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Comparison of management guidelines under current legislation and under the proposed Natural Heritage Act PDF

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Preview Comparison of management guidelines under current legislation and under the proposed Natural Heritage Act

Wr *2 CANAUtA Report - 1 (c) Comparison of Management Guidelines Under Current Legislation and under the Proposed Natural Heritage Act Draft For Discussion Purposes Iberia March 1998 NMENTAL PROTECTION This report is the third in a s eries of three reports that collectively outline the Government’s proposed Policy Foundation for the new Natural Heritage Act. The three reports are: • Report la - P roposed Policy Foundation for the Natural Heritage Act. • Report lb - P roposed Foundation for the Natural Heritage Act - M anagement Guidelines for Protected and Recreation Areas. • Report lc - C omparison of Management Guidelines under Current and Proposed Legislation. • A r eport summarizing the above three reports is also now available. Publication #1/694 ISBN #0-7785-0143-4 A C omparison of Management Guidelines under Current Legislation and Proposed under the Natural Heritage Act The three column table on the following pages provides a c omparison of current management guidelines for recreation and protected areas with guidelines proposed for the new Natural Heritage Act. Under the Natural Heritage Act ; f ive classes are proposed. These are Provincial Nature Reserves, Wildland Provincial Parks, Natural Environment Provincial Parks, Heritage Rangelands, and Recreation Areas. Collectively, these form a spectrum that ranges from highly protected areas through to those sites which are established solely for outdoor recreation. Exact comparison of the seven classes under the existing three Acts with the five classes under the proposed new Act is impossible. Many existing recreation and protected areas are currently not designated in the appropriate class. These sites would be moved to the most appropriate class under the new Natural Heritage Act. Therefore, comparisons are not as simple as indicating that two of the existing classes would be amalgamated into one new class. In general, however, sites would be redesignated as follows. ♦ Provincial Nature Reserves will include existing Ecological Reserves except those where livestock grazing is used to maintain grassland ecology. Also included in this class will be existing Natural Areas that have provincially significant natural values and are not encumbered with existing resource commitments. ♦ Wildland Provincial Parks will include the existing Wildland Parks under the Provincial Parks Act , t he existing Wilderness Areas and Willmore Wilderness Park. Several of the larger Natural Areas could also be included in this class. ♦ Natural Environment Provincial Parks will include existing Provincial Parks with significant natural values along with a f ew similar Natural Areas. Some existing Recreation Areas also include significant natural values and could be included in this class. ♦ Heritage Rangelands will include existing Ecological Reserves and Natural Areas, primarily in the Grassland Natural Region, where it is desirable to continue to use livestock grazing as the primary management tool for sustaining the grassland ecology. ♦ Recreation Areas will include most existing Recreation Areas: those Provincial Parks dedicated to recreation facility development, and those Natural Areas that do not contain provincially significant resources but remain locally important for various types of outdoor recreation. Report 1(c) - C omparison of Management Guidelines 1 March 1998 Current Management Proposed Management Change Guidelines Guidelines Petroleum and Natural Gas Development - S ub- Petroleum and Natural Gas Development - I n Petroleum and Natural Gas Development - T he surface mineral sales and activities related to oil and Nature Reserves, developments will be restricted to Heritage Rangeland class has been added. Natural gas are prohibited in Wilderness Areas. New those that existed at the time of establishment. In Areas where ongoing development is p ermitted are developments are prohibited in Ecological Reserves. those that existed at the time of establishment. In moved to the Recreation Area class. Natural Areas Developments that exist at time of reserve Wildland Parks, Natural Environment Parks and that have significant features and which currently establishment continue until resource is depleted. Heritage Rangelands developments will be restricted preclude development are moved to the Nature New subsurface rights may be sold subject to a ‘ no to existing sub-surface dispositions. All new sales Reserve class. surface access’ addendum. In Wildland Parks and will have a ‘ no surface access’ addendum. Provincial Parks existing commitments are honoured. Infrastructure associated with pre-existing No significant changes in other than reference to ‘a commitments would be phased out over time in a New mineral sales subject to ‘no surface access’ addendum. Conditions applied to minimize impacts. planned manner. In Recreation Areas ongoing sales phase out in a p lanned manner.’ In Natural Areas, activities are determined on a c ase and development will be permitted subject to by case basis. Conditions are applied to protect conditions. sensitive and scenic land. In Recreation Areas ongoing oil and gas development is p ermitted subject to specific terms and conditions intended to minimize conflict with recreation use. Mainline Pipelines - P rohibited in Wilderness Mainline Pipelines - W ithin Nature Reserves, Mainline Pipeline - N o change from current policy. Areas, Ecological Reserves and Willmore Wilderness Wildland Parks, Natural Environment Parks and Park. Permitted in Provincial Parks and Natural Heritage Rangelands, existing mainline pipeline Areas under strict conditions if n o alternatives exist. commitments will be honoured. Access for ongoing Permitted in Recreation Areas. operations and maintenance of facilities, and for emergencies will continue. Expansion of the pipeline corridor may be allowed where there are no feasible alternatives for re-routing the pipeline. Permitted in Recreation Areas when the recreation value of the area is not compromised. Road and Utilities - P rohibited in Wilderness Areas, Road and Utilities - P rohibited in Nature Reserves. Road and Utilities - N o significant change from Ecological Reserves and Willmore Wilderness Park. Permitted in Wildland Parks, Natural Environment existing policy. Permitted with conditions in Wildland Parks and Parks and Heritage Rangelands to access existing Provincial Parks to access existing commitments. resource commitments using existing rights-of-way Permitted in Natural Areas and Recreation Areas on a where possible. case-by-case basis. Permitted in Recreation Areas, where there are no serious conflicts with recreation use. Mining - S ub-surface Minerals - C urrently Mining - S ub-surface Minerals - P rohibited in all Mining - S ub-surface Minerals - E xisting prohibited in all classes with the exception of new classes with the exception of honouring existing Recreation and protected areas have very few Special Places where existing commitments will be commitments. No new sub-surface dispositions. In existing sub-surface commitments for mining. The honoured. the event that a c ompany holding the rights wishes to change in p olicy make provision to honour existing develop a p re-existing commitment, the proposed commitments in new Special Places mine would be reviewed through the existing regulatory process. Should a m ine be approved, the area will be deleted from the protected area network. Surface Minerals - T here are currently no Surface Minerals - E xploration and development of Surface Minerals - N o change from current policy. dispositions for development of sand, gravel, clay, all surface minerals will continue to be prohibited. peat, marl or other surface minerals in any class of recreation and protected area. Commercial Telecommunications Towers - Commercial Telecommunications Towers - N ew Commercial Telecommunications Towers - n o Prohibited in Wilderness Areas. New towers towers prohibited in all classes except Recreation change from current practice. prohibited in Ecological Reserves and Provincial Areas. Parks. 2 Report 1(c) - C omparison of Management Guidelines March 1998 Current Management Proposed Management Change Guidelines Guidelines Domestic Livestock Grazing - P rohibited in Domestic Livestock Grazing - W ill continue as the Domestic Livestock Grazing -No change in p olicy Wilderness Areas and Wildland Parks, permitted as primary management tool in Heritage Rangelands for existing areas. part of the ongoing management of Provincial Parks and will be permitted in some Recreation Areas. and Ecological Reserves in the Grassland, Parkland Will continue in those Natural Environment Parks The Heritage Rangeland class is created to and Montane. Prohibited in Natural Areas with the where it h as been used as a m anagement tool. accommodate protected areas where grazing is the exception of new Special Places in the Grassland Prohibited in Wildand Parks and Nature Reserves. primary management tool for sustaining the grassland Region where Natural Areas are being used as an ecology. Natural Areas and Ecological Reserves interim designation pending the creation of the with ongoing grazing will be moved to this class. Heritage Rangland class. Permitted in Recreation Only those Natural Areas that are free from long term Areas but frequently precluded by small size. grazing dispositions will be considered for the Nature Reserve class. Cultivation - P recluded in all classes except Cultivation - P rohibited in all classes except Cultivation - N o change from current policy. Recreation Areas such as Blackfoot where it i s a Recreation Areas where it m ay be component of component of multiple use management. multiple use management in