COMPACT SUBSPACE OF PRODUCTS OF LINEARLY ORDERED SPACES AND CO-NAMIOKA SPACES 6 1 V.V.MYKHAYLYUK 0 2 n Abstract. ItisshownthatforanyBairespaceX,linearlyorderedcompact a spaces Y1,...,Yn, compact space Y ⊆Y1×···×Yn such that forevery par- J allelepiped W ⊆ Y1×···×Yn the set Y ∩W is connected, and separately 5 continuous mapping f :X×Y →R thereexists adense inX Gδ-setA⊆X 2 suchthatf isjointlycontinuous ateverypointofA×Y. ] N G . h 1. Introduction t a Investigationofjoint continuitypoints setofseparatelycontinuousfunctionwas m started by R. Baire in his classical work [1] where he considered functions of two [ real variables. The Namioka’s result [7] become the impulse to the intensification 1 of these investigations. These result leads to appearance of the following notions v which were introduced in [5]. 9 Let X, Y be topological spaces. We say that a separately continuous function 8 f :X×Y →Rhas the Namioka propertyifthereexistsadenseinX G -setA⊆X 4 δ 6 such that f is jointly continuous at every point of set A×Y. 0 A compactspace Y is calleda co-Namioka space iffor everyBairespaceX each . separately continuous napping f :X ×Y →R has the Namioka property. 1 0 Verygeneralresultsinthedirectionofstudyofco-Namiokaspacepropertieswere 6 obtained in [2, 3]. It was obtained in [2, 3] that the class of compact co-Namioka 1 spacesisclosedoverproductsandcontainsallValdiviacompacts. Moreover,itwas : v shownin[3]thatthelinearlyorderedcompact[0,1]×{0,1}withthelexicographical i orderisco-Namiokaanditwasreprovedin[2](resultfrom[6])thateverycompletely X orderedcompactisco-Namioka. Theseresultsweregeneralizedin[9]. Itwasshown r a in [9] that every linearly ordered compact is co-Namioka. However,an example given by M.. Talagrandin [8] of a compact space which is notco-Namiokaindicatesthataclosedsubspaceofco-Namiokacompactcanbenot co-Namioka. Therefore the following question naturally arises: is every compact subspaceY oftheproductY ×···×Y offinitefamilyoflinearlyorderedcompacts 1 n Y a co-Namioka? k Inthis paperweusinganapproachfrom[9]weshowthatundersomeadditional assumptions on Y the formulated above question has the positive answer. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 54C08, 54F05; Secondary 54D30, 54C30, 54C05. Key words and phrases. separately continuous functions, Namioka property, linearly ordered compact. 1 2 V.V.MYKHAYLYUK 2. Continuous mappings on compact subspaces of product linearly ordered spaces For a mapping f :X ×Y →Z and a point (x,y)∈X ×Y we put fx(y)=f (x)=f(x,y). y For a linearly ordered space X and points a,b ∈ X with a ≤ b by [a,b], [a,b), (a,b] and (a,b) we denote the corresponding intervals. Let X be a topological space. For a mapping f : X → R and a set A ⊆ X by ω (A) we denote the oscillation f sup |f(x)−f(y)| x,y∈A of the function f on the set A. Moreover,for a point x ∈X by ω (x ) we denote 0 f 0 the oscillation inf ω (U) f U∈U of the function f at the point x , where U is a system of all neighborhoods of x 0 0 in X. Proposition 2.1. Let X ,...,X be a linearly ordered spaces, X ⊆X ×···×X 1 n 1 n be a compact space, ε > 0 and f : X → R be a continuous mapping. Then there existsaninteger m∈N suchthat for every collection W ,...,W ofparallelepipeds 1 m W =[a(k),b(k)]×···×[a(k),b(k)] k 1 1 n n such that (a(k),b(k))∩(a(j),b(j)) = ∅ for every i ∈ {1,...n} and distinct j,k ∈ i i i i {1,...,m}, there exists k ∈{1,...m} such that ω (W ∩X)≤ε. 0 f k0 Proof. WithoutlossofthegeneralitywecanproposethatX ,...,X arecompacts. 