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Corpus troporum 9: Tropes for the Proper of the Mass 4: The Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary PDF

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ACTA UNIVERSITATIS STOCKHOLMIENSIS The series includes theses and other studies by members of the University. Subscriptions to the series and orders for single volumes should be addressed to any international bookseller or directly to the publishers: Almquist & Wiksell International P.O. Box 4627, S-116 91 Stockholm, Sweden Universities, libraries, learned societies, and publishers of learned periodicals may obtain the volumes of the series and other publications of Stockholm University in exchange for their own publications. Inquiries should be addressed to Stockholms Universitetsbibliotek S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden. Corpus Troporum Romanica Stockholmiensia Stockholm Contributions in Geology Stockholm Economic Studies New Series Stockholm Economic Studies, Pamphlet Series Stockholm Oriental Studies Stockholm Slavic Studies Stockholm Studies in Baltic Languages Stockholm Studies in Classical Archeology Stockholm Studies in Comparative Religion Stockholm Studies in Economic History Stockholm Studies in Educational Psychology Stockholm Studies in English Stockholm Studies in History Stockholm Studies in History of Art Stockholm Studies in History of Literature Stockholm Studies in Human Geography Stockholm Studies in Linguistics Stockholm Studies in Modern Philology. New Series Stockholm Studies in Philosophy Stockholm Studies in Psychology Stockholm Studies in Russian Literature Stockholm Studies in Scandinavian Philology. New Series Stockholm Studies in Sociology. New Series Stockholm Studies in Statistics Stockholm Studies in the History of Ideas Stockholm Theatre Studies Stockholmer Germanistische Forschungen Studia Baltica Stockholmiensia Studia Fennica Stockholmiensia Studia Graeca Stockholmiensia Studia Hungarica Stockholmiensia Studia Juridica Stockholmiensia Studia Latina Stockholmiensia Studies in North-European Archeology ACTA UNIVERSITATIS STOCKHOLMIENSIS Corpus Troporum IX Tropes for the Proper of the Mass 4 The Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary Edited with an Introduction and Commentary Akademisk avhandling, som för avläggande av filosofie doktorsexamen vid humanistiska fakulteten, Stockholms universitet, offentligen forsvaras i hörsal 9 hus D Södra huset, Frescati, Måndagen den 2 februari 1998 kl. 10.00 Ann-Katrin Andrews Johansson Fil. lic Abstract The present work is an edition of liturgical tropes to the proper of the Roman mass. It covers four feasts to the Blessed Virgin Mary: the Purification, the Annunciation, the Assumption, and the Nativity feasts. The edition, which is based on one hundred and one European manuscripts, is supplemented by an introduction and a commentary on the texts. The majority of manuscripts date from the tenth to the twelfth centuries, but there are also some of a more recent date, up to the fifteenth century. The tropes are presented as whole units together with the antiphon to which they belong. The same texts are also presented in alphabetical order in a section of trope elements. Tables indicate how the repertories of tropes are ordered in the different manuscripts, and where in the antiphon the trope element is inserted. The Marian tropes differ in character depending upon the feast to which they belong. The Purification feast tends to have tropes of a less Mariocentric character than tropes to the Assumption or Nativity feasts. There are very few manuscripts containing tropes to the Annunciation feast. Also regional differences can be noted; in Italian manuscripts, for example, the emphasis on the Virgin is greater than in German manuscripts. The volume also contains a selective index and plates from different manuscripts. Corpus Troporum (Latin) Institutionen för franska och italienska Stockholms universitet, S-106 91 Stockholm Distributor ALMQVIST & WIKSELL INTERNATIONAL ISBN-91-22-01781-X ISSN 1403-1515 Norstedts Tryckeri AB, Stockholm 1998 CORPUS TROPORUM IX ACTA UNIVERSITATIS STOCKHOLMIENSIS Corpus Troporum IX Tropes for the Proper of the Mass 4 The Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary Edited with an Introduction and Commentary by ANN-KATRIN ANDREWS JOHANSSON ALMQVIST & WIKSELL INTERNATIONAL STOCKHOLM/SWEDEN Abstract The present work is an edition of liturgical tropes to the proper of the Roman mass. It covers four feasts to the Blessed Virgin Mary: the Purification, the Annunciation, the Assumption, and the Nativity feasts. The edition, which is based on one hundred and one European manuscripts, is supplemented by an introduction and a commentary on the texts. The majority of manuscripts date from the tenth to the twelfth centuries, but there are also some of a more recent date, up to the fifteenth century. The tropes are presented as whole units together with the antiphon to which they belong. The same texts are also presented in alphabetical order in a section of trope elements. Tables indicate how the repertories of tropes are ordered in the different manuscripts, and where in the antiphon the trope element is inserted. The Marian tropes differ in character depending upon the feast to which they belong. The Purification feast tends to have tropes of a less Mariocentric character than tropes to the Assumption or Nativity feasts. There are very few manuscripts containing tropes to the Annunciation feast. Also regional differences can be noted; in Italian manuscripts, for example, the emphasis on the Virgin is greater than in German manuscripts. The volume also contains a selective index and plates from different manuscripts. © Ann-Katrin Andrews Johansson 1998 ISBN 91-22-01781-X ISSN 1403-1515 Printed in Sweden Norstedts Tryckeri AB 1998 To my children: Elias, Nathanael, and Adam

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