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Preview Corrections in Cochlodina (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae)

BASTERIA,71: 77-80,2007 CorrectionsinCochlodina(Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae) E. Gittenberger National Museum ofNatural History Naturalis,P.O.Box 9517,NL2300RALeiden,TheNetherlands; [email protected] Asubspecies ofCochlodina laminatais described a second time.Itcanbe distinguishedonthe basis ofmainlytheprominenceoftheaperturallamellae and shell size. Someincorrect data regardingItalian,alpineC. laminata arecorrected. Key words: Gastropoda,Pulmonata,Clausiliidae,Alopiinae,Cochlodina,Italy, Slovenia,Croatia. Thewell-knownnameof a very characteristicsubspecies of Cochlodina(C.) laminata (Montagu, 1803)should not be changed for nomenclatorialreasons. Records of C. (C.) laminatafromthe Dolomites, N. Italy, couldnotbe verified.Inallcases where theshells were availableforresearch, thesebelonged toC. (C.)fimbriata(Rossmassler, 1835). ClausiliidaeJ.E. Gray, 1855 Alopiinae A.J.Wagner, 1913 CochlodininiLindholm,1925 CochlodinaA.Férussac, 1821 Cochlodina(C.)laminatainaequalis (A.Schmidt, 1868)(figs 1,2) Clausilia melanostoma var.inaequalisSchmidt,1868: 29. Clausilia inaequalisSchmidt,1868: 31,32. Not: Clausilia bidensvar.inaequalisM.Gallenstein,1852. Clausiliastra grossavar.inaequalis;Clessin,1888: 339. Cochlodina laminatainaequalis;Gittenberger, 1967: 31, fig. 8.Nordsieck, 1969:114. Cochlodina laminata insulana;Nordsieck, 1993: 34[part.].Not Gittenberger, 1967. Material. — Croatia,Istra:UckaMtn,800-950malt.,UTMVL31,E.G.leg.(RMNH 106889 [fig.1]& 106890/13[fig. 2]); 'Monte Maggiore' (= Ucka Mtn), UTM VL31, W. Klemm leg. (ex colln W. H. Neuteboom)(RMNH 106892/3);ditto,W.Klemmdon. (excolln F.E.Loosjes) (RMNH 106891/4);N-slope nearVeprinac, 350 malt.,UTMVL42,W.J.M.Maassen leg. (YU345/1);N-slopenearPoklon, 970malt., UTMVL31 (YU346/3); nearPoklon, ruins near motel,950 m alt.,UTM VL31,W. J. M. Maassen leg. (YU398/12). Description. — Shelllarge, with a very prominent, apertural, palatal callus, thatis interrupted conspicuously by thelowerpalatal plica. Plicaeprincipalis andbasalispromi- nentand connectedtotheradial callusinfront;plica basalisoftenbroadenedin frontand less lamella-like.Usually withtwo small, somewhatirregular, middlepalatal plicae, that are ofteninterconnected, one of whichbroadenedin frontand connectedto thecallus. Lamellasubcolumellaris protruding more conspicuously than in any other C. laminata subspecies. 78 BASTERIA, Vol. 71, No. 1-3, 2007 Figs1-4.Cochlodina (C.)laminata subspec.1,2,C.(C.)l.inaequalis(Schmidt,1868),Croatia,Istra,Ucka Mtn, 800-950malt.,UTMVL31;E.&A.C.Gittenbergerleg.(1,20.6x4.9mm;2,18.6*4.5mm).3,4,C.(C.)l.insu- lana Gittenberger, 1967, Croatia, Krk island, near Risika (= W. of Vrbnik), UTM VK79; W.J.M. Maassen leg. (3,18.2x4.4mm;4,17.2 x4.3mm).Photographs:J.Goud,Leiden. Measurements(n=37): 17.6-19.9*4.5-5.0mm. Gittenberger (1967:32),onthebasisof alargermaterial,reported alarger size-range, viz. 18.0-21.0*4.3-5.0 mm. Differentiation.— CochlodinalaminatainsulanaGittenberger, 1967,fromtheislandof Krk (figs3, 4)is clearly smaller.Aseries [n=49]collectedvii.1982 byMr W.J.M. Maassen in Slovenia, Krk, near Risika, W.of Vrbnik, UTMVK79measures 14.8-18.1x 3.8-4.3mm. Asecondsample [n =9] measures 15.0-18.0* 4.1- 4.3mm.Thepalatalcallus andthepli- caeand lamellaeareless prominentthanin C. l.inaequalis; the lamellasubcolumellarisin particular is less prominently protruding. The other subspecies of C. laminata Gittenberger: Corrections in Cochlodina 79 Figs5-7.Cochlodina fimbriata(Rossmässler, 1835).5,Austria,Kärnten,KoschutaMts, 11km SE.ofFerlach, 1650m alt.,E.Gittenbergerleg.