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COMPARISON OF POISSON STRUCTURES AND POISSON-LIE 5 DYNAMICAL r-MATRICES 0 0 2 BENJAMINENRIQUEZ,PAVELETINGOF,ANDIANMARSHALL n a Abstract. We construct a Poisson isomorphism between the formal Poisson manifolds g∗ J and G∗, where gis a finite dimensional quasitriangular Lie bialgebra. Here g∗ is equipped 3 with its Lie-Poisson (or Kostant-Kirillov-Souriau) structure, and G∗ with its Poisson-Lie structure. WealsoquantizethePoisson-Liedynamicalr-matricesofBalog-Feh´er-Palla. ] A Q . h Introduction and main results t a We constructPoissonisomorphismsbetweenthe formalPoissonmanifoldsg∗ andG∗,where m g is a finite dimensionalquasitriangularLie bialgebra. Hereg∗ is equipped with its Lie-Poisson [ (or Kostant-Kirillov-Souriau)structure, and G∗ with its Poisson-Lie structure. Thisresultmaybeviewedasageneralizationoftheformalversionof[GW](laterreprovedin 2 v [Al],Theorem1,and[Bo]), where GinzburgandWeinsteinconstructaPoissondiffeomorphism 2 between the real Poisson manifolds k∗ and K∗, where K is a compact Lie group and k is its 4 Lie algebra. It can also be viewed as a new result in the subject of linearization of Poisson 3 structures; e.g., in contrast with our result, it has been shown in [Ch] that not all Poisson 2 structures on Poisson-Lie groups are linearizable. 1 4 Our result relies on constructing a map g(λ) : g∗ → G satisfying a differential equation. 0 We give two constructions of g(λ): the first one uses the theory of the classical Yang-Baxter / equation and gauge transformations; the second one relies of the theory of quantization of Lie h t bialgebras. a WethenapplythisresulttothequantizationofPoisson-Liedynamicalr-matricesintroduced m in [FM1]. : v We now describe our results in more detail. i X 0.1. Comparison of Poisson structures. Let (g,r) be a finite dimensional quasitriangular r Lie bialgebra over a field k of characteristic 0. Recall that this means that g is a Lie algebra, a r ∈g⊗2, t :=r+r2,1 is invariant, and CYB(r):=[r1,2,r1,3]+[r1,2,r2,3]+[r1,3,r2,3]=0. The Lie cobracketon g is defined by δ(x):=[x⊗1+1⊗x,r] for any x∈g. TheLiebracketongdefinesalinearPoissonstructureong∗;wealsodenotebyg∗ theformal neighborhood of the origin in this vector space, which is then a formal Poisson manifold. On theotherhand,wedenotebyG∗ theformalPoisson-LiegroupwithLiebialgebrag∗. Ourmain result is: Theorem 0.1. The formal Poisson manifolds g∗ and G∗ are isomorphic. We now explicitly describe an isomorphism g∗ → G∗. Denote by G the formal group with Lie algebra g and by Map (g∗,G) the space of formal maps g : g∗ → G, such that g(0) = 1; 0 this is the space of maps of the form ex(λ), where x(λ)∈g⊗S(g) . 