areas such as Blackfoot. Sustained Yield Timber Harvesting - C urrently Sustained Yield Timber Harvesting - P rohibited in Sustained Yield Timber Harvesting - C urrent prohibited in all classes except some Recreation all classes. prohibitions continue in all protected areas classes. Areas where small-scale logging may be considered No change in policy other than in Recreation Areas. where it is compatible with recreation objectives. Areas committed to sustained yield timber harvesting will no longer be established as Recreation Areas. Forest and Range Protection - W ildfires are Forest and Range Protection - W ildfires will Forest and Range Protection - S ome clarification suppressed in all classes on a p riority basis. continue to be suppressed in all classes. Smaller of approach. No major change in p olicy fires, that may be beneficial to the maintenance or Most of the insect infestations and diseases are renewal of the ecological values of the areas may be monitored and eradication/control programs are allowed to bum in all protected areas provided the implemented as required to prevent spread to risk of them progressing to unmanageable size and commercial forests on adjacent Crown land and/or to intensity is minimal and no immediate control action prevent significant ecological change within the area. is required to protect facilities within the area or other resources on adjacent lands. Such fires will be closely monitored. Pre-suppression measures associated with fire hazard reduction and fire detection may be considered in cllaarsgseers . ( e.g.>10 km2) Nature Reserves and in all other Insect infestations and tree diseases within protected areas will continue to be monitored and eradication/control programs will be implemented when required to maintain the ecological values of the areas and to protect forest values and adjacent land. Sanitation cutting and controlled burning are the preferred control methods but other methods may be considered when necessary. Forest and Range Protection activities in all classes will be carried out in accordance with the Forest and Prairie Protection Act and its regulations and with approved management plans. 3 March 1998 Report 1(c) - C omparison of Management Guidelines Current Management Proposed Management Change Guidelines Guidelines Vegetation Management- Prohibited in wilderness Vegetation Management - P ermitted in all classes Vegetation Management - W ould permit Areas. to comply with the Weed Control Act using methods management activity in Wilderness Areas, and would that are effective and least detrimental to non-target increase the usable options available. Permitted in Ecological Reserves and to achieve organisms. specific ecological objectives Permitted in all protected areas to achieve specific Permitted in facility areas of Provincial Parks and in ecological objectives. May be permitted in recreation Recreation Areas for visitor safety and to enhance areas where it d oes not conflict with recreational use. recreation opportunities. While the use of prescribed burning and prescribed Permitted in all classes as required to comply with tree and stand removal by cutting will be the the Weed Control Act. preferred tools in vegetation management, other, alternative protocols may also be considered provided ecological objectives are not significantly compromised. Water Management - W ater management structures Water Management - D iversion of water or other Water Management - S ome formalization of prohibited in Ecological Reserves, Wilderness Areas. water management activities would be prohibited in No specific prohibition in Provincial Parks, Wildland Nature Reserves and Wildland parks. Subject to the existing ‘practice ’. Provincial Parks or Recreation Areas. Small weirs Water Act, the Department may carry out No significant policy change. are located in some parks and Recreation Areas. management activities to achieve specific Many Recreation Areas are adjacent to reservoirs and preservation objectives or protect outdoor recreation Note: New Water Act not yet in effect. It will replace provide recreation access. facilities in Natural Environment Parks and Heritage the existing Water Resources Act. Rangelands. Water management to enhance outdoor recreation may be considered in Recreation Areas. Motor Vehicle Access - P rohibited in Wilderness Motor Vehicle Access - P rohibited in Nature Motor Vehicle Access -No change from current Areas and Willmore Wilderness Park. Prohibited in Reserves, Wildland Parks and Heritage Rangelands Ecological Reserves except for management except for management activities or carrying out policy. activities or activities associated with a v alid approved operations associated with a v alid disposition. Restricted to designated roads in disposition or research permit. Within Natural Provincial Parks, Recreation Areas and Natural Environment Parks and Recreation Areas, vehicles Areas. are restricted to public roads or limited management purposes or carrying