecrigaelntcoesa”v.oGidivtehne l a Feynman graph, one considers a maximally connected whereψaregrassmannvariables,φistheexternalsource, subset of lines corresponding to propagators with scale dx= dx0 x, e1 =(0,1) and P(dψ) is the fermionic h hv with at least a scale hv, and we call it cluster v iRntegratRion wiPth propagator (7) (fo≥r more details, see [28]); the external lines have scale Weintroduceacut-offsmoothfunctionχρ(k0,x)which smaller then hv. Therefore to each Feynman graph is is non vanishing for k2+(v (ω(x ρx¯ ) )2) γ, associated a hierarchy of clusters; inside each cluster v 0 l − l mod.1 ≤ where ρ = 1 and γp> 1 is a suitable constant (to be there are S maximal clusters, that is clusters contained v ± fixed below); therefore we can write the propagator as onlyintheclusterv andnotinanysmallerone,ortrivial clusters given by a single vertex. The clusters therefore gl(x)=gl(u.v.)(k)+ gρ,l(k) (16) identifythesubdiagramswhichoneneedstorenormalize, ρX= astheonescontainingpropagatorslivingatenergyscales b b ±b greater than the ones outside them. where Each of such S clusters are connected by a tree of v g (k ,x)= χρ(k0,x) (17) propagatorswithscalehv;byintegratingthepropagators ρ,l 0 ik +cos(2π(ωx)) cos(2π(ωx¯ )) overtime andusing (21)we getthat eachgraphof order 0 l − − b n contributing to W(h) is bounded at fixed scale by, if aTnhdiscsoimrrpeslyposnadysintghlaytψwke0,axr,le=rewψrk(iu0t.,ivxn.,)lg+thPefρe=rm±1ioψnρi;ck0fi,exl,ld. ε=max(|J|,|U|) m as sum of two independent fields living close to one of Cnεn γ−hv(Sv−1) (22) the Fermi points, up to a regular field. We can further Y v decompose where v are the clusters (not end-points) and h 0. v 0 ≤ From the above estimate we see that the scaling dimen- g (k ,x)= g(h)(k ,x) (18) ρ,l 0 ρ,l 0 sionofanycontributiontotheeffectivepotentialhasthe X b h=hβb samepositivescalingdimension(independently fromthe number of fields) with h logβ, g(h)(k ,x)similartog (k ,x)withχ − β ∼ ρ,l 0 ρ,l 0 replacedbyfh withfh(k0,ωx′)nonvanishinginaregion D =1 (23) b b k2+(v (ωx) )2 γh with x=x +ρx¯ . pA0fterthleint′emgroad1tion∼ofthefieldsψ(u.′v.),ψ(0l),..,ψ(h+1) In other words all the effective interactions are relevant in the RG sense and the theory is non-renormalizable; the generating function has the form indeed to the effective potential graphs with all the as- eW(φ) = P(dψ h)eV(h)(ψ)+B(h)(ψ,φ) (19) signmentsofscalescontributeandfrom(22)thesumover ≤ Z scalesgivesaninfinite result. However,itturns out,as a consequenceofnumbertheoreticalpropertiesofthequasi whereP(dψ≤h)haspropagatorgρ(≤,lh) = hk= gρ(k,l) and random disorder, that a huge class of terms are indeed V(h)(ψ) is given by sum of terms P −∞ irrelevant. In a large relative measure set of J one has ⊥ Z dx0,1...Z dx0,mL1m Wm(h,)l(x′1,x,) ||ωx±2ωx¯l||≥C0|x|−τ′ ∀x∈Z/{0} (24) X X x′1 l1,..,lm and δ(Xi εili)ψρε11;(x≤0h,1),x′1,l1...