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Preview Conservation of reactive electromagnetic energy in reactive time

Conservation of reactive EM energy in reactive time Gerald Kaiser* Center for Signals and Waves Portland, OR [email protected] 5 Abstract—The complex Poynting theorem (CPT) is extended to F(r,t) be a typical field such as E(r,t),H(r,t) or J(r,t). 1 a canonical time-scale domain (t,s). Time-harmonic phasors Its analytic signal is defined as the positive-frequencypart of 0 are replaced by the positive-frequency parts of general fields, its Fourier representation: 2 which extend analytically to complex time t+is, with s >0 n einxtteernpdreedtedCPaTs gaivetismceonrseesrovluattiioonn isncatle.ofTahetimreea-lavperaargtedoffitehlde F(r,t)= 1 ∞dωeiωtFω(r). (1) a π Z energy, and itsimaginary partgives conservation ins of atime- 0 J 5 aavreeradgeetedrmreiancetdivebyenaergCya.uIcnhyboktehrncealseosf, twhiedtahve∆ratgi∼ng±wsin.dTohwiss To avoidambiguitiesatω =0, we assumethatF hasno‘DC component,’i.e.,F (r)=0.2 IfF isreal,itcanberecovered completes the time-harmonic CPT, whose imaginary part is 0 ] generally supposed to be vaguely ‘related to’ reactive energy fully from F by taking the real part, s c without giving a conservation law, or even an expression, for i the latter. The interpretation of s as reactive time, tracking the F(r,t)=ℜF(r,t). t p leads and lags associated with stored capacitative and inductive o energy, gives a simple explanation of the volt-ampere reactive Since the integral (1) is restricted to ω > 0, it extends . (var) unit measuring reactive power: a var is simply one Joule analytically to the upper-half complex time plane by s per reactive second. The related complex radiation impedance c si draendsiaittye.is introduced to represent the field’s local reluctance to F(r,t+is)= 1 ∞dωeiω(t+is)Fω(r), s>0. (2) y π Z 0 h p The integrand gains a low-pass filter with transfer function [ I. INTRODUCTION e−ωs, which suppresses frequencies ω >>1/s. 1 The complex Poynting theorem is incomplete. While its real A direct time-domain representation of (2) is given by the v part is an energy conservation law, the contents of its imagi- Cauchy transform 5 narypartarelessclear.ThusJackson[1, page265]writes:“It 0 i ∞ dt′ 10 iesnaercgoymfpolrextheeqtuimatieo-navwerhaogseedreqaulapnatrittiegsivaensdthwehcoosneseirmvaatgiionnaoryf F(r,τ)= π Z−∞ τ −t′ F(r,t′), τ =t+is, (3) 0 partrelates to the reactiveor stored energyand its alternating which is a convolution with the Cauchy kernel: . flow.” Jackson is referring to the term 1 0 iω(B·H∗−E·D∗) F(r,t+is)=Cs∗F(r,t), Cs(t)= i . (4) 5 π(t+is) 1 measuring the balance of stored magnetic and electric ener- : gies, which determines the reactance of a circuit or antenna Roughly,F(r,t+is)dependsonF(r,t′)intheintervalt±s. v i under certain conditions. This suggests that the quantity in Hence we say that s is a time resolution scale and call (t,s) X parentheses should somehow be interpreted as a reactive the time-scale domain. ar energydensity.But nowherein the physicsor engineeringlit- To complete the CPT, note that Maxwell’s equations extend eraturehaveIbeenabletofindanexactspace-timeexpression analytically to complex time: for reactive energy in terms of the fields. I propose one here [2]. ∇×E(r,τ)=−∂τH(r,τ) In the process of completion, the CPT will be extended to ∇×H(r,τ)=∂τE(r,τ)+J(r,τ). fieldswitharbitrarytimedependence.Thephasorswhichenter These imply the extended complex Poynting theorem [2] the time-harmonic CPT will be replaced with the analytic signals of general fields. ∂tU −i∂sX + 1∇·(E×H∗)=−1E·J∗ (5) 2 2 II. THE CPT EXTENDEDTOTHETIME-SCALEDOMAIN where To minimize the notation, we work with vacuum fields and U(r,t,s)= 1(|H|2+|E|2)=scaled active energy density 4 use natural Heaviside-Lorentz units (ε0 = µ0 = c = 1).1 Let X(r,t,s)= 1(|H|2−|E|2)=scaled reactive energy density. 4 *Supported byAFOSRGrant#FA9550-12-1-0122. 1Whereappropriate forphysicalclarity, cwillbereinstated inequations. 