out activities associated with a valid disposition or research permit, in areas not road accessible Off -Highway Vehicles and Snowmobiles - Off -Highway Vehicles and Snowmobiles - Off -Highway Vehicles and Snowmobiles - N o Prohibited in Wilderness Areas, Willmore Prohibited in Nature Reserves. Permitted in Heritage significant change from the current policy except for Wilderness Park and Ecological Reserves. In Rangelands for management activities associated possible designation of routes in Wildland Parks Wildland Parks designated routes that existed at the with a v alid disposition. In some Natural where use patterns are already well established. time of establishment may be considered to ensure Environment Parks staging areas may be used to continuity of regional trail systems. In Provincial provide snowmobile access to lakes or crown land Parks and Recreation Areas, facilities may serve as outside the park. Prohibited in Wildland Parks staging areas for adjacent land provided there are no except for new areas where use is already well conflicts with other users and natural values are not established. In such circumstances a l imited number compromised. Permitted in Natural Areas and in of specific routes may be designated at the time of some Recreation Areas that have an OHV zone or establishment. Permitted on designated trails in designated OHV trails. larger Recreation Areas Report 1 ( c) - C omparison of Management Guidelines 4 March 1998 Current Management Proposed Management Change Guidelines Guidelines Aircraft Landing - P rohibited in all classes except Aircraft Landing - P rohibited in Nature Reserves, with written authorization for research or Natural Environment Parks and Heritage Rangelands Aircraft Landing - P ermitted in Recreation Areas for recreation purposes subject to the management management purposes or in the case of emergencies. except for emergencies, approved research and plan. Floatplanes access may be permitted to management or operations associated with and designated lakes in Wildland Provincial Parks, existing disposition. Floatplane access to designated subject to the management plan. lakes in some Wildland Parks may be permitted subject to the management plan. Helicopters and floatplanes may be permitted in Recreation Areas subject to the management plan. Airstrips are prohibited in all classes Power Boating - P rohibited in Ecological Reserves, Power Boating - P rohibited in Nature Reserves. Power Boating - N o significant policy change. Wilderness Areas and Willmore Wilderness Park. Permitted on rivers and lakes in Wildland Parks and Permitted in the other classes subject to boating Natural Environment Parks where the activity already restrictions under the Canada Shipping Act. occurs. Prohibited in Heritage Rangelands except as required for management or in emergencies. Permitted in Recreations Areas. Commercial Tourism Facilities1- Prohibited in Commercial Tourism Facilities - P rohibited in Commercial Tourism Facilities - R estricted to Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Natural Nature Reserves, Wildland Parks, and Heritage existing developments in Natural Environment Parks. Areas, Willmore Wilderness Park and Wildland Rangelands. Restricted to existing developments Parks. May be permitted in Provincial Parks within Natural Environment Parks. Permitted in providing it is consistent with the primary intent of Recreation Areas. preserving the natural landscape. Permitted in Recreation Areas. Outdoor Recreation Facilities - P rohibited in Outdoor Recreation Facilities -Prohibited in Outdoor Recreation Facilities - C lear separation of Wilderness Areas and Ecological Reserves. Nature Reserves. Limited to trails, trail bridges and Natural Environment Parks and Recreation Areas Restricted to trails, bridges and primitive facilities in backcountry campsites in Wildland Parks. Limited in will clarify the intent of these sites. Wildland Parks, Willmore Wilderness Park and Natural Environment Parks to those facilities that Natural Areas. A w ide range of facilities are enhance heritage appreciation, recreation and tourism No change for Wildland Parks or Nature Reserves. permitted in Provincial Parks and Recreation Areas. use associated with protection of the natural The range of recreation facilities available in Natural environment. A w ide range of facilities will be Environment Parks will be narrower than currently permitted in Recreation Areas. permitted in Provincial Parks while the range of facilities for Recreation Areas will be broadened. Auto Access Campgrounds - P rohibited in Auto Access Campgrounds - P rohibited in Nature Auto Access Campgrounds - P rovision for staging Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves, Wildland Reserves and Heritage Rangelands. Prohibited in areas on the perimeter of Wildland Parks. Auto Parks, Natural Areas and Willmore Wilderness Park. Wildland Parks except for staging areas, which must access camping will be prohibited in Heritage Permitted