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Preview Constraining the Role of SN Ia and SN II in Galaxy Groups by Spatially Resolved Analysis of ROSAT and ASCA Observations

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–14(1999) Printed1February2008 (MNLaTEXstylefilev1.4) Constraining the Role of SN Ia and SN II in Galaxy Groups by Spatially Resolved Analysis of ROSAT and ASCA Observations ⋆ A. Finoguenov1 and T.J. Ponman2 1Space Research Institute, Profsoyuznaya 84/32, 117810 Moscow, Russia. 2School of Physics& Astronomy, Universityof Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK 9 9 Accepted forMNRAS 9 1 n ABSTRACT a We present the results of modelling the distribution of gas properties in the galaxy J groups HCG51, HCG62 and NGC5044, and in the poor cluster AWM7, using both 9 ASCA SIS and ROSAT data. The spectral quality of the ASCA data allow the ra- dial distribution in the abundances of several elements to be resolved. In all systems 1 apart from HCG51, we see both central cooling flows, and a general decline in metal v 0 abundances with radius. The ratio of iron to alpha-element abundances varies signif- 0 icantly, and in comparison with theoretical supernova yields, indicates a significant 1 contribution to the metal abundance of the intergalactic medium (IGM) from type 1 Ia supernovae. This is seen both within the groups, and also throughout much of the 0 cluster AWM7. The total energy input into the IGM from supernovae can be calcu- 9 lated from our results, and is typically 20-40 per cent of the thermal energy of the 9 gas,mostly fromSNe II. Our resultssupport the idea that theSN II ejecta havebeen / h more widely distributed in the IGM, probably due to the action of galaxy winds, and p the lower iron mass to light ratio in groups suggests that some of this enriched gas - has been lost altogether from the shallower potential wells of the smaller systems. o r Key words: galaxies:general– galaxies:evolution– X-rays:galaxies t s a : v i X 1 INTRODUCTION ofthemetalsinSNII.MorerecentlyFukazawa etal.(1998) have studied a much larger sample of 40 clusters, and have r In this paper we present a study of the X-ray emission a also discriminated out the central regions, which may be of galaxy groups using the good spatial resolution of the dominated by strong cooling flows. Their results indicate a ROSATPSPCinconjunctionwiththesuperiorspectralca- significantcontributionfromSNIa,inadditiontoSNII,es- pability of the ASCA SIS. For relatively cool systems like peciallyinlowermasssystems.Inprinciple,ASCAcanpro- groups (Tgas ∼ 1 keV) the X-ray spectrum contains fairly videmoredetailedinformationonthespatialdistributionof strong signatures from a number of elements, and this al- elements,ratherthanjustonintegratedabundances,andin lows us to investigate the distribution of heavy elements in thepresentstudyweexploit thiscapability.Ourworkcom- theIGM.MakinguseofthedifferentelementyieldsofSNIa plements that of Fukazawa et al. (1998), in that we derive and SN II,we can use this information to estimate the role detailed distributions for a small sample, where they study of different typesof SNein enriching theIGM. theintegrated properties of a large collection of systems. According to standard theories of the chemical evolu- tionofearly-typegalaxies,theirstarformationwilltriggera Thedistributionofmetalsinlowmassclustersisofpar- galactic wind, causing a loss of the enriched gas, which can ticularinterest,sinceitisforsuchsystemsthattheenergetic beretainedinthepotentialsofgroupsandclustersofgalax- effect of galaxy wind injection should have thegreatest im- ies(e.g.Renzini etal.1993).Inthefirstsubstantialstudyof pact on the IGM. It appears that such effects have already cluster abundances using ASCA, Mushotzky et al. (1996) been seen in the low beta values for groups and in a steep- studied the integrated abundances of O, Ne, Si, S and Fe ening of the L : T relation at low temperatures (Ponman in four galaxy clusters, and concluded that the balance be- et al. 1996, Cavaliere, Menci & Tozzi 1997). These winds tween α-elements and iron favours the origin of most or all bring with them metals, so that a study of metal distribu- tions places constraints on the history of wind injection. If, forexample,windshaveblownmuchoftheSNIImetalsout ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] of groups altogether, we would expect them to have lower (cid:13)c 1999RAS 2 A. Finoguenov and T. J. Ponman iron mass to light ratios, and abundance ratios tilted more towards SN Ia than is the case in rich clusters. A study of Table 1.Opticalcharacteristics. the role of SN Ia and SN II in groups may also shed light on the mystery of iron production by ellipticals. The low Name D LB,cD LaB RLB Rv Rc abundanceobserved byASCAin hot elliptical galaxy halos Mpc 1011L⊙ 1011L⊙ Mpc Mpc kpc causes substantial difficulties for theoretical models of their HCG62 82 0.95 1.09 1.09 27 chemical history (Arimoto et al. 1996). HCG51 155 2.8 1.19 1.19 59 NGC5044 54 0.68 1.6b 0.5 1.19 180 For our study, we require good photon statistics, and AWM7 106 1.9 13.2b 1.84 1.89 220 have therefore picked three of the brightest X-ray groups. Two of these (HCG51 and HCG62) are compact groups, whilst the third (NGC5044) is a loose