PHYSTAT2003, SLAC, Stanford, California, September 8-11, 2003 1 Constraints on Neutrino Mixing Parameters with the SNO data A.Bellerive Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Physics, Department of Physics Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, K1S 5B6, Canada E-mail:alain [email protected] This paper reviews the constraints imposed on the solar neutrino mixing parameters by data collected by the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO). The SNO multivariate analysis is reviewed. The global solar neutrino analysis is emphasized in terms of matter-enhanced oscillation of two active flavors. An outline of how SNO usesthedatatoproduceoscillationcontour plotsandhowtoincludetherelevantcorrelationsforthenewsalt datainsimilaroscillationanalyses issummarized. 4 0 1. Introduction It is known that neutrinos exist in different fla- 0 vors corresponding to the three charged leptons: the 2 The deficit of detected neutrinos coming from the electron, muon, and tau particles. If neutrinos have n Sun compared with our expectations based on lab- masses, flavor can mix and a neutrino emitted in a oratory measurements, known as the Solar Neutrino a weak interaction is represented as a superposition J Problem,wasoneoftheoutstandingproblemsinbasic of mass eigenstates. In the case of three flavors of 4 physics for over thirty years. It appeared inescapable neutrino, the mixing matrix U is called the Maki- 1 thateitherourunderstandingoftheenergyproducing Nakagawa-Sakata-Pontecorvo(MNSP)matrix[3]and processes in the Sun was seriously defective, or neu- ν = U ν . Here the neutrino mass eigenstates 1 ℓ i ℓi| ii v trinos, one of the fundamental particles in the Stan- are denoted by νi with i = 1,2,3, while the flavor P 8 dard Model, had important properties which had not eigenstates are labeled (e,µ,τ). The most general 1 been measured. It was indeed argued by some that form of mixing for three families of neutrinos can be 0 we needed to change our ideas on how energy was simplifiedsothatonlytwoneutrinosparticipateinthe 1 produced in fusion reactions inside the Sun. Others oscillations. Hence, the survival probability for solar 0 suggestedthattheproblemaroseduetopeculiarchar- neutrinos propagating in time takes the approximate 4 acteristics of neutrinos such as vacuum or matter os- form 0 x/ cuinlldaetriostnasn.dIitngisfruosmefutlhetodraetvaiecwolltehceteedvoblyutviaorniooufsosuor- P =δ (2δ 1)sin22θsin2(1.27∆m2L). (1) e eβ eβ − eβ − E lar neutrino experiments. The new analysis of the - p salt data collected by the Sudbury Neutrino Obser- Themixingangleisrepresentedbyθ,Listhedistance e vatory (SNO) [1] will be described, together with the between the production point of ν and the point of h e technique used to combine the results of many solar detection of ν , E is the energy of the neutrino, and : β v neutrino experiments. ∆m2 m2 m2 isthedifferenceinthesquaresofthe Xi masse≡s ofjth−e twio states νj and νi which are mixing. The function δ is the usual Kronecker delta. The r eβ a 2. Solar Neutrinos numerical constant 1.27 is valid for L in meters, E in MeV, and ∆m2 in eV2. The energy of a neutrino de- The energyin the Sun is produced by nuclear reac- pends onthe type ofnuclearreactionwhichproduced tions that transform hydrogen into helium. Through it. Bystudyingtheevolutionofthe solarneutrinosas the fusion reactions, four protons combine to form a afunctionofL,allthephysicsisembeddedinonean- helium nucleus containing two protons and two neu- gle θ, one mass difference ∆m2, andthe sign of∆m2. trons. The only reactions that allow this to happen ThiscorrespondstotheextractionofthethreeMNSP are caused by weak interactions like nuclear beta de- elements: Ue1, Ue2, and Ue3. cay. Eachtime a neutronis formed,there mustbe an associated positron and electron neutrino produced. Neutrinoscantraveldirectlyfromthe coreofthe Sun 3. Sudbury Neutrino Observatory to the Earth in a about eight minutes and hence pro- vide adirectwayto study thermonuclearprocessesin The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) is