Computational Mesomechanics of Composites ComputationalMesomechanicsofComposites: Numerical analysis of the effect of microstructures of composites on their strength and damage resistance L. Mishnaevsky Jr ©2007JohnWiley&Sons,Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-02764-6 Computational Mesomechanics of Composites Numerical analysis of the effect of microstructures of composites on their strength and damage resistance LEONMISHNAEVSKYJR RisøNationalLaboratory,TechnicalUniversityofDenmark,Roskilde,Denmark Copyright©2007 JohnWiley&SonsLtd,TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester, WestSussexPO198SQ,England Telephone (cid:2)+44(cid:3)1243779777 Email(forordersandcustomerserviceenquiries):[email protected] AllRightsReserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystemortransmittedinanyformor byanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,scanningorotherwise,exceptunderthetermsofthe Copyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988orunderthetermsofalicenceissuedbytheCopyrightLicensingAgencyLtd,90 TottenhamCourtRoad,LondonW1T4LP,UK,withoutthepermissioninwritingofthePublisher.RequeststothePublisher shouldbeaddressedtothePermissionsDepartment,JohnWiley&SonsLtd,TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester,West SussexPO198SQ,England,[email protected],orfaxedto(+44)1243770620. 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TA418.9.C6M5882007 620.1(cid:2)183—dc22 2007013494 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN978-0-470-02764-6 Typesetin10/12ptTimesbyIntegraSoftwareServicesPvt.Ltd,Pondicherry,India PrintedandboundinGreatBritainbyAntonyRoweLtd,Chippenham,Wiltshire Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaperresponsiblymanufacturedfromsustainableforestry inwhichatleasttwotreesareplantedforeachoneusedforpaperproduction. Contents About the Author xi Preface xiii Acknowledgements xvii 1 Composites 1 1.1 Classification and types of composites 1 1.2 Deformation, damage and fracture of composites: micromechanisms and roles of phases 5 1.2.1 Particle and short fiber reinforced composites 5 1.2.2 Long fiber reinforced composites 8 1.2.3 Laminates 10 References 11 2 Mesoscale level in the mechanics of materials 13 2.1 On the definitions of scale levels: micro- and mesomechanics 13 2.2 Size effects 14 2.2.1 Brittle and quasi-brittle materials 14 2.2.2 Metals 15 2.2.3 Thin films 16 2.3 Biocomposites 17 2.3.1 Nacre 17 2.3.2 Sponge spicules 18 2.3.3 Bamboo 19 2.3.4 Teeth 20 2.3.5 Bones 21 2.4 On some concepts of the improvement of material properties 22 2.4.1 Gradient composite materials 23 2.4.2 The application of coatings 23 2.4.3 Layered metal matrix composites 23 2.4.4 Surface composites 24 2.4.5 Agglomerates of small scale inclusions and the ‘double dispersion’ microstructures of steels 24 2.4.6 Inclusion networks 25 vi Contents 2.4.7 Interpenetrating phase composites (IPCs) 25 2.4.8 Hyperorganized structure control 26 2.4.9 Summary 27 2.5 Physical mesomechanics of materials 27 2.6 Topological and statistical description of microstructures of composites 29 References 32 3 Damage and failure of materials: concepts and methods of modeling 37 3.1 Fracture mechanics: basic concepts 37 3.1.1 Griffith theory of brittle fracture 38 3.1.2 Stress field in the vicinity of a crack 39 3.1.3 Stress intensity factor and energy release rate 39 3.1.4 J-integral and other models of plastic effects 40 3.2 Statistical theories of strength 42 3.2.1 Worst flaw and weakest link theories 42 3.2.2 Random processes and stochastic equations 44 3.2.3 Fiber bundle models and chains of fiber bundles 46 3.3 Damage mechanics 48 3.3.1 Models of elastic solids with many cracks 48 3.3.2 Phenomenological analysis of damage evolution (continuum damage mechanics) 49 3.3.3 Micromechanical models of void growth in ductile materials 50 3.3.4 Thermodynamic damage models 51 3.3.5 Nonlocal and gradient enhanced damage models 53 3.4 Numerical modeling of damage and fracture 55 References 60 4 Microstructure–strength relationships of composites: concepts and methods of analysis 65 4.1 Interaction between elements of microstructures: physical and mechanical models 65 4.1.1 Theories of constrained plastic flow of ductile materials reinforced by hard inclusions 66 4.1.2 Shear lag model and its applications 69 4.2 Multiscale modeling of materials and homogenization 71 4.2.1 Multiscale modeling 72 4.2.2 Homogenization 74 4.3 Analytical estimations and bounds of overall elastic properties of composites 75 4.3.1 Rule-of-mixture and classical Voigt and Reuss approximations 76 4.3.2 Hashin–Shtrikman bounds 78 4.3.3 Dilute distribution model 80 4.3.4 Effective field method and Mori–Tanaka model 80 4.3.5 Composite sphere and composite cylinder assemblage 81 4.3.6 Self-consistent models and other effective medium methods 82 4.3.7 Method of cells and transformation field analysis 84 4.3.8 Incorporation of detailed microstructural information: three-point approximation 86 Contents vii 4.3.9 Generalized continua: nonlocal and gradient-enhanced models 