Cosmological torsion background inhomogeneities and Lorentz violation from QED 3 0 0 2 n a J 7 2 1 v By L.C. Garcia de Andrade1 0 1 2 Abstract 1 0 A non-minimal photon-torsion axial coupling in the quantum elec- 3 trodynamics (QED) framework is considered. The geometrical optics 0 / in Riemann-Cartan spacetime is considering and a plane wave expan- h sion of the electromagnetic vector potential is considered leading to t - a set of the equations for the ray congruence. Since we are inter- p e ested mainly on the torsion effects in this first report we just consider h the Riemann-flat case composed of the Minkowskian spacetime with : v torsion. It is also shown that in torsionic de Sitter background the i X vacuum polarisation does alter the propagation of individual photons, r an effect which is absent in Riemannian spaces. It is shown that the a cosmological torsion background inhomogeneities induce Lorentz vio- lation and massive photon modes in this QED. 1 Departamento de F´ısica Teo´rica - IF - UERJ - Rua Sa˜o Francisco Xavier 524, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Maracan˜a, CEP:20550.e-mail:[email protected] 1 Introduction A renewed interest in nonlinear electrodynamics has been recent put forward in the papers of Novello and his group [1, 2] specially concerning the inves- tigation of a Born-Infeld electrodynamics in the context of general relativity (GR). The interesting feature of these non-linear electrodynamics and some Chern-Simons electrodynamics is the fact as shown previously by de Sab- bata and Gasperini [3, 4] which consider a perturbative approach to QED and ends up with a generalized Maxwell equation with totally skew torsion. The photon-torsion perturbation obtained by this perturbative calculation allows the production of virtual pairs which is the vacuum polarization ef- fect or QED. In this paper we consider the non-minimal extension of QED, given previously in Riemannian spacetime by Drummond and Hathrell [5] to Riemann-Cartan geometry. We should like to stress here that the photon- torsion coupling considered in the paper comes from the interaction of a Riemann-Cartantensor to the electromagnetic field tensor in theLagrangean action term of the type R FijFkl where i,j = 0,1,2,3. Therefore here we ijkl do not have the usual problems of the noninteraction between photons and torsion as appears in the usual Maxwell electrodynamics [6]. The plan of the paper is as follows : In section II we consider the formulation of the Riemann-Cartan (RC) nonlinear electrodynamics and show that in de Sitter case the vacuum polarisation does alter the propagation of individual pho- tons. In section III the Riemann-flat case is presented and geometrical optics in non-Riemannian spacetime along with ray equations are given. Section IV deals with the establishment of Lorentz violation from the presence of a tiny inhomogeneity in the torsion cosmological background in QED. Section V presents the conclusions and discussions. 2 De Sitter torsioned spacetime and nonlin- ear electrodynamics Since the torsion effects are in general two weak as can be seen from recent evaluations with K mesons (kaons) [7] which yields 10−32GeV, we consider throughout the paper that second order effects on torsion can be drop out from the formulas of electrodynamics and curvature. In this section we con- sider a simple cosmological application concerning the nonlinear electrody- 2 namics in de Sitter spacetime background. The Lagrangean used in this paper is obtained from the work of Drummond et al [5] W = 1 d4x(−g)12(aRFijF +bR FilFk +cR FijFkl +dD FijD Fk ) m2 Z ij ik l ijkl i k j (1) The constant values a,b,c,d may be obtained by means of the conventional Feynman diagram techniques [5]. The field equations obtained are [5] 1 D Fik + D [4aRFik +2b(Ri Flk −Rk Fli)+4cRik Flr] = 0 (2) i i l l lr m 2 e D F +D F +D F = 0 (3) i jk j ki k ij where D is the Riemannian covariant derivative, Fij = ∂iAj − ∂jAi is the i electromagnetic field tensor non-minimally coupled to gravity, and Ai is the electromagnetic