1 >0 b 1We denote by S(g) the degree completion ⊕k≥0Sk(g) of the symmetric algebra S(g), and set S(g)>i = ⊕k>iSk(g). b b b b 1 2 BENJAMINENRIQUEZ,PAVELETINGOF,ANDIANMARSHALL Map (g∗,G) has a group structure, defined by (g ∗g )(λ) := g (Ad∗(g (λ))(λ))g (λ). Its 0 1 2 2 1 1 subspace of all maps g(λ) such that g−1d (g )(λ)−g−1d (g )(λ)+hid⊗id⊗λ,[g−1d (g )(λ),g−1d (g )(λ)]i=0 (1) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 is a subgroup Maph0am(g∗,G). Here g1−1d2(g1)(λ) = Pig−1∂εig(λ)⊗ei is viewed as a formal function g∗ → g⊗2, (εi), (e ) are dual bases of g∗ and g, g−1d (g ) = (g−1d (g ))i,j and i i j i 1 2 1 ∂ g(λ)=(d/dε) g(λ+εξ). We will also denote by g−1d (g ) the same quantity, viewed as ξ |ε=0 13 2 13 an element of g⊗2⊗S(g). We have a group bmorphism θ : Mapham(g∗,G) → Aut (g)op to the group (with opposite 0 1 structure) of Poisson automorphisms of g∗ with differential at 0 equal to the identity, taking g(λ) to the automorphism λ7→Ad∗(g(λ))(λ). Proposition 0.2. There exists a formal map g(λ)∈Map (g∗,G), such that 0 (g )−1d (g )−(g )−1d (g )+Ad(g⊗g)−1(r )+hid⊗id⊗λ,[(g )−1d (g ),(g )−1d (g )]i=ρ . 1 2 1 2 1 2 0 1 3 1 2 3 2 AM (2) (identity of formal maps g∗ → ∧2(g)). 2 Here r = (r −r2,1)/2, and ρ is the Alekseev- 0 AM Meinrenken r-matrix ([AM, BDF]) given by ρ (λ)=(id⊗ϕ(adλ∨))(t), AM where λ∨ =(λ⊗id)(t) and ϕ(z):=−1 + 1cotanhz. z 2 2 The group Mapham(g∗,G) acts simply and transitively on the space of solutions g(λ) of (2), 0 as follows: (α∗g)(λ)=g(Ad∗(α(λ))(λ))α(λ). Proposition 0.3. Let g(λ) ∈ Map (g∗,G) be as in Proposition 0.2. There exists a unique 0 isomorphism g∗(λ):g∗ →G∗, defined by the identity g(λ)eλ∨g(λ)−1 =L(g∗(λ))R(g∗(λ))−1. HereL,R:G∗ →GaretheformalgroupmorphismscorrespondingtotheLiealgebramorphisms L,R:g∗ →g given by L(λ):=(λ⊗id)(r), R(λ):=−(λ⊗id)(r2,1). Inotherwords, wehave(non-Poisson) formalmanifold isomorphisms g∗ →a G←b G∗,a(λ)= g(λ)eλ∨g(λ)−1, b(g∗)=L(g∗)R(g∗)−1, and g∗(λ)=b−1◦a(λ). The isomorphism (α∗g)∗(λ):g∗ →G∗ corresponding to (α∗g)(λ) is such that (α∗g)∗(λ)= g∗(θ(α)(λ)). It follows that the set of all isomorphisms g∗ → G∗ constructed in Propositions 0.2, 0.3 is a principal homogeneous space under the image of θ : Mapham(g∗,G) → Aut (g∗). When 0 1 g is semisimple, any derivation g → Sk(g) is inner, so θ is surjective. So in that case, our constructionyields allthe Poissonisomorphismsg∗ →G∗ taking 0to 1 andwithdifferentialat 0 equal to the identity. 0.2. Quantization of Poisson-Lie dynamical r-matrices. In [BFP, FM1], there was in- troduced the Poisson-Lie dynamical r-matrix id+a(g∗)2ν 1id+a(g∗) ρ (g∗)= id⊗ ν − (t). FM (cid:16) (cid:0) id−a(g∗)2ν 2id−a(g∗)(cid:1)(cid:17) Here a(g∗) : G∗ → GL(g) is defined by a(g∗) = Ad(L(g∗)R(g∗)−1) and ν is a fixed element in k. Then ρFM is a formal map G∗ →∧2(g), i.e., an element of ∧2(g)⊗OG∗. It is a Poisson-Lie classical dynamical r-matrix for (G∗,g,Z ), where Z =(ν2− 1)[t1,2,t2,3] (see also [EEM]). ν ν 4 2Weview∧n(g)asasubspaceofg⊗n. COMPARISON OF POISSON STRUCTURES AND POISSON-LIE DYNAMICAL r-MATRICES 3 A quantization of this dynamical r-matrix is the data of a quantization U (g) of the Lie ~ bialgebra g, and a pair (J¯,Φ¯), where: •Φ¯ isanassociatorforU (g),i.e.,Φ¯ ∈U (g)⊗3satisfies34thepentagonequationΦ¯2,3,4Φ¯1,23,4Φ¯1,2,3 = ~ ~ Φ¯1,2,34Φ¯12,3,4, the invariance condition [Φ¯,(∆⊗b id)◦∆(a)] =0 for any a ∈U (g), and the ex- ~ pansion Φ¯ =1+~2φ , where φ ∈U (g)⊗3 satisfies sign(σ)σ((φ ) )=Z ; 2 2 ~ b Pσ∈S3 2 |~=0 ν •J¯∈U (g)⊗2⊗U (g)′satisfiesthedynamicaltwistequationJ¯2,3,4J¯1,23,4Φ¯1,2,3 =J¯1,2,34J¯12,3,4, ~ ~ theinvariancecbonbdition[J¯,(∆⊗id)◦∆(a)]=0foranya∈U~(g),andtheexpansionJ¯=1+~¯j1, where ¯j ∈U (g)⊗2⊗U (g)′ satisfies (¯j −¯j2,1,3) =ρ . 