group. In practice a blueluminosityofearly-typemembergalaxies (Mulchaey et al. 1996) the properties of compact groups b Assuming30%contributionofspiralstoatotalblueluminosity appeartobesimilartothoseof(X-raybright)loosegroups, andthedistinction between thetwomay notbefundamen- tal. For comparison, we also studya richer system,AWM7, ofallthesourceswereusedasaninputforASCAdatamod- (which should lie above the L:T break), but one which is elling.ForimaginganalysisoftheROSATdataweusedthe still cool enough to allow ASCA to determine abundances software described in Snowden et al. (1994) and references for a range of elements. therein. For the ROSAT/PSPC observation of HCG62 we In our study we use a 3-dimensional approach to mod- alsoperformedanindependentthree-dimensionalmodelling elling ofASCAdatafortheseobjects, and wealso compare analysisusingtheBirminghamclusterfittingpackage(Eyles our results for HCG62 with an independent 3-dimensional et al. 1991) for comparison with our ASCA results. analysis of ROSATPSPCdata usingtheBirmingham clus- In our approach to the analysis of ASCA data, where ter fitting package. Ho = 50 km s−1 Mpc−1 is assumed all thederived spectra are fitted simultaneously, and where throughout the paper. Unless clearly stated otherwise, all correlation between different regions is rather high, a sim- errors quotedin thispapercorrespond to90 percent confi- pleminimization of χ2 provestobeanill-posed task(Press dencelevel. et al. 1992, p.795). The best fitting model displays large fluctuationsintemperatureandmetallicity profilesasitat- temptstofitnoiseinthedata.Thesolutiontothisproblem is toaccept amuch smoother model which gives an accept- 2 ANALYSIS able fit (rather than the very best fit) to the data. This is IntheanalysisofASCAdata,presentedbelow,weuseddata achieved through regularization, which applies a prejudice fromtheSIS0andSIS1detectors,whichprovideenergyres- infavourofsomemeasureofsmoothness(Press etal.1992, olution of ∼75 eV at 1.5 keV. A detailed description of the p.801). We have made a default assumption that a linear ASCAobservatoryaswellastheSISdetectorscanbefound function(oflogradius)isagood representationofourtem- in Tanaka, Inoue & Holt (1994) and Burke et al. (1991). peratureandabundancedistributions.Departuresfrom lin- Standard data screening was carried out using FTOOLS earity are quantified by calculating the second derivative version 3.6. The effect of the broad ASCA PSF was sim- of the distribution, which is squared and added to the χ2 ulated, as described in Finoguenov et al. (1998), and the statistic. analysis allows for theprojection onto the sky of the three- Inusinganyregularization technique,special attention dimensional distribution of emitting gas. In this approach, shouldbepaidtothebalancebetweenmaximizingthelikeli- weuseROSATdatatoderivethesource’ssurfacebrightness hoodandoptimizingthesmoothnessofthesolution.Thisis profile,whichisrepresentedbyaoneortwocomponent“β- traditionally doneby introducing a weighting constant into model” (Jones&Forman 1984). Thisisused toconstructa the regularization term. We set this constant so as to ob- three-dimensionalmodelwhichisprojectedontotheregions tain a solution which lies within the 68 per cent confidence oftheSISdetectorschosenforextractingspectra.Thethick- regionsurroundingtheminimumχ2 (i.e.unsmoothed)solu- nessoftheshellsinour“onion peeling”techniqueischosen tion in then-parameterspace. The allowed offset in χ2 was to avoid any drastic variation of the temperature (T) and evaluated using theprescription of Lampton et al. (1976). metallicity (Z) within one bin, which would invalidate our Since regularization introduces a dependence of the single component spectral modelling. measurement in a given spatial bin on that from the ad- GIS data were not used in our analysis due to their jacent bins (due to the operation of the prejudice towards lower energy resolution and uncertainties in calibration be- smoothness), presenting formal error bars at every point is low 2 keV. Our techniquefor analyzing the ASCA data re- misleading. Instead, more valid representation is an area of stricts us to usage of ASCA pointings with less than 25′ possible parameter variation with radius. We choose a con- offset from thesource centre,dueto thesimilar restrictions fidence level of 90 per cent for these representations. Thus, in calibration data for the ASCA ray-traced PSF and the points will represent the best-fit solution, while a shaded importance of accounting for the stray light at larger offset zone will mark the area of solutions allowable within the angles (cf Ezawa et al. 1997). In practice this restriction is chosen confidence level. of importance only for theAWM7 analysis. Theanalysis presentedin thispaperdiffersfrom previ- All fits are based on the χ2 criterion. No energy rebin- ousworkontheseobjects(e.g. Fukazawa etal.1996),which ning is done, but a special error calculation was introduced have generally ignored the effects of projection and PSF following Churazov et al. (1996), to avoid ill effects from blurring.SincethePSFisenergy-dependent,simplifiedanal- small numbers of counts. ROSAT (Truemper 1983) images ysescangivemisleadingresults(Takahashi etal.1995).For (cid:13)c 1999RAS,MNRAS000,1–14 Constraining the