a theSun. Thedetailedpredictionsofthesolarelectron 1,000 ton heavy-water Cˇerenkov detector[4] situated neutrinofluxhavebeenproducedbyJohnBahcalland 2 km underground in INCO’s Creighton mine in hiscollaboratorsfromthe1960’suntilnow. Theircal- Canada. Another 7,000tons of ultra-pure light water culations are refereedto as the StandardSolar Model is used for support and shielding. The heavy water is (SSM). In this proceeding, the Bahcall-Pinsonneault in an acrylic vessel (12 m diameter and 5 cm thick) calculations [2] are comparedto experimental results. viewedby9,456PMTmountedonageodesicstructure TUIT003 2 PHYSTAT2003, SLAC, Stanford, California, September 8-11, 2003 18mindiameter;allcontainedwithinapolyurethane- a precise measurement of the NC flux to be made in- coated barrel-shaped cavity (22 m diameter by 34 m dependent of assumptions about the CC and ES en- high). Thesolar-neutrinodetectorsinoperationprior ergyspectra. To minimize the possibility ofintroduc- toSNOweremainlysensitivetotheelectronneutrino ing biases, SNO performed a blind analysis for the type; while the use of heavy water by SNO allows model independent determination of the total active neutrinos to interact through charged-current (CC), 8B solarneutrino. Inthisanalysis,eventsarestatisti- elastic-scattering(ES), orneutral-current(NC) inter- cally separatedinto CC, NC, ES,and external-source actions. The determination of these reaction rates is neutronsusinganextendedmaximum-likelihoodtech- acriticalmeasurementindetermining ifneutrinosos- nique based on the distributions of isotropy, cosθ , sun cillateintransitbetweenthecoreoftheSunandtheir and radius, R, within the detector. To take into observation on Earth. account correlations between isotropy and energy, a During the pure D O phase of the experiment, the 2D joint probability density function (PDF) is con- 2 signalwasdeterminedwithastatisticalanalysisbased structed. Thisanalysisdiffersfromtheanalysesofthe on the direction, cosθ , the position, R, and the ki- pure D O data [6, 7] since (1) correlationsare explic- sun 2 netic energy, T, of the reconstructed events assuming itly incorporated in the signal extraction and (2) the the SSM energy spectrum shape [5]. The final se- spectraldistributionsoftheESandCCeventsarenot lection criteria were T 5 MeV and R 550 cm. constrained to the 8B shape, but are extracted from The result of the exten≥ded maximum-lik≤elihood fit the data. Cˇerenkov event backgrounds from β γ − yields [6] decays are reduced with an effective electron kinetic energy threshold T 5.5 MeV and a fiducial volume ΦΦCC == 12..7369−++000...002564+−+000...010929 ×110066 ccmm−−22ss−−11,, (2) witThheradexiutsenRde≤d5m50a≥ analysis gives ES −0.23−0.12 × the following 8B fluxes [1] Φ = 5.09+0.44+0.46 106 cm−2s−1. NC −0.43−0.43 × Φ = 1.59+0.08+0.06 106 cm−2s−1, The excess of the NC flux over the CC and ES fluxes CC −0.07−0.08 × implies neutrino flavor transformations. There is also ΦES = 2.21−+00..2361±0.10 ×106 cm−2s−1, (7) a good agreement between the SNO NC flux and the Φ = 5.21 0.27 0.38 106 cm−2s−1. total8B flux of 5.05+1.01 106 cm−2s−1 predictedby NC ± ± × −0.81 × the SSM. A simple change of variables that resolves Thesystematicuncertaintiesonthederivedfluxesare the data directly into electron and non-electron com- shown in Table I. These fluxes are in agreementwith ponents [6] indicates clear evidence of solar neutrino previous SNO measurements and the SSM. The ra- flavor transformation at 5.3 standard deviations tio of the 8B flux measured with the CC and NC re- actions then provides confirmation of solar neutrino φ = 1.76+0.06+0.09 106 cm−2s−1, (3) e −0.05−0.09 × oscillations φ = 3.41+0.45+0.48 106 cm−2s−1. (4) µτ −0.45−0.45 × ΦCC =0.306 0.026 0.024. (8) Allowing a time variation of the total flux of solar ΦNC ± ± neutrinos leads to day/night measurements by SNO, which are sensitive to the neutrino type [7] A (total)=( 24.2 16.1+2.4)%, (5) 4. How to Use the SNO Data DN − ± −2.5 A (e)=(12.8 6.2+1.5)%. (6) DN ± −1.4 The SNO CC, ES and NC fluxes are