1 ~ b ~ 1 1 |~=0 FM b Theorem 0.4. Such a quantization exists (see Theorem 2.1). 1. Construction of isomorphisms g∗ →G∗ Theorem 0.1 follows from Propositions 0.2 and 0.3. In this Section, we give two proofs of these propositions: (a) a Poisson geometric proof (Section 1.1), and (b) a proof based on the theory of quantization of Lie bialgebras (Section 1.2). 1.1. Geometric construction. 1.1.1. Construction of g(λ) (proof of Proposition 0.2). One checks that Mapham(g∗,G) is a 0 prounipotent Lie group with Lie algebra {α ∈ g⊗S(g) |Alt◦d(α) = 0}. This Lie algebra is ≥1 isomorphic to (S(g) ,{−,−}) under d:f 7→d(f).b5 >1 Let us denotebby G the set of all g ∈Map (g∗,G) satisfying (2). This is a subvariety of the 0 proalgebraicvariety Map (g∗,G). One checks that (S(g) ,{−,−})acts by vector fields on G, 0 >1 by b g−1δ (g)=hid⊗id⊗λ,[d (f ),g−1d (g )]i−d (f )∈g⊗S(g) , (3) f 3 2 12 3 12 1 2 >0 b and that the right infinitesimal action of Map (g∗,G) on itself is given by the same formula. 0 It follows that the rightaction ofMap (g∗,G) on itself restricts to an actionof Mapham(g∗,G) 0 0 on G. We nowprovethat if G is nonempty, then Mapham(g∗,G) acts simply and transitivelyonG. 0 Let us show that the action is simple. If g,g′ ∈ G and α ∈ Mapham(g∗,G) are such that 0 g∗α=g′, then let a:=log(α). Assume that a6=0 and let n be the smallest integer such that the component a of a in g⊗Sn(g) is 6= 0. Then log(g′)−log(g) = a modulo g⊗S(g) , n n >n which implies that g 6=g′. b Let us now prove that the action is transitive. Let g,g′ ∈G. Set A:= log(g), A′ :=log(g′). Then A,A′ ∈ g⊗S(g) . Assume that A 6= A′ and let n be the smallest integer such that >0 the component of Ab′ −A in g⊗Sn(g) is nonzero; we denote by (A′ −A) this component. n Comparingequations(2)forg andg′,wegetAlt◦d((A′−A) )=0. Itfollowsthatthereexists n a ∈ Sn+1(g), such that (A′−A) = Alt◦d(a), i.e., (A′−A) ∈ LieMapham(g∗,G). Let exp n n 0 ∗ be the exponential map of Mapham(g∗,G) and α := exp ((A′−A) ) ∈ Mapham(g∗,G). Then 0 ∗ n 0 log(α∗g) = A(Ad∗(α(λ))(λ)) +(A′ −A) modulo g⊗S(g) ; therefore the difference of n ≥n+1 logarithms6ofα∗gandg′coincidemodulog⊗S(g) . Wborkingbysuccessiveapproximations, ≥n+1 we constructβ ∈Mapham(g∗,G) suchthat β∗bg =g′. This provesthatthe actionis transitive. 0 3Wedenote by⊗thetopologicaltensorproduct, definedasfollows: ifV,W aretopologicalvector spaces of theformV =V0[[xb1,...,xn]],W =W0[[y1,...,ym]],thenV⊗W :=V0⊗W0[[x1,...,ym]]. 4WesetΦ¯12,3,4=(∆⊗id⊗id)(Φ¯),etc. b Alt(5ξFo⊗rfρ)=:=α(ξ⊗+fξ∈2,..∧.,nn(,g1)+⊗·S·b·(+g),ξnw,1e,.s.e.,tnd−(1ρ))⊗:=f.Piα⊗ei⊗(d/dε)|ε=0f(λ+εεi) and if ξ ∈∧n−1(g)⊗g, 6Herethelogarithmistheinverseoftheordinaryexponential mapg⊗S(g)→Maph0am(g∗,G). b 4 BENJAMINENRIQUEZ,PAVELETINGOF,ANDIANMARSHALL Let us now prove that G is nonempty. Recall that r =(r−r2,1)/2. If g ∈Mapham(g∗,G), 0 0 set (r )g := l.h.s. of (2). 