(15.5x3.8mm);6,7,Italy, Belluno,Dolomiti,nearRifugioChiggiato,6km NNW. of Pieve di Cadore, 1900 m alt., G. Marcuzzi leg. (ex colln Venmans) (6, 13.5x3.7 mm;7, 13.3x3.4mm).Photographs:J.Goud,Leiden. are evenmoreclearly different, Notes. — Nordsieck (1993: 34) showed that Clausilia bidens var. inaequalis M. Gallenstein, 1852, and Clausiliamelanostomavar. inaequalis Schmidt, 1868, are primary homonyms. Sincetheformernameis not"alsoin use",whereasClessin(1888:339)before 1899already classified thelattertaxon withClausiliastraL.Pfeiffer, 1856,andno cases of secondary homonymy areknown, thejuniorprimary homonym "mustnotautomatical- ly"bereplaced (ICZNArt.23.9.5). Thecase willbereferredtothecommission.Nordsieck 80 BASTERIA,Vol. 71, No. 1-3,2007 (1993:34)suggested tousethe nameofthe insular subspecies, i.e.Cochlodinalaminatainsu- lana Gittenberger, 1967, "vorlaufig" [= for the time being] also for the "kaum ver- schiedene"[=hardly different] mainlandpopulations. Iseenoreason tochange mypre- vious view (Gittenberger, 1967)in thiscaseasfar asthe interpretation oftheconchologi- cal differencesis concerned.Therefore,the twotaxa are consideredsubspecies and char- acterized as suchoncemore. Cochlodina(C.)fimbriata (Rossmässler, 1835)(figs5-7) Notes. —Despite thefact thatCochlodina(C.)fimbiata (figs 5-7) is quitevariable,with disjunctions in theAlps and theBalkans, thespecies has largely remainedspared from subspecific classifications. IntheDolomitesincentralnorthernItaly itoccurs withaform thatslightlyremindsof C.(C.)laminatabecausethecharacteristic,white, apertural,palatal callusislessconspicuous thanusual.Theshellsareless paleincolourandrelativelysmall. They can stillberecognized as belonging to C. (C.) fimbriatabecauseof the shortlower palatal fold.This form (figs 6, 7)has been referred tomore than once inthe literature (Thorson, 1930; Venmans,1954, 1959),butalways incorrectly asC1 . (C.) laminata.Maybe it deservesasubspecific status.It mightbecomparable in itsphylogeographic historytofor example Clausilia(Andraea) dubiaalpicola Clessin, 1878(see Bank&Gittenberger, 2000). REFERENCES BANK,R.E.,&E.GITTENBERGER,2000.On thepolytypic andproblematicClausilia dubia:notesonits nomenclature and systematics(Gastropoda,Pulmonata,Clausiliidae).— Basteria 64: 15-27. CLESSIN,S., 1888.DieMollusken-Fauna Oesterreich-Ungarnsund der Schweiz 3: 321-480. Niirnberg. GITTENBERGER,E.,1967.Cochlodina laminata (Montagu)inihremsiidostlichen Verbreitungsgebiet.— Archiv fiirMolluskenkunde 96:25-37. NORDSIECK, H., 1969.ZurAnatomieundSystematik der Clausilien,V.Genitalsystem undSystematik des GenusCochlodina. —Archiv fiirMolluskenkunde 99: 107-132. NORDSIECK, H., 1993. Beitrage zur Nomenklatur der europaischen Binnenmollusken, I. Kritische Anmerkungenund BerichtigungenzurNomenklatur vonArttaxa derClausiliidae. — Heldia2:33- 42. SCHMIDT,A., 1868.System dereuropaischenClausilien undihrer nachstenVerwandten: 1-176.Cassel. THORSON, G., 1930. Zoogeographischeund okologische Studien iiber die Landschnecken in den Dolomiten. — ZoologischeJahrbiicher.Abteilung fiir Systematik, Okologieund Geographieder Tiere60: 85-238. VENMANS,L.A.W.C., 1954.Land and freshwater mollusks from the Dolomites. — Atti dell'Istituto Veneto diScienze,LettereedArti.Classediscienze matem.enaturali 112: 59-96. VENMANS,L.A.W.C., 1959. Land and freshwater molluscs from the Dolomites (supplement). — Atti dell'Istituto VenetodiScienze,Lettere edArti.Classe discienze matem.enaturali 117: 357-371.

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