87 4.3.10 Nonlinear material behavior 88 4.4 Computational models of microstructures and strength of composites 89 4.4.1 Unit cell models of composites 90 4.4.2 How to incorporate real microstructures of materials into numerical models 98 References 105 5 Computational experiments in the mechanics of materials: concepts and tools 115 5.1 Concept of computational experiments in the mechanics of materials 115 5.2 Input data for the simulations: determination of material properties 116 5.2.1 Nanoindentation 117 5.2.2 In-situ experiments using a scanning electron microscope 117 5.2.3 Inverse analysis 118 5.3 Program codes for the automatic generation of 3D microstructural models of materials 120 5.3.1 Program Meso3D for the automatic geometry-based generation of 3D microstructural FE models of materials 120 5.3.2 Program Voxel2FEM for the automatic voxel-based generation of 3D microstructural FE models of materials 123 References 127 6 Numerical mesomechanical experiments: analysis of the effect of microstructures of materials on the deformation and damage resistance 129 6.1 Finite element models of composite microstructures 130 6.2 Material properties used in the simulations 130 6.3 Damage modeling in composites with the User Defined Fields 131 6.3.1 Damage mechanisms and failure conditions 131 6.3.2 Subroutine User Defined Field 132 6.3.3 Interface debonding 133 6.4 Stability and reproducibility of the simulations 134 6.5 Effect of the amount and volume content of particles on the deformation and damage in the composite 137 6.6 Effect of particle clustering and the gradient distribution of particles 141 6.7 Effect of the variations of particle sizes on the damage evolution 145 6.8 Ranking of microstructures and the effect of gradient orientation 147 References 149 7 Graded particle reinforced composites: effect of the parameters of graded microstructures on the deformation and damage 151 7.1 Damage evolution in graded composites and the effect of the degree of gradient 153 7.2 ‘Bilayer’ model of a graded composite 159 7.3 Effect of the shape and orientation of elongated particles on the strength and damage evolution: nongraded composites 161 7.4 Effect of the shape and orientation of elongated particles on the strength and damage evolution: graded composites 165 viii Contents 7.5 Effect of statistical variations of local strengths of reinforcing particles and the distribution of the particle sizes 168 7.6 Combined Reuss–Voigt model and its application to the estimation of stiffness of graded materials 172 7.6.1 Estimation of the stiffness of materials with arbitrarily complex microstructures: combined Reuss–Voigt model 172 7.6.2 Effect of the degree of gradient on the elastic properties of the composite 172 7.6.3 Inclined interface: effect of the orientation of interfaces on the elastic properties 176 References 177 8 Particle clustering in composites: effect of clustering on the mechanical behavior and damage evolution 179 8.1 Finite element modeling of the effect of clustering of particles on the damage evolution 179 8.1.1 Numerical models of clustered microstructures and statistical characterization of the microstructures 181 8.1.2 Simulation of damage and particle failure in clustered microstructures 183 8.2 Analytical modeling of the effect of particle clustering on the damage resistance 187 8.2.1 Cell array model of a composite 187 8.2.2 Probabilistic analysis of damage accumulation in a cell 191 8.2.3 Effect of particle clustering on the fracture toughness 193 References 195 9 Interpenetrating phase composites: numerical simulations of deformation and damage 197 9.1 Geometry-based and voxel array based 3D FE model generation: comparison 200 9.2 Gradient interpenetrating phase composites 202 9.3 Isotropic interpenetrating phase composites 207 9.3.1 Effect of the contiguity of interpenetrating phases on the strength of composites 207 9.3.2 Porous plasticity: open form porosity 210 References 212 10 Fiber reinforced composites: numerical analysis of damage initiation and growth 215 10.1 Modeling of strength and damage of fiber reinforced composites: a brief overview 215 10.1.1 Shear lag based models and load redistribution schemas 215 10.1.2 Fiber bundle model and its versions 219 10.1.3 Fracture mechanics based models and crack bridging 220 10.1.4 Micromechanical models of damage and fracture 223 Contents ix 10.2 Mesomechanical simulations of damage initiation and evolution in fiber reinforced composites 225 10.2.1 Unit cell model and damage analysis 226 10.2.2 Numerical simulations: effect of matrix cracks on the fiber fracture 228 10.2.3 Numerical simulations: interface damage initiation and its interaction with matrix cracks and fiber fractures 229 References 235 11 Contact damage and wear of composite tool materials: micro–macro relationships 239 11.1 Micromechanicalmodelingofthecontactwearofcomposites:abrief overview 240 11.2 Mesomechanical simulations of wear of grinding wheels 243 11.3 Micro–macro dynamical transitions for the contact wear of composites: ‘black box