vector potential, R is the Riemannian Ricci scalar, R is ik the Ricci tensor and R is the Riemann tensor. Before we apply it to the ijkl de Sitter model, let us consider several simplifications. The first concerns the fact that that the photon is treated as a test particle , and the second considers simplifications on the torsion field. The Riemann-Cartan curvature tensor is given by R∗ij = Rij +DiKj −DjKi +[Ki,Kj] (4) kl kl kl kl kl the last term here shall be dropped since we are just considering the first order terms on the contortion tensor. Quantities with an upper asterix rep- resent RC geometrical quantities. We also consider only the axial part of the contortion tensor K in the form ijk Ki = ǫijklK (5) jkl to simplify equation (2) we consider the expression for the Ricci tensor as R∗i = Ri −ǫi D[lKm] (6) k k klm where ǫi isthe totallyskew symmetric Levi-Civita symbol. Byconsidering klm the axial torsion as coming from a dilaton field φ one obtains Ki = Diφ (7) 3 Substitution of expression (7) into formula (6) yields ∂[lKm] = 0 (8) Thus expression (6) reduces to R∗i = Ri (9) k k Therefore note that in the Riemann-flat case we shall be considering in the next section, R = 0 and R∗i = 0 which strongly simplifies the Maxwell ijkl k type equation. In this section the de Sitter curvature R = K(g g −g g ) (10) ijkl ik jl il jk contraction of this expression yields R = K (11) and substitution of these contractions into the Maxwell-like equation one obtains (1+2ξ2K)D Fi = ǫ DiKnD Flm (12) i k klmn i Here ξ2 = α where m is the electron mass and α is the fine structure 90πme2 e constant. Thisequationshowsthatthevacuumpolarisationaltersthephoton propagation in de Sitter spacetime with torsion. This result may provide interesting applications in cosmology such as in the study of optical activity in cosmologies with torsion such as in Kalb-Ramond cosmology [8]. 3 Riemann-flat nonlinear torsionic electrody- namics In this section we shall be concerned with the application of nonlinear elec- trodynamics with torsion in the Riemann-flat case, where the Riemann cur- vaturetensorvanishes. Inparticularweshallinvestigatethenon-Riemannian geometrical optics associated with that. Earlier L.L.Smalley [9] have investi- gatedtheextension ofRiemanniantonon-RiemannianRCgeometricaloptics intheusual electrodynamics, nevertheless inhis approach wasnot clear ifthe torsion really coud coupled with photon. Since the metric considered here is 4 the Minkowski metric η we note that theRiemannian Christoffel connection ij vanishes and the Riemannian derivative operator D shall be replaced in this k section by the partial derivative operator ∂ . With these simplifications the k Maxwell like equation (2) becomes ∂ Fij +ξ2Rij ∂ Fkl = 0 (13) i kl i which reduces to ∂ Fik +ξ2[ǫk ∂iKm −ǫi ∂kKm]∂ Fjl = 0 (14) i jlm jlm i we may also note that when the contortion is parallel transported in the last section the equations reduce to the usual Maxwell equation D Fil = 0 (15) i Since we are considering the non-minimal coupling the Lorentz condition on the vector potential is given by ∂ Ai = 0 (16) i with this usual Lorentz condition substituted into the Maxwell-like equation one obtains the wave equation for the vector electromagnetic potential as 2Ai +ξ2[ǫk ∂iKm −ǫi ∂kKm]∂ ∂jAl = 0 (17) jlm jlm k Now to obtain the equations for the Riemann-Cartan geometrical optics based on the nonlinear electrodynamics considered here we just consider the plane wave expansion Ai = Re[(ai +ǫbi +ciǫ2 +...)eiθǫ] (18) Substitution of this plane wave expansion into the Lorentz gauge condition one obtains the usual orthogonality condition between the wave vector k = i ∂ θ and the amplitude ai up to the lowest order given by i kia = 0 (19) i note that by considering the complex polarisation given by ai = af expres- i sion (19) reduces to k fi = 0 (20) i 5 ξ2 ∂ ki = ǫijkla b k ,r∂ K (21) i i k j r l a2 this equation describes the expansion or focusing of the ray congruence and the influence of contortion inhomogeneity in it. The last equation is ξ2 kik = − ǫijkla [a b −a b ]kr∂ K (22) i i j k k j r l a2 note however that the RHS of (22) vanishes identically due to the symmetry inthe product of thean vector contracting with the skew Levi-Civita symbol, and finally we are left with the null vector condition k kj = 0. j 4 Cosmological torsion background inhomo- geneities and Lorentz violation In this section we investigate the structure of the electromagnetic wave equa- tions and show that Lorentz violationand massive photonmodes areinduced by tiny temporal variations of the cosmological torsion background. This ef- fect seems to be a torsionic Lenz-like effect. From expressions (14) we can split the Maxwell modified equations in the electric and and magnetic equa- tions ∇.E~ +ξ2K˙ ∂ [e .B~] = 0 (23) t z ∂ E~ −∇XB~ = 0 (24) t ∂ B~ +∇XE~ = 0 (25) t ∇.B~ = 0 (26) By making use of equation (23) and the form E = E ei(kαxα−ωt) (where 0 α = 1,2,3) we obtain ~k.E~ = −ξ2K˙ ∂ [e~ .B~] (27) t z which shows that there are massive photon modes induced by the presence of torsion, since inthis case there arelongitudinal propagationmodes caused by the fact that the electric field is not orthogonal to the propagation direction of the electromagnetic waves. Here e~ represents the basis vector along the z 6 z − direction in the inertial frame. From the Maxwell modified equations one is able to obtain the electric and magnetic waves equations 2E~ = ξ2K˙ ∂ [∂ B~ +e~ X(∇XB~)] (28) t z z 2B~ = 0 (29) From the electric wave equation (29) one obtains 2E~ = ξ2K˙ ∂ [∂ B~ +e~ X(∇XB~)] (30) t z z (ω2 −k2)E~ +ξ2K˙ [ω(~k.e~ )B~ +e~ X(~kXB~)] = 0 (31) z z where ω is the photon frequency. This last expression reduces to (ω2 −k2)E +ξ2K˙ [ω(~k.e~ )B −iωe~ X(~kXB~)] = 0 (32) 0 z 0 z Splitting this expression into its real and imaginary parts and taking the ansatz E = B we are able to obtain the following equation 0 0 (ω2−k2)+ξ2K˙ [ω(~k.e~ )] = 0 (33) z The imaginary part of the equation imposes that the electric field be propa- gated in space parallel to the z-direction. This dispersion relation reads (ω2 −k2)+ξ2K˙ [ωkcosθ] = 0 (34) ~ where θ is the angle between the wave vector k and the z-direction. By solving the algebraic second order equation (34) and keeping only first order terms in the variation of contortion we obtain ω = k(1−ξ2K˙ kcosθ) (35) + ω− = −k(1+ξ2K˙ kcosθ) (36) From these expressions one is able to compute the group velocities ∂ω + = k(1−ξ2K˙ kcosθ) (37) ∂k ∂ω − = −k(1+ξ2K˙ kcosθ) (38) ∂k 7 As pointed out earlier by Carroll, Field and Jackiw [10] in the context of the torsion-free Maxwell-Chern-Simons (MCS) electrodynamics, the two polar- ization modes propagates at different velocities which is evidence for Lorentz violation, this time due to a tiny torsion cosmological background inhomo- geneity. Recently [11] we have also show that a minimal coupling between the electromagnetic field and torsion may turn a Maxwell electrodynamics into a MCS one which allows us to place torsion upper and lower bounds on this tiny cosmological torsion background. Certainly the same could be done here. 5 Discussion and conclusions The geometrical optics discussed in the last section allows us to build models to test torsion effects on gravitational optical phenomena such as gravita- tionallensingandopticalactivity. Besidesthegeometricalopticsinvestigated in the last section could be reproduced in the case of de Sitter cosmology. This approach can be considered in near future. Acknowledgements Iwouldliketoexpress mygratitudetoProf. R.Soldatiforhelpfuldiscussions on the subject of this paper. Financial support from CNPq. is grateful acknowledged. References [1] M. Novello and J. M. Salim,Phys. Rev. D (2000). [2] M. Novello and J. M. Salim,Phys. Rev. D (1979). [3] V. de Sabbata and M. Gasperini, Introduction to Gravitation (1980) World scientific. [4] V. de Sabbata and C. Sivaram, Spin and Torsion in Gravitation (1995) world scientific. 8 [5] I. T. Drummond and S.J. Harthrell, Phys. Rev. D (1980)22,343. [6] L.C. Garcia de Andrade,Gen. 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