0 Lemma 1.1. Assume that log(g)=−r/2 modulo g⊗S(g) . Set ρ:=(r )g and assume that >1 0 ρ=ρ +α, where ρ ,α∈∧2(g)⊗S(g), ρ is g-inbvariant and α∈g⊗S(g) . Then inv inv inv ≥n b 1 b CYB(ρ)−Alt(dρ)=Z1,2,3− [r1,234,α2,3,4] 2 modulo g⊗3⊗S(g) . ≥n+1 b Proof of Lemma. This statement can be proved directly. It can also be viewed as the classical limit of the following statement. Let U = U(g)[[~]], let J ∈ (U⊗2)×, and let Φ := b (J1,2J12,3)−1J2,3J1,23. If K ∈ (U⊗2)× and we set Φ¯ := (K1,23)−1(K2,3)−1J1,2K12,3, then Φ¯ b satisfies Φ¯2,3,4Φ¯1,23,4Φ1,2,3 =(Φ¯2,3,4,(K1,234)−1)Φ¯1,2,34Φ¯12,3,4(K123,4,Φ1,2,3). Here (a,b) = aba−1b−1. The statement of the lemma is recovered when J,K ∈ (U⊗2)× have the form 1−~r/2+o(~), and K is admissible with classical limit g(λ): the contrbibution of (Φ¯2,3,4,(K1,234)−1) is −1[r1,234,α2,3,4], while the commutator (K123,4,Φ1,2,3) does not con- 2 tribute (as the classical limit of Φ is proportional to Z and hence invariant). (cid:3) Let us now prove that G is nonempty. We will construct a sequence g ∈Map (g∗,G), such n 0 that ρ :=(r )gn satisfies ρ =ρ modulo ∧3(g)⊗S(g) . n 0 n AM ≥n+1 If n=0, we set g :=exp(−r/2), then ρ =0=ρ b modulo ∧3(g)⊗S(g) . Assume that 0 0 AM ≥1 wedeterminedg andletusconstructg . Setα:=ρ −ρ ,andletα b bethecomponent n n+1 n AM n+1 of α in ∧2(g)⊗Sn+1(g). Then Lemma 1.1 implies that 1 CYB(ρ +α )−Alt(d(ρ +α ))=Z1,2,3− [r1,234,α2,3,4] mod ∧3(g)⊗Sn+1(g). AM n+1 AM n+1 2 n+1 Since ρ satisfies the modified classical dynamical Yang-Baxter equation, the component AM in ∧3(g) ⊗ Sn(g) of this identity yields Alt(dα ) = 0, so that we have α = Alt(dβ) n+1 n+1 for some β ∈ g ⊗ Sn+2(g). Then we set gn+1 := exp∗(−β) ∗ gn, ρn+1 := (r0)gn+1. Then ρ −ρ = ρ − ρ − Alt(dβ) = α −Alt(dβ) = 0 modulo ∧3(g)⊗S(g) . By n+1 AM n AM n+1 ≥n+1 successive approximations,we then construct g such that (r )g =ρ . So G is nbonempty. 0 AM 1.1.2. Poisson isomorphism g∗ →G∗ (proof of Proposition 0.3). In this section, we show that the fact that g(λ) satisfies (2) implies that λ 7→ g∗(λ) is a Poisson isomorphism. We will freely use the formalism of differential geometry, even though we work in the formalsetup; the computations below make sense (and prove the desired result) when working over an Artinian k-ring. According to [STS], the image of the Poisson bracket {−,−}G∗ on G∗ under the formal isomorphism b:G∗ →G is the Poissonbracket on G {F,H}G(g)=h(dR−dL)F(g)⊗dLH(g),ri+h(dR−dL)F(g)⊗dRH(g),r2,1i, where g ∈G, F,H are functions on G, dLF(g),dRF(g)∈g∗ are the left and right differentials defined by hdLF(g),ai=(d/dε)|ε=0F(eεag), hdRF(g),ai=(d/dε)|ε=0F(geεa) for any a∈g. For ξ ∈g∗, define F ∈O by F (g)=hξ,log(g)i. ξ G ξ Lemma 1.2. (dLFξ)(g) = f(12ad∗(logg))(ξ) and (dRFξ)(g) = f(−21ad∗(logg))(ξ), where f(z)=zez/(sinhz), and ad∗ denotes the coadjoint action of g on g∗. Proof. Set x := log(g), let a ∈ g, and set a˜ := (d/dε) log(eεaex). The coefficient |ε=0 in ε of eεaex = ex+εa˜+O(ε2) yields aex = (n!)−1 n−1xka˜xn−1−k. Applying ad(x) to Pn≥1 Pk=0 this relation, we get a˜ = f(−21adx)(a). Now hdLFξ(g),ai = (d/dε)|ε=0Fξ(eεag) = hξ,a˜i = COMPARISON OF POISSON STRUCTURES AND POISSON-LIE DYNAMICAL r-MATRICES 5 hξ,f(−1adx)(a)i = hf(1ad∗x)(ξ),ai, which yields the first formula. On the other hand, we 2 2 havefor anyfunction F onG, dRF(g)=Ad∗(g−1)(dLF(g)), where Ad∗ is the coadjointaction of G on g∗, hence dRFξ(g)=Ad∗(e−x)f(12ad∗x)(ξ)=f(−21ad∗x)(ξ). (cid:3) Then we get {F ,F } (g)=had∗(x)(ξ)⊗ad∗(x)(η),(id⊗ϕ(ad(x))(t)+r i−had∗(x)(ξ)⊗η,ti, (4) ξ η G 0 where x=log(g) and ϕ and r are as in Proposition 0.2. 