US MARINE CORPS IN ACTION SPECIAL REPORT F-35B • KC-130J • WTI EXERCISE US NAVY F-35C CARRIER TRIALS NORTH AMERICA’S BEST-SELLING MILITARY AVIATION MAGAZINE Vol 16, No 1 | EFFFXCLU---SIVE333 IMAGE555S FORCE MARINE CORPS AND BRITISH TRAINING AT MCAS BEAUFORT IN THE NEWS: NATO AIR POLICING UPDATE OPERATION ‘INHERENT RESOLVE’ LATEST CANADA TO BUY F-35? 0 FIGHTER FOCUS 4 4. £ S -25 ‘FROGFOOT’ K U U 5 1 0 2 ‘OTIS’ PROJECT LIBERTY Y R MG-31’Foxhound’ A I U KC-130J IN ACTION defenders of the East MC-12W N S A J 1 Cover_UK.indd 1 20/11/2014 09:52 N (cid:127) E W W 2015 (cid:127) N E E N (cid:127) W Produced by Key Publishing with exclusive access to the Royal Air Force, and featuring articles written with and by RAF personnel, TThhee OOffiffi cciiaall RRAAFF AAnnnnuuaall RReevviieeww 22001155 is a 132-page special magazine that provides behind the scenes insight into the aircraft, equipment and people of one of the world’s premier air forces. HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: TYPHOON FORCE: READY FOR TODAY AND TOMORROW Typhoon Force Commander Air Commodore Philip Beach provides an update on RAF Typhoon capability and details his vision for the aircraft’s future MARHAM MATTERS: TORNADO AT THE HEART OF OPERATIONS Group Captain Harvey Smyth, RAF Marham Station Commander looks back on a busy year of operations over Afghanistan, Africa and Iraq, with exclusive 40th anniversary Tornado air-to-air photography TIW: THE EYES THAT GUIDE THE TTAALLOONNSS S T AA rraarree gglliimmppssee iinnssiiddee tthhee TTaaccttiiccaall J U 9 9 IImmaaggeerryy IInntteelllliiggeennccee WWiinngg,, tthhee RRAAFF’’ss . 5 pprreemmiieerr rreeccoonnnnaaiissssaannccee iimmaaggeerryy aannaallyyssiiss £ aanndd ddiisssseemmiinnaattiioonn uunniitt 41/579 AANNDD MMUUCCHH MMOORREE!! AVAILABLE NOW FROM AND ALL OTHER LEADING NEWSAGENTS ORDER DIRECT JUST £5.99 FREE P P * & *Free 2nd class P&P on all UK & BFPO orders. Overseas charges apply. Call UK: 01780 480404 Free P&P* when you order online at OR Overseas: +44 1780 480404 Monday to Friday 9am-5:30pm SUBSCRIBERS CALL FOR YOUR £1.00 DISCOUNT! SUBSCRIBERS CALL FOR YOUR £1.00 DISCOUNT! 975 RAF 2015 fp.indd 59 17/11/2014 12:33 Vol 16, No 1 January 2015 What’s inside news 30 UNIT REVIEW: 60 EXERCISE REPORT: JACK OF ALL TRADES RAMSTEIN GUARD MASTERS OF EVERYTHING! Krasimir Grozev and Alexander Mladenov One-size-fi ts-all solutions are rare, but the attend ‘Ramstein Guard’, an exercise to train KC-130J Hercules II comes close, especially air defense operators in the hands of the US Marine Corps’ HEADLINE NEWS VMGR-252 ‘Otis’. Jamie Hunter and 64 INDUSTRY REPORT: 6 F-35C completes fi rst carrier trials Jamie Deboer visited MCAS Cherry Point to LATIN AMERICAN and latest news from Iraq and Syria see the unit at work FIGHTERS air operations Santiago Rivas reviews the combat 40 PROJECT LIBERTY aviation fl eets of Latin America and reveals Although at fi rst glance the MC-12W how some have undergone a process of US NEWS appears an unassuming aircraft, looks can modernization, while other air arms still 8 F-35 latest news includes latest be deceptive. While the last deployed US struggle to replace obsolete aircraft production batch order, Marine Air Force unit de-activated in October, this intelligence, surveillance and 70 EXERCISE REPORT: Corps aviation plan unveiled, and reconnaissance platform looks set to EAATTC 2014 will the A-10 be saved? remain one of the most highly regarded Alexander Klingelhöller joins tactical and sought-after assets to patrol the skies, WORLD NEWS transport fl ying training at Zaragoza as Dr Séan Wilson reports 18 First images from China’s Zhuhai air 44EX66C LBBUSRRIVOOETTHHEERRSS IINN AARRMMSS 72 FIGHTER FOCUS: show, KJ-500 prototype breaks cover 21ST-CENTURY and Korea cancels F-16 upgrade South Carolina is the epicenter of the US FROGFOOT Marine Corps’ F-35 training community. The Su-25 continues to be the mainstay EUROPE NEWS Working hand in hand with the Marine attack aircraft of the Russian Air Force, as Corps, the UK is also bedding-in its F-35 Alexander Mladenov outlines 24 Eurofi ghter signs E-Scan radar deal, fi rst force