DOCUMENT RESUME ED 029 587 HE 000 761 By-Heckman. Dale M.: Martin. Warren aryan Inventory of Current Research on Higher Education 1968. California Univ.. Berkeley. Center for Research and Development in Higher Education.: Carnegie Commission on the Future of Higher Education. Berkeley. Calif. Pub Date 12 Oct 68 Note- 226p. EDRS Price MF-$1.00 HC-$11.40 Descriptors"Educational Research. *Higher Education. *Research Projects. *Research Reviews (Publications) Research projects on higher education are listed in this inventory within the appropriate subsections of 8 main subject headings: students, faculty. administrators. structures, functions, governance, graduate and professional education, and higher education in the marketplace supply and demand. money and manpower. The report supplements efforts by ERIC. the Science Information Exchange. and the United Kingdom's British Register of Research into Higher Education. It contains research 1966-1967 academic year. and current research that was completed the in 1968. The current research includes 90 cataloged between July 1967 and ...lune projects underway in various parts of the world. Project listings include title of project. name of principal researcher, the responsible institution, chief source of funds, approximate beginning and terminal dates, and a brief summary of the research. To provide a longitudinal perspective for the inventory, a historical statement on the development of research on higher education in this century is being prepared. This statement will be published separately. The inventory is available at $2.75 per copy from the McGraw-Hill Book Company. 330 W. 42nd Street. New York. New York 10036. (WM) wm.lor 1- 40 EDUCATION CARNEGIE COMMISSION ON HIGHER U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS Vt.) STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. INVENTORY OF CURRENT kESEARCH ON HIGHER EDUCATION 1968 I ." "If educational research is to become a national resource . . 11,M11114..< INVENTORY OF CURRENT RESEARCH ON HIGHER EDUCATION 1968 Dale M. Heckman Warren Bryan Martin A project sponsored jointly by the Carnegie Commission on the Future of Higher Education and the Center for Research and Development in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley. McGraw-Hill Book Company New York San Francisco St. Louis Toronto London Sydney Additional copies of this publication may be ordered from the McGraw-Hill Book Company 330 W. 42nd St. New York, New York 10036 The price is $2.75 per copy. Printed in the United States of America PREFACE It is fitting that one of the first publications of the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education is this Inventory of Current Research. In addifion to its own research efforts, the Commission is relying in large part upon the important work that individuals, organizations, and government agencies are carrying out in the field of higher education. We are hopeful that this excellent compilation will also be useful to other researchers and educators. The Commission wishes to express its appreciation and gratitude to the authors and their colleagues at the Center for Research and Development in Higher Education for developing this valuable aid to all those interested in the field of higher education. Clark Kerr Chairman, The Carnegie Commission on the Future of Higher Education December, 1968 FOREWORD If educational research is to become a national resource, making research projects known to administrators, faculty, and other participants in the educational enterprise ranks in importance with the research itself. To this end: The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), a division of the United States Office of Education, collects research reports in a wide variety of fields and for different kinds of education. ERIC also regularly publishes a current projects index for research funded under government contracts. The Science Information Exchange, which, like ERIC, is based in Washington, D.C., operates a data retrieval program for research currently underway in the natural and physical sciences, and in the social and behavioral sciences. The SIE data bank contains information on research that has been commissioned through federal contracts as well as data submitted voluntarily by many private agencies and research centers. SIE can provide reports on the inception of projects on higher education, and, if projects are renewed, SIE may also have information on the progress of such projects. In England, the Society for Research into Higher Education publishes This on a regular basis the Register of Research into Higher Education. publication gives a cumulative record of current projects in the United Kingdom. There are also compilations of research in other European countries, such published by the as the Register of Ongoing Research in the Social Sciences, Social Sciences Council of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences, which include reports of higher education. The American Library Association's Clearinghouse of Library Research collects information on research projects underway in the field of their interest. These several programs are representative of what is being done to make educational research known, to encourage its utilization, and to provide a basis for the coordination of research projects. * * * * Soon after the Carnegie Commission on the Future of Higher Education began its deliberations, in 1967, the Center for Research and Development in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley, was authorized by the Commission to undertake an inventory of current research on higher education. This inventory was to supplement work being done by ERIC, SIE, and others, at a time when social malaise and rapid educational changes made the need for information, and for sources of information, crucial to everyone concerned for the future of higher education. The irwentory, additionally, would provide research contacts that might produce data for particular projects undertaken by the Carnegie Commission. Informed about the work being done by other researchers, the Commission could avoid duplication of effort and relate more effectively to concurrent research projects. The special advantage in the inventory, from the perspective