Role of SN Ia and SN II in Galaxy Groups 3 relativelycoolsystems,likethegroupsstudiedhere,thereis an additional effect connected with thepossible presence of (a) temperaturegradients.Determination ofiron abundanceat temperatures ∼ 1 keV is based on L-shell lines. Individual lines in the L-shell complex are unresolved by ASCA, and merge into a broad peak with a position which is sensitive totemperature.Ifthetemperaturestructureisnotresolved ) and a mean temperature is used, then iron abundance will beunderestimatedbyasignificantfactor,becausetherewill −1 besome mismatch between peak positions. V To illustrate this effect, we simulate an SIS spectrum e 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 3 using the characteristics of the HCG62 data (ARF file, re- Energy, keV k sponsefile,durationoftheobservation).Themodelinvolves a mix of 2 temperatures: 0.7 keV and 1.2 keV, with both (b) components having equal emission measures (a “norm” pa- 1 rameter of 2.×10−4 in XSPEC, typical for the groups an- − s alyzed here) and all element abundances equal to 0.5 so- lar. MEKAL plasma code is used throughout this illustra- tion. When the simulated data are fitted with a single- s temperature model we find kT = 0.823 ± 0.026, Mg= t 0.18±0.14, Si=0.11±0.08 and Fe=0.19±0.03 with emis- n sionmeasurenormalizationbeing7.3±1.6×10−4.Hencethe u abundances are underestimated, and the emission measure overestimated. Such effects may compromise any study in o 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 3 Energy, keV which temperature structure is not resolved. This is likely c to apply even to thecurrent study,in central cooling flows, ( (c) wheresteeptemperaturegradientsandmultiphasegas may bepresent. In all our spectral modelling, we use the MEKAL x model(Mewe etal.1985, MeweandKaastra 1995, Liedahl u et al. 1995). Abundances of He and C were set to so- l lar values as in Anders & Grevesse (1989), where ele- f ment number abundances relative to hydrogen are (85.1, 12.3, 3.8, 3.55, 1.62, 0.36, 0.229, 4.68, 0.179)×10−5 for d O,Ne,Mg,Si,S,Ar,Ca,Fe,Ni, respectively. In the case of the threegroups,onlyMg,SiandFefeaturesareclearlyseenin e 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 3 thedata.WecuttheASCAspectraabove2.2keV,soSand l Energy, keV Ar features are outside the range of measurements, and ar- a range elements into four groups, based on their production c (d) history: O and Ne; Mg; Si, S and Ar; and Ca, Fe and Ni. S TheanalysisyieldsmeaningfulvaluesforabundancesofMg, SiandFe.OandNeresultsarenot derivedforgroups, and we do not group O with other elements, like Si, in order to avoid possible effects from ASCA calibration uncertainties atlowenergies. Forthesamereason,wedonotpresentany results for O abundancein theanalysis below. Our choice of the MEKAL plasma code leads to sys- tematicallylowertemperatures(atthe10–20percentlevel) 0.8 1 2 4 6 in the temperature range below 1 keV, compared to the Energy, keV Raymond-Smith code (Raymond et al. 1977). There have been made several attempts to quantify the uncertainty in the Fe abundances determined using L-shell line emission. Figure1.SpatiallyresolvedASCASISspectraof(a)NGC5044, It was shown in a study by Matsushita (1998), that if Fe atradiiof0′–2′–8′–16′ frombottomtotopplots,(b)HCG62,at abundanceisdecoupled from theotherheavy elements, the radii0′–1.5′–8′–16′ frombottomtotopplots,(c)HCG51,atradii range in Fe abundances derived from different codes is 20 0′–2′–6′frombottomtotopplots,and(d)AWM7,atradii0′–3′– per cent. We therefore add a systematic error of ±10 per 10′–25′ from bottom to top plots). Y-axis values are arbitrarily cent at 1σ confidencelevel to thederived Fe abundances. scaledforclarity. Using the 0.7–7.0 keV band in the case of AWM7, we fit all major elementsseparately, except for thegrouping of Ca and Ni with Fe, and obtain useful results for the abun- dances of Ne, Si, S and Fe. A special comment should be made on Mg. It has been noted (Mushotzky et al. 1996) (cid:13)c 1999RAS,MNRAS000,1–14 4 A. Finoguenov and T. J. Ponman Figure 2. Temperature profile of NGC5044. ROSAT PSPC Figure 3. Element abundances in NGC5044. ROSAT PSPC points are represented by black crosses, solidline represents the points are represented by black crosses, solid line represents the best-fitcurvedescribingASCAresultswithfilledcirclesindicat- best-fitcurvedescribingASCAresultswithfilledcirclesindicat- ing the spatial binning used. Shaded zone around the best fit ing the spatial binning used. Shaded zone around the best fit curvedenotes the90percentconfidence area. curvedenotesthe90percentconfidencearea.Lightshadedzone ontheFeabundance plotindicatesthecontributiontothiszone ofa10percentsystematicerror,asdiscussedinthetext. that inthecase ofcluster emission, thismay beaffected by the proximity of the poorly understood 4–2 transition lines ofiron,whichcannotberesolvedwithASCASIS.Thisprob- analysis discussed in the remainder of this section are col- lem affects our AWM7 data, however at the lower temper- lected together in Table 2. The radius within which these atures of groups, the relevant Fe L-shell lines are weak and masses are derived is listed in the second column of the ta- hence uncertainties in modelling them has little impact on ble. All error intervals are quoted at 90 per cent confidence theabundance of Mg determined. Spatially resolved ASCA level.Limits on masses areobtained byintegrating thecor- SIS spectra obtained for the sources in our study are illus- responding lower and upper 90 per cent boundary on the trated in Fig.1. abundance estimation and adding an error on gas mass es- timation in squared. 