at MCAS Beaufort, the new home of British A400M delivered and Discovery the British F-35 connection. Jamie Hunter 82 SAAF AT A CROSSROADS Air takes over Luftwaff e training role went to fi nd out more Dr Andreas Zeitler reports from Africa 56 FAR EAST FOXHOUNDS Aerospace and Defence 2014 (AAD), where the current strength of the South African PLUS: Robert F. Dorr’s Front Line column, a special Since the era of the Cold War, Russian Air Force was on show report on the F-35C carrier trials and all the latest armed forces stationed in the Kamchatka military Losses Peninsula have had an important role 88 EXERCISE REPORT: protecting the country’s eastern borders. DESERT DUELS — WTI SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE Babak Taghvaee reviews the work of the MiG-31 in this desolate location Ted Carlson joins the Weapons and Tactics Subscribe to Combat Aircraft Monthly and make great Instructor (WTI) course at MCAS Yuma, savings on cover price. See pages 86 and 87 for details. where the US Marine Corps is pushed to 8 SPECIAL REPORT: the limits in the sweltering Arizona desert. F-35C GOES TO THE BOAT Additional material by Jamie Deboer The US Navy 96 CUTTING EDGE and Lockheed Combat Aircraft’s monthly column Martin have for reporting from the front line of aerospace the fi rst time technology, by David Axe deployed the F-35C aboard an aircraft carrier. Lockheed Martin/ Andy Wolfe Lightning strike — two F-35Bs from VMFAT-501 ‘Warlords’ break for the camera of Combat Aircraft editor Jamie Hunter during a photo shoot for this issue. 3 Contents C.indd 3 21/11/2014 17:05 COMBAT EDGE In this issue Combat Aircraft evaluates the joint US Marine Corps and UK F-35B operations that are becoming established at MCAS Beaufort. Jamie Hunter BEAUFORT’S BRITISH CONNECTION 4 January 2015 4-5 Combat Edge.indd 4 21/11/2014 13:19 LIGHTNING UP CLOSE F or this month’s issue I traveled criticism or, at the other end of the spectrum, to South Carolina to visit the the glossy brochure promises. It is, after all, impressive new US Marine the men and women of the armed forces Corps F-35B facilities now that will have to deal day-in, day-out with established at MCAS Beaufort. these aircraft. They are the ones facing the VMFAT-501’s new hangar at the real consequences of normal operations with south-eastern end of the airfi eld even comes this hugely signifi cant defense procurement complete with its own lake out front and a project. resident alligator! It is interesting to see that amid the media I had never seen an F-35B hovering before, gaze of the recent carrier trials with the let alone photographed one in the air, so to F-35C, the aircraft performed impeccably. view this at close quarters was impressive to The new hook design worked as planned and say the least. the new carrier approach procedures of the It wasn’t as noisy in the hover as I’d been Navy’s Lightning II functioned ‘as fragged’. warned it was, and it didn’t appear to be In recent issues we have been covering as fragile as many have speculated. In fact, concerns over the F-35 in the wake of the maintainers were crawling over the jets engine problems of the summer. In this issue, without having to treat them with kid gloves however, we are reporting an altogether and the pilots slotted swiftly into close much more positive message. It’s good to be formation with the KC-130J cameraship. objective and balanced. Clearly there is still some considerable way ttoo ggoo bbeeffoorree tthheessee jjeettss aarree mmaattuurree,, oorr bbeeffoorree tthhee ‘‘bblluueepprriinntt ffoorr aaffffoorrddaabbiilliittyy’’ aacchhiieevveess wwhhaatt iitt aaiimmss ttoo ddoo,, bbuutt aaccttuuaallllyy sseeeeiinngg tthhee FF--3355 uupp cclloossee mmaaddee iitt aallll sseeeemm mmuucchh mmoorree rreeaall aanndd viable; more operational and usable. TTaallkkiinngg ttoo tthhee eennggiinneeeerrss,, wwaallkkiinngg oouutt ttoo tthhee flfl iigghhtt lliinnee wwiitthh tthhee ppiilloottss,, cchhaattttiinngg Jamie Hunter, aabboouutt tthhee aaiirrccrraafftt —— iitt aallll hheellppss ttoo ggeett aa balanced message, as opposed to the Editor polarized opinions, be those staunch E-mail: [email protected] CONTRIBUTOR PROFILE TED CARLSON Ted Carlson is one of the long-time contributor and valued most renowned and supporter of Combat Aircraft. His respected professional work can be found worldwide in aviation photo-journalists magazines, books, calendars, whose work graces the pages Department of Defense of this magazine. With over publications and glossy posters. 