statistically By forcing no asymmetry in the φ + φ rate, i.e. correlated, since they are derived from a fit to a sin- e µτ A (total) = 0, the day/night asymmetry for the gle data set. The statistical correlation coefficients DN electron neutrino is [7] A (e)=(7.0 4.9+1.3). between the fluxes in the salt phase are DN ± −1.2 SNO published its first results of the salt phase [1] ρ = 0.521, in coincidence with the PHYSTAT2003 conference. CC,NC − ThemeasurementsweremadewithdissolvedNaClin ρCC,ES = 0.156, (9) − the heavy water to enhance the sensitivity and signa- ρ = 0.064. ES,NC tureforneutral-currentinteractions. Neutroncapture − on 35Cl typically produces multiple γ rays while the These can be used with the statistical uncertainties CC and ES reactions produce single electrons. The quoted by SNO [1] to write down the statistical co- greater isotropy of the Cˇerenkov light from neutron variance matrix for the salt fluxes. Systematic un- capture events relative to CC and ES events allows certainties between fluxes can be correlated as well. good statistical separation of the event types. The Some sources of systematic error, such as neutron degree of the Cˇerenkov light isotropy is determined capture efficiency, affect only one of the three fluxes, by the pattern of PMT hits. This separation allows and so can be considered to be uncorrelated with the TUIT003 PHYSTAT2003, SLAC, Stanford, California, September 8-11, 2003 3 Source NC CC ES Source NC CC ES Energy scale -3.7,+3.6 -1.0,+1.1 ±1.8 Energy scale +1 +1 +1 Energy resolution ±1.2 ±0.1 ±0.3 Energy resolution +1 +1 +1 Energy non-linearity ±0.0 -0.0,+0.1 ±0.0 Energy non-linearity +1 +1 +1 Radial accuracy -3.0,+3.5 -2.6,+2.5 -2.6,+2.9 Radial accuracy +1 +1 +1 Vertex resolution ±0.2 ±0.0 ±0.2 Vertex resolution +1 +1 +1 Angular resolution ±0.2 ±0.2 ±2.4 Angular resolution +1 +1 –1 Isotropy mean -3.4,+3.1 -3.4,+2.6 -0.9,+1.1 Isotropy mean +1 –1 –1 Isotropy resolution ±0.6 ±0.4 ±0.2 Isotropy resolution +1 +1 +1 Radial energy bias -2.4,+1.9 ±0.7 -1.3,+1.2 Radial energy bias +1 +1 +1 Vertex Z accuracy -0.2,+0.3 ±0.1 ±0.1 Vertex X accuracy +1 +1 +1 Internal neutrons -1.9,+1.8 ±0.0 ±0.0 Vertex Y accuracy +1 +1 +1 Internal background ±0.1 ±0.1 ±0.0 Vertex Z accuracy +1 –1 –1 Neutron capture -2.5,+2.7 ±0.0 ±0.0 Internalneutrons +1 0 0 Cˇerenkov backgrounds -1.1,+0.0 -1.1,+0.0 ±0.0 Internalbackground +1 +1 +1 AV events -0.4,+0.0 -0.4,+0.0 ±0.0 Neutron capture +1 0 0 Total uncertainty -7.3,+7.2 -4.6,+3.8 -4.3,+4.5 Cˇerenkovbackgrounds +1 +1 +1 AV events +1 +1 +1 Table I Systematic uncertainties (in %) on fluxesfor the spectralshapeunconstrainedanalysisofthesalt dataset. Table II Signs of systematic correlations, relative to its effect on theNC flux. An entry of +1 indicates a 100% positive correlation, −1 a 100% negative correlation, and other fluxes. Other systematics can be either 100% 0 means nocorrelation. correlated (e.g. radial accuracy) or 100% anticorre- lated (e.g. isotropy mean). The most important anti- correlated systematic is the isotropy mean. Isotropy suming an undistorted 8B spectrum. It implies that is important for separating CC and ES events from the number of events attributed to CC interactions NC events, so CC and ES will have a negative cor- above T = 5.5 MeV is equal to the number of events relation with the NC flux (and a positive correlation that would be observed if the νe flux follows the 8B witheachother)fortheisotropyuncertainty. TableII spectral shape. The 8B spectral shape aspect of this showsthesignofthecorrelationforeachsystematicof definition is only for normalization; there is no as- Table I. Using the table of systematics and the signs sumption of any spectral shape when extracting the for the correlations, one can assemble an individual number of events during the salt phase. Similar defi- covariance matrix for each systematic. Then, to get nitions apply for the NC and ES fluxes. the total covariance matrix for the CC, ES and NC For the comparison of the SNO CC rate with the fluxes, one simply adds all of the covariance matrices