of the Center, lead to a better was the possibility that this compilation of research might coordination between what was being done elsewhere with ongoing work at Berkeley. The plan called for concentration on current research on higher education. By "current" was meant research for which no final report was yet available. "Research," for the purpose of the inventory, was described as careful or studious inquiry, usually employing the methodology of the behavioral sciences, yet including qualitative as well as quantitative consideration, developmental or demonstration models as well as empirical data. Research, development, and dissemination have been defined by one Center committee as follows: Research at the Center for Research and Developnwnt in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley, uses the methodologies of the behavioral sciences to investigate problems in higher education which may have significance for the content, forms, and goals of education. This involves the identification of fundamental educational issues and the design of suitable methods for guiding the research and development effort. Development at the Center applies research findings, where appropriate, to the end that these data may become nationwide resources. The precondition for such an accomplishment is research which has both theoretical integrity and practical relevance. The outcome of developnwnt may take the form of concepts, processes, or products, but, whatever the form, developmental conceptualizations should be informed by research and be themselves researchable. As development proceeds from research, so research benefits from development. Dissemination at the Center communicates the substance of research to appropriate audiences by the most effective media available. Thus, dissemination is informational, while research and developwent are formational. But the total process becomes transactional as research is disseminated through development programs to meet needs in the field and as recipients, in turn, pose problems that contain new research challenges. "Higher education" was defined as postsecondary education in institutional and noninstitutional forms, but with emphasis on junior colleges and four-year colleges and universities; undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs; and educational agencies, institutes and centers. The need to put current research on higher education into a context that would provide both foreground and background prompted inventory personnel to add three features to the inventory: First, an attempt was made to probe research on higher education tl:at had been carried out in the academic year preceding the year of the inventory. Subsequently, 135 research projects completed in 1966-67 were compiled and prepared for inclusion in this report. Those actually used appear under the appropriate categories and subsections. Second, to provide the longitudinal perspective for the inventory, a historical statement on the development of research on higher education in this century is being prepared. It will be published separately. vu Educational research in other nations was the third dimension of the inventory. While it was understood that it would be impossible in one year to do it was thought important to supplement more than sample the work underway, Register ERIC's coverage of research originating in this country and th 3 British with an exploratory of Research into Higher Education for the United Kingdom with investigation of research in many nations. Therefore, contact was made 90 projects ongoing 311 researchers in 60 countries, and the inventory contains in various parts of the world. Given the concentration on research for which no final report was yet made available, and thus being limited to partial information, no attempt was listed. Information in the inventory to judge the quality of individual projects designs, the usefulness often was unavailable concerning the adequacy of project these matters of testing instruments employed, the way data were handled, or, researchers at the time their projects were filed were not yet determined by the with the inventory. 921 projects of During the year of the in7entory (July 1967June 1968), cataloged. The total number of current research on higher education were "principal researchers" listed was 1,020. eight subject For the purposes of this report, projects have been grouped under research categories, categories which conform roughly to the way current of most categories. projects tended to cluster. There are also subdivisions and administrators. Chapters I, II, and III feature research on students, faculty, associational While most of the projects listed in these sections of the report are social and organizational in emphasis, that is, they relate the person or group to understood factors, the main emphasis of the research in these categories was to put it by inventory personnel to be on personalities more than programs, or, personalities. another way, the emphasis is on the affect of programs on their projects Information provided by researchers concerning the funding of of the showed that 307 projects were funded wholly or in part by one or more from state sources; federal agencies; financial support for 79 projects came for research in foundations were involved in financing 76 projects; the money 70 projects relied 323 cases came at least in part from institutional sources; from sources other mainly on pelsonal funding; 85 projects involved support projects was not made than those listed above; and the financial backing for 46 funding, and known on the inventory questionnaire. Multiple sources of for sketchy reporting of information dealing with the financial arrangements of data on this matter. The research, made difficult the accurate compilation incomplete. preceding review, therefore, must be understood to be it difficult to locate them within The nature of certain research projects has been that some projects from 1966=67, albeit a single category. The result listed once only few, have been listed more than once, while most projects were central conceptual and, as far as could be determined, according to their tendency. research projects was normally The information in the description of individual ix