3 RESULTS In this section we present the details of the analysis and 3.1 NGC5044 results for each individual system analyzed. Optical data, whichwillbeusedforcomparisonwiththeX-rayresults,are The galaxy group NGC5044 is well-suited for spatially re- provided in Table 1. Columns in this table are: (1) system solved spectroscopy, it is nearby (z = 0.0087), and shows name, (2) adopted distance in Mpc, (3) B-band luminos- brightandfairly symmetricaldiffuseX-rayemission (David ityofthecentralgalaxy forthetwosystemswith dominant etal. 1994).Thegrouphasadominantcentralellipticalsur- central galaxies, (4) total luminosity of early-type galaxies, roundedbymanysmallergalaxies.FromanalysisofROSAT and (5) radius within which this optical luminosity is mea- PSPC observations (David et al. 1994) the diffuse X-ray sured. Optical data were taken from Hickson et al. (1992) emission of this object extends to ∼ 20′ radius (1′ corre- for HCG51 and HCG62, David et al. (1994) for NGC5044 sponds to 15.7 kpc). A strong temperature gradient is ob- andBeers etal.(1984)forAWM7.Forthelatterobjectwe served in the centre of the diffuse emission, pointing to the adopt a spiral fraction of 0.3, average for clusters, since no presenceofacoolingflow.Deprojectiongivesacentraltem- measurementsareavailabletodate,howeverourresultsare perature ∼0.8 keV. The mass accretion rate is significant insensitive to this choice. The remaining columns give: (6) onlywithinthecentral40kpcandamountsto∼10M⊙ per virialradiuscalculatedusingaformuladerivedfromsimula- year. The gas cooling time at r≈40 kpcis 109 yr. tionsbyNavarro etal.(1994),Rvirial=1.04Tk0e.5V(Ho/50)−1 ASCA observations of NGC5044 were carried out dur- Mpc,whereTisluminosityweightedX-raytemperature(ex- ing June 20–21 1993. We used a representation of the sur- cluding the cooling flow), and (7) optical core radius taken face brightness profile from ROSAT PSPC data given by a fromHickson etal.(1992),Ferguson&Sandage(1990)and β-modelwithparameters β=0.51, ra =10.6 kpc,obtained Dell’Antonio et al. (1995). from our analysis of ROSAT PSPC data in the 0–40′ re- Masses of gas and various metals derived in the X-ray gion, excluding point sources and a “cooling wake”, found (cid:13)c 1999RAS,MNRAS000,1–14 Constraining the Role of SN Ia and SN II in Galaxy Groups 5 Table 2.Cumulatedgasandmetalmasses. Name Rout Mgas MFe MSi MMg MS MNe kpc 1012 M⊙ 108 M⊙ 108 M⊙ 108 M⊙ 108 M⊙ 108 M⊙ HCG62 410 1.656(1.56–1.76) 3.82(1.8–5.8) 2.24(0.5–3.4) 0.23(0.1–3.8) — — HCG51 270 0.609(0.56–0.65) 4.05(3.0–5.1) 1.99(1.6–2.3) 1.59(0.6–1.9) — — NGC5044 270 0.965(0.92–1.00) 4.09(2.7–4.9) 1.75(1.1–2.2) 0.49(0.2–1.5) — — AWM7 790 21.34(21.1–21.5) 95.2(74–115) 75.7(61–89) — 9.4(1.3–18) 113(55–149) Figure 4. Temperature profile of HCG62. Results of a three- Figure 5. Mg, Si and Fe abundance profiles for HCG62 from dimensional analysis of ROSAT PSPC data, fitting a variety of ASCAdata.DatarepresentationissimilartoFig.3. modelstothedata,areshownindashedlines.Filledcirclesindi- catingthespatialbinningandtheshadedareashowingthe90per The ASCA abundances drop from 0.3, 0.5 and 0.5 solar at cent confidence level areaaround thebestfit(solidline)present r=40 kpctonear0.0, 0.2 and0.1 solar byr=200 kpcfor theASCASISresults. Mg, Si and Fe, respectively. Shown errors on Fe abundance are dominated by the assumed systematic uncertainty in byDavid etal. (1994).TocomparewithourASCAresults, modelling. we carried out an identical 3-dimensional spectral analysis with ROSATPSPC data. In Fig.2 we present atemperature profile of NGC5044. 3.2 HCG62 ROSATPSPCpointsarerepresentedbyblackcrosses,solid line represents the best-fit curve describing ASCA results HCG62, is a compact group, taken from the catalogue of withfilledcirclesindicatingthespatialbinningused.Shaded Hickson (1982), which was compiled by locating compact zonearoundthebestfitcurvedenotes90percentconfidence configurations of galaxies on the Palomar All Sky Survey area.TheASCAdataconfirmapronouncedcooling flowat in theE-band.HCG62 is themost luminous of theHickson thecentrewith atemperaturedrop from 100 kpcto10 kpc groupsintheX-ray(Ponman etal.,1996)andananalysisof byafactoroftwo.ASCAandROSATresultsagreeatradii theROSATPSPCdataforHCG62ispresentedinPonman exceeding30kpc,withthedisagreementatsmallradiiindi- &Bertram(1993).TheASCASISobservationanalyzedhere catingthepresenceofcomplextemperaturestructureinthe was carried out on January 14 1994. centralcoolingflow.Ourresultsagreewellwiththeprevious For our analysis we adopt a distance of 82 Mpc, which findingofDavid etal. (1994)thatbetween60and250kpc corresponds to a scale 1′= 23.9 kpc. The X-ray surface thegas is nearly isothermal. brightness profile is characterized by a double β-model fit- Element abundance profiles are shown in Fig.3. (We ted to the ROSAT PSPC data in the r =0−20 ′ interval. excludethecoolingregion,whereabundanceresultsmaybe The derived parameters of (β, ra) are (0.66, 10.3 kpc) and unreliable.) A significant decrease with radius is observed, (0.30, 52 kpc). Results of our analysis of ASCA SIS data andweseeforthefirsttimethatthisappliestoMgandSiin were then compared with the results of three-dimensional asimilarwaytoFe.Theabundanceofirondeterminedfrom modellingoftheROSATPSPCdatausingtheBirmingham ROSATdata(greypoints)alsoshowsadecreasewithradius. cluster fitting package (Eyles et al. 1991), which also al- (cid:13)c 1999RAS,MNRAS000,1–14 6 A. Finoguenov and T. J. Ponman Figure 6. Temperature profile of HCG51, derived from ASCA Figure 7. Mg,Siand Feabundance profiles inHCG51 derived SISdata.Thebest-fitcurvedoesnotindicatethepresenceofthe fromASCASISdata(datarepresentationissimilartoFig.3).No coolingflowinthe data, althoughthe uncertainty intheparam- significantgradients areseen. eterestimationislargefortheinnerpoints. link ASTERIX analysis system, to derive a surface bright- lowsfortheeffectsofprojection andenergydependentPSF ness profile for use in the ASCA datamodelling procedure. blurring, but adopts simple analytical models to represent Diffuse emission is centered on the brightest elliptical the continuous gas density and temperature distributions, galaxy in the group, and is detected in the HRI data out rather than the regularised discrete distributions employed to6′ from thegroup centre.Anadequatedescription of the in ourASCA analysis. profile in terms of β-models requires the introduction of a In Fig.4 we compare the temperature distributions de- secondcomponent givingparameters(β,ra)equalto(11.1, rivedfromtheASCAandROSATdatausingthesetwodif- 33.2 kpc) and (0.30, 81 kpc). ferent analysis systems. In the case of the ROSAT data, a ASCAobservationsofHCG51werecarriedoutonJune variety of different models for the temperature distribution 3–51994usingtwo-CCD modefortheSIS.Weadoptadis- have been fitted to the data, to give an indication of the tanceof154.7MpctoHCG51,whichgivesascale1′=45kpc. model dependence of the results. In general the two sets of The derived temperature and abundance profiles are resultsshowanencouraginglevelofagreement.Thetemper- presented in Fig.6 and 7. In contrast to the other systems ature profile is characterized bycooling at thecentre and a studied here, HCG51 does not show pronounced signs of a gradual decrease toward theedge of thegroup. cooling flow. The temperature is ∼ 1.35 keV, with some TheelementdistributionsderivedfromtheASCAanal- indicationofagentledeclinewithradius.Nevertheless,con- ysis,presentedinFig.5,showstronggradientsofMg,Siand sidering the confidence area for temperature estimation, it Feabundance,inthesamesenseasNGC5044.Atr=20kpc is possible to fit in the central cooling zone. The derived Mg and Si abundance are 0.4 solar, Fe is 0.3 solar. All de- abundances of Mg, Si and Fe do not show any significant clineto∼0.1solarbyaradiusof400kpc.TheFeabundance variation with radius. The lack of pronounced central cool- gradientimpliedbyROSATdatamatchestheASCAdatain ingandtheflatabundanceprofiles(contrastingwithstrong the outer parts, but rises to ∼0.6 solar at 40 kpc, although gradientsin theothersystems) stronglysuggest thatrecent this difference near the centre is still within the combined gas mixing has taken place in HCG51. 90% errors from both analyses. 3.4 AWM7 3.3 HCG51 ASCASISobservationsofAWM7wereobtainedduringAu- From results of the compact group survey of Ponman gust 7–8 1993 and February 10–12 1994. We adopt a dis- et al. (1996), HCG51 is one of the most X-ray luminous tancetoAWM7of105.6 Mpc,sothat1′=31kpc.Asurface of the compact groups. Apart from a short observation in brightness model was taken from the work of Neumann & the ROSAT All Sky Survey, the group was never observed Boehringer(1995),givingvaluesoftheparameters(β,ra)in by the ROSAT PSPC. However a 25 ksec observation was the two β-model approximation of (0.25, 5 kpc) and (0.53, obtainedinMay1995,andhasbeenreducedusingtheStar- 102kpc).Therelativenormalizationofthecomponentswas (cid:13)c 1999RAS,MNRAS000,1–14 Constraining the Role of SN Ia and SN II in Galaxy Groups 7 Figure8. TemperatureprofileofAWM7.Filledcirclesrepresent Figure 9. Abundances ofNe, Si,Sand FeinAWM7, obtained best fit to our ASCA SIS data with shaded area showing the 90 fromASCASISdata(datarepresentationissimilartoFig.3).An percentconfidencelevel.Crosses,denotedwithadottedlinerep- initialabundancedecreaseisfollowedbyflatteningataradiusof resentROSAT/PSPCdatafromNeumann&Boehringer(1995), ∼200kpc. solidblackcrossesdenote theresultsofEzawa etal.