theoretical rates for a set of oscillation parameters, together. the ΦCC flux is Evenwhen fluxes are being analyzedas opposedto ∞ energy spectra, it is best to determine the effect of f φ (E )dE S(T,T ,E ), (11) B SSM ν ν e ν energy-related systematics at each grid point in the Z0 ∆m2 tan2θ plane. For the salt analysis, these in- − with the scale S(T,T ,E ) is equal to clude energy scale and energy resolution; the uncer- e ν taintyduetoenergynon-linearityistinysothatitcan ∞ ∞ ∞ F(T,T ,E )P (E )dTdT dE reasonably be ignored. The energy scale uncertainty 0 0∞ 5∞.5 ∞ e ν ee ν e ν , (12) is implemented as a 1.1% uncertainty in the total en- R R0 R0 5.5F(T,Te,Eν)dTdTedEν ergy; while the energy resolution has an uncertainty R R R which is energy dependent for T >4.975 MeV where ∆σσTT =0.035+0.00471×(T −4.975), (10) F(T,Te,Eν)=φSSM(Eν)dσ(EdTνe,Te)N(Te,σT2). (13) and ∆σT = 0.034 for T < 4.975 MeV. Here T is the The factor f allows the total 8B solar neutrino flux σT B reconstructed kinetic energy. For all other systemat- to float from the SSM value, E is the neutrino en- ν ics, it is assumed that the effect on the fluxes is the ergy, P is the survival probability, T is the true ee e same for all oscillation parameters. recoil electron kinetic energy, and T is the observed When SNO quotes Φ = 1.59 106 cm−2s−1, it electron kinetic energy; while N(T ,σ2) is a Gaus- CC × e T referstotheintegralfluxfromzerototheendpointas- sian energy response function for T with σ (T) = T TUIT003 4 PHYSTAT2003, SLAC, Stanford, California, September 8-11, 2003 0.145+0.392√T+0.0353T.Itisasimilardefinition -3 −fortheSNOESflux,rememberingtoincludethecon- 2)V10 tributionfromνµτ usingtheappropriatecrosssection 2 (e10-4 m and (1−Pee). There is no ambiguity in interpreting ∆ 10-5 NC flux since it is equal to the total SSM flux. -6 10 -7 5. Global Fits 10 -8 10 This section summarizes the constraints from so- 90% CL -9 lar neutrino data in a global analysis. The allowed 10 95% CL region in the oscillation ∆m2 tan2θ plane is ob- -10 99% CL − 10 99.73% CL tained by comparingthe measuredrates to the calcu- -11 lated SSM solar neutrino rate. We consider a set of 10 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 N observables Rn for n = 1,2, ,N with the as- tan2θ sociated set of experimental obs·e·r·vations Rexp and n theoretical predictions Rth. In general, one wants to Figure 1: SNO-onlyneutrinooscillation contours, n build a χ2 function which measures the differences includingpureD2O day/night spectra, salt CC, NC, ES Rexp Rth inunits ofthetotalexperimentalandthe- fluxes,with 8B fluxfree and hep fluxfixed. The best-fit ornetic−al unncertainties. This task is completely deter- point is ∆m2 =4.7×10−5, tan2θ=0.43, fB =1.03, with χ2/d.o.f.=26.2/34. The inside of thecovariance mined from the estimated uncorrelated errors u and n regions is allowed. a set of correlated systematic errors ck caused by K n independent sources. The correlation coefficients be- tweenthe differentobservablesareρ(u ,u )= δ and ρ(ck,ch) = δ . The covariancne mmatrix±taknems results from SNO [1, 6, 7]. At each grid point in the n m ± kh ∆m2 tan2θ plane,theexpectedrateforeachenergy the form σ2 = δ u u + K ckch and all the − nm nm n m k=1 n m bin is calculated and comparedto the measured rate. experimental information is combined together in a The free parameters in the global fit are the total 8B global χ2 P flux, the difference of the squared masses ∆m2, and the mixing angle θ. The higher energy hep ν flux χ2cov = N (Rnexp−Rnth)[σn2m]−1(Rmexp−Rmth). (14) iastefidxeind∆atm92.3a×nd1t0a3nc2mθ−fo2rs∆−1χ.2Co=nt4o.u6r1s(a9r0e%geeCnLer)-, cov n,m=1 X 5.99 (95% CL), 9.21 (99% CL), and 11.83 (99.73% CL). We assume a Gaussian distribution of Rexp for The salt shape-unconstrained fluxes presented n a given value of the true parameters δm2 and tan2θ here, combined with shape-constrained fluxes and when we map the survival probability into the MSW day/nightenergyspectrafromthepureD Ophase[6, 2 plane [12]. As presented in Fig 2(a), the combined 7], place impressive constraints