1,700 hours of fl ight time Ted has fl own with all branches performing air-to-air of the US military and in just photography, Ted has been a about every type of aircraft. January 2015 5 4-5 Combat Edge.indd 5 21/11/2014 12:24 NEWS Headlines F-35C goes to sea First carrier trials successful for US Navy variant T HE CARRIER VARIANT (CV) of the Lockheed Martin CF-03 prepares to launch from F-35 Lightning II conducted the USS Nimitz. Dane Wiedmann its initial arrested landing aboard an aircraft carrier on November 3. Test F-35C CF-03/SD73 of VX-23 ‘Salty Dogs’ at NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, made the type’s fi rst such landing aboard the USS Nimitz (CVN 68), taking the ship’s number three wire. The carrier was operating in the Pacifi c Ocean off the coast of San Diego, California. Departing from MCAS Yuma, Arizona, Navy test pilot CDR Tony ‘Brick’ Wilson fi rst conducted a low fl y-over, followed by a touch-and-go, before landing at 12.18 hours local time. LCDR Ted ‘Dutch’ Dyckman subsequently landed CF-05/ SD75 aboard the carrier at 13.11. The aircraft made the fi rst catapult take-offs on November 4. The arrested landings marked the start of the F-35C’s initial at-sea Developmental Testing I (DT-I), the fi rst of three at-sea test phases planned for the F-35C. For more details, see our special report on the following spread. CF-03 turns fi nals to the USS Nimitz (CVN 68) for the type’s fi rst arrested carrier landing. Lockheed Martin/Andy Wolfe ALSO THIS MONTH... A-10 reprieve? US Air Force sets out possible plan to save the ‘Warthog’. See US News Zhuhai extreme All the best images from the latest Chinese aerospace show. See World News 6 January 2015 6-7 Headlines.indd 6 21/11/2014 12:22 Air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants British Reaper remotely-piloted air systems Meanwhile, Italy has announced plans to have continued in Iraq and Syria, along have been notably active in the Kirkuk deploy four Tornados to Al Jaber in Kuwait. with renewed attacks against the ‘Khorasan’ region. A British Army team remains in Canadian CF-188s fl ying from the same base group. The tempo of operations has not Erbil, providing training assistance requested under Operation ‘Impact’ conducted their abated, with regular reports of strikes in Syria by the Kurdish Peshmerga. fi rst combat strike on October 30, when two around Kobani, Ar Raqqah and east of Dayr The fi rst RAF Reaper strike was notifi ed aircraft attacked IS targets with GBU-12 Az Zawr. In Iraq, attacks have been prevalent on November 10 when a series of coalition 500lb laser-guided bombs in the vicinity of around Kirkuk, Taji, Ar Rutbah, Bayji, near missions were conducted near Bayji, north Fallujah. Fallujah and Mosul. Indeed, reports of a of Baghdad. There, IS militants were laying seven-nation coalition strike package on improvised explosive devices (IEDs). The November 19 was notable as it targeted IS Reaper successfully attacked the terrorists positions 30km north-west of Kirkuk. using an AGM-114 Hellfi re missile. Canadian CF-188s are now in the thick of the action. USAF Iraq air strike latest RAF Tornados complete Leading the last combat sortie was Flt Lt Oli Payne. He said: ‘[It] was a real privilege. Afghanistan mission It was a hugely poignant day as it brought to a close about 10 years of constant fast jet operations by the RAF in Afghanistan, so Royal Air Force Tornado GR4s from No 31 precision weapons in support of our mission it was a big moment for both the crews and Squadron ‘Goldstars’ have left Kandahar there’. Wg Cdr Richard Yates, Offi cer the RAF’. Tornados operating in Afghanistan airfi eld, Afghanistan, having fl own their Commanding No 31 Squadron, said: ‘It fl ew