1 n Let g : X × ···× X → R be a continuous extension of the mapping f. We 1 n choose finite covers U ,...U of spaces X ,...,X by open intervals such that 1 n 1 n ω (U ×···×U ) ≤ ε for every U ∈ U ,...U ∈ U . For every i ∈ {1,...,n} g 1 n 1 1 n n we denote by A the set of all ending points of intervals U ∈ U and put m = i i |A |+|A |+···+|A |+1. Show that m is the required. 1 2 n Let W ,...,W be a collection of parallelepipeds 1 m W =[a(k),b(k)]×···×[a(k),b(k)] k 1 1 n n such that (a(k),b(k))∩(a(j),b(j)) = ∅ for every i ∈ {1,...n} and distinct j,k ∈ i i i i {1,...,m}. Suppose that ω (W ∩X) > ε for every k ∈ {1,...m}. Then W 6⊆ f k k U ×···×U foreveryk ∈{1,...m}andeveryU ∈U ,...U ∈U . Thereforefor 1 n 1 1 n n every k ∈ {1,...m} there exist i ∈ {1,...n} and a ∈ A such that a ∈ (a(k),b(k)). i i i Since m > |A |+|A |+···+|A |, there exist i ∈ {1,...n}, a ∈ A and distinct 1 2 n i j,k ∈{1,...,m} such that a∈(a(k),b(k))∩(a(j),b(j)). But it is impossible. (cid:3) i i i i 3. Main result Theorem 3.1. Let Y ,...,Y be linearly ordered spaces, Y ⊆ Y ×···×Y be a 1 n 1 n compact subspace such that for every (possibly empty) parallelepiped W =[a ,b ]×···×[a ,b ]⊆Y ×···×Y 1 1 n n 1 n the set Y ∩W is connected. Then Y is co-Namioka. COMPACT SUBSPACE OF PRODUCTS OF LINEARLY ORDERED SPACES AND CO-NAMIOKA SPACES3 Proof. Let X be a Baire space and f : X ×Y → R be a separately continuous function. We prove that the mapping f has the Namioka property. We fix ε>0 and show that the open set G ={x∈X :ω (x,y)<ε for every y ∈Y} ε f is dense in X. Let U is an open in X nonempty set. Show that there exists an open nonempty setU ⊆U∩G . For every x∈U we denote by M(x) the set ofall integersm∈N 0 ε for which there exists collection W ,...,W of parallelepipeds 1 m W =[a(k),b(k)]×···×[a(k),b(k)] k 1 1 n n such that (a(k),b(k))∩(a(j),b(j)) = ∅ for every i ∈ {1,...n} and distinct j,k ∈ i i i i {1,...,m} and ωfx(Wk ∩ Y) > 6(nε+1) for every k ∈ {1,...,m}. According to Proposition 2.1 all sets M(x) are upper bounded. For every x∈U we put ϕ(x) = maxM(x), if M(x)6=∅, and ϕ(x)=0, if M(x)=∅. It follows from the continuity with respect to the first variable of the function f that for every parallelepiped W ⊆ Y ×···×Y the set {x ∈ X : ω (W ∩Y) > 1 n fx ε } is open in X. Therefore for every nonnegative m ∈ Z the set {x ∈ U : 6(n+1) ϕ(x) > m} is open in U, i.e. the function ϕ : U → Z is lower semicontinuous on the Baire space U. According to [4] the function ϕ is pointwise discontinuous, i.e. ϕiscontinuousateverypointfromsomedenseinU sets. ThereexistanopeninU nonempty set U and nonegative real m∈Z such that ϕ(x)=m for every x∈U . 