ψρεmm(;x≤0h,m),x′m,lm (20) ||ωx±ωx¯l±ωx¯l′||≥C0|x|−τ′ ∀x∈Z/{0} (25) 5 Conditions (24) and (25) are known in KAM theory It remains to prove that (24) and (25) are true in a as the first and second Melnikov conditions. The first large relative measure set of values, that is if J ε , 0 condition is used to bound the propagator; using that in a set of whose complement has measure O(|C⊥|ε≤1+α), L 0 ωx = ωx ρωx¯ = ω2x 2ρωx¯ for ωx α 0, C an L-dependent constant. Indeed if (24) is ′ l l ′ L || || || − || || − || || || ≥ small then g(h)(k ,x) C xτ. The second condition true then, if cosl=0 0 | | ≤ | | 6 is used to show the irrelevance of a number of terms in the effectbive potential. Let us consider a contribu- C0 x−τ ωx 2x¯ ωx 2(x¯+aJ cosl) + | | ≤|| ± ||≤|| ± ⊥ || tion to the effective potential (20) with external lines 2aJ cosl C x τ′ +C ε cosla (30) 0 − 0 ψρε11;(x≤0h,1),x′1,l1...ψρεmm(;x≤0h,m),x′m,lm. Byconstructionthecoordi- so th|at⊥if τ |≤> τ|+| 1, C /|2x τ | C x τ(1 natesofthe externalfieldsaresuchthat(ωx′)mod1 ≤γh. xτ τ′) C′ aε cosl for 0x | |−2 a≤nd a0n|d|−x − Note that in each graph there is a tree of propagators − 0 | | ≤ | | | | ≥ | | ≥ connecting all the vertices and external lines; eachprop- (2Cε0cosla/C0)−τ1 = 0. The set I of J not verif- agator carries a coordinate x and vertices connect lines ing (24) is d|efined by thNe condition, for 1 ⊥s 1 − ≤ ≤ withcoordinatesdifferingatmostof 1;moreexactly,if xi, xj are the coordinates of two exte±rnal lines f(s)=ωx±2(x¯+J⊥(s)cosla)=sC0|x|−τ′ (31) xi−xj =x′i+ρix¯li −x′j −ρjx¯lj = ∗ δα (26) arengdio∂∂nfsin=w∂∂hJfi⊥ch∂∂J(s⊥24=) iCs0n|xot|−tτr′useoisthatthe measureofthe X α wherethe sumis overthe verticesinthe pathofthe tree 1 dJ dJ = ⊥ ds= tchoennleincetincgonineacntdedjtaondtheδαve=rte(x0,α1,.−W1)hiesnaUsso=cia0tetdhetno ZI ⊥ Xl nX≥N0Z−1| ds | necessarily lj = lj. It is natural to distinguish among C x−τ′ CL ε0 τ′τ−1 (32) the terms contributing to the effective potentialbetween ≤ X cosl X | | ≤ | | resonanttermsandthenonresonantterms. Thefirstare l,cosl6=0 x≥N0 ietshxetfoecrronanantlryfiibeiul.djtsioanrseienq(u2a0l)ψiρnε11w;(x≤0hh,1i)c,xh′1,tlh1.e..cψoρεommr(;dx≤i0nh,m)a,txe′1,xlm′o,fththaet ifasonrdO|J(cCh⊥oL|oε≤sτ0i′n−εgτ0−τt1′τh−),e1hr>eenla1ct,eivtvheaamntiesishasiτnu′gr>eifoτfε+0th1→ewexe0c.hluaAdveedstimhJa⊥it- lar procedure can be repeated for the second Melnikov x′i =x′j (27) condition; if cosli coslj =0 then ± 6 The nonresonantterms are the ones suchthat, for some C x τ ωx (x¯+acosl J ) (x¯+acosl J ) + 0 − i j ci,ojn,dxit′iio6=nx(2′j5s)o that from (26) and the second Melnikov J |a|(cos≤li|| cos±lj) C0 x−τ⊥′ +±C ε0(cosli co⊥sl|j|)a | ⊥ ± |≤ | | | ± | 2γh ≥||(ωx′i)||+||(ωx′j)||≥||ω(x′i−x′j)||= (28) fromwhich|x|≥(2Cε0|(cosli±coslj)a|/C0)−τ1;onethen proceeds as above with cosl cosl replacing cosl . ∗ C0 | i± j| | i| ω(ρ x¯ ρ x¯ )+ω δ || i li − j lj Xα α||≥ | ∗αδα|τ′ P 4. THE RESONANT TERMS so that | ∗αδα|≥Cγ−h/τ. One caPn then use the high power or J,U to get a gain Wehaveseenintheprecedingsectionthatthenonres- e factor making irrelevant the non resonant contributions onant terms are irrelevant. We have then to construct a to the effective potential. Writing ε=max(J , U ), ε= renormalizedexpansionforthe2-pointfunction,extract- | | | | 0 ε2h−1, we can associate a factor ε2hv−1 for each ing,ateachRGiteration,themarginalandrelevantpart h= eQnd-p−o∞int enclosed in the cluster v; as | ∗αδα| is surely oftheresonantterms. Inthiswaythetwo-pointfunction smaller that the number of vertices in thPe cluster v and is written as an expansion in a set of running coupling choosingγτ1/2>1,wecanassociatetoeachnonresonant constants, which is convergent if such constants remain contribution a factor ε2h−1|P∗αδα| εC2hγ−h/τ γ4h for smallateachscale;convergenceatthe endimplies local- ≤ ≤ izationinthegroundstateatanon-perturbativelevel,as ε small; therefore it means that the interacting theory is analytically close εn2 εC2hvγ−hv/τSvNR γ4hvSvNR (29) to the non interacting one, which is localized. ≤Y ≤Y Wefocusnowonsomepropertiesoftheresonantterms. v v Z Note that x x = x x +ρ x¯ ρ x¯ so that where SNR is the number of non resonant clusters in v; in the resonia−ncejs ρ x¯′i− ρ′j x¯ i liZ−. jTlhjis∈says that, v i li − j lj ∈ this means that to each non resonant term is associated up to a zero measure set of J , ρ x¯ ρ x¯ = 0 as atleastafactorγ4hv whichissufficienttomakeitsscaling (cosli coslj)aJ or 2x¯+(cos⊥li+icolisl−j)aJj ljcan be a dimension negative. non va−nishing int⊥eger only in a zero measure⊥set (by the 6 diophantine condition 2x¯ cannot be integer). In addi- In order to get a convergentexpansion, one has to ex- tion in a resonant terms necessarily all the fields have tracttherelevantpartfromtheresonantterms. IfVh = res the same ρ Vh where Vh are the monomials with m fields, m m,res m PthenwedefinealocalizationoperationVh = Vh+ Vh ρi =ρj (33) with = 1 and acts on the kern2els oLf V2h inRth2e R −L L 2 following way as ifρ = ρ one get2x¯+(cosl +cosl )aJ =0which i j i j cthaennnontebcees−vsaarniilsyhiinngthfoerrsemsoanlalnJc⊥e.lFi=nalll,yaisftc⊥hoeslcio6=ndciotisolnj LW2h(k0,x′)=W2h(0,0)+k0∂0W2h(0,0)+(ωx′)∂W2h(0,0) j j (37) becomes (cosl cosl )aJ = 0. The above properties c c c e imply that thei −resonajnces⊥with a number of fields 4 where ∂W2h(k0,x′) = Wf2h(k0,x(′ω)−x′Wf)2h(k0,0). The action of ≥ have the following structure = 1ec produces a gain γ2(hv′−hv), using also that R(ωx′)2 −γL2hv′, if v′ is the smallest cluster enclosing v, ψεi cosl =cosl (34) for the∼compact support properties of the lines external Yi ρ;x′,x0,i,li j j to the cluster v, while ∂2W2h(k0,x′) has an extra γ−2hv; Vhisthereforeirrelevant. Thelocalpartoftheeffective IfL=2,thatisthearrayisonlycomposedbytwochains R 2 e c potential has then the form then l = (0,π), x¯ = x¯+J /2 and x¯ = x¯ J /2 so 1 1 that the resonant terms hav⊥e the same ρ,l i−nde⊥x; this 1 h = dx (ν γhψ+ ψ+ + hastheeffectthatthemonomialswith 4fieldsandthe LVres,2 L Z 0 h,l ρ;x′,l ρ;x′,l ≥ X X same coordinates are vanishing. In the resonances with x ρ,l a number of fields greater than two there are at least z ψ+ ∂ ψ+ +α (ωx)ψ+ ψ+ ) (38) h,l,ρ ρ;x′,l 0 ρ;x′,l h,l,ρ ′ ρ;x′,l ρ;x,l two couples of the form ψε ψε