2Static fieldscanbeadded‘byhand’asin[2]. III. DUAL CONSERVATION LAWS V. FIELD INERTIA AND RADIATION IMPEDANCE In [4] and [5] I defined the inertia density of an electromag- The real and imaginary parts of (5) are netic field by analogy with the mass of a relativistic particle ∂tU + 1∇·ℜ(E×H∗)=−1ℜ(E·J∗) (6) of energy E and momentum p, 2 2 −∂sX + 1∇·ℑ(E×H∗)=−1ℑ(E·J∗) (7) m=c−2 E2−c2p2 ≡ E2−p2 (c=1). (8) 2 2 p p For a vacuum field of energy density U = 1(E2+H2) and The scaled densities in (5) are defined by the convolution(4), 2 momentumdensityS =E×H,theinertiadensityistherefore hence they are windowed time averages over ∆t ∼ ±s. The real part (6) is a conservationlaw in t of the averaged energy I(r,t)≡ U2−S2. (9) at scale s. This is the time-domain counterpartof the period- p By elementary vector algebra, averaged energy density in the harmonic CPT. However, the imaginary part (7) is not a conservation law in I(r,t)= R2+X2 (10) p time but in the time scale s. It states that the scaled reactive where energy is conserved with respect to scale refinements.3 This R(r,t)=|E·H| and X(r,t)= 1(H2−E2). (11) is rather unconventional, but we have no choice. If the CPT 2 is extended to the time domain only by fixing s ≡ 0, then I also showed that although the fields propagate at speed c, its imaginary part is not a conservation law [3]. To obtain their energy flows at the local velocity symmetry between the real and imaginary parts of the CPT, S(r,t) we must extend it to t+is, and then (5) follows inevitably. v(r,t)= , (12) U(r,t) Since the mathematics seems to insist that (5) is the proper which implies that |v(r,t)|≤c at every event (r,t) and extension, let us try to make sense of it. |v(r,t)|=c ⇔ {R(r,t)=X(r,t)=0}. (13) The conditions R=X =0 thus define pure radiation. For a IV. THESCALE PARAMETERAS REACTIVE TIME genericfield,theyholdonlyasymptoticallyinthefarzone;see [4]. Thus we conclude, counter-intuitively, that instantaneous Asa consequenceofthenon-localityof(4),Fhasa temporal electromagnetic energy generally flows at speeds less than c, uncertainty ∆t∼±s. This creates a banking opportunity: evenin vacuum!In fact, (13) showsthatthe Lorentz-invariant • Givens>0,energyneednotbeconservedinstantaneously, scalars R and X are precisely the impediments to radiation. only in an average sense over time intervals of duration 2s. Let us therefore express (10) in the suggestive form •Hencethesystemcanborrowenergyfromthefutureinterval I(r,t)=|Z(r,t)|, where Z(r,t)=R(r,t)+iX(r,t) ∆t ∼ s and use it to repay energy loans made in the past maybecalledtheradiationimpedancedensitybyanalogywith interval∆t∼−s,andvice-versa.Therefore(5) candealwith its namesake in circuit theory. Since X (11) is the unscaled energyleadsandlagsatalltimescaless>0.While(6)deals version of the reactive energy density X in (7), we call it with average energy, (7) deals with the credits and debits. the field reactance density. This suggests that R is the field • In the limit s→0, (6) implies the real Poynting theorem,4 analogofresistanceandshouldsomehowbeinterpretedasthe requiringtheconservationoftheinstantaneousenergy[2].No radiationresistancedensity.Thatisnotasfar-fetchedasitmay such connection exists with the time-harmonic CPT since the seem.Justasaparticle’smass(8)impedesitsacceleration,so averaging there is over a fixed period 2π/ω >0. doesafield’s‘complexinertiadensity’Z impedeitsradiation. The scaled versions of I,Z,R,X are easily found to be This suggests interpreting s as reactive time, measured in seconds reactive (sr), to track energy leads and lags. The I(r,t,s)≡ U2− 1|E×H∗|2 =|Z(r,t,s)| (14) physical units in (7) must then be as follows: q 4 where [ℑ(E×H∗)]=J/m2/sr, [ℑ(E·J∗]=J/m3/sr. Z =R+iX, R= 1|E·H|, X = 1(|H|2−|E|2). (15) 2 4 This fully explains the volt ampere reactive (var) unit com- REFERENCES monly used to measure reactive power: [1] JDJackson,ClassicalElectrodynamics,thirdedition.JohnWiley&Sons, 1var=1V·ar=1V·C/sr=1J/sr NewYork,1999 [2] GKaiser,Completing thecomplexPoyntingtheorem:Conservation ofreactiveenergyin where amperes reactive (ar) are the units of reactive current. Preprint,December 2014 [3] T D Carozzi, J E S Bergman and R L Karlsson, Complex Poynting Withoutanotionofreactivetime,thevarseemsratheradhoc. Theoremasconservation law,2005(unpublished) [4] GKaiser,Electromagnetic inertia, reactive energy,andenergyflowvelocity. 3Due to the sign of −∂sX in (7) and the fact that X → 0 as s → ∞, J.Phys.A:Math.Theor.44(2011)345206 theorientationofsisfromcoarsetofinescalesandX(r,t,s)representsthe [5] G Kaiser, TheReactive EnergyofTransientEMFields. IEEE Interna- cumulative reactive energydensityatallscales s′≥s;see[2,Section5]. tionalSymposiumonAntennasandPropagationandUSNC-URSINational 4IthankArthurYaghjian forthisobservation. RadioScience Meeting, Session563,July13,2012

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