(1997). All confidence intervals on the plot are given at 90 per cent confi- cent, and Ne is poorly constrained. Hence allowing for the dence. effectsofcentralcoolingisonlylikelytoincreaseabundance gradients,andamplifythecontributionofα-elementsinthe chosen to give a central density ratio of 2, as obtained by centreof thecluster, which we discuss below. Neumann & Boehringer (1995). ToinvestigatethesystematiceffectsofASCAPSFcal- In Fig.8 we compare the temperature profile derived ibrationuncertainties,weexploredtheeffectsofvaryingthe here from ASCA data with the previous findings of Neu- spatialbinningofthedata.Theconclusion wederivedfrom mann & Boehringer (1995) and also from an annular spec- theseexercisesisthatthedetectedabundancegradientsare tral analysis (neglecting projection effects) of ASCA data robust,exceptionforthecentralexcessofsulphurinAWM7, by Ezawa et al. (1997). The latter authors have extended which was found tobe lower with coarser binning. their analysis to larger radii than the present work, due to amore detailed treatmentof stray light effects, butdid not apply any regularization, resulting in rather coarse spatial resolution.Thethreeanalysesareinbroadagreementapart 4 DISCUSSION fromnearthecentre,whereROSATdatashowthestrongest Using the above results for the abundance distributions of cooling flow,while theanalysis of Ezawa et al. (1997) does iron and α-elements in these systems, we now proceed to notrevealanytemperaturedecreaseatall.Ourtemperature examine the contributions from SNe II and SNe Ia to the profile is intermediate, but disagrees significantly with the metalenrichment.Wealsoderivetheironmasstolightratio ROSAT results only at r < 50 kpc, indicating the proba- (IMLR)for theintracluster gas ineach system, which gives ble presence of a multi-phase cooling flow, as discussed by clues about overall metal production and loss, and given Markevitch & Vikhlinin (1997). our derived supernova rates we evaluate the importance of In Fig.9 we present abundance profiles derived for Ne, energy injection by SNe. Finally, we consider our results in Si, S and Fe. All abundances show a decrease with radius thecontext of hierarchical clustering models. which, with the possible exception of Fe, flattens off out- side 200 kpc. Central values are 0.4, 1.1, 0.6 and 0.7 solar, respectively, dropping at r =800 kpc to 0.3, 0.5, 0.1 and 4.1 Roles of different types of SNe in chemical 0.2 solar. The strong cooling flow may be expected to af- enrichment of the IGM fect derived abundances in the inner regions, though the effects will be less severe than in cooler systems. To gauge The heavy elements liberated in type Ia and type II super- theseeffects we havefittedspectra from thecentral 3′ with novaediffermarkedlyintheratioofirontotheelements(O, a model including a cooling flow component. The inclusion Ne, Mg, Si and S) generated by the alpha-process. For ex- of such a component has a negligible effect on the derived ample, the Si/Fe abundance ratio is at least 4 times higher Fe abundance (which is largely based on the Fe K line for in the ejecta of SN II, compared to SN Ia. Unfortunately, thissystem),whilstabundancesofSiandSriseby∼35per the complexity of the theory of SN II explosions leads to (cid:13)c 1999RAS,MNRAS000,1–14 8 A. Finoguenov and T. J. Ponman 11 11 00..88 00..88 00..66 00..66 00..44 00..44 00..22 00..22 00 00 00 00..22 00..44 00..66 00..88 11 00 00..22 00..44 00..66 00..88 11 Figure 11. Input of SN Ia into the iron mass, calculated from Si/FeandNe/Feratios,assumingT95(leftpanel)andW95(right panel) yields for SN II. Points correspond to measurements at different radii in AWM7. Error bars are 1σ, and the points are notindependent duetoregularization. shaded area at the boundary points has an elliptical form. TheelementratiospredictedforSNIaandthechosenmod- elsof SNII areshown bystraight lines. Inaddition weplot a line corresponding to a 60 per cent contribution of SN Ia to the iron mass, calculated using the T95 model for SN II yields and theTNH93 model for SN Ia yields. Also marked Figure 10. Ne, Si and S mass vs Fe mass in AWM7. Crosses are the results of Mu96, which agree with our values well represent ASCA SIS data from Mu96. Filledcircles indicate our at comparable radii. Note that Si/Fe (and Ne/Fe) is lower best-fitsolutionwithshadedregionsdenotingthe90percentcon- than the Mu96 value at smaller radii, but continues to rise fidenceintervals.Thelong-dashedlineshowsthetheoreticalmass ratioforSNIayield(TNH93model),whilstSNIIyieldsfromthe towards SN II-likeratios at larger radii. compilationofGibson etal.(1997) areshownbysolidanddot- An anomaly immediately apparent in Fig.10, is that ted lines denoting a choice of T95 and W95 yields, respectively. whilstNeandSimassesshowsimilarbehaviourintheSNIa (These coincide in the case of Si.) The dashed line represents a –SNIIreferenceframe,theS/Feratioisapproximatelycon- 60 per cent contribution of SN Ia to the iron enrichment, using stant through the cluster. The anomalous behaviour of the T95yieldsforSNII. S/Fe ratio was also noted in integrated spectra by Mu96. Wenotethatnotonlytheabsolutevalue,butalsothetrend a substantial uncertainty in SN II yields between different in the S abundance is anomalous. The observed S/Fe ra- models.First attemptstoconfronttheabundancemeasure- tio is consistent with 100 percent Feproduction by SNeIa mentsinclusterswith theoreticalpredictionsweremadeby throughout the cluster, while from other elements it varies Loewenstein&Mushotzky(1996).Theirconclusionwasthat from70percentdownto30percent,frominnertoouterra- for some models one doesn’t need any SN Ia to reproduce dialpoints.SuchbehaviourappearstoimplythattheSNII the observed element ratios. They also found that none of model yields for sulphur are incorrect or that the observed the models they considered could self-consistently explain abundanceis modified bysome additional physical process. all theelement ratios observed. Leavingsulphurasideasunreliable,wecanderiveinde- TurningtoourobservationofAWM7–thisisoneofthe pendent estimates of the fraction of the iron which is con- objectsstudiedbyLoewenstein&Mushotzky(1996,LM96), tributed by SN Ia from the Si/Fe and Ne/Fe ratios, using based on the measurements of Mushotzky et al. (1996, a given pair of models for the SN Ia and SN II yields. This Mu96), but we are able to build a more detailed picture, can be used as a test of the consistency of the models. In sincewehaveresolvedtheradialelementdistributions.SNII Fig.11wecomparetheresultsforAWM7usingtheT95and yieldsaretakenfromtherecentworkofGibson etal.