over 33,500 hours and conducted 600 fi nal missions in support of the UK’s has been an honor to be the last squadron shows of force. Operation ‘Herrick’. The RAF Tornado force of the Tornado force’s combat mission has participated in Afghanistan operations in Afghanistan supporting the Afghan since relieving the Harrier force in June Government and people. I am hugely proud 2009. of my personnel who have worked tirelessly Personnel from the British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon and continued the good work of all those last Kandahar Tornado commented: ‘The Tornado remains the fast who have been here before, both on the detachment prepare jet workhorse of the RAF and has performed Tornado force and the Harrier force.’ to bid farewell to the superbly over many years in Afghanistan, The fi nal deployment marked No 31 Afghanistan mission. supplying life-saving intelligence and Squadron’s fourth tour of Afghanistan. Crown Copyright January 2015 7 6-7 Headlines.indd 7 21/11/2014 12:23 SPECIAL REPORT A S REPORTED IN Headline Speaking in Navy Times, LT Chris News, the F-35C made Karapostoles, a landing signal offi cer (LSO) its fi rst arrested landing with VX-23, said that the F-35C can adjust aboard an aircraft carrier on its approach faster and smoother, making it Photos: Lockheed Martin/ November 3. First to land more likely to hit the three wire — the ideal Andy Wolfe/Alexander H aboard the USS Nimitz landing. Groves/Dane Wiedmann and (CVN 68) was F-35C CF-03/SD73 of VX-23 Having been one of the main reasons for US Navy/MC1 Brett Cote/ ‘Salty Dogs’, piloted by CDR Tony ‘Brick’ slight delays to the carrier trials, the F-35C’s MCSN Eli K. Buguey Wilson, followed by CF-05 piloted by LCDR re-designed tail hook, which had repeatedly Ted ‘Dutch’ Dyckman. failed engagements three years ago during The aircraft conducted 124 catapult land testing, performed soundly. launches, 222 touch-and-goes and 124 This latest phase fell within the so-called arrested landings by November 13. The Developmental Testing I (DT-I) stage, the fi rst F-35Cs completed 100 per cent of the of three at-sea test rounds for the F-35C. DT-I threshold test points planned. Testing went so smoothly that it prompted offi cials to included two intentional ‘bolters’ (missed add initial night operations. attempts to catch an arresting wire) and no DT-II, which is scheduled for September unintentional ones. So succesful were the 2015, will take in day/night operations and trials that they concluded three days earlier initial weapons trials with internal stores than planned, on November 14. as well as maximum-power launches from CDR Wilson commented: ‘The F-35C’s both the bow and waist catapults. Operations performance on the ball was revolutionary, in crosswind conditions will gradually be providing carefree handling on approach. expanded to 15kt. The Integrated Direct Lift Control (IDLC) DT-III, the third and fi nal phase, is expected allows ball control like no other aircraft’. to take place around April 2016. He continued: ‘[The] Delta Flight Path is an The Navy’s objective is to declare initial innovative leap in aircraft fl ight controls — operational capability (IOC) with its fi rst this command enables the F-35 to capture squadron of 10 F-35Cs in August 2018 or no and maintain a glideslope.’ later than February 2019. The US Navy and Lockheed Martin have for the fi rst time deployed the F-35C aboard an aircraft carrier for trials. report: Jamie Hunter F-35C CF-05 bangs down on the USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Lockheed Martin/Andy Wolfe 8 January 2015 8-9 F-35 Special Report.indd 8 21/11/2014 12:20 January 2015 9 8-9 F-35 Special Report.indd 9 21/11/2014 12:21 NEWS United States UNIT NEWS F-35 Luke establishes new detachment to the unit and allow it to achieve full The 56th Operations Group activated a new operational capability for its 120-day mission. detachment alongside the Oregon Air National Guard’s 173rd Fighter Wing at Kingsley Field Army unit update latest in Klamath Falls on November 1. As part The US Army Reserve Command’s 8th of the USAF’s Total Force