0 Ontheotherhand,let{−,−}′G bethe imageofthePoissonbracket{−,−}g∗ bya:g∗ →G. Setfξ(λ):=Fξ◦a(λ),thenfξ(λ)=hξ⊗λ,(Ad(g(λ))⊗id)(t)i. Iff ∈Og∗,λ∈g∗,definedf(λ)∈ gby hα,df(λ)i=(d/dε)|ε=0f(λ+εα)foranyα∈g∗. Wehave{f,g}g∗(λ)=hλ,[df(λ),dg(λ)]i. Then df (λ)=hξ⊗id,A(λ)i, where ξ A(λ)=(Ad(g(λ))⊗id)(t)+[(d g )g−1,Ad(g(λ))(λ∨)⊗1]. 2 1 1 So {f (λ),f (λ)}=hξ⊗η⊗λ,[A1,3(λ),A2,3(λ)]i. ξ η This decomposes as the sum of four terms (we set x¯=Ad(g(λ))(λ∨)): (a) hξ⊗η⊗λ,(Ad(g(λ))⊗2⊗id)([t13,t23])i=−hξ⊗η,(ad(x¯)⊗id)(t)i; (b)hξ⊗η⊗λ,[[(d g )g−1,Ad(g (λ))(λ∨)],Ad(g (λ))(t23)]i=had∗(x¯)⊗2(ξ⊗η),−Ad(g)⊗2(g−1d (g ))i; 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 (c)hξ⊗η⊗λ,[Ad(g (λ))(t13),[(d g )g−1,Ad(g (λ))(λ∨)]]i=had∗(x¯)⊗2(ξ⊗η),Ad(g)⊗2(g−1d (g ))i; 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 (d) hξ⊗η⊗λ, [(d g )g−1,Ad(g (λ))(λ∨)],[(d g )g−1,Ad(g (λ))(λ∨)] (cid:2) 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 (cid:3) =had∗(x¯)(ξ)⊗ad∗(x¯)(η)⊗λ,[(d g )g−1,(d g )g−1]i. 3 1 1 3 2 2 We have {Fξ,Fη}′G(g)={fξ,fη}g∗(a−1(g)); then x¯=x, so {Fξ,Fη}′G ={Fξ,Fη}G iff had∗(x)(ξ)⊗ad∗(x)(η),Ad(g)⊗2(g−1d (g )−g−1d (g )) 2 1 2 1 2 1 +hid⊗id⊗λ,[d (g )g−1,d (g )g−1]ii− id⊗ϕ(ad(x)))(t)−r i=0, 3 1 1 3 2 2 (cid:0) 0 for which a sufficient condition is that g(λ) satisfies (2). Remark 1.3. Formula (4) implies that the image of {−,−} under the map log : G → g is G given by 1 1 {f,g}(x)=hdf(x)⊗dg(x), ad(x)⊗ ad(x)coth( ad(x)) (t)+ad(x)⊗2(r )i; 0 (cid:0) (cid:0)2 2 (cid:1)(cid:1) this is a result of [FM2]. 1.2. Construction based on quantization of Lie bialgebras. We now give a proof of Theorem 0.1 based on the theory of quantization of Lie bialgebras. 1.2.1. Construction of g(λ) (proof of Proposition 0.2). Set U := U(g)[[~]], U′ := {x∈ U|∀n ≥ 0,δ (x) ∈ ~nU⊗n} = U(~g[[~]]) ⊂ U (here δ = (id−η ◦ ε)⊗n ◦ ∆(n), η is the unit map n n k[[~]]→U). Asba k[[~]]-algebra, U′ is a flat deformation of S(g)=k[[g∗]]. Let Φ∈U⊗3 be an admissible associator. This means thabt b ~2 Φ∈1+ [t1,2,t2,3]+~2U⊗3, ~log(Φ)∈(U′)⊗3, 24 b b (U,m,∆ ,R = 1,Φ) is a quasitriangular quasi-Hopf algebra. We also require ε(i)(Φ) = 1, 0 0 i= 1,2,3 (here ε(1) =ε⊗id⊗id, etc., ε is the counit, m and ∆ are the undeformed product 0 andcoproductofU). Accordingto[EH],anyuniversalLieassociatorgivesrisetoanadmissible associator. 6 BENJAMINENRIQUEZ,PAVELETINGOF,ANDIANMARSHALL Accordingto[EK],thereexistsatwistkillingΦ,andaccordingto[EH],thistwistcanthenbe madeadmissiblebyasuitablegaugetransformation. TheresultingtwistJ satisfiesthefollowing conditions: J ∈U⊗2, J =1−~r/2+o(~), ~log(J)∈(U′)⊗2, (ε⊗id)(J)=(id⊗ε)(J)=1, b b Φ=(J2,3J1,23)−1J1,2J12,3. (5) Then UJ := (U,m,∆J,R) is a quasitriangular Hopf algebra quantizing (g,r). Here ∆J(x) = J∆ (x)J−1 and R=J2,1e~t/2J−1. 