in Provincial Parks and Recreation Areas. be on the perimeter. Permitted in Natural Rangelands. Environment Parks and Recreation Areas. Backcountry Camping - P rohibited in Ecological Backcountry Camping - P rohibited in Nature Backcountry Camping -No change form current Reserves. Permitted in all other classes where land Reserves. May be permitted in all other classes policy except that including the Wilderness Areas in base is large enough. Restricted to designated areas subject to terms and conditions of the management the Wildland Park class may permit the construction in some classes. No facilities may be constructed in of basic backcountry campsites and trail Wilderness Areas. improvements if warranted. plan. Horse Use - P rohibited in Wilderness Areas. Horse Use - P rohibited in Nature Reserves. Horse Use - P rohibition in Nature Reserves will be Recreational use is discouraged in Ecological Permitted in Wildland Parks where use patterns are accommodated by moving Ecological Reserves with Reserves. Permitted in Willmore Wilderness Park, established at the time of designation. Permitted in grazing to the Heritage Rangeland class. Wildland Parks and Natural Areas. Permitted in the other classes subject to terms and conditions as designated areas or on designated trails in Provincial set out in management plans. Encouraged for “arks and Recreation Areas. management of cattle in Heritage Rangelands. 1 C ommercial Tourism Facilities include hotels or motels, RV parks, golf courses, downhill ski areas, heli-skiing >perations, or similar types of development. It does not include rustic fixed roof accommodation such as a r ustic hostel, >ackcountry hut, or similar facilities. 5 March 1998 Report 1(c) - C omparison of Management Guidelines National Library of Canada Bibliotheque nationale du Canada 3 3286 51739 6863 Change Current Management Proposed Management Guidelines Guidelines Hunting - P rohibited in Wilderness Areas. Hunting - P rohibited in Nature Reserves. Permitted Hunting - N o change from current policy. Permitted in Ecological Reserves and Provincial in Natural Environment Parks as required for Parks only where required to control wildlife management purposes to control problem wildlife populations. Permitted in Natural Areas, Wildland populations. Permitted in Wildland Parks where Parks, Willmore Wilderness Park and Recreation hunting occurs at the time of designation. Permitted Areas. in Heritage Rangelands and Recreation Areas subject to guidelines in the management plan. Fishing - P rohibited in Wilderness Areas and Fishing - P rohibited in Nature Reserves. Permitted Fishing - N o change Ecological Reserves. Permitted in the other classes. in Wildland Parks that are open to fishing at the time of establishment. Permitted in the other classes. Trapping - P rohibited in Wilderness Areas. Trapping - P rohibited in Nature Reserves. Trapping - N o change from current policy. Prohibited in Ecological Reserves and Provincial Prohibited in Natural Environment Parks except as Parks except as required for management purposes. required for management purposes. Permitted to Pre-existing traplines are phased out in these areas. continue in Wildland Parks where it o ccurs at the Permitted in Wildland Parks, Willmore Wilderness time of establishment subject to the management Park, Natural Areas and Recreation Areas. plan. Permitted in Heritage Rangelands and Recreation Areas subject to the management plan Cycling, Mountain Biking - P rohibited in Cycling, Mountain Biking - P rohibited in Nature Cycling, Mountain Biking - P rohibited in Nature Wilderness Areas and Willmore Wilderness Park. Reserves. May be permitted on specific routes in Reserves. Generally restricted to roads and designated trails in Wildland Parks where use is already well established Provincial Parks. Cycling may be permitted on at the time of designation. Restricted to roads and routes as specified in the management plan in designated trails in Natural Environment Parks. May Ecological Reserves, Wildland Parks and Provincial be permitted in Wildland Parks and Heritage Parks. Permitted in Natural Areas and Recreation Rangelands subject to the management plan. Areas. Permitted in Recreation Areas. Management Activities - T he use of motor vehicles, Management Activities - U se of motorized vehicles Management Activities - N o change from current horses, off-highway vehicles, snowmobiles, aircraft, and other conveyances by Department staff or others etc., is p ermitted in all classes for work related to completing work on behalf of the Province would policy. resource protection and monitoring, environmental continue in all classes. research, visitor management, public safety and search and rescue or other emergencies; forest and range protection, vegetation management, general management and enforcement activities carried out by or on behalf of the Province. 6 March 1998 Report 1(c) -Comparison of Management Guidelines

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