Integration (TFI) Battalion, 229th Aviation Regiment, recently eff orts, personnel assigned to Detachment 2, conducted its fi nal fl ights with the AH-64D 56th Operations Group will support training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The battalion is operations at Kingsley Field. The F-15C active undergoing a transition from the Apache to associate unit will include 66 maintenance the UH-60L to become an assault helicopter LRIP 8 agreed as personnel, three support personnel and eight battalion. instructor pilots. The 173rd, which is the USAF’s Elsewhere, Det 1, Company B, 3rd Battalion, only Formal Training Unit (FTU) for the Eagle, 126th Aviation Regiment received its full program chief sets recently added seven F-15Cs to its inventory. complement of CH-47Fs when three Chinooks The 56th OG previously established Detachment landed at Rochester International Airport, out new goals 1 alongside the Arizona Air National Guard’s New York, on October 28. Nicknamed ‘Kong’, 162nd Fighter Wing at Tucson International the New York Army National Guard unit Airport, which is an F-16C FTU. spent two months at Hunter Army Airfi eld in Savannah, Georgia, where it conducted Squadron activated in Senegal training with the Chinooks. The main body The USAF established the 787th Air of Company B, which is assigned to the Expeditionary Squadron at Léopold Sédar Maryland Army National Guard, is also Senghor International Airport in Dakar, Senegal, undergoing conversion to the CH-47F. The in early November. The squadron is operating Chinooks were formally unveiled in Rochester a pair of C-130Js deployed by the 317th on November 16. Airlift Group at Dyess AFB, Texas, but includes The South Dakota Army National Guard has personnel from the 7th Bomb Wing at Dyess begun swapping its UH-60A/L helicopters as well as the Kentucky Air National Guard’s for the latest HH-60M variant at the Army 123rd Contingency Response Group. It fl ew its Aviation Support Facility in Rapid City. By fi rst sortie into Liberia on November 4, when April 2015, Company C(-), 1st Battalion, 189th it airlifted more than eight tons of medical Aviation Regiment will receive a total of six of supplies and equipment in support of Operation the medical evacuation Black Hawks, which ‘United Assistance’, as part of the mission to feature an externally-mounted rescue hoist contain and eliminate the Ebola outbreak in and improved night vision technology that West Africa. Two additional C-130Js from Dyess greatly improve the aircraft’s capabilities in the and Little Rock AFB, Arkansas, will be assigned search and rescue role. A new HH-60M lands at the Army Aviation Support Facility in Rapid City, South Dakota, on October 29. SDARNG/Sgt Theanne Tangen First C-27J arrives at ‘E-City’ The fi rst C-27J to be re-generated from When operated by the USAF the C-27J storage with the 309th Aerospace was assigned serial number 10-27023, Maintenance and Regeneration Group at but in Coast Guard service it will carry Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, arrived at serial 2714. It is the fi rst of 13 examples Coast Guard Base Elizabeth City, North of the C-27J to be re-generated from Carolina, on November 13. The HC-27J storage for the Coast Guard and will be Asset Project Offi ce (APO) will initially use joined by a second aircraft by the end The US Air Force has the aircraft to train and qualify Coast Guard of 2014. Two additional Spartans will been backed into a aircrew and maintenance personnel and to likewise be regenerated by mid-2015. In corner over the A-10 retirement plan. It develop fl ight and maintenance procedures preparation for the aircraft’s arrival, the looks increasingly for Coast Guard-specifi c mission profi les. APO’s executive and operations offi cers likely that only a The Spartan will eventually receive the completed a C-27J training program portion of the fl eet will equipment and systems needed to perform in Italy with the twin-turboprop’s be phased out. USAF the full spectrum of Coast Guard duties. manufacturer Alenia Aermacchi. 10 January 2015 10-14 US News c.indd 10 21/11/2014 16:51