which can be rewritten as ρ;x′,x0,1,l ρ;x′,x0,2,l Regardingtermswithanumberoffields 6, Vh =0 ≥ L res,m for m 6, as the local part and its first derivative are ψε ψε =ψε (ψε ψε ) vanishi≥ng. Finally if L=1,2 then ρ;x′,x0,1,l ρ;x′,x0,2,l ρ;x′,x0,1,l ρ;x′,x0,2,l− ρ;x′,x0,1,l (35) Vh =0 (39) and L res,4 1 while for L 3 then ψε ψε =(x x ) dt∂ψε ≥ ρ;x′,x0,2,l− ρ;x′,x0,1,l 0,2− 0,1 Z0 ρ;x′,x0(t),l Vres,4 =G+ (40) (36) L 1 wanithexxt0r(at)γ=hv′x,0,i1f+vt′(xis0,2th−exc0,l1u)s.teTrheendcelorisvinatgivve,parnoddutchees L3 i,j;Xx¯i=x¯jXρ λh,i,j,ργhZ dxψρ+;x′,iψρ−;x′,iψρ+;x′,jψρ−;x′,j factor(x0,2 x0,1)anextraγ−hv;asthereareatleasttwo of such mon−omials one gets at least a factor γ2(hv′−hv). where in G are included marginal terms, that is quartic local terms with at least a field ∂ψ (the corresponding Remembering that the scaling dimension is D = 1, this means that all the resonances with more than two fields coupling are called λh,i,j,ρ) and the sum i,j;x¯i=x¯j is are irrelevant if L=2. over the fields with the same x¯ . P e l IfL 3thesituationisdifferent;therearecoupleofin- ≥ dicesl,l′ suchthatxl =xl′; quartictermsinvolvingsuch couple of indices and the same x are not vanishing so 5. CONVERGENCE OF THE RENORMALIZED 0,i EXPANSION thattherearequarticrelevantterms. Forinstanceinthe three chainsproblemL=3one hasl=2π/3,4π/3,6π/3 andx¯ =x¯ J /2,x¯ =x¯ J /2,x¯ =x¯;the localpart The integration is done separating at each integration 1 1 3 of the quart−ic t⊥erms (the p−art⊥with identical coordinates step the relevant and the irrelevant part of the effective ) ψρ+;x′,1ψρ−;x′,1ψρ+;x′,2ψρ−;x′,2 is non vanishing; the quartic integration, writing terms are indeed relevant while resonant terms with a number greater than 6 are irrelevant. The number of P(dψ h)e V(h)(ψ≤h)+ V(h)(ψ≤h) (41) ≤ L R Z couples i,j with cosl = cosl , and the corresponding i j quartic terms, increases with L; for instance for L = 8 with =1 and isthelocalizationoperatordefined one has l = π/4,π/2,3π/4,π,5π/4,3π/2,7π/4,2π R −L L above;thisallowstogetanexpansionintermsofrunning with cosl = √2/2,0, √2/2, 1, √2/2,0,√2/2,1, − − − coupling constants ~vh = (λh,l,l′,ρ,λh,l,l′,ρ,νh,l,αh,l,zh,l). so that the non vanishing local quartic terms are Ifv isthelargestcluster,varetheclusters(withoutver- ψρ+;x′,1ψρ−;x′,1ψρ+;x′,7ψρ−;x′,7, ψρ+;x′,2ψρ−;x′,ρ,2ψρ+;x′,6ψρ−;x′,6, tice0s), v¯ the vertices and R or NRethe resonant clusters ψρ+;x′,3ψρ−;x′,3ψρ+;x′,ρ,5ψρ−;x′,5. Asthereareatmostcouples or vertices and v′ is the first cluster enclosing v, then of fields with the same x¯ and different l, the terms with l a number ≥ 6 of fields are irrelevant, as there are at γ−hvSv = γ−hv′ γ−hv¯′ least 4 fields with the same l. Y Y Y v v6=v0 v¯ 7 atenndaQsvγhv =γhv0 Qv6=v0γhv sothat(22)canberewrit- Mαoreov=er Oα(hε−)1.,lT=herPefo0kr=ehiβfhαJ,l,U=arOe(sεu)ffiacniedntsliymsilmarallyl h 1,l we−have that the running coupling constants are small εnγhv0 γ−(hv′−hv) γ−hv¯′ (42) and the series are convergent. Similarly if L 3 and Y Y ≥ v6=v0 v¯ U = 0 there are