1 1 If m = 0, then |f(x,a)−f(x,b)| ≤ ε < ε for every x ∈ U and a,b ∈ 6(n+1) 3 1 Y. Then taking a point y ∈ Y and an open nonempty set U ⊆ U such that 0 0 1 ω (U )< ε, we obtain that ω (U ×Y)<ε. In particular, U ⊆G . fy0 0 3 f 0 0 ε Nowweconsiderthecaseofm∈N. Takeapointx ∈U andchooseacollection 0 1 W ,...,W of parallelepipeds 1 m W =[a(k),b(k)]×···×[a(k),b(k)] k 1 1 n n such that (a(k),b(k))∩(a(j),b(j)) = ∅ for every i ∈ {1,...n} and distinct j,k ∈ i i i i {1,...,m} and ωfx0(Wk ∩Y) > 6(nε+1) for every k ∈ {1,...,m}. Using the con- tinuity of f with respect to the first variable we choose an open neighborhood U ⊆U of x in U such that ω (W ∩Y)> ε for every k ∈{1,...,m} and 0 1 0 fx k 6(n+1) x∈U . 0 Further without loss of the generality we can propose that Y ,...,Y are com- 1 n pacts, i.e. Y =[a ,b ],...Y =[a ,b ].n For every i∈{1,...n} we put 1 1 1 n n n A ={a(k),b(k) :1≤k ≤m}∪{a ,b } i i i i i and denote by V the set of all nonempty intervals [a,b] ⊆ Y such that a,b ∈ A . i i i Moreover,we put W =V ×···×V . 1 n Show that ω (W ∩Y)≤ ε for all x∈U W ∈W. fx 6 0 Suppose that ωfx(W ∩ Y) > 6ε for some x ∈ U0 and W = [c1,d1] × ··· × [c ,d ] ∈W. We choose z =(z(0),...,z(0)),z = (z(n+1),...,z(n+1))∈W ∩Y n n 0 1 n n+1 1 n such that |f(x,z )−f(x,z )| = q > ε. For certainty we propose that z(0) ≤ 0 n+1 6 1 z(n+1),...,z(0) ≤ z(n+1). Using the continuity of fx and the fact that for every 1 n n parallelepiped V ⊆ Y ×···×Y the set V ∩Y is connected, we choose points 1 n 4 V.V.MYKHAYLYUK z = (z(1),...,z(1)),...,z = (z(n),...,z(n)) ∈ W ∩Y such that z(0) ≤ z(1) ≤ 1 1 n n 1 n i i zi(2) ≤···≤zi(n) ≤zi(n+1) foreveryi∈{1,...,n}and|f(x,zk−1)−f(x,zk)|= n+q1 for every k ∈ {1,...,n+1}. Now for every i ∈ {1,...,n} and k ∈ {1,...,n+1} we put c(k) = z(k−1), d(k) =z(k) and V = [c(k),d(k)]×···×[c(k),d(k)]. Note that i i i i k 1 1 n n (c(k),d(k))∩(c(j),d(j))=∅ for every i∈{1,...n} and distinct j,k ∈{1,...,n+1} i i i i and ωfx(Vk∩Y)≥ n+q1 > 6(nε+1) for every k ∈{1,...,n+1}. Since for every i∈{1,...n} the set {k ≤m :(a(k),b(k))∩(c ,d )6=∅} contains i i i i at most one element, for the set N ={k≤m:(a(k),b(k))∩(c ,d )=∅ ∀i=1,...n} i i i i wehave|N|≥m−n. ThereforethesystemP ={W :k ∈N}∪{V :1≤j ≤n+1} k j contains at least m+1 parallelepipeds. Besides, ωfx(P ∩Y) > 6(nε+1) for every P ∈P and (t ,u )∩(v ,w )=∅ for every i∈{1,...,n}, where i i i i [t ,u ]×···×[t ,u ],[v ,w ]×···×[v ,w ] 1 1 n n 1 1 n n are distinct parallelepipeds with P. But this contradicts to ϕ(x) = m. Thus, ω (W ∩Y)≤ ε for all x∈U and W ∈W. fx 6 0 Fix y ∈Y and x∈U . Put W ={W ∈W : y ∈W} and V = S (W ∩Y). 0 y y W∈Wy Clearly that V is a neighborhood of y in Y. Since ω (W ∩Y) ≤ ε for every y fx 6 W ∈W andy ∈ T (W ∩Y), ω (V )≤ ε. Now using the continuity of f with y fx y 3 W∈Wy respect to the first variable at (x,y) we choose a neighborhood U˜ of x in X such thatω (U˜)< ε. Thenω (U˜×V )<ε,in particular, ω (x,y)<ε for everyy ∈Y fy 3 f y f and x∈U . Thus, U ⊆G . 0 0 ε (cid:3) References 1. BaireR.Surlesfonctionsdevariablesre´elles//Ann.Mat.PuraAppl.,ser.3.–1899.–V.3. –P.1-123. 2. BouziadA.NotessurlaproprietedeNamioka//Trans.Amer.Math.Soc.–344,N2.–1994. –P.873-883. 3. 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