modeling’ approach 245 11.3.1 Model of the tool wear based on the ‘black box modeling’ approach 245 11.3.2 Effect of the loading conditions on the tool wear 250 11.3.3 Experimental verification: approach and steady state cutting regimes 252 11.4 Microscale scattering of the tool material properties and the macroscopic efficiency of the tool 253 11.4.1 Statistical description of tool shapes 254 11.4.2 Effect of the scattering of the tool material properties on the efficiency of the tool 257 11.4.3 Principle of the optimal tool design 259 References 261 12 Future fields: computational mesomechanics and nanomaterials 265 References 267 13 Conclusions 269 Index 271 About the Author Leon Mishnaevsky Jr, born in 1964 in Kiev (Ukraine), graduatedfromtheKievCivilEngineeringUniversityin 1987,receivedhisdoctoratefromtheUSSRAcademyof Sciencesin1991andhisDr.-Habil.degreeinMechanics fromtheDarmstadtUniversityofTechnology(Germany) in 2005. From 1981 till 1994 he worked at the Institute forSuperhardMaterials,UkrainianAcademyofSciences, Kiev.AfteraoneyearresearchstayattheViennaUniver- sity of Technology (Austria) in 1994–1995, he joined the State Materials Testing Institute (MPA), Univer- sity of Stuttgart as a Humboldt fellow and later as a ResearchAssociate.AfterbeingawardedtheHeisenberg Fellowship of the German Research Council (DFG) in 2003, he started his work at the Darmstadt University of Technology, sharing his time between Darmstadt and Stuttgart. The author has held appointmentsasaVisitingResearchProfessorattheRutgersUniversity(USA),Visiting Scholar at The University of Tokyo, and Science University of Tokyo (Japan) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), Invited Professor at the China University of Mining and Technology (China) and Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (France). His honors include Fellowships of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (STA), Engineering Foun- dation Fellowship, Humboldt Fellowship, as well as the Heisenberg Fellowship of the DFG, mentioned above. After his Habilitation, he joined the Risø National Laboratory in Denmark as a Senior Scientist. He has published a book Damage and Fracture in Heterogeneous Materials and over 100 research papers in the areas of computational mechanics of materials, micromechanics, fracture and damage mechanics, tribology and mechanical engineering. Preface Thestrengthanddamageresistanceofpartsandcomponents,madefromcompositemate- rials, determine the quality and reliability of machines and devices, used in many areas of industry and in everyday life. The mechanical properties and strength of composites depend on their microstructures, i.e. on the content, geometries, distribution and proper- tiesofphasesandconstituentsinthecomposites.Thisdependencecanbeusedtoimprove the reliability, strength and damage resistance of the materials. For example, drilling tools, produced from hard alloys with graded microstructures, exhibit four to five times higher service life than the tools made from the alloys with homogeneous microstruc- tures (Lisovsky, 2001). The fracture toughness and lifetime of tool steels are increased by 30% if large primary carbides in the steels are replaced by dense dispersion of small carbides (‘double dispersion’ structure) (Berns et al., 1998). The fracture toughness of metal matrix composites can be doubled, if the reinforcing elements are localized in layers,whichalternatewithlayersofunreinforcedmetalmatrix(McLellandetal.,1999). The fracture toughness of Al O ceramics can be increased 2.3 times by introducing 2 3 SiC nanoparticles in the ceramics (Tan and Yang, 1998). There are a lot of examples ofunusualpropertiesofbiomaterials,whicharerelatedtotheirpeculiarmicrostructures. Forinstance,nacre,motherofpearl,whichconsistsof95%CaCO ,hasaworkoffrac- 3 ture that is 3000 times more than that of the monolithic CaCO (Ramachamndra Rao, 3 2003). The high fracture toughness of nacre is determined, among other factors, by the brick-mortar,layeredmicrostructureofnacre,andtheinterlockingofthemineralplatelets (Sarikaya et al., 2002; Katti et al., 2005). Thus,serviceproperties,strengthanddamageresistanceofcompositescanbeimproved by changing their microstructures. With the development of material technologies (e.g.powdermetallurgy,heattreatmenttechnology,nanotechnology,etc.),theproduction of materials with required, pre-defined microstructures became technologically possible. Therefore,theproblemofthedeterminationoftheoptimalmicrostructuresofcomposites has acquired practical importance. In order to investigate interrelationships between the microstructures and strength of composites, a lot of experimental, theoretical and numerical investigations have been carried out. In many cases, links between some averaged parameters of microstruc- tures (e.g. grain size, volume content of phases and distance between inclusions) and the overall properties or strength of composites were established experimentally or theoretically. However, not only the volume content, and other averaged properties