only quadratic couplings and we can proceed in the same way. Using (29) we get that the kernel Wm(h) in the renormal- In the case L 3 there are however quartic relevant ized expansion are bounded by, if vh ε and marginal cou≥plings, that is | |≤ εn/2Yv γ−hv(Sv−1)][vYRγ2(hv′−hv)][v¯YRγhv¯′][Yv γ4SvNRhv] λh−1,l,l′,ρ =γλh,l,l′,ρ+βhλ,l,l′,ρ (46) ∈ ∈ (43) Convergence is achieved at finite temperatures, that is wprheevrieouthsesefcatcitoonr,[dQuve∈tRoγt2h(ehva′−cthivo)n]iosf,aseoxrptloai(n3e5d),in(3t6h)e. for γ−hβU or βU of order 1, and at lower temperatures R one expects generically an unbounded flow. Therefore (43) can be written as Anestimateforthe2-pointfunctionfollowseasilyfrom the expansion for the effective potential; if the external Cnεn/2γhv0[ γ(hv′−hv)][ γhv¯′] (44) coordinates are x and y then there are at least x y ε Yv v¯YNR factors, and this implies exponential decay in th|e−dire|c- ∈ tion of the chains. By the first Melnikov condition the Ash h 0itispossibleoverthe scalesh obtaining v′− v ≤ v smallest scale of the contribution ar order n verifies a bound from which convergencefollows provided that ε itshenostumtoooflaarlgleF.eNynomteatnhagtratphhe oafboovredebronu,ndbyisuvsainligddfoer- γ−h¯ C(1+min x, y )τ(1+ n )τ (47) ≤ {| | | |} 1+min x, y terminantboundsforfermionicexpectations,see[28],for {| | | |} details. Therenormalizedexpansionhasafiniteradiusof from which (13) follows. convergence in terms of the running coupling constants; if they remain, for any h, inside the convergence radius then localization is found. We have then to analyze the 6. CONCLUSIONS flow of the effective couplings, and the result is dramati- cally different in the L=2 and L 3. ≥ In the case L = 2 there are no quartic terms in the Wehaveconsideredanarrayofinteractingchainswith effectivepotential,thatisλ =λ =0;theonlyeffective quasi-randomdisorder. The RGanalysisprovidesanex- h h couplings are quadratic and the flow equations are planation of cold-atoms experiments [24], [25], in which e it is found that localizationis presentin the single chain νh 1,l =γνh+βhν,l αh 1,l =αh+βhα,l (45) case, while is absent when several chains are considered. − − Inthe firstcasenumbertheoreticalproperties,combined andz =z +βz ,whereβν,βα,βz arethe betafunc- h 1 h h,l h h h with cancellations due to Pauli principle, ensure that all tions; −they are given by sum of terms with at least an theeffectiveinteractionsareirrelevant,evenifdimension- irrelevantterm,as terms containingonlymarginalterms ally relevant. On the contrary, in the second case there (quadraticinthefields)arechaingraphsgivingavanish- are non vanishing relevant interactions, whose number ingcontributiontobebetafunctionbythecompactsup- increases with the number of chains; as usual, the pres- portpropertiesofthepropagator. Therefore,by(44),the enceofdivergingdirectionsintheRGflowisexpectedto beta function is asymptotically vanishing βν,βα,βz = h h h signal an instability of the system. 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