0 We have Ker(ε)∩U′ ⊂ ~U, therefore log(J) ∈ U⊗U′. Then its reduction mod ~, denoted g(λ) = g1,2 = log(J) , belongs to U(g)⊗S(g) = Ub(g)[[g∗]] (formal series on g∗ with coeffi- |~=0 cientsinU(g)). Thereductionmod~of(5)bisbg12,3 =g1,3g2,3. Sincewealsohave(ε⊗id)(g)=1, we get g =exp(A), with A∈g⊗S(g) . >0 b Lemma 1.4. g(λ) satisfies (2). Proof. According to [EE], Φ ∈ U⊗2⊗U′ has the expansion 1+~φ +o(~2), where φ ∈ 1 1 b U⊗2⊗U′ is such that (φ −φ2,1,3) =b−ρ . b 1 1 |~=0 AM Ifbx∈U(g)⊗S(g), we denote by x¯ a lift of x in U⊗U′. Let us expabndblog(J) as A¯+~A1+o(~), with A1b∈U⊗U′. Then J1,23 =exp(A¯1,3+~(A1,3+d A1,3)+o(~))=J1b,3(1+~g−1d (g )+o(~)). 1 2 1 2 1 Wehave[J1,3,J2,3]=~{g1,3,g2,3}+o(~),so(J12,3)−1[J1,3,J2,3]=~(g1,3g2,3)−1{g1,3,g2,3}+ o(~)=~hid⊗id⊗λ,[g−1d (g ),g−1d (g )]i+o(~). So we get 1 3 1 2 3 2 J12,3 =J2,3J1,3(1+~ψ +o(~)), 1 where ψ ∈U⊗2⊗U′ is such that (ψ −ψ2,1,3) =hid⊗id⊗λ,[g−1d (g ),g−1d (g )]i. 1 b 1 |~=0 1 3 1 2 3 2 Then (5) givesb 1+~φ +o(~)=(1−~g−1d (g )+o(~))(J1,3)−1(J2,3)−1(1−~r/2+o(~))J2,3J1,3(1+~ψ +o(~)). 1 1 2 1 1 The reduction modulo ~ of (J1,3)−1(J2,3)−1rJ2,3J1,3 is Ad(g⊗g)−1(r). Then substracting 1, dividing by ~, reducing modulo ~ and antisymmetrizing the two first tensor factors, we getthe lemma. (cid:3) More generally, assume that J′ ∈ U⊗2 satisfies J′ = 1−~r/2+o(~), ~log(J′) ∈ (U′)⊗2, (ε⊗id)(J′)=1 and b b Φ=(J′2,3J′1,23)−1J1,2J′12,3. (6) Then J′ ∈ U⊗U′, and its reduction g′ modulo ~ satisfies: g′ ∈ exp(g⊗S(g) ), and equation >0 (2) with g repblaced by g′. Moreover,there exists u∈U× such that J′ =bu2J(u12)−1. Remark 1.5. Equation(6)canbeinterpretedassayingthatJ′ isavertex-IRFtransformation relating J1,2 and Φ, and equation (2) for g′ is the classical limit of this statement (see [EN]). Vertex-IRF transformations are a special kind of non-invariant dynamical gauge transforma- tions, which map a constant, but non-invariant twist to an invariant, but non-constant (i.e., dynamical) one. (cid:3) Let U′ := Ker(ε)∩U′. Then ~−1U′ ⊂U is a Lie subalgebra for the commutator. This Lie 0 0 algebra acts on the set of solutions of (6) by δ (J)=u2J −Ju12 (δ (J)∈U⊗U′ because it is u u equal to [u2,J]−J(u12 −u2)); this means that if ε is a formal parameter wbith ε2 = 0, then (id+εδ )(J′) is a solution of (6) if J′ is. u The reduction modulo ~ of this action may be described as follows. The Lie algebra (S(g) ,{−,−})acts onthe setofsolutionsof(2)by δ (g)={1⊗f,g}−g·df, i.e.,action(3). >0 f b COMPARISON OF POISSON STRUCTURES AND POISSON-LIE DYNAMICAL r-MATRICES 7 WhenrestrictedtotheLiesubalgebraS(g) ,thisactionistheinfinitesimaloftherightaction >1 of Mapham(g∗,G) on the set of solutionbs of (2), given by (g∗α)(λ)=g(Ad∗(α(λ))(λ))α(λ). 0 1.2.2. Isomorphism g∗ → G∗ (proof of Proposition 0.3). It follows from [EH] that the subal- gebras (UJ)′ and U′ of U are equal. According to [Dr1, Gav], (UJ)′ is a flat deformation of OG∗ := U(g∗)∗. On the other hand, U′ is a flat deformation of Og∗ := S(g). So the equality i~ : (UJ)′ → U′ induces an isomorphism of Poisson algebras i : OG∗ →∼ bOg∗, and therefore a Poisson isomorphism g∗ →G∗. To express this isomorphism explicitly, we will construct maps a:OG →Og∗ and b:OG → OG∗, such that i=a◦b−1. We first construct quantized versions of a and b. We have ~log(J) ∈ (U′)⊗2, therefore J,J−1 ∈ U⊗U′ and Je~tJ−1 ∈ U⊗U′. We then define a : U∗ → U′ by a (f) := (f ⊗ ~ ~ id)(Je~tJ−1)b. Now we also have J2,b1 ∈ U⊗U′, hence R,R2,1 ∈ U⊗U′ = U⊗(UJ)′. We then define thelinearmapb~ :U∗ →(UJ)′ byb~b(f):=(f⊗id)(R2,1R). bThena~◦bb−~1 :U′ →(UJ)′ coincides with i . We define a,b as the reductions modulo ~ of a ,b . ~ ~ ~ Let us now compute the classical limit of a . Define maps j ,ι ,j′ : U∗ → U′ by j (f) = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (f ⊗id)(J), j′(f) = (f ⊗id)(J−1). Recall that the reductions modulo ~ of all three elements ~ J,J−1,e~t in U(g)⊗S(g) are of the form K =exp(k), where k ∈g⊗S(g) . >0 bb b Lemma 1.6. If K ∈ U(g)⊗S(g) is of the form exp(k), where k ∈ g ⊗ S(g) , then the >0 morphism OG = U(g)∗ → Sb(gb) = Og∗ given by f 7→ (f ⊗id)(K) is dual bto the morphism g∗ →G, λ7→ek(λ). b Proof. We compose this morphism with the transpose of the inverse of the symmetrization maptSym−1 :S(g)∗ →U(g)∗. The morphismtSym−1 correspondstothe logarithmmapG→ g. NowthecomposedmorphismS(g)∗ →S(g)isgivenbyf 7→(f⊗id)((Sym−1⊗id)(K)). Now (Sym−1⊗id)(K) is exp(k), where the expbonential is now taken in S(g)⊗S(g). The morphism S(g)∗ → S(g), f 7→ (f ⊗id)(exp(k)), is an algebra morphism, taking thbebfunction X 7→ α(X) on g (α ∈bg∗) to the function λ 7→ α(k(λ)) on g∗, and therefore corresponds to the morphism g∗ →g, λ7→k(λ). Composing with the exponential, we get the announced morphism. (cid:3) Itfollowsthatthereductionsmodulo~ofthemorphismsj~,ι~,j~′ aremorphismsOG →Og∗, correspondingtomorphismsj,ι,j′ :g∗ →Gsuchthatj(λ)=g(λ),ι(λ)=eλ∨,j′(λ)=g(eλ)−1. Then a~ =m(2)◦(j~⊗ι~⊗j~′)◦∆(2), so a:OG∗ →OG corresponds to the composed map G∗ dia→g(2) (G∗)3 (j,→ι,j′)G3 prod→uct(2) G. Therefore we get a(λ)=g(λ)eλ∨g(λ)−1. We now compute the classicallimit of b . Define maps L ,R′ :(UJ)∗ →(UJ)′ by L (f):= ~ ~ ~ ~ (f⊗id)(R2,1), R′(f):=(f⊗id)(R). Then L is anantimorphismofalgebrasanda morphism ~ ~ of coalgebras, while R′ is a morphism of algebras and antimorphism of coalgebras. Their ~ reductions L,R′ modulo ~ are morphisms OG∗ →OG (anti-Poissoncoalgebramorphismin the caseofL,Poissonanti-coalgebrainthecaseofR′). Using[EGH],appendix,oneshowsthatthese morphismscorrespondtothemorphismsofformalgroupsL,R′ :G∗ →G(antimorphisminthe case of R′), corresponding to the morphisms L,R′ : g∗ → g, given by L(λ) := (λ⊗id)(r) and R′(λ):=(λ⊗id)(r2,1). Here L is a Lie algebra,anti-LiecoalgebramorphismandR′ is ananti- Liealgebra,Liecoalgebramorphism. Nowb~ =m◦(L~⊗R~)◦∆,sob:OG∗ →OG corresponds tothecomposedmapG∗ d→iag(G∗)2 (L→,R′)G2 pro→ductG,i.e.,g∗ 7→L(g∗)R′(g∗)=L(g∗)R(g∗)−1. Finally, the isomorphism i:g∗ →G∗ is equal to b−1◦a, so it takes λ∈g∗ to g∗ ∈G∗ such that L(g∗)R(g∗)−1 =g(λ)eλ∨g(λ)−1. So it coincides with the isomorphism obtained in Proposition 0.3. 8 BENJAMINENRIQUEZ,PAVELETINGOF,ANDIANMARSHALL 1.3. OnthegroupMapham(g∗,G). Inthissection,wegivea”quantum”proofofthefollowing 0 statement, which was used in Section 1.1 (and can also be proved in the setup of this section). Proposition 1.7. Mapham(g∗,G) is a subgroup of Map (g∗,G). 