(1997), W95modelsforSNII(theTNH93modelyieldsareadopted where an attempt was made to put different theoretical for SN Ia in each case). Both models appear acceptable in predictions onto the same mass grid for more direct com- this case. For comparison, the SN II model of Thielemann parison. We use models T95 and W95(A,Z⊙), from Gibson et al. (1996; yields for Fe and Si are 0.11 and 0.08 in so- etal.(1997),whicharebothintegratedoveraSalpeterIMF. lar masses), which LM96 note can give a reasonable match SN Ia yields are subject to much less uncertainty, and are to most of their integrated abundances without any SN Ia takenfromThielemann etal.(1993,TNH93).Averagestel- contribution, fails to explain the high Si/Fe ratio which we lar yields for Ne, Mg, Si, S, Fe in solar masses are 0.232, observeat the outerradii in our AWM7 analysis. 0.118, 0.133, 0.040, 0.121 for the T95 model; 0.181, 0.065, Our data on the abundance ratios in the groups are 0.124, 0.058, 0.113 for the W95 model; 0.005, 0.009, 0.158, presented in Fig.12. Again, these ratios indicate significant 0.086, 0.744 for theTNH93 model. contributionsfrom both SNIaand SNII,but thevariation In Fig.10 we consider the behaviour of the cumulative oftheelement ratios with radiusisless pronounced thanin massesofα-elementsplottedagainstthecumulativemassof AWM7.TheroleofSNeIainironproductionisthestrongest iron.Theshadedzonerepresentsthe90percentconfidence inNGC5044,wheretheyprovide75(54−98)percentofthe areafordeviationfrom eitherparameter,sotheform ofthe ironwithintheregionanalyzed,whileinHCG62andHCG51 (cid:13)c 1999RAS,MNRAS000,1–14 Constraining the Role of SN Ia and SN II in Galaxy Groups 9 Figure 12. Mg and Si mass vs Fe mass in NGC5044 (left), HCG51 (center) and HCG62 (right). Line coding for the theoretical SNe yieldsanddatarepresentationissimilartoFig.10. from SN Ia and SN II. The situation is complicated by the 11 11 likelihood thattherewillalso besomecontamination ofthe 00..88 00..88 IGMbymetalsreleasedwithingalaxiesbystellarmassloss. 00..66 00..66 Assumingthatmost of themetals in theIGMareliberated from early-type galaxies (Arnaud et al. 1992) the abun- 00..44 00..44 danceratiosofsuchwindswouldbesimilartothatofSNII, 00..22 00..22 sothiscontributionwill effectively beincludedintheSNII 00 00 componentinourdecomposition.Aswewill seeinthenext --00..22 --00..22 section, the stellar wind contribution, if it can escape from galaxies, may be significant, but should not be a dominant --00..44 --00..44 component in theobserved mass of metals. 00 00..22 00..44 00..66 00..88 11 00 00..22 00..44 00..66 00..88 11 For our decomposition of the iron profile into the two Figure 13. Input of SN Ia into the iron mass, calculated from major SN types, we use the Si and Fe abundance measure- Si/FeandMg/Feratios,assumingT95(leftpanel)andW95(right ments and the yields of T95. This approach has theadvan- panel)yieldsforSNII.SolidlinedenotesNGC5044data,dashed tages that Si and Fe are measured for all systems studied –HCG51anddotted–HCG62.Errorbarsare1σ,andthepoints here, the Si abundance is the best constrained of the α- arenotindependent duetoregularization. elements, and the spread in the Si/Fe yields between the T95 model and the various models of W95 is small. This the corresponding values are somewhat lower and amount provides more confidence in the derived results. In Fig.14 to 48 (10−100) and 68 (40−95) per cent, respectively. wepresenttheironprofileattributedtoSNII(upperpanel) ConsistencybetweentheestimatesoftheSNIacontribution and SN Ia (lower panel) for all each of our systems apart fromSi/FeandMg/FeissomewhatbetterfortheT95model from HCG51, which has essentially uniform abundances of than for W95. But both models are acceptable within the all elements, as was shown earlier. errors, as is illustrated in Fig.13. The main feature seen in Fig.14 is the strong central TheneedforasignificantSNIacontributiontoexplain concentration of the SN Ia iron profile, in comparison to a the abundance ratios in the systems we study has interest- flatterdistributionintheSNIIironcontribution.Notethat ingimplications forthedebateon thechemicalevolution of thefact that theSi/Feratio varies significantly with radius ellipticalgalaxies.Inparticular,oneoftheoptionsdiscussed in three of these systems implies the need for at least two byArimoto et al. (1996) toaccount for theapparentlylow differentsourcesofenrichment,irrespectiveofthedetailsof abundances seen in the hot gas within ellipticals, was that specific models for supernovayields. the SN Ia rate has always been low. This option is ruled ToanalyzethecentralexcessintheSNeIacontribution, out by our results, and also by the findings of Fukazawa wefittedaKingprofile.Thevaluesofthefittedcoreradiiare et al. (1998). 