on the allowed neu- results of all solar neutrino experiments can be used trino flavor mixing parameters. In the fit, the ratio f of the total 8B flux to the SSM value is a free pa- to determine a unique region of the oscillation pa- B rameters; the allowed region in this parameter space rametertogetherwiththemixingparameters. Acom- bined χ2 fit to SNO D O and salt data alone yields shrinksconsiderablyto a portionofthe LargeMixing 2 theallowedregionsin∆m2andtan2θshowninFig.1. Angle (LMA) region. There are certainly correlations between the salt and A global analysis including the KamLAND reactor theD Ophase,sinceit’sthesamedetector. However, anti-neutrino results [13] shrinks the allowed region thesec2orrelationsareestimatedtobenegligiblysmall. further, with a best-fit point of ∆m2 = 7.1+−10..26 × The χ2cov calculated above from the SNO NC, CC 10−5 eV2 and θ = 32.5+−22..43 degrees, where the er- and ES fluxes is added to a global analysis which in- rors reflect 1σ constraints on the 2-dimensional re- cludes data from all the other solar neutrino experi- gion. This is summarized in Fig. 2(b). With the new ments. Systematic errors that are correlated between SNOmeasurements,the allowedregionis constrained differentexperiments,suchascrosssectionuncertain- to only the lower band of LMA at > 99% CL. The ties or uncertainties on the 8B, are accounted for by best-fitpointwithaonedimensionalprojectionofthe including the covariance terms between different ex- uncertainties in the individual parameters (marginal- perimentalresults. Theeffectofthe8Bspectralshape ized uncertainties) is ∆m2 = 7.1+−10..03×10−5 eV2 and uncertaintyisdeterminedateachgridpointintheos- θ = 32.5+1.7 degrees. This disfavors maximal mix- −1.6 cillation plane. ing at a confidence level equivalent to 5.4 standard The global analysis includes the Homestake re- deviations and indicates tan2θ < 1. In our interpre- sults [8], the updated Gallium flux measurements [9, tation, the χ2 for θ = 45.0 is 5.42 higher than the cov 10], the SK zenith spectra [11], andthe D O and salt best LMA fit. The solutiontan2θ <1 corresponds to 2 TUIT003 PHYSTAT2003, SLAC, Stanford, California, September 8-11, 2003 5 2)V (a) (b) ergy dependence of solar oscillations with Large Mix- ∆2 (e m10-4 iynsgisAonfgtlhee(LsMolaAr)asnodlutrieoancstofarvnoeruedtr.inToheregsluolbtsalyaienladls- ∆m2 =7.1+1.0 10−5 eV2 and θ =32.5+1.7 degrees. −0.3× −1.6 SNOispresentlyanalyzingitsfullsaltdatasetwith a detailed treatment of the day/night and spectral 90% CL information. In the future SNO will perform a global 95% CL 99% CL oscillation fit with a maximum-likelihood method. 99.73% CL 10-150-1 110-1 1 tan2θ tan2θ Figure 2: Allowed region of the∆m2−tan2θ plane Acknowledgments determined by a χ2 fit to (a) theChlorine, Gallium, SK, and SNO experiments. The best-fit point is ∆m2 =6.5×10−5, tan2θ=0.40, fB =1.04, with This article builds upon the careful and detailed χ2/d.o.f.=70.2/81. (b) Solar global + KamLAND.The work of many people. Special thanks for the contri- best-fit point is ∆m2=7.1×10−5,tan2θ=0.41, butions ofM.Boulay,M.Chen, S. Oser,Y. Takeuchi, fB =1.02. The inside of thecovariance contours is the G. Teˇsi´c, and D. Waller. This research has been fi- allowed region. nancially supported in Canada by the Natural Sci- ences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Canada ResearchChair (CRC) Program,and the the neutrino mass hierarchy m >m . 2 1 Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI). 6. Pull Analysis References The pull method allows a split of the residuals from the observables and the systematic uncertain- [1] Q.R. Ahmad et al., Submitted to Phys. Rev. ties [14]. This alternative approachembeds the effect ofeachindependentkth sourceofsystematicsthrough Lett., Sept. 2003, nucl-ex/0309004. a shift of the difference (Rexp Rth) by an amount [2] J.N. Bahcall, H.M. Pinsonneault, and S. Basu, ǫ ck. Thenormalizationconndit−ionfnortheK indepen- Astrophys. J. 555, 990 (2001). k n [3] Z. Maki, M. Nakagawa, S. 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