0 0 Proof. Set U′ = Ker(ε)∩U′. The map of U′ → S(g) of reduction by ~ restricts to U′ → 0 0 S(g) , so we get a map U′ →g. b >0 0 b Consider the set of allJ′, suchthat ~log(J′)∈(U′)⊗2, the image of ~log(J′) in g⊗2 is zero, 0 and J′2,3J′1,23 =J′1,23. b This is the set of elements of the form J′(u) = u2(u12)−1, where u ∈ exp(U′/~) is such 0 that the image of log(u) under S(g) → g is zero. Indeed, one recovers u from J′ by u = >0 (id⊗ε)(J′)−1. b We denote by A(λ) the image of ~log(J′) by S(g) ⊗S(g) →g⊗S(g) , and set g(λ):= >0 ≥2 ≥2 exp(A(λ)). Then g(λ)∈Map (g∗,G). b bb b 0 As in Lemma 1.4, one proves that g(λ) satisfies equation (1). Hence we get a map of sets {J′ as above}→Mapham(g∗,G), which is surjective. 0 Onthe other hand, the setof allJ′(u) is equipped with a product, suchthat J′(u)∗J′(v)= J′(uv). This product expresses as follows: J′(u)∗J′(v) = u2J′(v)(u2)−1 J′(u); the classical (cid:0) (cid:1) limitofthisexpressionistheproductformulaforMap (g∗,G). SoMapham(g∗,G)isasubgroup 0 0 of Map (g∗,G). (cid:3) 0 2. Quantization of ρ FM In this section, we prove Theorem 0.4. Let Φ be a universal Lie associator defined over k with parameter µ = 1. So Φ = univ univ 1+ 1 [t ,t ]+ terms of degree > 2, where t is the universal version of ti,j (see [Dr3]). Set 24 12 23 ij Φ :=Φ (2~νt1,2,2~νt2,3) and Φ:=Φ . Then ν univ 1/2 (U(g)[[~]],m,∆ ,Φ ) 0 ν is a quasi-Hopf algebra; its classical limit is the quasi-Lie bialgebra (g,δ =0,ν2[t1,2,t2,3]). Let J be an admissible twist killing Φ, and let us twist this quasi-Hopf algebra by J. We obtain the quasi-Hopf algebra (U(g)[[~]],m,∆J,ΦJ), 0 ν where ∆J(x) = J∆ (x)J−1 and ΦJ = J2,3J1,23Φ (J−1)12,3(J−1)1,2. Its classical limit is the 0 0 ν ν quasi-Lie bialgebra (g,δ(x)=[x1+x2,r],Z ). ν Now (U(g)[[~]],m,∆J) is a Hopf algebra quantizing (g,δ), which we denote by U (g), and 0 ~ ΦJ is an associator for this quantized universal enveloping algebra, with classical limit Z . ν ν ΦJ clearly satisfies the invariance and pentagon equations. We have J = 1+~j , where ν 1 j ∈U⊗U′,soJ2,3,J1,23,(J−1)1,23 and(J−1)1,2 arealloftheform1+~k,k ∈U⊗2⊗U′. Hence 1 b ΦJ = 1b+~ψ , where ψ ∈ U⊗2⊗U′. Set U := U (g), then U′ = U′, so ψ ∈ U⊗b2⊗U′. We ν ν ν b ~ ~ ~ ν ~b ~ now compute (ψν −ψν2,1,3)|~=0; tbhis is an element of U(g)⊗2⊗OG∗ ≃U(g)⊗2⊗Og∗. b We have ΦJ = ΦJ +(Φ −Φ)J = 1+~(Φ −Φ)J. Letbus define φ,φ bby Φ = 1+~φ, ν ν ν ν Φ =1+~φ , then (ψ ) = (φ −φ)J , therefore ν ν ν |~=0 (cid:0) ν (cid:1)~=0 (ψ −ψ2,1,3) =((φ −φ2,1,3)J) −((φ−φ2,1,3)J) ν ν |~=0 ν ν |~=0 |~=0 =Ad(g(λ))⊗2(ρ (λ)−ρν (λ)) AM AM COMPARISON OF POISSON STRUCTURES AND POISSON-LIE DYNAMICAL r-MATRICES 9 as a formal function g∗ → ∧2(g). Here ρν (λ) = 2νρ (2νλ). Since ρ and ρν are AM AM AM AM G-equivariant, this is 1ead(λ¯∨)+id e2νad(λ¯∨)+id (ρ −ρν )(Ad∗(g(λ))(λ))= id⊗ −ν (t)=ρ (g∗). AM AM (cid:16) (cid:0)2ead(λ¯∨)−id e2νad(λ¯∨)−id(cid:1)(cid:17) FM Here we set λ¯ :=Ad∗(g(λ))(λ) and we use the relation L(g∗)G(g∗)−1 =eλ¯∨. We have proved: Theorem 2.1. The quantized universal enveloping algebra U (g) = U(g)[[~]]J, together with ~ the pair (J¯,Φ¯) defined by J¯=Φ¯ =ΦJ, is a quantization of the Poisson-Lie dynamical r-matrix ν ρ (g∗) over (G∗,g,Z ). 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