60(27–121)kpcforHCG62,117(65–213) kpcforNGC5044 and 171 (104–262) kpc for AWM7, which compares with theircorrespondingopticalcoreradiiof27,180and230kpc. 4.2 Iron profiles for SN Ia and SN II We return to the broad similarity between these core radii The iron abundance gradients seen in most of our systems below. show that the IGM is not completely mixed. In addition IfitisassumedthatSNIIejectaescapeprimarilyfrom toFe,abundancegradientsaredetectedforα-elements:Mg early-type galaxies, where they are generated by an initial andSiinHCG62andNGC5044,andNe,SiandSinAWM7. massive burst of star formation accompanying the birth of As discussed above in relation to AWM7, the balance be- thesegalaxies(e.g.Matthews1989),orbysubsequentbursts tween the contribution of different SNe types could be a triggered by galaxy merging ( Schweizer & Seitzer 1992), variable function of radius. To explore this further, we use then their injection will be closely associated with active theratioofα-elementstoironasafunctionofradiustode- star formation, and take place via highly energetic winds. compose the iron profile into radially varying contributions The fact that the SN II productsare so widely distributed, (cid:13)c 1999RAS,MNRAS000,1–14 10 A. Finoguenov and T. J. Ponman Figure14. Ironprofilesdecomposedintothetwomajortypesof Figure 15. Spatially resolved IMLR. The solid line repre- SNe. Solidlines represent AWM7 data, dashed line– NGC5044, sents AWM7 data, long dashed line – NGC5044, short-dashed dotted –HCG62. Results for HCG51 arenot shown since abun- –HCG51,dotted–HCG62.Errorsdonotexceed20percentand dances shownosignificantvariations. arenegligiblecomparedtotrendsseenintheFigure. 4.3 Iron mass to light ratios in contrast to the SN Ia ejecta, which are expected to be TheIMLRisacomparisonoftheamountofheavyelements released over a much longer timescale after star formation, with optical luminosity, as an indicator of the ability of a suggests that the bulk of the SN II activity occurred early system to synthesize and retain elements. Having resolved in thelife of thesystem. This is consistent with thepicture the spatial behaviour of the elements, it is straightforward of Ponman, Cannon & Navarro (1999), who find that most to compare it with the distribution of optical light, rather ofthesupernovaenergyinjection mustactuallyprecedethe thananintegralvalue.Inthefollowing,wewillassumethat collapse of groups and clusters in order to account for the thedistribution ofgalaxies inoursystemsisadequatelyde- magnitude of therise seen in the entropyof thegas. scribedbyaKingprofile,characterized bysomecoreradius The totallevel of FeattributedtoSNII productsindi- (Rc).Inadditionweseparatethecentralgalaxyfromthedis- catestheabilityofthesystemtoretainSNII-drivenwinds. tributioninthecasesofAWM7andNGC5044,whereitcon- Groups are characterized by a small spread around a value tributesasubstantialfraction ofthetotallight.Thismeans of0.1solar,withaveragevaluesof0.07±0.02forNGC5044 effectively an addition of a central ”point” of light. Param- and0.11±0.03 forHCG62, howevertheSNII contribution eterscharacterizingtheopticalluminosity,LB,cD,LB,RLB in both systems drops below 0.05 solar at large radii. The and Rc, are presented in Table 1. SNIIcontributiontothewellmixedIGMinHCG51isequal We normalize the distribution to the observed values to 0.10±0.02, within theregion analyzed. (LB) within some radius (RLB) for AWM7 and NGC5044. In AWM7, theSN IIcontribution totheFeabundance ForHicksongroupswerequiretheobservedblueluminosity outside the core is reasonably flat, at a level of 0.13±0.01 (Hickson et al. 1992) to be reached at the virial radius of solar. Inthecoreofthecluster,theSNIIcontributionrises eachsystem.AccordingtothestudyofArnaud etal.(1992) byafactoroftwo.Thiscentralexcess,whichcanbecharac- the metal content in clusters is correlated with the total terized by aKingprofile with a 55 (30–90) kpccore radius, blue luminosity of early-type member galaxies rather than has some similarity with ASCA results for A1060 (Tamura with thelate-types.The valuesofLB,listed in Table1 and et al. 1996), where a concentration of α-elements towards used in calculating the IMLR, therefore includes only the the cluster centre was detected. Both clusters are nearby contributionfromearly-types.Inthecaseofcompactgroups and it is quite probable that we are resolving the contri- there is good evidence that the core galaxies cataloged by bution to the metals arising from stellar wind losses in the Hicksonareaccompaniedbyabroaderdistributionofmostly centralcDgalaxy.ThefactthattheIMLRinthecentralre- fainter galaxies. This may increase the optical luminosity gionofAWM7isbelowthelevelexpectedfrom stellarmass somewhat. InthecaseofHCG62, thestudyofDeCarvalho loss(seenextsection)supportsthissuggestion.However,in et al. (1997) indicates that the optical luminosity we use NGC5044, which also contains a dominant central galaxy, mightbeincreasedbyuptoonethird,ifalltheextragalaxies nosuchexcessexistsbeyondtheinnerradiusof40kpcem- (which havenot been typed) were early-types. ployed in ouranalysis. AcomparisonoftheintegratedIMLRintheIGM,plot- (cid:13)c 1999RAS,MNRAS000,1–14

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